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Accenture Communication Solutions

Accenture Helps VimpelCom Take Strides

Toward High Performance Through a New
Revenue Assurance Program
Client profile partners increases and, subsequently, ance function and its supporting
The VimpelCom Group consists so do the chances of revenue leakage. system that can help companies work
of telecommunications operators to minimize revenue losses and maxi-
Revenue leakage is particularly dif-
providing voice and data services mize profitability are a prime example
ficult to control during periods of
through a range of mobile, fixed of such distinctive capabilities in the
robust growth. For example, as a
and broadband technologies. The communications industry.
communications company rapidly
Group includes companies operat- gains new customers and develops To help achieve its goals, VimpelCom
ing in Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, new products and services to serve teamed with Accenture. VimpelCom’s
Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Georgia, them, tracking network usage and executives viewed Accenture as a
Armenia, as well as Vietnam and ensuring accurate billing becomes valuable collaborator in the communi-
Cambodia, in territories with a total very complex. Indeed, a major con- cations company’s revenue assurance
population of about 340 million. tributor to the strong growth posted effort for several reasons: Accenture
As those countries developed healthy by VimpelCom in the past few years had a long history of serving some
appetites for communications prod- has been the broad array of plans the of the world’s most influential com-
ucts and services, VimpelCom saw an company has offered: pre-paid and munications companies and extensive
enormous spike in the demand for its post-paid services, short message experience in designing and imple-
services. The company has been on services (SMS), and voice and mobile menting industry-leading revenue
a strong growth trajectory, having data, all delivered across a variety of assurance capabilities. Furthermore,
posted a record revenue of $10.1 technologies and on varying terms Accenture would bring to the project
billion for the 2008 fiscal year.1 (with respect to marketing offerings, its insights into how leading commu-
tariff plans and options). The com- nications companies use distinctive
Business challenge bination of offering complexity and capabilities such as those support-
No company wants to miss out on
VimpelCom’s rapid growth meant that ing revenue assurance to help them
opportunities to reduce leakages and
simply understanding what customers achieve high performance. Finally,
costs and to maximize revenue and
had bought, what they should be Accenture’s global resource footprint
profitability. But that’s precisely what
charged and how the company’s meant the company had people in
many communications companies are
infrastructure was being utilized the areas in which VimpelCom oper-
doing because they do not adequately
was a significant challenge. ated and, thus, could bring to the
ensure they are billing for and col-
project insights into local require-
lecting all the revenue they are due. While VimpelCom management
ments and culture.
Accenture research has found com- was pleased with the company’s
munications operators, on average, high rate of growth, they were also
How Accenture helped
lose at least 1 percent to 2 percent concerned the company might be
After carefully assessing VimpelCom’s
of their revenue due to network and losing revenue. Thus, they embarked
situation in terms of risk areas and
accounting inefficiencies, increas- on an initiative to develop the reve-
revenue leakages, Accenture set out
ingly complex technology and delivery nue assurance capabilities they need-
to help the company design and
models, a focus on metrics that do ed to identify and eliminate sources
build its first-ever revenue assur-
not ensure orders translate into cash of revenue leakage. Importantly, the
ance function and implement both a
and a lack of visibility into the cus- solution ultimately developed would
set of effective quick-win solutions
tomer-to-cash cycle.2 On the other not only have to provide immediate
and a new cutting-edge switch-to-
hand, the same research highlighted impact in terms of revenue recovery,
bill monitoring system. Together, the
that, on average, at least 2 to 3 per- but also would need to be scalable
new function and system would help
cent of total revenue that otherwise to accommodate VimpelCom’s long-
position managers to detect, prevent,
would have been lost could be saved term growth plans and its pursuit of
analyze and fix revenue leakages all
through the use of structured revenue high performance.
along the revenue stream.
assurance controls and tools. Indeed, Accenture’s ongoing High
The joint Accenture and VimpelCom
Furthermore, meeting the revenue Performance Business research has
project team followed Accenture's
assurance challenge is only getting found that distinctive capabilities that
four-phase revenue assurance pro-
more difficult. As carriers introduce enable a company to out-execute its
gram. The first step of which was
advanced data services and digital competition are a building block of
assessing VimpelCom's revenue
content, the number of trading high performance. A revenue assur-
streams to identify areas of potential
1VimpelCom 4Q08 and FY08 Financial and Operating Results.
