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Registration Number: PAu 3-617-701

630 Grand Street Apartment 4 Hoboken, NJ 07030 (201) 792-0622

FADE IN: INT. TERMINAL 5 - BACKSTAGE - NIGHT ALISON MOSSHART, 30, and JAMIE HINCE, 40, alone in the wings, look in the direction of the crowd that they cant see yet but can hear over the piped music. The turn to each other and do their "pregame ritual": They kiss on the lips... Then on each cheek... And they do this in succession three times. Jamie extends a hand towards the stage, a "ladies first" gesture. Alison reaches back and Jamie takes her hand as they step into the darkness together. INT. BEDROOM - NIGHT A hand comes into frame, careful as it puts the needle on the spinning record. The hand belongs to one LIZ BASS - 13, skinny, all limbs. As she steps back, the opening beats of "No Wow" fill the room and will SOUND CROSSOVER the following scenes: INT. EMMAS BEDROOM - DAY Same day but early that morning. EMMA BASS - 18, natural pretty - is in her bed (a mattress on the floor), wide awake and staring at the clock thats within arms reach. INT. TERMINAL 5 - STAGE - NIGHT As Alison and Jamie step onto the stage, the crowd - which was loud before - lets out a deafening roar. INT. HIGH SCHOOL CLASSROOM - DAY Emma - later that same day and now in school - is seated at a desk and watching the wall clock tick tock, tick tock.


INT. TERMINAL 5 - STAGE - NIGHT As Jamie plays "No Wow", Alison begins to pace back and forth across the stage. INT. FAST FOOD RESTAURANT - NIGHT Same day but now night, Emma - dressed from head to toe in the uniform of some ubiquitous fast food chain - is standing at the fryer station and staring up at the digital clock on the wall. INT. LIZS BEDROOM - NIGHT Liz looks over at the broomstick leaning against the wall. INT. 1969 MUSTANG - NIGHT Back in her street clothes, Emma - sitting behind the wheel of her rust colored 69 Mustang - stares up at the swaying stoplight, its red eye glaring down at her. INT. TERMINAL 5 - STAGE - NIGHT And The Kills bring "No Wow" loudly into life. INTERCUT Liz lip syncing. Present day Kills on stage at Terminal 5. Emma behind the wheel and hauling ass down the highway. The Kills at Terminal 5 end "No Wow" and the crowd wants more. END INTERCUT AND SOUND CROSSOVER EXT. HIGHWAY - NIGHT As soon as she sees the approaching cop car in her rearview mirror, Emma lowers volume of the radio and slows her car down. The COP pulls up alongside her and turns to give Emma a once over before taking off down the road. As she drives... LIZ (VO) When I tell them I just graduated, adults always ask me the same (MORE) (CONTINUED)



LIZ (VO) (CONTD) question: So what do you want to do with the rest of my life? My answer is always the same: I dont know. Sometimes theyre cool about it but most of the time I get, "Well, you better know soon because if youre not careful, youre life will slip away". I always want to ask: Where is it going to slip away to? But I dont because whats the point? They dont know the answer any way. Emma slows down as she sees the gas station with the minimart attached alongside of it. LIZ (VO) Someone looking from the outside in might say that theyre just trying to help me. I say that theyre just being an asshole. Because if they were trying to help me out then they could start by telling me the truth: most of us dont know what we want even when we say that we do. In my book, that makes them not just an asshole, that makes them a liar, too. Emma turns up the radio and continues on, watches the minimart shrink in the side view mirror... LIZ (VO) (CONTD) My sister Emma wasnt like that. She never lied to me: not once when we lived at home and not when we were on the road. Emma stops in the middle of the road and looks back at the bright lights of the now tiny minimart. LIZ (VO) (CONTD) Not even at the end when we had our backs against the wall and the cops were beating at the door. Emma shifts the Mustang back into gear, bangs the U-turn and heads back towards the minimart. LIZ (VO) (CONTD) I believe it now like I believed it then. The night my sister gave me (MORE) (CONTINUED)



LIZ (VO) (CONTD) the best birthday gift I have ever gotten. The last time I ever saw her. EXT. GAS STATION - NIGHT With a turn of the key, Emma kills the engine and lights. From her vantage point, we can she is looking at ADAM - 20, scruffy, good-looking - working behind the counter inside of the place. INT. GAS STATION - NIGHT At the back of the store, Emma can see Adam ringing up a CUSTOMER via a large mirror hanging in the corner. One of the items she has in her arms shifts and she adjusts her grip to prevent it from falling. She looks back up at the mirror... And finds Adam now watching her. Another item in her arms moves and Emma jerks as she tries to stop it from falling. CUT TO: Emma dumps all of her groceries onto the counter. picks up a pack of Ramen noodles ADAM What college? EMMA What do you mean? ADAM What college are you at? When youre in college, you know...youre always broke and Ramen noodles are cheap... EMMA Im not in college. ADAM Oh. Adam




EMMA Im a senior. Im graduating. ADAM Oh. EMMA Youre in college? ADAM I guess if Community College is college, then yes Im in college. EMMA Community college is college. ADAM Depends on the community. He continues to ring and bag up Emmas groceries. ADAM Why are you always doing your shopping so late? EMMA Hm? ADAM You come in here a the same time...kind of late to do grocery shopping...late night munchies? EMMA What? No, not that. I work late. And I have a stepmother who hates to grocery shop. ADAM Evil stepmother. I have one, too.

They laugh and then things get quiet again. ADAM (CONTD) Where do you work? EMMA Arbys. ADAM At the mall.




EMMA Yeah. ADAM So you live close by then? EMMA Not really. I live at _____. ADAM (beat) Off of route 3? "Not really?" Thats "Not at all." Why shop here? This is a little out of the way, no? EMMA Yes it is. Thank God. ADAM I get it: the evil stepmother again. EMMA Exactly. How about you? live around here? ADAM Unfortunately I do. EMMA Thats not so bad. You could practically roll in here in your pajamas. ADAM Yeah thats exactly the problem. Makes it hard to get motivated and leave. Adam finishes bagging up her groceries. ADAM (CONTD) That will be twenty-two eighty three. EMMA Right. She digs through bag. Do you




EMMA Sorry. ADAM Take your time. Emma pulls her wallet out from her bag and counts out her cash. As she hands him the amount... EMMA Sorry about all of the singles. Slow night at the strip club. Adam lets out a snort with his laugh. ADAM Thats a good one. EMMA I try. Adam rips off the reciept and hands it over to Emma. ADAM My name is Adam. Whats yours? EMMA Emma. Em. Actually my sister is the only one who calls me that. I gotta go. ADAM Right. Evil stepmother, glass slipper, Mustang turns into a pumpkin by midnight. EMMA Something like that. see you later. I guess Ill

ADAM You know where you can find me. Emma hurries to the door. ADAM (CONTD) Emma. She stops at the door and looks back at Adam.




EMMA Yeah? ADAM Nothing. I was just going to say that I like "Emma" better than Em. No offense to your sister. Emma turns and leaves. EXT. EMMA AND LIZS HOME - DRIVEWAY - NIGHT As Emma pulls into the driveway, her lights flash on a brand new yellow 2012 Camaro. INT. EMMA AND LIZS HOME - KITCHEN - NIGHT Emma walks in to find MARIE - 40s, tired, angry looking - at the kitchen table. A stack of mostly open mail lies in front of her and a well-worn checkbook lies on the side. Emma goes over to the counter and starts unpacking the grocery bags. EMMA Whats with the banana outside? MARIE What are you talking about? EMMA The very yellow car in the driveway. MARIE Its your fathers. Apparently its his gift to himself for "all his hard work". EMMA Seriously? MARIE What does that mean? EMMA Nothing. I mean, he sits behind a desk all day. MARIE Hes still a police officer.


CONTINUED: EMMA I know that. MARIE And hes still busting his ass for you and your smart mouth. EMMA Thats not what I meant. MARIE So what did you mean? EMMA It looks expensive. Thats all. MARIE Lucky for you, you dont have to worry. And what the hell is that?


Emma stops unpacking and looks down at the carton of soy milk she has just placed on the counter. EMMA Its soy milk. MARIE I know what soy milk is. Im asking why are you holding soy milk in your hand and not regular milk? EMMA This is supposed to be good for you. MARIE Okay, new rule: When I tell you to get me something, thats what you get. Okay? EMMA Okay. MARIE Okay? EMMA I said yeah. MARIE Good. So tomorrow bring home some real milk because I could give a shit whether its better for me or not. (CONTINUED)



"No Wow" blasts right through the basement doors and into the kitchen. MARIE Goddammit! Marie goes over to the basement door and bangs on it hard. The volume dips but only ever so slightly. MARIE (CONTD) (to Emma) This is your fault and yes Im serious. Youre the one who got her that Killers album. EMMA Its The Kills and youve got to be joking. MARIE How about you go down there and tell her to turn that shit down or Ill show you how Im joking? Emma walks past Marie, opens the basement door and slamming the door behind her - enters the basement. INT. EMMA AND LIZS HOME - BASEMENT - NIGHT Liz spins around to find that Emma is at the record player and the person responsible for turning it down. EMMA What the hell are you doing? LIZ Is Mom mad? EMMA And not at you. LIZ I wasnt trying to get you in trouble. Emma walks over to the record player, takes the needle off the record and turns off the player. EMMA Well, try a little harder next time.




LIZ Mom said it was okay to wait up for you. EMMA Of course she did. LIZ What do you mean? EMMA I mean God forbid I stayed up late when I was your age. Emma looks over at the TV and the static coming from its screen. Liz looks over at the TV also. LIZ Mom forgot to pay the cable bill again. EMMA I can see that. LIZ I wanted to tell you something. Guess what? EMMA Im tired and I dont want to guess. LIZ Guess whos going to see The Kills for their birthday? Im going to see The Kills for my birthday! EMMA Youre going to see The Kills? LIZ Im going to see The Kills for my birthday! In two weeks, I will be standing in front of Jamie and Alison. EMMA Marie said she was getting you tickets? LIZ Yes!




EMMA When did you ask her? LIZ Like two months ago. EMMA And she has them? LIZ She said she would take care of it. EMMA Whos taking you? LIZ I dont care who but someone is because Im seeing The Kills for my birthday! What? EMMA What is with you and this band? LIZ I love them. EMMA I know that but what is it about them specifically that makes you so wacko? And please dont say... EMMA ...theyre the greatest band in the whole world. LIZ Theyre the greatest band in the whole world.

EMMA (CONTD) Well the greatest band in the world is off for the night. LIZ One more song. EMMA Go. Emma watches Liz sulk and leave the room. Emma walks over to the record player and picks up The Kills album "Blood Pressures". She looks at Alison and Jaime who are on the cover and then over at the bathroom where Liz disappeared into.


INT. EMMA AND LIZS HOME - KITCHEN - NIGHT Emma walks past Marie who is busy doing dishes and heads for refrigerator. She opens it, scans the fridges shelves and then closes it again. Neither of them look at the other throughout the conversation. EMMA So you got Liz tickets to see The Kills? Thats crazy. Her first concert and on her birthday. Thats exciting. Marie turns off the water and dries her hands on towel. EMMA (CONTD) Shes really excited. MARIA Dont worry: you wont have to take her. EMMA So you did get the tickets? MARIE I said I would do it so I did. With that last word, Marie goes back to the dishes. EMMA Im going to bed. MARIE You do that. And with that Emma exits the room. INT. EMMAS BEDROOM - NIGHT FADE TO BLACK. FADE IN: INT. EMMA AND LIZS HOME - KITCHEN - DAY Emma walks in to find Liz sitting at the table eating a big a plate of waffles and a large set of 70s style headphones on her ears.




