Outer Distt.: 03 Auto-Lifters Arrested: 03 Stolen Motorcycles Recovered

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)+"ER &#S"".

Dated: 05.01.12

03 Auto-lifters arrested: 03 stolen motorcycles recovered.

With the arrest of 03 auto-lifters namely (1) Sunil @ Lamboo s/o Sh. Satpal r/o illa!e "asandi# $S Sadar %ohana# Distt. Sonepat# &aryana# (2) Rahul Sharma @ Shalu s/o Sh. Dharam $al Sharma r/o &. 'o. 1323# $ana $aposian# 'arela# Delhi and (3) ano! @ Sonu s/o Sh. Su(h)ir Sin!h r/o illa!e 'ahari# $S "undli# Distt. Sonepat# &aryana. *he staff of $S 'arela has re+o,ered 03 stolen motor+y+les and sol,ed 03 +ases of -. . *heft. "EA :. team +onsistin! of /nspr. .)hinendra# S&0/ 'arela# /nspr. /n,esti!ation Sh. -ano1 Sharma# &2 Satpal 'o. 103/0D# 2onst. Surender 'o. 1455/0D and 2onst. 6as)ir 'o. 1555/0D under +lose super,ision of Sh. &arpal Sin!h# .2$/ .lipur 7as +onstituted. #$%#&E$":0n 31.12.2011 the ,ehi+les +he+(in! 7as )ein! done at different pla+es in the 1urisdi+tion of $S - 'arela on the e,e of 'e7 8ear 2ele)ration. *he arran!ement 7as )ein! super,ised )y /nspr. .)hinendra# S&0/ 'arela and /nspr. /n,esti!ation Sh. -ano1 Sharma. .t a)out 3.30 $- t7o motor+y+le )orne youth ridin! on -/2y+le 'o. D9-:S-';-<115# 7ere si!nalled to stop at .-5# 2rossin! 'arela. 0n seein! the poli+e# duo tried to flee lea,in! )ehind their motor+y+le )ut 7ere apprehended )y the alert +he+(in! staff. 0n interro!ation the na))ed duo 7ere identified as Sunil = 9am)oo and >ahul Sharma = Shalu a)o,e. #$'ES"#(A"#)$:Durin! the +ourse of in,esti!ation )oth the a++used persons ha,e dis+losed that they had stolen the -/2y+le 'o. D9-:S-';-<115 from po+(et -3# Se+tor-./<# 'arela on the ni!ht inter,enin! 2:/2<-12.201# 7hi+h they 7ere plannin! to sell in ?.$. ;oth the a++used further dis+losed that they had also stolen t7o other motor+y+les 'o. &>-03- " - <55: and D9-:S-'235<5 from Se+tor-./<# 'arela and $ana -amurpur 'arela respe+ti,ely. 0n the instan+e of a++used# -/2y+le 'o. &>-03 - "-<55: &ero &onda Splender 7as re+o,ered from Shahid ;ha!at Sin!h $ar(# 'arela# Delhi. *he other -/2y+le 'o. D9:S-'2-35<5 7as sold to one Sonu and the same 7as re+o,ered from him. Sonu 7as also arrested.

PR)*#LE )* A%%+SE&:1. Sunil = 9am)oo s/o Sh. Satpal >/o illa!e @ "asandi# $S @ Sadar %ohana# Distri+t Sonepat (&>) .!e @ 2: 8rs# ;uilt - -edium# Adu+ation: - 10 th 2lass# 7or( as +ondu+tor in pri,ate )us. 2. >ahul Sharma = Shalu s/o Sh. Dharam $al Sharma r/o &.'o. 1323# $ana $aposian# 'arela# Delhi .!e @ 21 8rs# ;uilt - *hin# Adu+ation: - <th 2lass# 7or( as la)orer in fa+tory. 3. -ano1 = Sonu s/o Sh. Su(h)ir Sin!h r/o illa!e @ 'ahari# $S @ "undli# Distri+t @ Sonepat (&aryana) .!e @ 31 8rs# ;uilt - *hin# Adu+ation:-3th 2lasses# 7or( as la)orer in fa+tory.

Recovery :(1) -/2y+le 'o. D9-:S-';-<115# ma(e &ero &onda Super Splendor. (2) -/2y+le 'o. &>-03 "-<55: &ero &onda Splendor. (3) -/2y+le 'o. Dl-:S-'2-35<5 ma(e ;a1a1 $latina 7hose num)er plate 7as +han!ed as Dl-:S-'2- 55<5 7as re+o,ered from Sonu %ases solved :(1) B/> 'o. 341/2011 dated 2<.12.2011 u/s 35</411/34 /$2 $S 'arela# Delhi. (2) B/> 'o. 344/2011 dated 31.12.2011 u/s 35</411/34 /$2 $S 'arela# Delhi. (3) B/> 'o. 345/2011 dated 31.12.2011 u/s 35</411/34 /$2 $S 'arela# Delhi. Previous #nvolvement of Sunil @ Lamboo :S.$o. *#R $o. 1 2 3 4 5 3 <5/2010 232/2010 2<4/2010 Sections 35</411 /$2 35</411/4:2/34 /$2 35< /$2 (D.*A /S D?--8) *#R &ate 23/04/2010 01/01/2010 01/01/2010 01/01/2010 01/01/200< 01/01/200< Police Station C.B>.;.D '.>A9. '.>A9. '.>A9. '.>A9. '.>A9.

11/3/10/2010 35</411/34 /$2 321/200< 234/200< 35< /$2 35<

Previous #nvolvement of Rahul Sharma @ Shalu :S.$o. *#R $o. 1 33/2010 Sections 355 /$2 *#R &ate 25/01/2010 Police Station 'arela

,-. S. .A#S/AL0 D2$/0uter Distt. Delhi.



Dated: 05.01.12

1#(1 R#S2 %R# #$AL ARRES"E&. ADhi)itin! )rilliant in,esti!ation s(ills and professional +ompeten+e# the outer distri+t poli+e +omprisin! staff of $S -an!ol $uri a+hie,ed a ma1or su++ess )y arrestin! one &i!h ris( +riminal namely $aresh @ ental (a!e 23 yrs) s/o 'arayan Sin!h r/o E-313# -an!olpuri Delhi# 7ho 7as runnin! a)sent after released from 1ail# apprehended and one +ountry made pistol 7ith t7o li,e +artrid!es 7ere re+o,ered from his possession. -R#E* *A%"S )* "1E #$%#&E$":-*here 7as an information that one hi!h ris( +riminal 'aresh = mental is runnin! a)sent from his house 7.e.f 31.5.2011. *o apprehend this +riminal a dedi+ated team 7as on 7or(. *o de,elop the information on 1.1.2012 2t 1itender Sin!h and 2t 'arender 7ere on patrollin! duty in the area of E )lo+( -an!olpuri. /n the mean time se+ret informer informed that 'aresh = -ental 7ho has deadly 7eapon 7ith him is present near DS/D2 E ;lo+( -an!olpuri. 0n this poli+e team s7un! into a+tion and at a)out 0020 &rs poli+e team o,erpo7ered the 'aresh = -ental and one +ountry made pistol 7ith t7o li,e +artrid!es 7ere re+o,ered from his possession. /n this re!ard# a +ase ide B/> 'o. 3/12 ?/S 25 .. .+t 7as re!istered at $.S. -an!olpuri Delhi. "eam:-. dedi+ated team +omprisin! of S/ 6aspal Sin!h //2 $$ San1ay %andhi# 2t. 6itender# and 2t. 'arender# &2 'iran1an and &2 0m $ar(ash 7as +onstituted under the !uidan+e of /nsp. %a1ender Sin!h# S&0/-an!ol $uri and under o,erall super,ision of Sh. ".$.S -alhotra# .2$/>ohini. #$"ERR)(A"#)$:.fter the arrest of a++used he 7as interro!ated at len!th. &e is the ;2 of $.S. -an!ol $uri. .++used 'aresh = -ental ha,in! 0: pre,ious +riminal in,ol,ements and a hi!h ris( +riminal 7hen he 7as in 1ail. 9astly he 7as arrested in 2003 in +ase B/> 'o. 3:/03 ?/S 302/34 /$2 $.S. -an!ol $uri Delhi. &e remained in +ustody up to 11.5.2011. .fter releasin! from 1ail he )e+ame under!round. /nterro!ation re,ealed that re+ently he ,isited -um)ai to lin( 7ith +riminals of -um)ai. $resently he 7as residin! in a rented room in the area of Sultanpuri. &e has ri,alry 7ith some +riminals and to ta(e re,en!e from them he pur+hased the re+o,ered fire arm from ?$. Burther in,esti!ation is under pro!ress to as+ertain his in,ol,ements in other +ases. Profile of Accused:-'aresh = -ental (a!e 23 yrs) s/o 'arayan Sin!h r/o E-313# -an!olpuri Delhi is still unmarried. &e ne,er 7ent to s+hool. &e has one )rother and one sister. &e has )een in,ol,ed in follo7in! +riminal +ases:S. 'o. 1 2 3 4 5 3 B/> 'o. 353/03 355/03 3::/03 333/03 144/05 425/05 ?/S 324/34 /$2 305/34 /$2 25 .. .+t 3<</402 /$2 3:0 /$2 455/3:0 /$2 $oli+e Station. -an!olpuri -an!olpuri -an!olpuri -an!olpuri -an!olpuri -an!olpuri

