Organizational Factors For Successful Entering To E-Marketplace: Case of Large Organizations in Slovenia

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Andreja Pucihar*, Mateja Podlogar** Received: 10. 09. 2003 Accepted: 18. 11. 2003 Preliminary communication UDC: 004. 38.! : "!8.8

The appeal of doing business on the Web is clear. By bringing together large numbers of buyers and sellers and by automating transactions, e-mar etplaces e!pand the choices a"ailable to buyers, gi"e sellers access to ne# customers $buyers%, and reduce transaction costs for all participants. &ntering the emar etplace is related to the business process of reengineering, connecting of information systems, gaining ne# no#ledge #ith training and learning, and ma ing in"estments in ne# information technologies and soft#are. 'uch organi(ation must ta e "ery careful steps to prepare itself for a successful entrance on the e-mar etplace. )nly this ind of approach #ill enable the organi(ation the full use of the a"ailable opportunities and #ill bring e!pected business results. The paper presents the different types of e-mar etplaces and the use of e-mar etplaces for business. *urthermore, the results of the research that #as done among +,- large organi(ations in 'lo"enia are presented. The current status of the use e-commerce and e-mar etplaces in large organi(ations in 'lo"enia is introduced. .n addition, organi(ational factors found by large organi(ations to be important for a successful entrance to the e-mar etplaces are presented. We conclude the paper #ith recommendations for the organi(ations that intend to enter e-mar etplace.


Andre$a Puci%ar& 'eac%in( A))i)tant and *ead o+ e,ar-et) .a/oratory& e0commerce Center& 1aculty o+ 2r(ani3ational 4cience)& Univer)ity o+ ,ari/or& 5idri6eva ce)ta !!a& 4000 5ran$& 4lovenia& 70mail: Andre$a.Puci%ar8129.Uni0,/.)i ## ,ate$a Podlo(ar& 'eac%in( A))i)tant and *ead o+ eProcurement .a/oratory& e0commerce Center& 1aculty o+ 2r(ani3ational 4cience)& Univer)ity o+ ,ari/or& 70mail: ,ate$a.Podlo(ar8129.Uni0,/.)i


Management, V !. ", #$$%, #, &&. '(-)* A. Puci%ar& ,. Podlo(ar: 2r(ani3ational +actor) +or )ucce))+ul enterin( to e0mar-etplace...

'%e u)e o+ t%e :nternet and 7lectronic Commerce in t%e late ;90) cau)ed t%e di)appearance o+ intermediarie) /et<een t%e /uyer and )eller. A )eller could )ell %i) product) and )ervice) directly to a /uyer <it%out an intermediary in /et<een =4%a++er and >ettlemeyer 1999? @i(and and Aen$amin 199!? C%oi and ot%er) 199 B. @it% t%e advance in t%e development o+ 7lectronic Commerce tec%nolo(ie)& ne< type) o+ intermediarie) <ere e)ta/li)%ed. '%e)e ne< intermediarie) <ere o++erin( ne< value added )ervice). Ce< intermediarie) attract a lot o+ ne< /uyer) and )eller) <it% ne< )ervice) t%at )upport t%e tradin( proce)) /et<een t%em =Clar-e 2001& !9"? C%ircu and 5au++man 2000& ? De4i)to 2000& 4? C%ircu and 5au++man 1999? 109? '%e 7conomi)t 1999& Aarlin( and 4tar- 1998? ><a) 1998B. '%i) ne< <ay o+ doin( /u)ine)) de)cri/e) t%e e0mar-etplace& <%ic% repre)ent) one o+ t%e ne< /u)ine)) model) developed in t%e late ;90). '%e e0mar-etplace i) t%e re)ult o+ u)in( innovative tec%nolo(y in /u)ine)) proce))e). Doin( /u)ine)) on t%e e0mar-etplace ena/le) )eller) to enter ne< mar-et)& to +ind ne< /uyer)& and to increa)e )ale). 2n t%e ot%er )ide& t%e e0mar-etplace (ive) a /uyer acce)) to a /roader ran(e o+ product) and )ervice) o++ered /y )eller). A /uyer %a) t%e option to Duic-ly compare variou) o++er) /y price and per+ormance mea)ure). '%e e0mar-etplace )ervice) )upport t%e eEc%an(e o+ lar(e amount) o+ data a/out t%e )upply and demand /et<een t%e /uyer and )eller& and t%e implementation o+ /u)ine)) tran)action) =De4i)to 2000& 4& .en3 2000& 2B. '%ere are many di++erent /u)ine)) model) o+ e0mar-etplace). :n practice& <e can +ind a lot o+ evidence t%at t%e e0mar-etplace i) )upportin( many di++erent proce))e) /et<een a /uyer and a )eller. 4ome e0mar-etplace) )upport only t%e a((re(ation o+ )upply and demand& and t%e )earc%in( and matc%in( o+ /uyer) or )eller). :n addition& many e0mar-etplace) )upport di++erent type) o+ auction) and ne(otiation). 2n t%e ot%er %and& not many e0mar-etplace) )upport t%e entire tradin( proce)) <%ere /u)ine)) )ervice) )uc% a) contractin(& +inance)& lo(i)tic)& in)urance& le(al& payment) and ot%er )ervice) are needed =Puci%ar 2003& 140B. #. DEFINITION OF E-MARKETPLACE '%e e0mar-etplace i) a virtual mar-etplace <%ere /uyer) and )upplier) meet to eEc%an(e in+ormation a/out product and )ervice o++er)& and to ne(otiate and carry out /u)ine)) tran)action) =Arc%er and Fe/auer 2000B. 1urt%ermore& in t%e a(e o+ t%e :nternet and <it% t%e emer(ence o+ ne< in+ormation and communication tec%nolo(ie)& t%e e0mar-etplace i) a @e/0/a)ed in+ormation