But Liz continues singing softly - and badly - along with The Kills "Fried My Little Brains". Emma taps her sister on the shoulder, lifts up the right side headphone and which forces Liz to look up at her. EMMA (CONTD) Hey. LIZ Hey. Liz snaps the headphone back onto her ears and continues singing while she eats. MARIE (to Emma) Leave her alone. EMMA Shes lucky. I could have done what you use to do and tossed them into the garbage. MARIE Are you sure you want to do this now? This early in the morning? do yourself a favor and get your mail and get out before you really piss me off. EMMA What mail? Marie jerks her head towards Liz and the table. EMMA (CONTD) On the table? MARIE No on the floor. Yes on the table.

Emma looks over at the table and sees an envelope perched up against some books. She goes over, picks it up and sees: INSERT - AN OPENED ENVELOPE from New Jersey City University located in the same city. (CONTINUED)



BACK TO SCENE EMMA Whyd you open it? MARIE Because its my house. that all about? EMMA I have no idea. MARIE Thats out of state. going out of state. Youre not So whats

EMMA I didnt apply out of state. I gotta go. (to Liz, lifts up her headphones) I gotta go. Liz starts to get up. MARIE (to Liz) Sit. Eat. (to Emma) Ill take her. EMMA Shes going to be late again. MARIE Dont worry about her. Emma grabs the envelope, throws it in her bag and exits. EXT. BECKYS HOME - DAY BECKY - 18, dirty blond and tanned - stands on the sidewalk and watches Emma fumbling underneath the open hood. After a couple of good whacks to the starter with a small crowbar, Emma gets into her 64 Pontiac GTO and starts it right up.


INT. 1969 MUSTANG - DAY Becky snaps in her Depeche Mode cassette into the eight-track converter which she then slams hard into the slot. She presses play and sits back to listen to "People Are People". Emma looks over at her friend and finds her looking away from her. Suddenly, David Gahans voice begins to warble from the speakers and a panicked Becky looks over at the eight-track. She reaches over and presses the STOP button over and over. BECKY No no no no no no no. She hits the eject buttonand the converter pops out followed by a long entrail of cassette tape. Becky gives it a hard yank and it finally breaks free into a mangle pile. BECKY (CONTD) This fucking thing...! Becky tears more tape from the cassette before tossing it out of the window. EMMA Relax. BECKY Thats the third time. EMMA Its happens to me. BECKY No it doesnt. It only happens to me. Any tape I put in there, this fucking car eats it. EMMA Maybe you should stop listening to shitty music. BECKY Fuck you.




Fuck you.

EMMA Jesus.

Becky turns back to her window and the passing scenery. Emma feels around under her seat and pulls out a cassette tape. After snapping it into place, she shoves the converter back into its slot. As it plays, Emma looks back over at Becky but she is still giving Emma her back. Emma reaches over, turns up the volume and Fugazi blares from the speakers. INT. GAS STATION - MINI-MART - DAY Emma leans over the counter in the direction of the open stock room door. ADAM (OS) Is there anything I can help you with, Miss? Emma turns around to find Adam dressed in street clothes and bookbag slung over his shoulder. EMMA I thought you said you lived near here and not actually here. ADAM I worked a double. Like I said its hard to get away. An OLDER MAN - 50s, furrowed brow - walks out from the stock room and towards Emma and the counter. ADAM (CONTD) Hey, Smiley. Do me a favor and give my friend my discount. Oh wait: we dont get a discount. SMILEY - true to his moniker and giving no indication of whether he heard Adams joke - looks over at Emma sans a smile. EMMA Ill have a pack of Marlboros, red. ADAM Youre a smoker.




EMMA Its not for me. ADAM Then whos it for? Emma looks over at her car through the window and Adam does the same. Becky - leaning against the car - standss up when she sees Adam standing next to Emma. EXT. HIGH SCHOOL - PARKING LOT - DAY Emma and Becky are standing by the GTO, smoking and watching their fellow classmates as they shuffle through the front doors of the school. Emma looks over at Becky to find that she is watching her. EMMA What? BECKY I got nothing to say. Im not the one with the boyfriend. EMMA Some boyfriend. BECKY So youd going to mess with some guy who works at a bodega off of the strip? EMMA Its not a bodega. Its a minimart. As the school bell rings, Emma drops her cigarette onto the ground and stubs it out with her foot. EMMA (CONTD) Time to go. Theyre calling all the cattle home. Emma walks away without even waiting for Becky to finish up her own cigarette. INT. TERMINAL 5 - STAGE - NIGHT The crowd goes quiet as Jamie and Alison do their rendition of "Pale Blue Eyes".


INT. HIGH SCHOOL - CLASSROOM - DAY Emma - seated at a desk - gives her test paper one last look before getting up. MR. WOZNIAK - 40s, paunchy - looks up from his desk which is located at the front of the room when he sees Emma approaching. MR. WOZNIAK Thanks. Emma walks back to her desk and takes a seat. She pulls out the NJCU envelope, tears it open and reads INSERT - LETTER It is an invitation from the school to take a tour of the campus and and offer enroll in its nursing program. BACK TO SCENE As the bell rings, Emma shoves the envelope back into her bag, gets up and heads for the exit. While on her way there, she passes Mr. Wozniaks desk. MR. WOZNIAK (CONTD) Wait a minute. He hands her back her test. EMMA That was fast. MR. WOZNIAK It is when there arent a lot of mistakes. Emma looks at the large red 100 circled at the top of the test. MR. WOZNIAK (CONTD) Good job. EMMA Thanks. Emma continues filing out with the rest of her classmates.

20. INT. HIGH SCHOOL - CAFETERIA - DAY Emma is going through her NJCU brochure, an untouched tray of food sitting in front of her. Seeing Becky approaching, she folds it up and shoves it into her notebook, trying to be nonchalant about it the entire time. Becky takes a seat at the table. BECKY What was that? EMMA Just some bullshit that came in the mail. GERRY (OS) And what bullshit is that? The girls look up to see GERRY approach and join them. Hes good looking, tanned and with a body built through manual labor versus the gym. GERRY (CONTD) Same shit you pulled the other night? EMMA I was tired. GERRY Try another excuse. EMMA I work late. GERRY Same as me. EMMA What do want me to say? GERRY I want you to tell me whats going on. LINDSAY (OS) "Whats Going On?" Isnt there a song with that line in it? Everyone looks up at LINDSAY - same age, hot and sexy and aware of it - as she comes up behind Emma.




EMMA There is. Its by Marvin Gaye. LINDSAY Thats right. Hey, Becky. Whats the name of that song again? BECKY I have no clue. EMMA Shes just fucking with you, Beck. Right, Linds? Youre a big Marvin Gaye fan, Linds? LINDSAY Nope. EMMA Didnt think so. LINDSAY Just heard it on the radio just like you. EMMA Like everyone else. LINDSAY Exactly. As Lindsay and Emma lock eyes, Becky shifts in her seat while Gerry, grinning from ear to ear, watches with anticipation. Lindsay is the first to look away and at the others at the table. LINDSAY (CONTD) Just thought Id stop by and say hi to my fellow seniors. GERRY Hey, Linds. You look good. Smiling, Lindsay looks back over at Emma. LINDSAY You still work at the mall? EMMA I do.




LINDSAY I should go. EMMA Do. I love meeting my fellow seniors outside of these hallowed halls. LINDSAY I meant to class. I have Wozniak.

GERRY Fucking guy. Burned me with that surprise quiz, man. (to Lindsay) Howd you do? LINDSAY I got a hundred. (to Emma) How about you, Em? EMMA Same as you. Thats weird. LINDSAY (pause) Let me get going and get some food in me. (noting their trays) Or whatever theyre calling that shit on your plate. Emma watches Gerry watching Lindsay walk away. EMMA Youre right, Ger. good. She does look

GERRY Dont try that jealousy bullshit. EMMA Im not. Youre way out of her league. GERRY You think so? EMMA I dont think so. I know so.


CONTINUED: GERRY Fuck this bullshit. What did I do to you? EMMA Not a thing. GERRY Then why are you ducking me? EMMA Im not. GERRY So come over. EMMA (beat) After work. GERRY After work what? EMMA I will stop by your house after I get off of work. GERRY I gotta go. (to Emma) Stop fucking around with me. Gerry gets up and heads for the exit.


Emma watches Gerry walk away and looks over to find Becky doing the same thing. Becky turns back to Emma and sees her looking at her. BECKY What? EMMA Speaking of fucking around. BECKY Whatre you talking about? EMMY Im talking about this morning. And the morning before that. You have as they say - been a real bitch lately.





BECKY Ive been out of it.

EMMA Are you alright? BECKY No. EMMA Your mom? BECKY My mom? Fuck that bitch. her. This. No, not

Becky sweeps her arm across in the direction of the cafeteria. EMMA The cafeteria? BECKY No, not the caf. EMMA Then what is it? BECKY Its everything. The caf. The school. The town. The entire place eats shit. You dont feel like that sometimes. EMMA I guess. BECKY Im not "I guess". I am. Everything sucks here. Dont you just want to get the hell out of here sometimes? EMMA We do. BECKY Im not talking about camping. talking about going somewhere. EMMA So where? Im




BECKY Who cares. I dont. Do you? I know you know what Im talking about. The bell rings and the students around her get up, get ready to leave. EMMA Meet you in the parking lot. BECKY Great! I get to go to work! you there. See

Becky turns and heads for the exit with the others. As she does this, Emma pulls out the NJCU letter and takes another look at it. INT. FAST FOOD RESTAURANT - LOCKER ROOMS - DAY Becky, dressed in her Arbys uniform, takes a look at her makeup in the mirror hanging on the inside of her locker door. She turns and sees that Emma is still not dressed. BECKY Whatre you doing? Emma shoves the NJCU letter back into her bag and continues dressing. Becky, meanwhile, goes back to her makeup. EMMA Sorry. BECKY Dont apologize to me. Sharons the boss and thats who youre fucking with. EMMA I want to ask you something. BECKY What? EMMA What do you think about the two of us moving in together? Becky turns and faces Emma.


CONTINUED: EMMA (CONTD) We talked about it before. BECKY In the Eighth Grade. EMMA Forget it. BECKY No. Wait. (Pause) Yeah. EMMA Yeah? BECKY Yeah, man. Yeah, yeah, yeah. were you thinking? I wasnt. head. What


EMMA It just popped into my Becky looks

They smile at each other, fellow conspirators. up at the clock on the wall. BECKY Shit. Better hustle, babes. and I are talking after. EMMA Ill be right out. You

Becky exits and Emma stops what she is doing. Her eyes go far away as she thinks. INT. FAST FOOD RESTAURANT - CASH REGISTERS - NIGHT Emma just finishes setting up her register when Mr. Wozniak approaches. MR. WOZNIAK Miss White, hard at work. EMMA Always, Mr. Wozniak. MR. WOZNIAK Please: Dont be so formal. Call me Mr. W. They both laugh. (CONTINUED)



EMMA What can I get you, Mr. Wozniak? MR. WOZNIAK As much as I would like to purchase one of your exceptional combo meals, I am going to have to pass. EMMA Mrs. Wozniak has you on that diet again. MR. WOZNIAK Yes she does. Speaking of my wife, I should get going. Shes around here somewhere and probably with a delicious salad waiting for me in her hands. EMMA Tell her I said Hi. MR. WOZNIAK I will. Mr Wozniak sees Becky coming out from the back and approach Emma from behind. MR. WOZNIAK (CONTD) Hey Becky. BECKY Hey Mr. Wozniak. As he turns around and walks away... BECKY (CONTD) Hes a weird dude. Hes not. EMMA Hes nice.

LINDSAY (OS) Im going to go with Becky on this one. Both girls look over and see Lindsay walking towards them. LINDSAY Wozniak is a creepy little man. Do you know I caught him taking a look at my tits the other day?




