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Sitapatr School Anuban Weekly Outline

Teacher: Ingrid + Mike Class: MEP 3 Week: 5 Dates: 02/12/2013-06/12/2013

This week we are learning:

Circle Time Review
This week we are going to continue to review our nu !ers" !ecause ever#one in not #et co $orta!%e with the &ronunciation o$ the nu !ers as we%% as the order o$ the nu !ers' Vocabulary includes: (u !ers $ro 1 to 100' )e are a%so going to &a# attention to so e !asic actions and &er$or ing the ' Vocabulary includes: run" wa%k" *u &" s%ee&" sit" stand" wave' Songs to practise+ )ind the !o!!# nut'

Under the sea (2)

Activity Time

Vocabulary: Under the sea, crab, shells, jellyfish, turtle, shark, dolphin, squid, whale, seahorse, octopus Sentence structure: This week we are going to talk about all the animals we can see in the sea. We are going to say: " n the sea, can see a!an.." We are also going to practise describing the animals: " The octopus is green" Activities: This week we are going to ha"e fun to help a lost dolphin find his way through a ma#e.We ha"e to look out for our obstacles along the way, e$ample: a shark, a net. We are also going to complete a crab. The crab is already drawn half way, and the student In &honics circ%e ti es we wi%% recite the &honic should complete the drawing. a%&ha!et and sing the &honic a%&ha!et song' )e wi%% a%so review the %etters covered &revious%# Songs ,a-%- and students are invited to give e.a &%es o$ We are also going to learn the names of the sea life with the song "The sea". We are going to pay attention to the phonics of the words. %ou can look at this "ideo on %ou Tube at: voca! that !egin with each said %etter' https:!!!watch&"'(WU()(*w+t%,feature'youtube-gdata-player Games We are going to play a fishing game. We are going to use the fish in the acti"ity and use these names to answer questions about the sea. We are going to play Team . and Team / to remember our new "ocabulary by hitting the correct word with a fly swatter.


New (letters/soun s/vocabulary!

0M"1 0n11 and 0o1 are the $ocus %etters this week' The new voca!u%ar# we are %ooking at is+

This week in &honics we wi%% $ocus on %etters 0 "1 0n1 and 0o'1 )e wi%% &ractice this %etter unti% the students can &ronounce it correct%#" recognise the %etter and write it down correct%#' )e wi%% use the &honics !ook%et to &ractice voca!u%ar# that !egins with these %etters' )e wi%% &%a# a ga e ca%%ed a%&ha!et draw" where a student $aces the white !oard' The teacher traces a %etter onto their !ack and the student draws the %etter onto the !oard' )e wi%% a%so &%a# a%&ha!et re%a# and a%&ha!et swat' These are a%% good ga es to &ractice reading" writing and &ronunciation o$ the &honic a%&ha!et' )e wi%% $inish the %essons with a /uick ga e o$ hang an to &ractice %etters and s&e%%ing'

octo&us" ouse" nuts" nose" itten" nine" o&" ostrich and net' )e are going to &ractice each word and %etter sound unti% the students can &ronounce the e$$ective%# and a%so s&e%% the using the &honic a%&ha!et'

Writing "ractice This week we are going to continue to use our handwriting !ook%ets to &ractice writing %etters' The $ocus wi%% !e on writing the %etter the correct wa# and aking it the correct si0e and sha&e'

#ight Wor s This week1s sight words are + %ook" co e" sit" here" there" e" #ou' )e wi%% use the in genera% co ands' i'e' 21o e here23 or 2sit down &%ease'3

"arent $ollow %& / %se'ul Websites / (omework:

3ear Parents' P%ease &ractise Eng%ish as uch as &ossi!%e with #our chi%d' It is a%so a ver# good idea to review the words what we have &ractised at schoo% that da#' 4ou Tu!e is $u%% o$ educationa% videos in Eng%ish" watching this can i &rove #our chi%d5s Eng%ish' Thank #ou'

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