5 :

215/05 3:/03

455/3:0 /$2 302/34 /$2

.m)ed(ar 'a!ar -an!olpuri


ade:-0ne 2ountry made pistol 7ith t7o li,e +artrid!es. ,-.S. .ais3al0 D2$/0uter Distt. Delhi.

$aresh @

ental s4o $arayan Sin5h

DaTED 5.01.12 PRESS RELEASE OUTER DISTRICT: DELHI POLICE SATTA RACKET BUSTED: 4 PERSONS ARRESTED: STAKE AMONUNT OF RUPEES 22450/- RECOVERED INCIDENT/BRIEF FACTS: With the arrest of (1) Irfa s!o "a#i $a%sh r!o &'(!)10* S+,ta P+ri* De,hi (a-e'22 .ears) 2. /ohd. "a#i s!o $ahid+,,a r!o 0'10)* 0ari E 1,a2e* A3a 4ihar* De,hi (a-e')0 .ears) 5. Sadda3 s!o Late /d. Is,a,3 r!o &'(!66* S+,ta P+ri* De,hi (a-e'20 .ears) ). 7ha.a3+ddi s!o $a%shi 0a3ed A sari r!o &'(!(6)* S+,ta P+ri* De,hi (a-e')2 .ears)* S+,ta P+ri* De,hi PS S+,ta P+ri* O+ter Distt. has #+sted a e8,. for3ed Satta Ra1%et. Sta%e a3o+ t of R+9ees 22)50!' a,o - 8ith s,i9s re1o2ered. A11ordi -,. 1ase &IR "o.0)!12* +!s 12!:!55 ;. A1t* PS S+,ta P+ri* De,hi 8as re-istered i this re-ard. TEAM/ INVESTIGATION: SI Dhire der Si -h* 0< Ra=esh* <t. $a=ra - La,* <t. ;+,>ar* <t. Ar+ 7+3ar* <t. "are der 7+3ar a d <t. So +* + der the ,eadershi9 of I s9 P+ra Pa t (S0O S+,ta P+ri) 8as 1o stit+ted + der the s+9er2isio of ?as3eet Si -h* IPS* A<P!S+,ta P+ri 8ere de9,o.ed for 1o,,e1tio of i for3atio a d to 1ra1% a . Satta Ra1%et r+ i - i the area of PS S+,ta 9+ri* De,hi. I this 9ro1ess o 5.01.12* at a#o+t 6:50 P/ the tea3 re1ei2ed so3e s9e1ifi1 i for3atio thro+-h so+r1e that a -ro+9 of )'5 #o.s 8ho are i 2o,2ed i ?a tri Satta Ra1%et are i the 9ro1ess of -a3#,i - thro+-h +3#er -a3e ear &'( Par%* S+,ta P+ri* De,hi. The tea3 s8+ - i to a1tio a d ,aid a tra9. &o+r #o.s 8ere fo+ d to #e i 2o,2ed i or-a i>i - Satta. A de1o. 1+sto3er 8as se t a d as si -,ed #. the de1o. 1+sto3er i a 9re'de1ided 3a er* a,, fo+r a3e,. Irfa (A-e 22 .rs.)* /ohd. "a#i (a-e')0 .rs)* Sadda3 (a-e' 20 .rs) a d 7ha.a3+ddi (a-e')2 .rs.) 8ere a99rehe ded. <ash a3o+ t of r+9ees 22)50!' 1o,,e1ted as sta%e 3o e. a,o - 8ith s,i9s 8ere re1o2ered fro3 their 9ossessio . A11ordi -,. <ase &IR "o. )!12 +!s 12!:!55 ;a3#,i - A1t* PS S+,ta P+ri* De,hi 8as -ot re-istered a d a,, fo+r 8ere arrested. PROFILES OF ACCUSED PERSONS: 1. Irfa s!o "a#i $a%sh r!o &'(!)10* S+,ta P+ri* De,hi (a-e'22 .ears). 0e is i,,iterate. 0e is 3arried a d ha2i - o e da+-hter. 0e is 8or%i - as a ,a#o+r. 0e is ha2i - t8o #rothers a d o e sister.

2. /ohd. "a#i s!o $ahid+,,a r!o 0'10)* 0ari E 1,a2e* A3a 4ihar* De,hi (a-e')0 .ears). 0e is i,,iterate. 0e is 3arried. 0e is ha2i - fo+r #rothers a d o e sister. . Sadda3 s!o Late /d. Is,a,3 r!o &'(!66* S+,ta P+ri* De,hi (a-e'20 .ears). 0e st+died +9'to 5 th sta dard. 0e is + 3arried. 0is father is e@9ired. 4. 7ha.a3+ddi s!o $a%shi 0a3ed A sari r!o &'(!(6)* S+,ta P+ri* De,hi (a-e')2 .ears). 0e st+died +9'to 5th sta dard. 0e is 3arried. CASES !ORKOUT:<ase &IR "o. )!12 +!s 12!:!55 ;a3#,i - A1t* PS S+,ta P+ri* De,hi RECOVER": 1. 2. <ash R+9ees 22)50!'. T8o s,i9s of Satta. ($.S. ?AISWAL) DEPUTA <O//ISSIO"ER O& POLI<E OUTER DISTRI<T* DEL0I

Dated 5.1.2012 Counterfeit Indian Currency Racket busted. Two persons arrested. Counterfeit Indian Currency worth Rs. 91,000/- of Rs. 500/- deno ination sei!ed. A team of officers of Crime Branch led by Inspector Jai Bhagwan and consisting of I !arm"ir ingh# A I $arsh"ardhan# $C %pender# $C Dilbagh# $C Bhrampal# $C !arma"ir# $C &itin ' Ct. !arma"ir# (nder the s(per"ision of AC) Bir ingh and o"erall s(per"ision of Addl. DC) an*ay Bhatia ha"e b(sted a rac+et of co(nterfeit Indian c(rrency. ,wo persons ha"e been arrested. Co(nterfeit c(rrency worth -s. .1#000/0 in denomination of -s. 500/0 has been reco"ered. Information was recei"ed by $C %pender that on 01.01.2012 a person in"ol"ed in a co(nterfeit c(rrency rac+et wo(ld be coming near heela Cinema# )ahar 1an*# Delhi. 2n this information a trap was laid and a person identified as &adim 3 alim /o 4ahir Alam -/o $.&o. 1556# $a(7 (in walan Jama 8a*id Delhi0 6 was apprehended. Co(nterfeit Indian c(rrency notes worth -(pees 9ighty ,ho(sand :;0#000/0< in -s. 500/0 denomination were reco"ered from his possession. A case under the appropriate sections of the law was registered. &adim was s(b*ected to intensi"e interrogation. It was re"ealed that these c(rrency notes were gi"en to him by one person namely 8ohd. -ahim 3 alman for f(rther deli"ering the same to some other person. $e had also disclosed that 8ohd. -ahim 3 alman was pre"io(sly arrested in 200. in the area of ) !amala 8ar+et in a fa+e c(rrency case. ,he acc(sed was prod(ced in the co(rt and ta+en on )olice -emand. At the instance of acc(sed &adim 3 alim the other acc(sed 8ohd. -ahim 3 alman was arrested from the area of )hargan* and Co(nterfeit Indian c(rrency notes worth -(pees 9le"en ,ho(sand :11#000/0< in -s. 500/0 denomination were reco"ered from his possession. ,he acc(sed 8ohd. -ahim 3 alman was ta+en on two days )olice remand after prod(cing in the co(rt. 8ohd. -ahim 3 alman was s(b*ected to intensi"e interrogation. 8ohd. -ahim 3 alman has disclosed that he (sed to proc(re the co(nterfeit Indian c(rrency notes from a person residing in -a+sol# Bihar# sit(ated near &epal Border. $e (sed to pay 60= of the face "al(e of the co(nterfeit Indian c(rrency note while proc(ring it and (sed to sell it for 50= of the face "al(e in Delhi and some time also (sed it as gen(ine c(rrency in the mar+et. 8ohd. -ahim 3 alman stated that &adim 3 alim was wor+ing with him as a co(rier to s(pply Co(nterfeit Indian C(rrency &otes f(rther. Both the acc(sed person ha"e been acti"e in this crime for the last > to ? years. ei7ed co(nterfeit Indian c(rrency notes ha"e most of the sec(rity feat(res of gen(ine c(rrency notes and for a man on the street it wo(ld be diffic(lt to find the difference on mere loo+ing. The particu"ars of the arrested persons are as under#-8ohd. -ahim 3 alman :aged 2; years< s/o Amir(deen r/o $. &o. ?.2# 8antola# )hargan*# Delhi#.$e was earlier arrested in case @I- &o. 11>/0. (/s ?;.C/?11/?;.B/>? I)C ) !amla 8ar+et# Delhi.