Emma and Beckys eyes go towards Lindsays breasts that are barely contained beneath a form fitting t-shirt. EMMA Thats weird. Why would a guy do that? LINDSAY Hes not a guy. Hes a teacher. EMMA Whatever you say, Linds. So what brings you to our illustrious food establishment? LINDSAY Im hungry. EMMA So what can I get you? LINDSAY I dont know. Everything looks so good. Lindsay goes line by line through the menu. LINDSAY (CONTD) (to Emma) Got any suggestions for me? An inside track for us regular folks? EMMA Number six is what I normally go for. You get a sandwich and one side. Im a big fan of the Cajun fries. Unless youre looking for something sweet. Then go for the double fried Apple Pie. Trust me: its as tasty as it sounds. LINDSAY You are an excellent sales person. She goes back to the menu board. LINDSAY (CONTD) You know what? I just remembered. I dont eat this shit. Ill see you in class. Lindsay smiles at the girls, turns and leaves.




SHARON (OS) Emma. Emma and Becky turn around to find Store Manager - SHARON, 40s - standing nearby. SHARON Can I speak to you for a minute? Emma and Becky take a look at each other before Emma walks over towards Sharon. INT. FAST FOOD RESTAURANT - MANAGERS OFFICE - NIGHT Emma, seated in front of Sharons desk, takes a look around the office at her boss various restaurant plaques and Awards Of Excellence. But as soon as Sharon enters, Emma sits upright in her chair. SHARON A lot of those are just bullshit if thats what youre thinking. EMMA What? SHARON The awards and all that. Thats what you were thinking, right? EMMA No. I was thinking it was pretty impressive. SHARON It is, huh? EMMA Yeah. SHARON Who was the blond givng you the hard time? EMMA Just a friend from school. SHARON You mean some rich bitch who doesnt think her shit stinks. That kind of friend. (CONTINUED)



Emma laughs and Sharon joins her. EMMA Something like that. SHARON I have to tell you, I was pretty impressed with the way that you handled her. Im pretty impressed by the way you handle most of the things around here. EMMA Thanks. SHARON I want to offer you third key and then - after you graduate - the Assistant Manager position. Martys leaving - hes transfering to another store - and I think that youre more than capable of taking his spot. So what do you think? EMMA I dont know what to think. I mean I would be making more, right? SHARON Yeah, youll be making more. (beat) What is it? Go ahead, tell me. EMMA It sounds great. SHARON But? Beat. EXT. HOUSE - BACKYARD - NIGHT It is a Ranch style house, pastel colored and abandoned. Emma sits on the side and watches Becky picking through the debris of stones and dirt. Becky finds a large rock, walks up to the house and throws it at the nearest window, shattering it.


INT. HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - NIGHT Emma and Becky are sitting on a plastic covered sofa. Becky takes a large hit off of the joint shes holding and hands off to Emma. EMMA Im fine. BECKY Oh are you? EMMA How do you know security wont pass by? BECKY Because old places like this dont have alarm systems. EMMA Is that what your real estate tycoon mom says? BECKY As a matter of fact, she did. Shes good for stupid shit like that. Whatre we talking about this for? What did you tell Sharon? EMMA I told her I have to speak to my parents first. BECKY Why didnt you just say yes? In a couple of months youll graduate and youll be out of there anyway. Besides, Marie hates you. EMMA I need to talk to my dad. BECKY Seriously? When was the last time you saw him? Take the job. EMMA Where would you want to move to?




BECKY It doesnt matter. If you lived around the corner from your house, would you care? Exactly. As long as youre out of there, right? In another year or two, you move on up - and you recommend me for Third Key - and then we both transfer to...wherever. Thats a good plan, man. Beat. BECKY (CONTD) What? EMMA Its not as simple as youre making it. BECKY Liz is going to be fine. You hate taking care of her as it is. EMMA I dont. BECKY Shes not even your real sister. EMMA Dont do that. BECKY Im not the one who said it. EMMA I didnt mean it. BECKY Is that right? Emma heads for the door. BECKY Em. EMMA I gotta go. Emma leaves and shuts the door behind her. Becky picks up her phone and pulls up Gerrys number.

33. EXT. HIGHWAY - NIGHT Emma looks back at the convenience store in her sideview mirror as she passes it. She sees the U-turn sign, signals and takes it. EXT. CONVENIENCE STORE - PARKING LOT - NIGHT Emma pulls into the parking lot and slows as she looks through the window at Adam who is standing behind the counter. She pulls into a spot that is furthest away from the store and kills the engine. Emma pulls out her phone from her bag, dials and watches Adam exit the store. GERRY (OS) (on the phone) Em? Emma reaches for the ignition... GERRY (OS) (CONTD) Em. Emma watches Adam make his way across the parking lot, her hand lingering on the car key. GERRY (OS) (CONTD) You better be on your way. INT. GERRYS BEDROOM - DAY Gerry stares at the dead phone in his hand. He dials, he waits. their voice. Someone picks up but we cant hear

GERRY Go ahead and come over...Well, she didnt...What?...Whatever, bring food...I dont care, anything...Fries, okay, wait..You know what? Pick me up a cheesesteak...How long?...Yeah sure...And dont forget: use the back door this time. He hangs up the phone and goes over to the side table that is next to his desk. He opens a drawer and pulls out a condom which he throws onto his bed along with his phone.




GERRY (CONTD) Fucking bitch. He strips off his shirt and exits the room. EXT. CONVENIENCE STORE - PARKING LOT - NIGHT As Adam continues walking, Emma moves to turn on her car. But then she stops and sits back into her seat, watches as Adam turns and disappears around the corner. EXT. EMMA AND LIZS HOME - DRIVEWAY - NIGHT Emma takes a look over at her fathers new car before entering her house. INT. EMMA AND LIZS HOME - KITCHEN - NIGHT INT. HIGH SCHOOL CLASSROOM - DAY As the last of his students file out, Mr. Wozniak looks up from his desk to see Emma standing in front of him. MR. WOZNIAK Hey, Emma. Whats up? EMMA Can I talk to you real quick? MR. WOZNIAK Sure. What did you want to talk about? Emma pulls out her letter from NJCU and puts it on his desk. CUT TO: Mr. Wozniak finishes reading the letter and puts it down on his desk. EMMA Youre from there, right? New Jersey. MR. WOZNIAK I am. Born and raised. New Jersey. The land of malls and tolls. He picks up the letter and looks at the letterhead at the top of it.




MR. WOZNIAK (CONTD) "New Jersey City University". The new name still sounds strange in my he. EMMA What was it called before? MR. WOZNIAK It used to be Jersey City University but we used to call it "Harvard-On-The-Boulevard." EMMA Is it not a good school? MR. WOZNIAK No. Not at all. Its really changed a lot in the last ten years or so. Lots of good programs. Teaching: thats what I went there for. Media Arts: you want to make movies? Takes another look at the letter. MR. WOZNIAK (CONTD) Good nursing program. Is that what you want to do? EMMA I dont know about college. MR. WOZNIAK Why? EMMA Its expensive. MR. WOZNIAK Yeah but its not what youre thinking. You dont have a college fund? EMMA No. MR. WOZNIAK Thats not a problem. You can always take out loans.


CONTINUED: EMMA I dont want to have to owe anyone. MR. WOZNIAK No one does but if you have to you have to. Its an investment. EMMA Yeah, I know. I dont know. MR. WOZNIAK Right. (pointing to brochure) Nursing. Its a good job. EMMA I know. MR. WOZNIAK You should go...check it out. EMMA I know. I should. should go to work. Sure. Emma turns and heads for the door. MR. WOZNIAK (CONTD) Emma. She looks back at him. MR. WOZNIAK (CONTD) Is that it? Is that what you wanted to talk about? EMMA Pretty much. MR. WOZNIAK Okay. EMMA Thanks, Mr. Wozniak. MR. WOZNIAK Not a problem. Emma leaves. realizes... Maybe. I



Mr. Wozniak goes over the brochure and then




MR. WOZNIAK (CONTD) Emma...! But she doesnt return. the brochure. Mr. Wozniak looks at the logo of

MR. WOZNIAK (CONTD) "New Jersey City University." Jesus Christ. He shakes his head and lets out a small laugh. INT. HIGH SCHOOL - HALLWAY - DAY Emma comes around the corner... And stops. Becky and Gerry stand by her locker, talking. But something is off: they stand too close, lean in too far towards the while they speak. Emma approaches and her friends step back from each other. Gerry looks away. Becky, the braver of the two, gives Emma a broad smile. BECKY Hey hey. EMMA Hey hey. Awkward silence. to her locker. Emma pushes between Gerry and Becky to get

GERRY (to Emma) So you have something youd like to say to me? Depends. first. EMMA Maybe you should start

GERRY Circles, man. Youre always talking in circles. He grabs his bag from off of the floor, slings it over his shoulder and walks away.


CONTINUED: BECKY Hes a little pissed about the other night. EMMA Is he now? BECKY You didnt show up. You said you were going to show up. Thats what we were talking about. I told him that you have a lot of stuff going on. EMMA Thanks. BECKY For what? EMMA Looking out for me. BECKY What about me? EMMA Are you alright? BECKY Yeah. EMMA Cool. BECKY You want to hang out later? Emma slams her locker door shut. EMMA Someone called out sick so Sharon asked me to fill in for them. BECKY That sucks. Emma turns and walks away. BECKY (CONTD) Call me later. How about you?


Emma stops and looks back at Becky; the too wide smile is back on her face again. (CONTINUED)



EMMA Sure. BECKY Em. The bell rings and Emma points up "at" the sound. EMMA Cattle call. The hallway comes alive, everyone moving every which way. Becky watches Emma walk and disappear into the crowd of students. INT. FAST FOOD RESTAURANT - CASH REGISTERS - NIGHT Emma is at the counter, ringing up a CUSTOMER, her face blank and her eyes without a thought behind them. INT. 1969 MUSTANG - NIGHT Emma, sitting behind the wheel, still sleepwalking through the rest of her night. INT. EMMA AND LIZS HOME - KITCHEN - DAY Emma walks in to find Marie jimmying the lock on the basement door while"Fuck The People" is at full blast, barely contained behind it. Unable to get it open, Marie bangs on the door. MARIE Open the door! "Fuck The People" grows louder. EMMA What the hell is going on? MARIE Liz locked the door. EMMA Why? MARIE Just help me get this door opened and stop asking stupid questions.


CONTINUED: EMMA Open the door. (to Marie) What happened? Liz. MARIE Its none of your business. Liz. EMMA Whats going on?


MARIE Open the door right now or Im going to break it down! do you hear me? Liz. EMMA What happened?

LIZ (OS) Shes a liar! Youre a liar! Liar! Liar! Liar! MARIE When I get in there...! EMMA You didnt get her the tickets. MARIE No, I didnt. Happy? open. Get this door

EMMA Why didnt you get them? MARIE I forgot. EMMA Youre lying. MARIE Excuse me? EMMA Thats always your excuse when you bother to even come up with one. Try something new at least. MARIE Youre about to get your head cracked open.




EMMA It was the only thing she wanted. MARIE Fine Ill get the door open myself. EMMA Why are you so selfish? MARIE What did you just say? EMMA I said: why dont you care? Marie slaps Emma across the face. A beat passes. Emma heads for the door and exits. INT. TERMINAL 5 - STAGE - NIGHT Jaime and Alison start up "Nail In My Coffin". SOUND CROSSOVER TO: EXT. ROAD - NIGHT A car pulls up alongside Emma and she sees that its Lindsay behind the wheel with some of her GIRLS in the car with her. Lindsay looks up at the red stop light ahead and looks over at Emma. They watch each other and then turn their attention back to the stop light. The second it turns green they are off. INTERCUT BETWEEN THE RACE AND THE KILLS AT TERMINAL 5 Just when it looks like Lindsay is about to "win" - Emmas lane is full of cars while Lindsays is empty - Emma does the most unexpected thing: she bypasses her lane by switching over into oncoming traffic. As she flies right through the intersection within an inch of her life, Lindsay ends up skidding off to the side of the road. END INTERCUT


INT. 1969 MUSTANG - NIGHT Emma is pulled over and staring off into space. She looks up to see Liz walking on the other side of the street. The second they make eye contact, Liz takes off running. Too stunned to move at first, Emma finally jumps out and chases after her. EXT. SIDEWALK - NIGHT Liz turns the corner and slips on something which sends her crashing to the ground. By the time, Emma catches up with her, Liz is sitting on the sidewalk and full on crying as she nurses her skinned knee. Emma takes a seat next to her little sister. EMMA Let me see. Liz turns her leg so that Emma can get a better look at it. EMMA (CONTD) Its not bad. She stands up and offers her hand to Liz. EMMA (CONTD) Come on. Lets go home. Liz takes a hold of Emmas outstretched hand. INT. 1969 MUSTANG - NIGHT As they approach the house, Emma cuts the lights and then the engine as she pulls over. From where they are, Emma and Liz can see that the lights in the front room are still on. Emma watches as Marie comes out and gives a long look up and down the street. A few seconds pass and Marie heads back into the house. Moments later the lights at the front of the house turn off. EMMA What is it?




