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PrestaShop &

White Paper Ecommerce and SEO

31 pages of helpful tips!

SEO for Internet Merchants in Practice

Everything you need to know to implement an e ective! natural search engine optimi"ation strategy or your e-commerce site#
Understand the terms Set up a successful action plan Track and optimize the results

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PrestaShop &

White Paper Ecommerce and SEO

%he power ul options o ered &y PrestaShop! com&ined with the recogni"ed and proved e'pertise o in generating (uali ied tra ic or e-commerce sites! make this white paper a valua&le source o e ective practical advice to help you understand the keys to properly using SE) or your online &usiness. *t is organi"ed into ive main chapters. +irst! we,ll talk a&out your keywords! your home page and your product pages. -e,ll also descri&e the tools that we use every day and the link strategies we set up or our clients. -e do all this with one simple goal# to make you &etter than your competitors. . ter all! /getting ranked higher on 0oogle/ 1ust means that you,ve optimi"ed your site more e ectively than the competition. 2ompetition on 0oogle is pure and per ect! and only really o ers visi&ility to the irst 13 results that come up or any given keyword. %his means that only sites taking advantage o e-commerce so tware and advanced SE) techni(ues can hope to achieve such visi&ility. -ith this white paper! PrestaShop and aim to share with you the method they consider most e ective.

%his complimentary white paper is o ered &y# France's top expert in SEO for ecommerce, offering advice and support as you implement your strategy to boost natural traffic to your site. Free newsletter at

PrestaShop: free, open source software ran ed number ! among solutions for creating and managing e-commerce sites, offering more t"an #$% features and installed on more t"an &',''' sites worldwide. Free download at www.prestas"

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White Paper Ecommerce and SEO

Boosting 5our %ra ic on 0oogle# a 6ey )&1ective

Like all e-merchants, you have two ambitions: bring as many visitors as possible to your site, which is an essential prere uisite to growing your business, and control the cost of generating traffic! )nce visitors reach your site! you still need to win them over! persuade them to &uy! earn their loyalty... and generate the margin you need. 5our e'pertise in e-commerce will make sure that you achieve your pro ita&ility goals. %his white paper ocuses on natural search engine optimi"ation online! and it is designed to teach you the &est practices or generating (uali ied tra ic &y &ringing in visitors rom search engines. * you ollow the tips and recommendations o ered here! plenty o internet users will reach the purchasing phase on your site. 5ou,ll see that! in order to achieve these results! you,ll need to implement a rigorous strategy and monitor it constantly! care ully ollowing each one o the steps we descri&e. )nce you do! you will signi icantly &oost natural tra ic to your e-commerce site.

"ou already have two things going for you:

%he PrestaShop solution is recogni"ed &y specialists as the most e ective e-commerce solution or natural page rank. *t is incredi&ly ast and simple to use! ena&ling you to success ully adopt the right techni(ues. has already guided hundreds o e-commerce companies through their own SE) strategy! helping them adopt a rigorous! practical approach that has made the irm a top name in its ield.

PrestaShop and offer technological expertise and specialist kno ledge acc!m!lated o"er #ears of experience in nat!ral search engine optimi$ation% a inning com&ination that ill help #o! gro #o!r online &!siness.

#e hope you en$oy this paper!

...and don,t orget to sign up or the PrestaShop and newsletters to keep receiving the &est advice in the ield o e-commerce.

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White Paper Ecommerce and SEO

%a&le o 2ontents

%! Step &ne: Understanding the 'efinition of (eywords

)! *ow to +hoose "our (eywords: &ur ,rocess

)!% 8raw up an initial list o the main products you sell )!) 9e ine your initial list o keywords &y identi ying relevant keywords )!- .void keywords that are too general: keywords must &e synonymous with purchases )!..void o -topic keywords )!/ .void local keywords outside your own region

-! The *ome ,age: The (ey to "our S0& Strategy

-!%%e't content# make sure you have more than 1ust images
3.1.1 Highlight your top sellers everywhere, including the home page 3.1.2 Select products that spotlight your leading brands 3.1.3 Use both horizontal and vertical navigation 3.1.4 Structuring your home page pay attention to the H1 tag 3.1.! Updating "#o $ need to update my home page regularly%"

.! "our ,roduct ,ages: *elp 1oogle and "our 2isitors at the Same Time3
.!%%e't content on your product pages .!) 8on,t parrot the content provided &y your suppliers .!- 2reate uni(ue content that is interesting to internet users .!. .im or around ten lines o te't in each description
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PrestaShop &

White Paper Ecommerce and SEO

.!/ <se e'plicit! uni(ue product titles .!4 *nsert links to your &rand pages

/! Tags, a (ey +omponent of 5atural S0&

/!% %he /%itle/ tag is the most important o all /!) %he /8escription/ tag /!-%he =1 tags go together /!.%he =$ and =4 tags

4! Tools to 6oost ,roductivity

4!%+ire o' add-ons
&.1.1 SearchStatus &.1.2 'gen &.1.3 (eb #eveloper )oolbar &.1.4 S*+ ,or -ire,o.

