Final Project CAMY Re Branding

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Re - Branding of failed product in Pakistan ~ KASBIT Final Project Brand Management Submitted by: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Majid Bashir Salman German Nazir ul Haq Younus Farooq Binish Abid 4750 5262 4712 4719 4854 Date: Sunday, February13, 2011 Page 1 of 14 Majid, Salman, Younus, Nazir & Binish

Re - Branding of failed product in Pakistan ~ TABLE OF CONTENTS Content Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION About Our Company Our Purpose Our Commitment Principles H istory SWOT analysis of P&G: Chapter 2 BACKGROUND OF FAILED PRODUCT CAMAY SOAP F ailed Product description and details Product Failure in Pakistan Competitors An alysis of Pakistani Market Chapter 3 RELAUNCH OF CAMAY IN PAKISTAN Camay care Pr oduct features Marketing mix for Camay Care (A) Camay Care Glitter (B) Camay Care Menthol Market Segmentation Targeting Pricing strategy Placement & distribution channels Positioning our product Promotion Marketing Sales forecasting Chapter 4 CONCLUSION Page no 04 04 04 04 04 05 07 07 07 08 09 09 10 10 11 11 11 12 12 13 13 13 14 Page 2 of 14 Majid, Salman, Younus, Nazir & Binish

Re - Branding of failed product in Pakistan ~ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Camay was beauty soap. It was a scented body and hand soap which was available i n different scents. Camay gradually lost its popularity because customers compla ined that it is a highly soluble soap and is consumed a lot, therefore it is not suitable. Its different scents weren't even contributing much to its popularity. Hence, we have done the re-branding of Camay and named it as Camay Care. For its rebranding, we marketed such features of our product which is completely accord ing to the need of the consumers. As soaps are such products that are important for the clean and healthy skin, For example, our product is suitable for all ski n types. Whether the skin is dry, oily or even if it is sensitive, our product i s suitable for all. Besides, it is beneficial for the acne skin too. Certain moi sturizing soaps just penetrate into those skin pores that need to be moisturized , but our soap penetrates into all skin pores and cleans them. Target audiences of our products are mainly teenagers and kids but everyone can use it. Because y ou are never too old to use soaps. Besides, it is for those who are skin conscio us or have acne problem or rough skin. For its pricing we have created a method of price skimming that is bringing a product with high rate in market for a short period of time. Because people would pay a high price for a product which is val uable. Prices would be reduced when its demand falls. All in all P&G's new product Camay Care is suitable for all skin types. It is a soap which is perfect for everyone. It gives skin a fresh and healthy look. Page 3 of 14 Majid, Salman, Younus, Nazir & Binish

Re - Branding of failed product in Pakistan ~ Chapter 1: INTORDUCTION About Our Company Procter & Gamble Co is a Fortune 500, American global corporat ion based in Cincinnati, Ohio, that manufactures a wide range of consumer goods. As of 2008, P&G is the 6th largest corporation in the world by market capitaliz ation and 14th largest US Company by profit. It is 10th in Fortunes Most Admire d Companies list (as of 2007). P&G is credited with many business innovations in cluding brand management, the soap opera, and "Connect & Develop" innovation. Ac cording to the Nielsen Company, in 2007 P&G spent more on U.S. advertising than any other company; the $2.62 billion it spent is almost twice as much as General Motors, the next company on the Nielsen list. P&G was named 2008 Advertiser of the Year by Cannes International Advertising Festival. Three billion times a day , P&G brands touch the lives of people around the world. Our corporate tradition is rooted in the principles of personal integrity, respect for the individual a nd doing whats right for the long-term. Our Purpose We will provide branded pro ducts and services of superior quality and value that improve the lives of the w orlds consumers, now and for generations to come. As a result, consumers will r eward us with leadership sales, profit and value creation, allowing our people, our shareholders and the communities in which we live and work to prosper. Our C ommitment Improving the lives of consumers worldwide is about more than just gre at products. Its about taking responsibility for improving our communities arou nd the world through the work we do, as a Company and as individuals. Principles We show respect for all individuals. The interests of the company and the indiv idual are inseparable. We are strategically focused in our work. Innovation is t he cornerstone of our success. We are externally focused. We value personal mast ery. We seek to be the best. Mutual interdependency is a way of life. History In 1837, Procter and Gamble was founded in Cincinnati by William Procter, a candle maker, and brother-in-law Gamble, a soap maker. Their joint venture started one of the most influential companies in all American industry. The companys first product was Ivory soap, introduced in 1879. Page 4 of 14 Majid, Salman, Younus, Nazir & Binish