LIZ What? EMMA What is it about this band that drives you so insane? And dont say that theyre the greatest band in the world. What is it about them and you? LIZ You wouldnt understand. EMMA Try me. LIZ When I listen to them I feel like I can set myself on fire, close my eyes and fly away. When I listen to them I feel like I can do anything. Emma looks back at her house for a few more seconds before starting up the car. As they pull away, Liz looks back over at their house that is now fading in the distance. LIZ (CONTD) What are you doing? EMMA Buckle up. LIZ Why? EMMA I want to make sure youre in one piece when I get you to The Kills. Liz looks over at her sister with something that resembles awe, does as she is told and locks herself in. Emma shifts the car into gear... INSERT TITLE CARD: FUTURE STARTS SLOW BACK TO SCENE


INT. TERMINAL 5 - STAGE - NIGHT The Kills launch into "Future Starts Slow" and the place explodes. As the song ends... FADE TO BLACK. FADE IN: EXT. BANK - NIGHT Emma is on her cellphone and waiting for whoever she called to pick up on the other line. INT. GERRYS HOUSE - BEDROOM - NIGHT Becky is in bed but she is wide awake. Her cell phone rings and - seeing Emmas number flashing at her - she snatches the phone and answers. BECKY Hang on a minute. Becky is up and out of bed and heading for the door. INT. BECKYS HOUSE - HALLWAY - NIGHT Becky is carefull as she pulls the door closed behind her. With her hand over the speaker side of the phone, she takes a long breath...exhales... Becky brings the phone to her ear. BECKY Sorry. INTERCUT BETWEEN SCENES EMMA For what? BECKY For taking so long. Whats up? EMMA Nothing. BECKY You alright?




EMMA I was just thinking about the whole and I moving away...moving in together. BECKY What about it? EMMA Where would we move to? BECKY Anywhere. EMMA You dont care where? BECKY Do you? If we moved two blocks away from your house - as long as you were out of there - would you really care? EMMA Yes I would. BECKY You would? Oh. So where would you want to move to? EMMA Somewhere far away. L.A.

BECKY Los Angeles? California? EMMA Austin, Texas. BECKY Whats in Austin? EMMA South By Southwest. You always said you wanted to go there. BECKY Yeah sure but to move there? EMMA Seattle.


CONTINUED: BECKY It rains all the time. EMMA Chicago. BECKY Well freeze our tits off. EMMA New York City! BECKY New York?! Do you know anyone in any of these places? EMMA No. BECKY Well you might want to think about that. EMMA Why? BECKY Because. EMMA What? BECKY What if something happens? EMMA Like what? BECKY If we stay around here, at least we have some kind of backup plan. EMMA And whats that? Moving back home?


BECKY If we have to yeah. EMMA No. Im not doing that. When I leave Im not coming back. Beat.




BECKY Where are you? EMMA I pulled off of Route Three. having trouble with my car. Im

BECKY Dont move. Ill be right there. EMMA No, dont, I called triple A. They should be here any minute now. BECKY Are you sure? EMMA Triple A is here. BECKY Emma... Emma hangs up the phone. END INTERCUT Becky looks at her phone and then over at Gerry who is naked, snoring and lying in her bed. EXT. REST STOP - NIGHT Emma counts the bills she has in her hand. She pulls the receipt from out of the ATM machines slot and takes a long look at the numbers printed out on it. She crumples up the paper and tosses it to the side while. She takes a quick look over at Liz who is in the car. INT. 1969 MUSTANG - NIGHT Emma gets in behind the wheel and is holding a paper bag in her hand. EMMA I told you to lock the door. LIZ I forgot. I gotta go.




EMMA Well dont. There are a bunch of crazy people walking around the parking lot. LIZ And youre one of them. Annoyed, Emma tosses the bag she is holding onto Lizs lap. EMMA Here. LIZ What is it? EMMA What does it smell like? food. Its

Liz opens up the bag but then stop when she sees the logo on the side of it. Hey! LIZ Its your job!

EMMA (sarcastic) I know! LIZ I was just saying. EMMA What are you saying? LIZ Why are you mad? Im not. right? Yeah. EMMA Thats the one you like,

LIZ You didnt get anything?

EMMA Im not hungry. Liz goes back to her food. Emma looks down at her phone. contacts... She scrolls through her




Stops on Gerrys name...his number.... She puts her phone down and looks over at Liz. EMMA (CONTD) How long will it take you to eat that? LIZ I just started. EMMA And you have to hurry. LIZ Whats the big deal? EMMA Were not far from where were going but were still too close to home. So if you want to see The Kills - which you do, yeah? LIZ Yeah. EMMA Then I want to start to move. You know what? Lets just make that to go. Emma puts her key into the ignitiion, turns it and... EXT. REST TOP - NIGHT Emma is hunched under the hood of her car and whacking the starter with a heavy hand. She stands up and says something to Liz who is sitting behind the steering wheel. The engine tries to catch but after several attempts it becomes obvious that the Mustang isnt coming alive this time. Emma steps away from the car and stares at the passing cars on the highway. Liz steps out of the car and slams the door shut. The sound of a passing car drowns out Emma who lets out a scream. CUT TO:




Emma and Liz watch the tow truck drive off with Mustang attched to the back of it. Emma looks over at the motel office and sees a few CURIOUS PEOPLE looking over at her and Liz. LIZ Now what? Emma looks at Liz and then at the small wad of bills in her hand. Emma takes out her phone, dials and waits, her face tight and serious. INT. TERMINAL 5 - STAGE - NIGHT The Kills launch into "Kissy Kissy". They finish to applause... INT. REST STOP RESTAURANT - NIGHT Emma hears a car pull up outside and - after peeking through the blinds - goes outside. EXT. REST STOP RESTAURANT - NIGHT Adam exits his car and approaches Emma who comes out the front door. ADAM (to Emma) Stay right there. Emma stops in her tracks and waits for Adam to reach her. The minute he does, he is speaking before Emma can let out one word. ADAM (CONTD) Your friend - Becky? - showed up at my door asking if she knew where you were and she wasnt alone. She was also with your evil stepmother and - if Im wrong about this, please feel free to correct me your boyfriend. He is your boyfriend, right? EMMA Yeah.




ADAM Okay so heres my questions: How do they know who I am and why did you kidnap your little sister? EMMA I didnt kidnap her. ADAM You might want to let them in on that. You should probably tell the cops while youre at it, too. EMMA Oh shit. ADAM Oh shit. Why did you call me and what do you want? EMMA We need a ride. A ride? ADAM To where?

EMMA To a concert. ADAM A concert? This is about some band? EMMA Its not some band. Kills. Really? Its The

ADAM Wow. Theyre great.

EMMA So youll help us? ADAM No. EMMA Then why did you come? He looks over and sees Liz watching him from the window. ADAM Ill be waiting in the car.




And with that, Adam turns and walks back towards his Toyota Corolla. Emma looks back at Liz. INT. 1986 TOYOTA COROLLA - NIGHT Adam drives, his eys focused on the road. EMMA You must be Speed Racer. ADAM What? EMMA You got to us pretty quick. Adam looks over to his sideview mirror..he sees something... He changes lanes, stops at the light and puts his left blinker on. He stares at the red stop light hanging in front of him. The light turns green and Adam moves. He makes a quick U-turn and heads back from where they just came. EMMA (CONTD) What are you doing? Adam signals and turns into a large parking lot. Emma looks around, sees the large building that theyre heading towards... EMMA (CONTD) Wait a minute. EXT. BUS STATION - NIGHT Emma looks at the front of the bus station and then back at Adam. EMMA Why are we here? ADAM I am dropping you off and I am going home. EMMA You said that you would help us.




ADAM And this is as far as I go. LIZ (to Emma) I thought you said he was cool. EMMA Lets go. LIZ (to Adam) Jerk. ADAM (to Liz) Really? EMMA Get out of the car now. Liz and Adam get out at the same time. EMMA (CONTD) (to Adam) I was talking to her. Adam goes over to Emma and hands her a bunch of twenty dollar bills. ADAM If I had known, I would have brought more. EMMA If you had known, you probably wouldnt have shown up. Adam turns and gets back into his car. EMMA (CONTD) Hey. Adam looks over at her. ADAM What? EMMA Forget it.


CONTINUED: ADAM No problem. Emma turns around and heads into the station.


Adam gets back into his car, shifts it into gear and heads for the exit. As he does this, a police car with TWO COPS in the front seats, roll past him on their way into the parking lot. Adam looks back at the cops in his rearview mirror who are now searching for a parking space. INT. BUS STATION - NIGHT Emma turns away from the ATTENDANT sitting behind the ticket booth and heads for Liz who is seated in the waiting area. Emma slows down, however, when she looks over to see the two police officers enter the staion. Panic setting in on her face, Emma takes a frantic look around... And then her eyes stop on the Womens Restroom sign. CUT TO: Emma grabs Liz by the hand and tries to pull her up from the seat. LIZ What are you doing? EMMA Just act normal and follow me. LIZ Whats normal and why? Seeing one of the cops looking over at them, Emma yanks her sister up and drags her towards the bathroom. INT. BUS STATION - BATHROOM - NIGHT Emma drags Liz into a stall and locks the door behind them. LIZ What is going on? Emma puts a finger to her lips, shooshes her sister. A few seconds pass and then someone enters. (CONTINUED)



They take slow steps, look as if they are going to walk right past them... Emma and Liz take a breath when they see that the stranger stops right outside of their stall. Emma balls up her hand into a tight fist. The door opens and Emma throws a punch right down the middle... A perfect pitch that hits Adam straight in the nose. He staggers back and brings a hand up to his face. ADAM What did you do that for? EMMA I thought that you were a cop. ADAM So you were going to punch him? EMMA What are you doing here? ADAM Im asking myself that same question. I saw the cops and decided to come back for you. Am I bleeding? LIZ What are we going to do? EMMA Let me think. ADAM Whats to think about? Theres only one way out of here. EMMA And whats that? ADAM We walk out. The girls stare at Adam who just shrugs in reply.


INT. BUS STATION - NIGHT Emma and Liz are the first to walk out to find that the first cop is now joined by TWO OTHER OFFICERS. As they head towards the exit, one of them looks over at them. LIZ Theyre looking. EMMA Okay its okay. LIZ And hes walking this way. Emma turns to look and the cop is indeed heading towards them. COP Excuse me, ladies. The girls stop in their tracks. INT. BUS STATION - BATHROOM - NIGHT Emma and Liz turn around to face the cop who is now right on them. EMMA Hey. Officer. COP Its kind of late for the two of you to be here isnt it? EMMA Maybe. COP So what are doing you here? EMMA Were waiting for a ride. COP Youre not hitchhiking? EMMA No.