1. &adim 3 alim :aged 20 years< s/o 4ahir Alam r/o $. &o. 1556# $a(7 (in walan Jama 8a*id Delhi0 6. R$C%&$R' Counterfeit Indian Currency worth Rs. 91,000/- of Rs. 500/- deno ination reco(ered. Acc(sed &adim 3 alim is in *(dicial c(stody and acc(sed 8ohd. -ahim 3 alman is on )C -emand. @(rther in"estigation is in progress )*.+. ,-+./0.1 0223. 2'. C%44I++I%5$R %6 *%3IC$# CRI4$ 7 R0I3/0'+# 2$3.I.


S)+"1 EAS" &#S"".


ABDUCTION CUM MURDER FOR CARJACKING SOLVED INTRODUCTION: With the arrest of two accused persons namely Kitab Singh S/o Rati Ram R/o village Dunda Kheda !.S. "hatari Duraya !.#. "hatari Distt. $huland Shehar %.!. & present address Room 'o. () R/o Sharda W/o *ate Sh. +am "hand ,a +a,an Rasulpur 'awada 'oida Sec-./ %.!.0 and +unesh Kumar S/o 1a2 Ra2 Singh R/o village 'angala 3ariya !S Si,andra Rau !.#. +issi Sira2pur 3athras %! South 4ast Distt. !olice has solved a sensational abduction cum +urder case of !.S. $adarpur. INCIDENT AND TEAM: #n 5)-6/-/)66 one 7ipin Kumar S/o Ram !ra,ash R/o 7illage 'agla 8wahari !.S. +erhachi Distt. 4tta %.!. reported that he runs ta9i +ahindra :ylo 'o. %!-6.-A;-6).< in the name and style of +/S %ni=ue ;ourism !vt. *td. 3is brother in *aw $hure Singh S/o Sadhu Singh wor,s as a driver of the said ta9i. #n />-6/-/)66 at around ?.)) !+ $hure Singh telephoned his owner that he is in $adarpur area and some one is forcibly trying to abduct him. ;here after there was no contact with $hure Singh. When he chec,ed the position of the above said vehicle through 1!S he found that the ta9i was located near !.S. @iroAabad %.!. 3e suspected that some one had abducted his driver $hure Singh. #n his complaint a case @BR 'o. >6C/66 dated 5)-6/-/)66 u/s 5.( B!" was registered at police station $adarpur and investigation was ta,en up. Bn this regard a team comprising of Bnspr. San2ay $hardwa2 S3#/$adarpur Bnspr. Kamal Kishore 'o. D-6/(> SB +ahender Singh 3" 1hanshyam 65(/S 3" Samarath *al 'o. 56(/S4 "t. !remvir /6?>/S4 "t. Satender 'o. 6C?//S4 "t. 7i,rant 'o. 5CC</S4 was constituted under the overall supervision of Sh. $al Krishan Sharma A"!/Sarita 7ihar. After doing reccee of the route and painsta,ing efforts of the team some information about the accused persons was developed and the team conducted raids on several hideouts in various parts of Delhi and %! especially in $ulandshehar 1autam $udh 'agar and @iroAabad Distt. and both the accused persons namely Kitab Singh and +unesh Kumar were arrested INTERROGATION: ;hey were interrogated at length and after sustained interrogation the accused persons disclosed that they live near Sahara +all where they used to see rich and affluent gentry fre=uenting everyday in their "ars e9pensively clad which they could not afford due to poverty but wanted to become rich over-night. @or this they planned to rob e9pensive vehicle and sell it after preparing forged papers. $oth the accused persons ,new $hure Singh as +s +anisha w/o !urushottam &sister of $hure Singh0 also resides in their village. #n />-6/-66 accused persons approached driver $hure Singh to go to Agra with vehicle 'o. %!-6.;-6).< which is a new +odel. #n route to Agra $hure Singh smelled a rat and made a call to his owner 7ipin when he was near $adarpur flyover about his apprehensions. At $allabhgarh the accused persons stopped the ta9i to get a punctured tyre repaired and also bought a bottle of *i=uor. When they reached Sarai 'oor ,a $abba 4tah- ;undla Road & near village !acho,ra0 the accused persons strangulated $hure Singh who was in an inebirated state with his +uffler and dumped his dead body .) Kilo +etres away from there in 3aAara 'ehar /canal. ;he

team of !. S. $adarpur tried searching for the dead body and from local en=uiry it was gathered that some people had spotted the body of the victim in the canal 7igorous efforts were made to recover the body from the canal which is infested with crocodiles. *ater the dead body of Sh. $hure Singh was recovered by the 8affran police in District @eroAabad &%.!0 and has been identified by his family members. #n the instance of both the accused persons robbed 'o,ia 6.6. mobile of the deceased and :ylo vehicle have been recovered. ;he muffler of the deceased with which he was strangulated has also been recovered . RECOVERY: At the instance of the accused persons the following recovery has been made:+obile phone of the deceased vehicle 'o. %!-6.-A;-6).< which was driven by the deceased and the +uffler with which the deceased was strangulated. ROFILE OF T!E ACCUSED: Kitab Singh age-// yrs. self !eanuts. +unesh is also a driver. Add".D#.C$%%&''&$(e) $* +$"&,e S$-t. Ea't D&'t)&,t Ne/ De".&

