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School: Unknown, by Krista MacDonald Placement: 1 Day: Thursday !

esson: Ty"es o# $ymnastics $rade: % Session: Duration: + minutes ,cti-ity: .hythmic Date: January 29, &lass: co'ed, 2 ()* $ymnastics 2 9 students /0ui"ment).esources: , hoo", 1ymnasium, mats, #irst aid kit, lar1e "oster with routine 1uidelines on it !earnin1 2utcomes: By the end of the lesson pupils should know / be S"eci#ic !earnin1 2utcomes: able to: A7- : demonstrate manipulati!e skills by using elements of space Know what rhythmic gymnastics is. awareness" effort and relationships with and without ob#ects to Be able to put together a short routine with smooth transitions. impro!e performance. $7-%: select and apply practices that contribute to teamwork. &7-': identify" describe and follow the rules" routines and procedures for safety in a !ariety of acti!ities and in all dimensions.
$eneral 2utcomes


7ene#its 8ealth


Do 6t Daily93or !i#e 0oal )etting/ -ersonal $hallenge Acti!e .i!ing (n the $ommunity

S"eci#ic Basic 2utcomes )kills

Application of Basic )kills

+unctional +itness

Body (mage



+air -lay





Time Pu"il acti-ities 5arm'u" ) 6ntroduction 4 min % min 2r1anisation

Teachin1 Methods

Teachin1 Points ,ssessment 3ocus

(ntroduce the children to the plan of the day" describe that they will be learning a type of rhythmic gymnastic to build on the skills they ha!e learned through the week so far.

)tudents are brought around the teacher sitting in a huddled semi-circle

&irect teaching method" and guided disco!ery. Allowing the

*nsure that the class is acti!ely listening" remind

$heck for understanding on the goals of the

-re!ious skills learned include locomotion" flight and balances with and without a partner. &escribe to the class what rhythmic gymnastics is: 2hythmic gymnastics is a sport in which single competitors or pairs" trios or e!en more" manipulate one or two apparatus: rope" hoop" ball" clubs and ribbon. *3plain to them that today they will all be using a hoop. /ell the students that by the end of the class they will be e3pected to complete a small routine consisting of elements that they ha!e learned o!er the past few days" point out to the class where the re4uirements are posted. 2eiterate the important safety aspects of gymnastics5 ask the students what they remember: /hat students must participate in shoes or bare feet that they should not attempt an acti!ity that is beyond their capability.
% min

position while the teacher is s4uatted or 8taking a knee9

teacher to discuss students that that and directly tell means while you the students what are talking they are is going to be listening. happening during the day" as well as guided disco!ery if the students need help in remembering the lessons taught from the last few days.


7e1in the warm u" ,cti-ity. 6$hain /ag7. )elect a few students to be 8it9" when another is captured they #oin hands and continue chasing until there is only one student left" repeat if necessary and game finishes 4uickly" picking new students to be 8it9.

)tudents are running throughout the gym working together to corner" chase and tag other class members.

/eacher directed and following instructions.

2emind students to keep their heads up and watch where they are running. *nsure that they are not pulling on each others arms and that they are working together to catch other students.

: min


% min

% min

/ransition: $all students in to you and gi!e them % seconds to come to you. Allow students to get hoops in groups based on eye hair colour" and then circulate around you. &iscuss different types of locomotion skills that the students ha!e learned" ask them what different types are ;walk" hop" #ump etc.< demonstrate a way in which they can mo!e with the hoop" walking with it rolling beside them. /ell them about hoop control as you are walking among them. 0i!e the students % minutes to disco!er ways that they can mo!e with the hoop themsel!es" then ask for !olunteers to show their uni4ue ways. $all for the students to stop and listen while you e3plain the ne3t acti!ity. +or the ne3t few minutes call out different types of balances. *3. Balance with : points of contact" ' points of contact" only using your feet" using one foot and one hand=point out 8uni4ue9 e3amples. Ask the students to find a partner of appro3imately the same si>e. $ontinue ha!ing them make shapes but they must be in contact with their partner. ?se the same cues as before. /ell the students that they are going to be doing types of rotations with the hoops. &emonstrate rotating ' @ degrees while the hoop

)tudents are surrounding the teacher and holding their hoops still. )tudents are mo!ing around the gymnasium with their hoops in all directions" using space.

