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Delpit: No Kinda Sense

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Shelby Smith Eng. 1101-018

1. The conicting scripts going through Delpits head are the future and how the way her daughter is speaking would effect her. She even gives an example, pretty much saying, she would rather her daughter be poor and be able to speak correctly than rich and not be able to speak correctly. Her role in those scripts would be teaching her what is correct. The scripts represent what is going on in Delpits mind and possibly what could happen in the future. 2. Delpit switched Maya to a different school because her self esteem was low. She spoke about wanting to be prettier so she would have more friends and getting lip reduction plastic surgery so she would t in. Her low self esteem at her old school effected her ability to concentrate and do good in school. When she transferred schools she t in and therefore could interact more and do well in school. 3. She referred to the new language as the language Maya was learning at school and using with her friends. The home language was the language she used at home with her mother/father/or possible siblings. Her two questions were signicant because she was wanting to know how children can pick up the new language so quickly but yet can not acquire the dialect of Standard English; also she did not understand why hearing her daughter speak that way truly bothered her. It could have been because it was something not used when she was growing up. 5. The common response to the Oakland policy was not positive. It ideally was suppose to be positive, making teachers realize and embrace the home language at school so the students would feel more comfortable and listen to the teacher more and possibly have a new respect for them making the teachers job easier. The reaction to this policy was not good. Others believed that accepting what was wrong just to comfort the students was unacceptable and that if people wanted to speak that way they didnt need to go to school. 6. African Americans fears about Ebonics are not unfounded because of the ugly, hurtful remarks given by assumed, self centered, judgmental people. It seemed as if it was just assumed that all African Americans spoke like that, and if they did speak like that they were considered ignorant. 7. Delpit sees the second language as a disadvantage and possibly effecting her in the future with things like job interviews or trying to get into the college of her choice. Maya explains to her mother that using the two different languages are not harmful and that she knows how to code switch. Using this she is switching the different languages only using them in they appropriate settings. 14. Reading Delpits essay did make me open my eyes to the second language realizing that it is something that makes a group, makes you t in or feel special. Just like being a member of a certain team. I respect the fact that some can properly switch the languages when they need to be switched. I do believe that Standard English should be taught in the classroom because it is something that should be known to everyone and something that will be used by everyone whether it be for a job interview or presenting a project to a class.

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