2Accenture Revenue Assurance Benchmark Survey. January 2007.
leakage. After studying four segments “ Accenture was an excellent partner in our rev-
of this stream—order-to-delivery,
order-to-bill, usage-to-bill, and bill- enue assurance program,” said Andrey Maneshin,
to-cash—the team found 75 potential Revenue Assurance & Fraud Management Director
areas leading to actual leakage of
several million dollars and a possible at VimpelCom. “Their insights and experience were
several million dollars in additional
lost income.
really valuable in helping us create a solution that
Further analyzing VimpelCom’s exist-
enables VimpelCom to more closely manage our
ing business processes, the Accenture revenue streams and minimize losses. That adds
team determined the company could
eliminate approximately nearly $3 up to a lot of money saved—and, thus, greater
million of identified and estimated profitability—every year.”
leakage with minimal effort by
implementing a set of “quick win” revenue leakages. VimpelCom chose revenue assurance function to iden-
solutions. One such solution was WeDo Technology’s RAID solution tify, analyze and fix revenue leakages.
implementing standardized error for this task, and asked Accenture Finally, its user-friendly interface
management procedures. Another to help the company gather user enables VimpelCom’s revenue assur-
was deploying a test call program, requirements for, and subsequently ance managers to spot problems and
which would enable VimpelCom to implement, the tool. Implementation develop innovative solutions. In fact,
model customer behavior and network occurred in four stages, beginning in the four months after VimpelCom’s
usage across regions, technologies with the SMS prepaid and postpaid new revenue assurance capabilities
and plans. This activity would help end-to-end revenue streams, followed and processes went live, the company
managers to quickly identify where by revenue streams from voice, GPRS saved several million dollars. On an
revenue was being lost—for instance, and roaming, and finally integrated annual basis, the program allows
through inaccurate billing for the revenue from interconnection, includ- VimpelCom to save more than three
amount of data services actually used ing payment channels monitoring. percent of the company’s total rev-
or failure to reprocess and resubmit In its finished state, the new tool enue and identify more than one
the service usage information due to automates and manages VimpelCom’s percent of revenue losses to be con-
errors in the application architecture. end-to-end revenue assurance pro- trolled and minimized.
Having identified several areas where cesses, seeking out evidence of rev- Beyond pure financial value,
an effective revenue assurance func- enue leakages in large volumes of Accenture’s capabilities have helped
tion could add business value quickly, data from a wide variety of sources, VimpelCom position itself for high
the team moved on to the second including the company’s voice, SMS, performance. The new revenue assur-
phase, in which it designed and built roaming and interconnection traffic. ance tool gives the company unprec-
just such an organization. The func- edented visibility into the usage, per-
tion Accenture ultimately created
High performance delivered
formance and limitations of its exist-
With its new capabilities in place,
in conjunction with VimpelCom’s ing infrastructure, in addition to bet-
VimpelCom now can closely moni-
professionals was centralized under ter knowledge and control of revenue
tor the revenue chain from the point
the company’s chief financial officer leakage. Also, by the time the project
at which a new subscriber begins
at the corporate level and comprised was completed, VimpelCom was ready
using the company’s network to the
approximately 50 employees from to assume sole responsibility for fully
generation of accurate invoices for
across Russia identified in the initial managing the released controls, solu-
that usage. In fact, the new system
phase. tions and tools and was equipped to
achieves up to 99.8 percent reconcili-
Once VimpelCom’s new revenue enhance them accordingly.
ation accuracy, despite processing
assurance team had been established more than 1 billion call data records VimpelCom's revenue assurance
and quick wins captured, the project (CDRs) in 26 different data formats capabilities are expected to be a
team set out to complete phases per day. The new switch-to-bill sys- major asset for the company as it
three and four: defining and imple- tem also provides VimpelCom with looks to continue its strong growth
menting an automated switch-to-bill more than 100 key performance indi- and pursue high performance in the
system to help support the detection, cators and 30 reports that enable the years to come.
prevention, analysis and resolution of
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