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1446, Monday, 2013-10-07 1 st journal, Mayan day 8 Oc / Dog

Taking the Leap

Abraha !"c#s $ %h& thought "s th& l"'& g"("ng *&"ng "n +o,!&r& -"d&o .ournal
%h"s Abraha -!"c#s ("d&o cl"/ "ns/"r&d th"s journal ) such a /&r'&ct d"scuss"on co "ng /ur&ly 'ro th& +o,!&r& and sho,"ng oth&rs ,hat that "s l"#&0 Most /&o/l& don1t actually #no, th"s0 Oh, th&y l"#&ly ha(& "d&as around "t, but that1s not the same ) that do&sn1t ta#& th& /lac& o' direct experience 0 2 ho/& you1ll center down b&'or& or as you l"st&n to th"s cl"/0 2t1s s/o#&n 'ro that /lac& o' d"r&ct &3/&r"&nc&0 2t has tr& &ndous /ot&nt"al to change your life , just seeing ,hat "s /o"nt&d to, h&r&0 %h& l"n&ar "nd ,ay "s to do a th"s to g&t a that ) "t1s s/r&ad out across time 0 4an you s&& that5 6our th"s "s "n no,, but not /ur&ly, 'or "t1s 'ocus&d on that ) on th& d&s"r&d outco &, ,h"ch "s cl&arly a 'utur& th"ng0 %o th& "nd th"s ,on1t a#& any s&ns&, th"s "d&a that you could b& so c&nt&r&d "n +o, as to d"tch all r&'&r&nc& to /ast or 'utur&0 M"nd ,ants th"ngs in context 0 2t ,ants to understand th"ngs, and "t '&&ls "ts us& o' t" & h&l/s "t do that0 7&ll, "t do&s0 7&1r& all 'a "l"ar ,"th th& bl&ss"ng o' h"nds"ght, r"ght5 And ,h"l& h"nds"ght ha//&ns "n your +o,, y&t "t /ulls "n th& /ast0 +oth"ng at all ,rong ,"th that0 2t1s just that th"s b&"ng only "n +o, "s different 0 2t r&8u"r&s a c&rta"n s&tt"ng as"d& o' th& "nd 'unct"on "n ord&r to st&/ out o' l"n&ar t" &0 9o "t1s d"''&r&nt, and not n&c&ssar"ly &(&n b&tt&r0 2t1s just t,o od&s or ,ays o' b&"ng, on& o' ,h"ch ost ha(& s" /ly no

&nt )

