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Sitapatr School Anuban Weekly Outline

Teacher: Mike Class: EP3 Lily Week: 4 Sem 2 Dates: 02/12/13-05/12/13

This week we are learning:

Circle Time Review
This week in circle time we are going to re iew the 4 !"estions we looke# at last week an# also #o a re iew o$ %"nct"ation& 'e will also #o a !"ick re iew o$ the sight wor#s on the wall& 'e will %lay (hi#e an# seek) where 1 st"#ent lea es the room an# another st"#ent hi#es something& The st"#ent o"tsi#e comes *ack in an# stan#s in the mi##le& They then take a *ig ste% in one #irection an# chooses a st"#ent to ask +am , warmer or col#er&- The st"#ents answer +yo" are warmer/col#er&'armer means closer an# col#er means $"rther away& They contin"e "ntil they $in# the o*.ect& This is a goo# game to re iew com%arati es an# the er* (to *e/) *oth o$ which we will #o a reca% o$&

The five senses

Activity Time

This week we are going to look at the 5 senses: touch, taste, smell, hear, see. We will learn the vocab and will associate each sense with the correct organ. i.e. we see with the eyes. We will also look at some qualities of sense perception: Sweet, salty, sour, bitter, soft, rough, hard, loud, quiet, good and bad. n crafts we are going to make !ather"s #ay cards. The students are going to write a poem inside the card and also to make painted handprints on it. They will use a $Super%#ad" template to draw their fathers and to decorate it. We will read the poem together. We are going to learn &We wish you a merry 'mas( in preparation for the 'mas show. We will identify new vocab in the song and learn it as well as focusing on correct phonics e.g. the sh sound in wish. This is a short week as there is no school on Thursday and Wednesday morning.

Preparing for Prathom

0lass1 EP3 Toa#stool
This week in English %re% we will $oc"s on actions an# mo ement/ s"ch as r"nning/ walking/ ."m%ing/ sitting etc& 'e will #o an e2ercise $rom the %re% *ook which in ol es linking actions to the %ict"res& 'e will also %lay chara#es where one st"#ents #oes an action an# the class ha e to g"ess what he is #oing& The grammar is1 +3re yo" r"nning4+5es/ , am r"nning/6o/ , am not r"nning&'e will also com%lete a worksheet on %re%ositions where st"#ents ha e to i#enti$y the %ositions o$ a cat in relation to a *o2& 'e will re iew the oca*1 on/ in/ "n#er/ a*o e/ ne2t to/ *ehin#/ o%%osite an# in *etween& Teacher asks +where is the $ish4- +The $ish is on the *owl& St"#ents are also in ite# to come o"t an# %lace a $ish in the correct %osition that the teacher asks&

&aths This week in Maths we will re iew an# contin"e to %ractice writing n"m*ers "% to 20 in the Maths *ooklet& The st"#ents are still ha ing tro"*le in#enti$ying n"m*ers 1-20 an# s%elling them so we will rehearse this& 'e will #o some sim%le s"ms on the *oar# an# , will also "se the wor# $or the n"m*er i&e& one %l"s se en 7 8eight9& 'e will %ractice co"nting "% to 100 as a gro"% an# $oc"s on %ron"nciation& 'e will also $oc"s on n"m*ers 11-1: as the st"#ents seem to ha e #i$$ic"lty here&

'cience This week we will re iew li ing an non-li ing things an# the st"#ents will tell me some o$ the characteristics o$ li ing an# non-li ing things& S"ch as1 *reathing/ $ee#ing/ re%ro#"ction/ reaction/ growing& 'e will %lay a game where $lash car#s o$ ario"s things are %lace# aro"n# the $loor& The room is s%lit into 2 hal es/ one si#e is li ing an# the other si#e nonli ing& The st"#ents ha e to %lace the $lashcar#s in the correct section& 'e will also intro#"ce the i#ea o$ (#ea# things) 8things that "se# to *e li ing *"t are now non-li ing9 i&e& a li e chicken an# a cooke# chicken&

Parent "ollow #p $ #seful Websites $ %omework:

)lease can you encourage your child to practice the new song &We wish you a merry *hristmas( as we will be singing this song for the *hristmas play. Thank you. )lease find a youtube link that also has lyrics for you and your child to read.,v-.!h l/01lq2

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