4!)0oogle .nalytics
&.2.1 /egularly trac0ing changes in your natural tra,,ic with 1oogle &.2.2 2on,iguring a goal ,or your e3commerce site &.2.3 4 use,ul ,unction "(hich o, your pages sell the most%" &.2.4 -eatures o, the 1oogle (ebmaster )ools

4!-E'ternal /)ptimi"ations / Popularity / >ink &uilding

&.3.1 /egularly register your e3commerce site in directories &.3.2 +nline press release sites &.3.3 "#o $ really need a blog%" &.3.4 *.changing lin0s with other sites

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PrestaShop &

White Paper Ecommerce and SEO

1. Step )ne# <nderstanding the 8e inition o 6eywords

7irst, remember that a keyword is defined as a search uery that the internet user types into a search engine! 8 keyword is usually made up of one, two, or three words 9and sometimes more:, which allow the user to ualify the desired results! .n internet user trying to &uy lowers will very pro&a&ly type /&uy lowers!/ and to &e sure they,ll &e delivered (uickly! he,ll pro&a&ly type /&uy lowers/ ollowed &y the name o the city where he is. .n internet user who isn,t looking to &uy! &ut 1ust wants to know how to put together a &ou(uet o lowers! will pro&a&ly type /make &ou(uet o lowers./ 5ou can already see why keywords are so essential to emerchants trying to reach internet users during the purchasing phase. )nce the keywords have &een entered! the search engine determines which internet sites seem most relevant to show to the user. )ne o the main o&1ectives o any search engine is to make sure the internet user is happy# i the user clicks the /Back/ &utton! that in orms the search engine that the results were not satis actory! and it will take that in ormation into account or the ne't search @this is called the &ounce rateA.

*ere;s how search engines work:

.t regular intervals! they review every site on the internet and! or each we&site! they analy"e the main pages availa&le to them. +or each page they analy"e! they identi y the keywords that they consider most relevant! i.e. that most e ectively re lect the page content. %hese identi ied keywords are then used to determine which internet searches correspond to the content o the page. -hen search engines identi y a close match! they place the site among the irst hits suggested to internet users. )therwise! they display the site in a low position @second page or urther downA and the user will &e naturally inclined to visit competitor,s sites. This is why you need to make sure that the pages on your site actually contain the keywords that internet users will type in, which will bring you visitors interested in making purchases on your site! 8s a result, your keyword strategy is the most important component of your natural page rank policy: %he irst phase is to de ine all o the keywords that will &ring visitors to your site who are likely to make a purchase. %he second is to organi"e your site so that it contains and highlights the keywords you have selected.

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PrestaShop &

White Paper Ecommerce and SEO

* you have not e ectively chosen and emphasi"ed those keywords! search engines will have no way o sending likely prospects your way. %his will have an immediate negative impact! and you will have to make up or the lack o natural tra ic &y paying or tra ic.

$. =ow to 2hoose 5our 6eywords# )ur Process

8gain, remember that the term <keyword< actually refers to a search uery typed in by internet users and general contains between % and - words! The ma$ority of searches 9appro=imately 4>?: include ) or - words, about %>? contain $ust one word and ->? contain more than - words!

*ere are the / golden rules: )!% 8raw up an initial list o the main products you sell
This initial list of keywords can be e=tremely general@ it should include all the products you sell! %ry to make the list relatively speci ic so that the keywords are e ectively descri&ing your products. 6eywords like /computer!/ / urniture!/ /dress!/ and /ta&le/ are not speci ic enough! even i they do descri&e your products. .lthough there is plenty o tra ic or each o these words! search engines will have no chance o putting you at the top o the list or keywords o that type. %ry to ollow a simple rule o thum&! e'cept in special cases# almost all keywords @93CA should contain at least $ words.

Opening an AdWords account will give you easy access to features for identifying the search terms entered by internet users. You can enter the name of the search you'd like to analyze ( !trollers" for e#ample$ and the %oogle !uggest function will display all &ueries that are similar to that keyword" along with the number of searches per month for each of them.

)!) 9e ine your initial list o keywords &y identi ying keywords relevant to making a sale
The goal of this second step is to analyze the behavior of internet users and distinguish between those who are looking for information and those who are looking to buy! -e,re interested in the second category. %o illustrate what we mean! we,ll use the e'ample o an e-commerce site selling &a&y gear: you will easily &e a&le to e'trapolate or your own ield o &usiness.

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PrestaShop &

White Paper Ecommerce and SEO

=ere are ; speci ic e'amples o keywords that we recommend or this type o &usiness#
baby stroller
%his keyword is simple! clear! and indicates e'actly what the internet user is likely to search or. .s an emerchant! do you eel that you have a good selection o &a&y strollers! o good (uality! o ered at the right priceE *n other words! do you consider yoursel legitimate online and &elieve that you deserve to &e on the irst page o 0oogle results or that (ueryE * so! this is the per ect keyword or you. .dd it to your list! along with any variants @plural and singularA.

chicco stroller
8o you sell the /2hicco/ &rand o strollers and regularly o er the &rand,s latest products on your siteE %hen this keyword should also appear on your list. .gain! don,t orget to include any variants. %hat means not only the singular and plural! &ut also /chicco &a&y stroller!/ /chicco stroller or &a&ies!/ etc.

buy stroller

cheap chicco stroller

%his might seem surprising! &ut many internet users add a search term like /&uy/ or /sales o / into their (uery. Even &etter! these (ueries clearly represent an upcoming purchase. So! you should add them to your list o keywords as well. .nd don,t orget to com&ine the words with your &rands! too @ or e'ample! /&uy chicco stroller/A. .nother thing you,ll notice a&out internet user &ehavior is that! very o ten! they add words like /cheap/ to searches. *nternet users trust 0oogle &lindly and &elieve that &y adding /cheap/ to their search (uery! 0oogle will show them the most a orda&le products that correspond to their search! which is never the case. %ake advantage o this (uirk to position yoursel or these (ueries! &y including words like /cheap/ in your list o keywords.

red '() chicco stroller

) ten! when you analy"e the searches entered &y internet users in even more detail! you ind that the name o the item itsel is included in the search. %hat means that the name o every one o your products is a potential keyword that should &e added to your list. ) course! that will e'ponentially increase the num&er o keywords! &ut it will also make your list much more relevant and &ring in visitors who really are interested in your products.

double stroller
*t,s very help ul to go even urther and look or even more targeted keywords. %he dou&le stroller is a particularly interesting e'ample. 8on,t think or a minute that an internet user looking or a stroller or his twins is going to type /stroller/ into 0oogle. *n reality! he,ll search or what comes to mind! which means things like /dou&le stroller!/ /chicco dou&le stroller!/ /cheap dou&le stroller!/ etc. %his is another way to add relevant items to your list o keywords.