&3/&r"&nc&0 %h"s Abraham clip "n("t&s us "nto that on& ) to d"r&ctly &3/&r"&nc& th& /&rs/&ct"(& 'ro th& +o,!&r& ) to s&& ho, that ,or#s, ,hat "t '&&ls l"#&0 2t1s an u/,ard s/"ral, "' you can catch "t0 2t r&8u"r&s s&tt"ng "nd as"d& 'or a b"t, but that1s ad& su/r& &ly s" /l& by just c&nt&r"ng "n !&art0 %h"s "s !&art1s natural od& o' b&"ng, "ts ,ay o' 'unct"on"ng, "' you ,"ll0 %hat1s on& ,ay to loo# at "t, any,ay0 2 ho/& you1ll '&&l 'roggy and ju /, '&&l '"shy and d"(& "n0 %h&r& "s uch fun to b& had, h&r& ) uch Joy to b& d"sco(&r&d "n s" /l& th"ngs that ar& larg&ly "gnor&d by ost o' us all th& t" &0 %h"s "s to ta#& st&/s to,ard &nt&r"ng heaven on earth , y 'r"&nds0 %h"s can b& th& ,"nd not just "n your sa"ls, but und&r your ,"ngs0 6ou can r"d& th& &n&rgy o' th"s u/ "nto higher consciousness 0 And "t do&sn1t att&r "' you &3/&r"&nc& but a flash o' ,hat "t o''&rs, &"th&r0 :"#& anyth"ng &ls&, "t g&ts b&tt&r ,"th /ract"c&0 *y s&tt"ng your intent to ha(& or& o' th"s &3/&r"&nc& you ,"ll0 Mostly, ,& just ha(& to r& & b&r ho, to lighten up ) to not ta#& th"ngs so darn&d s&r"ously0 %h"s ay also h"ghl"ght c&rta"n fears you ha(& bur"&d b&n&ath your out&r /&rsona0 %o l&t go o' "nd, &(&n 'or just '"(& "nut&s, "s to r&ally l&t go o' a lot ) o' a ,hol& ,ay o' b&"ng0 At '"rst "t '&&ls r&ally strange ) so don1t "sta#& &3c"t& &nt 'or '&ar0 As you st"c# to your tru& d"("n& "d&nt"ty, th&r& "s absolut&ly no fear th&r&, 'or th&r&1s noth"ng 'or 9ourc& to '&ar0 6ou ar& %hat ) no att&r ho, you '&&l0 %o &3/&r"&nc& th"s +o, "s also to st&/ out of duality 0 Do"ng a th"s to ach"&(& a that "s 8u"t& dual"st"c0 2n a ,ay, you ar& us"ng th& ;th"s< /art, not g"("ng "t "ts 'ull du&0 6ou1r& not r&ally there ,"th "t0 2nst&ad, your 'ocus "s on your o(&rall goal 0 2n th"s ("d&o cl"/ Abraha /r&s&nts th& /r&c"s& antidote to transc&nd th"s ty/& o' th"n#"ng ) th"s ,ay o' b&"ng0 2t1s not that th&r&1s anyth"ng ,rong ,"th b&"ng 'ully "n th& l"n&ar ,orld0 %h&r& "s not0 2 shar& "t h&r& 'or thos& ,hos& "nt&nt and d&s"r& "s to,ard awakening 0 2 don1t '"nd a,a#&n"ng a(a"labl& to th& l"n&ar "nd0 9o th&y ar& s" /ly t wo different modes o' b&"ng, both a(a"labl& 'or our cho"c& o' ,h"ch ,& /r&'&r0

%h&r& ar& no limits "n 9ourc& or "n !&art0 %h&r& ar& no judgments th&r&, &"th&r0 +o,, ,h"l& "t ay b& h&l/'ul to s/ur you to ach"&("ng h"gh&r a,ar&n&ss, non&th&l&ss th&s& ar& just ,ords0 2t ta#&s ha("ng th& direct experience to r&ally g&t "t, "n any cas&0 9o don't settle 'or just ,ords0 =o 'or th& gusto, y 'r"&nds ) th& d"r&ct, /&rsonal &3/&r"&nc&0 +oth"ng &ls& has l"'&0 Words ar& 'lat and l"n&ar0 %h&y can1t h&l/ but b& that, n&&d"ng to co & out "n c&rta"n ord&r, "n n&at l"ttl& l"n&s "n ord&r to a#& s&ns& ) and that1s '"n&0 7h&n you1r& a b"t 'arth&r u/ th& s/"ral o' a,a#&n"ng, ,ords s&& 'lat to you, al ost as two dimensional , 'or you1r& "n a h"gh&r d" &ns"on ,h&n you1r& "n !&art, ,h&n you1r& "n +o,0 %al#"ng about "t do&sn1t do uch good0 2t r&8u"r&s th& experience to transc&nd th& l"n&ar ,ords0 6ou can actually soar, you can 'ly on ,"ngs o' :"ght0 %hat1s al,ays a(a"labl& to you, but "t ta#&s cutt"ng dependence on mind and ,&&d"ng out old beliefs "n any sort o' l" "ts at all0 2 don't sugg&st anyon& s&t out to manipulate out&r c"rcu stanc&s or th& /&o/l& around you0 %hat1s not ,hat 21 tal#"ng about0 2t do&sn1t &rg& or har on">& ,"th nly !elf " #ow$ere in $eart 0 7&1r& or& succ&ss'ul as ,& st"c# ,"th that0 %h& oth&r ay co & lat&r ) th& ab"l"ty to control out&r th"ngs ) or "t ay not0 %hat1s not &(&n " /ortant0 Onc& ,& s&& that, onc& ,& truly let go o' try"ng to atta"n that, ,&1r& "n uch b&tt&r sha/&0 7hy5 7&1r& bac# "n +o,0 2t1s 'unny ho, th&r&1s al ost noth"ng h&r& 'or you "n th& words ) ho, th&y1r& only a jumping off place , uch l"#& ju /&rs 'ro gr&at h&"ghts, soar"ng do,n, &(&ntually o/&n"ng th& /arachut& to so't&n th& land"ng, to a#& th& tr"/ ta#& a long t" &0 %hat1s don& 'or th& joy o' th& o &nt0 .ust l"#& th& contrast b&t,&&n th& cl" b u/ th& ounta"n and th& ju /"ng o'' and soar"ng &3/&r"&nc&, th&r& "s that much contrast b&t,&&n th&s& words and ,hat1s a(a"labl& to your experience 0 6&t thos& strongly t"&d to "nd ,"ll g&n&rally not g&t /ast th& ,ords0 9ur&, you can g&t so &th"ng out o' th& ) but aga"n, "t1s or& l"#& 2D 'lat " ag&s as co /ar&d to 3D ) only &(&n d&&/&r than that0 %h& heights of consciousness ar& not a(a"labl& to th& o(&rly

