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Winitsuksa School, Lopburi Pre-ONET By Foreign Language Depart ent

1. It is hoped that by the year 2010, researchers an effective vaccine to help prevent or cure HIV. a. would discover c. would have discovered d. will have discovered b. will be discovering Directions : Choose the best answer for each item.

2. Because of the rising oil price, the govern ent as!ed if fa ily e bers . a car when they co ute. a. sharing share a. cloth b. used to share c. will share

d. could

". Vanessa has a lot of . in her wardrobe. b. cloths c. clothes

#. . its thin!ing into a draft report, the $e ocratic %enewal &or!ing 'roup decided to ta!e advantage of the su er hiatus by heading across (anada to road test the report and broaden he scope of individuals connected to its process. a. $eveloping and consolidating consolidated b. Having developed and

d. clothing

*. . by (hale chai +ositpipat . desired by art lovers. a. ,l ost all of art- is c. ,l ost all of arts- are d. ,l ost all of the arts- are a. to ,yadhaya b. in ,yadhaya b. ,l ost all of the art- is

c. )o develop and consolidate d. $eveloped and consolidated by

.. )he variety of people in Bang!o! is c. that in ,yudhaya

uch greater than . .

/. &e ought to wor! on wee!ends . . a. until co pleting of the pro0ect pro0ect

d. that variety of ,yadhaya b. until the co pletion of the

1. 2r. ,da is . that he treats his friends al ost every ti e they dine out. a. a so generous c. so generous a an an b. such generous a d. a such generous an an

c. until we will co plete the pro0ect d. until the pro0ect will co plete

3. . the o4ygen supply in the at osphere is not replenished by plants, it will soon be e4hausted. 10. %obert was not used to the hot weather and the custo s in )hailand- . he could not spea! )hai. 11. 7ew technology has i proved the production of personal co puters, a!ing the easy to operate- . the on8screen co ands help the users throughout. 12. ,lthough $echa earns ore than 200,000 baht a inco e is . in his fa ily. a. lower b. lowest c. the lower a. in case b.prior to c. in particular d. on the other hand onth, his a. otherwise b. howeverc. further ored. conse6uently a. Because b. ,lthough c. 5rovided d. ,ccordingly

1". . granted by the 5aten 9ffice, it beco es the inventor:s property and he or she can !eep it, sell it or license it to so eone else. a. &hen a patent c. ,fter a patent b. 9nce a patent is d. , patent is

d. the lowest

1#. )he purpose of cost accounting is . involved in producing and selling goods or services. a. the costs deter ining b. to deter ine the costs c. which deter ine the costs d. when a deter ination of the costs

1*. 2y father:s decision is final, . . 7ot to do so would result in cutting down on our daily allowances. a. and we c. none of us can re0ect it d. and we don:t !now it ust accept it b. but we have to stay with it

3 Situation : The vending machine is out of order.

;tella wants to buy so e snac!s. ;he puts so e 6uarters into the vending achine only to find out that the achine is out of order. 9f course, she:s very upset. ;tella < 9h= )he vending achine is out of order again. I 0ust ..1... another *0 cents in this stupid achine. Bob < I: ;tella < Bob < It drives not surprised. It:s ..1/.. out of order. e ad. >ou seeit eats y oney ..11.. .

;tella <

9+. ?et e try. @Hitting the achine hardA Bang= Bang= H it doesn:t wor!. >ou can try another one. )hat one is fine. But I: out ..13.. 6uarters now.

Bob < $id you press the coin release leverB

;tella < >eah, but nothing happened. I:ve got to co plain ..20.. this has happened so any ti es.

Bob < ?et:s put a sign on it ..21.. the sa e thing doesn:t happen to others. 1.. a. had lost 1/. a. always b. loses b. rarely c. a c. hardly losing d. infre6uently d. d. lost

11. a. hesitantly unwillingly 13. a. at

b. reluctantly b. by

c. relentlessly c. of

20. a. in order that since 21. a. so that unless

b. conse6uently b. or else

c. otherwise

d. off

d. d.

c. nevertheless

Situation : In the Gym

Cane< Hello, y na e is Cane and I:d li!e to as! ..22.. 6uestions about getting fit. 9fficer < Hi Cane. ..2"..

Cane< I need to get in shape.