Management, V !. ", #$$%, #, &&. '(-)* A. Puci%ar& ,. Podlo(ar: 2r(ani3ational +actor) +or )ucce))+ul enterin( to e0mar-etplace...

)y)tem& <%ere multiple )upplier) and multiple /uyer) can underta-e /u)ine)) tran)action) via t%e :nternet =Ru)) 2001& 2B. '%e e0mar-etplace u)e) :nternet tec%nolo(ie) and )tandard) to di)tri/ute product data and to +acilitate online tran)action) =4e(ev and ot%er) 1999& 138B. An intermediary can provide +our important mec%ani)m) t%at cau)e mar-etplace) to add value =C%ri)tiaan)e and ot%er) 2001& 424? Aailey and Aa-o) 199 B: Matching buyers and sellers to negotiate prices on a dynamic and real-time basis, &nsuring trust among participants by maintaining a neutral position, *acilitating mar et operations by supporting certain transaction phases, and Aggregating together a large number of buyers and sellers. :ntermediary +unction) may )upport a multiplicity o+ activitie)& includin( /ro-era(e G auction) payment)& lo(i)tic)& le(al& con)ultin(& or may )upport inter0company communication) t%rou(% t%ird party inter0or(ani3ational )y)tem) and related )y)tem) =Aa-o) 1991& 29"& C%oud%ury and ot%er) 1998& 4 2& 4e(ev and ot%er) 1999& 138& Arc%er and Fe/auer 2000& 5aplan and 4a<%ney 2000? Fre<al and ot%er) 2001& Ru)) 2001& 2B. '%e )ucce)) o+ t%e e0mar-etplace depend) on t%e perceived net /ene+it o+ /uyer) and )upplier). 1rom t%e vie<point o+ tran)action co)t economic)& in+ormation tec%nolo(y %elp) to reduce tran)action co)t)& ri)-)& and coordinatin( co)t) o+ e0mar-etplace) =Clemon) and ot%er) 1993B. :n order to under)tand )trate(ic implication) o+ t%e e0mar-etplace& <e mu)t +ocu) on t%e +ollo<in( c%aracteri)tic) =Aa-o) 1991& 29 B: An e0mar-etplace )y)tem can reduce cu)tomer); co)t) +or o/tainin( in+ormation a/out t%e price) and product o++er) o+ alternative )upplier) a) <ell a) )upplier); co)t) +or communicatin( in+ormation a/out t%eir price) and product c%aracteri)tic) to additional cu)tomer). '%e /ene+it) /y individual participant) in an e0mar-etplace increa)e a) more or(ani3ation) $oin t%e )y)tem. '%e e0mar-etplace can impo)e )i(ni+icant )<itc%in( co)t) on it) participant). '%e e0mar-etplace typically reDuire) lar(e capital inve)tment) and o++er) )u/)tantial economie) o+ )cale and )cope.


Management, V !. ", #$$%, #, &&. '(-)* A. Puci%ar& ,. Podlo(ar: 2r(ani3ational +actor) +or )ucce))+ul enterin( to e0mar-etplace...

Potential participant) on t%e e0mar-etplace +ace )u/)tantial uncertainty <it% re(ard to t%e actual /ene+it) o+ $oinin( )uc% a )y)tem. 2cca)ionally& t%i) uncertainty remain) even a+ter an or(ani3ation $oin) t%e )y)tem.

