First Periodic Test in English II

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FIRST PERIODIC TEST IN ENGLISH II Directions: Look at the pictures. Put a if the sound is loud and if soft.







7. Write the letter of the correct answer.


9. The Filipino alphabet has __________ letters. A. 25 B. 26 C. 27 D. 28

10. While the English alphabet has _________ letters. A. 25 B. 26 C. 27 D. 28

11. What is the missing letter in the Filipino alphabet? A. M B. NG C. P D. N

12. Maria Makiling was a young woman. Maria Makiling is a________________. A. setting B. character C. solution D. problem

13. She lived somewhere on the beautiful mountain Makiling. Mountain Makiling is a ________. A. setting B. character C. solution D. problem

Listen as teacher reads the story. Answer the questions that follow. Write the letters only. Ann is having a birthday party. She is six-years-old today. Ann told her mother she would like a very special cake for her sixth birthday. She said she wanted a birthday cake with three layers: a large layer on the bottom, a medium-sized layer in the middle and a small layer on top. Her mother went into the kitchen. She is very happy because her mother baked her cake exactly like she wanted. 14. Who is having a birthday? A. mother A. today B. sister B. tomorrow C. Ann C. yesterday D. cake D. next week 15. When is Anns birthday? Write the beginning letter of the following


____ ell 17.

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Choose the word that doesn't rhyme with the other three. Write the letter of the correct answer. 20. A. tea 21. A. cat 22. A. look B. sea B. sad B. book C. see C. bat C. cook D. pear D. rat D. boot

Look at the pictures and identify them. 23. 24.

Read the situations on the left. Choose the correct answers on the right. Write the letter of your answer.

25.You saw an old woman crossing a busy street. What will you say?

A. May I help you, Lola? B. Thank you! C. Im sorry!

26.You saw your classmate accidentally dropped her project. What will you say?

A. Goodbye! B. Let me help you C. Youre welcome.

27.You saw your teacher carrying heavy books. What will you say?

A. Hi! B. How do you do, Maam? Can I help you? C. How do you do Maam?

Write the letter of the correct category for the given picture. 28. A. thing B. animal C. person D. place


A. thing

B. animal

C. person

D. place

A. thing 30.

B. animal

C. person

D. place

Listen as the teacher reads the story. Write at least 4 characters in the story.


(1)_________________________________ (2) _________________________________ (3) _________________________________ (4) _________________________________

My Family

Hi, my name is Eric. I want to tell you about my family. I have two sisters. They are very nice. Their names are Rachel and Norma. Rachel is younger than me. She is twelve years old. Norma is older than me. She is eighteen. My mother is very pretty. Her name is Adel. She has a very good memory. She can remember all the names of the presidents of the Philippines. My father knows about very many things. He is an engineer. He builds bridges. We also have a dog in our family. His name is Paw. He is a German Shepard. He is very faithful to us.

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