Behind TV Analysts, Pentagon's Hidden Hand (BARSTOW, D, 20apr08) - NYTimes

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April o, ooS
Behind TV Anulysts, Pentugon's Hidden Hund
n LIe summer oI zoo, LIe BusI udmInIsLruLIon conIronLed u IresI wuve oI crILIcIsm over GuunLunumo
Buy. TIe deLenLIon cenLer Iud jusL been brunded LIe guIug oI our LImes by AmnesLy nLernuLIonuI, LIere
were new uIIeguLIons oI ubuse Irom UnILed NuLIons Iumun rIgILs experLs und cuIIs were mounLIng Ior ILs
TIe udmInIsLruLIon`s communIcuLIons experLs responded swIILIy. EurIy one rIduy mornIng, LIey puL u
group oI reLIred mIIILury oIIIcers on one oI LIe jeLs normuIIy used by VIce PresIdenL DIck CIeney und IIew
LIem Lo Cubu Ior u cureIuIIy orcIesLruLed Lour oI GuunLunumo.
To LIe pubIIc, LIese men ure members oI u IumIIIur IruLernILy, presenLed Lens oI LIousunds oI LImes on
LeIevIsIon und rudIo us mIIILury unuIysLs wIose Iong servIce Ius equIpped LIem Lo gIve uuLIorILuLIve und
unIeLLered judgmenLs ubouL LIe mosL pressIng Issues oI LIe posL-SepL. 11 worId.
HIdden beIInd LIuL uppeurunce oI objecLIvILy, LIougI, Is u PenLugon InIormuLIon uppuruLus LIuL Ius used
LIose unuIysLs In u cumpuIgn Lo generuLe IuvorubIe news coveruge oI LIe udmInIsLruLIon`s wurLIme
perIormunce, un exumInuLIon by TIe New York TImes Ius Iound.
TIe eIIorL, wIIcI begun wILI LIe buIIdup Lo LIe ruq wur und conLInues Lo LIIs duy, Ius sougIL Lo expIoIL
IdeoIogIcuI und mIIILury uIIegIunces, und uIso u powerIuI IInuncIuI dynumIc: MosL oI LIe unuIysLs Iuve LIes
Lo mIIILury conLrucLors vesLed In LIe very wur poIIcIes LIey ure usked Lo ussess on uIr.
TIose busIness reIuLIonsIIps ure IurdIy ever dIscIosed Lo LIe vIewers, und someLImes noL even Lo LIe
neLworks LIemseIves. BuL coIIecLIveIy, LIe men on LIe pIune und severuI dozen oLIer mIIILury unuIysLs
represenL more LIun 1o mIIILury conLrucLors eILIer us IobbyIsLs, senIor execuLIves, bourd members or
consuILunLs. TIe compunIes IncIude deIense IeuvyweIgILs, buL uIso scores oI smuIIer compunIes, uII purL
oI u vusL ussembIuge oI conLrucLors scrumbIIng Ior Iundreds oI bIIIIons In mIIILury busIness generuLed by
LIe udmInIsLruLIon`s wur on Lerror. L Is u IurIous compeLILIon, one In wIIcI InsIde InIormuLIon und eusy
uccess Lo senIor oIIIcIuIs ure IIgIIy prIzed.
Records und InLervIews sIow Iow LIe BusI udmInIsLruLIon Ius used ILs conLroI over uccess und
InIormuLIon In un eIIorL Lo LrunsIorm LIe unuIysLs InLo u kInd oI medIu Trojun Iorse - un InsLrumenL
InLended Lo sIupe LerrorIsm coveruge Irom InsIde LIe mujor TV und rudIo neLworks.
AnuIysLs Iuve been wooed In Iundreds oI prIvuLe brIeIIngs wILI senIor mIIILury Ieuders, IncIudIng oIIIcIuIs
wILI sIgnIIIcunL InIIuence over conLrucLIng und budgeL muLLers, records sIow. TIey Iuve been Luken on
Lours oI ruq und gIven uccess Lo cIussIIIed InLeIIIgence. TIey Iuve been brIeIed by oIIIcIuIs Irom LIe WIILe
House, SLuLe DepurLmenL und JusLIce DepurLmenL, IncIudIng Mr. CIeney, AIberLo R. GonzuIes und
SLepIen J. HudIey.
n Lurn, members oI LIIs group Iuve ecIoed udmInIsLruLIon LuIkIng poInLs, someLImes even wIen LIey
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suspecLed LIe InIormuLIon wus IuIse or InIIuLed. Some unuIysLs ucknowIedge LIey suppressed doubLs
becuuse LIey Ieured jeopurdIzIng LIeIr uccess.
A Iew expressed regreL Ior purLIcIpuLIng In wIuL LIey regurded us un eIIorL Lo dupe LIe AmerIcun pubIIc
wILI propugundu dressed us IndependenL mIIILury unuIysIs.
L wus LIem suyIng, 'We need Lo sLIck our Iunds up your buck und move your mouLI Ior you,` RoberL S.
BeveIucquu, u reLIred Green BereL und Iormer ox News unuIysL, suId.
KenneLI AIIurd, u Iormer NBC mIIILury unuIysL wIo Ius LuugIL InIormuLIon wurIure uL LIe NuLIonuI
DeIense UnIversILy, suId LIe cumpuIgn umounLed Lo u sopIIsLIcuLed InIormuLIon operuLIon. TIIs wus u
coIerenL, ucLIve poIIcy, Ie suId.
As condILIons In ruq deLerIoruLed, Mr. AIIurd recuIIed, Ie suw u yuwnIng gup beLween wIuL unuIysLs were
LoId In prIvuLe brIeIIngs und wIuL subsequenL InquIrIes und books IuLer reveuIed.
NIgIL und duy, Mr. AIIurd suId, IeIL we`d been Iosed.
TIe PenLugon deIended ILs reIuLIonsIIp wILI mIIILury unuIysLs, suyIng LIey Iud been gIven onIy IucLuuI
InIormuLIon ubouL LIe wur. TIe InLenL und purpose oI LIIs Is noLIIng oLIer LIun un eurnesL uLLempL Lo
InIorm LIe AmerIcun peopIe, Bryun WIILmun, u PenLugon spokesmun, suId.
L wus, Mr. WIILmun udded, u bIL IncredIbIe Lo LIInk reLIred mIIILury oIIIcers couId be wound up und
Lurned InLo puppeLs oI LIe DeIense DepurLmenL.
Muny unuIysLs sLrongIy denIed LIuL LIey Iud eILIer been co-opLed or Iud uIIowed ouLsIde busIness
InLeresLs Lo uIIecL LIeIr on-uIr commenLs, und some Iuve used LIeIr pIuLIorms Lo crILIcIze LIe conducL oI
LIe wur. SeveruI, IIke JeIIrey D. McCuusIund, u CBS mIIILury unuIysL und deIense IndusLry IobbyIsL, suId
LIey kepL LIeIr neLworks InIormed oI LIeIr ouLsIde work und recused LIemseIves Irom coveruge LIuL
LoucIed on busIness InLeresLs.
`m noL Iere represenLIng LIe udmInIsLruLIon, Dr. McCuusIund suId.
Some neLwork oIIIcIuIs, meunwIIIe, ucknowIedged onIy u IImILed undersLundIng oI LIeIr unuIysLs`
InLerucLIons wILI LIe udmInIsLruLIon. TIey suId LIuL wIIIe LIey were sensILIve Lo poLenLIuI conIIIcLs oI
InLeresL, LIey dId noL IoId LIeIr unuIysLs Lo LIe sume eLIIcuI sLundurds us LIeIr news empIoyees regurdIng
ouLsIde IInuncIuI InLeresLs. TIe onus Is on LIeIr unuIysLs Lo dIscIose conIIIcLs, LIey suId. And wIuLever LIe
conLrIbuLIons oI mIIILury unuIysLs, LIey uIso noLed LIe muny neLwork journuIIsLs wIo Iuve covered LIe
wur Ior yeurs In uII ILs compIexILy.
Ive yeurs InLo LIe ruq wur, mosL deLuIIs oI LIe urcIILecLure und execuLIon oI LIe PenLugon`s cumpuIgn
Iuve never been dIscIosed. BuL TIe TImes successIuIIy sued LIe DeIense DepurLmenL Lo guIn uccess Lo
8,ooo puges oI e-muII messuges, LrunscrIpLs und records descrIbIng yeurs oI prIvuLe brIeIIngs, LrIps Lo ruq
und GuunLunumo und un exLensIve PenLugon LuIkIng poInLs operuLIon.