'%ere are many di++erent type) o+ e0mar-etplace) operatin( today. @e may divide e0mar-etplace) into t%o)e controlled /y )eller)& t%o)e controlled /y /uyer) and t%o)e controlled /y neutral t%ird partie) =Aerryman and ot%er)& 1998B: The e-mar etplaces controlled by sellers are usually set up by a single "endor see ing many buyers. .ts aim is to create or retain "alue and mar et po#er in any transaction. The e-mar etplaces controlled by buyers are set up by or for one or more buyers #ith the aim of shifting po#er and "alue on the mar etplace to the buyer/s side. Many in"ol"e an intermediary, but some particularly strong buyers ha"e de"eloped mar etplaces for themsel"es. 0eutral e-mar etplaces are set up by third-party intermediaries to match many buyers to many sellers. @e may divide e0mar-etplace) into %ori3ontal and vertical mar-etplace). A %ori3ontal mar-etplace addre))e) a )peci+ic +unction =e.(. %uman re)ource)& o++ice )upplie)B and )erve) a <ide ran(e o+ indu)trie)& <%ile a vertical mar-etplace +ocu)e) on a <ide ran(e o+ +unction) in a )peci+ic indu)try& )uc% a) c%emical)& )teel or automotive =Aaldi and Aor(man 2001& "30& Ram)dell 2000B. @e may al)o cla))i+y mar-etplace) into +our cate(orie) =5aplan and 4a<%ney& 2000B: M1) $Maintenance 1a# and )perations% hubs are hori(ontal mar ets that enable systematic sourcing of operating inputs, 2ield managers are hori(ontal mar ets that enable spot sourcing of operating inputs, &!changes are "ertical mar ets that enable spot sourcing of manufacturing inputs, 3atalog hubs are "ertical mar ets that enable systematic sourcing of manufacturing inputs. A) previou)ly mentioned& an intermediary provide) di++erent )ervice) to /uyer) and )upplier) on t%e e0mar-etplace. '%e mo)t commonly u)ed )ervice) on today;) mar-etplace) are related to maintainin( a product e0catalo(ue& ne(otiatin( )upport and per+ormin( on0line auction) =.e+e/vre and ot%er) 2001B. '%e aim o+ intermediarie)& i. e. e0mar-etplace )ervice provider)& i) to provide a <ide ran(e o+ )ervice) to all t%e participant) on t%e e0mar-etplace.

Management, V !. ", #$$%, #, &&. '(-)* A. Puci%ar& ,. Podlo(ar: 2r(ani3ational +actor) +or )ucce))+ul enterin( to e0mar-etplace...

Amon( ot%er)& t%e)e )ervice) include product development& lo(i)tic) and in)urance )ervice)& payment) and )imilar. '%ere are not many mar-etplace) operatin( today t%at o++er )uc% a <ide ran(e o+ )ervice). ,o)t o+ t%em are oriented in providin( )ervice) o+ matc%in( /uyer) and )eller)& ne(otiation and auction )ervice) =Dai and 5au++man 2001B. %. PRO+LEM DEFINITION '%e appeal o+ doin( /u)ine)) on t%e @e/ i) clear. Ay /rin(in( to(et%er lar(e num/er) o+ /uyer) and )eller) and /y automatin( tran)action)& e0 mar-etplace) eEpand t%e c%oice) availa/le to /uyer)& (ive )eller) acce)) to ne< cu)tomer) =/uyer)B& and reduce tran)action co)t) +or all participant). Ay eEtractin( +ee) +or t%e tran)action) occurrin( <it%in t%e /u)ine))0to0/u)ine)) =A2AB mar-etplace)& mar-et ma-er) =intermediarie)B can earn va)t revenue). *ence& )ince t%e mar-etplace) are made +rom )o+t<are G not /ric-) and mortar G t%ey can (ain )cale <it% minimal additional inve)tment& promi)in( even more attractive mar(in) a) t%e mar-et) (ro< =*aa( and ot%er) 2002& 212? 5aplan and 4a<%ney& 98& 2000B. An or(ani3ation <ill enter an e0mar-etplace only i+ it <ill )ee enou(% /ene+it) t%at mi(%t /e (ained <it% value added )ervice) on t%e e0 mar-etplace. '%at i) <%y it i) important t%at intermediarie) -no< t%e /uyer); and )upplier); need) very <ell. '%i) <ill ena/le t%em to provide value0added )ervice) and provide t%e nece))ary critical ma)) o+ or(ani3ation) to t%e mar-etplace) =Puci%ar 2002B. 7nterin( t%e e0mar-etplace i) related to t%e /u)ine)) proce)) o+ reen(ineerin(& connectin( o+ in+ormation )y)tem)& (ainin( ne< -no<led(e <it% trainin( and learnin(& and ma-in( inve)tment) in ne< tec%nolo(ie) and )o+t<are =Aa-o) 1991& 29 ? Arc%er and Fe/auer 2000B. 2ne o+ t%e main reDuirement) +or )ucce))+ully doin( /u)ine)) on t%e e0mar-etplace i) t%e u)e o+ e0commerce in daily /u)ine)). An or(ani3ation may enter t%e e0mar-etplace a) a /uyer or a )eller =)upplierB. An or(ani3ation mu)t ta-e very care+ul )tep) to prepare it)el+ +or a )ucce))+ul entrance on t%e e0mar-etplace. 2nly t%i) -ind o+ approac% <ill ena/le t%e or(ani3ation to a +ull u)e o+ t%e availa/le opportunitie) and <ill /rin( eEpected /u)ine)) re)ult) =Arc%er and Fe/auer 2000B. 1or t%at rea)on& it i) important to re)earc% t%e +actor) t%at or(ani3ation) need to con)ider to )ucce))+ully enter t%e e0mar-etplace. Aa)ed on literature revie<& <e can +ind many advanta(e) and opportunitie) comin( +rom t%e +ield o+ e0commerce and e0mar-etplace) =Podlo(ar 2003& 12 ? Puci%ar 2003& 140B. :n a real /u)ine)) <orld& <e can +ind many ca)e) o+ )ucce))+ul a) <ell a) many ca)e) o+ un)ucce))+ul u)e o+ t%e e0mar-etplace& on