The facts show that internet users very often type in e=tremely specific internet searches: they want to be sure that the results they get really match what they;re looking for!

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PrestaShop &

White Paper Ecommerce and SEO

)!- .void overly general keywords! and concentrate instead o synonymous with purchases keywords

At;s tempting to target the e=tremely general keywords that are most often entered by internet users and theoretically represent the most visitor traffic! 5ou might &e thinking that it,s easier to get 4C o the tra ic or a keyword that,s searched or 133!333 times! than $3C o the tra ic or a keyword with 1!333 searches. But that,s not a good strategy or 4 reasons#

7irst reason:
0enerali"ed keywords only very rarely lead to sales. *n act! internet users in the purchasing phase only rarely use general keywords. +or e'ample! an internet user looking or a stroller or her &a&y will type in the word /stroller/ or /&a&y stroller/ rather than /&a&y./ *n this particular case! the keyword /&a&y/ is unhelp ul &ecause it,s too general. Similarly! the keyword /&ike/ isn,t appropriate or a site that sells motorcycle helmets.

Second reason:
*n order to &e e ective! your SE) strategy needs to ocus on giving a ew essential keywords as much visi&ility @and there ore strengthA as possi&le. +rom this perspective! emphasi"ing a generali"ed keyword will inevita&ly detract rom one or more keywords that are more speci ic and likely to generate sales. Feanwhile! speci ic keywords won,t necessarily &ring you more tra ic! &ut they will &oost your sales.

Third reason:
Gatural page rank re(uires an almost daily e ort o tracking search engine results! improving content! generating links and monitoring the organi"ation o pages. Since your time is limited and valua&le! we don,t recommend using general keywords that will demand a great deal o e ort rom you without producing concrete results.

)!..void o -topic keywords

At;s important to avoid adding <off-topic< keywords to your list! +or e'ample! you might &e tempted to list products or &rands that you don,t sell &ut that are in high demand! in the hope that once an internet user has arrived at your site! you,ll &e a&le to change her mind and convince her to make a purchase. This strategy is not $ust ineffective, however, but actually harmful! 5ou,ll see &oth that it,s very di icult to create good visi&ility or a &rand when you don,t sell any o its products! and that you,ll &e spreading your SE) e orts too thin and taking away rom keywords that would &ring you sales.

Let;s take a concrete e=ample: don;t try to highlight the <Levi;s< brand of $eans if you don;t sell it! ) course! the &rand is e'tremely well known and generates high tra ic! &ut internet users will &e disappointed not to ind the &rand on your site and you won,t generate any sales.

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PrestaShop &

White Paper Ecommerce and SEO

)!/ .void local keywords outside your own region
At is e=tremely tempting to target keywords associated with all the ma$or cities in your country, in order to boost traffic to your site, with the thought that you can deliver anywhere in the country using the internet! =owever! this techni(ue has long since &een disproved on the .d-ords network# internet users who type local searches into 0oogle want to &uy a product that same day! and de initely rom a place near&y. *t has &een shown that internet users who use this type o search are not at all interested in having a product delivered remotely! even within $7 hours.

8s we e=plained above, there is a rigorous and pragmatic method to follow in selecting your list of keywords for natural S0&! *n general! you should ask yoursel whether an internet user who types the search terms into 0oogle will &e happy to end up at your e-commerce site and will make a purchase. * the answer is yes! that keyword is important or you and should &e included on your list. * the answer is no! then please don,t waste your time highlighting that keyword! and don,t add it to your list o keywords. .s or how many keywords you should include on your list! there is a simple way to estimate how many keywords you should &e managing#

(0"#&B' ,&T05TA8L C HGum&er o products I num&er o &rands I num&er o product categoriesJ = %!/
@9estrict your list o potential keywords to the )>> or ->> most fre uently re uested keywordsA

If #o! ha"e applied the ad"ice in this chapter% #o! no ha"e a list of effecti"e and rele"ant ke# ords. 'o!(re read# to start the second step of #o!r SEO strateg#) highlighting those ke# ords &# optimi$ing #o!r e-commerce site itself*

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4. %he =ome Page# %he 6ey to 5our SE) Strategy

%he home page o your e-commerce site plays a key role or 0oogle and other search engines: it is the page that will in orm search engines a&out your site,s content. Gaturally! the home page is a key space or your marketing policy. *t needs to capture your visitors! e'tol the virtues o your o ering and make people want to &uy. %here are a ew important rules to ollow to make sure that the page also contri&utes to your SE) strategy.

-!%%e't content# make sure you have more than 1ust images
8ll too often, e-commerce sites have home pages full of advertising banners, images, 7lash, news about the latest releases, etc! %hese eatures make the site visually appealing! &ut &eware# unlike content in the orm o raw te't! 0oogle can,t read or interpret imagesK %hat means that any content you have included in the orm o images is lost in terms o SE). By overemphasi"ing images! you,re depriving yoursel o a ma1or advantage or natural page rank and losing customers. %his applies e(ually to +lash! which is incomprehensi&le to search engines. %hat,s why we don,t recommend &uilding e-commerce sites using +lash.

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3.1.1 Highlight your top sellers everywhere, including the home page
%he &est strategy or meeting 0oogle,s re(uirements @te't contentA and your visitors, e'pectations at the same time is to highlight your top sellers everywhere! including the home page. 5our home page should include descriptive te'ts that make your products sound good and use the keywords you,ve already chosen.

=ere,s an e'ample o a home page that uses this method e ectively. The products are highlighted right on the home page! %he product titles are included in te't ormat! and 1ust &y looking at the home page! 0oogle will &e a&le to take the site,s o&1ective into account in its page rank algorithms.

