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Brooke Jones


Campus Missionary Associate // Purdue Chi Alpha

108 Beck Lane, Lafayette, IN 47909

219.776.5032 //
Julys Baptism

Overflowing with Good News!

Do you remember the story of July and Lu? Their apartment and everything they owned burned to the ground, save the two paperback Bibles that miraculously survived. I previously shared how they accepted Jesus as Lord this past July on our trip to Turkey Run. It has been almost exactly 3 years since we first met July at our Thanksgiving dinner outreach! This semester they took their next step as believers by being water baptized, along with Hao, another Chinese whos come to Christ in the last year. What a blessing it has been to watch July on her journey from believing that science explains all things, to there is a God who is real and supernatural, to Jesus is the only way to relationship with that God. Their three-year journey gives me faith to believe that God is at work even when it seems like nothing is happening! Another student you may remember from a summer newsletter is Lukia! I met her in January 2012 when I was a senior and she was a freshman. She was also on our camping trip and heard July and Lu share announce their belief in Jesus. Every time Ive seen Lukia, God has given me words to tell her how much He loves her. I lost track of how many times I shared the gospel, and it never seemed to make much difference. Last month, Lukia was attending a Chinese church service and heard a Chinese student share her testimony. Lukia was so deeply moved by the love of God as she heard the gospel in her own language that she was filled with tears and opened her heart to Jesus! She says that she has a new peace and joy she never had before. My friendship with Lukia reminds me of these verses in 1 Corinthians 3: I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow. So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. The one who plants and the one who waters have one purpose, and they will each be rewarded according to their own labor. For we are co-workers in Gods service As each of us obeys the task God has given, He is the one who brings lasting change in the lives of people. Thank you for being my co-worker in Gods service through your faithful financial support and your many prayers. July, Lu, Hao, and Lukia will someday return to China and will be living proof to their friends and families that God is at work today! With love and many thanks,

Me leading Hao and his friend through communion after his water baptism

Lukia, my new sister t! in Chris

Upcoming Events: >> Dec. 7: Christmas Party Pray for unity in our body as students from various life groups get to know each other. >> Dec 9-13: Finals Week Pray for students to finish strong both academically and spiritually. Staff will be meeting to reflect on the semester and start planning for next year. Pray for Gods direction. >> Jan 2-5: SALT A conference in Indy for XA students across the Great Lakes Region Prayer Requests: >> for students to daily hunger for Gods Word >> authentic love for each other and especially for those who dont know Jesus >> boldness to share the gospel because the harvest is RIPE!


Give online at // Account #2957918 Mail Checks to Chi Alpha @ 1445 N. Boonville Ave, Springfield, MO, 65802 // memo: #2957918

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