Re - Branding of failed product in Pakistan ~ For generations, Procter and Gambl e has been built by scientists and consumer researchers; the latter finding out what the public wants and needs, and the former improving upon old products or i nventing new ones to match these needs and desires. Several products were develo ped during the time period when William Procters son, William Alexander Procter , took over the company (1890-1907.) William Cooper Procter began working in the company in 1883 and served as president of the company from 1907-1930. During t his time, the companys sales rose from $20 million to $200 million. This was a period of growth in which the company built several plants: five in the United S tates, one in Canada, and one in England. William Cooper Procter was a pioneer i n many labor relation reforms. Procter and Gamble became the first American comp any to give half holidays on Saturdays and set up a profitsharing plan in the sa me year. Company policy was reworked in 1920, so that all employees were guarant eed 48 weeks of work per year. Other firsts include a disability pension plan, a life insurance plan, and employee representation on the board of directors. Tod ay, P&G; goods are found in 98 percent of all American households. With addition al products are sold worldwide, from the Arabian Peninsula to Argentina to India , the company remains committed to marketing superior products. SWOT analysis of P&G: P&G is a Global Company reaching out to almost 82 countries. A specialized company with a singular, steadfast focuses on the advancement of skin care and other consumer goods around the globe. It has a very strong global brand image. Since products of P&G have been used for more than 150 years, thus the brand loy alty among its buyers does exist. P&G's goal is simple, improving the quality of h uman life by providing high quality, safe and effective FMCGs, therefore making life easier for so many people around the globe. Strengths: The biggest strength of P&G as a company is having vast range of skin care product line including cr eams, lotions, shampoos, liquid cleansers and etc. It has a very strong brand na me. Due to its strong brand repute, P&G has a huge customer base. The customers of P&G are extremely brand loyal and have less tendency of switching on to some other brand. P&G are always bringing innovations to sustain its customer base. W eakness: The major weakness of P&G is being less innovative than its major compe titor Unilever. Some of the P&G products have failed in certain geographic areas , as the research for those products is not conducted in all the geographic area s where Page 5 of 14 Majid, Salman, Younus, Nazir & Binish

Re - Branding of failed product in Pakistan ~ the product has to be sold. For ex ample, Oil of Olay failed in Pakistan, Camay failed here as well. Opportunities: Some opportunities include the unexplored areas in the markets wh ere P&G can sell its product. One of the opportunities for P&G is to invest in t he segment for children. Another opportunity for P&G is to introduce food and be verages for Pakistani market, keeping in view the tastes and preferences of the people here. Threats: Unilever is the biggest threat for P&G as that is the most aggressive competitor of P&G. With the advent of new FMCG providers in market w ith less priced products, people in markets like Pakistan where due to inflation customers can switch on to other low price products. As P&G is operating global ly therefore the regulations of Government in different geographical areas may a ffect the policies of P&G. As the world economy is going through the unprecedent ed economy crisis that may prove to be a threat for all the businesses being ope rated globally Page 6 of 14 Majid, Salman, Younus, Nazir & Binish

Re - Branding of failed product in Pakistan ~ Chapter 2 BACKGROUND OF FAILED PRODUCT CAMAY SOAP Failed Product description and details: Camay was rich, creamy beauty soap. Cama y was available in different fragrances. Camay was the name of a scented hand an d body soap, made by Procter & Gamble. It was first introduced in 1926 and marke ted as a "white, pure soap for women," as many soaps of the time were colored to mask impurities. Camays slogan for many years was "Camay: the soap for beautif ul women." It was later replaced with "For your most beautiful complexion at eve ry age." Camay is still produced although many stores in the United States and P akistan do not sell it anymore, as it has fallen out of popularity in recent yea rs. Since it is still quite popular abroad, in the U.S. it is often found at imm igrant-oriented ethnic stores. For many years, Camay was a major sponsor of the soap opera Search for Tomorrow. Camay Soap was introduced in the USA in 1926 and in the UK in 1958. It was one of the first beauty soaps to be marketed in post-wa r Britain. The brand was seen as a luxurious and exclusive soap, which provided the ultimate in feminine glamour. In those early days, Camay became renowned for its use of exclusive French perfume, its pink colour and its rich lather. The n ame Camay was derived from the bars own cameo stamp. "Camay" was coined from th e French word, "camee," which means cameo, the jewel. Product Failure in Pakista n: Camay was introduced in Pakistan. Extensive advertisement was done for the pr oducts. The soap was introduced with different scents to ensure variety. But Cam ay became unsuccessful in coping up the expectations of the customers. Therefore it was failed. One of the complaints of the customers was that Camay is highly soluble soap, due to which it is consumed highly and is not a cost efficient pro duct. Camay failed to compete with Lux, Capri, Dove, Imperial leather etc. Even the different scents of the product could not contribute to its success. Custome rs did not accept such soap and ultimately P&G had to face a decline in the grow th stage of Camay. Competitors Analysis of Pakistani Market: Leading Soap Brand Lifebuoy Lux Safeguard Other Market Share 35% 25% 15% 25% Page 7 of 14 Majid, Salman, Younus, Nazir & Binish