Dated : 05.01.12 SECURITY GUARD INVOLVED IN T!EFT AT RESTAURANT IN !AU0 K!AS VILLAGE ARRESTED AND STOLEN CAS! RS. 1122132545 RECOVERED Staff of S S.J. E(,"a6e1 S$-t. D&'t)&,t arrested one security guard namely S$.a( S&(7. &>/ years0 s/o late "haran Singh r/o 6)? 7illage +ohammadpur 'ew Delhi who had committed theft at +/s ;*R the *iving Room located at 56 &/ nd floor0 7illage 3auA Khas 'ew Delhi and had stolen cash Rs. 6 C. 6/5/-. BRIEF FACTS : #n )>/)6/6/ Sh. !ooran "hand 8oshi s/o S. D. 8oshi r/o A-6>6 Ra2u !ar, Khanpur-Devali Road 'ew Delhi wor,ing as +anager in the restaurant +/s ;*R &the *iving Room0 located at 56 &/ nd floor0 3auA Khas 7illage visited !S S.8. 4nclave and reported that when he visited the restaurant he found that front door of the restaurant was intact but the glass of terrace was bro,en and sale of the day i.e. an amount of Rs. 6 C. 6/5/- had been stolen. After verifying the fact a case vide @BR 'o. )(/6/ dated )>/6/6/ u/s 5<)/>(C B!" !S S.8. 4nclave was registered and investigation ta,en up. INVESTIGATION : A team comprising W/SB Kamlesh +eena SB D.7. Singh 3" ;rilo, Singh 6C56/SD "t. Kishan !al 66../SD and "t. Sombir 6)?C/SD under the supervision of Bnspr. Surinder Dahiya to apprehend the accused persons and recovery of stolen cash. D-)&(7 t.e ,$-)'e $* &(6e't&7at&$(1 '&(,e &(6$"6e%e(t $* '$%e )e'ta-)a(t 'ta** /a' e'ta8"&'.ed1 e(9-&)&e' /e)e %ade *)$% t.e 'ta** $* )e'ta-)a(t. D-)&(7 ,"$'e e:a%&(at&$( $* e%+"$#ee' $* )e'ta-)a(t1 a++ea)a(,e a(d 8e.a6&$-) $* $(e 'e,-)&t# 7-a)d (a%e"# S$.a( S&(7. /a' *$-(d '-'+&,&$-'. O( '-'ta&(ed &(te))$7at&$(1 .e 8)$;e d$/( a(d ,$(*e''ed .&' &(6$"6e%e(t &( t.e t.e*t. At .&' &('ta(,e1 't$"e( ,a'. R'. 1122132545 /a' )e,$6e)ed *)$% .&' .$-'e at 10<1 M$.a%%ad+-) V&""a7e. INTERROGATION : During interrogation accused Sohan Singh disclosed that he entered the restaurant by opening the main door of the restaurant as he was aware of the place where the ,eys of restaurant were ,ept. After stealing the cash he bro,e the glass

of terrace to show the incident as it loo,s li,e committed by a professional thief and no one suspect on him. ROFILE OF ACCUSED : S$.a( S&(7. &>/ years0 s/o late "haran Singh r/o 6)? 7illage +ohammadpur 'ew Delhi is a school dropout. 3e is married and has three children. 3e wor,s as security guard at the restaurant for the last / years. !e &' '-**e)&(7 *)$% .ea)t d&'ea'e a(d -(de)7$&(7 t)eat%e(t. I( $)de) t$ %eet t.e %ed&,a" e:+e('e'1 .e /a' &( d&)e (eed $* %$(e#. 3ence he planned to commit theft in the restaurant. &C!!AYA S!ARMA0 D"!/S#%;3 DBS;RB";
$>ASS >A9A.SA DA9&/ $09/2A A.S* D/S*>/2*

&ated: 0640748078

Aast Distri+t $oli+e has su++eeded in 7or(in! out a +ase of )lind murder of a -2. student. The deceased Rajnish @ Rama Kant Srivastava alongwith six friends was traveling in a DTC Bus. Three persons pic ed the poc et of deceased Rajnish and injured !anish" #oth of whom raised an alarm. $ll the seven friends tried to apprehend the accused persons. %n the ensuing scuffle deceased Rajnish and two others !anish and Deep &ara'an sustained sta# injuries. Deceased Rajnish succum#ed to his injur' at (BS )ospital. #$%#&E$" 0n the 'e7 8ear day se,en friends namely >a1nish = >ama "ant Sri,asta,a# Salamuddin ()oth doin! -2. from /%'0?)# -anish# .lo( %upta ()oth preparin! for -.*e+h.)# Deep 'arayan (Soft7are en!ineer in $,t. /.*. firm)# ?pender "umar (An!ineer in an -.'.2.# %ur!aon)# and >amesh7ar 8ada,( Wor(in! in 'ationaliFed ;an() 7ent to 2onnau!ht $la+e. While +omin! )a+( from 2onnau!ht $la+e to -ayur ihar $hase-///# too( D*2 )us route 'o. 11: from 9aDmi 'a!ar. When the )us 7as to stop at 2hand 2inema ;us Stop >a1nish and -anish raised an alarm a)out the theft of mo)ile phone and purse. .ll the friends tried to apprehend the three pi+( po+(ets 7ho ran out of the )us. . s+uffle too( pla+e# one of the a++used later identified as -ano1 "umar# too( out a (nife and sta))ed >a1nish# -anish and Deep 'arayan. .ll the three 7ere rushed to 9;S &ospital. >a1nish = >ama "ant Sri,asta,a# a nati,e of Distri+t %ora(hpur# ?$# su++um)ed to his in1uries in 9;S &ospital. (Shri 'arender "umar Sri,asta,a# father of the de+eased is 7or(in! as &ead 2ler( in p,t. /nter 2olle!e) .++ordin!ly a +ase u/s 3<4/3<5/305/302/34 /$2 7as re!istered an in,esti!ation 7as ta(en up. #$'ES"#(A"#)$

. team of $oli+e 0ffi+ers ha,in! spe+ialiFed (no7led!e of su+h +riminals operatin! in the area 7as formed. *he $oli+e team started systemati+ally interro!atin! su+h +riminals. .fter a lon! and sustained interro!ation of se,eral +riminals the $oli+e team Feroed in on a !an! of pi+( po+(ets +onsistin! of "apur Sin!h# -ano1 "umar et+. .ll of them 7ere found a)s+ondin! from their respe+ti,e houses. *he information 7as further ,erified from lo+al sour+es and then a man hunt 7as laun+hed to apprehend them. *he $oli+e team +ould finally apprehend one -ano1 "umar S/o >am ;a)u >/o &ardua %an1# Distri+t .li!arh# ?$. .fter )ein! su)1e+ted to sustained interro!ation a++used -ano1 "umar ,oluntarily +onfessed to ha,e +ommitted the offen+e of ro))ery and murder as alle!ed. *he poli+e team su)seGuently also su++eeded in arrestin! "apoor Sin!h and has re+o,ered the 7allet (purse) of the de+eased from his possession. Profile of Accused ano! : .++used -ano1 S/o >am ;a)u is a permanent resident of .li!arh. &is father and elder )rother run a )oo( shop at .li!arh. &e studied up to 5 th standard and then started sellin! +old drin(s on a HrehriI. &e 7as arrested in a +ase of motor +y+le theft )y the &ardua %an1 $oli+e. &e 7ith the help of one of his un+les shifted his )ase to "alyan $uri. &e initially started 7or(in! on a 7ater trolley in "alyanpuri. Durin! that period he +ame in +onta+t 7ith one Sammi (a relati,e of his un+le)# a pi+( po+(et then. &e +ame in +onta+t other pi+( po+(ets throu!h Sammi and started pi+(in! po+(ets in runnin! )uses. >e+ently# after )ein! released from 1ail# he formed asso+iation 7ith "apur Sin!h and others. -ano1 "umar has pre,iously )een arrested in follo7in! +ases: Sr. *#R &ate u4s PS Present $o. Status 1. 25/10 30/01/1 35</411 >a1auri 2on,i+ted 0 /$2 %arden 2. 255/1 13/0:/1 305/34 /$2 "alyan $uri $endin! *rial 0 0 3. 403/1 22/12/1 3:2/34 /$2 "alyan $uri $endin! *rial 0 0 Profile of Accused 2a9ur Sin5h : .++used "apur Sin!h s/o .nor Sin!h 7as )orn in 1<<2 at Sultan $uri# Delhi. &e is illiterate. &is father eDpired 7hen he 7as ten years old and after the death of his father# he shifted to the house of his maternal !rand parents at "alyan $uri. /nitially he started 7or(in! as shutterin! la)orer )ut slo7ly +ame in +onta+t 7ith one &ar,inder Sin!h a pi+( po+(et and started pi+(in! po+(ets. "apur Sin!h later formed a !an! of his o7n in+ludin! -ano1 "umar. Sr. $o. 1. 2. *#R 2:1/1 0 133/1 1 &ate 1:/0:/1 0 04/03/1 1 u4s 323/341/34 /$2 3<2/3<5/411/34 /$2 25/54/5< .rms .+t PS "alyan $uri r/7 %aFi $ur Present Status $endin! *rial $endin! *rial

Recovery: Durin! further in,esti!ation the 7eapon of offen+e# a (nife used in this +ase has )een re+o,ered at the instan+e of a++used -ano1 "umar. Burther in,esti!ation of +ase is in pro!ress. . man hunt to apprehend the remainin! a++used persons is +ontinued.