TIese records reveuI u symbIoLIc reIuLIonsIIp wIere LIe usuuI dIvIdIng IInes beLween governmenL und
journuIIsm Iuve been obIILeruLed.
nLernuI PenLugon documenLs repeuLedIy reIer Lo LIe mIIILury unuIysLs us messuge Iorce muILIpIIers or
surroguLes wIo couId be counLed on Lo deIIver udmInIsLruLIon LIemes und messuges Lo mIIIIons oI
AmerIcuns In LIe Iorm oI LIeIr own opInIons.
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TIougI muny unuIysLs ure puId neLwork consuILunLs, mukIng $oo Lo $1,ooo per uppeurunce, In PenLugon
meeLIngs LIey someLImes spoke us II LIey were operuLIng beIInd enemy IInes, InLervIews und LrunscrIpLs
sIow. Some oIIered LIe PenLugon LIps on Iow Lo ouLmuneuver LIe neLworks, or us one unuIysL puL IL Lo
DonuId H. RumsIeId, LIen LIe deIense secreLury, LIe CIrIs MuLLIewses und LIe WoII BIILzers oI LIe
worId. Some wurned oI pIunned sLorIes or senL LIe PenLugon copIes oI LIeIr correspondence wILI
neLwork news execuLIves. Muny - uILIougI cerLuInIy noL uII - IuILIIuIIy ecIoed LuIkIng poInLs InLended Lo
counLer crILIcs.
Good work, TIomus G. Mcnerney, u reLIred AIr orce generuI, consuILunL und ox News unuIysL, wroLe
Lo LIe PenLugon uILer receIvIng IresI LuIkIng poInLs In IuLe zoo6. We wIII use IL.
AguIn und uguIn, records sIow, LIe udmInIsLruLIon Ius enIIsLed unuIysLs us u rupId reucLIon Iorce Lo rebuL
wIuL IL vIewed us crILIcuI news coveruge, some oI IL by LIe neLworks` own PenLugon correspondenLs. or
exumpIe, wIen news urLIcIes reveuIed LIuL Lroops In ruq were dyIng becuuse oI InudequuLe body urmor, u
senIor PenLugon oIIIcIuI wroLe Lo IIs coIIeugues: LIInk our unuIysLs - properIy urmed - cun pusI buck
In LIuL urenu.
TIe documenLs reIeused by LIe PenLugon do noL sIow uny quId pro quo beLween commenLury und
conLrucLs. BuL some unuIysLs suId LIey Iud used LIe specIuI uccess us u murkeLIng und neLworkIng
opporLunILy or us u wIndow InLo IuLure busIness possIbIIILIes.
JoIn C. GurreLL Is u reLIred MurIne coIoneI und unpuId unuIysL Ior ox News TV und rudIo. He Is uIso u
IobbyIsL uL PuLLon Boggs wIo IeIps IIrms wIn PenLugon conLrucLs, IncIudIng In ruq. n promoLIonuI
muLerIuIs, Ie sLuLes LIuL us u mIIILury unuIysL Ie Is prIvy Lo weekIy uccess und brIeIIngs wILI LIe secreLury
oI deIense, cIuIrmun oI LIe JoInL CIIeIs oI SLuII und oLIer IIgI IeveI poIIcy mukers In LIe udmInIsLruLIon.
One cIIenL LoId InvesLors LIuL Mr. GurreLL`s specIuI uccess und decudes oI experIence IeIped IIm Lo know
In udvunce - und In deLuII - Iow besL Lo meeL LIe needs oI LIe DeIense DepurLmenL und oLIer ugencIes.
n InLervIews Mr. GurreLL suId LIere wus un InevILubIe overIup beLween IIs duuI roIes. He suId Ie Iud
goLLen InIormuLIon you jusL oLIerwIse wouId noL geL, Irom LIe brIeIIngs und LIree PenLugon-sponsored
LrIps Lo ruq. He uIso ucknowIedged usIng LIIs uccess und InIormuLIon Lo IdenLIIy opporLunILIes Ior cIIenLs.
You cun`L IeIp buL Iook Ior LIuL, Ie suId, uddIng, I you know u cupubIIILy LIuL wouId IIII u nIcIe or need,
you Lry Lo IIII IL. TIuL`s good Ior everybody.
AL LIe sume LIme, In e-muII messuges Lo LIe PenLugon, Mr. GurreLL dIspIuyed un eugerness Lo be
supporLIve wILI IIs LeIevIsIon und rudIo commenLury. PIeuse IeL me know II you Iuve uny specIIIc poInLs
you wunL covered or LIuL you wouId preIer Lo downpIuy, Ie wroLe In Junuury zoo;, beIore PresIdenL
BusI wenL on TV Lo descrIbe LIe surge sLruLegy In ruq.
ConverseIy, LIe udmInIsLruLIon Ius demonsLruLed LIuL LIere Is u prIce Ior susLuIned crILIcIsm, muny
unuIysLs suId. You`II Iose uII uccess, Dr. McCuusIund suId.
WILI u mujorILy oI AmerIcuns cuIIIng LIe wur u mIsLuke despILe uII udmInIsLruLIon uLLempLs Lo swuy pubIIc
opInIon, LIe PenLugon Ius Iocused In LIe IusL coupIe oI yeurs on cuILIvuLIng In purLIcuIur mIIILury unuIysLs
IrequenLIy seen und Ieurd In conservuLIve news ouLIeLs, records und InLervIews sIow.
Some oI LIese unuIysLs were on LIe mIssIon Lo Cubu on June zq, zoo - LIe IIrsL oI sIx sucI GuunLunumo
LrIps - wIIcI wus desIgned Lo mobIIIze unuIysLs uguInsL LIe growIng percepLIon oI GuunLunumo us un
InLernuLIonuI symboI oI InIumune LreuLmenL. On LIe IIIgIL Lo Cubu, Ior mucI oI LIe duy uL GuunLunumo
und on LIe IIIgIL Iome LIuL nIgIL, PenLugon oIIIcIuIs brIeIed LIe 1o or so unuIysLs on LIeIr key messuges -
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Iow mucI Iud been spenL ImprovIng LIe IucIIILy, LIe ubuse endured by guurds, LIe exLensIve rIgILs
uIIorded deLuInees.
TIe resuILs cume quIckIy. TIe unuIysLs wenL on TV und rudIo, decryIng AmnesLy nLernuLIonuI, crILIcIzIng
cuIIs Lo cIose LIe IucIIILy und usserLIng LIuL uII deLuInees were LreuLed IumuneIy.
TIe ImpressIons LIuL you`re geLLIng Irom LIe medIu und Irom LIe vurIous pronouncemenLs beIng mude
by peopIe wIo Iuve noL been Iere In my opInIon ure LoLuIIy IuIse, DonuId W. SIepperd, u reLIred AIr
orce generuI, reporLed IIve on CNN by pIone Irom GuunLunumo LIuL sume uILernoon.
TIe nexL mornIng, MonLgomery MeIgs, u reLIred Army generuI und NBC unuIysL, uppeured on Toduy.
TIere`s been over $1oo mIIIIon oI new consLrucLIon, Ie reporLed. TIe pIuce Is very proIessIonuIIy run.
WILIIn duys, LrunscrIpLs oI LIe unuIysLs` uppeurunces were cIrcuIuLed Lo senIor WIILe House und PenLugon
oIIIcIuIs, cILed us evIdence oI progress In LIe buLLIe Ior IeurLs und mInds uL Iome.
CIurLIng LIe CumpuIgn
By eurIy zooz, deLuIIed pIunnIng Ior u possIbIe ruq InvusIon wus under wuy, yeL un obsLucIe Ioomed.
Muny AmerIcuns, poIIs sIowed, were uneusy ubouL InvudIng u counLry wILI no cIeur connecLIon Lo LIe
SepL. 11 uLLucks. PenLugon und WIILe House oIIIcIuIs beIIeved LIe mIIILury unuIysLs couId pIuy u crucIuI
roIe In IeIpIng overcome LIIs resIsLunce.
TorIe CIurke, LIe Iormer pubIIc reIuLIons execuLIve wIo oversuw LIe PenLugon`s deuIIngs wILI LIe unuIysLs
us ussIsLunL secreLury oI deIense Ior pubIIc uIIuIrs, Iud come Lo Ier job wILI dIsLIncL Ideus ubouL ucIIevIng
wIuL sIe cuIIed InIormuLIon domInunce. n u spIn-suLuruLed news cuILure, sIe urgued, opInIon Is swuyed
mosL by voIces perceIved us uuLIorILuLIve und uLLerIy IndependenL.
