Printmaking - Grade 2-Stanwood

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Seton Hill University

Greensburg, PA 15601

Lesson Plan for Art Education Majors

Title: Van Gogh landscape prints. Grade: 2 Unit: Printmaking Time: 40min. Description/ Learning Target: Students are going to carve into a piece of foam to create a landscape scene like Vincent Van Gogh. Learning Target: We can Define landscape and make a print in the style of Vincent Van Gogh. Behavioral Objectives/Essential Questions (3-5): Students will be able to learn how to make prints. Students will be able to identify and define Landscape. Students will be able to experiment different thicknesses Pennsylvania State Academic Standards: 9.1.3.B: Recognize, know use and demonstrate a variety of appropriate arts elements and principles to produce, review and revise original works in arts. Modifications for Individual Differences: If a student is having trouble with or applying ink will be modified individually. If a student is exceeding expectations with their skills, they will be asked to put extreme detail into their foam to make a more unique print. Materials and/or Equipment: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Printing Ink Brayers Ink tray 6x9 Foam 8x10 white paper Wooden Pencils Pencils Poster of landscape

Preparation: Example will be made, materials will be set out, poster of landscape.

Anticipatory Set: What does texture mean? How something feels What is implied texture? It looks like how something feels. Today we are print making a landscape like Vincent Van Gogh. But first what is a landscape? An artwork that shows land, Point to a landscape in the room. Landscapes also have a horizontal line that goes across the painting, what is that line called? Horizon line Today we are going to carve into a piece of foam, starting with a horizon line, and then adding texture to create a nice landscape. *Pass out foam and pencils We will add a horizon line together. Then show different ways to add texture to create a nice landscape. Ask students what they see in the landscape. When students are creating this landscape keep in mind to press hard enough, because it will not show up if you press lightly. (dots for flowers, small house in the background, hills, clouds) *list items on board. Demo Printing

Student Work Time: 1. Students will finish carving in their landscape 2. Distribute Ink on Ink trays, brayers, scrap paper 3. Students will begin to make a print when they are finished. 4. Roll out the ink on the tray. 5. Roll it on the foam piece 6. Pick up foam piece and put it on the 8x10 white paper in side down. 7. Rub all over the paper so ink is even. 8. Peel off foam piece and make another one following the same process. Clean-up: Wash hands quickly. Throw away any garbage. Be seated quietly.

Closure: What does horizon line mean? What does landscape mean? Evaluation of the lesson: Grading the student: Students will be graded on effort, completion, and understanding of project. Within the effort category they will have to use the materials correctly, and safely. Did they carve in enough when creating a landscape? Did they properly print? Did they show a horizon line? Resources for this lesson: Van gogh painting. Teacher Example. Journal ideas:

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