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Attendance Management System

Software Requirements Specification 11-11-13

Project Members
1. Sherin John 2. Girish Iyer

Sadik Sir

Table Of Contents
1. Introduction 1.1 Purpose 1.2 References 1.3 Definition, Acronyms and Abbreviations 1.4 Technologies To Be Used 1.5 Overview 2. Overall Description 2.1 Software Interface 2.2 Asp.NET Controls To Be Used 2.3 User Interface Design 2.4 Conclusion

1. Introduction 1.1 Purpose : Attendance Management System is a very crucial activity of any organisation. Many organisations are still using the old techniques of marking the attendance on paper. The purpose of creating this software is to make attendance marking system easy and comfortable process for an organisation. 1.2 References : The following sources are used as reference for this project: 1.3 Definition, Acronym and Abbreviations : HTML: Hyper Text Markup Language CSS: Cascading Style Sheet SQL: Structured Query Language ASP: Active Server Pages 1.4 Technologies To Be Used : ASP. NET: For creating Web Forms HTML: For Designing CSS: For Styles ADO.NET: For Front End and Back End Connectivity SQL Server: For Back End Database

1.5 Overview : This project has been designed to look after the attendance of the employees and maintain leave records of the employees which will be beneficial for calculating the employees salary.

2. Overall Description : 2.1 Software Interface : The following software will be used in the project for development:Visual Studio 2010: For creating Web Forms SQL Server 2008: For Database 2.2 Asp.NET Controls To Be Used : 1. Master Page 2. Web Forms 3. Styles 4. Toolbar Controls 2.3 User Interface


User ID



Home Page

Mark Attendance
On click Of Mark Attendance

Employee ID

Edit Details


View Records

Employee Attendance Marking Page

Calendar Control Mark Attendance

On click Of Mark Attendance

Edit Details

View Records Select Date from Calendar Control

Mark Attendance Mark Attendance

Mark Attendance
On click Of Mark Attendance

Welcome (Employee Name)

Mark Attendance Edit Details

Drop Down List to mark attendance

View Records Submit

Edit Page

Mark Attendance

Edit Details
On click Of Edit Details

LinkLabel(Add) LinkLabel(Delete) LinkLabel(Edit) LinkLabel(View)

View Records
Clicking on the link buttons above opens respective pages

View Records Page

Mark Attendance

Data Grid View of All Employees Leave Records

Edit Details

On click Of View Records

View Records

2.4 Conclusion : This project will help to maintain leave records of Employees of a firm.

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