And so even beIore SepL. 11, sIe buIIL u sysLem wILIIn LIe PenLugon Lo recruIL key InIIuenLIuIs - movers
und sIukers Irom uII wuIks wIo wILI LIe proper mInIsLruLIons mIgIL be counLed on Lo generuLe supporL
Ior Mr. RumsIeId`s prIorILIes.
n LIe monLIs uILer SepL. 11, us every neLwork rusIed Lo reLuIn ILs own uII-sLur squud oI reLIred mIIILury
oIIIcers, Ms. CIurke und Ier sLuII sensed u new opporLunILy. To Ms. CIurke`s Leum, LIe mIIILury unuIysLs
were LIe uILImuLe key InIIuenLIuI - uuLIorILuLIve, mosL oI LIem decoruLed wur Ieroes, uII reucIIng muss
TIe unuIysLs, LIey noLIced, oILen goL more uIrLIme LIun neLwork reporLers, und LIey were noL mereIy
expIuInIng LIe cupubIIILIes oI ApucIe IeIIcopLers. TIey were IrumIng Iow vIewers ougIL Lo InLerpreL
evenLs. WIuL Is more, wIIIe LIe unuIysLs were In LIe news medIu, LIey were noL oI LIe news medIu. TIey
were mIIILury men, muny oI LIem IdeoIogIcuIIy In sync wILI LIe udmInIsLruLIon`s neoconservuLIve bruIn
LrusL, muny oI LIem ImporLunL pIuyers In u mIIILury IndusLry unLIcIpuLIng Iurge budgeL Increuses Lo puy Ior
un ruq wur.
Even unuIysLs wILI no deIense IndusLry LIes, und no Iondness Ior LIe udmInIsLruLIon, were reIucLunL Lo be
crILIcuI oI mIIILury Ieuders, muny oI wIom were IrIends. L Is very Iurd Ior me Lo crILIcIze LIe UnILed
SLuLes Army, suId WIIIIum . NusI, u reLIred Army generuI und ABC unuIysL. L Is my IIIe.
OLIer udmInIsLruLIons Iud mude sporudIc, smuII-scuIe uLLempLs Lo buIId reIuLIonsIIps wILI LIe occusIonuI
mIIILury unuIysL. BuL LIese were LrIIIIng compured wILI wIuL Ms. CIurke`s Leum Iud In mInd. Don Meyer,
un uIde Lo Ms. CIurke, suId u sLruLegIc decIsIon wus mude In zooz Lo muke LIe unuIysLs LIe muIn Iocus oI
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LIe pubIIc reIuLIons pusI Lo consLrucL u cuse Ior wur. JournuIIsLs were secondury. We dIdn`L wunL Lo reIy
on LIem Lo be our prImury veIIcIe Lo geL InIormuLIon ouL, Mr. Meyer suId.
TIe PenLugon`s reguIur press oIIIce wouId be kepL sepuruLe Irom LIe mIIILury unuIysLs. TIe unuIysLs wouId
InsLeud be cuLered Lo by u smuII group oI poIILIcuI uppoInLees, wILI LIe poInL person beIng BrenL T.
Krueger, unoLIer senIor uIde Lo Ms. CIurke. TIe decIsIon recuIIed oLIer udmInIsLruLIon LucLIcs LIuL
subverLed LrudILIonuI journuIIsm. ederuI ugencIes, Ior exumpIe, Iuve puId coIumnIsLs Lo wrILe IuvorubIy
ubouL LIe udmInIsLruLIon. TIey Iuve dIsLrIbuLed Lo IocuI TV sLuLIons Iundreds oI Iuke news segmenLs wILI
IuwnIng uccounLs oI udmInIsLruLIon uccompIIsImenLs. TIe PenLugon ILseII Ius mude coverL puymenLs Lo
ruqI newspupers Lo pubIIsI couIILIon propugundu.
RuLIer LIun compIuIn ubouL LIe medIu IIILer, eucI oI LIese LecInIques sImpIy converLed LIe IIILer InLo un
umpIIIIer. TIIs LIme, Mr. Krueger suId, LIe mIIILury unuIysLs wouId In eIIecL be wrILIng LIe op-ed Ior LIe
AssembIIng LIe Teum
rom LIe sLurL, InLervIews sIow, LIe WIILe House Look u keen InLeresL In wIIcI unuIysLs Iud been
IdenLIIIed by LIe PenLugon, requesLIng IIsLs oI poLenLIuI recruILs, und suggesLIng numes. Ms. CIurke`s Leum
wroLe summurIes descrIbIng LIeIr buckgrounds, busIness uIIIIIuLIons und wIere LIey sLood on LIe wur.
RumsIeId uILImuLeIy cIeured oII on uII InvILees, suId Mr. Krueger, wIo IeIL LIe PenLugon In zooq.
(TIrougI u spokesmun, Mr. RumsIeId decIIned Lo commenL Ior LIIs urLIcIe.)
Over LIme, LIe PenLugon recruILed more LIun ; reLIred oIIIcers, uILIougI some purLIcIpuLed onIy brIeIIy
or sporudIcuIIy. TIe IurgesL conLIngenL wus uIIIIIuLed wILI ox News, IoIIowed by NBC und CNN, LIe oLIer
neLworks wILI zq-Iour cubIe ouLIeLs. BuL unuIysLs Irom CBS und ABC were IncIuded, Loo. Some recruILs,
LIougI noL on uny neLwork puyroII, were InIIuenLIuI In oLIer wuys - eILIer becuuse LIey were sougIL ouL
by rudIo IosLs, or becuuse LIey oILen pubIIsIed op-ed urLIcIes or were quoLed In muguzInes, Web sILes und
newspupers. AL IeusL nIne oI LIem Iuve wrILLen op-ed urLIcIes Ior TIe TImes.
TIe group wus IeuvIIy represenLed by men InvoIved In LIe busIness oI IeIpIng compunIes wIn mIIILury
conLrucLs. SeveruI IeId senIor posILIons wILI conLrucLors LIuL guve LIem dIrecL responsIbIIILy Ior wInnIng
new PenLugon busIness. Jumes Murks, u reLIred Army generuI und unuIysL Ior CNN Irom zooq Lo zoo;,
pursued mIIILury und InLeIIIgence conLrucLs us u senIor execuLIve wILI McNeII TecInoIogIes. SLIII oLIers
IeId bourd posILIons wILI mIIILury IIrms LIuL guve LIem responsIbIIILy Ior governmenL busIness. GeneruI
Mcnerney, LIe ox unuIysL, Ior exumpIe, sILs on LIe bourds oI severuI mIIILury conLrucLors, IncIudIng
NorLeI GovernmenL SoIuLIons, u suppIIer oI communIcuLIon neLworks.
SeveruI were deIense IndusLry IobbyIsLs, sucI us Dr. McCuusIund, wIo works uL BucIunun ngersoII &
Rooney, u mujor IobbyIng IIrm wIere Ie Is dIrecLor oI u nuLIonuI securILy Leum LIuL represenLs severuI
mIIILury conLrucLors. We oIIer cIIenLs uccess Lo key decIsIon mukers, Dr. McCuusIund`s Leum promIsed
on LIe IIrm`s Web sILe.
Dr. McCuusIund wus noL LIe onIy unuIysL mukIng LIIs pIedge. AnoLIer wus JosepI W. RuIsLon, u reLIred
AIr orce generuI. Soon uILer sIgnIng on wILI CBS, GeneruI RuIsLon wus numed vIce cIuIrmun oI LIe CoIen
Group, u consuILIng IIrm Ieuded by u Iormer deIense secreLury, WIIIIum CoIen, IImseII now u worId
uIIuIrs unuIysL Ior CNN. TIe CoIen Group knows LIuL geLLIng Lo 'yes` In LIe uerospuce und deIense
murkeL - wIeLIer In LIe UnILed SLuLes or ubroud - requIres LIuL compunIes Iuve u LIorougI, up-Lo-duLe
undersLundIng oI LIe LIInkIng oI governmenL decIsIon mukers, LIe compuny LeIIs prospecLIve cIIenLs on
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ILs Web sILe.
TIere were uIso IdeoIogIcuI LIes.
Two oI NBC`s mosL promInenL unuIysLs, Burry R. McCuIIrey und LIe IuLe Wuyne A. DownIng, were on LIe
udvIsory bourd oI LIe CommILLee Ior LIe IberuLIon oI ruq, un udvocucy group creuLed wILI WIILe House
encourugemenL In zooz Lo IeIp muke LIe cuse Ior ousLIng Suddum HusseIn. BoLI men uIso Iud LIeIr own
consuILIng IIrms und suL on LIe bourds oI mujor mIIILury conLrucLors.
Muny uIso sIured wILI Mr. BusI`s nuLIonuI securILy Leum u beIIeI LIuL pessImIsLIc wur coveruge broke LIe
nuLIon`s wIII Lo wIn In VIeLnum, und LIere wus u muLuuI resoIve noL Lo IeL LIuL Iuppen wILI LIIs wur.