Re - Branding of failed product in Pakistan ~ Chapter 3 RELAUNCH OF CAMAY IN PAKISTAN CAMAY CARE Our product Camay Care is a face wash in a bar. Soaps are one of the most important consumer goods in everyday life. The need for such a product is alway s there. Life is becoming more and more fast with every passing day and in order to cope with the time limitations people want products which are easy to use an d do not consume time. Our product deals with the same need of people and is tar geted specially towards those people who are good time managers; Camay Care helps people to satisfy their need of looking good within minutes. Our product is very simple and sophisticated. It will be a core consumer product, which will provid e the consumers with the benefit of clean, healthy, shiny skin with relative eas e and comfort. The product will be available in various types. Product will be a vailable in diverse packs according to scents, and will be an economical product . Price of the product will be slightly higher as compared to the normal soaps, but still the value provided to the customers will be more as compared to the co sts they will incur. To conclude, our product will provide the customer with gre at benefit of clean, healthy, shiny skin with ease, comfort and relieve from all everyday skin problems. PRODUCT FEATURES Moisturizing soap that only penetrates into those skin pores that require to be moisturized and leaves the rest, thus a customized approach for every skin. Sensitive skin becomes more resistant to d amage, creating a healthy look and soft feel. A solution to all acne problems an d other abnormal "plugging" of pores, leaving skin free of blemishes and marks. Choosing the appropriate skin care products can be confusing and difficult. But this is Gentle enough for daily use, on both dry and oily skin types Medicated p roduct creates a lasting effect on the skin. Page 8 of 14 Majid, Salman, Younus, Nazir & Binish

Re - Branding of failed product in Pakistan ~ MARKETING MIX FOR CAMAY CARE: Not simply nice to look at but even nice to smell an d use! We have identified 3 unusual flavors to market the varied choices of the users. Our product is not the typical everyday medicated soap, it is a medicated soap which is fun to look at and fun to use and it is first of its kind that's wh y it will have an advantage of a first player. If we would have tried coming as the traditional medicated soap we would have incurred quite some serious difficu lty trying to convince people that we are better than the rest. When our custome rs would think `medicated soap from P&G' they would think Glitter and Menthol flavou red. Most of the medicated soaps in the market smell pretty bad, but our soap gi ves the most seducing aromas ever, making it quite popular amongst people. (A) C AMAY CARE GLITTER Camay Care Glitter is derived from natural herbal extracts whi ch contain vitamins the unique combination between Glitter and bisabolol have mo isturizing and soothing effects frequent use will leave your skin feeling soothe r, fresher and acne free skin. Product Features Sodium Palmate, Coconut Oil, Gly cerine, Glitter, EtidronicAcid, Sodium Hydro Sulphite, Frgrance, Tetra Sodium, E DTA Titanium Dioxide Water.Ci19140, NaOH. The glitter particles will merely be a n attraction for the young girls which will turn into soap and not remain as gli tter. The glitter flavored soap would be really pretty_ shiny and sparkly but a highly effective medicated soap trying to cater to the personalities of people w ho like fun things like glitter. (B) CAMAY CARE MENTHOL: The menthol flavor caters to the tastes of ke traditional stuff like peppermint. It has been an object, which mily consumes regularly and thus this soap too is meant for people laying any role in a family because you're certainly never too old Page 9 of 14 Majid, Salman, Younus, Nazir & Binish people who li the entire fa of all ages p for peppermint.