Management, V !. ", #$$%, #, &&. '(-)* A. Puci%ar& ,. Podlo(ar: 2r(ani3ational +actor) +or )ucce))+ul enterin( to e0mar-etplace...

/ot% t%e /uyer); and )eller); )ide. Un)ucce))+ul u)e o+ t%e e0mar-etplace mi(%t /e cau)ed /y improper )ervice) o+ e0mar-etplace provider). :+ )ervice) o+ e0 mar-etplace provider) do not add any value to t%e /uyer or )eller& t%en in t%e lon( term& t%ey <ill not c%oo)e t%e e0mar-etplace a) a <ay o+ doin( /u)ine)). '%u)& t%e e0mar-etplace <ill /e +orced to clo)e it) /u)ine)) )ince it <ill not attract a )u++icient critical ma)) o+ companie). @it%out a )u++icient num/er o+ )eller)& /uyer) cannot c%oo)e amon( di++erent )eller). '%e )ame rule al)o applie) to /uyer) 0 i+ t%ere are not enou(% /uyer) on t%e e0mar-etplace& t%en )eller) do not %ave )u++icient intere)t to $oin t%e e0mar-etplace )ince t%ey <ill not %ave partie) to <%om t%ey could )ell t%eir product) or )ervice). '%e direction in <%ic% t%e e0mar-etplace <ill evolve i) )till Duite uncertain /ecau)e o+ t%e Duic-ly c%an(in( environment and +a)t development o+ e0 commerce tec%nolo(ie). :n t%e lon( term& only t%e e0mar-etplace t%at <ill o++er t%e mo)t value0added )ervice) <ill )urvive in t%e tur/ulent (lo/al economic environment. A) e0commerce connect) mar-et) to one (lo/al mar-et& or(ani3ation) <ill %ave to /e a/le to compete on t%e (lo/al mar-et. '%ey <ill try to (ain t%e competitive advanta(e in di++erent <ay)& <%ic% include) doin( /u)ine)) on t%e e0mar-etplace. 1or t%at rea)on& it i) important to inve)ti(ate %o< or(ani3ation) need to /e or(ani3ed to )ucce))+ully enter t%e e0mar-etplace. Ay -no<in( t%e)e +actor)& or(ani3ation) <ill /e a/le to /etter prepare to enter e0 mar-etplace) )ucce))+ully and to /e a/le to compete in t%e (lo/al mar-etplace =Puci%ar 2002B. Doin( /u)ine)) on t%e e0mar-etplace in 4lovenia i) not yet very <ide)pread? %o<ever& t%ere are )ome indice) +rom variou) or(ani3ation) )%o<in( t%eir intere)t in enterin( t%e e0mar-etplace. 4ince 4lovenia i) in t%e proce)) o+ $oinin( t%e 7uropean Union& t%i) re)earc% i) e)pecially important +or or(ani3ation) in 4lovenia& <%o <ill )oon %ave t%e opportunity to operate and compete on t%e common 7uropean and (lo/al mar-et =Puci%ar 2002B. '. PRIOR RESEARC, 9ariou) aut%or) inve)ti(ated and +ound t%e +ollo<in( or(ani3ational +actor) to /e important +or a )ucce))+ul entry on t%e e0mar-etplace: proper or(ani3ation o+ in+ormation )y)tem) department and level o+ u)e o+ in+ormation tec%nolo(y in t%e or(ani3ation)& a<arene)) o+ /ene+it) o+ e,ar-eplace u)e& level o+ top mana(ement )upport in t%e proce)) o+ an or(ani3ationH) entrance onto t%e e0 mar-etplace& +ormulated electronic commerce )trate(y a) a )timulation +or enterin( t%e e0mar-etplace& trainin( +or t%e u)e o+ e0mar-etplace inter+ace and pro(ram)& a<arene)) o+ and po))i/ility to ma-e eEtra inve)tment) needed +or enterin( t%e e0mar-etplace& a/ility to )et0up and maintain an electronic catalo(ue o+ product) and )ervice)& a/ility to a))ure t%e )tandardi3ed +orm o+