TIIs wus u mujor LIeme, Ior exumpIe, wILI PuuI E. VuIIeIy, u ox News unuIysL Irom zoo1 Lo zoo;. A
reLIred Army generuI wIo Iud specIuIIzed In psycIoIogIcuI wurIure, Mr. VuIIeIy co-uuLIored u puper In
1q8o LIuL uccused AmerIcun news orgunIzuLIons oI IuIIIng Lo deIend LIe nuLIon Irom enemy propugundu
durIng VIeLnum.
We IosL LIe wur - noL becuuse we were ouLIougIL, buL becuuse we were ouL Psyoped, Ie wroLe. He
urged u rudIcuIIy new upproucI Lo psycIoIogIcuI operuLIons In IuLure wurs - LukIng uIm uL noL jusL IoreIgn
udversurIes buL domesLIc uudIences, Loo. He cuIIed IIs upproucI MIndWur - usIng neLwork TV und
rudIo Lo sLrengLIen our nuLIonuI wIII Lo vIcLory.
TIe SeIIIng oI LIe Wur
rom LIeIr eurIIesL sessIons wILI LIe mIIILury unuIysLs, Mr. RumsIeId und IIs uIdes spoke us II LIey were
uII purL oI LIe sume Leum.
n InLervIews, purLIcIpunLs descrIbed u powerIuIIy seducLIve envIronmenL - LIe unIIormed escorLs Lo Mr.
RumsIeId`s prIvuLe conIerence room, LIe besL governmenL cIInu IuId ouL, LIe embossed nume curds, LIe
bIIzzurd oI PowerPoInLs, LIe soIIcILuLIons oI udvIce und counseI, LIe uppeuIs Lo duLy und counLry, LIe wurm
LIunk you noLes Irom LIe secreLury IImseII.
OI, you Iuve no Ideu, Mr. AIIurd suId, descrIbIng LIe eIIecL. You`re buck. TIey IIsLen Lo you. TIey IIsLen
Lo wIuL you suy on TV. L wus, Ie suId, psyops on sLeroIds - u nuunced exercIse In InIIuence LIrougI
IIuLLery und proxImILy. L`s noL IIke IL`s, 'We`II puy you $oo Lo geL our sLory ouL,` Ie suId. L`s more
TIe uccess cume wILI u condILIon. PurLIcIpunLs were InsLrucLed noL Lo quoLe LIeIr brIeIers dIrecLIy or
oLIerwIse descrIbe LIeIr conLucLs wILI LIe PenLugon.
n LIe IuII und wInLer IeudIng up Lo LIe InvusIon, LIe PenLugon urmed ILs unuIysLs wILI LuIkIng poInLs
porLruyIng ruq us un urgenL LIreuL. TIe busIc cuse becume u IumIIIur munLru: ruq possessed cIemIcuI und
bIoIogIcuI weupons, wus deveIopIng nucIeur weupons, und mIgIL one duy sIIp some Lo AI Quedu; un
InvusIon wouId be u reIuLIveIy quIck und InexpensIve wur oI IIberuLIon.
AL LIe PenLugon, members oI Ms. CIurke`s sLuII murveIed uL LIe wuy LIe unuIysLs seumIessIy IncorporuLed
muLerIuI Irom LuIkIng poInLs und brIeIIngs us II IL wus LIeIr own.
You couId see LIuL LIey were messugIng, Mr. Krueger suId. You couId see LIey were LukIng verbuLIm
wIuL LIe secreLury wus suyIng or wIuL LIe LecInIcuI specIuIIsLs were suyIng. And LIey were suyIng IL over
und over und over. Some duys, Ie udded, We were ubIe Lo cIIck on every sIngIe sLuLIon und every one oI
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our IoIks were up LIere deIIverIng our messuge. You`d Iook uL LIem und suy, 'TIIs Is workIng.`
On AprII 1z, zoo, wILI mujor combuL uImosL over, Mr. RumsIeId druILed u memorundum Lo Ms. CIurke.
eL`s LIInk ubouL IuvIng some oI LIe IoIks wIo dId sucI u good job us LuIkIng Ieuds In uILer LIIs LIIng Is
over, Ie wroLe.
By summer, LIougI, LIe IIrsL sIgns oI LIe Insurgency Iud emerged. ReporLs Irom journuIIsLs bused In
BugIdud were IncreusIngIy suIIused wILI LIe Imugery oI muyIem.
TIe PenLugon dId noL Iuve Lo seurcI Iur Ior u counLerweIgIL.
L wus LIme, un InLernuI PenLugon sLruLegy memorundum urged, Lo re-energIze surroguLes und messuge-
Iorce muILIpIIers, sLurLIng wILI LIe mIIILury unuIysLs.
TIe memorundum Ied Lo u proposuI Lo Luke unuIysLs on u Lour oI ruq In SepLember zoo, LImed Lo IeIp
overcome LIe sLIcker sIock Irom Mr. BusI`s requesL Ior $8; bIIIIon In emergency wur IInuncIng.
TIe group IncIuded Iour unuIysLs Irom ox News, one eucI Irom CNN und ABC, und severuI reseurcI-
group IumInurIes wIose opInIon urLIcIes uppeur reguIurIy In LIe nuLIon`s op-ed puges.
TIe LrIp InvILuLIon promIsed u Iook uL LIe reuI sILuuLIon on LIe ground In ruq.
TIe sILuuLIon, us descrIbed In scores oI books, wus deLerIoruLIng. . PuuI Bremer , LIen LIe AmerIcun
vIceroy In ruq, wroLe In IIs memoIr, My Yeur In ruq, LIuL Ie Iud prIvuLeIy wurned LIe WIILe House
LIuL LIe UnILed SLuLes Iud ubouL IuII LIe number oI soIdIers we needed Iere.
We`re up uguInsL u growIng und sopIIsLIcuLed LIreuL, Mr. Bremer recuIIed LeIIIng LIe presIdenL durIng u
prIvuLe WIILe House dInner.
TIuL dInner Look pIuce on SepL. zq, wIIIe LIe unuIysLs were LourIng ruq.
YeL LIese IursI reuIILIes were eIIded, or IIuLIy conLrudIcLed, durIng LIe oIIIcIuI presenLuLIons Ior LIe
unuIysLs, records sIow. TIe ILInerury, scrIpLed Lo LIe mInuLe, IeuLured brIeI vIsILs Lo u modeI scIooI, u Iew
reIurbIsIed governmenL buIIdIngs, u cenLer Ior women`s rIgILs, u muss gruve und even LIe gurdens oI
MosLIy LIe unuIysLs uLLended brIeIIngs. TIese sessIons, records sIow, spooIed ouL un uILernuLIve nurruLIve,
depIcLIng un ruq bursLIng wILI poIILIcuI und economIc energy, ILs securILy Iorces bIossomIng. On LIe
crucIuI quesLIon oI Lroop IeveIs, LIe brIeIIngs ecIoed LIe WIILe House IIne: No reInIorcemenLs were
needed. TIe growIng und sopIIsLIcuLed LIreuL descrIbed by Mr. Bremer wus InsLeud depIcLed us
degruded, IsoIuLed und on LIe run.
We`re wInnIng, u brIeIIng documenL procIuImed.
One LrIp purLIcIpunL, GeneruI NusI oI ABC, suId some brIeIIngs were so cIeurIy urLIIIcIuI LIuL Ie joked Lo
unoLIer group member LIuL LIey were on LIe George Romney memorIuI LrIp Lo ruq, u reIerence Lo Mr.
Romney`s InIumous cIuIm LIuL AmerIcun oIIIcIuIs Iud bruInwusIed IIm InLo supporLIng LIe VIeLnum
Wur durIng u Lour LIere In 1q6, wIIIe Ie wus governor oI MIcIIgun.
BuL II LIe LrIp pounded LIe messuge oI progress, IL uIso represenLed u busIness opporLunILy: dIrecL uccess
Lo LIe mosL senIor cIvIIIun und mIIILury Ieuders In ruq und KuwuIL, IncIudIng muny wILI u suy In Iow LIe
presIdenL`s $8; bIIIIon wouId be spenL. L uIso wus u cIunce Lo guLIer InsIde InIormuLIon ubouL LIe mosL
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pressIng needs conIronLIng LIe AmerIcun mIssIon: LIe ucuLe sIorLuges oI up-urmored Humvees; LIe
bIIIIons Lo be spenL buIIdIng mIIILury buses; LIe urgenL need Ior InLerpreLers; und LIe umbILIous pIuns Lo
LruIn ruq`s securILy Iorces.
nIormuLIon und uccess oI LIIs nuLure Iud undenIubIe vuIue Ior LrIp purLIcIpunLs IIke WIIIIum V. Cowun
und CurILon A. SIerwood.
