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Invoices for POs with Account Assignment

Enter Invoices for POs with Account Assignment Posting Logic for Invoices for POs with Account Assignment Invoices Relating to a Blanket Purchase Order

SAP AG 1999




Invoices for POs with Account Assignment: 'nit O#(ectives

At the conclusion of this unit% &ou will #e a#le to: Enter invoices for "urchase order with account assignment and change the "lanned account assignments Enter invoices relating to a #lanket "urchase order $race the resulting account movements

SAP AG 1999




Invoices for Purchase Orders with Account Assignment: Course Overview *iagram
Introduction to Invoice +erification +ariances ,ithout Reference to an Item

Basic Invoice +erification Procedure $a-es% Cash *iscounts% and .oreign Currenc&

Invoices for POs with Account Assignment

*eliver& Costs


+ariances and Blocking Reasons

,,, 2 3333 2 444 5 6666

/u#se0uent *e#its1Credits

,,, 2 3333 5 6666

,, 2 33 5 66

Invoice Reduction

Invoices ,ithout Reference to POs

,,, ,,, 2 3333 2 3333 2 444 2 444 5 6666 5 6666

SAP AG 1999




Invoices for Purchase Orders with Account Assignment: Business /cenario

4our com"an& orders various materials for direct consum"tion% for e-am"le% for cost centers% "lant maintenance% assets% and "ro(ects 4ou want to verif& that the account assignments for the costs in the invoice are correct

SAP AG 1999




Purchase Orders with Account Assignment

Cost center 9

,e need 900 folders<

PO with account assignment

Item !090 :aterial ;uantit& .olders )00

Account assignments 9 .olders 900 cost ctr 9 ! .olders !00 cost ctr ! Cost center !

,e need !00 folders<

SAP AG 1999

The buyer can assign a purchase order to one or more cost objects. In the case of a purchase order item that is assigned to an account, a "current account assignment" is set up for each account assignment. The system cannot derive the account assignment from the incoming invoice. When you enter the invoice, the system proposes the individual "current account assignment".




$&"es of Account Assignment

Asset Account assignment to

Purchase order item

Account assignment categor&

Cost center


Order Account assignment categor& ?oods recei"t ?R non@valuated Invoice recei"t 3 Account assignment 3 changea#le at IR

/ales order

SAP AG 1999

You can create an account assignment for a purchase order to various objects. You use the account assignment category to define the type of account assignment. The account assignment category controls: If you can post a goods receipt If you can post an invoice receipt If you cannot post a goods receipt, the R ! "ystem suggests the difference bet#een the purchase order $uantity and the invoiced $uantity in Invoice Verification. In Invoice Verification, the R ! "ystem suggests the account assignment defined in the purchase order. You can change the account assignment, provided that the follo#ing t#o conditions are fulfilled: %hanging the account assignment is defined for the respective account assignment category in %ustomi&ing 'o valuated goods receipts are defined for the purchase order




Account Assignment Categories

*escri"tion Acct assgt can #e changed after ?R1IR Acct assgt can #e changed at IR ?R for item

Purchasing transaction item

Account assignment categor&

Bon@valuated ?R IR for item /creen se0uence Account grou"ing Consum"tion "osting

SAP AG 1999

The account assignment category is used for each item of a purchasing document. You can specify the account assignment categories that are allo#ed for the individual item categories. The account grouping code for the account assignment category allo#s you to have the R ! "ystem suggest a consumption account number #hen you enter a purchasing document item subject to account assignment. You specify this account number #hen you ma(e the settings for the automatic postings for the transaction Offsetting entry for inventory posting (GBB).




Account :ovements for POs with Acct Assignment
Purchase order 900 "cs at 90 00 'BI1"c Acct assignment: 700000 cost ctr 9 +aluated goods recei"t Invoice
?oods recei"t

80 "cs

80 "cs at 99 'BI1"c 5 880 'BI

?oods recei"t
Consum"tion acct ?R1IR account +endor 800 2 800 @

80 2 800 2 880 @

Bon@valuated goods recei"t or Bo goods recei"t

SAP AG 1999

?oods recei"t
Consum"tion acct ?R1IR account +endor

880 2 880 @

If a valuated goods receipt is defined for a purchase order #ith account assignment, the R ! "ystem debits the consumption account at goods receipt. The offsetting entry is made to the )R IR clearing account and cleared by the invoice. The R ! "ystem debits or credits price variances to the consumption account. If no goods receipt or only a non*valuated goods receipt is defined for a purchase order #ith account assignment, the posting to the consumption account occurs directly in the invoice.