Re - Branding of failed product in Pakistan ~ MARKET SEGMENTATION To get a produ ct or service to the right person or company, a marketer would firstly segment t he market, then target a single segment or series of segments, and finally posit ion within the segments Segmentation is essentially the identification of subset s of buyers within a market who share similar needs and who demonstrate similar buyer behavior. The world is made up from billions of buyers with their own sets of needs and behavior. Segmentation aims to match groups of purchasers with the same set of needs and buyer behavior. Such a group is known as a segment. Seg mentation is a form of critical evaluation rather than a prescribed process or s ystem, and hence no two markets are defined and segmented in the same way There are many ways that a segment can be considered. For example, the auto market cou ld be segmented by: By geography Such as where in the world the product was boug ht our product would be customized for Asian skin types. It would be a local pro duct available only in Pakistan, developed especially to work wonders on the Asi an skin type. By psychographics Such as lifestyle or beliefs People with a certa in lifestyle would want to buy an expensive medicated soap not every Tom Dick an d Harry would do that. Thus our segment if considered psycho graphically would t arget people whose beliefs and attitudes are shaped by popular culture and they fall prey to what the television says pretty easily. By socio-cultural factors S uch as class does play a part in the acceptance of such products in your life. P eople from the upper class and upper middle class would be ready to buy our soap because it is not acceptable to people with a low income to splurge on such lux uries as medicated soap. By demography Such as age, sex, and so on. Mostly femal es are conscious about their skin, and males prefer not to use products with the stereotypical `beauty' attached to it. Since its not a beauty soap but a medicated soap hence males would accept the usage of Camay Care more readily. The age of o ur segment is the teenage age group when you encounter so many overwhelming chan ges that you desperately try out everything and anything which would solve their problem. We would satisfy them and solve their problem so that they would keep on using our product with loyalty. TARGETING Targeting is the second stage of th e segment, target, positioning process. After the market has been separated into its segments, the marketer will select a segment or series of segments and tar get it/them. Resources and effort will be targeted at the segment. Its like lo oking at a dartboard or a shooting target. You see that it has areas with differ ent scores - these are your segments. Aiming the dart or the bullet at a specifi c scoring area is targeting. Camay Care the face wash in a bar is perfect for: Kids Teenagers Page 10 of 14 Majid, Salman, Younus, Nazir & Binish

Re - Branding of failed product in Pakistan ~ People conscious about their skin People troubled by acne People wanting a trustable soap for their skin People tr oubled by too many harmful chemicals in the products they use People looking for a fun soap which would brighten their day People who want nice smelling medicat ed soaps This product is basically targeted at kids and teenagers but people in the entire household can use it. People who are afraid to use medicated soaps be cause of the chemicals present in them would feel pretty comfortable with the fr iendly attire of Crystal. Its also a great product for those who have to use a medicated soap because they have blemishes, acne or blackheads, they would treat their unfriendly problems with a soap which looks friendly. PRICING STRATEGY We will use the price skimming strategy. The practice of `price skimming' involves charg ing a relatively high price for a short time where a new, innovative, or much-im proved product is launched onto a market. The objective is to skim off customers w ho are willing to pay more to have the product sooner; prices are lowered later when demand from the early adopters falls. The main objective of employing a price -skimming strategy is, therefore, to benefit from high short-term profits, due t o the newness of the product, and from effective market segmentation. A highly in novative product will be launched; research and development costs are high, as a re the costs of introducing the product to the market via promotion, advertising etc. In this case, the practice of price- skimming allows for some return on th e set-up costs Charging initial high prices will allow the firm the luxury of red ucing them when the threat of competition arrives. By contrast, a lower initial price would be difficult to increase without risking the loss of sales volume. P RODUCT PRICE One of the most important decisions in marketing is price. This is because price is believed to have impact on sales volumes. If the price is too h igh and the market is competitive, sales may be correspondingly reduced. The mai n reason for the importance of price is that it is one of the main variables tha t determine the profit. The profit per unit is equal to the price less the total cost of producing that unit. Profit = Price - Cost The retailed price computed for Camay Care the soap is Rs 40.05. These computations are based on the market st udy, consultancy from the retailers and the suppliers. PLACEMENT & DISTRIBUTION CHANNELS : A distribution channel is defined as: Elements of the system of delive ry of merchandise to customers from the manufacturer or wholesaler, including re tailers, brokers, and shipping companies; also includes discussions of store mer chandising and cross- merchandising. The distribution system refers to the enti re marketing process, and not just the physical product distribution. It is a se t of interdependent groups and individuals concerned with transferring specific goods or services from the original producer or supplier to the final user or co nsumer. Page 11 of 14 Majid, Salman, Younus, Nazir & Binish