&:. %)

, PRA-1A2AR 0 #SS#)$ER )* P)L#%E; EAS" &#S"R#%"; &EL1#.


WAS* D/S**.

Da#$% 05.01.2012


The Staff of Po,i1e Statio Pas1hi3 4ihar* West Distri1t has arrested t8o #o.s a3e,. Dee9a% 7+3ar B Dee9+ B A3it a d Dee9a% /ishra B S+3it 8a ted i &IR "o.55C!11* U!S )0(!)0:! )1:!)20!)(6!)C1!)C)!5) IP< P.S. Pas1hi3 4ihar. With their arrest o e La9to9 D o e -+itar 8hi1h 8as 9+r1hased fro3 the a3o+ t 1heated 8ere a,so re1o2ered. NAME AND PROFILE OF ACCUSED PERSONS.

1. 2.

Dee9a% 7+3ar B Dee9+ B A3it S!o ?a-=it Prasad ;a+ta3 R!o 7'125* ;a,i "o. 10 So3 $a>aar Road* Ra=a9+ri De,hi' A-ed 22 .rs. 6th 9assed. U e39,o.ed. Dee9a% /ishra B S+3it S!o A i, /ishra R!o ;'2!16 ;a,i "o. 26 So3 $a>aar Road* Ra=a9+ri De,hi' A-ed 20 .rs. 12th 9ass. U e39,o.ed.


1) O e La9to9 3a%e So . 2) O e ;+itar INFORMATION AND OPERATION

O 10.11.2011 a 1ase 2ide &IR "o. 55C!11 U!S )0(!)0:!)1:!)20!)(6!)C1!)C)!5) IP< 8as re-istered at P.S. Pas1hi3 4ihar o the 1o39,ai t of Sh. Tar=eet Si -h S!o Sh. ;+rshara ?eet Si -h R!o E'15& DDA &,ats /+ ir%a "e8 De,hi. The 1o39,ai a t is a 1i2i, 1o tra1tor #. 9rofessio a d d+ri - A+-+st* o e 9erso i trod+1ed hi3se,f as a re9rese tati2e of Dha La@3i $a %. 0e 9ro3ised the 1o39,ai a t that a A11o+ t 8ith Dha ,a@3i $a % 8i,, #e o9e ed ha2i - a fa1i,it. of o2er draft of Rs. 25'50 La1s. 0e de3a ded a 1heE+e of Rs. 1250!' as 9ro1essi fees i fa2o+r of Dha ,a@3i $a % a d a,so -ot the re,e2a t 9a9ers. 0e -a2e his 9e to 1o39,ai a t to fi,, +9 the detai,s i the 1heE+e. O 5th Se9te3#er* 2011* a -ir, + der the ass+3ed a3e of Sa+3.a* (o e of the a11o39,i1es) i for3ed the 1o39,ai a t o2er 9ho e that his a11o+ t 8i,, #e o9e ed 8ithi a 8ee%. O 15.0:.2011 1o39,ai a t 1he1%ed the #a,a 1e i his a11o+ t fro3 his $a %er i.e. U<O $a % Pas1hi3 4ihar a d 8as sho1%ed that a a3o+ t of Rs. )*10*000!' had #ee 8ithdra8 thro+-h the sa3e 1heE+e. D+ri - i 2esti-atio * it 8as re2ea,ed that the 1heE+e 8as e 1ashed #. a,teri - the detai,s i the 1heE+e. A tea3 + der the s+9er2isio of i s9r. A i, 7+3ar <ha+ha * S0O Pas1hi3 4ihar 1o39risi - of SI Pa8a 7+3ar* ASI Sri 7risa D <t Ra%esh (()!W 8as for3ed to 8or% o+t the 1ase.

D+e to their si 1ere efforts* t8o #o.s a3e,. Dee9a% 7+3ar B Dee9+ B A3it a d Dee9a% /ishra B S+3it 8ere arrested a d -ot re1o2ered o e La9to9 D o e -+itar 8hi1h 8as 9+r1hased fro3 the 3o e. re1ei2ed after e '1ashi the for-ed 1heE+e. MODUS OPERANDI AND INTERROGATION D+ri - i 2esti-atio * it is re2ea,ed that Dee9a% 7+3ar B Dee9+ B A3it* Dee9a% /ishra B S+3it a d /a ish B So + 1a3e i 1o ta1t 8ith a -ir, a3e,. Ra%hi ( a3e 1ha -ed) ,i2i - i the sa3e ,o1a,it. i re ted a11o33odatio . Ra%hi i trod+1ed the3 to a other #o. a3e,. Sahi, B Rah+,. The. had 8at1hed a 3o2ie F$ad3ash <o39a .G a d the. a,so 8a ted to 3a%e E+i1% 3o e. thro+-h 1heati -. The. 1ha -ed their ori-i a, a3es. Sa)*+ , Ra)-+ #ei - the 3aster 3i d a,o - 8ith Ra%hi ( a3e 1ha -ed) 3ade a 9,a to -et the 3o e. #. a,teri - the 1heE+e detai,s. The. de1ided that first Dee9a% 7+3ar 8i,, re9rese t hi3se,f as A.*#* a re9rese tati2e of Dha ,a@3i $a % to a . 1,ie t e -a-ed i the 9rofessio of 1o str+1tio for o9e i - of a11o+ t. Thereafter D$$/a0 M*1)2a 3*++ 2$/2$1$4# )*.1$+5 a1 S-.*#* to 1o,,e1t the do1+3e t a d <heE+e* Ra%hi ( a3ed 1ha -ed) 8i,, 3a%e a 1a,, re9rese ti - herse,f as Sa+3.a* a $a % e39,o.ee of Dha ,a@3i $a %. Sahi, B Rah+, 8i,, -i2e the 3a-i1 9e to Dee9a% /ishra B S+3it 8ith dire1tio that the 1heE+e detai, sho+,d #e fi,,ed #. the sa3e 9e so that a,teratio #e 3ade as 9er their 9,a . D+ri - the 9ro1ess the. 9ro1+red a 1heE+e of Rs. 1250!' fro3 the 2i1ti3* -ot it fi,,ed thro+-h 3a-i1 9e D after a,teri - the a3o+ t of the 1heE+e 8ithdre8 the h+-e a3o+ t fro3 the 2i1ti3Hs a11o+ t. I this 1ase the a11+sed Perso s fra+d+,e t,. 8ithdre8 Rs. ) ,a1s D 10 tho+sa d fro3 the 1o39,ai a tHs a11o+ t at U<O $a % D di2ided the 3o e. i to Rs. O e ,a1 ea1h. A,, the a11+sed 9erso s sta.ed at differe t hote,s D ,i2ed a ,a2ish ,ife st.,e. The a11+sed Dee9a% /ishra f,e8 to /+3#ai. 0e 1a3e #a1% D 9+r1hased a ,a9to9 D -+itar. 0e started 9,a.i - -+itar to -ai e tr. i to the $o,,.8ood (/a.a "a-ari). The 3aster3i d a3e,. Sahi, D other t8o a11o39,i1es are sti,, a#s1o di -. D+ri - s+stai ed i terro-atio * the a11+sed #ro%e do8 * 1o fessed a d -ot re1o2ered o e La9to9 D o e -+itar 8hi1h 8ere 9+r1hased fro3 the share re1ei2ed after e '1ashi - the for-ed 1heE+e. &+rther i 2esti-atio is o . The staff i 2o,2ed i -ood 8or% is #ei - re8arded s+ita#,..