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PrestaShop &

White Paper Ecommerce and SEO

3.1.2 Select products that spotlight your leading brands
At is important to use the home page to highlight products that will help you gain a high ranking for strong brands %his is a tough choice! especially i your site o ers hundreds or even thousands o products. 5ou should start with your top sellers and newest products! &ut that will pro&a&ly not &e enough @there will almost certainly still &e too many products le t on your listA. %o help whittle down your choices! consider which products &elong to &rands where you would like to &e well positioned on 0oogle. *n our e'ample a&ove! &y emphasi"ing 2hicco strollers right on your home page @even i you don,t have any new 2hicco products at the momentA! you,ll &uild a stronger position on 0oogle. *n act! 0oogle pays attention to the content o your home page and will consider you a relevant result or /chicco stroller/ searches. *n any event! you,re more likely to &e considered relevant or the &rand than competitors who have not mentioned it on their home page.

3.1.3 Use both horizontal and vertical navigation

#hen formatting a home page, people often decide to choose between having a horizontal or a vertical menu!.ctually! there,s no need to choose! since &oth types o navigation are important and can e'ist side&y-side. By com&ining &oth types o navigation! you,ll make your visitors happy &y letting them &rowse however they pre er! and also satis y 0oogle,s re(uirements &y adding more links and te't to your home page. .nd don,t worry i the additional te't adds redundant content to your home page# according to our tests! o ering a dual navigation system signi icantly improves your natural page rank.

3.1.4 Structuring your home page pay attention to the H1 tag

*n 2hapter ;! you,ll ind a more detailed description o the word /tag!/ &ut or now 1ust remem&er that your home page must contain one! and only one! =1 tag. %his =1 tag needs to include the one keyword you consider most important to your visitors.

3.1.4 Updating your home page "#o $ need to regularly updatemy home page%"
,eople often say that regularly changing and updating the te=t on a home page improves a site;s page rank by encouraging 1oogle to consider it more relevant!!! *n practice! nothing could &e urther rom the truth! and regularly updating your home page will not improve your natural page rank in the slightest. )n the contrary! even outside your product pages! you should have some permanence in the content you want 0oogle to take into account. .s a rule o thum&! it,s &etter not to change the te't content on your home page more than three or our times a year. 5ou should apply that same rule when choosing &rands to highlight# don,t change them around too o ten! or else 0oogle might decide that they,re not really important to your &usiness and choose not to take them into account.

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%he same goes or your editorial te't or any news on the home page. 2hanging this in ormation re(uently does not seem to &e an e ective approach. The ne=t page shows an e=ample of a home page that we consider ineffective in terms of natural S0&, because the site doesn;t highlight any particular product!

+ltho!gh the editorial text on this page might seem like a good idea to reass!re internet !sers a&o!t the ,!alit# of the prod!cts on offer% in practice it(s not a "er# effecti"e strateg# in terms of SEO for an e-commerce site)

An this second chapter, we have e=plained the importance of your home page and the main factors that will earn it a high page rank in the search engines! "ou need to combine e=cellent graphical uality with content in te=t format that emphasizes the keywords you have selected!

Gow! we,ll discuss another key component o its product catalogue.

page rank

or an e-commerce site#

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7. 5our Product Pages# Fake %hem E ective to =elp 0oogle and 5our Lisitors at the Same %imeK
Gaturally! a product catalogue is what sets an online store apart rom a content-driven site. 5our SE) strategy must take this di erence into account and even take advantage o it to make the most o your product o ering in 0oogle. The page rank techni ues used are specific to the field of e-commerce! 8n effective strategy will need: %he page rank eatures o ered &y PrestaShop E'pertise rom specialists like! who draw on their in-depth e'perience in the ield and help you take advantage o the &est practices. 6elow, we will review the 4 key factors in page rank for a product catalogue! 8lthough the process is meticulous and e=acting, it is vitally important in securing a good page rank! 5ou must spend whatever time is re(uired to ensure that each o your products earns the position it deserves on 0oogle. 9eviewing and optimi"ing your product catalogue may re(uire several days! i not months! o work. *t can &e done &y your in-house sta or &y e'ternal service providers! depending on your in-house resources and the si"e o your catalogue. %his is one o the most important components to getting a good ranking in 0oogle! and it,s where employees devote much o their e ort. E-commerce so tware like PrestaShop o ers all the tools you need to do the 1o& very e iciently.

.!%%e't content on your product pages

8s we;ve already e=plained, in order to boost your page rank, the content of your product pages needs to be in te=t format, with images used only to show the products to internet users! *n act! we recommend that you use as many images as possi&le and make them as large as possi&le# images are e'tremely e ective in clinching a sale.

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.!) 8on,t parrot the content provided &y your suppliers
*t is tempting to recycle the te't content provided &y your suppliers! &ut this prepackaged content has two draw&acks.

At is not effective for natural S0&! %he terms used &y suppliers rarely contain the same keywords entered &y internet users. 0enerally! this te't is intended or product retailers or resellers. This is why you must modify the content, making sure never to $ust copy and paste it onto your product page! .s you are dra ting this content! keep the list o keywords entered &y internet users in mind! and remem&er to include them as relevantly as possi&le. %he list o keywords you selected during phase 1 o your SE) plan will serve as a re erence or you in this process.

This content is dangerous because it isn;t uni ue! * you copy your supplier,s content! it,s very likely that your content will &e identical to the content on other sites. %his has &ecome an e'tremely important consideration! especially since 0oogle updated its search algorithms in .ugust $311 @with a new Page9ank algorithm called PandaA. 0oogle no longer wants to display duplicate content and will penali"e you sharply i you use it.

We(ll disc!ss this point in more detail later.