9fficer < &ell, you:ve co e to the right place. Have you been doing any e4ercise latelyB Cane< I: 9fficer < &hich type of e4ercise do you en0oy ..2#..B afraid not.

Cane< I:d li!e doing aerobics, but I hate 0ogging. ..2*.. doing so e weight8lifting, though. 9fficer < Cane< )wice or three ti es a wee! would be good. 'reat, ..2... can you wor! outB

9fficer < ..2/.. we start with an aerobics class twice a wee! followed by a little weight liftingB Cane< ;ounds fine to 9fficer < >ou:ll need to start slowly, and build up ..21.. to " or # ti es a wee!. Cane< &hat !ind of e6uip ent will I needB 9fficer < >ou:ll need a leotard and so e snea!ers. e.

Cane< Is that allB 'reat= I can:t wait to ..23.. . )han!s for you advice. 9fficer < 22. a. few 7o proble . I:ll see you in aerobics class. b. a few c. little d. a little

2". a. How are youB 2#. a. doing

c. &hat do you wantB

b. How are you !eepingB c. a!ing

2*. a. I can:t stand I feel li!e 2.. a. How 2/. a. $o

b. playing

d. &hat can I do for youB c. I don:t ind

b. really hate

d. running


uch b. &hen b. $on:t b. i

c. How often ediately c. &hy not

d. &ith who c. urgently

21. a. instantly gradually

d. &hy don:t


23. a. get lost have a rest Reading Comprehension


b. have a try

c. get started


Terms & Conditions

1. This offer is valid from 1st February 30th April 2009 for all passen ers !ho pur"hase a #ritish Air!ays First $lass or $lub %orld return ti"&et from #an &o& to 'ydney( )erth( #risbane( *elbourne( Adelaide or Au"&land. 2. +nly residents of Thailand a ed 1, years or older are eli ible for this offer 3. $hildren ( infant( or a en"y dis"ounted fares do not -ualify for this offer. 4. This offer is only valid for ti"&ets pur"hased in Thailand. 5. Those !ishin to ta&e advanta e of this offer must re ister by "ompletin the .e istration Form. /. )assen ers must present their boardin pass for both se"tors of their First $lass or $lub %orld return 0ourney to ether !ith a "opy of their ti"&et in order to -ualify for this offer. 1. The dis"ounted ti"&et "an be used for self( spouse( or any person nominated on the .e istration Form. +nly those people nominated may use the dis"ounted ti"&et. ,. The 502 dis"ount "an be ta&en off published fares only. 9. The 502 dis"ount may not be applied to First $lass if the ori inal fare !as for a $lub %orld ti"&et. 10. The 502 "annot be used for one !ay( "hildren( or infant fares. 11. All dis"ounted ti"&ets must be "laimed( issued( and utili3ed by 2,th February( 2010. 12. All dis"ounted ti"&ets must hold "onfirmed reservation. 13. All dis"ounted ti"&ets are 4on5.efundable( 4on5.eroutable( and 4on56ndorsable. 14. #ritish Air!ays !ill not be held responsible for any ta7( duty( or other benefits derived from this promotion. These( if appli"able( !ill be the responsibility of the parti"ipant. 15. Terms 8 $onditions are "orre"t at the time of oin to print 94:09;( and are sub0e"t to "han e !ithout notifi"ation.


a. be a resident of either Bang!o! or ;ydney b. buy a Eirst (lass or (lub &orld return tic!et c. contact agencies which offer discounted fares first "1. d. purchase a tic!et for both self and spouse a. his seat is sub0ect to change without notification cannot travel Eirst (lass If a person buys a (lub &orld return tic!et,DDDDDDDDDDDD b. he

In order to 6ualify for the offer, one


c. his seat cannot be confir ed until the last "2. pay ta4 a. shut down the business c. increase sales of Eirst (lass tic!ets "". "#. syste a. agencies DDDDDDDDD e bers


d. he has to

)he purpose of the offer is to DDDDDDDDDDDD b. recruit new staff d. regulate its ta4

ust be confir ed to 6ualify for the offer. b. boo!ings c. airlines d. pro otion eans that one cannot DDDDDDDD b. give the tic!ets to other d. go to destinations other than

a. use discounted tic!ets people c. reserve a return tic!et "*. those advertised a. on the first of Eebruary only c. until the end of ,pril year