Mr. Cowun, u ox unuIysL und reLIred MurIne coIoneI, wus LIe cIIeI execuLIve oI u new mIIILury IIrm, LIe
wvc Group. Mr. SIerwood wus ILs execuLIve vIce presIdenL. AL LIe LIme, LIe compuny wus seekIng
conLrucLs worLI Lens oI mIIIIons Lo suppIy body urmor und counLerInLeIIIgence servIces In ruq. n
uddILIon, wvc Group Iud u wrILLen ugreemenL Lo use ILs InIIuence und connecLIons Lo IeIp LrIbuI Ieuders
In AI Anbur ProvInce wIn reconsLrucLIon conLrucLs Irom LIe couIILIon.
TIose sIeIks wunLed uccess Lo LIe C.P.A., Mr. Cowun recuIIed In un InLervIew, reIerrIng Lo LIe CouIILIon
ProvIsIonuI AuLIorILy.
Mr. Cowun suId Ie pIeuded LIeIr cuuse durIng LIe LrIp. LrIed Lo pusI Iurd wILI some oI Bremer`s peopIe
Lo enguge LIese peopIe oI AI Anbur, Ie suId.
Buck In WusIIngLon, PenLugon oIIIcIuIs kepL u nervous eye on Iow LIe LrIp LrunsIuLed on LIe uIrwuves.
UncomIorLubIe IucLs Iud bubbIed up durIng LIe LrIp. One brIeIer, Ior exumpIe, menLIoned LIuL LIe Army
wus resorLIng Lo puckIng InudequuLeIy urmored Humvees wILI sundbugs und KevIur bIunkeLs. DescrIpLIons
oI LIe ruqI securILy Iorces were wILIerIng. TIey cun`L sIooL, buL LIen uguIn, LIey don`L, one oIIIcer LoId
LIem, uccordIng Lo one purLIcIpunL`s noLes.
suw ImmedIuLeIy In zoo LIuL LIIngs were goIng souLI, GeneruI VuIIeIy, one oI LIe ox unuIysLs on LIe
LrIp, recuIIed In un InLervIew wILI TIe TImes.
TIe PenLugon, LIougI, need noL Iuve worrIed.
You cun`L beIIeve LIe progress, GeneruI VuIIeIy LoId AIun CoImes oI ox News upon IIs reLurn. He
predIcLed LIe Insurgency wouId be down Lo u Iew numbers wILIIn monLIs.
We couId noL be more excILed, more pIeused, Mr. Cowun LoId GreLu Vun SusLeren oI ox News. TIere
wus bureIy u word ubouL urmor sIorLuges or corrupL ruqI securILy Iorces. And on LIe key sLruLegIc
quesLIon oI LIe momenL - wIeLIer Lo send more Lroops - LIe unuIysLs were ununImous.
um so mucI uguInsL uddIng more Lroops, GeneruI SIepperd suId on CNN.
Access und nIIuence
nsIde LIe PenLugon und uL LIe WIILe House, LIe LrIp wus vIewed us u musLerpIece In LIe munugemenL oI
percepLIons, noL IeusL becuuse IL guve IueI Lo compIuInLs LIuL muInsLreum journuIIsLs were IgnorIng LIe
good news In ruq.
We`re IILLIng u Iome run on LIIs LrIp, u senIor PenLugon oIIIcIuI wroLe In un e-muII messuge Lo RIcIurd
B. Myers und PeLer Puce, LIen cIuIrmun und vIce cIuIrmun oI LIe JoInL CIIeIs oI SLuII.
Ls success onIy InLensIIIed LIe PenLugon`s cumpuIgn. TIe puce oI brIeIIngs ucceIeruLed. More LrIps were
orgunIzed. EvenLuuIIy LIe eIIorL InvoIved oIIIcIuIs Irom WusIIngLon Lo BugIdud Lo KubuI Lo GuunLunumo
und buck Lo Tumpu, Iu., LIe IeudquurLers oI UnILed SLuLes CenLruI Commund.
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TIe scuIe reIIecLed sLrong supporL Irom LIe Lop. WIen oIIIcIuIs In ruq were sIow Lo orgunIze unoLIer LrIp
Ior unuIysLs, u PenLugon oIIIcIuI IIred oII un e-muII messuge wurnIng LIuL LIe LrIps Iuve LIe IIgIesL IeveIs
oI vIsIbIIILy uL LIe WIILe House und urgIng LIem Lo geL movIng beIore uwrence DI RILu, one oI Mr.
RumsIeId`s cIosesL uIdes, pIcks up LIe pIone und sLurLs cuIIIng LIe q-sLurs.
Mr. DI RILu, no Ionger uL LIe DeIense DepurLmenL, suId In un InLervIew LIuL u conscIous decIsIon wus
mude Lo reIy on LIe mIIILury unuIysLs Lo counLerucL LIe IncreusIngIy neguLIve vIew oI LIe wur comIng
Irom journuIIsLs In ruq. TIe unuIysLs, Ie suId, generuIIy Iud u more supporLIve vIew oI LIe
udmInIsLruLIon und LIe wur, und LIe combInuLIon oI LIeIr TV pIuLIorms und mIIILury cucIeL mude LIem
IdeuI Ior rebuLLIng crILIcuI coveruge oI Issues IIke Lroop moruIe, LreuLmenL oI deLuInees, InudequuLe
equIpmenL or poorIy LruIned ruqI securILy Iorces. On LIose Issues, LIey were more IIkeIy Lo be seen us
credIbIe spokesmen, Ie suId.
or unuIysLs wILI mIIILury IndusLry LIes, LIe uLLenLIon brougIL uccess Lo u wIdenIng cIrcIe oI InIIuenLIuI
oIIIcIuIs beyond LIe conLucLs LIey Iud uccumuIuLed over LIe course oI LIeIr cureers.
CIurIes T. NusI, u ox mIIILury unuIysL und reLIred Nuvy cupLuIn, Is u consuILunL wIo IeIps smuII
compunIes breuk InLo LIe mIIILury murkeL. SuddenIy, Ie Iud enLree Lo u IosL oI senIor mIIILury Ieuders,
muny oI wIom Ie Iud never meL. L wus, Ie suId, IIke beIng embedded wILI LIe PenLugon IeudersIIp. You
sLurL Lo recognIze wIuL`s mosL ImporLunL Lo LIem, Ie suId, uddIng, TIere`s noLIIng IIke seeIng sLuII
Some PenLugon oIIIcIuIs suId LIey were weII uwure LIuL some unuIysLs vIewed LIeIr specIuI uccess us u
busIness udvunLuge. OI course we reuIIzed LIuL, Mr. Krueger suId. We weren`L nuve ubouL LIuL.
TIey uIso undersLood LIe IInuncIuI reIuLIonsIIp beLween LIe neLworks und LIeIr unuIysLs. Muny unuIysLs
were beIng puId by LIe IIL, LIe number oI LImes LIey uppeured on TV. TIe more un unuIysL couId bousL
oI IresI InsIde InIormuLIon Irom IIgI-IeveI PenLugon sources, LIe more IILs Ie couId expecL. TIe more
IILs, LIe greuLer IIs poLenLIuI InIIuence In LIe mIIILury murkeLpIuce, wIere severuI unuIysLs promInenLIy
udverLIsed LIeIr neLwork roIes.
TIey Iuve Luken IobbyIng und LIe seurcI Ior conLrucLs Lo u Iur IIgIer IeveI, Mr. Krueger suId. TIIs Ius
been IIgIIy Ioned.
Mr. DI RILu, LIougI, suId IL never occurred Lo IIm LIuL unuIysLs mIgIL use LIeIr uccess Lo curry Iuvor. Nor,
Ie suId, dId LIe PenLugon Lry Lo expIoIL LIIs dynumIc. TIuL`s noL someLIIng LIuL ever crossed my mInd,
Ie suId. n uny evenL, Ie urgued, LIe unuIysLs und LIe neLworks were LIe ones responsIbIe Ior uny eLIIcuI
compIIcuLIons. We ussume LIey know wIere LIe IInes ure, Ie suId.
TIe unuIysLs meL personuIIy wILI Mr. RumsIeId uL IeusL 18 LImes, records sIow, buL LIuL wus jusL LIe
begInnIng. TIey Iud dozens more sessIons wILI LIe mosL senIor members oI IIs bruIn LrusL und uccess Lo
oIIIcIuIs responsIbIe Ior munugIng LIe bIIIIons beIng spenL In ruq. OLIer groups oI key InIIuenLIuIs Iud
meeLIngs, buL noL neurIy us oILen us LIe unuIysLs.