Invoices for Blanket Purchase Orders

Purchase order +alidit& "eriod:


+alue limit:
150 000 U !

*ate1 +alue

09 09

A80 Invoice 09 90
A80 'BI CCtr 9!)

!0 A80 Invoice 09 98
!0 000 'BI CCtr ACD


9! )9

97C 000

... Invoice 9! 0)
C 000 'BI CCtr 78=

Invoice 9! !0
90 000 'BI CCtr A=8

Invoice 09 98
) 000 'BI CCtr ACD

Limit exceeded!
SAP AG 1999

"#$idit% &e'i(d exceeded!

In +urchasing, you can create blan(et purchase orders. ,ach blan(et purchase order has a validity period, during #hich invoices for this purchase order can be posted. It also has a value that the total invoiced $uantity must not e-ceed. In %ustomi&ing, you can set tolerance limits for the limit and the validity period. If the invoice e-ceeds the upper tolerance limit for the value, the R ! "ystem bloc(s the invoice due to price variance. If the invoice e-ceeds the upper tolerance limit for the validity period, the R ! "ystem bloc(s the invoice due to schedule variance. When you enter an invoice for a blan(et purchase order, you can enter as many account assignments as you re$uire, along #ith the relevant amounts.




0 90
Invoices for POs with Account Assignment: /ummar&

4ou are now a#le to: Enter invoices for a "urchase order with account assignment and change the "lanned account assignments Enter invoices relating to a #lanket "urchase order $race the resulting account movements

SAP AG 1999




0 99Invoices for POs with Account Assignment: E-ercises

Unit: Invoices for POs with Account Assignment

.t the end of this e-ercise, you #ill be able to: ,nter an invoice for non*stoc( materials and change the postings ,nter the invoice item accounts and invoice amounts for a blan(et purchase order for office supplies /any items are intended for departmental use or charged to projects, production orders, or plant maintenance. 0o# can you trace the account assignments1 . goods receipt is not re$uired for non*stoc( materials. The R ! "ystem matches data from the purchase order and invoice only.


This invoice arrived #ithout a purchase order number for items #ithout material numbers. You search for the purchase order number and verify the cost centers that #ere assigned before posting the invoice. I'34I%, "apsota %ompany 5imited Invoice date: 8today9s date: Invoice ;<<277 =olders +encils >ocumentation Ta-: Total due: ?< pcs 2<< pcs 2 pc. 2<B ta@< A'I 6< A'I ?< A'I 2; A'I 2@; A'I 3endor T*526.77




2*2*2 ,nter the basic data. "earch for the purchase order number using the information specified in the invoice. +urchase order number: CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC 2*2*D In Invoice Verification, ho# can you see that this is a purchase order #ith account assignment1 %an you change the cost centers1 Which ones1 Why1 CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC 2*2*! "imulate the document. OPTIONAL: =ill in the table. Item <<2 <<D <<! <<? <<6 <<E <<; .ccount .mount

+ost the invoice. Invoice number: CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC 2*2*? OPTIONAL: >isplay the document.





You have a blan(et purchase order that is used for office supplies. .n invoice for last month9s supplies arrives. I'34I%, "apsota %ompany 5imited Invoice date: 8today9s date: Invoice ;<<D77 This invoice refers to your purchase order number 41515082## 4ffice supplies F miscellaneous %opy paper F cases TaTotal due: 2*D*2 ,nter the basic data and allocate the invoice. 2*D*D .ssign the first line to account 476000 #ith ;<< A'I to cost center 1000 and ;<< A'I to cost center 4200. .ssign the second line to account 477000 and cost center 1000. 2*D*! "imulate the document. OPTIONAL: =ill in the table. Item <<2 <<D <<! <<? <<6 <<E <<; <<@ .ccount .mount 2<B ta2?<< A'I D?<< A'I !@<< A'I !@< A'I ?2@< A'I 3endor T*526.77