.!- 2reate uni(ue content that is interesting to internet users

8s we;ve $ust seen, you shouldn;t copy content from your competitors, especially since the 1oogle ,anda update! 1oogle is capable of distinguishing between the original content and the copied content, since it knows the initial inde=ing date! %his makes it easy to identi y and penali"e sites that picked up the same content later. 5ou must pay very care ul attention to this actor! which has &ecome a golden rule o natural page rank on 0oogle. Likewise, if you decide to advertise your products on price comparison sites, it is crucial that you provide different content from what appears on your e-commerce site! -e strongly recommend using price comparison sites to &oost your tra ic. *mplementing this type o e-marketing strategy or e-commerce sites is part o PrestaShop and,s e'pertise! and a white paper on the topic will &e availa&le soon at and

.!. .im or around ten lines o te't in each description

An your product description, it;s important to include at least / to %> lines of te=t so that 1oogle will use it and interpret the te=t as a sign of real knowledge being shared with internet users! %oo o ten! there are only a ew words o te't content! which is completely ine ective. *t,s not always easy to author content! and e'perience has shown that a &rie technical description o the product is not good enough. 5ou need to use your imagination and salesmanship as a source o inspiration.

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Tips for content:
#*8T 5&T T& '&:
/2otton t-shirt!/ /%eak ta&le or your garden/ @too short and not interestingKA

#*8T T& '&:

start your sentences &y setting up the conte't# /%his teak ta&le is per ect or...!/ /%hrow on this printed cotton t-shirt or a stroll.../ position your product# /-ith its crystal-clear sound and easy to use inter ace! this is one o our most popular.../ include the &rand name# /*n keeping with its (uality policy! Bose o ers compact speakers with e'ceptional sound./ use short sentences with simple synta': this makes them easier to write and easier or your customers and prospects to understand.

By applying these rules! you will &e a&le to write uni(ue content (uickly or each o your products. Eventually! you,ll develop your own style and &egin to show o your particular e'pertise. E'perience shows that internet users in the purchasing phase are always interested in reading detailed content! so this approach will help you improve your natural page rank and also &oost your chance o making a sale. *n any event! it,s clear that product pages with too little content cause you to lose page rank on 0oogle.

.!/ <se e'plicit! uni(ue product titles

,roduct titles are an essential factor for 1oogle, since that;s the part of the page that the search engine analyzes first! %he titles o your products shouldn,t &e too short: in act! they should contain as detailed and speci ic a description as possi&le and should &e uni(ue to each product. 9emem&er that 0oogle can,t interpret images! and the product title is the main source o in ormation that 0oogle uses. %o go &ack to the &a&y gear site! a product should never &e called 1ust a chair. *nstead! the title should clearly speci y# /2hicco Ba&y 2hair./ %oo o ten! e-merchants choose product titles that are too short &ecause they think people can see e'actly what type o product is in the photo. )nce again! though! 0oogle can,t /read/ images. %hat,s why you need to &e e'plicit in the product title.

+lso check that none of #o!r prod!cts share the same title.

.!4 *nsert links to your &rand pages

6rand pages are important for e-commerce sites and can reassure visitors about the uality of your offering!*t,s a win-win scenario# the &rand &ene its rom your distri&ution capacity and you &ene it rom its reputation. *n addition! having pages like this lets you set up cross-linking within your site! which is a very good thing or 0oogle.
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* a &rand is mentioned in a product description! or e'ample! take advantage o that mention to link &ack to the corresponding &rand page. %hat will create a dense internal network o links within your e-commerce site.

This chapter e=plained the vital importance of your product catalogue, which must contain as much 9relevant and uni ue3: te=t as possible! ,roduct titles should also be chosen carefully to help 1oogle identify them effectively! 5ou should always keep your list o keywords in mind when authoring and creating content. *t is important to re er &ack to it to make sure that 0oogle sends you the right type o visitors. 6eep the list o keywords you compiled in 2hapter 1 o this white paper close at hand as you continue to optimi"e your site. %his is e'actly how our own sta works. -e,ve discussed the content o product pages on your site that visitors can view. %his is the /visi&le/ part o your work. But it,s e(ually important or you to understand and ollow 0oogle,s technical rules or putting together pages on your site. %hese rules or organi"ing pages are designed to let 0oogle (uickly scan the content and identi y key paragraphs! and ollowing the rules will determine the e ectiveness o your SE) and give you the &est possi&le chance o &eing assigned a good page rank in 0oogle.

-e still haven,t discussed tags! &ut they are an essential component o your SE) strategy.
In the next chapter% e(ll teach #o! ho to ork effecti"el# ith tags so that #o! ha"e the &est possi&le chance% or at least a &etter chance than #o!r competitors% of impro"ing #o!r page rank on -oogle.

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;. %ags! a 6ey 2omponent o Gatural SE)

/!% %he /%itle/ tag is the most important o all
Technically speaking, in *TDL synta=, the title tag is not a <tag< at all, but the term is commonly used by analogy with the other key components of an *TDL page! %he %itle tag looks like this#5title6'eyword57title6! and it,s the most important tag or getting a good page rank on 0oogle# %hese tags contain the te't that appears in &lue on 0oogle results pages. %his means that they will &e read &y your uture visitors who arrive rom 0oogle and other search engines. %he tags need to attract the attention o those visitors and make them click. %hey must &e uni(ue and speci ic to each page. %he same rules apply to title tags and to the te't content o your products pages! which means that they a&solutely must have uni(ue content# you should never copy your competitors, %itle tags or include two identical %itle tags within your ecommerce site. ) course! it,s di icult to make sure no two %itle tags are identical when you have hundreds o products. *n the ne't chapter! we,ll introduce the tools that are availa&le to help. %hese tags must contain your keywords. %here are two reasons or this. %he irst is mentioned in item @iA o this chapter! namely that it will help you attract the attention o internet users! and the second is related to the act that 0oogle and other search engines use the keywords contained in these /tags/ to determine your page rank or those keywords. By using them! you,ll improve your page rank or your selected keywords. 8on,t orget to go &ack to that all-important list o keywords @compiled in 2hapter 1A when you enter the te't or all your %itle tags.