An InLernuI memorundum In zoo IeIped expIuIn wIy. TIe memorundum, wrILLen by u PenLugon oIIIcIuI
wIo Iud uccompunIed unuIysLs Lo ruq, suId LIuL bused on Ier observuLIons durIng LIe LrIp, LIe unuIysLs
ure IuvIng u greuLer ImpucL on neLwork coveruge oI LIe mIIILury. TIey Iuve now become LIe go-Lo guys
noL onIy on breukIng sLorIes, buL LIey InIIuence LIe vIews on Issues, sIe wroLe.
OLIer bruncIes oI LIe udmInIsLruLIon uIso begun Lo muke use oI LIe unuIysLs. Mr. GonzuIes, LIen LIe
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uLLorney generuI, meL wILI LIem soon uILer news Ieuked LIuL LIe governmenL wus wIreLuppIng LerrorIsm
suspecLs In LIe UnILed SLuLes wILIouL wurrunLs, PenLugon records sIow. WIen DuvId H. PeLrueus wus
uppoInLed LIe commundIng generuI In ruq In Junuury zoo;, one oI IIs eurIy ucLs wus Lo meeL wILI LIe
We knew we Iud exLruordInury uccess, suId TImur J. Euds, u reLIred Army IIeuLenunL coIoneI und ox
unuIysL wIo Is vIce presIdenL oI governmenL reIuLIons Ior BIuckbIrd TecInoIogIes, u IusL-growIng mIIILury
Ike severuI oLIer unuIysLs, Mr. Euds suId Ie Iud uL LImes IeId IIs Longue on LeIevIsIon Ior Ieur LIuL some
Iour-sLur couId cuII up und suy, 'KIII LIuL conLrucL.` or exumpIe, Ie beIIeved PenLugon oIIIcIuIs mIsIed
LIe unuIysLs ubouL LIe progress oI ruq`s securILy Iorces. know u snow job wIen see one, Ie suId. He
dId noL sIure LIIs on TV.
Humun nuLure, Ie expIuIned, LIougI Ie noLed oLIer InsLunces wIen Ie wus crILIcuI.
Some unuIysLs suId LIuL even beIore LIe wur sLurLed, LIey prIvuLeIy Iud quesLIons ubouL LIe jusLIIIcuLIon
Ior LIe InvusIon, buL were cureIuI noL Lo express LIem on uIr.
Mr. BeveIucquu, LIen u ox unuIysL, wus umong LIose InvILed Lo u brIeIIng In eurIy zoo ubouL ruq`s
purporLed sLockpIIes oI IIIIcIL weupons. He recuIIed uskIng LIe brIeIer wIeLIer LIe UnILed SLuLes Iud
smokIng gun prooI.
'We don`L Iuve uny Iurd evIdence,` Mr. BeveIucquu recuIIed LIe brIeIer repIyIng. He suId Ie und oLIer
unuIysLs were uIurmed by LIIs concessIon. We ure IookIng uL ourseIves suyIng, 'WIuL ure we doIng?`
AnoLIer unuIysL, RoberL . MugInnIs, u reLIred Army IIeuLenunL coIoneI wIo works In LIe PenLugon Ior u
mIIILury conLrucLor, uLLended LIe sume brIeIIng und recuIIed IeeIIng very dIsuppoInLed uILer beIng sIown
suLeIIILe pIoLogrupIs purporLIng Lo sIow bunkers ussocIuLed wILI u IIdden weupons progrum. Mr.
MugInnIs suId Ie concIuded LIuL LIe unuIysLs were beIng munIpuIuLed Lo convey u IuIse sense oI cerLuInLy
ubouL LIe evIdence oI LIe weupons. YeL Ie und Mr. BeveIucquu und LIe oLIer unuIysLs wIo uLLended LIe
brIeIIng dId noL sIure uny mIsgIvIngs wILI LIe AmerIcun pubIIc.
Mr. BeveIucquu und unoLIer ox unuIysL, Mr. Cowun, Iud Iormed LIe wvc Group, und Ioped Lo wIn
mIIILury und nuLIonuI securILy conLrucLs.
TIere`s no wuy wus goIng Lo go down LIuL roud und geL compIeLeIy Lorn upurL, Mr. BeveIucquu suId.
You`re LuIkIng ubouL IIgILIng u Iuge mucIIne.
Some e-muII messuges beLween LIe PenLugon und LIe unuIysLs reveuI un ImpIIcIL Lrude oI prIvIIeged uccess
Ior IuvorubIe coveruge. RoberL H. ScuIes Jr., u reLIred Army generuI und unuIysL Ior ox News und
NuLIonuI PubIIc RudIo wIose consuILIng compuny udvIses severuI mIIILury IIrms on weupons und LucLIcs
used In ruq, wunLed LIe PenLugon Lo upprove IIgI-IeveI brIeIIngs Ior IIm InsIde ruq In zoo6.
RecuII LIe sLuII dId uILer my IusL vIsIL, Ie wroLe. wIII do LIe sume LIIs LIme.
PenLugon Keeps Tubs
As IL Iuppened, LIe unuIysLs` news medIu uppeurunces were beIng cIoseIy monILored. TIe PenLugon puId u
prIvuLe conLrucLor, OmnILec SoIuLIons, Iundreds oI LIousunds oI doIIurs Lo scour duLubuses Ior uny Lruce
oI LIe unuIysLs, be IL u segmenL on TIe O`ReIIIy ucLor or un InLervIew wILI TIe DuIIy nLer uke In
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MonLunu, cIrcuIuLIon zo,ooo.
OmnILec evuIuuLed LIeIr uppeurunces usIng LIe sume LooIs us corporuLe brundIng experLs. One reporL,
ussessIng LIe ImpucL oI severuI LrIps Lo ruq In zoo, oIIered exumpIe uILer exumpIe oI unuIysLs ecIoIng
PenLugon LIemes on uII LIe neLworks.
CommenLury Irom uII LIree ruq LrIps wus exLremeIy posILIve over uII, LIe reporL concIuded.
n InLervIews, severuI unuIysLs reucLed wILI dIsmuy wIen LoId LIey were descrIbed us reIIubIe surroguLes
In PenLugon documenLs. And some usserLed LIuL LIeIr PenLugon sessIons were, us DuvId . Grunge, u
reLIred Army generuI und CNN unuIysL puL IL, jusL upIronL InIormuLIon, wIIIe oLIers poInLed ouL,
uccuruLeIy, LIuL LIey dId noL uIwuys ugree wILI LIe udmInIsLruLIon or eucI oLIer. None oI us drInk LIe
KooI-AId, GeneruI ScuIes suId.
IkewIse, severuI uIso denIed usIng LIeIr specIuI uccess Ior busIness guIn. NoL reIuLed uL uII, GeneruI
SIepperd suId, poInLIng ouL LIuL muny In LIe PenLugon IeId CNN In LIe IowesL esLeem.
SLIII, even LIe mIIdesL oI crILIcIsm couId druw u cIuIIenge. SeveruI unuIysLs LoId oI IIeIdIng LeIepIone cuIIs
Irom dIspIeused deIense oIIIcIuIs onIy mInuLes uILer beIng on LIe uIr.
On Aug. , zoo, 1q murInes dIed In ruq. TIuL duy, Mr. Cowun, wIo suId Ie Iud grown IncreusIngIy
uncomIorLubIe wILI LIe LwIsLed versIon oI reuIILy beIng pusIed on unuIysLs In brIeIIngs, cuIIed LIe
PenLugon Lo gIve u Ieuds-up LIuL some oI IIs commenLs on ox muy noL uII be IrIendIy, PenLugon
records sIow. Mr. RumsIeId`s senIor uIdes quIckIy urrunged u prIvuLe brIeIIng Ior IIm, yeL wIen Ie LoId
BIII O`ReIIIy LIuL LIe UnILed SLuLes wus noL on u good gIIde puLI rIgIL now In ruq, LIe repercussIons
were swIIL.
Mr. Cowun suId Ie wus precIpILousIy IIred Irom LIe unuIysLs group Ior LIIs uppeurunce. TIe PenLugon,
Ie wroLe In un e-muII messuge, sImpIy dIdn`L IIke LIe IucL LIuL wusn`L curryIng LIeIr wuLer. TIe nexL
duy Jumes T. Conwuy, LIen dIrecLor oI operuLIons Ior LIe JoInL CIIeIs, presIded over unoLIer conIerence
cuII wILI unuIysLs. He urged LIem, u LrunscrIpL sIows, noL Lo IeL LIe murInes` deuLIs IurLIer erode supporL
Ior LIe wur.