)he offer validDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

25 <e7den .oad d. up 'evenoa&s =ent 23rd February( 2009

b. for four

to the beginning of the


".. ,ccording The 'ales *ana er to the te4t, DDDDDDDDD

$arter>s *ail +rder a. allThe teenagers 3455, )re"in"t do not 6ualify for this offer $ol"hester b. ter s3?) and conditions will re ain the sa 6sse7 $03

c. participants @@@@@ 37@@@@@(

Ad.ot your letter of the at 10thagency February !ith your 19,5 "atalo in it. Than& you very those buying discounted ratesue are not eligible. mu"h. @@@@38@@@@ one men>s 0a"&et( "atalo ue no. #'412( at on"e. A "he-ue for B,.99 is in this envelope. A @@@@39@@@@ hearin from you soon. @@@@40@@@@( Albert =ni ht 9*r.;

are e4e pted fro

ta4 duty

e until "0 ,pril, 2003



a. $ear sir d. )o who ever

b. $ear sirs

c. $ear 2anager

"1. "3. d. a

a. $eliver a. hope

b. 5ass b. loo! forward

c. ;end c. e4pect to

d. 5ut

accusto ed to


d. ;incerely your #1. &hat does Fat onceG b. i eanB c. gradually d.

a. >ours faithfully

b. your faithfully

c. ;incerely your

a. eventually respectively


The second (eading cause of death in this country, cancer c(aims the (ives of over :8,, 000 ;mericans every year.


a. ter inates #". i pairs a. 9ne ##. 7one How

)he word Fclai sG is closest in b. changes

eaning to DDDDD c. shortens d.

any conditions ran! above cancer as a cause of death. b. )wo c. )hree d.

Dear T. ee, I "1*,000 !ust got "ac# from Siam b. $aragon, %here I had a sho&&ing and a. 1 illion c."usy 1.* time illion d. having fun. I even got to see a movie in 'ng(ish %ith Thai su")tit(es. 2 illion The*****+,*****%ere not e-&ensive, at****+.****in terms of the high &rices %e &ay in /ondon. I rea((y (i#ed 012/34 starring Jac# 5icho(son. In the movie after he is "itten "y a %o(f he s(o%(y changes and "ecomes***+6**** (i#e a %o(f. In some %ays his anima(*******+8******, fighting his enemies, is*****+7***** "ecause his ne% strength he(&s him in "usiness, "ut it a(so ma#es him more****,0**** he near(y #i((s the %oman he (oves. I don8t %ant to te(( you ho% 012/34 ends, "ut******,1****** "eing a #ind of am&ire movie, it ma#es some serious &oints. 'n!oy the fi(m. I did. 9egards, 9ungra%ee

ne4t five yearsB

,ppro4i ately how

January 18, 2010 any , ericans will die of cancer in the

#*. a. bills tic!ets #.. a. cost botto #/. a. suspiciously increasingly #1. a. behavior ability #3. a. beneficial superstitious *0. a. fearful dangerous *1. a. since

b. fees

c. fares


b. least






c. dependently


b. habit

c. language


b. artificial

c. superficial


b. superior

c. curious


b. after

c. despite

d. because

!ats, key rings, toys " all #eature the cute ani al that has been chosen as the ascot o# the $sian %a es& No ga es 'oul( be))) *+)))& 'ithout a ascot to inspire athletes an())))*,))) alike& -reati.e Thai cartoonist, -hai /a0a'at, 'as co issione( by the Bangkok $sian %a es ))))*1)))) -o ittee to create a ascot #or the %a es& !is))))**))))&&ca e #ro one o#


*2. a friendly *". a. sports fans tea ates

b. li!ely b. club e bers

c. s ooth c. persons

d. co plete d.