Management, V !. ", #$$%, #, &&. '(-)* A. Puci%ar& ,. Podlo(ar: 2r(ani3ational +actor) +or )ucce))+ul enterin( to e0mar-etplace...

data and t%e readine)) o+ /u)ine)) proce))e) +or an inter0or(ani3ational relation)%ip. '%e important or(ani3ational +actor)& +ound in prior re)earc%& are de)cri/ed in 'a/le 1.
Table 4. )rgani(ational factors found in prior research Fa-t .
2r(ani3ation o+ t%e :4 department) and t%e level o+ u)e o+ in+ormation tec%nolo(y

A/t0 .
Auer and Reponen 199 A%arad<a$ 2000 Fre<al and ot%er) 2001 Porter and ,illar& 198! ,alone and ot%er) 198 Aa-o) 1991 4tein+ield and Ca/y 1993 4tein+ield and ot%er) 1993 4treeter and ot%er) 199" 'ur/an 2002& "90 Ram)dell 2000& 181

'%e u)e o+ in+ormation tec%nolo(y and proper or(ani3ation o+ in+ormation )y)tem) department in an or(ani3ation are important +or t%e ac%ievement o+ competitive advanta(e in t%e e0mar-etplace and t%ey en%ance t%e po))i/ility +or more )ucce))+ul /u)ine)) on t%e e0mar-etplace. ,ain /ene+it) o+ e0mar-etplace u)e are lo<er tran)action co)t) +or all participant). '%i) lead) to a more e++ective /u)ine)). Doin( /u)ine)) on t%e e0mar-etplace ena/le) a company to )impli+y /u)ine)) proce))e)& and to +acilitate a +a)ter )earc% o+ ne< /uyer) and )upplier)& and +a)ter entrance to ne< mar-et).

A<arene)) o+ /ene+it) o+ e,ar-eplace u)e

'%e level o+ top mana(ement )upport in t%e proce)) o+ an or(ani3ation;) enterin( t%e e0mar-etplace

1ormulated electronic commerce )trate(y in an or(ani3ation

'ur/an 2002& " "

'rainin( +or t%e u)e o+ e0mar-etplace inter+ace and pro(ram)

Fre<al and ot%er) 2001

'op mana(ement )upport i) mo)t important +or t%e )ucce))+ul implementation o+ electronic commerce pro$ect). :t i) important t%at top mana(ement (ive) initiative +or enterin( t%e e0mar-etplace and a))i(n) a re)pon)i/le per)on +or <or- on t%i) pro$ect. :t i) al)o important t%at t%e top mana(ement trac-) and encoura(e) t%e <or- on t%e pro$ect. 1ormulated electronic commerce )trate(y in an or(ani3ation i) very important& a) electronic commerce i) a )trate(ic i))ue o+ todayH) /u)ine)) in t%e competitive mar-et. 7lectronic commerce i)& +or mo)t or(ani3ation)& o+ critical importance. :t ena/le) t%em to compete in (lo/al competitive mar-et) and& +urt%ermore& ena/le) t%eir )urvival. @%ile enterin( t%e e0mar-etplace& or(ani3ation) al)o +ace ne< pro(ram) and inter+ace) t%at ena/le doin( /u)ine)) on t%e e0mar-etplace. 1or )ucce))+ul u)e o+ pro(ram) and inter+ace) o+ t%e e0 mar-etplace& it i) important to provide


Management, V !. ", #$$%, #, &&. '(-)* A. Puci%ar& ,. Podlo(ar: 2r(ani3ational +actor) +or )ucce))+ul enterin( to e0mar-etplace... trainin( and education +or u)er).


Management, V !. ", #$$%, #, &&. '(-)* A. Puci%ar& ,. Podlo(ar: 2r(ani3ational +actor) +or )ucce))+ul enterin( to e0mar-etplace...