A GANG OF DESPERATE ROBBERS/AUTO LIFTERS BUSTED The staff of Po,i1e Statio /oti "a-ar* West Distri1t has #+sted a -a - of des9erate Ro##ers!A+to Lifters. The -a - 8as headed #. o e dreaded ro##er /a eet /a,hotra B /a i. The -a - 8as a1ti2e i 2ario+s distri1ts of De,hi ,i%e West* So+th* <e tre a d "e8 De,hi. /ore tha t8o do>e i 1ide ts of road ro##eries ha2e #ee so,2ed. The -a - 8as 2er. 3+1h fo d of 8a deri - at to+rist 9,a1es 8ith -ir, frie ds. A11+sed P+ eet B P+ i is 2er. fo d of 8eari - #ra ded a d 1ost,. 1,othes a d shoes a d 8a ted to #e a 3ode,. &or this he has -ot 3ade 9ortfo,io of 9hoto-ra9hs i e@9e si2e st+dio. After 1o33itti - 1ri3e the -a - +sed to -o to Dis1o theE+es i So+th De,hi. P+ et B P+ i s9ea%s f,+e t E -,ish a d i39resses the -ir,s 2er. easily in Dis1o TheE+es a d -ets 1,oser to the3. P+ eet +sed to s9e d this 3o e. o -ir,s. Na.$ a4% /285*+$ 85 a99-1$% /$21841 1' 2' /a eet /a,hotra B /a i S!o Shri Rata 7+3ar /a,hotra R!o 1:(!1* /+%her=i Par%* Ti,a% "a-ar* De,hi* A-e' 2( .ears* Ed+1atio '12th . P+ eet B P+ i B 4i%as S!o Shri Di esh 7+3ar R!o "W'1:0* "arsi -h ;arde *7h.a,a* De,hi* A-e' 20 .ears* Ed+1atio I 12th

R$98:$2; .a%$

1. 2. 5. ). 5. (. C.

O e Sa tro <ar# O e Estee3 <ar. T8o 3otor1.1,es. 15 3o#i,e 9ho es of differe t 3a%es a d 3ode,s. T8o 1o+ tr. 3ade 9isto,s. Three ,i2e 1artrid-es. O e #+tto o9erated % ife.

#nformation and )9eration O 26.12.2011* Shri 7+3er Si -h re9orted that 8hi,e he 8as sta di - ear Ra=i der "a-ar /etro Statio 8aiti - for the #+s at a#o+t 10.00 93* t8o 9erso s 1a3e i a Sa tro <ar a d as%ed for his desti atio a d 9+,,ed hi3 i the 1ar. The. ro##ed hi3 of* his 3o#i,e 9ho e* AT/ 1ards D 2a,+a#,e arti1,es a d other #e,o -i -s o the 9oi t of 9isto, i r+ i - 1ar a d thre8 hi3 i $a,i "a-ar as he started raisi - a a,ar3. So+r1es 8ere de9,o.ed #. I s9. Ra= 7+3ar!S0O /oti "a-ar to 1ra1% this 1ase. Professio a, a d 1ri3i a, i te,,i-e 1e of S0O!/oti "a-ar >eroed do8 the s+s9e1ts. A i for3atio 8as re1ei2ed that a -a - headed #. o e dreaded 1ri3i a, /a i B /a eet /a,hotra 8ho ,i2es i the area of Po,i1e Statio Ti,a% "a-ar i d+,-es i s+1h t.9e of 1ri3e +si - his Sa tro <ar d+ri - i-ht. So+r1es 8ere de9,o.ed to 1o,,e1t f+rther i te,,i-e 1e. O 05.01.2012* s9e1ifi1 i for3atio 8as re1ei2ed #. S0O!/oti "a-ar that the t8o -a - 3e3#ers /a eet /a,hotra B /a i a d P+ eet B P+ i B 4i%as 8i,, 1o3e at a#o+t 2.00 P/ ear /oti "a-ar /etro Statio 8ith i,,e-a, 8ea9o s #. a Sa tro 1ar. O this i for3atio * a raidi - 9art. + der the s+9er2isio of Shri ?.7. Shar3a! A<P' Ra=o+ri ;arde 1o sisti - of I s9e1tor Ra=%+3ar!S0O /oti "a-ar* SI /a o= $hatia* SI Ra3 Prata9*SI S+ i, Da-ar* SI Dahr3e der* PSI A=a.* PSI ?a-dee9* 0<* Ra=esh* 0< "are dra* 0< Ra dhir * 0< S+ i, * <t* 0ari%esh* <t* A3it a d <t. Di esh 8as 1o stit+ted a d a tra9 8as ,aid ear /oti "a-a /etro Statio . At a#o+t 2.00 93* t8o #o.s 1a3e i a Sa tro 1ar #eari - +3#er 9,ate DL')<"D'061 a d 8ere a99rehe ded #. 9o,i1e 9art.. The. dis1,osed their a3es as /a eet /a,hotra B /a i a d P+ eet B P+ i B 4i%as. O their sear1h t8o ,oaded 1o+ tr. 3ade 9isto,s* ,i2e 1artrid-es* a d t8o ro##ed 3o#i,e 9ho es 8ere re1o2ered. O i terro-atio the. dis1,osed that the. ha2e 1o33itted 3a . ro##eries a d 4ehi1,e thefts. O their i sta 1e t8o sto,e /otor 1.1,es (sto,e fro3 the =+risdi1tio of PS' Pate, "a-ar a d We,1o3e) a d o e Estee3 1ar sto,e fro3 the =+risdi1tio of PS' Ti,a% "a-ar 8as re1o2ered. 15 ro##ed 3o#i,e 9ho es a,so 8ere re1o2ered at their i sta 1e. INTERROGATION AND MODUS OPERANDI D+ri - i terro-atio * /a eet /a,hotra B /a i dis1,osed that he #e,o -s to a 3edi+3 fa3i,. a d his father is a -o2t. ser2a t. 0e st+died +9 to 12th sta dard. 0e 8as ot -ood i st+dies so he ,eft st+dies. Eas. a2ai,a#i,it. of 3o e. 3ade hi3 a ha#it+a, -a3#,er a d 8o3a i>er. 0e #e1a3e de#t ridde d+e to -a3#,i - a d 9eo9,e started as%i - for their 3o e.. 0e 1a3e i 1o ta1t 8ith o e P+ eet B P+ i B 4i%as 8ho a,so #e,o -ed to 3edi+3 fa3i,.. P+ eet is 2er. fo d of 8eari - 1ost,. a d #ra ded 1,othes a d shoes. 0e has -ood 9erso a,it. a d has 3a . -ir, frie ds. 0a2i - 3a . -ir, frie ds a d #ei - de#t ridde * the. started 1o33itti - ro##eries a d /4 Theft. The. +sed the sto,e 2ehi1,es for 1o33itti - ro##eries. The. +sed to 1o3e o+t o roads i i-ht ho+rs a d tar-et ,o e,. 9erso s sta di - a,o e o road. The. 8o+,d as% for so3e desti atio a d +sed to 9+sh hi3 i the 1ar. The. 8o+,d ro# 1ash* /o#i,e 9ho es* =e8e,,er. a d AT/ <ards a d other 2a,+a#,e arti1,es i r+ i - 1ar. The. 8o+,d as% the se1ret 9i 1ode of AT/ <ard fro3 2i1ti3 for1i#,. at the 9oi t of 9isto, a d 8ithdra8 the 3o e. a d thro8 the 2i1ti3 o road. The -a - 8as fo d of 8a deri - i ;oa* /+3#ai a d 0i3a1ha, Pradesh 8ith -ir, frie ds.

Staff i 2o,2ed i the -ood 8or% is #ei - re8arded s+ita#,..