8ou may have noticed that we 0eep stressing the importance o, this list o, 0eywords in each new chapter.
+inally! keep in mind that a %itle tag can,t contain more than B3 characters! including spaces.

/!) %he /8escription/ tag

%his tag contains the te't that appears in grey on 0oogle search pages. >ike the %itle tag! it will &e read &y your uture visitors on 0oogle and must attract their attention. %he 8escription tag is ormatted like this# 5meta name9"description" content9"#escription o, your page"76

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%hese tags must &e uni(ue and speci ic to each product. %hey ollow the same rules that apply to the content o your product pages! which means they a&solutely must have content that is uni(ue within your e-commerce site. .gain! it,s di icult to &e sure that no two 8escription tags are identical when you have hundreds o products! &ut the ne't chapter will discuss the tools availa&le to help. %hey must contain keywords that re lect the page. <nlike the %itle tag! 0oogle will not use 8escription tags to &oost your position in its search results! &ut they are still a chance to pu&lici"e your sales pitch. +eel ree to include practical in ormation a&out sales! prices! or even a telephone num&er. %he 8escription tags should contain &etween 133 and 1;; characters! including spaces.

./aption) the 0itle tag is in &l!e% the 1escription tag is in gre#% and the 234 of the corresponding page is in green5

/!-=1 tags
The *% tags are part of a set of tags, or mark-up, that makes up the structure of *TDL pages and defines their main titles and paragraphs! *n &rie ! tags that include the letter = ollowed &y a num&er! rom 1 to ; or e'ample! re er to content headings organi"ed rom most to least important. %he =1 tag corresponds to the main page header! or title. %he =$ tag represents a less important su&-title! and so on down to the =; tag. Each =%F> page is structured somewhat like a newspaper. %he =1 tag corresponds to the main headline o the newspaper! allowing readers to instantly grasp the topic o the page! its importance! and how well it matches their interests. %he =$ tag corresponds to a su&-title introducing a paragraph o lesser importance. These tags play a very important role in natural S0&, because they are used in the 1oogle algorithm to analyze a page;s content and determine its main sub$ect! 0oogle pays close attention to these tags! their organi"ation! and their content! which allows it to very (uickly identi y the main topics on a page in order o importance.

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9<>ES +)9 =1 %.0S#
Each page should have only one =1 tag. )ne all-too-common mistake is to include more than one =1 tag on the same page. Go page should contain more than one =1 tag.

=1 tags are ormatted like this# 5h16'eyword57h16 =1 tags must &e placed within a te't area. Speci ically! in order or 0oogle to read the tag! it must &e positioned to re er to te't content @as is always the case or 0oogleA. Each =1 tag must &e uni(ue# too re(uently! e-commerce sites insert their =1 tag around their logo! making them completely useless or SE) purposes. %his positioning means that they are pointing to an image @see previous pointA and are also identical on all the pages o the site! since the logo is always the same.

/!.%he =$ and =4 tags

9<>ES +)9 =$ .G8 =4 %.0S#
%hese tags are ormatted like this# 5h26'eyword57h26 and 5h36'eyword57h36 Must like =1 tags! =$ and =4 tags must &e positioned to re er to te't. <nlike =1 tags! it is possi&le and even encouraged to include multiple =$ and =4 tags on the same page. %hey are generally positioned around paragraphs and su&-paragraphs! and will make it easier or 0oogle to read your pages.
@-e recommend that you not worry a&out =7! =; and other tags! which play no signi icant role in page rank.A

+inally! note that &y de ault! version 1.7 o PrestaShop comes with e ectively positioned =1! =$ and =4 tags. .ll you have to do is optimi"e their content.

An this chapter, we emphasized the importance of structure for the pages in your e-commerce site, specifically the position of the *TDL tags! %his is an essential component o any SE) strategy! and as you,ve seen! each o these tags should &e used and optimi"ed di erently. %here are several use ul tools to help you apply the tags correctly! and they are especially crucial or ecommerce sites that can include hundreds o pages. <nderstanding these tools will help you implement a consistent and e ective SE) strategy! which is why we will present the main options in the ne't chapter.

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?. %ools to Boost Productivity

An this chapter, we discuss 7irefo= add-ons and the tools offered by 1oogle!

4!%+ire o' add-ons

8ou will need to install these -ire,o. add3ons, which will help you in the everyday wor0 o, trac0ing your S*+ policy.

&.1.2 SearchStatus
%his add-on allows you to view all the tags on a we& page with a single click.

'ownload SearchStatus here: https#//" r/ ire o'/addon/searchstatus/

&.1.2 'gen
This 7irefo= module is very helpful for viewing the most fre uently used keywords on a page! At shows the keywords as a tag cloud! 2onsider the page &elow as an e'ample: it was optimi"ed to highlight the keyword /silk./ <sing 6gen! you can very (uickly visuali"e how the word /silk/ is used and check that it is optimal. %he screen capture &elow shows that it is &eing used optimally here#

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'ownload (gen here: https#//" r/ ire o'/addon/kgen

&.1.3 (eb #eveloper )oolbar

#eb 'eveloper Toolbar is a 7irefo= add-on that;s e=tremely helpful in view *n tags and checking that they meet the desired criteria!
-e,ll go through two good e'amples to illustrate how you can use the tool and check that the pages on your we&site really do ollow the rules that apply to =n tags.

)he :appos site

.s you can see! the home page uses two =1 tags @circled in redA! which is not a good practice#

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)he 1;<<-lowers site

*n this e'ample! you can see that the %he 1D33+lowers site ollows &est practices &y using only one =1 tag.

'ownload the #eb 'eveloper Toolbar here: https#//"<S/ ire o'/addon/web-developer/

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&.1.4 S*+ ,or -ire,o.

