Functional Behavior Assessment: With Behavior Intervention Plan and Video Modeling

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Tina Bellavia Education 355 Dr.

Clarke November 5, 2013 Functional Behavior Assessment: with Behavior Intervention Plan and Video Modeling A. Child Information: Giuliana is three years old, the observations took place at her grandparents house because Giulianas Mother and brother were staying at her grandparents house while her father was on a business trip. B. Problem Behavior: The problem behavior is that Giuliana struggles with sitting properly at the dinner table. She seems to get easily distracted by her toys and other people within the room. Often Giuliana will play musical chairs, wanting to sit by everyone around the table for a short amount of time. This has started ever since she stopped using a high chair and booster seat. Giulianas behavior is problematic because often to get her to eat and sit still, one of her family members has to feed her. This raises a concern because Giulianas parents want her to eat independently, and not to expect to be fed. Often, it takes her a significant amount of time to finish her dinner. In addition, it is a hassle for her parents to feed themselves and her little brother Giancarlo who is too young to feed himself and needs the assistance. Giulianas parents feel that Giuliana needs to sit properly and feed herself in order for their dinner to be enjoyable and not take an inappropriate amount of time to complete. Her parents want to refrain from putting Giuliana back into a booster seat. They have tried to reward good dinner behavior by giving Giuliana dessert, however this does not always work. Giulianas

parents want her to fix this problem behavior before she goes to school and before the problem behavior escalates. Data is collected for four consecutive nights between 5:30-7:00. Dinner is usually served at this time due to the parents work schedules and evening plans. Giulianas problem behavior is measured in three 15 minute intervals. When Giuliana gets up from her chair or switches chairs, a tally is marked and totaled at the end of each interval. After all intervals are complete, all tallies are added together and determines the number of times Giuliana was distracted from eating dinner. C. Interview #1 with Angela, Giulianas mother: Angela explains that Giuliana is an excellent listener majority of the time. She feels that she acts this way during dinner because she is jealous that her baby brother is getting fed by her parents. When Giulianas family has dinner at her grandparents house Giulianas behavior intensifies. With the larger amount of distractions (Grandparents, aunts, uncles) Giuliana has more excuses to leave her chair. Angela explained that this often leads to Giuliana being fed by one of the family members while everyone else is cleaning up the dinner table. Often, Giuliana does not get dessert because of her behavior at the dinner table. Angela wants Giuliana to be able to sit at the dinner table, feed herself, and ask to be excused when finished. Angela hopes that Giulianas behavior will change and is willing to try video modeling. Interview #2 with Rose, Giulianas Grandmother: Rose agrees that Giuliana struggles with sitting properly at the dinner table. However, Rose explains that she often just feeds Giuliana in order to get dinner over with and they can move on to their evening plans. Rose explains that she has observed that when Giuliana is at her house with her parents she sits a little nicer than when she is at her house with her papa, aunts, and uncles are around. Rose also mentions that Giuliana

behaves exceptionally well at restaurants. She predicts that this is because there are not as many distractions for her. Rose admits that she often gives Giuliana dessert despite her behavior at the dinner table which is problematic. D. Data Observations: Dates of Observation: Monday-Thursday, September 16-19, 2013 Intervention: Monday- Thursday, September 30- October 3, 2013 Posttest: Monday-Thursday, October 7-10, 2013 Time of observation: Between 5:30-7:00 (Depending on the parents schedules and evening plans) Place of observation: Giulianas grandparents house. Giuliana was unaware that I was recording every time she removed herself from her chair or switched chairs during dinner time. I recorded Giuliana in three fifteen minute intervals, unless she finished dinner before the third interval. This is called Frequency recording. I used my cell phone (on vibrate) to time the intervals and recorded the number of times Giuliana removed herself from her chair or switched chairs using a piece of paper and a pencil. I refrained from correcting Giulianas behavior while I was sitting at the dinner table her. This is the data for when the observation was recorded: Raw Data: Baseline data: September 16th: total 9 September 17th: total 7 September 18th: total 8

September 19th: total 7 Intervention data: September 30th: total 6 October 1st: total 4 October 2nd: total 5 October 3rd: total 3 Posttest: October 7th: total 2 October 8th: total 0 October 9th: total 2 October 10th: total 1 E. Analysis Data: Baseline date: Date: September 16th September 17th September 18th September 19th Interval 1: (15mins) 111 1 111 11 Interval 2: (15mins) 11 111 111 111 Interval 3: (15mins) 1111 111 11 11 Total: 9 7 8 7