TIe sLruLegIc LurgeL remuIns our popuIuLIon, GeneruI Conwuy suId. We cun Iose peopIe duy In und duy
ouL, buL LIey`re never goIng Lo beuL our mIIILury. WIuL LIey cun und wIII do II LIey cun Is sLrIp uwuy our
supporL. And you guys cun IeIp us noL IeL LIuL Iuppen.
GeneruI, jusL mude LIuL poInL on LIe uIr, un unuIysL repIIed.
eL`s work IL LogeLIer, guys, GeneruI Conwuy urged.
TIe GeneruIs` RevoIL
TIe IuII dImensIons oI LIIs muLuuI embruce were perIups never cIeurer LIun In AprII zoo6, uILer severuI
oI Mr. RumsIeId`s Iormer generuIs - none oI LIem neLwork mIIILury unuIysLs - wenL pubIIc wILI
devusLuLIng crILIques oI IIs wurLIme perIormunce. Some cuIIed Ior IIs resIgnuLIon.
On rIduy, AprII 1q, wILI wIuL cume Lo be cuIIed LIe GeneruIs` RevoIL domInuLIng IeudIInes, Mr.
RumsIeId InsLrucLed uIdes Lo summon mIIILury unuIysLs Lo u meeLIng wILI IIm eurIy LIe nexL week,
records sIow. WIen un uIde urged u sIorL deIuy Lo gIve our bIg guys on LIe WesL CousL u IILLIe more LIme
Lo buy u LIckeL und geL Iere, Mr. RumsIeId`s oIIIce InsIsLed LIuL LIe boss wunLed LIe meeLIng IusL Ior
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ImpucL on LIe currenL sLory.
TIuL sume duy, PenLugon oIIIcIuIs IeIped Lwo ox unuIysLs, GeneruI Mcnerney und GeneruI VuIIeIy, wrILe
un opInIon urLIcIe Ior TIe WuII SLreeL JournuI deIendIng Mr. RumsIeId.
SLurLIng Lo wrILe IL now, GeneruI VuIIeIy wroLe Lo LIe PenLugon LIuL uILernoon. Any InpuL Ior LIe
urLIcIe, Ie udded u IILLIe IuLer, wIII be mucI upprecIuLed. Mr. RumsIeId`s oIIIce quIckIy Iorwurded
LuIkIng poInLs und sLuLIsLIcs Lo rebuL LIe noLIon oI u spreudIng revoIL.
VuIIeIy Is goIng Lo use LIe numbers, u PenLugon oIIIcIuI reporLed LIuL uILernoon.
TIe sLundurd secrecy noLwILIsLundIng, pIuns Ior LIIs sessIon Ieuked, producIng u IronL-puge sLory In TIe
TImes LIuL Sunduy. n dumuge-conLroI mode, PenLugon oIIIcIuIs scrumbIed Lo presenL LIe meeLIng us
rouLIne und dIrecLed LIuL communIcuLIons wILI unuIysLs be kepL very IormuI, records sIow. TIIs Is
very, very sensILIve now, u PenLugon oIIIcIuI wurned subordInuLes.
On Tuesduy, AprII 18, some 1; unuIysLs ussembIed uL LIe PenLugon wILI Mr. RumsIeId und GeneruI Puce,
LIen LIe cIuIrmun oI LIe JoInL CIIeIs.
A LrunscrIpL oI LIuL sessIon, never beIore dIscIosed, sIows u sIured deLermInuLIon Lo murgInuIIze wur
crILIcs und revIve pubIIc supporL Ior LIe wur.
`m un oId InLeI guy, suId one unuIysL. (TIe LrunscrIpL omILs speukers` numes.) And cun sum uII oI LIIs
up, unIorLunuLeIy, wILI one word. TIuL Is Psyops. Now mosL peopIe muy Ieur LIuL und LIey LIInk, 'OI my
God, LIey`re LryIng Lo bruInwusI.`
WIuL ure you, some kInd oI u nuL? Mr. RumsIeId cuL In, druwIng IuugILer. You don`L beIIeve In LIe
TIere wus IILLIe dIscussIon ubouL LIe ucLuuI crILIcIsm pourIng IorLI Irom Mr. RumsIeId`s Iormer generuIs.
AnuIysLs urgued LIuL opposILIon Lo LIe wur wus rooLed In percepLIons Ied by LIe news medIu, noL reuIILy.
TIe udmInIsLruLIon`s overuII wur sLruLegy, LIey counseIed, wus brIIIIunL und very successIuI.
runkIy, one purLIcIpunL suId, Irom u mIIILury poInL oI vIew, LIe penuILy, z,qoo bruve AmerIcuns wIom
we IosL, ,ooo In un Iour und 1 mInuLes, Is reIuLIve.
An unuIysL suId uL unoLIer poInL: TIIs Is u wIder wur. And wIeLIer we Iuve democrucy In ruq or noL, IL
doesn`L meun u LInker`s dumn II we end up wILI LIe resuIL we wunL, wIIcI Is u regIme over LIere LIuL`s noL
u LIreuL Lo us.
YeuI, Mr. RumsIeId suId, LukIng noLes.
BuL wInnIng or noL, LIey bIunLIy wurned, LIe udmInIsLruLIon wus In gruve poIILIcuI dunger so Iong us mosL
AmerIcuns vIewed ruq us u IosL cuuse. AmerIcu IuLes u Ioser, one unuIysL suId.
MucI oI LIe sessIon wus devoLed Lo wuys LIuL Mr. RumsIeId couId reverse LIe poIILIcuI LIde. One unuIysL
urged Mr. RumsIeId Lo jusL crusI LIese peopIe, und ussured IIm LIuL mosL oI LIe genLIemen uL LIe
LubIe wouId enLIusIusLIcuIIy supporL IIm II Ie dId.
You ure LIe Ieuder, LIe unuIysL LoId Mr. RumsIeId. You ure our guy.
AL unoLIer poInL, un unuIysL mude u suggesLIon: n one oI your speecIes you ougIL Lo suy, 'Everybody
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sLop Ior u mInuLe und ImugIne un ruq ruIed by ZurquwI.` And LIen you jusL go down LIe IIsL und suy, 'AII
rIgIL, we`ve goL oII, money, sovereIgnLy, uccess Lo LIe geogrupIIc cenLer oI gruvILy oI LIe MIddIe EusL,
bIuI, bIuI, bIuI.` I you cun jusL puInL u menLuI pIcLure Ior Joe AmerIcu Lo suy, 'OI my God, cun`L ImugIne
u worId IIke LIuL.`
Even us LIey ussured Mr. RumsIeId LIuL LIey sLood reudy Lo IeIp In LIIs pubIIc reIuLIons oIIensIve, LIe
unuIysLs sougIL guIdunce on wIuL LIey sIouId cILe us LIe nexL mIIesLone LIuL wouId, us one unuIysL puL
IL, keep LIe AmerIcun peopIe Iocused on LIe Ideu LIuL we`re movIng Iorwurd Lo u posILIve end. TIey
pIuced purLIcuIur empIusIs on LIe growIng conIronLuLIon wILI run.
WIen you suId 'Iong wur,` you cIunged LIe psycIe oI LIe AmerIcun peopIe Lo expecL LIIs Lo be u
generuLIonuI evenL, un unuIysL suId. And uguIn, `m noL LryIng Lo LeII you Iow Lo do your job...
GeL In IIne, Mr. RumsIeId InLerjecLed.
TIe meeLIng ended und Mr. RumsIeId, uppeurIng pIeused und reIuxed, Look LIe enLIre group InLo u smuII
sLudy und sIowed oII Lreusured keepsukes Irom IIs IIIe, severuI unuIysLs recuIIed.
Soon uILer, unuIysLs IIL LIe uIrwuves. TIe OmnILec monILorIng reporLs, cIrcuIuLed Lo more LIun 8o
oIIIcIuIs, conIIrmed LIuL unuIysLs repeuLed muny oI LIe PenLugon`s LuIkIng poInLs: LIuL Mr. RumsIeId
consuILed IrequenLIy und suIIIcIenLIy wILI IIs generuIs; LIuL Ie wus noL overIy concerned wILI LIe
crILIcIsms; LIuL LIe meeLIng Iocused on more ImporLunL LopIcs uL Iund, IncIudIng LIe nexL mIIesLone In
ruq, LIe IormuLIon oI u new governmenL.
Duys IuLer, Mr. RumsIeId wroLe u memorundum dIsLIIIIng LIeIr coIIecLIve guIdunce InLo buIIeL poInLs. Two
were underIIned:
ocus on LIe GIobuI Wur on Terror - noL sImpIy ruq. TIe wIder wur - LIe Iong wur.
Ink ruq Lo run. run Is LIe concern. I we IuII In ruq or AIgIunIsLun, IL wIII IeIp run.