DATED 05.01.2012


INTRODUCTION With the arrest of t8o A+to ,ifters* "orth West Distt. Po,i1e has #+sted a -a - 8hi1h 8as o9erati2e i De,hi a d Uttar Pradesh. A11+sed 9erso s S+ . ?ai a d ?ite der B ?ite ha2e #ee arrested a d fi2e sto,e 2ehi1,es ha2e #ee re1o2ered at their i sta 1e. A 1ase has #ee re-istered a-ai st the3 a d i 2esti-atio has #ee ta%e +9. INCIDENT AND INVESTIGATION &o,,o8i - so3e i 1ide ts of /otor 4ehi1,e thefts i the area* i te si2e 2ehi1,e 1he1%i - 8as #ei - do e i the area of PS /a+r.a E 1,a2e. Lo1a, i te,,i-e 1e 8as 1o,,e1ted* so+r1es 8ere a,so de9,o.ed a d a i for3atio re-ardi - o9eratio of a+to'thief -a - i the /a+r.a E 1,a2e area 8as re1ei2ed that the -a - ha2e a,read. ta%e sto1% of to9o-ra9h. of the area a d 8o+,d stea, the /otor <.1,es. S+#seE+e t to the i for3atio * a tea3 1o39risi - of 0< Prith2i Si -h* 0< De2e der a d <t Ra=#ir Si -h 8as de9,o.ed for 2ehi1,e 1he1%i - ear <it. Par% 0ote, at 7P Pi1%et. T8o 9erso s o o e /!<.1,e "o. DL'5S'A$' 2225 8as sto99ed for 1he1%i -. $oth the 9erso s 8ere as%ed to 9rod+1e the R!< #+t i stead of 9rod+1i - R!<* the dri2er of the 2ehi1,e as 8e,, as the 9i,,io rider i trod+1ed the3se,2es as 3edia 9erso s a d sho8ed /edia!Press 1ards 9+r9orted to #e iss+ed fro3 E,e1tro i1 a d 9ri t 3edia. The 9o,i1e staff 1he1%ed the E -i e a d <hassis "+3#er of the /!<.1,e a d 2erified thro+-h A+to /at1h a d JIP"ET a d it 8as fo+ d that the ori-i a, "+3#er of the said /!<.1,e 8as DL'5S'AP'C22( a d it 8as sto,e fro3 the area of PS O%h,a I d+stria, Area. &o,,o8i - the i for3atio of sto,e 2ehi1,e* #oth the a11+sed 9erso s 8ere arrested a d s+stai ed i terro-atio res+,ted i the dis1,oser of theft of : /!<.1,es. The 9o,i1e tea3 raided at 7irti "a-ar area a d re1o2ered fo+r /!<.1,es. A-ai o 1o fir3atio * it 8as re2ea,ed that a,, the fo+r 3otor1.1,es #ore fa%e re-istratio +3#ers a d 8ere re9orted,. sto,e fro3 the area of P.S. O%h,a I d+stria, area. NAME AND PROFILE OF ACCUSED

1. S-44; <a*4 1/8 S);a. S-4%$2 <a*4 2/8 H.N8.14= G8:*4% V*)a2 Ga+* N8.12 Ka2a3a+ Na>a2 D$+)* -?4 A>$ 2 "$a21 @ #) Pa11. 0e st+died +9to 6th a d thereafter started 8or%i - i <D!D4D sho9 at 5th P+shta Tra s Aa3+ a area a d 1a3e i 1o ta1t 8ith ?ite der B ?it+. The. started dri %i - a d +si - dr+-s. I the 3o th of 3ar1h 2011* s+ . 8e t to O%h,a I d+stria, Area o the #i%e of o e of his frie d a d 8he sitti - i a 2ehi1,e 9ar%i -* he sto,e o e #i%e +si - the %e. he 8as ha2i -. Thereafter he fo+ d that so3e o,d 3ode, #i%es 1a #e o9e ed 8ith the he,9 of %e. of a other #i%e easi,.. ;rad+a,,.* he i d+,-ed i the theft of #i%es. 0is area of o9eratio 8as O%h,a I d+stria, Area as he tho+-ht that 8or%ers are or3a,,. ha2i - o,d 3ode, #i%es 8hi1h 1a #e o9e ed easi,. a d a,so that d+e to their 8or% i side fa1tories* the. 9ar% their 2ehi1,e o+tside fa1tories a d did ot 1are #efore e2e i -. 0e had sto,e : #i%es i the sa3e 3a er. Prese t,.* he is 8or%i - as &ie,d #o. i Airte, 1o39a .. 2. <*#$4%$2 , <*#- 1/8 P-281)##a. R/O C-4AA Ga+* N8.24 B)aBa4 P-2a D$+)*( a+18 a# A- =@ C)-4a B)a##*( K*2#* Na>a2 D$+)* A>$ 2 "$a21 . 0is father is residi - at 7irti "a-ar 8hi,e his 3other is residi - at 7ara8a, "a-ar. 0e 8as a,so residi at #oth the 9,a1es a d 8hi,e residi - at 7ara8a, "a-ar* he 1a3e i 1o ta1t 8ith S+ . ?ai at <D!D4D sho9 a d #e1a3e frie ds. S+ . a,so 2isited 7irti "a-ar ?h+--i 1,+ster 8ith ?ite der a d fo+ d that sto,e 2ehi1,es 1a #e dis9osed off easi,. thro+-h the 9erso s of ?h+--i 1,+ster as 3ost of the3 are reside ts of Easters UP!$ihar side a d 2ehi1,es 1a #e se t there. T8o sto,e #i%es ha2e #ee shifted to A>a3 ;arh Distt. UP i the ati2e 2i,,a-e of ?ite der 8hi,e o e $i%e 8as so,d to o e

9erso of ;ha>ia#ad UP. O e #i%e 8as 9ar%ed i See,a3 P+r /etro Statio . &i2e /!<.1,es ha2e #ee re1o2ered so far a d efforts are #ei - 3ade to tra1e other 3!1.1,es. RECOVER" 1. DL'5S'AW':2:5 $a=a= Dis1o2er* sto,e 2ide &IR "o. C5!11 Dt. 12!5!11 PS O%h,a I d.Area De,hi. 2. DL':S'U')201 $a=a= P,ati a* sto,e 2ide &IR "o. 112!11 Dt. 15!)!11 PS O%h,a I d.Area De,hi. 5. DL'5S'AP'C22( $a=a= Dis1o2er* sto,e 2ide &IR "o. 520!11 Dt. 15!10!11 PS O%h,a I d.Area De,hi. ). DL'5S'$K'256: 0ero 0o da S9,e dor* sto,e 2ide &IR "o. 5()!11 Dt. 11!11!11 PS O%h,a I d.Area De,hi. 5. DL'5S'AL'CC5( $a=a= Dis1o2er* sto,e 2ide &IR "o. 56(!11 Dt. 2:!11!11 PS O%h,a I d.Area De,hi. TEAM 1. 2. 5. ). 5. I s9r.Par2ee 7+3ar S0O!/.E 1,a2e SI Sa dee9 Da#as 0< Prith2i 0< De2e der <t.Ra=#ir &+rther i 2esti-atio is i 9ro-ress a d i 2o,2e3e t of the -a - 8ith other si3i,ar offe 1es is #ei - as1ertai ed.


D.. <o33issio er of Po,i1e: "orth West Distri1t* De,hi.


Dated 05.01.2012

YOUNG BOYS INS IRED BY !INDI MOVIE >BADMAS! COM ANY? DU ED A BUSINESSMAN TO FULFILL T!EIR AIM TO =ORK IN BOLLY=OOD1 ARRESTED ;he Staff of !olice Station !aschim 7ihar West District has arrested two boys namely Deepa, Kumar D Deepu D Amit and Deepa, +ishra D Sumit wanted in @BR 'o.55C/66 %/S >)./>)?/ >6?/>/)/>.</>C6/>C>/5> B!" !.S. !aschim 7ihar. With their arrest one *aptop E one guitar which was purchased from the amount cheated were also recovered. NAME AND ROFILE OF ACCUSED ERSONS. 6. Deepa, Kumar D Deepu D Amit S/o 8ag2it !rasad 1autam R/o K-6/( 1ali 'o. 6) Som $aAaar Road Ra2apuri Delhi- Aged // yrs. <th passed. %nemployed. /. Deepa, +ishra D Sumit S/o Anil +ishra R/o 1-//6< 1ali 'o. /< Som $aAaar Road Ra2apuri Delhi- Aged /) yrs. 6/th pass. %nemployed. RO ERTY RECOVERED 60 #ne *aptop ma,e Sony /0 #ne 1uitar INFORMATION AND O ERATION #n 6).66./)66 a case vide @BR 'o. 55C/66 %/S >)./>)?/>6?/>/)/>.</>C6/>C>/5> B!" was registered at !.S. !aschim 7ihar on the complaint of Sh. ;ar2eet Singh S/o Sh. 1ursharan 8eet Singh R/o 4-65@ DDA @lats +unir,a 'ew Delhi. ;he complainant is a civil contractor by profession and during August one person introduced himself as a representative of Dhan *a9mi $an,. 3e promised the complainant that an Account with Dhanla9mi $an, will be opened having a facility of over draft of Rs. /(-5) *acs. 3e

demanded a che=ue of Rs. 6/()/- as processing fees in favour of Dhanla9mi $an, and also got the relevant papers. 3e gave his pen to complainant to fill up the details in the che=ue. #n (th September /)66 a girl under the assumed name of Saumya &one of the accomplices0 informed the complainant over phone that his account will be opened within a wee,. #n 65.)?./)66 complainant chec,ed the balance in his account from his $an,er i.e. %"# $an, !aschim 7ihar and was shoc,ed that an amount of Rs. > 6) )))/- had been withdrawn through the same che=ue. During investigation it was revealed that the che=ue was encashed by altering the details in the che=ue. A team under the supervision of inspr. Anil Kumar "hauhan S3# !aschim 7ihar comprising of SB !awan Kumar ASB Sri Krisan E "t Ra,esh ..>/W was formed to wor, out the case. Due to their sincere efforts two boys namely Deepa, Kumar D Deepu D Amit and Deepa, +ishra D Sumit were arrested and got recovered one *aptop E one guitar which was purchased from the money received after en-cashing the forged che=ue.