This 7irefo= add-on allows you to view useful information directly from the 1oogle search results, including the date the site was created, the number of e=ternal links, the site;s ,ageBank, etc!
Gote that it,s important to turn o the add-on when you,re not using it! rather than leaving it running constantly! which could get you &anned rom the 0oogle servers temporarily and prevent you rom per orming searches on or several hours. =ere is a screen capture o the in ormation you can view using this add-on#

-e,ve 1ust reviewed the &est add-ons to install or e ectively tracking your natural page rank.

=ow, let>s loo0 at tools that you need to install on or connect to your e3commerce site.

4!)0oogle .nalytics
At;s very important to have access to traffic statistics for your site to track your audience and measure the uality of your page rank! The most often used and least e=pensive 9free, actually: tool is offered by 1oogle and called 1oogle 8nalytics!
%he price tag &y no means indicates that this so tware is incomplete or ine ective! in act 0oogle .nalytics is e'tremely power ul. E'perience shows that this tool is one o the most e ective on the market. Below! we summari"e the unctions you will pro&a&ly use most re(uently.

&.2.1 /egularly trac0ing changes in your natural tra,,ic with 1oogle

%o do this! click on1oogle Traffic Sources 9organic: %he num&er o visits that come in naturally rom 0oogle should increase over the long term! and it de initely will i you apply the tips in this white paper.

&.2.2 2on,iguring a goal ,or your e3commerce site

Gow we,ll illustrate how you can con igure a goal in 0oogle .nalytics or the PrestaShop solution! which is one o the &est known and most complete e-commerce solutions#

1. 2lick on /.nalytics .ccount Settings/ in the upper le t $. 2lick /Edit/ on the right o the screen ne't to the name o your online store 4. <nder /0oals!/ click /.dd a 0oal/ @under the irst set o 0oals or another one! it doesn,t matterA
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7. <nder /0oal name!/ put# <*ow many click ;submit order;E< ;. Ge't to /.ctive 0oal!/ click /&n/ ?. Ge't to /0oal type!/ check /1oal UBL/ B. +or /Fatch type!/ select /Bational e=pression match/ D. +or /0oal <9>!/ enter# Forder!php @copy and paste to avoid errorsA 9. 8o not check the &o' ne't to /2ase sensitive/ 13. +or /0oal value!/ put# % 11. 2lick /Save goal/ Starting the ne't day! you should &e a&le to go to the 1oals section o your .nalytics account to view the irst results.

&.2.3 4 use,ul ,unction "(hich o, your pages sell the most%"

%his is a particularly interesting (uestion! &ecause it helps you &etter understand the &ehavior o internet users. -ell! now that you,ve con igured a goal in your 0oogle .nalytics account! the tool can provide you with this in ormation. 2lick +ontent Top content! then look at the <value inde=< on the right-hand side. This piece of data, the GAnde=, provides very important information! *n simple terms! the higher a page,s O*nde'! the more attention you should ocus on improving it since it is one o the most persuasive! sale-making sites! the ones that convince internet users who visit them to &uy rom your site. The more times a page on your e-commerce site is viewed by internet users who have placed an order on your site 9or reached a different goal that you have configured:, the higher its GAnde= will be! +or consistency! we should note that i the page is viewed several times &y the same internet user who placed an order on your site! its O*nde' will not increase. Lisi&ility is determined &ased on the num&er o visitors! and there is no impact &y a single internet user visiting the page multiple times.

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8lso, you;ll note that the <payment method< page, or any other page that is part of the checkout process, will naturally have a high inde= value! 7or this reason, you should ignore these pages when you are analyzing your GAnde= figures!
%his data will also &e very help ul to you in improving the user riendliness o your site. .lthough this is outside the scope o natural SE)! it is important or you to &e aware o unctions like this in 0oogle .nalytics. (e have covered ?ust a ,ew tips and tric0s about the use,ul ,eatures o, 1oogle 4nalytics. $, you>re interested, you can ,ind more e.amples o, 1oogle 4nalytics statistics described on the site and in the ArestaShop newsletter.

&.2.4 -eatures o, the 1oogle (ebmaster )ools

Gow! let,s look at the eatures o the 0oogle -e&master %ools. +&550+TA51 "&UB SAT0 T& 1&&1L0 #06D8ST0B T&&LS %o connect your site! go to ollow the 0oogle con irmation process @which is very simple i you,re using PrestaShopA. Gow you should &e a&le to view internal data a&out your site @not to &e con used with the visitor statistics rom 0oogle .nalyticsA. %hese should help you identi y issues like technical pro&lems that 0oogle may have in inde'ing your site.
-e discussed the importance o using tags consistently in 2hapter 7 o this white paper. -ith the 0oogle -e&master %ools! you can very easily check whether there are any duplicates and locate them. 2lick on 'iagnostics 8escription tagsK *TDL suggestions. . list will appear showing all your pages with duplicate %itle or

This is a perfect illustration of 1oogle;s powerful tools, which can generate immense uantities of data and help you take advantage of them! 8gain, we very strongly recommend that you make sure there are no duplicate tags on your e-commerce site!