Fa-t .
A<arene)) o+ and po))i/ility to ma-e eEtra inve)tment) needed +or enterin( t%e e0 mar-etplace

A/t0 .
Aa-o) 1991 Arc%er and Fe/auer 2000

@%ile enterin( t%e e0mar-etplace& or(ani3ation) may +ace eEtra co)t)& )uc% a) ne< tec%nolo(y and pro(ram) needed to connect to t%e e0mar-etplace& nece))ary trainin( and education providin( +or u)er)& and nece))ary /u)ine)) proce)) re0 en(ineerin(. 2r(ani3ation) )%ould /e a<are o+ po))i/le eEtra co)t) and %ave to %ave t%e po))i/ility to ma-e t%e nece))ary eEtra inve)tment). :+ an or(ani3ation doe) not %ave an electronic catalo(ue o+ it) product) and )ervice)& it may /e a limitation +or enterin( t%e e0mar-etplace. De)i(n and maintenance o+ an electronic catalo(ue o+ product) and )ervice) reDuire inve)tment)& time and -no<led(e. '%e i))ue i) muc% more compleE i+ t%e )eller %a) a <ide ran(e o+ product) or )ervice) <it% di++erent c%aracteri)tic)& <%ic% need to /e de)cri/ed in a catalo(ue. 2r(ani3ation) need to a))ure and provide t%e data in a )tandardi3ed +orm. 2nly t%i) <ill ena/le t%em to do /u)ine)) <it% ot%er or(ani3ation) electronically. U)e o+ )tandard) +or electronic commerce i) very important /ecau)e it ena/le) or(ani3ation) to eEc%an(e /u)ine)) document). 1ormulation o+ )tandard) and u)e o+ )tandard) are al)o +ound important /y t%e 7uropean Commi))ion. 2r(ani3ation) need to or(ani3e /u)ine)) proce))e) in a <ay t%at <ill ena/le t%em to connect <it% ot%er or(ani3ation). :t i) important t%at or(ani3ation) are +leEi/le and -no< %o< to ta-e advanta(e o+ ne< /u)ine)) model) t%at are t%e re)ult) o+ electronic commerce.

A/ility to )et0up and maintain t%e electronic catalo(ue o+ product) and )ervice)

C%oud%ury and ot%er) 1998 7nter<or-) 2000 ,ello 2001

A/ility to en)ure and provide t%e )tandardi3ed +orm o+ data

Dai and 5au++man 2001 7)ic%ai-ul and C%avananon 2001 Aue)c%er and 9ittet0 P%ilippe 2000

Readine)) o+ /u)ine)) proce))e) +or inter0 or(ani3ational relation)%ip

7)ic%ai-ul and C%avananon 2001

:n t%e neEt c%apter)& <e de)cri/e t%e data on: 5se of e-mar etplaces in large organi(ations in 'lo"enia, including6 7Eperience) <it% doin( /u)ine)) in e0mar-etplace)& :ntention o+ or(ani3ation) a/out enterin( e0mar-etplace) in t%e +uture& .mportance of organi(ational factors for the successful entering of the emar etplace, including6 2r(ani3ation o+ t%e :4 department) and level o+ u)e o+ :'&

Management, V !. ", #$$%, #, &&. '(-)* A. Puci%ar& ,. Podlo(ar: 2r(ani3ational +actor) +or )ucce))+ul enterin( to e0mar-etplace...

A<arene)) o+ /ene+it) o+ e0mar-etplace u)e& .evel o+ top mana(ement )upport +or an or(ani3ation;) enterin( t%e e0 mar-etplace& A/ility to )et0up and maintain an electronic catalo(ue o+ product) andIor )ervice)& Co)t) o+ preparin( and enterin( t%e e0mar-etplace& A/ility to en)ure and provide t%e )tandardi3ed +orm o+ data& Readine)) o+ an or(ani3ation +or an inter0or(ani3ational relation)%ip. *. RESEARC, MET,ODOLOG2 '%e re)earc% <a) per+ormed in 2!0 lar(e or(ani3ation) <it% t%e %i(%e)t revenue) and a @e/ pa(e in 4lovenia in ,ay& 2002. 'o /e Duali+ied a) a lar(e or(ani3ation& an or(ani3ation %a) to +ul+ill at lea)t t<o o+ t%e +ollo<in( condition) /a)ed on t%e !1)t article o+ t%e 2r(ani3ation); Act: ,ore t%an 2!0 employee)& Annual revenue o+ more t%an 4 /illion 4lovene tolar) =4:'B& and Avera(e a))et value o+ more t%an 2 /illion 4lovene tolar) =4:'B. '%e main rea)on +or ma-in( )uc% a c%oice lie) in t%e a))umption t%at enterin( t%e e0mar-etplace i) a))ociated <it% eEtra eEpen)e) and eEtra inve)tment) in ne< -no<led(e& /u)ine)) proce))e) reen(ineerin( and ne< tec%nolo(ie)& and it i) eEpected t%at lar(e or(ani3ation) %ave more re)ource) availa/le +or )uc% a purpo)e. '%e re)earc% <a) /a)ed on a Due)tionnaire. '%e Due)tionnaire <a) de)i(ned on t%e /a)i) o+ t%eoretical -no<led(e& prior re)earc% and ca)e )tudie). 2pinion) o+ eEperienced eEpert) and in+ormation tec%nolo(y and :nternet )ervice provider) in t%i) +ield <ere al)o con)idered. '%e Due)tionnaire <a) divided into t%e +ollo<in( )ection): Re)pondent) and or(ani3ation) data& 7Eperience) <it% t%e u)e o+ e0mar-etplace)& and 1actor) +or t%e )ucce))+ul enterin( o+ t%e e0mar-etplace. :n order to en)ure t%at t%e re)pon)e) re+lect t%e )ituation in eac% or(ani3ation& t%e letter) <it% t%e Due)tionnaire) <ere addre))ed to t%e c%ie+ eEecutive o++icer). '%ey <ere a)-ed to di)tri/ute t%e Due)tionnaire) to t%e c%ie+ procurement o++icer& c%ie+ )ale) o++icer and c%ie+ in+ormation o++icer. A total o+ 119 u)e+ul re)pon)e) <ere o/tained and analy3ed. 3. RESEARC, RESULTS