/eacher directed ;command< practice style" guided disco!ery and di!ergent style. )tudents will practice skills and routine. )tudents will disco!er for themsel!es mo!ements that can be incorporated. )tudents are gi!en a problem of creating a routine and disco!ering a way to design it.

2emind students to keep their heads up while mo!ing about so that they do not run into one another. /ell students to keep a tight body" to ensure the stability of the balance" if they ha!e trouble understanding use the raw to cooked spaghetti analogy" raw spaghetti is tight and therefore stands straight but cooked spaghetti is wiggly and loose and can9t hold its shape.

/eacher checklist for student understanding" ensure that all students are progressing through the desired skills.


% min

% min

1% min

is rotating around your body. (f students ha!e not disco!ered on their own" tell them that the hoop can be rotated around a body part while they are doing either a balance" locomotion or a rotational skill. 0i!e the students % minutes to de!elop a few rotations on their own. (f they wish to use a mat to do rotations on the floor" direct them to where a few ha!e been placed out before class. $all for the class to listen again" and tell them that they ha!e one more thing to practice before they can begin working on their routines. Allow them to mo!e back to their partner and ha!e them find ways to swap hoops back and forth. &o not gi!e them any e3amples5 let them disco!er it on their own. ,hile the students are practicing go around and ask a few students to show their swapping to the class. After the students ha!e demonstrated their types of swapping" tell the students that they ha!e 1% minutes to put together a routine consisting of o : solo balances o : partner balances o : hoop swaps o : locomotion skills o : rotations /he routine must begin with a partner balance and end with a partner balance" e!erything else may be in whate!er order they decide. Ask if any students ha!e any 4uestions before allowing them

2emind students to keep their eyes on the hoop at all times while it is passing from one partner to the other.

/eacher is wandering through the class to ensure that all students are staying on task" offering help or ad!ice when needed.

)tudents are spread out away from one another working together to put together a solid routine that shows smooth transitions and all of the elements.

% min

to break off into partners ;or three if necessary<. ,hile the students are practicing" go around and ask if any need help" making suggestions as you go. Ba!e the students in sets of ' perform in front of the class what they ha!e put together for their routine. Band out a checklist to other groups of students that has a list of the re4uirements so that they can ensure all aspects were co!ered in the routine.

All students are seated e3cept those that are performing. /hey are watching attenti!ely and checking off what students ha!e in their routine.

-eer checklist to ensure that all students ha!e the re4uired elements of the routine.

4 min

5arm down ) &onclusion

(f routine runs into cool down time it is fine. Ask students: ,hat were the key things you learned todayC ,hat is rhythmic gymnasticsC ,hat are some of the key points from todayC Ba!e the students do light stretching as you are asking them these 4uestions Briefly tell the students that tomorrow they will be building on what they did today and be getting an introduction to using gymnic balls.

)tudents are surrounding the teacher in a semicircle again to close up for the day.

$heck for understanding through in4uiry.

,da"tations: )hawn is a student with a hearing impairment. Be is completely deaf in his left ear with the ma#ority of his hearing gone in the other. Be wears a hearing aid but still has a !ery difficult time hearing. Be is learning to read lips but is still !ery limited in the fact that when spoken 4uickly and not pronounced precisely he cannot understand what is being said. ,hen lip reading it is also !ery important that the person be directly facing )hawn so that he may see the mo!ement without an ob#ect blocking it. Dou should ha!e cue cards with short instructions for )hawn" he can speak so if he has 4uestions he will ask you" howe!er it may be useful to ha!e a small white board to answer any 4uestions he may ha!e. )hawn does not know any sign language yet as it was a summer farm accident that caused him to ha!e a hearing impairment. Ether students are !ery understanding in helping )hawn catch on in physical education. (t may be best to pair him up with a strong student" so that he/she may show him what is re4uested of them. )hawn is a !ery !isual learner and en#oys when things are taught to him through demonstration. Sa#ety &onsiderations: )tudents can participate in shoes" or bare feet" not socks. *nsure that the lesson is taught to progression" do not go directly into using implements. ;lesson ' of %" progressions were already taught< $onstant super!ision Fo!ements should be within the ability range of the student. .e#lection:

/-aluation o# Pu"ils; !earnin1

/-aluation o# my Teachin1

6m"lications #or ne<t lesson:

.outine &hecklist 2 rotations 2 locomotion skills 2 "artner balances 2 solo balances 2 hoo" swa"s Did the "air work to1ether? =)> =)> =)> =)> =)> =)>

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