*#. a. Building Ivaluating **. a. construction de onstration

b. 9rganiHing

c. 5urchasing


b. production

c. inspiration


*.. a. preserved

b. practical

c. popular

d. peculiar

which each advertisement Clitterin refer to ne! desi ns

Read the following advertisement and choose the kind of goods

+f the finest -uality 435 'ilom .oad 9+pp. .ama To!er Dotel; Tel E 025345/11,( 345/1,0 94+ +TD6. #.A4$D;

%ith the '' series 30, 8 512 you don>t have to shout and run. */. a. Eurniture c. Cewelry 'ystem for b. the,ppliance ultimate in performan"e 5 +n hoo& dialin "apability !ith spea&er Eabric 5 #attery memory ba"&5up 5 Fi ital display !ith alarm "lo"& 5 Fa"simile "onne"tion 5 *emory !ith one5tou"h dialin 5 2 <6F indi"ators 9 reen:red;



*1. a. ;ubwoofer ;tereo 2achine

d. )elephone

b. &ashing


c. (opier

/esearches suggest that there are creatures that (o not kno' 'hat light eans at the botto o# the sea& They (on5t ha.e either eyes or ears6 they can only #eel& There is no (ay or night #or the & There are no 'inters, no su ers, no sun, no oon, an( no stars& 7t is as i# a chil( spent its li#e in (arkness in be(, 'ith nothing to see or hear& !o' (i##erent our o'n li#e is8 Sight sho's us the groun( beneath our #eet an( the hea.ens abo.e us - the sun, oon, an( stars, shooting stars, lightning, an( the sunset& 7t

*3. Cudging fro about

the passage, we can say that this story is


a. life of sea creatures at the botto

of the sea

b. how changes in the seasons are perceived by the deep8sea creatures

c. the differences a ong creatures of the earth and those of the sea d. the superiority of hu an beings over so e creatures in ter s of senses .0. &e discover that the sea creatures in the story a. have the sa e senses that we do b. live in dar!ness because no light reaches to the botto c. have no sense of hearing as well as sight d. do not hear the sound of sea as they are accusto ed to it .1. In the passage a child in dar!ness is li!ened to a. so eone who lives where there are no seasons b. a sea creature with no seeing or hearing ability c. a deaf child unaffected by the environ ent d. a perfect sleeper, for there is no sound around to hear
Can we see that the earth is a globe? Yes, we can, when we watch a ship that sails out to sea. If we watch closely, we see the ship begin to disappear. The bottom of the ship disappears first, and then the ship seems to sink lower and lower, until we can only see the top of the ship, and then we see nothing at all. What is hiding the ship from us? It is the earth. Stick a pin most of the way into an orange, and slowly


.2. )his story is

ainly about b. traveling to the 7ew


&orld. c. sailing ships in the old days. such as oranges. .". )he ship in this story a. probably san! to the botto farther and farther away. c. was actually a toy .#. , globe is shaped li!e a. a bo4. crea cone. ost li!e . b. a person watching the ship. d. a needle for ending a b. a pyra id. c. an orange. d. an ice d. was a sailing ship. of the ocean. b. was going d. the shapes of fruits,

a. the shape of the earth.

.*. )he pin on the orange is a. the ship on the earth. c. a sailor on the ship. rip.

Sentence Interpretation ... &araporn used to wor! as a anager in J;,.


a. ;he is used to wor!ing in J;,. in J;,.

b. ;he occasionally wor!s

c. ;he wor!ed in J;,. Before, but she doesn:t at this d. ,fter she had wor!ed as a ./. ;herwin had his condo iniu

o ent.

anager, she was in J;,.

painted blue last wee!. blue the previous wee!.

a. He had to paint his condo iniu b. His condo iniu

was not blue last wee!. for hi last wee!.

c. He painted his condo iniu d. His condo iniu

has been blue for wee!s.

.1. ;haron re e bered to call her boyfriend. a. ;haron re e bered calling her boyfriend. calling her boyfriend. c. ;haron wished she had re e bered to call her boyfriend. d. ;haron didn:t forget to call her boyfriend. .3. If %an0ita had wor!ed in &initsu!sa for three years, she would have been pro oted. b. ;haron forgot

a. %an0ita really loved to wor! in &initsu!sa ;chool for than three years.



b. %an0ita has been wor!ing in &initsu!sa for al ost three years. c. %an0ita has been pro oted after wor!ing in &initsu!sa. d. %an0ita didn:t wor! in &initsu!sa but she has been pro oted. /0. 5unit and 5ual have been playing ga es for " hours. a. 5unit and 5ual stopped playing ga es. are still playing ga es. c. 5unit and 5ual played ga es " hours ago. d. 5unit and 5ual will have finished their ga es in " hours.. b. 5unit and 5ual

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