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DRUG STUDY Drug Data Generic Name moclobemide Trade Name Aurovix, manenix !

atients Dose N/A Minimum Dose !"# 300mg/day Ma$imum Dose !"#600mg/day Contents moclobemide Availa ilit% and color Ta lets# 100 mg, 150 mg, 200 mg. Routes of administration PO !regnanc% Categor% & Classification Therapeutic# Antide re!!ant! !harmacologic "onoamine Oxida!e #n$ibitor, %y e A Mechanism of Action &or'! by bloc'ing t$e action o( a c$emical !ub!tance 'no)n a! "onoamine Oxida!e *"AO+ in t$e nervou! !y!tem. !harmaco'inetics A# ,a idly and almo!t com letely ab!orbed a(ter oral admini!tration (rom -# tract. D# .ro!!e! blood brain barrier, )idely di!tributed, enter! brea!t mil'. M()# "etaboli/ed by t$e liver. "nset ,a id. !ea' 0,302$r!. Duration 12011$r!. Drug *alf +ife 2 $r!. Indication General Indications 3e re!!ion, !ocial anxiety di!order, dy!t$ymia, agitated de re!!ion, Al/$eimer4! di!ea!, A353, 6ibromyalgia, "igraine/c$ronic $eadac$e. !atients Actual Indication Contraindications 5y er!en!itivity7 8tate o( !evere con(u!ion7 concomitant treatment )it$ clomi ramine7 combination treatment )it$ et$idine7 combination treatment )it$ dextromet$or $an7 ediatric atient! !recaution 9iver im airment7 concomitant treatment )it$ 88,#! may lead to !erotonin !yndrome7 !c$i/o $renic atient! )it$ uncontrolled $y erten!ion7 atient! )it$ bi olar di!oder!. .Drug interaction ,drug to drug .imetidine increa!e level! o( moclobemide 9ittle increa!e in e((ect! )it$ alco$ol : $edrine increa!e ri!' o( cardiova!cular di!ea!e )it$ moclobemide "oclobemide decrea!e! metaboli!m o( dextromet$or $an :liminition o( ;dmitri tan i! reduced moclobemide. Adverse Reaction *emat# i!olated ca!e! o( bone marro) damage7 allergic reaction!/ $y er!en!itivity7 occa!ionally i!olated orticaria )it$out !ym tom!7 i!olated a!e! o( ana $ylaxi! involving urteric angiodedema, a!t$ma and ra id (all in blood re!!ure. !s%chiatric reactions# Pre0 exi!iting !c$i/o $renia may exacerbate under moclobemide t$era y. CNS ( !NS# in(re<uent eri $eral nero at$y. ))NT# in(re<uent i! blurred vi!ion. C-# c$ange! in blood re!!ure !uc$ a! $y oten!ion are in(re<uent. GI# dry mout$, !tomac$ u !et, $eartburn, diarr$ea, con!ti ation "nco# rarely !ecretion o( !'in bot$ !exe!*due to elevated rolactin level!+ and brea!t enlargement. Nursing Responsi ilities .efore 1. A!!e!! atient (or any !exual dy(unction. 2. A!!e!! atient4! mental !tatu!. 3. .on(irm medication (rom doctor4! order!. 2. Obtain blood re!!ure be(ore admini!tration. 5. A!!e!! i( atient $ad and $ave any !uicidal tendencie!. During 1. .on(irm atient4! identity. 2. Admini!ter medication at t$e rig$t re!cribed route. 3. .a !ule! !$ould be !)allo)ed )$ole. 2. 3o not cru!$, c$e), o en or ! rin'le into content! on (ood or li<uid!, may e((ect enteric coating. 5. Admini!ter medication be(ore or a(ter meal!. After 1. Ob!erve ro er documentation o( admini!tered medication. 2. :n!ure t$at atient $a! (ully !)allo)ed oral (orm o( medication. 3. Ob!erve atient4! be$avior clo!ely (or atlea!t 15030 minute! a(ter admini!tration. 2. "onitor atient4! =/8 t$roug$out t$e t$era y. 5. #n!truct atient to re!t a(ter admini!tration.

Source#&i'i edia*2013+> %$e (ree :ncyclo edia*2013+. moclodemide.&i'i edia 6oundation #nc. ,etrieved on ?une 22,2013 (rom $tt >//en.)i'i'i/)i'i edia>about

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