Re - Branding of failed product in Pakistan ~ Distribution channels are essentially sets of relationships where the parties in volved have to: Know each others aims, policies and procedures Be aware of thei r planning horizons and management styles Be willing to accept tasks as well as impose them on others The most effective distribution channels are those where t he distributors interests are made to coincide with the producers interests. B efore any commitment is made, the producer needs to be certain of the distributo rs business aims, attitudes and customer franchise. It pays to remember that yo ur distributors are customers too, and have the option to buy elsewhere. Distrib utors may take on some or all of the tasks involved in getting goods or services from the producers door to the consumer's threshold. Transferring part of the co mpany's image to the distributor implies that decisions taken by the middleman mus t be reviewed and should be of a long-term nature. POSITIONING Positioning is un doubtedly one of the simplest and most useful tools to marketers. After segmenti ng a market and then targeting a consumer, you would proceed to position a produ ct within that market. Positioning is all about perception. As perception diff ers from person to person, so do the results of the positioning map e.g. what yo u perceive as quality, value for money, etc, is different to my perception. Howe ver, there will be similarities. Products or services are mapped together on a positioning map. This allows them to be compared and contrasted in relation t o each other. This is the main strength of this tool. Marketers decide upon a co mpetitive position which enables them to distinguish their own products from the offerings of their competition (hence the term positioning strategy). The ter m positioning refers to the consumers perception of a product or service in r elation to its competitors. You need to ask yourself, what is the position of th e product in the mind of the consumer? POSITIONING OUR PRODUCT Current Position: Currently our company is one of the leading pharmaceutical companies and any pr oduct we launch will automatically have medicated attached to it because that's wh at we do basically. Thus we will not try to tell our consumers what they already know but would stress about the fact that our soap is satisfying to our custome rs. Future Target Position: We will tell them what they do not know about us. We will tell them that our soap is not just medicated, but its also fun to look at , good to smell and when you use it you get the added benefit of crystal clear s kin along with all these qualities. Main Competition: We have to compete with co mpanies who make medicated soaps and medicated face washes because our bar has t he qualities of a face wash in it. The companies who make beauty soaps will also be tough competition because people will need to be convinced to use medicated soaps instead of regular everyday soap products. Other medicated soaps manufactu rers who have been in the market before us. Page 12 of 14 Majid, Salman, Younus, Nazir & Binish

Re - Branding of failed product in Pakistan ~ Resources: Yes we certainly do hav e the resources available. We would use a large budget to launch this soap as th is is a perfect opportunity for gaining access in the segments of the market not ventured into before; this would in turn increase our market share. Survival in tough situation: Definitely; as no venture, guarantees instant success no matte r how good the idea is and how perfectly you implement it. You always encounter some setbacks on the road to acceptance and P&G is ready to face those challenge s for whatever time it is necessary. Packaging: Nothing beats an external appear ance that says "inside this package is a person as healthy and glowing as the wr apping itself. We have chosen a simple packaging for this product yet attractive. A packaging should be able to turn heads but then again it should not be superf icial. PROMOTION P&G promotes its products in a variety of ways. Camay Care will be promoted by using the mediums of television, newspaper and radio. Camay Care's advertising depends upon the target market i.e. Camay Care focuses on teenagers which is why the main focus of advertisements would undoubtedly be teenagers. T eenagers with wonderful skin shall model for our product in order to attract the teenage community. A promotion can only be successful if it relates directly to the target market. It is thus imperative for us to use young teenagers who have clear acne free skins to help us launch our product by working for our advertis ements. Billboards outside schools, colleges, universities, net cafs and even the tuition centers shall be a good promotional strategy MARKETING: After developin g our product we did its test marketing and gave the sample products to our empl oyees to know its results. We also did test marketing outside the schools, colla ges, and universities. Result was positive and our product is ready for entering in the market. SALES FORECASTING Sales forecasting is the process of organizing and analyzing information in a way that makes it possible to estimate what your sales will be. In order to live in this world of cutthroat competition, everyon e tries to work really hard and with full commitment day and night. As, life is becoming more and more busy so everyone finds it very difficult to get some time from the very busy schedules for themselves. We used qualitative methods to fin d out how much revenue we would generate from the introduction of satisfaction. Th e primary methods used include: Survey of buyers' intentions Expert opinion Compos ite of sales force estimates These methods showed that we would generate conside rable revenue, since this is a new product in Pakistan, it does not have any dir ect competition, and there is a great need of it among the consumers in the nich e market we are going to target. Page 13 of 14 Majid, Salman, Younus, Nazir & Binish

Re - Branding of failed product in Pakistan ~ Chapter 4 CONCLUSION P&G's new product Camay Care will definitely create a great impact in the environmen t. Camay Care is a soap, which transports consumers by the sea and leaves your ski n fresh. It also gives teenagers finally a chance to get rid of their acne probl ems and have a clear fresh skin cheaply by not a face wash, not a cream but by s oap. Page 14 of 14 Majid, Salman, Younus, Nazir & Binish

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