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design guidelines and considerations

building types

strictly residential (single detached)

Identify owners requirements and wish-list

Users profile

Special treatment regarding spaces concerning environmental factors


subdivision planning
Consider lot size given for apportioning Roadway system shall be double loaded type provide buffer trees on the perimeter fronting a source of nuissances follow design standards set by authorities

meandering raodways create more interest


apartments/ townhouses/ walk-up condominiums

Cluster arrangements are preferred consider utilities and services like the use of meter banking electrical room, fire exits and suppression system, vertical transport, laundry areas, water tanks etc. follow design standards set by authorities

hallways must be adequate


Consider nature / function/ services of the office

Open planning concept is OK

Most economical ratio 70% rentable space 30% circulatory/ service areas Problem specific situations must be carefully analyzed If basement parking is required, take note of density requirements


The vault shall be so located at the most secured independent spot within the building The managers cubicle/ office shall be near the public area

Define banking floor and clerical area

Straightforward circulation Security is priority


Guests needs always first Guest rooms must be provided with adequate facilities

Internal T&B for guest rooms OK, Bed areas must be adjacent to area with window
Kitchen areas must be accessible to function areas 60% dining, 40% kitchen Provide adequate BOH area away from public view

Business center and concierge must be accessible from all points

Hospitable atmosphere for the whole setting


Sightlines in relation to the screen and seating configuration 60 cone of vision Fire protection system and exits must be equally distributed

Acoustical treatment and lighting system

Active ventilation


recording/ sound studio

Acoustical treatment Apply the principle of box within a box

Cotrol booth with sound equipments

For dubbing studio provide projector room and screen with sound effects pit No walls are perpendicular to each other

Floor must be raised floor system


shopping center
Every square inch counts Display of merchandise

Space configuration to maximize foot traffic

Ample parkings slot available Service and delivery system

Convenient circulation and wayfinding


Seaports/ Airports
Passenger and cargo traffic must be segregated Terminal building must be provided with appropriate facilities

Coast guard office / Air Transportation Office is required, provide it with communication facilities Land transportation access must be included
Passenger concourse and waiting area must be adequate especially during peak season


manufacturing- large scale industry

Eco-environmental considerations in terms of its emitted pollutants Buffers zones are very essential

Roadways must accommodate movement of large vehicles and equipment

Site zoning must be clearly established: Administrative, Production, Storage, Prohibited, Utilities Safety features must be included


Eco-environmental considerations in terms of its emitted pollutants Internal zoning must be established: Color coding of areas are preferred to monitor flow

Catwalks can be provided for systems supervisor

Clinic must be near production area Loading and Unloading zones for raw and finished products must be properly located in relation to storage facilities Pollutants must be checked


shipyards/ hangars
Stockyard for materials must be large enough to accommodate volume of materials Check dimensions of ship/ aircraft- space must accommodate different models Repair sheds should have ample structure height


Identify primary users profile Consider the 3 major components of the academe: Instruction, research, and extension

Lecture room size as per DepED/ CHED requirements: 7m X 9m for 40 students Provide ample circulation facilities
Safety and security measures


research laboratory
Holding area of specimens Safety and security measures

Provision of work stations and technical library

Records vault and surveillance system Databank location


Determine book holdings Use of ICT features

Provide book repairs and work area

Ample storage facilities Dumbwaiter for multi floor libraries

Ample light and ventilation


Circulation system/ flow of viewers Vault of priceless collections

Curatorial spaces
Workshop area for repair, restoration and maintenance of artefacts Flexible service entrance for large materials

Safety and security


city hall / civic center

Application of all laws and provisions on design and construction Heavy public oriented/ transactional areas must be on the ground floor

Linear flow of civic services

Flagpole and assembly area Recreational facilities


Strict zoning of areas- sterile/ non sterile, private/ public, quiet/ noisy Relationship of major divisionsOPD/ Emergency/ Clinical/ Surgical/ Wards/ Administration/Ancillary Centralized Planning


fire station
Importance of the apparatus floor Hose tower

Quarters and living areas

Administration and night watch Equipment storage and facilities


Delineation of consular affairs, attaches portfolio office and ambassadorial Security and evacuation features

Quarters and residential units

Public spaces, presence of flagpole Image, character


Classification of areas by concentric arrangement construction Security/ surveillance features

Recreational/ occupational areas

Humane environment


police station
Booking counter Armory must be near office of station commander

Safety and security features

Cell separation


Sports Facilities
climate conditions population of players, expectators, and support persons availability of land and site safety

surfacing of the play areas

openness free flowing movement segregation of areas of different activities and features landscaping and way finding elements

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