Giuliana removed herself from her seat several times during dinner. She seemed to be distracted by her other family members around the table and wanting to play with her toys. Giuliana averaged to leave her seat around 8 times each evening during dinner. Intervention Data: Date: September 30th October 1st October 2nd October 3rd Interval 1: 11 11 0 1 Interval 2: 11 1 11 1 Interval 3: 11 1 111 1 Total: 6 4 5 3

Giuliana removed herself an average of 5 times during dinner this week. Posttest Data: Date: October 7th October 8th October 9th October 10th Interval 1: 1 0 0 0 Interval 2: 0 0 0 0 Interval 3: 1 0 1 1 Total: 2 0 2 1

Giuliana significantly improved, she removed herself an average of 1-2 times. Description of the data: During the baseline data observation time period, Giuliana was very excited to be sleeping over at her grandparents house while her dad was on a business trip. She continuously got out of her seat to sit by her grandma, papa, and then her aunt. Her mother constantly corrected her behavior, and in the end Giulianas papa ended up feeding her 3 out of the four nights. During the intervention data observation time period, Giuliana was introduced to the video modeling. After each time Giuliana removed herself from her seat, Giuliana watched the video models to correct her behavior. 2 times of the four nights Giuliana was fed by her mother to finish her dinner. During the posttest data observation time period, Giuliana continued to show improvement. Giuliana was not dependent on the video modeling. However, it was used to reinforce the expected behavior if she seemed to get discouraged. Her parents are much happier

with how Giuliana behaves during dinner time and they home this progress continues in the future. Bar Graph Charting the data:

Baseline Data:




1 Interval 3

2 Interval 2

3 Interval 1

Posttest Data:




1 Interval 3 Interval 2 Interval 1

E. Video Modeling Component for Behavioral Intervention Plan:


Video (1).MOV

Video (2).MOV

Video (3).MOV

F. Hypothesis/Summary/Proposed Action: According to the data, Giulianas behavior during dinner improved significantly. It is recommended that Giulianas parents use the video modeling videos when Giuliana starts to act out during dinner time. It is also recommended that the parents or family members do not give in and feed Giuliana just to get dinner over with. This will take a lot of patients from all that is involved. The goal is for the family to get through dinner in a reasonable amount of time and to have Giuliana stay in her seat and eat on her own. G. Strengths and Weaknesses: Strengths: The video modeling indeed helped Giuliana understand what behavior is appropriate during dinner time. By implementing a Behavior Intervention Plan, Giuliana now knows she will be rewarded with dessert when she behaves well and earns her goal. However, she will not be allowed dessert if she acts out during dinner time no matter the circumstances. Giulianas parents, grandparents, and other family members are aware of the plan and are all on board to participate. This will help Giuliana be more consistent and successful in the future. Weaknesses: Some weaknesses that was noticed during observation was that Giulianas behavior depended on what was served for dinner. If Giuliana was eating food that she enjoyed such as

pasta or chicken fingers, she was well behaved and engaged in her meal. However, when Giuliana did not enjoy the meal such as chicken pot pie or steak, her parents had a much more difficult time getting Giuliana to behave and listen. In addition, I also observed that Giuliana would get out of her seat most frequently during interval three. I assume this is because during this time, most of her family members where finished eating and excusing themselves from the dinner table. Perhaps in order to keep Giuliana at her seat during interval three, the family members can remain seated until interval three is complete. H. Sample of Behavior Intervention Chart: Behavior Intervention Plan Child: Giuliana Behavior Intervention Goal: Giuliana will stay seated in her seat for dinner and feed herself during. When finished, she will be asked to be excused. Individual Goal for the Week: Giuliana will remove herself from her seat less than 3 times. Individual Goal for the Future: Giuliana will stay at the dinner table and feed herself during dinner time. Reward for Earning the Goal: If Giuliana reaches her goal, she will be rewarded with dessert of her choice. Video Modeling Shows: The expected behavior from Giuliana: Staying in her seat, feeding herself, and asking to be excused. Week Of: ___________________________________ (date) Total Days Goal was Achieved:

Goal Reached? Day of the week:


No Giuliana fed herself: Yes or No

Rewards Earned: Yes


Total of times Giuliana left her seat:

Giuliana reached Giuliana her goal: Yes or received No Reward: Yes or No






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