+ost the invoice #hen the balance is &ero. Invoice number: CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC




2*D*? OPTIONAL: >isplay the blan(et purchase order. 0o# much has been invoiced for each item1 =irst item: CCCCCCCCCCC "econd item: CCCCCCCCCCCC




0 9!Invoices for POs with Account Assignment: /olutions

Unit: Invoices for POs with Account Assignment


Logistics Materials Management Logistics Invoice Verification Document Entry Enter Invoice 2*2*2 You enter the follo#ing data on the Basic data tab page: ie!" n#me or "#t# t$%e Docu ent date $eference A ount Ta* a ount &#!ues !today"s date# %&&'(( ')% '%

"ince no purchase order reference is specified in the invoice, you search for the purchase order using input help for the allocation Purc+ase order,sc+edu-ing agree ent. . #indo# appears in #hich you can narro# do#n the search. You enter the follo#ing data: ie!" n#me or "#t# t$%e Vendor &#!ues T.L'/A((

When you choose 0*ecute, a list of purchase orders appears. When you choose Edit Display items For all documents, a list of the materials ordered in the individual items appears. +urchase order ?2626<@277 is obviously the purchase order that the invoice refers to. You select the purchase order and choose Adopt. The system copies the selected purchase order to the invoice verification screen. You choose 0nter to ma(e the allocation.




2*2*D The account assignment category is displayed in column A 8account assignment:. You can change the account assignment if no valuated goods receipts are defined for the purchase order and you are allo#ed to change the account assignment for the account assignment category 8%ustomi&ing setting:. You can change the account assignment for the first and third items. 2*2*! When you choose 1i u-ate, a dialog bo- appears in #hich you see the account movements that #ill ta(e place #hen the invoice is posted. Item <<2 <<D <<! <<? <<6 <<E <<; .ccount 3endor account )R IR clearing account %onsumption account )R IR clearing account )R IR clearing account %onsumption account Ta- account .mount 2@; * < @< 6< < ?< 2;

8The &ero lines displayed on the )R IR clearing account are suppressed at the time of posting.: You choose Post to post the document. . message appears displaying the document number. 2*2*? You can display the invoice document as follo#s: Logistics Materials Management Logistics Invoice Verification Document Entry Display Invoice


Logistics Materials Management Logistics Invoice Verification Document Entry Enter Invoice 2*D*2 You enter the follo#ing data on the Basic data tab page: ie!" n#me or "#t# t$%e Docu ent date $eference A ount Ta* a ount &#!ues !today"s date# %&&2(( 3')& 4)&
TSCM52 9-16


You enter the purchase order number as the allocation: ie!" n#me or "#t# t$%e Purc+ase order,sc+edu-ing agree ent &#!ues 3'/'/&)2((

2*D*D 4n the item list, you clic( 5u-tip-e account assign ent for item 2<. . #indo# appears in #hich you can enter the account assignment. You enter the follo#ing data: ie!" n#me or "#t# t$%e A ount G,L account 7ost center .nd in the ne-t line: ie!" n#me or "#t# t$%e A ount G,L account 7ost center Ta* code &#!ues %&& 3%6&&& 32&& 1I &#!ues %&& 3%6&&& '&&&

"elect the second item and choose Adopt. 4n the item list, you clic( 5u-tip-e account assign ent for item D<. . #indo# appears in #hich you can enter the account assignment. You enter the follo#ing data: ie!" n#me or "#t# t$%e A ount G,L account 7ost center %hoose Adopt. &#!ues 23&& 3%%&&& '&&&




2*D*! When you choose 1i u-ate, a dialog bo- appears in #hich you see the account movements that #ill ta(e place #hen the invoice is posted. Item <<2 <<D <<! <<? <<6 <<E <<; <<@ .ccount 3endor account )R IR clearing account %onsumption account )R IR clearing account %onsumption account )R IR clearing account %onsumption account Ta- account .mount ?2@< * < ;<< < ;<< < D?<< !@<

8The &ero lines displayed on the )R IR clearing account are suppressed at the time of posting.: You choose Post to post the document. . message appears displaying the document number. 2*D*? You can display the purchase order as follo#s: Logistics Materials Management Purchasing Purchase order Display In the item details on the Li its tab page, you can display the value invoiced so far.




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