COP Whos your ride? EMMA A friend. ADAM (OS) I can never get her to add the boy part to that line. Everyone turns to see Adam walking up to Emma. He puts and arm around her, pulls her close to him and then gives her an awkward kiss on the head. COP Who are you? ADAM I like to think Im her boyfriend but shell tell you otherwise. And they say us guys are the ones with commitment issues. COP (pointing out Liz) She your girlfriend, too? EMMA Shes my sister. A beat passes as everyone shifts in place. COP Alright. You guys get going. All kinds of crazy people hanging out here this time of night and pretty much looking for trouble. ADAM Were leaving right now. Adam takes Emma by the hand who in turn takes Liz hand and the three of them head for the door. They exit through the doors... EXT. BUS STATION - NIGHT Adam, Emma and Liz exit through the stations front doors...


EXT. 1986 TOYOTA COROLLA - NIGHT The three of them pile into the car and slam the doors closed... EXT. BUS STATION - PARKING LOT - NIGHT The Corolla pulls out of the lot and into the flow of traffic. INT. 1986 TOYOTA COROLLA - NIGHT Adam adjusts his rear view mirror and sees a cop car pull out of the same lot and into their lane. INT. 1986 TOYOTA COROLLA - NIGHT The cops lights flash on and the siren lets out a distorted squawk... Adam, Emma and Liz hold their breath... The cop signals, switches over into the next lane and speeds right on by the Corolla. ADAM Thanks for all of the fun back there. EMMA You didnt have to come back. ADAM So what was the big plan back there when I didnt? EMMA It doesnt concern you. ADAM It does when you call me to come running out in the middle of the night. EMMA So go back home. Thats what you want anyway. ADAM And leave you here on the side of the road?




EMMA Sounds good to me. ADAM What you sound like is youre losing it. EMMA Pull over. EXT. ROADSIDE - NIGHT The car has barely come to a stop before Emma is out of her seat. EMMA Whats the problem, dude? ADAM This whole thing is a problem. EMMA Dont sweat it. You dont have to deal with it. ADAM I do now that youve made me an accessory to kidnapping. EMMA Im not kidnapping her. ADAM Tell that to the cops. EMMA Im telling you. ADAM What were you thinking when you called me? EMMA I wasnt. ADAM Obviously. EMMA I called you because I need your help. But I dont want it bad enough that Im going to let you talk shit the entire time. And (MORE) (CONTINUED)



EMMA (CONTD) even though I dont know whats going to happen next, trust me, I can make my way without you. So whats it going to be? In or out? I dont have all night. Beat. Adam shakes his head and starts to get back behind the wheel. EMMA (CONTD) I need to drive. ADAM Of course you do. Emma shoots him a look and Adam throws the keys to her. As they past each other on the way to switching sides... ADAM (CONTD) At least thisll give me an alibi: I can always say that you kidnapped me, too. EMMA Is there anything I should know about the car? ADAM Like what? EMMA Its just that the wheels felt a little splashy back there. ADAM Planning on any high speed chases? The car is good. Adam starts to get into the car but then stops and pulls out the crowbar sticking out from Emmas bag. ADAM (CONTD) What the hell is this? EMMA My good luck charm.


INT. 1986 TOYOTA COROLLA - NIGHT As they Emma and Adam buckle up, Adam turns to look back at Liz. ADAM (to Liz) Dont worry. Mommy and Daddy had a big fight but we just made up. So close your eyes and well wake you when we hit the Grand Canyon. LIZ (to Emma) Can you trust him? EMMA (to Liz) Go to sleep. Well be there soon. Emma shifts the car into gear and joins the flow of traffic. EXT. MOTEL - PARKING LOT - NIGHT Adam chats with the GIRL, 20s, working the counter in the office. As he takes the room key from her, Adam says something that makes her laugh. The girl says something and Adam leans forward to hear her better. Emma watches all of this from inside of the car. INT. MOTEL - OFFICE - NIGHT JANICE - the girl in the office - watches Adam as he heads towards his car. COOPER, 30S, walks up next to her, a frown on his face. COOPER Whos that? JANICE A customer. COOPER Whatd he want? JANICE A room.


CONTINUED: COOPER A room, huh? As she heads for the door... COOPER (CONTD) And where are you going? JANICE Im going to do some work, check some rooms.


She opens the door and grabs an ice bucket from off of a nearby table. COOPER And where are you going with that? JANICE One of the rooms wants ice. COOPER And? JANICE And they dont have an ice bucket. Whats your problem? Janice leaves. Cooper looks over at the key board and sees that the keys for room 137 are missing. INT. MOTEL - HALLWAY - NIGHT As they approach the room, Adam takes out the key. EMMA Why didnt you get two rooms? ADAM Then she would have known I wasnt alone. EMMA Oh would she? ADAM Its a little late in the movie to play the jealous girlfriend, isnt it? Adam opens the door with the key and walks into the room followed by Liz.

63. Emma waits a few more seconds and then follows. INT. MOTEL - MOTEL ROOM - NIGHT Liz takes the quickest of looks around the room before walking over to the TV. As she turns it on and takes a seat on the bed, Emma heads for the bathroom. INT. MOTEL - BATHROOM - NIGHT Emma locks the door behind her and goes right for the sink. She turns on the faucet and then takes a seat on the toilet. As the water runs, Emma closes her eyes and takes deep gulps of air. EMMA (to herself in the mirror) Youre super cool, dude. So woman up and keep on moving. Eliza follows her instructions: she gets up and turns off the water as she heads for the door. INT. MOTEL - MOTEL ROOM - NIGHT Emma walks out to find Liz alone and sitting on the bed. EMMA What are you watching? LIZ HBO. We have HBO, Encore, Showtime and Starz. EMMA Really? LIZ Its cool, right? It looks like some people can remember to pay their cable bills. Emma laughs. LIZ (CONTD) Why are you laughing? EMMA Because I was just thinking the same thing.




LIZ (as she flips through channels) Hey check it out. They have Skinemax. EMMA Whered Adam go? LIZ He said he was getting domething to eat. So do you like him or what? EMMA Dont leave the room. right back. Emma exits. LUZ Where am I going? She goes back to flipping through channels. INT. MOTEL - HALLWAY - NIGHT Adam stands in front of a vending machine and stares at the bag of chips that dangles off a hook inside of it. He looks over and sees Emma approaching him. EMMA Shake it. ADAM You ever see someone after one of these things falls on top of them? No. EMMA You have? ADAM Yeah. EMMA At work? ADAM On TV. EMMA Just shake it. Ill be




ADAM Im not shaking it. EMMA Do you want me to shake it? ADAM No I dont want you to shake it. EMMA How about you go on one side and I go on the other... ADAM All I need is a stick or something. EMMA Its like right there. If we just shake it, just a little... ADAM There will be no shaking. Youre not going to shake it. Im not going to shake it. No one is shaking anything. Without warnng, Adam attacks the machine. He grabs it by the sides and shakes it. His chips, however, remain exactly where they are. Goddammit! ADAM (CONTD) Why did you call me?

EMMA I told you. I needed help. ADAM Why not Becky? Or better yet, why not your boyfriend? Why me? Emma walks over to the vending machine, puts a dollar in it and presses a button. Her choice falls to the bottome of the machine. She reaches into the slot and pulls out two bags of the same chips. She hands one of them to Adam. EMMA When I looked around at everyone I knew...which isnt a lot...




ADAM (sarcastic) Thats weird. EMMA The only one I thought I could trust. ADAM How do you know you can trust me? EMMA I dont. But theres only one way to find out. ADAM And whats that? EMMA To trust you. Beat. Adam walks over to the soda machine, digs through his pockets. He counts out his cash and looks over at Emma. ADAM You got the food. drinks. Emma smiles. INT. MOTEL - MOTEL ROOM - NIGHT Liz - out of the shower and ready for bed - looks over at the door when she hears the knocking. When she opens it, Liz finds Janice holding an ice bucket in her arms and a smile on her face. The smile, however, drops the minute she sees tiny, wet Liz wrapped in her towels. INT. MOTEL - HALLWAY - NIGHT Adam and Emma walk, they talk the entire time and all the way back to their room. On their way back, they happen to pass Cooper who has been watching them from the shadows. Ill get the


INT. MOTEL - MOTEL ROOM - NIGHT Adam and Emma walk into the room and find Janice and Liz sitting on the bed talking to one another. Though Janice has learned what has gone on up to this point, she has no plans on turning them in. CUT TO: MAJOR CITY, USA EXT. VENUE - NIGHT As she rolls the Coraolla past the venue, Emma peers into its darkened windows. EMMA Liz. Is this is it? Liz and Adam wake up, disoriented. LIZ Is what it? EMMA Is this where The Kills are playing? LIZ Yeah...but... EMMA But? LIZ But why arent their names up on billboard? EMMA I dont know. Maybe its too early. LIZ But the show is tomorrow night. EMMA Well, if The Kills arent worried them Im not worried. Emma wakes up the others and tells them that theyre close to the venue. But then as they near it, they see an approaching cop car. Emma slows down and the cop passes them by... (CONTINUED)



And then turns back around. It puts on his siren and Emma speeds up, takes the next corner. Everyone is wide awake now and freaking out. Adam and Liz are screaming at her to pull over but Emma isnt listening to them. Emma takes the next corner... She sees a spot between two cars... And kills the lights, pulls a Tokyo drift slide right into an open parking space. As the three of them duck down, the cop car screams around the corner, continues down the street... But the slows down as it continues. Emma pulls out of their space, comes up behind the cop car Adam and Sam are about to explode from the pressure - and follows them. A block or so later, Emma looks over and sees that there is a cemetery to the right of them. She turns onto the cemetery road and kills the lights at the same time. As the cop car continues, Emma drives parallel to them until eventually, the police speed off. Emma exits the cemetery and pulls back onto the street. She turns to say something to Adam and Liz and finds them staring at her, an awed look in their eyes. EXT. ALLEY WAY - DAY Emma pulls at the door but it doesnt budge. ADAM Its locked. EMMA Thank you. ADAM How exactly do you plan on getting in then?




EMMA I dont know. ADAM We could always use that giant credit card that you have stashed in the back of the car. Emma looks at Adam, turns and heads for the car. Adam walks over to the door and gives it a long, hard yank but still nothing. EMMA (OS) Get out of the way. Adam looks over to see Emma approaching with the crowbar in her hand. ADAM What are you doing? EMMA Im going to break one of the windows, climb into the place and then let you guys in from the inside. ADAM I dont want to burst your bubble but have you thought that this place might have an alarm? Emma stops. She turns...listens... Emma drops the crowbar, grabs Liz by the collar and shoves her behind a garbage can. LIZ Hey! EMMA (to Liz) Stay. Emma grabs Adam, pushes him back against the wall and kisses him. It is long and hard and Adam cant help himself: he pulls her tight to his body. Liz watches from her vantage point as this happens.




LIZ Hello. TEENAGE BOY (OS) Get a room! The sound of laughter follows and Emma and Adam look over to see A PACK OF TEENAGERS - a mix of boys and girls - walking past at the far end of the alleyway. The kids disappear from sight... EMMA (to Adam) I thought that it might have been the cops. They stare at each other, stay like that for a second or two before Emma gives Adam a gentle push and steps away from him. As he collects himself, Adam turns to find Emma back at the window with crowbar in hand. ADAM Emma, wait a minute. She swings... ADAM (CONTD) No! The second it meets the crowbar, the window shatters into a million shiny pieces of glass. The three of them look at one another as they wait for the other shoe to drop. Emma finds an empty milk crate, places it beneath the now open window and steps up on it. She reaches for the window and then looks back at Adam and Liz who have a mixture of shock and awe in their eyes. EMMA EMMA (CONTD) Its an old building. I figured it wouldnt have an alarm. I could use a little help.


INT. VENUE - NIGHT Emma opens the door and Adam and Liz walk inside. It is dark, barely lit by a few emergency lights. Liz bumps into Adam. ADAM Ow. LIZ Sorry. Liz? EMMA You alright?

ADAM Shes fine. Were fine. (to Emma) So now what? EMMA Im not sure. ADAM Okay. Adam takes Liz and Emma by the hand and puts them together. ADAM (CONTD) Stay here. Its my turn to do something stupid. Adam disappears into the darkness. LIZ Ive never been backstage before. EMMA I hadnt even thought of that. LIZ Thought of what? EMMA This is going to be your first concert. LIZ I hope its good.




