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'British Journalism
Transcription taken from

PhoTransEdit applications have been designed to help those who work with English phonetic transcriptions. Far from providing perfect automatic transcriptions, PhoTransEdit is aimed at just helping you save your time when writing, publishing or sharing English transcriptions. Visit PhoTransEdit.!

British English

PhonetiBlog - Jack Windsor Lewis phonetic blog (visited 14-Aug-12) (visited 14-Aug-12)

Make a phonemic (broad) transcription of the following passage: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. A: 'What d'you 'think of our newspapers. B: 'I like them very `much. `Specially the `Sunday ones. A: Which `daily d'you like best. B: 'I couldn't `say, really. 'I like to 'look at `several, if I get the chance. A: The `Times gives the `fullest coverage of anything `serious. B: 'M.Yes. But 'I like 'rather more `pictures than it generally has. A: And it's 'not tied to any par`ticular po`litical `party, either. B: Oh? I thought it was Con`servative. A: `Not with a `capital C.
'British Journalism
Transcription taken from

PhoTransEdit applications have been designed to help those who work with English phonetic transcriptions. Far from providing perfect automatic transcriptions, PhoTransEdit is aimed at just helping you save your time when writing, publishing or sharing English transcriptions. Visit PhoTransEdit.!

British English

PhonetiBlog - Jack Windsor Lewis phonetic blog (visited 14-Aug-12) (visited 14-Aug-12)

'brt nlzm 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. A. 'wt dju 'kv njuspepz. B. 'a lak m veri m. speli sndi wnz. A. 'w deli dju lak best. B. a kdn se, rli. 'a lak t 'lk t sevrl, f a get ns. A. tamz gvz flst kvrv en sris. B. 'n jes. bt 'a lak 'r m pkz n t enrli hz. A. n ts 'nt tad tu eni ptkjlpltkl pti, a. B. ?a t t wzknsvtv. A. 'nt w kptl si.

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