Act 3

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Paulo walks along Broadway Street to the Wilson Familys house. He crosses a small square.

In the square there is an old church. Its probably rom the !"# century. $n %&# Street he turns le t. 'here are many shops in that street( but they are e)pensi*e. +t ten oclock in the morning( Paulo arri*es at Wilson Familys house. ,udy waits or him. Hello( how are youFine( thank you. 'here is a message rom my uncle to you. .ou ha*e to come another day. Its all right. It doesnt matter. +nd you( I ha*e to go shopping. Would you like to come with me$/. Hes *ery happy to see ,udy again. ,udy is nice and today she looks *ery cute. She is wearing a black skirt and a white blouse. ,udy is also glad to see Paulo. Paulo is tall and skinny. He has blond hair and blue eyes. 'hey lea*e the house to go shopping. ,udy e)plains that she pre ers to buy in the smaller shops and not in the supermarkets. 'hey irst go to the bakers. 'he bread is still warm and it smells good. How much is that cake'his one with that one. 'his one costs 0% and the smaller one cost 1234 + large one( please( and two loa*es o bread. + quarter or hal a kilo. Hal a kilo. +nything else5o( nothing else. How much is it+ cake and two loa*es o bread( that makes 03.34. ,udy pays and they lea*e the shop. 5e)t door to the bakers there is a ood shop. 6ood morning. 7an I help youId like 134 grams o ham( please. 'he shop assistant cuts the ham. +nything Id like a pack o butter.

Big or small+ large one( please. How much are the eggs+ dollar a do8en Id like hal a do8en. 'hen( they go to the butchers shop. 6ood morning. Id like a kilo o bee . I ha*e this one that costs i*e dollars a kilo. Its a bit e)pensi*e. 9o you ha*e a cheaper one'his one costs our dollars a kilo. 'hats ine. Ill ha*e a kilo. Is that thats all( thank you. $n 34th Street there is a market. 'here is a lot o resh ruit and *egetables. 'hey buy tomatoes( green peppers( lettuce( potatoes and onions. +t the irst stall they buy bananas( black grapes and lemons. + ter doing the shopping in the market( they return home in a ta)i. Paulo is hungry( *ery hungry. ,udy and Paulo are in the kitchen. 'hey are preparing lunch. Would you like some please. What would you like2 white or red:ed( please. 'hey both drink a glass o red wine. Its *ery good. ,udy prepares a hamburger( +merican style. 'he girl e)plains that +merican style sandwiches contains tomatoes( pickles( lettuce and bacon. Paulo prepares the salad. It has lettuce( green and red peppers( tomatoes and onions. 'hen ,udy ries the two bee s to go on the sandwich. 'he ood is almost ready. We ha*e salad( sandwiches and ruit or dessert. Would you like to set the table( PauloPaulo sets the table ; plates( orks and kni*es( glasses and napkins He puts de salad in the middle o the table( then the salt( the pepper and the bread. ,udy ser*es the sandwiches. Paulo looks at her and smiles. Bon appetit< Bon appetit<

Hello( how are youFine( thank you( and you=ery well. 'heres a message or you rom my uncle. .ou ha*e to stay or one more day. Its all right. It doesnt matter. 5ow( I ha*e to go shopping. Would you like to come with me+ll right. Where are we goingFirst I will go to 3th +*enue. +nd then Ill go to the market. By the way( would you like to ha*e lunch with thank you *ery much. So( lets go. .ou ha*e to come back soon. 6ood morning. 6ood morning 9o you ha*e bee .es( we ha*e this one that is great. How much is the kilo- >it per kilo-? 0& a kilo. Its a bit e)pensi*e. 9o you ha*e one cheaper'his one costs 3234 a kilo .es( a kilo o this one( please. Would you like anything how much is that chicken'his this one. ,ust a moment It is two and a hal kilos. +t 0 1.%4 per kilo( it makes 0@. 'hats ine. Ill ha*e this one. 6ood morning( may I help youHow much are the tomatoes'wenty cents a kilo. Ill take a kilo and two green peppers. $ne kilo o tomatoes and two green peppers... anything else'wo lettuces( three kilos o potatoes and a kilo o onions( please. Would like a please. How much is it all-

'hats one kilo o tomatoes( two green peppers( three kilos o potatoes and one kilo o onions. 'hats 0&2%3 Here you are. 'hank you. 6oodbye( thank you. Would you like a glass o please. White or red wine:ed( please. 'hank you. 7heers. 7heers. 7ould you set the table( pleaseSure. Where do you keep the sil*erware'here( in that drawer. +nd the napkins'he napkins are here( in the cupboard.

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