EMMA If its your first time then it will be no matter what. LIZ Yeah? EMMA Yeah. First times always are. Everything that happens next...each one is a little surprise, one after another. LIZ What do you think its going to be like? EMMA Crowded. Theres going to be a lot of people. LIZ Okay. EMMA It can get sweaty with everyone around you. LIZ Ew. EMMA Are you sure youre ready for this? LIZ Yes. EMMA The smell of pot will probably be everywhere. LIZ Will I get high? EMMA You might. LIZ Really? EMMA You might rip your clothes off right then and there...go crazy (MORE) (CONTINUED)



EMMA (CONTD) from the drugs entering your system... LIZ Get out of here! What else?

EMMA Its going to be loud. LIZ I like loud. EMMA And boys. LIZ What about them? EMMA Theyre going to be all around you. LIZ So? EMMA So one of them might look at you. LIZ For what? EMMA Because he thinks youre cute. LIZ Oh my God. EMMA He looks at you and smiles. LIZ Stop saying these things. EMMA He leans in close... Emma leans in on Liz... EMMA (CONTD) And says: "Cool concert, right?"




LIZ Shut up! EMMA "Where are you from, brown eyes?" LIZ Nobodys going to do that! EMMA "My names Chaz. Whats yours? Want to get some pop after the show? Then go back to my place and watch Twilight?" LIZ Youre so stupid! They both laugh but then catch themselves. Their lower their volume and turn their laughter into giggles. EMMA Youre going to have fun. LIZ Yeah? EMMA Yeah. Emma peers into the darkness. EMMA (CONTD) Where the fuck is he? LIZ Why do you call mom by her name? Why dont you call mom "mom". Beat. EMMA Because shes not my mom; shes yours. LIZ But she was your mom before I was born, right? EMMA I guess.




LIZ So why dont you like her? EMMA I dont not like her. LIZ You think shes an asshole. EMMA Can we stop talking about this, please? LIZ So she never liked you and you never liked her? EMMA Yeah, exactly. (Beat) No. Thats not true. We used to do things together. Shed take me out. When I was young. LIZ Like how old? Like my age?

EMMA Younger. When she and dad first started going out. LIZ So she was nice then? EMMA Sure. LIZ What would you guys do? EMMA I dont know. Chucky Cheese. are you asking me all this? Why

LIZ Is that why youre mad at me all the time now? Emma looks over at Liz, stunned. Lets go. She opens her mouth...

ADAM (OS) I found a spot.




Liz waits for Emma. She realizes that nothing is forthcoming from Emma so she turns and heads past Adam. ADAM (to Emma) Everything alright in here? Emma walks past him and follows Liz. INT. VENUE - STOREROOM CLOSET - NIGHT Emma walks into the room and into a mop handle that jabs her in the ribs. EMMA (shoves mop away from her) Corn nuts! ADAM Careful. Theres a lot of stuff you can get caught on. You think? closet? EMMA Is this the janitors

ADAM Yeah but he went home for the night. EMMA I cant even consider that a joke. ADAM Well youre only half the audience. LIZ I thought it was funny. ADAM There you go. EMMA But why here? ADAM It was the only place I could think of that most people wouldnt. Nobody ever thinks of the janitor. (beat) My father was a janitor.




EMMA I didnt mean anything... LIZ Em. EMMA What? LIZ Seriously? Emma looks over at Adam who has a shit eating grin and is shaking his head. EMMA Jesus Christ! ADAM (to Liz) Is she always this slow? LIZ (to Adam) Really, right? EMMA Enough, assholes. ADAM You might think differently about me when you look in that bag. Emma goes over to the aforementioned bag that sits in the corner and rummages through it. Little by little, she pulls out item after item: chips, cookies, cans of soda... She pulls out a styrofoam container and holds it up to the light. She sees the familiar Ramen noodles label and laughs. ADAM (CONTD) Apparently rock stars are like college students. And before you ask... He points over to a water cooler. ADAM (CONTD) It has cold and hot water. Dinner is served. And one more thing...




Hey, Em!

LIZ Check it out.

Emma looks over and finds Liz sitting on a cot fixed up nice and cozy with a pillow and a blanket. ADAM Its tight but you two can make it work. EMMA Where are you going to sleep? ADAM I can sleep anywhere. Trust me. So who wants to eat? LIZ I do! ADAM Alright then. Ramen noodles, chocolate chip cookies and Coke for everyone! Emma smiles, laughs and Adam smiles wide; he knows hes done good. FADE TO BLACK. FADE IN: Emma lies next to Liz on the cot, both fast asleep and curled up under the blanket. The sound of someone shifting their body is heard OS and then followed by... ADAM (OS) (softly) Fuck. Emma opens her eyes and looks over at Adam who huddles against a wall. EMMA Hey. Adam looks over at Emma. ADAM Hey.




EMMA Are you alright? ADAM Im fine. EMMA Are you cold? ADAM Im fine. EMMA You are cold. ADAM Im...fine... Emma extracts herself from Liz side, sits up... ADAM (CONTD) What are you doing? EMMA Im coming over. ADAM Why? Free from Liz and the cot, Emma goes over to Adam. ADAM (CONTD) Whatre you doing? Emma takes his arm and forces him - it doesnt take much to hold her. She reciprocates and presses herself tight against him. EMMA You said you were cold. ADAM I am but not that cold. Its not ice planet Hoth its time to cut open my Tauntaun and climb inside of it cold. Emma pulls at him and settles in and watches him the entire time she does this. EMMA Do you want me to leave?




Adams hand goes down her back and slips into the spot where the small of her back meets her jeans. He pulls her closer - as if that were even more possible - and the look in his eyes confirms that hes found that comfortable position he was looking for. EMMA (CONTD) Why did you come for us? ADAM I told you: I saw the cops in the parking lot... No. EMMA When I first called.

ADAM I shouldnt have. EMMA But you did. ADAM Because Im a guy and guys are stupid. Some more than others. Im more than others. EMMA Oh. ADAM I like you. Simple as that. EMMA Okay. Emmas hand moves down Adams back... Down his thigh... Down to the front of his jeans... ADAM Oh my God. EMMA What? ADAM I wanted to help. Im happy to help. You dont have to...thank me... Okay?


CONTINUED: EMMA Im just trying to keep you warm. ADAM Your sister... EMMA Is asleep. ADAM Emma. EMMA Dont. ADAM Dont what? EMMA Whatever you were going to say...dont. ADAM What did you think I was going to say? EMMA I thought...I dont know what I thought. Adam moves his hand from Emmas back... Down her thigh... Down to the front of her jeans... She takes in a sharp breath. ADAM I told you guys are stupid. Im not that stupid. Do you know what I was going to say? EMMA What? His hand moves and Emmas body reacts. ADAM Dont stop. They kiss. And kiss.





And then they kiss some more. FADE TO BLACK. FADE IN: The sound of people milling about is heard OS. They get louder and seem closer with each passing second. Something loud and metallic hits the floor and Emma sits up with a gasp. Emma looks back at Adam who is wide awake now. The look at the door, watch the shadows of passing people walk by their hideout. LIZ Em... Emma looks at Liz and puts a finger against her lips. Liz shuts her mouth but the frightened look in her eyes remain. Emma stands up, runs her fingers through her hair. looks back at Liz and Adam. EMMA How do I look? LIZ Cool. Amazing. ADAM What are you doing? She

EMMA Im going to walk on out. ADAM Thats it? EMMA Thats it. ADAM Be careful. EMMA Of what? ADAM I have no idea.




EMMA Okay. ADAM Okay. Emma turns around, turns the doorknob and opens the door. INT. VENUE - HALLWAY - NIGHT Emma walks out to find all kinds of things going on: people coming and going, equipment being loaded, unloaded, etc. As she makes her way through all the activity and people, she glances into the room to her right. She stops and after a quick look around, walks in... INT. VENUE - STOREROOM CLOSET - NIGHT Emma enters and closes the door behind her. ADAM So? EMMA Theyre setting up. ADAM Should we just wait in here until then? EMMA No. Someone is bound to walk in at some point. ADAM Well we cant just walk around. EMMA We can if we belong. Sheholds up two lanyards and a sharpie for Adam to see. ADAM Thats great but... EMMA What? ADAM The whole thing would be even better if we had... (CONTINUED)



Emma holds up the camera she was hiding in her other hand. ADAM (CONTD) Last question: who are we with? Emma hands Adam the camera and slips the blan kcard from out of a lanyard. She pops off the top of the sharpie and looks ove at Adam. EMMA Lets aim high. INT. TERMINAL 5 - STAGE - NIGHT Alison breaks into "Baby Says" and the crowd sings along with her. INT. VENUE - HALLWAY - NIGHT Emma, Adam and Liz walk down the hallway and try very hard not to look like the imposters that they are. They pass a SECURITY GUARD but dont get more than a few feet away from him before: SECURITY GUARD Excuse me but you dont belong here. Emma spins around and holds up her lanyard for him to inspect. INSERT: The card in the lanyard reads THE NEW YORK TIMES. EMMA Were the press. SECURITY GUARD Yeah I know. Thats why I said you dont belong here. The press room is back where you came, the last room on your left. Where all the other press people are at. EMMA Thanks. Sorry for the attitude. Early flight in. SECURITY GUARD Sure.




The three of them turn and start in the direction the guard pointed them to... SECURITY GUARD (CONTD) Whos she? They turn back around and find the guard pointing at Liz. ADAM She won the contest. SECURITY GUARD What contest? ADAM We throw it every year. The winner gets to be a junior cub reporter and hang out with a couple of seasoned journalists for one day. Oh yeah? article? SECURITY GUARD They get to write an ADAM Of course. Cool. SECURITY GUARD Whats it about?

ADAM Whats it about? SECURITY GUARD Yeah. Yeah. ADAM What?

SECURITY GUARD The article. EMMA Music. ADAM Definitely. SECURITY GUARD Anything in particular?




LIZ The Kills. Everyone looks over at Liz. SECURITY GUARD Very cool! Well, Ill keep an eye out for them just in case I see them first. LIZ Tell them were in the press room! SECURITY GUARD Ill do that. EMMA You havent seen them yet? SECURITY GUARD No but someone will let me know if they do. ADAM We should get to the press room, Emma. EMMA Right. The three of them continue on their way to the press room. EMMA (CONTD) He hasnt seen The Kills yet. ADAM Yeah so? EMMA That doesnt sound a little strange to you? ADAM They havent gotten here yet. Whats the big deal? EMMA I guess its not. Emma looks back at the security guard...




He and Liz turn around to see that the security guard is now in a conversation with TWO POLICE OFFICERS. One of the cops shows the guard something that could be a photograph. ADAM (CONTD) Oh shit. EMMA Lets go. ADAM Where? EMMA Anywhere but out here. Emma moves forward checking each door with a twist of its handle and finds one locked room after another. Emma has a desperate look in her eyes as she continues down the hallway. Seeing the sign on a nearby door, Emma comes to an abrupt stop which causes Liz and Adam to bump into her. LIZ Why are you stopping? Adam looks back and sees the cops heading in their direction with the security guard in the lead. ADAM Emma, we gotta move. Emma grabs a hold of the handle of this door and turns it. She opens the door slowly... ADAM (CONTD) Emma, Im serious. INT. VENUE - DRESSING ROOM -NIGHT Emma steps inside and gives the room a quick scan from left to right... Something OS stops her and her eyes widen, unsure of what she is looking at.




