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Linear Programming

Algebra II/ 11th Grade Level State Standards

CCSS.Math.Content.HSA-CED.A.3 Represent constraints by equations or inequalities, and by systems of equations and/or inequalities, and interpret solutions as viable or nonviable options in a modeling context.

National Technology Standards

1. Creativity and Innovation Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology. a. Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes 1c. Use models and simulations to explore complex systems and issues 6. Technology Operations and Concepts Students demonstrate a sound understanding of technology concepts, systems, and operations. a. Understand and use technology systems b. Select and use applications effectively and productively Students will use their tablet PCs to create the document showing their processes and results.

The graph of the feasible region is a model. Student will use applications of their choice for the final document. They may choose Word, Onenote, Smart Notebook, or any others

Lesson Overview (Description)

Students will use linear programming to determine optimization in real world situations. Each student will be assigned an individual situation.

Task 1: Students will define variables, determine the objective function for their situation, and create logical constraints. Task 2: Students will use their constraints to graph the feasible region for their situation and then use the vertices to determine optimization. Assessments: Students will create a document that shows all points from task 1 and the graph of task 2. The work used for optimization should be included. Students will also provide a written explanation of their situation, the steps they used to solve the problem, and their conclusion for optimization.

Technology Trends
Technology Used
Tablet PC computer Microsoft Word Dyknow Smart Notebook OneNote

How are other teachers using this same technology in your grades/content area? Teachers in 1:1 schools utilize a lot of the basic programs provided by Microsoft. Word, Powerpoint, and Excel are vital tools to students in a 1:1 program. A lesser known Microsoft product called Onenote, can be an indispensable tool for teachers and students alike. At Cincinnati Country Day they are using Onenote in a way even Microsoft did not intend. They are sharing Oneonte notebooks using their own server and teachers are having access to their students files any time day or night. Dyknow is a CMS that can be used to monitor students screens, but also as an interactive teaching tool. It allows teachers and students to share files and screens. I could not find much information on student use of Smart Notebook. Among our teachers at Assumption, Smart Notebook is used in math classes to allow individual students to interact with the material presented in the same way they could as a group using the Smartboard.
Links to back up your statements
Teachers uses of Onenote Blog about 1:1 program Dyknow Website Blog More thoughts on Dyknow Smart Notebook Blog

How can you improve your lesson to include the latest technology trends? Describe how you can apply the latest technology trends to your lesson to improve upon it. I feel this lesson could be improved using the latest technology trends in cloud computing. This lesson could be converted to a small group project that could utilize cloud computing for collaboration. Students could share files using Skydrive, Google Docs, Dropbox , etc. They could collaborate by meeting online using Skype or Google Hangouts. They could produce not only a document, but a video or audio portion to enhance their explanation. The use of cloud computing, collaboration, and audio/video could improve the overall experience for the student, deepen their understanding of the concepts, and allow them to exhibit their level of knowledge of the concept.

Links to back up your statements

Video on Skydrive in the Classroom Video on Google Docs in Classroom How to Share Desktop on Skype Using Video to Present Student Projects

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