Management, V !. ", #$$%, #, &&. '(-)* A. Puci%ar& ,. Podlo(ar: 2r(ani3ational +actor) +or )ucce))+ul enterin( to e0mar-etplace...

,o)t o+ t%e re)pondent) are :' per)onnel =42JB& 24.4J o+ t%e re)pondent) <or- in t%e +ield o+ procurement and 1 . J o+ t%em <or- in )ale). ,o)t o+ t%e re)pondent) are very eEperienced. Almo)t %al+ o+ t%em %ave more t%an 10 year) o+ eEperience in t%eir +ield o+ <or- =4".2JB. Almo)t a t%ird o+ t%e re)pondent) %ave ! to 10 year) o+ eEperience in t%eir +ield o+ <or- =31.9JB. ,o)t o+ t%e or(ani3ation) )ell t%eir product) and )ervice) in 4lovenia =4!.4JB and ot%er 7uropean countrie) =33."JB. '%e )ame )ituation i) a/out procurement. ,o)t o+ t%e or(ani3ation) /uy product) and )ervice) in 4lovenia =4!."JB and ot%er 7uropean countrie) =3 .4JB. 3.1. E!e-t. n4- - mme.-e e5&e.4en-e1 4n ! .gan46at4 n1 4n S! 7en4a 7lectronic commerce eEperience) <ere mea)ured /y de+ined electronic commerce )trate(y& de+ined po)ition o+ t%e electronic commerce directorImana(er and /y u)e o+ t%e enterpri)e re)ource plannin( =7RPB )y)tem in an or(ani3ation& u)e o+ electronic commerce )tandard) +or document) eEc%an(e& and t%e availa/ility o+ an electronic catalo(ue o+ product) andIor )ervice). Almo)t a Duarter o+ t%e re)pondent) )tated t%at t%ey %ave +ormulated an electronic commerce )trate(y =24.4JB in t%eir or(ani3ation. Anot%er Duarter o+ t%e re)pondent) )tated t%at t%ey intend to de+ine electronic commerce )trate(y until t%e end o+ 2003 =24.4JB. ,ore t%an a Duarter o+ t%e re)pondent) )tated t%at t%ey do not %ave a +ormulated electronic commerce )trate(y or t%ey do not %ave an opinion a/out it =2 . JB. Anot%er 2.!J o+ t%e re)pondent) did not an)<er t%e Due)tion =1i(ure 1B.
Co an)<er? 2.!J e0commerce )trate(y <ill /e +ormulated in neEt year)? 21.0J @e %ave +ormulated e0commerce )trate(y? 24.4J

e0commerce )trate(y <ill /e +ormulated until t%e end o+ 2003? 24.4J

@e do not %ave +ormulated e0commerce )trate(y? 21.8J Co opinion? !.9J

*igure 4. *ormulated e-commerce strategy in organi(ations !9

Management, V !. ", #$$%, #, &&. '(-)* A. Puci%ar& ,. Podlo(ar: 2r(ani3ational +actor) +or )ucce))+ul enterin( to e0mar-etplace...