MODUS O ERANDI AND INTERROGATION During investigation it is revealed that Deepa, Kumar D Deepu D Amit Deepa, +ishra D Sumit and +anish D Sonu came in contact with a girl namely Ra,hi &name changed0 living in the same locality in rented accommodation. Ra,hi introduced them to another boy namely Sahil D Rahul. ;hey had watched a movie F$admash "ompanyG and they also wanted to ma,e =uic, money through cheating. ;hey changed their original names. Sahil D Rahul being the master mind along with Ra,hi &name changed0 made a plan to get the money by altering the che=ue details. ;hey decided that first Deepa, Kumar will represent himself as Amit a representative of Dhanla9mi $an, to any client engaged in the profession of construction for opening of account. ;hereafter Deepa, +ishra will represent himself as Sumit to collect the document and "he=ue Ra,hi &named changed0 will ma,e a call representing herself as Saumya a $an, employee of Dhanla9mi $an,. Sahil D Rahul will give the magic pen to Deepa, +ishra D Sumit with direction that the che=ue detail should be filled by the same pen so that alteration be made as per their plan. During the process they procured a che=ue of Rs. 6/()/- from the victim got it filled through magic pen E after altering the amount of the che=ue withdrew the huge amount from the victimHs account. Bn this case the accused !ersons fraudulently withdrew Rs. > lacs E 6) thousand from the complainantHs account at %"# $an, E divided the money into Rs. #ne lac each. All the accused persons stayed at different hotels E lived a lavish life style. ;he accused Deepa, +ishra flew to +umbai. 3e came bac, E purchased a laptop E guitar. 3e started playing guitar to gain entry into the $ollywood &+aya 'agari0. ;he mastermind namely Sahil E other two accomplices are still absconding. During sustained interrogation the accused bro,e down confessed and got recovered one *aptop E one guitar which were purchased from the share received after en-cashing the forged che=ue. @urther investigation is on. ;he staff involved in good wor, is being rewarded suitably. &7.R4'1A'A;3A'0 B!S ADD*."#++BSB#'4R #@ !#*B"4 W4S; DBS;RB";: '4W D4*3B !R4SS R4*4AS4 W4S; DBS;;. Dated )(.)6./)6/

A GANG OF DES ERATE ROBBERS4AUTO LIFTERS BUSTED ;he staff of !olice Station +oti 'agar West District has busted a gang of desperate Robbers/Auto *ifters. ;he gang was headed by one dreaded robber +aneet +alhotra D +anni. ;he gang was active in various districts of Delhi li,e West South "entre and 'ew Delhi. +ore than two doAen incidents of road robberies have been solved. ;he gang was very much fond of wandering at tourist places with girl friends. Accused !uneet D !unni is very fond of wearing branded and costly clothes and shoes and wanted to be a model. @or this he has got made portfolio of photographs in e9pensive studio. After committing crime the gang used to go to Discothe=ues in South Delhi. !unnet D !unni spea,s fluent 4nglish and impresses the girls very easily in Disco ;he=ues and gets closer to them. !uneet used to spend this money on girls.

Na%e a(d +)$*&"e $* a,,-'ed +e)'$(' 6- +aneet +alhotra D +anni S/o Shri Ratan Kumar +alhotra R/o 6?./6 +u,her2i !ar, ;ila, 'agar Delhi Age- /. years 4ducation -6/th . /!uneet D !unni D 7i,as S/o Shri Dinesh Kumar R/o 'W-6?) 'arsingh 1arden Khyala Delhi Age- /) years 4ducation I 6/th Re,$6e)# %ade 6. #ne Santro "ar /. #ne 4steem "ar. 5. ;wo motorcycles. >. 6( mobile phones of different ma,es and models. (. ;wo country made pistols. .. ;hree live cartridges. C. #ne button operated ,nife. I(*$)%at&$( a(d O+e)at&$( #n /<.6/./)66 Shri Kumer Singh reported that while he was standing near Ra2inder 'agar +etro Station waiting for the bus at about 6).)) pm two persons came in a Santro "ar and as,ed for his destination and pulled him in the car. ;hey robbed him of his mobile phone A;+ cards E valuable articles and other belongings on the point of pistol in running car and threw him in $ali 'agar as he started raising an alarm. Sources were deployed by Bnsp. Ra2 Kumar/S3# +oti 'agar to crac, this case. !rofessional and criminal intelligence of S3#/+oti 'agar Aeroed down the suspects. An information was received that a gang headed by one dreaded criminal +anni D +aneet +alhotra who lives in the area of !olice Station ;ila, 'agar indulges in such type of crime using his Santro "ar during night. Sources were deployed to collect further intelligence. #n )5.)6./)6/ specific information was received by S3#/+oti 'agar that the two gang members +aneet +alhotra D +anni and !uneet D !unni D 7i,as will come at about /.)) !+ near +oti 'agar +etro Station with illegal weapons by a

Santro car. #n this information a raiding party under the supervision of Shri 8.K. Sharma/ A"!- Ra2ouri 1arden consisting of Bnspector Ra2,umar/S3# +oti 'agar SB +ano2 $hatia SB Ram !ratap SB Sunil Dagar SB Dahrmender !SB A2ay !SB 8agdeep 3" Ra2esh 3" 'arendra 3" Randhir 3" Sunil "t 3ari,esh "t Amit and "t. Dinesh was constituted and a trap was laid near +oti 'aga +etro Station. At about /.)) pm two boys came in a Santro car bearing number plate D*->"'D-)<6 and were apprehended by police party. ;hey disclosed their names as +aneet +alhotra D +anni and !uneet D !unni D 7i,as. #n their search two loaded country made pistols live cartridges and two robbed mobile phones were recovered. #n interrogation they disclosed that they have committed many robberies and 7ehicle thefts. #n their instance two stolen +otor cycles &stolen from the 2urisdiction of !S- !atel 'agar and Welcome0 and one 4steem car stolen from the 2urisdiction of !S- ;ila, 'agar was recovered. 6( robbed mobile phones also were recovered at their instance.

INTERROGATION AND MODUS O ERANDI During interrogation +aneet +alhotra D +anni disclosed that he belongs to a medium family and his father is a govt. servant. 3e studied up to 6/th standard. 3e was not good in studies so he left studies. 4asy availability of money made him a habitual gambler and womaniAer. 3e became debt ridden due to gambling and people started as,ing for their money. 3e came in contact with one !uneet D !unni D 7i,as who also belonged to medium family. !uneet is very fond of wearing costly and branded clothes and shoes. 3e has good personality and has many girl friends. 3aving many girl friends and being debt ridden they started committing robberies and +7 ;heft. ;hey used the stolen vehicles for committing robberies. ;hey used to come out on roads in night hours and target lonely persons standing alone on road. ;hey would as, for some destination and used to push him in the car. ;hey would rob cash +obile phones 2ewellery and A;+ "ards and other valuable articles in running car. ;hey would as, the secret pin code of A;+ "ard from victim forcibly at the point of pistol and withdraw the money and throw the victim on road. ;he gang was fond of wandering in 1oa +umbai and 3imachal !radesh with girl friends. Staff involved in the good wor, is being rewarded suitably.

&7. R4'1A'A;3A'0 B!S ADD*. "#++BSSB#'4R #@ !#*B"4 W4S; DBS;RB";: '4W D4*3B

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