ADAM Em! Emma looks back at Adam. ADAM (CONTD) What are we doing? Adam and Liz rush in and Emma slams the door shut behind them. As it closes, the sign hanging on the door is clear and legible and reads: INSERT: The sign on the door says BANDS DRESSING ROOM. INT. VENUE - DRESSING ROOM - NIGHT Liz and Adam stare at something OS. of them look at her. Emma coughs and the two

Emma addresses the person or persons that Liz and Adam were staring at. EMMA I just want to let you know were not crazy people. Not really. This is Liz and shes my sister and she is your biggest fan. I know you probably hear that a lot but trust me she is. LIZ Em? EMMA (to Liz) This isnt your fault. (to the person or persons OS) This isnt her fault. LIZ Em? EMMA Our mom...her mom...was supposed to get the tickets. Em! LIZ What are you doing?




EMMA I just want them to know why were here. (to the person or persons OS) Were here for you. LIZ Who do you think they are? EMMA The Kills. Em. LIZ They are not The Kills.

EMMA Theyre not? PAN: Reveals a man and a woman in the same outfit: red pants, red T-shirt and black boots. They even share the same black hair color. The man and woman sitting at the table and staring at these strangers standing across from them are JACK WHITE and MEG WHITE AKA THE WHITE STRIPES. EMMA (CONTD) Then who are they? ADAM (to Liz) Is she serious? LIZ (to Emma) Are you serious? JACK Whats this about The Kills? EMMA Thats who were trying to get to. I mean Im trying to get her... (looks at Liz) them. You wouldnt happen to know them, would you? (to Liz) Whatre their names again? MEG Us or The Kills?




LIZ Em! MEG We know them. they are. We even know where

EMMA Oh man, if you could point us the right way... LIZ Emma! EMMA Hey, Liz. I dont know if you know this but were in trouble and running out of time. LIZ I know that. ADAM I am a real fan. JACK Thank you. ADAM No, thank you. MEG Youre cute. ADAM Really? EMMA So I dont know who these guys are and I dont care. LIZ These are actual words coming out of your mouth. ADAM Youre beautiful. JACK Are you talking to me or my wife? Of both of you.


CONTINUED: ADAM (to Meg) Youre married? (to Jack) Youre married? EMMA If theyve got something to give Im more than happy to take it. LIZ (to The White Stripes) Im so sorry. She works at the at the mall. Someone knocks at the door. back.


Emma, Liz and Adam take a step

SECURITY GUARD (OS) Mr. and Mrs White? MEG Yes? SECURITY GUARD (OS) Theres like some people out here that would like to speak to you. JACK Like what people? SECURITY GUARD (OS) Like the kind that arrest you people. Meg and Jack go over to the door and open it but just enough so that only she can be seen by the security guard. ANGLE ON THE DOOR MEG Like the police? SECURITY GUARD Like the cops. JACK What do they want? SECURITY GUARD Something about a missing girl and her sister. I got them in the press room right now. What do you want me to do? (CONTINUED)



MEG Hang on. Meg and Jack look over at Emma, Liz and Adam. JACK (to Emma) Is there something else we should know about? EMMA Like I said: we could really use the help. The sound of someone knocking at the door is heard OS. SOUND CROSSOVER: CUT TO: Jack opens the door and finds TWO COPS - OFFICER ROZLOWSKY, 40S, and his partner OFFICER FERRARO, 20s - standing in the doorway. JACK Hey, officers. Good. How are you doing?

OFFICER ROZLOWSKY Could we come in please?

Meg peeks her head in. MEG Whats this all about, officer. OFFICER ROZLOWSKY If we could come in, Id be more than happy to explain. JACK Of course, please... Jack opens the door and both officers walk in. Officer Ferraro looks a little stage struck and cant keep his eyes off of The White Stripes especially Meg White. OFFICER FERRARO (to Meg) Hey. MEG Hey.




Officer Rozlowskys attention, however, is taken by the YOUNG MAN who has his back to him and busy with the bands equipment cases. OFFICER ROZLOWSKY (to the young man) Excuse me. The young man turns around and faces the others. Although his eyes are hidden behind a set of sunglasses and he wears a band T-shirt, the young man is Adam. OFFICER ROZLOWSKY (CONTD) Who are you? Thats AJ. JACK Hes a roadie.

Adam turns back around and goes back to his "roadie" duties and the equipment. OFFICER FERRARO (to Officer Rozlowsky) A roadie is one of the guys... MEG Or girls... OFFICER FERRARO You are absolutely...yes...or girls who travel with the band and are usually responsible for the loading, unloading and setup of equipment for the band during a tour. OFFICER ROZLOWSKY I know what a roadie is. Who. OFFICER FERRARO You mean "Who" a roadie is.

Rozlowsky holds up a photo of Emma and Liz for Jack and Meg to see. OFFICER ROZLOWSKY Have either of you seen these two? JACK No, sir.




OFFICER ROZLOWSKY Okay. Well, if you do, let someone know. We were told that they might be headed here so we got a lot of cops around. And they may or may not have someone - a guy - aiding and abetting the older girl with this kidnapping. Adam drops a wrench and bends down to pick it up. MEG Well definitely keep an eye out for them. JACK Hey, AJ. If you could get that back on the bus that would be great. AJ/Adam nods and lets out a grunt. He pushes a very large wheeled metal case in the direction of the door. OFFICER FERRARO Let me get that for you. Officer Ferraro rushes over to the door and opens it for AJ/Adam. Officer Ferraro holds the door open for Adam but smiles at Meg the entire time he is leaving. OFFICER FERRARO (CONTD) (to Meg) So are you guys like really married? JACK (to Adam) You remember how to get back to the bus? AJ/Adam looks over at Jack. MEG (to Officer Ferraro) Why do you want to know? JACK (to Adam) Down this hall, left, straight then left again. Yeah?




AJ/Adam looks over at Officer Rozlowsky and then grunts at Jack. He puts his back into the case and rolls it right on out of the room. OFFICER FERRARO Because Im hoping its just a tabloid thing. OFFICER ROZLOWSKY (to Officer Ferraro) Alright I think its time for us to go. JACK Hey, Officers. Would you like something to drink? I have beer. OFFICER FERRARO That would be awesome! OFFICER ROZLOWSKY Jesus Christ. Were on duty... OFFICER FERRARO ...At a rock concert! Adam takes a last look at Meg and Jack. and closes the door. EXT. VENUE - LOADING AREA - NIGHT Adam unlocks the large equipment case and Emma and Liz burst out gasping for air. EMMA Jesus Christ. ADAM You guys alright? LIZ Could you have gone any slower? ADAM With hindsight yes. EMMA You guys can do this little routine later. Right now we have to get back to the car. Emma takes the lead and looks around. Seeing that the coast is clear, she moves and signals for the other two to follow. Meg smiles at him


EXT. VENUE - PARKING LOT - NIGHT From the number of them, it seems like that there are more COPS MILLING AROUND than there are cars. A fact that is not lost on Emma, Liz and Adam who watch from a safe distance and hidden between a set of cars. EMMA Goddammit. LIZ Whatre we going to do? EMMA Im trying to figure that out right now. ADAM We walk out. EMMA What? ADAM You know where the car is? EMMA Yeah but what do you mean we walk out? ADAM I said walk I meant run. He stands up and smiles at Emma. ADAM (CONTD) And when I said we, I meant me. Get her to The Kills. (to Liz) And have fun for me you little shit. EMMA Adam, no! Adam tears off his shirt and tears off in the opposite direction of the car. While he runs, he swings his shirt above his head and sings/screams the opening line from KRS-1s single "Sound of da Police":




ADAM Woop, Woop! Dats da sound of da police! Woop, Woop! Dats da sound of da beast! If Adams intention was to get the cops to notice him, it works because every cop on the lot heads in his direction. Emma grabs Liz by the hand and they run for Adams car. INT. 1986 TOYOTA COROLLA - NIGHT Emma starts up the car, shifts it into the gear and pulls out of her spot. She heads for the exit but jerks to a stop when SEVERAL COPS swarm her car. But theyre not stopping for the girls; theyre just trying to catch up with their fellow brothers-in-blue who are still giving chase after Adam. Emma steps on the gas and heads for the exit. EXT. VENUE - PARKING LOT - NIGHT Adam is hauling ass and from the look on his face, having a lot of fun while doing it. But his breathing is coming fast now... There are too many cops and hes running out of parking lot. He needs more space to maneuver... Adam jumps up on the nearest car... He continues to run but now hes doing it from car to car. INT. 1986 TOYOTA COROLLA - NIGHT Emma reaches the exit and searches for that moment among the passing cars for her to join them. She looks back at the parking lot in her sideview mirror... EXT. VENUE - PARKING LOT - NIGHT Adam scrambles onto the hood of a car but one look around at the converging cops and he knows that the end is near. He scrambles to get to the roof of the car he is on.


INT. 1986 TOYOTA COROLLA - NIGHT Emma watches Adam stand up on the roof and look over in her direction. She watches him smile...she watches him wave... EXT. VENUE - PARKING LOT - NIGHT Several cops grab a hold of Adam by the leg and give him a good hard yank. Adam falls out of frame and his smile right along with him. INT. 1986 TOYOTA COROLLA - NIGHT Emma slams her foot onto the gas pedal and joins the wave of passing cars with a scream. Liz is in the front passenger seat but she isnt sitting. Shes up on her seat and faced towards the venue, straining to catch a glimpse of something. EMMA Sit down. Liz looks over at Emma and shrinks down into her seat. EMMA (CONTD) Im sorry. LIZ Hell be alright. EMMA Yeah. (beat) Buckle up. Please. Liz pulls the seatbelt strap across and locks herself in. FADE TO BLACK. FADE IN: Liz is fast asleep in the backseat. Emma turns the radio on and Jamies voice fills the car as he sings "Wild Charms". MONTAGE: Emma watching the signs. Emma looking over at passing cars, passing people. Right?




Seeing a sign for an exit, Emma signals and crosses over into the next lane. Emma looks up and sees a sign welcoming her to New York. END MONTAGE "Wild Charms" fades down... FADE TO BLACK. FADE IN: EXT. TERMINAL 5 - NIGHT As they roll past the front doors in their Corolla, Emma and Liz can see the marquee with The Kills name shining bright above the their heads. EXT. TERMINAL 5 - SIDE DOOR - NIGHT Emma walks up to the SECURITY GUARD and presents her stolen press badge to him. He opens the door to let them in but then stops when he sees Liz. EMMA (flashes her Press badge) Hey. SECURITY GUARD Hey. He looks at her badge. SECURITY GUARD (CONTD) Cool. He grabs the door handle and then stops after he sees Liz. SECURITY GUARD (CONTD) Whats up with her? Emma looks at Liz who gives her a sheepish grin. EMMA Someone she loves broke a promise that her ass couldnt keep. So I decided to bring her along to show her that somebody cares. The security guard looks at Liz and then back at Emma.




SECURITY GUARD Cool. He opens the door and the girls walk right in. INT. TERMINAL 5 - NIGHT As they walk through, the girls see: MONTAGE: VENDORS selling Kills merchandise. PEOPLE at the bar getting drinks. TOO-COOL-FOR-SCHOOL KIDS lounging in booths. END MONTAGE Liz looks over and sees a photo booth with Jamie and Alisons face on the side. She pulls her sister towards it. INT. TERMINAL 5 - PHOTO BOOTH - NIGHT They sit, put their money in the slot and then proceed to act as weird and silly as they want to when the camera starts flashing. INT. TERMINAL 5 - MAIN FLOOR - NIGHT Alison and Liz are looking at their photo booth pictures when the lights suddenly dim. The crowd roars and people rush past the girls. The familiar beat of "No Wow" starts and Liz grabs a hold of Emmas hand and pulls her hard in the direction of The Kills. But when they get out onto the main floor, the place is packed from wall-to-wall with PEOPLE. Emma takes Liz by the hand and pulls her into the crowd. CUT TO: They push and pull as they work their way through the mob but eventually Emma gets Liz to where she has wanted to be from the start... the front... (CONTINUED)



...staring straight up... Jaime and Alison. Liz lets out a scream and Emma - seeing her sisters excitement - joins her with one of her own. MONTAGE: The Kills going from song to song. The CROWD as the sing, holler and let it all out. Emma and Liz reaction to everything that is happening around them. END MONTAGE While The Kills bid their fans a warm farewell, Emma looks over at the main entrance of the room. EMMA No. Liz looks in the direction that Emma is looking and sees SEVERAL POLICE OFFICERS enter the rooms main entrance. LIZ Em... Emma takes Liz by the hand and pulls her away from the approching cops. Emma jerks to a stop, however, when she sees another SET OF POLICE OFFICERS entering from another set of doors. The blood drains from her face and she lets out a gasp when she sees Marie bringing up the rear. As the police and their parents unknowingly close in one position, Emma closes her eyes. LIZ (CONTD) Em? Emma takes a deep breath. Em. LIZ (CONTD) What are you doing?

