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4: Quantitative microscopy

Quantitative microscopical values like stomatal index, vein islet number, vein termination number and palisade ratio of the two varieties are given in Table VI. Stomatal index value termination number are higher in var. longifolia than that in var. latifolia. 4.2.5: Analytical values and palisade ratio of var. latifolia is higher than var. longifolia. Vein islet number and vein

Anal tical values like total ash, acid!insoluble ash, loss on dr ing, solubilit percentage in alcohol and water and extractive values in petroleum ether, ben"ene, chloroform, alcohol and water of stem bark and corolla of two varieties of M. longifolia are given in Table VII. Ash value of stem bark is higher in var. longifolia than that of var. latifolia. Ash value of corolla is higher in var. latifolia. #oss on dr ing is lower in var. longifolia in both stem barks and corolla. $or stem bark, solubilit varieties whereas for corolla solubilit percentage in water is higher. The varieties show percentage in alcohol is higher in both

di%erence in their solubilit percentage of both bark and corolla lobes. &xtractive values ether and alcohol are signi'cantl

of bark and corolla lobes also reveal di%erences. &xtractive value of bark in petroleum lobes of var. latifolia in ben"ene are three folds higher. 4.2.6: Study of powder (ehavior of powdered bark and corolla of two varieties on treatment with di%erent chemical reagents and )uorescent behavior are given in Table VIII, I*, * and *I. It shows both similarities and dissimilarities. 4.2.7: Qualitative phytochemical studies higher in var. latifolia. &xtractive values of corolla

Qualitative ph tochemical anal sis for alkaloids, carboh drates, tannins and phenols, )avonoids, gums and mucilage+s, 'xed oils and fats and saponins of bark and corolla of two varieties of M. longifolia are given in Table *II and *Ill respectivel . The following distinct anal tical di%erences were observed. (en"ene and water extracts of stem bark of and sand and water extract are deep red and powder . (en"ene extract of corolla is var. longifolia are brown and powder , whereas, in var. latifolia, ben"ene extract is ellow brown and oil in var. longifolia but ellow oil in var. latifolia. Qualitative ph tochemical tests of two varieties show both similarities and dissimilarities ,Table *II and *Ill-. 4.2.8: Quantitative phytochemical analysis

Tannins and phenols content in stem bark of var. latifolia is higher ,./0 mg1gm and 23 mg1gm respectivel - than that of var. longifolia ,450 mg1gm and 20 mg1gm respectivel -.

Sucrose ,as invert sugar- in corolla is higher in var. longifolia ,22.667- than that in var. latifolia ,38.827-.

4.2. : !haracters of "il from seed #ernels In general, kernel of var. latifolia ields more oil percentage than that of var. longifolia in all the solvents used ,hexane, chloroform and petroleum ether-. 9exane is the best solvent than the others in extracting maximum percentage of oil from kernels ,Table *IV-. Anal tical standards of oil like refractive index, speci'c gravit , color of the oil and slightl higher in var. latifolia than that in var. longifolia ,Table *IV-. iodine value are more or less similar in the two varieties. 9owever, saponi'caion value is

$a%le &': Quantitative microscopical values of leaves of two varieties of M. longifolia

Sl. (o *

)arameters Studied

var. longifolia

var. latifolia

Stomatal index :pper surface #ower surface ;A ,;o Stomata/.<3!3.68!2.62 ;A ,;o Stomata3./.!2.03!<.4<

2 + 4

Vein islet number =alisade ratio

8.0!40../!4/..2 <.0!6.4!6.8

8..2!5.52!43.0, .8.2!//.<!34.82 <..!6.2<!6.6

Vein termination number .5.0!/5.42!32.82

$a%le &'': Analytical values ,in percenta-e. of stel/l %ar# and corolla of two varieties of M longifolia Sl. 4 . / 3


=arameter studied Total ash value #ass on dr ing Solubilit 7 in a. Alcohol b. ?ater

(ark 8.< </.8 30.0 6.< .... 0.3/ 0.4< 5.<5 <./8 <.8 0.8 <6.0 20.0 <.< /../ 0./5 0.43 <.2/ 4..2. /.0 0.6 8<.0 40.0 6<.0 2./5 2.26 <.00 2.56 20..4