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5ow you;re familiar with the main tools used to achieve a good natural page rank, and you;ve learned the most important ways to use them! &f course, this is not intended to be an e=haustive list! *t is important or you to amiliari"e yoursel with using these tools in your day-to-day work! which will help you master your strategy and per ormance in natural SE). #e;re going to move on to another crucial component of S0&, which is link building!%he techni(ues we,ve &een discussing up to now re er to the internal structure and organi"ation o your e-commerce site. %he techni(ues we,re a&out to descri&e have to do with e'ternal links. *n the ne't chapter! we,ll look at link &uilding! which could &e considered a orm o e'ternal /optimi"ation./

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4!-E'ternal /)ptimi"ations / Popularity / >ink &uilding

#e;ve already gone over and implemented several internal optimizations on your e-commerce site 9home page, product pages, brand pages: by ensuring that the site content is relevant to the searches entered by internet users and organized according to the rules used by 1oogle! But there,s one more important step i you want to have a good page rank on 0oogle# making sure that your site is popular among other website so that 0oogle will consider it credi&le. -e,ve grouped these techni(ues together under the heading o e'ternal optimi"ations. <0=ternal optimizations,< or link building, refers to e=ternal links, meaning links on other websites that point to your e-commerce site! 5ou should have as many o these links as possi&le. *n many cases! they,re added spontaneously &y partners! internet users themselves! or in ormation sites. %his will happen i your site is well known or i it contains original content that is cited &y third parties. Still! i neither o those is the case! it,s important or you to implement an action plan to create these links yoursel . *n general! the more e'ternal links there are pointing to your page! the more credi&ility your site will have in 0oogle! and the higher you will &e positioned in search engine results. -e recommend the ollowing approach to increasing the num&er o links to your site.

&.3.1 /egularly register your e3commerce site in directories

Begistering your site in directories is the first way to boost the number of e=ternal links!%his makes per ect sense since! although they are &ecoming less e ective with time! they are still very in luential. %hese directories are particularly help ul or e-commerce sites! especially those organi"ed using good internal optimi"ation techni(ues. * you have applied the optimi"ation rules in the previous chapters! you can take ull advantage o any e'ternal links you create. -e recommend that you register your site or at least ten directories each month and continue to do so regularly. %his re(uires signi icant ongoing work! &ut it is unavoida&le i you hope to achieve good results. %he num&er o e'ternal links plays an important role or 0oogle in determining which sites to display. * your e'ternal link results are &etter than the competition! you will have a head start over them in terms o page rank. "es, this is a lot of ongoing effort, but there;s no way to avoid it! 6elieve us! Bemember that your competitors will be making the effort regularly! Treat it like a constant race to have the most e=ternal links!

&.3.2 +nline press release sites

At;s important to write relevant content articles regularly, which you can send to press release sites in e=change for links that point back to your site! .rticles like this should &e a&out ten lines long. 5ou can use sites like www!agence-presse!net or http:FFwww!communi ue-de-presse!com!

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)ne key element to succeeding in this area is the re(uency and regularity o your press releases. Set yoursel a goal o pu&lishing at least 7 press releases each month. 6eep up this pace or a ew months! and you,ll start to see results within several months. %he re(uency with which you pu&lish them should also &e sustained! at least 7 press releases each month. %hat,s a minimum! and you,ll need to do it or several months &e ore you see any results. %he sta rarely releases more than $3 press releases per month and per client! &ut they do it over the long term! which is the most important thing.

&.3.3 "#o $ really need a blog%"

*aving a blog is a long-term, demanding effort that re uires a great deal of energy! 'on;t $ump into writing a blog if you;re not absolutely sure you can keep posting relevant articles to it for a long time! Af you do feel you have the makings of a writer, however, go for it3 8 blog will always be an effective tool for your e-commerce site! 5ou can cover any num&er o topics! like your company! your products! and any new releases! making sure to include at least one link &ack to your e-commerce site in each article. Af you;re not able to start and maintain a blog, you can still participate in forums for your business sector! Even though orum links are o ten set to /no ollow/ @that is! /&locked/ &y 0oogleA! this type o participation will always help develop your reputation.

&.3.4 *.changing lin0s with other sites

"ou undoubtedly know of other companies who, like you, have a website and would like to increase their visibility! &ffer to do a link e=change, where you give them a link in your in the footer of your home page! 5ou can set up cross-linking with a ma'imum o three or our sites using this method. 8on,t go any urther than that.

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This white paper has no doubt convinced you that S0& is a challenging profession that re uires three complementary skill sets: %echnical e'pertise! to master the methods used in SE) and adapt them to meet the constantly changing rules o 0oogle. Farketing e'pertise! to ensure that the selected terms! content and te't really do meet the e'pectations o your visitors. Pro1ect e'pertise! to implement an organi"ed! long-term approach to natural SE)! which is the only way you,ll achieve the results you want.

"ou should also realize that S0& is constantly changing, both because there are always new techni ues and because other companies, specifically your competitors, regularly adopt new practices!

%he e'perts at are completely ocused on natural SE)! and they can support and guide you to achieve the results you want. %hat,s why more and more companies trust to provide them with itsuni(ue e'pertise! constant assistance! and organi"ed! rigorous! long-term approach. -ith a power ul tool like PrestaShop! you,re supporting your strategy with a success ul tool that has esta&lished itsel as a leader in Europe. )nline competition is ierce. 5ou need to do everything you can to get luck on your side! which means a good method! good e'pertise and good tools. )nce you,ve done that! your products and sales a&ility will make your company a successK

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B>)0E2)FFE92E 2)FP.G5 P9ESEG%.%*)G

6log-0commerce!com, a company specializing in S0& for e-commerce sites, is recognized for its e=clusive knowledge in optimizing natural page rank for merchant sites of all sizes! %he services o ered &y are known as the &est in the &usiness when it comes to e-commerce. -ith more than 733 clients since $33?! this company o 1; employees strives or 133C client satis action! and has positioned its clients on thousands o keywords! including some o the most competitive. %ake advantage o this e'pertise &y emailing @contactP&log-ecommerce.comA. www.&

P9ES%.S=)P 2)FP.G5 P9ESEG%.%*)G

,restaShop is the most reliable and fle=ible &pen-source e-commerce software! Since )>>H, ,restaShop has revolutionized the industry by providing features that engage shoppers and increase online sales! The ,restateam consists of over %>> passionate individuals and more than ->> >>> community members dedicated to innovated technology!


ArestaShop, the leading open source e3commerce solution in *urope, and @log3 *, a S*+ agency specializing in e3commerce, have ?oined ,orces to o,,er this white paper on S*+ ,or 8our *32ommerce Site.

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