t" "d, nor to thos& un,"ll"ng to chang&0 %o 'lo, ,"th th& +o, "s to r& a"n at th& cor& o' all chang&, at th& 'ulcru o' that0 2t1s r&ally cool, y&t no one but you "s "n charg& o' your journ&y0 +o on& can do "t 'or you nor /ull you "nto "t abs&nt your 'r&&-,"ll cho"c&, your ,"ll"ngn&ss to jo"n th& ad(&ntur&0 9o "t1s th& froggy ones to ,ho 2 d&d"cat& th&s& ,ords0 May th& br"ng you both th& co /an"onsh"/ 'or your ad(&ntur&so & s/"r"t as ,&ll as th& joy o' th& ju /"ng o'' /lac&, th& o &nt o' th& gr&at l&a/0 At so & /o"nt ,& also d"sco(&r that th&r& "s not on& s/&c# o' '&ar ,h&n ,&1r& "n !&art0 All thos& th"ngs that hold "nd bac# ar& s" /ly abs&nt 'ro h&r&0 2n th& &nd, "t turns out to b& so uch easier than on& had /r&("ously thought0 9"nc& thought has no way to penetrate experience , all "t can do "s ,&a(& ,&bs o' ,hat th"ngs might b& l"#&0 At so & /o"nt, 'or th& ad(&nturous s/"r"t, that1s not &nough0 7&1(& all s/&nt any l"'&t" &s ,ra//&d u/ "n the ways of thought 0 2t1s t" & to transcend , ,h&n&(&r you1r& r&ady0 May th"s Abraha cl"/ b& your ju /"ng-o'' /o"nt "nto uch /ur&r &3/&r"&nc& o' your +o,!&r&0 +a ast&



ta#& a 'roggy l&a/, ,ords don1t t&ach, d"r&ct &3/&r"&nc&, trust"ng 9ourc&, journal"ng as /roc&ss, d"sco(&r s&l', All that "s, go ,"th"n, 3D @ d" &ns"ons, &nt&r"ng +o,!&r&, good b&tt&r @ b&st, r&ady to ,a#&-u/, go"ng !o &, 'ull cont&nt &nt, no or& str&ss, A&ac& @ cal , h&a(&n on &arth, all "s ,&ll, =od or 9/"r"t, O7+ b&"ng d"("n&, ,atch @ obs&r(& s&l' , a,a#&n or &nl"ght&n, 'l&3"bl& /&rs/&ct"(&, l"(& 'ro !&art, sh"'t b&l"&'s

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