>orolla 3.5 4.4 88.0 8.0 86.0 3.64 3.64 8.00

var. longifolia var. latifolia var. longifolia var. latifolia

Acid insoluble ash value 4.<

&xtractive values in a. =etroleum ether b. (en"ene d. Alcohol e. ?ater c. >hloroform 4/.64 2/.<8

$a%le0&''': 1ehavior of powdered stem %ar# of two varieties of M. longifolia on treatment with di2erent chemical rea-ents. Sl. (o * 2 + 4 5 6 7 8 )owder 3 4ea-ent used =owder as such = A >one. 9.SB3 = A >one. 9;0/ = A >one. 9>I = A Acetic acid =A I07 ;aB9 = A 4; 9>I = A Iodine Solution = A 2 7 $erric chloride

var. longifolia @eddish brown (rown Cellowish red Dark brown (lackish brown @eddish black @ed (rownish blue (lack

var. latifolia @eddish brown @eddish brown Cellowish red Dark brown (lackish brown @eddish black (rown (rownish blue (lack

$a%le0'5: 1ehavior of powdered corolla of two varieties of M. longifolia on treatment with di2erent chemical rea-ents. Sl. (o I . / 3 2 < 8 6 5 )owder 3 4ea-ent used =owder as such = A >onc. 9.SB3 = A >onc. 9;0/ = A >onc. 9>I = A Acetic acid =A I0 7 ;aB9 = A 4; 9>I = A Iodine Solution = A 2 7 $erric chloride

var. longifolia (lack @eddish brown @eddish brown @ed (rown (rownish ellow @ed (rown (lack

var. longifolia (lack @eddish brown @eddish black @eddish brown (rown Cellow @ed (rown (lack

$a%le 5: 6luorescent %ehavior of powdered stem %ar# of two varieties of M longifolia Sl. (o * 2 + 4 5 )owder 3 4ea-ent used =owder as such = A 207 9;0/ = A 4; 9>I = A 4; ;aB9 in ?ater alcohol =A 4; ;aB9 in var. longifolia &isi%le li-ht @eddish brown black (rownish Cellowish brown (rown (rown 7& li-ht (rown (rownish black @eddish brown Cellow Cellowish black var. latifolia &isi%le li-ht @eddish brown black (rownish Cellowish brown (rown (rown 7& li-ht (rown (lack Cellow Cellow Cellowish black

$a%le 5': 6luorescent %ehavior of powdered corolla of two varieties of M longifolia Sl. =owder A var. longifolia Visible light :V light (lack Ereenish Cellow @ed Cellowish brown (rown var. latifolia Visible light (lack (rown @ed Cellow Cellow :V light (lack Cellow @eddish ellow Cellowish brown (rown

;o 4 . / 3 2

@eagent used

=owder as such (lack = A 207 9;0/ = A 4; 9>I = A 4; ;aB9 in ?ater =A 4; ;aB9 in alcohol (rown @ed Cellow Cellow

$a%le 5'': )reliminary phytochemical analysis of stem %ar# of two varieties of M. longifolia Sl ;o. &xtracts of =etroleum ether Var. lon. Var. lat. (en"ene Var. lon. Var. lat. >hloroform Var. lon. Var. lat. Alcohol Var. lon. (right (rown powder Cellow sand (rown powder (rown red to sand Var. lat. Var. lon.

Test for

@eagents :sed1 Fethods adopted



Eolden Eolden >olor G =h sical consistenc resinou resinou s stick s stick 4 Alkaloids. =icric acid Fa erHs . 33 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 ellow ellow

G deep brown powder

Deep red stick

(rown powder




Dragondro% ?agnerHs

33 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 0 0 0 3 0

3 3 3 3 3 0 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 3

3 0 0 0 3 3 3 3 3 3 0 0 0 3


>arboh dratesFolishHs

$ehlingHs (enedicts $erric chloride Eelatin #ead acetate ShinodaHs test Alcoholic =recipitation Spot test $oam test

Tannins G =henols

3 2

$lavonoids EumsG Fucilage+s $ixed oils G fats Saponins


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