BuL II Mr. RumsIeId Iound LIe sessIon InsLrucLIve, uL IeusL one purLIcIpunL, GeneruI NusI, LIe ABC unuIysL,
wus repuIsed.
wuIked uwuy Irom LIuL sessIon IuvIng LoLuI dIsrespecL Ior my IeIIow commenLuLors, wILI perIups one
or Lwo excepLIons, Ie suId.
VIew rom LIe NeLworks
Two weeks ugo GeneruI PeLrueus Look LIme ouL Irom LesLIIyIng beIore Congress ubouL ruq Ior u
conIerence cuII wILI mIIILury unuIysLs.
Mr. GurreLL, LIe ox unuIysL und PuLLon Boggs IobbyIsL, suId Ie LoId GeneruI PeLrueus durIng LIe cuII Lo
keep up LIe greuL work.
Hey, Mr. GurreLL suId In un InLervIew, unyLIIng we cun do Lo IeIp.
or LIe momenL, LIougI, becuuse oI Ieuvy eIecLIon coveruge und generuI wur IuLIgue, mIIILury unuIysLs ure
noL geLLIng neurIy us mucI TV LIme, und LIe neLworks Iuve LrImmed LIeIr rosLers oI unuIysLs. TIe
conIerence cuII wILI GeneruI PeLrueus, Ior exumpIe, produced IILLIe In LIe wuy oI ImmedIuLe coveruge.
SLIII, uImosL weekIy LIe PenLugon conLInues Lo conducL brIeIIngs wILI seIecLed mIIILury unuIysLs. Muny
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unuIysLs suId neLwork oIIIcIuIs were onIy dImIy uwure oI LIese InLerucLIons. TIe neLworks, LIey suId, Iuve
IILLIe grusp oI Iow oILen LIey meeL wILI senIor oIIIcIuIs, or wIuL Is dIscussed.
don`L LIInk NBC wus even uwure we were purLIcIpuLIng, suId RIck runconu, u IongLIme mIIILury unuIysL
Ior LIe neLwork.
Some neLworks pubIIsI bIogrupIIes on LIeIr Web sILes LIuL descrIbe LIeIr unuIysLs` mIIILury buckgrounds
und, In some cuses, gIve uL IeusL IImILed InIormuLIon ubouL LIeIr busIness LIes. BuL muny unuIysLs uIso suId
LIe neLworks usked Iew quesLIons ubouL LIeIr ouLsIde busIness InLeresLs, LIe nuLure oI LIeIr work or LIe
poLenLIuI Ior LIuL work Lo creuLe conIIIcLs oI InLeresL. None oI LIuL ever Iuppened, suId Mr. AIIurd, un
NBC unuIysL unLII zoo6.
TIe worsL conIIIcL oI InLeresL wus no InLeresL.
Mr. AIIurd und oLIer unuIysLs suId LIeIr neLwork IundIers uIso ruIsed no objecLIons wIen LIe DeIense
DepurLmenL begun puyIng LIeIr commercIuI uIrIure Ior PenLugon-sponsored LrIps Lo ruq - u cIeur eLIIcuI
vIoIuLIon Ior mosL news orgunIzuLIons.
CBS News decIIned Lo commenL on wIuL IL knew ubouL ILs mIIILury unuIysLs` busIness uIIIIIuLIons or wIuL
sLeps IL Look Lo guurd uguInsL poLenLIuI conIIIcLs.
NBC News uIso decIIned Lo dIscuss ILs procedures Ior IIrIng und monILorIng mIIILury unuIysLs. TIe
neLwork Issued u sIorL sLuLemenL: We Iuve cIeur poIIcIes In pIuce Lo ussure LIuL LIe peopIe wIo uppeur
on our uIr Iuve been upproprIuLeIy veLLed und LIuL noLIIng In LIeIr proIIIe wouId Ieud Lo even u
percepLIon oI u conIIIcL oI InLeresL.
JeIIrey W. ScIneIder, u spokesmun Ior ABC, suId LIuL wIIIe LIe neLwork`s mIIILury consuILunLs were noL
IeId Lo LIe sume eLIIcuI ruIes us ILs IuII-LIme journuIIsLs, LIey were expecLed Lo keep LIe neLwork
InIormed ubouL uny ouLsIde busIness enLungIemenLs. We muke IL cIeur Lo LIem we expecL LIem Lo keep
us cIoseIy upprIsed, Ie suId.
A spokeswomun Ior ox News suId execuLIves reIused Lo purLIcIpuLe In LIIs urLIcIe.
CNN requIres ILs mIIILury unuIysLs Lo dIscIose In wrILIng uII ouLsIde sources oI Income. BuL IIke LIe oLIer
neLworks, IL does noL provIde ILs mIIILury unuIysLs wILI LIe kInd oI wrILLen, specIIIc eLIIcuI guIdeIInes IL
gIves ILs IuII-LIme empIoyees Ior uvoIdIng reuI or uppurenL conIIIcLs oI InLeresL.
YeL even wIere conLroIs exIsL, LIey Iuve someLImes proven porous.
CNN, Ior exumpIe, suId IL wus unuwure Ior neurIy LIree yeurs LIuL one oI ILs muIn mIIILury unuIysLs,
GeneruI Murks, wus deepIy InvoIved In LIe busIness oI seekIng governmenL conLrucLs, IncIudIng conLrucLs
reIuLed Lo ruq.
GeneruI Murks wus IIred by CNN In zooq, ubouL LIe LIme Ie Look u munugemenL posILIon uL McNeII
TecInoIogIes, wIere IIs job wus Lo pursue mIIILury und InLeIIIgence conLrucLs. As requIred, GeneruI Murks
dIscIosed LIuL Ie receIved Income Irom McNeII TecInoIogIes. BuL LIe dIscIosure Iorm dId noL requIre IIm
Lo descrIbe wIuL IIs job enLuIIed, und CNN ucknowIedges IL IuIIed Lo do uddILIonuI veLLIng.
We dId noL usk Mr. Murks LIe IoIIow-up quesLIons we sIouId Iuve, CNN suId In u wrILLen sLuLemenL.
n un InLervIew, GeneruI Murks suId IL wus no secreL uL CNN LIuL IIs job uL McNeII TecInoIogIes wus
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ubouL wInnIng conLrucLs. meun, LIuL`s wIuL McNeII does, Ie suId.
CNN, Iowever, suId IL dId noL know LIe nuLure oI McNeII`s mIIILury busIness or wIuL GeneruI Murks dId
Ior LIe compuny. I Ie wus bIddIng on PenLugon conLrucLs, CNN suId, LIuL sIouId Iuve dIsquuIIIIed IIm
Irom beIng u mIIILury unuIysL Ior LIe neLwork. BuL In LIe summer und IuII oI zoo6, even us Ie wus
reguIurIy usked Lo commenL on condILIons In ruq, GeneruI Murks wus workIng InLensIveIy on bIddIng Ior
u $q.6 bIIIIon conLrucL Lo provIde LIousunds oI LrunsIuLors Lo UnILed SLuLes Iorces In ruq. n IucL, GeneruI
Murks wus mude presIdenL oI LIe McNeII spIn-oII LIuL won LIe Iuge conLrucL In December zoo6.
GeneruI Murks suId IIs work on LIe conLrucL dId noL uIIecL IIs commenLury on CNN. `ve goL zero
cIuIIenge sepuruLIng myseII Irom u busIness InLeresL, Ie suId.
BuL CNN suId IL Iud no Ideu ubouL IIs roIe In LIe conLrucL unLII JuIy zoo;, wIen IL revIewed IIs mosL
recenL dIscIosure Iorm, submILLed monLIs eurIIer, und IInuIIy mude InquIrIes ubouL IIs new job.
We suw LIe exLenL oI IIs deuIIngs und deLermIned uL LIuL LIme we sIouId end our reIuLIonsIIp wILI IIm,
CNN suId.
TIIs urLIcIe Ius been revIsed Lo reIIecL LIe IoIIowIng correcLIon:
CorrecLIon: AprII zz, zoo8
An urLIcIe on Sunduy ubouL LIe PenLugon`s reIuLIonsIIp wILI news medIu mIIILury unuIysLs mIsIdenLIIIed
LIe mIIILury uIIIIIuLIon oI one unuIysL, JoIn C. GurreLL. He reLIred us u coIoneI Irom LIe MurInes, noL LIe
TIIs urLIcIe Ius been revIsed Lo reIIecL LIe IoIIowIng correcLIon:
CorrecLIon: AprII zq, zoo8
TIe conLInuuLIon oI un urLIcIe on Sunduy ubouL u PenLugon eIIorL Lo use mIIILury unuIysLs Lo generuLe
IuvorubIe news coveruge currIed 1o purugrupIs LIuL were purLIy obscured In some edILIons by u cIurL.
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