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Tameka Jackson

7546 Rio Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Tjackson@virginia ed!

EDUCATION University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, "a# 200$ "aster o% Teaching, &le'entar# &d!cation (Certi%ication )*$+ &d!cation ,-A. / 6 0achelor o% Arts, 12anish, ,-A. / 2/, 3verall / 4/ RELATED EXPERIENCE t! "ra#e Teac!ing Associate$ 5alker 622er &le'entar# 1chool, Charlottesville, VA 7all 2007 Ta!ght re'edial lang!age arts class 8hich incl!ded 9: and &: st!dents :esigned, i'2le'ented, eval!ated !nits on a!to;iogra2hies and Cinderella tales :ail# lessons %ollo8ed school<s reading c!rric!l!', incl!ding 11R, %l!enc#, reading=8riting co'2rehension, 8ord st!d# and gra''ar Assisted reading s2ecialist in cond!cting %or'al o;servations and 'odeling lessons %or a;ove, ;elo8 and on* grade level 5th grade lang!age arts classes Aided in creating, i'2le'enting, and assessing on in%or'ational re2orts 5rote lesson 2lans %or and cond!cted t!toring sessions %or 0ook Cl!; o% 20 st!dents Attended 8eekl# c!rric!l!' 'eetings 8ith reading s2ecialists Assigned interi' grades and corres2onded 8ith 2arents thro!gh >!arterl# ne8sletter %r# "ra#e &ie'# Practic(m$ Vena;le &le'entar# 1chool, Charlottesville, VA 7all 2005*12ring 2006 Co*created and ta!ght 139*;ased !nits on 'one# and ,reek=Ro'an '#tholog# 6tili?ed a variet# o% teaching 'odels, incl!ding conce2t attain'ent, direct instr!ction, and integrative techni>!es Ad'inistered 2re* and %inal assess'ents )st "ra#e &ie'# Practic(m$ 5ood;rook &le'entar#, Al;e'arle, VA 7all 2005 :eter'ined the reading level o% a st!dent !sing the @!alitative Reading Anventor# AA :esigned and i'2le'ented s'all gro!2 lang!age arts instr!ction, integrating 8ord st!d#, %l!enc# and co'2rehension *at(r#ay Enric!ment Program$ Charlottesville, VA 5inter 2005 Acted as teaching assistant %or gro!2 o% /0 4th and 5th grade st!dents 8ho designed and 2!;lished 2ersonal 8e;2ages thro!gh Betsca2e Co'2oser +n# "ra#e &ie'# Practic(m$ ,reen;rier &le'entar# 1chool, Charlottesville, VA 12ring 2005 T!tored a lo8*achieving child in reading and 'onitored social ;ehavior 5rote %or'al case st!d# on e'otional and acade'ic strengths and needs o% 2 nd grade st!dents ACTIVITIE* Peer A#vising Program$ Charlottesville, VA 7all 2004*2resent Act as 3rientation Co''ittee Chair 3rgani?e training 2rogra's %or 2eer advisors ,a#ison -o(se Vo'(nteer Organi.ation$ Charlottesville, VA 7all 2004*12ring 2006 Vol!nteered at local ele'entar# a%ter*school 2rogra' -artici2ated in 0ig*1i;ling 2rogra' /'ack *t(#ents A#missions Committee$ Charlottesville, VA 7all 2004*12ring 2005 Costing Co''ittee Co*Chair Called 2ros2ective A%rican*A'erican st!dents and recr!ited hosts %or 12ring 7ling cele;ration

*0ILL* &Dtensive !se o% Anternet, "icroso%t &Dcel, -o8er2oint, 5ord, Claris5orks, C#2er1t!dio and Betsca2e Co'2oser

Tameka Jackson
7546 Rio Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Tjackson@virginia ed! )enneth 9e8is Teachers A;road 404 Alaska 1t B5 5ashington, :C 20007 "arch /, 200$ :ear "r 9e8is, Thank #o! so '!ch %or #o!r ti'e this 2ast Th!rsda# 8hile at the 6niversit# o% Virginia A tr!l# enjo#ed the o22ort!nit# to intervie8 8ith #o! at the &d!cation &D2o :es2ite '# late start, A a' >!ite interested in teaching neDt #ear thro!gh the Teachers A;road 2rogra' A have enjo#ed '!ch international eD2os!re thro!gho!t '# li%e, s2ending three childhood #ears in ,er'an#, several s!''ers in 12ain, and traveling to vario!s co!ntries thro!gho!t &!ro2e d!ring '# sta# a;road Th!s, A a' ver# versatile and adj!st 8ell to ne8 sit!ations, and A a' ver# o2en to 2lace'ent location, r!ral or cit# A a' highl# 'otivated and ver# co'2etent in '# acade'ic, athletic, and inter*2ersonal skills As '# res!'e indicates, '# ed!cation and teaching internshi2s thro!gh the 6niversit# o% Virginia have 2rovided 'e 8ith eDe'2lar# 2re2aration %or 8orking 8ith children o% ;oth ele'entar# and 'iddle school ages A !nderstand the sense o% co''it'ent, hard 8ork, sensitivit#, and enth!sias' needed to 8ork 8ith children in the school and eDtra*c!rric!lar setting and A ;elieve A 8o!ld 2rove a val!a;le asset to #o!r 2rogra' Again, A a' ver# grate%!l %or #o!r ti'e and attention A a' sending '# res!'e, and also a letter stating '# intentions "# three letters o% reco''endation are ;eing %aDed as soon as 2ossi;le A 8ill contact #o! in t8o 8eeks to ens!re #o! have received all o% '# a22lication 'aterials A look %or8ard to s2eaking 8ith #o! again soon 1incerel#,

Tarneka Eackson

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