Diagnostic Volvo EZ115k

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Connect test diode (VOLVO tool #5280) to the test connector located on the driver side wheel housing (yellow red lead). Connect the red lead to the !ositive ter"inal o# $attery. 2. %un the test diode into the !assenger co"!art"ent and close the hood. &. 'urn ignition O(. 'he diode should now dis!lay a steady light. ). *tart and run engine+ the diode should now turn o## at,00 %-. or higher. 5. /rive the car a short distance under low and high engine load conditions. 0. 1ault Code 2n#or"ation. One 1lash3 4ngine 5noc5 has occurred+ activating 5noc5 controlled ti"ing retardation. 6noc5 "ay $e due to in#erior grade #uel+ e7cessive engine te"!erature+ #aulty !lug+ inta5e syste" lea5age or engine car$oni8ation (due to #re9uent cold starting and idling). 'wo 1lashes3 1aulty signal #ro" te"!erature sensor. *ee 2gnition *yste" 'esting 4:1156 section;10. 'hree 1lashes3 (ot used. 1our 1lashes3 1aulty signal #ro" 5noc5 sensors+ or #aulty 5noc5 detection circuit (internal to control unit). *ee 2gnition *yste" 'esting 4:6115 section ;11. 1ive 1lashes3 1aulty load signal #ro" #uel syste" control unit. *ee 2gnition *yste" 'esting 4:1156 section;12. 1ive 1lashes3 1aulty signal #ro" (o.1 cylinder detector. *ee 2gnition *yste" 'esting 4:1156 section;1&. ,. <#ter test drive+ chec5 and re!air indicated !ro$le" and retest. 8. /isconnect the test diode. 1ault codes will $e erased as soon as the engine is turned o##.

Design for an LED Sensor to Diagnose the V-6 =/esign $y <le7 /er"edgoglou> 'o "a5e the nu"$er 1 cylinder sensor and #lywheel sensor you need the #ollowing !arts3

) "eters o# single core wire? one crocodile cli! (#or !ositive ter"inal)? one "ale #lat s!ade connector (#or inserting into #e"ale connector located close to le#t hand #ront strut ? one .25w L4/ (light e"itting diode) resistor 500 oh"s @A 5B (green+ $lue+ $rown+ gold $ands on a #our $and resistor)

<sse"$ly3 1. Cut ) "eter ca$le into 2 e9ual length !ieces

2. &. ). 5. 0. ,. 1. 2. &. ).

*older one length o# ca$le to negative connector on L4/ <ttach s!ade connector to end o# ca$le soldered to negative L4/ connector *older resistor to !ositive L4/ connector. *older re"aining electrical ca$le to other resistor leg. <ttach crocodile cli! to other end o# ca$le connected to resister Cover whole o# L4/+ resistor etc. with insulating ta!e+ leaving ga! to see L4/ #lash etc. attach crocodile cli! to !ositive o# $attery ter"inal attach s!ade connector #eed L4/ dis!lay through into !assenger co"!art"ent so that can $e o$served whilst driving close $onnet and start engine 1 #lash 4ngine 5noc5 has occurred+ activating 5noc5 controlled ti"ing retardation. Can $e due to in#erior grade #uel+ e7cessive engine te"!erature+ #aulty !lug+ inta5e syste" lea5age or engine car$oni8ation (due to #re9uent cold start and idling). 2 #lashes & #lashes ) #lashes unit). 5 #lashes 0 #lashes 1aulty signal #ro" te"!erature sensor not used 1aulty signal #ro" 5noc5 sensors or #aulty 5noc5 detection circuit (internal to control 1aulty load signal #ro" #uel syste" control unit 1aulty signal #ro" (o 1 cylinder detector

'o use (see the attached diagra")3

2# there are any !ro$le"s the L4/ will #lash the #ollowing codes

'he unit will #lash out the code+ then there will $e a noticea$le delay+ when it will #lash the code again. *o"e o# the codes will only $e #lashed under load+ so i# you get no code at idle+ ta5e the car #or a drive+ accelerating etc. 'he attached drawing shows sensor connection.

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