Emma exhales and opens her eyes. Something has changed and the panic that was hiding there is gone and replaced with a look of focus.




As she navigates through the people with Liz in tow, Emma moves with the ebb and flow of the crowd in such a way that they are always hidden and never seen by their pursuers. As soon as they make it into the clear, the girls rush down the nearest hallway. INT. TERMINAL 5 - HALLWAY - NIGHT As they walk, Emma keeps looking at each door that they pass. When she sees cops walking towards them and the look of desperation returns to Emmas face. She turns the knob on the very next door and pushes. minute it opens, Emma pulls Liz inside with her. INT. TERMINAL 5 - DRESSING ROOM - NIGHT Emma slams the door closed and leans against it as if somehow this will stop whatever will happen next. LIZ Em. EMMA Please, Liz. LIZ But Em. EMMA Just give me a second. LIZ Yeah but Em. EMMA I need to think. ALISON (OS) About what? Liz tries to get Emmas attention but her sister is too busy trying to figure a way out of the mess theyre in. Emma turns around and finds Alison Mosshart and Jamie Hince sitting across from them. They are sweaty, exhausted and more than a little curious as to what is transpiring in front of them. The




EMMA (to Liz) Is this them? LIZ This is them. EMMA But how do you know for sure? JAIME Sure of what? EMMA That youre The Kills. right? LIZ She works at the mall! EMMA (to Liz) Will you stop with that? (to The Kills) Weve been looking for you guys for a while. ALISON So now that youve found us is there something we can do for you? EMMA Not me. Her. Shes your number one fan. (to Liz) Do you want something? LIZ I want to die. JAIME What do you mean youve been looking for us? EMMA Its hard to explain. LIZ Our mom promised to get me tickets... You are




EMMA Her mom. LIZ She promised to get me tickets to see you guys but then she forgot. EMMA She lied. ALISON Why would she do that? EMMA You have to ask her. Actually youll probably get the chance to do that in a couple of minutes. JAIME Im having trouble understanding all of this. LIZ Ill explain. See our mom promised that she would get me tickets for my birthday... ALISON Happy Birthday! LIZ Thank you! So our mom forgot about the tickets - which isnt the first time thats happened - so I got mad which I dont do alot, not really. I just really wanted to see you guys like I really wanted to see you guys! So then I got mad and then our mom got mad. First at me then at Em. And thats when I ran away from home. Well, I dont know if I ran away...I mean I really wanted to...and then Em came back - she left, too - and she saw me and I fell because I tried to run away from her. But I dont know why I did that. Because it wasnt her fault even though our mom might think so. Mom was the one who forgot to buy the tickets and she was the one who got mad when she did. She shouldnt have gotten mad, not at Em. This was (MORE) (CONTINUED)



LIZ (CONTD) Ems plan. I didnt want to go, I mean I did, but I didnt want Em to get into trouble not for me. But she didnt care. She does it all the the time for me. Ever since I was little. She would say it was her even when it wasnt and that was a lot. This whole thing? Me standing here in front of you two? This is just her taking the blame for me again. Right, Em? Liz looks back at Emma. LIZ (CONTD) (beat) Em? With her hands covering her mouth and the way that she is hunched over, it looks like Emma is laughing. Alison and Jaime look at each other and Alison walks over to Emma. Jamie meanwhile - seeing that she is upset and confused by Emmas reaction - goes over to Liz. JAIME My name is Jaime Hince and I want you to follow me. With these words, Liz has been hypnotized. LIZ Okay. She takes his hand and they walk over to a set of chairs that are off to the side. CUT TO: Alison stands in front of Emma and pulls her hands away from her face. Hey. ALISON Why are you crying?

EMMA Im tired of this. ALISON Of what?




EMMA Of being scared. Emma cries harder and Alison wraps her arms around her. CUT TO: Liz watches her sister, her brows furrowed, concerned. Jaime jumps in. JAIME So how long have you been a fan? Hearing his voice, Liz is back in hypnotized-by-Jaime-Hince mode. LIZ Ever since I was a kid. JAIME And how long is that? Forever. LIZ About three years.

JAIME That is long. LIZ I love you. JAIME Thats very sweet of you to say. Liz throws her arms around Jaime and squeezes him as hard as possible. JAIME (CONTD) Kiddo, youre going to crack a rib. LIZ Im fine. JAIME Im talking about my rib. She looks up at him but does not relinquish her grip. LIZ I do you know? really do. I love you. I




JAIME Thats fantastic. Im not sure how my wife is going to feel about that. LIZ Oh shit. I would never do that. Im not that girl. JAIME What girl is that? LIZ A homewrecker. I think Kates great. I love her to death. How is she anyway? Hows married life so far? You think you two are going to have kids any time soon? JAIME We havent really talked about it. LIZ Well if you are you should. because youre going to need a plan. Kids: they can get expensive. JAIME Thats very true. LIZ Can I ask you something? JAIME Im not sure I can stop you. LIZ Do you have cable? CUT TO: Emma has stopped more or less crying. ALISON What are you scared of? EMMA I dont know what Im doing. ALISON None of us do.


CONTINUED: EMMA But I dont even know what direction to head. ALISON Who would you like to be? EMMA Like in a job? ALISON Like in a person. EMMA I want to be the best possible me that I can be. ALISON When you think of that person, what does she look like? What do you look like? EMMA Shes not angry all the time. She doesnt punch walls and she doesnt call herself stupid. She sees the good in things, in people, in herself. She is happy. ALISON So whats stopping you? EMMA Im stopping me. Everything I touch turns to shit. And I know I should do something but I dont instead. ALISON Thats not true. EMMA It is true. You dont know me like I do. ALISON I know what youve done so far. I know that you brought your sister all the way here. EMMA Nothing against you but I took her to a concert.





LIZ My first concert. EMMA But its still just a concert...! ALISON ...that you didnt have to take her to. You put yourself on the line and that means a lot whether you think so or not. JAIME I know a lot of people older than you that have never done that. Would never do that. You? Afraid? Not from where Im sitting. ALISON Why did you decide to do this? EMMA I dont know. Because Im stupid. ALISON Stop listening to that awful voice inside your head. You do know so just say it. Why did you do this for Liz? EMMA I wanted to make her happy. I still could. Jaime and Alison look at each other. EMMA (CONTD) Just one last time. Before I said good-bye. Emma looks over at Liz and they lock eyes. EMMA (CONTD) (to Liz) I cant stay where I am anymore, Liz. Every day, little by little, Im dying inside. I dont know whats going to happen after this but I want you to know - no matter what anyone says to me or to you you are and always will be my sister. (CONTINUED) While



Liz runs over to Emma and they grab each other. EMMA (CONTD) I love you. LIZ And you always will? EMMA I will always love you. And no, not in that Whitney Houston and Kevin Costner kind of way. I will always love you more than that. They hold each other, never wanting to let go. Someone bangs at the door and everyone jumps. GARY (OS) Guys? There are several people out here that would really like a word with you about those two individuals I spoke with you about earlier. JAIME Tell them well be out in a little later. GARY (OS) They would rather it be earlier than that. Like now. The sound of a scuffle is heard through the door. GARY (OS) (CONTD) Excuse me but theres no need for that kind of physicality...! I said...Hey!...Get your damn hands off of me! POLICE OFFICER (OS) We know youre in there Miss White. Open the door or well be forced to open it ourselves. EMMA (to Liz) Stand next to Alison and Jaime. LIZ No.


CONTINUED: POLICE OFFICER (OS) You have until the count to three, Miss White. Liz?! MARIE (OS) Are you in there, Liz?!


POLICE OFFICER (OS) (to Marie) Please step back, maam. POLICE OFFICER (OS) (CONTD) Miss White, Im starting the EMMA Go over to them. LIZ Im not leaving you alone! POLICE OFFICER (OS) Two... EMMA I have to do this by myself. POLICE OFFICER (OS) This is your last warning, Miss White... MARIE (OS) Open the goddamn door, Emma! little cunt! POLICE OFFICER (OS) Will somebody please grab this lady? Jesus...! MARIE (OS) Get your goddamn hands off me! LIZ But what are you going to do? Emma looks over at Alison and Jaime and something in their smiles says something to her. Emma pushes her little sister away from her and towards The Kills with a gentle but firm hand. EMMA Hopefully the right thing and then Ill see where I go from there. You




POLICE OFFICER (OS) Three! Emma White, we are entering the room! Emma looks away from her sister and new found friends and over at the door. POLICE OFFICER (OS) (CONTD) (to another cop) Do it! The door bursts open and blast of light hits Emma but she does not flinch... THE CAMERA DOLLIES IN ON EMMA The only thing that she is doing is smiling. EXT. TERMINAL 5 - NIGHT As SEVERAL POLICE OFFICERS mill about nearby, Emma is sitting next to Alison as Gary speaks on his cell phone. Alison sees Marie looking at Alison and leans over to block her new friends face before giving the evil stepmother a smile and a wave. As Marie looks away, Alison and Emma laugh. Jamie and Liz and comparing photo booth pics: he wants one particular set but Liz isnt having any of it. After some careful consideration, she doles out to Jamie the photos that she wishes for him to have. He frowns but seeing how he has no choice, takes what he can get. LIZ (VO) Like I said at the start: best birthday gift I ever got. It was also the last one Emma gave me because I havent seen her since. You can thank my mother Marie for that. She didnt press charges but she also didnt let Emma come back. Which was fine with Emma because, like she said, she was already on her way out. Liz and Emma make eyes contact and they smile at each other. But theyre sad ones, filled with knowing about the future.

113. INT. AIRPLANE - DAY Liz - now 18 - looks out of the window and watches as the plane approaches the airport. LIZ (VO) I said I didnt see her again but we never lost touch. Emails mostly but it didnt matter to me. I just liked knowing that she was out there, somewhere and doing something that she liked because she was good at it. She takes a last look at the photo booth pics that she took with Emma, tucks them back into her notebook and settles back into her seat. MONTAGE: Plane landing. Everyone getting up and ready to exit. Liz walking past the SMILING STEWARDESSES and CAPTAIN. Liz walking down the long terminal hallway towards the exit gate. END MONTAGE INT. AIRPORT - WAITING AREA - DAY Liz walks out into the waiting area and looks around. She looks over to right and sees a MAN and a WOMAN - 50s scanning the approaching LINE OF PEOPLE coming from her flight. The woman lets out a scream, rushes past Liz towards a YOUNG SOLDIER - 20s, in full gear - and hugs him tight. Mom is the first one to start crying but by the time dad reaches them, the entire family is in tears. LIZ (VO) And any way, we were going to meet up again. I mean why wouldnt we? Its not like she moved half way around the world, like Paris, though that sounds nice. Liz watches this tear filled reunion that is happening in front of her, transfixed. (CONTINUED)



LIZ (VO) (CONTD) And when we did, what did you think I was going to say? She turns around to find Emma - now 23 - standing in front of her and dressed in nurses scrubs. Neither of them moves for what seems like forever. And then they both burst into smiles, laughter and tears almost at the same time. LIZ (VO) (CONTD) I love you and no, not in that Whitney-Houston-Kevin-Costner kind of way. CUT TO BLACK. THE END.

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