Almo)t a t%ird o+ t%e re)pondent) con+irmed t%at t%ey %ave de+ined t%e po)ition o+ an electronic commerce director or mana(er in t%eir or(ani3ation =31.1JB. A total o+ 10.1J o+ t%e re)pondent) con+irmed t%at in t%eir or(ani3ation& t%ey plan to de+ine t%e po)ition o+ an electronic commerce director or mana(er in t%e neEt year). Anot%er !J o+ t%e re)pondent) con+irmed t%at in t%eir or(ani3ation& t%ey <ould de+ine t%e electronic commerce director or mana(er /y t%e end o+ t%e year 2003. ,ore t%an %al+ o+ t%e re)pondent) eEpre))ed t%at in t%eir or(ani3ation& t%ey do not %ave a de+ined po)ition o+ an electronic commerce director or mana(er =!0.4JB. A/out 3.4J o+ t%e re)pondent) did not an)<er t%e Due)tion =1i(ure 2B.
@e plan to de+ine po)ition o+ e0commerce mana(er until t%e end o+ 2003? !.0J @e plan to de+ine po)ition o+ e0commerce mana(er in t%e +uture? 10.1J

*ave no opinion? 3.4J

@e %ave de+ined po)ition o+ e0commerce mana(er in or(ani3ation? 31.1J

@e do not %ave de+ined po)ition o+ e0commerce mana(er in or(ani3ation? !0.4J

*igure +. 7efined position of e-commerce manager in organi(ations

,o)t o+ t%e re)pondent) con+irmed t%at in t%eir or(ani3ation& t%ey u)e an 7RP )y)tem = 9.0JB. Anot%er 10.9J intend to u)e an 7RP )y)tem in t%e neEt year) =". JB and /y t%e end o+ 2003 =4.2JB. 2nly ". J o+ t%e re)pondent) )tated t%at in t%eir or(ani3ation& t%ey do not %ave an 7RP )y)tem. Anot%er 3.4J o+ t%e re)pondent) did not re)pond to t%i) Due)tion =1. JB nor %ave an opinion =1. JB =1i(ure 3B.


Management, V !. ", #$$%, #, &&. '(-)* A. Puci%ar& ,. Podlo(ar: 2r(ani3ational +actor) +or )ucce))+ul enterin( to e0mar-etplace...
@e plan to u)e 7RP )y)tem in neEt year)? ". J

@e plan to u)e 7RP )y)tem until t%e end o+ 2003? 4.2J *ave no opinion? 1. J

Co an)<er? 1. J

@e do not u)e 7RP )y)tem in or(ani3ation? ". J

@e u)e 7RP )y)tem in or(ani3ation? 9.0J

*igure 8. 7efined position of e-commerce manager in organi(ations

'%e ma$ority o+ re)pondent) <%o %ave already applied an 7RP )y)tem )tated t%at t%eir 7RP )y)tem <a) developed in t%eir or(ani3ation) on t%eir o<n =!2JB. 1rom t%e 7RP )y)tem) o+ :' provider) on t%e mar-et& 4AP RI3 i) t%e )olution mo)t u)ed in or(ani3ation) in 4lovenia =21.3B& +ollo<ed /y 5opa =4lovene providerB =9."JB& ,4 Cavi)on =9."JB and Aaan = .!JB =1i(ure 4B.
Aaan? .!J ,4 Cavi)ion? 9."J 5opa? 9."J 4AP RI3? 21.3J

2<n )olution? !2.0J

*igure 9. Type of &1P system used in organi(ations

'%e u)e o+ electronic commerce )tandard) i) important /ecau)e it ena/le) t%e eEc%an(e o+ data amon( /u)ine)) partner) de)pite t%e di++erent in+ormation )y)tem) t%at are u)ed in or(ani3ation). '%e eEc%an(e o+ /u)ine)) document) <it% /u)ine)) partner) in )tandardi3ed +orm i) mo)t +reDuently u)ed +or

Management, V !. ", #$$%, #, &&. '(-)* A. Puci%ar& ,. Podlo(ar: 2r(ani3ational +actor) +or )ucce))+ul enterin( to e0mar-etplace...

Kpurc%a)e order)L =19.3JB and Kpayment) order)L =1 ."JB. 2nly 10J o+ or(ani3ation)& or even le))& eEc%an(e ot%er document) in )tandardi3ed +orm. 2t%er document)& li-e t%e KreDue)t +or Duotation andIor o++erL& Ko++erL& and Kproduct andIor )ervice catalo(ueL& are eEc%an(ed /y mo)t or(ani3ation) ="8.9JB in non0 )tandardi3ed +orm =1i(ure !B.
2rder Payment order 2rder con+irmation :nvoice
!&0J 3&4J 4&2J 3&4J 3&4J 4&2J 13,"8 13,"8 #','8 )(,$8 2&!J 2&!J 3&4J 11&8J

19&3J 1 & J 10&1J !&9J 30&3J 2"&9J 3&4J 40&3J ! &1J

!9& J %),"8


#(,'8 3$,*8 3%,(8

4%ipment li)t 2++er

&3J 3&4J &3J "8&9J

ReDue)t +or Duotation 3&4J eCatalo(ue o+ product)I)ervice) 3&4J !&9J 2t%er

0J 10J 20J 30J 40J !0J "0J 4tandardi3ed

0J 80J 90J 100J Co an)<er

Cot )tandardi3ed Do not u)e

*igure ,. 5se of e-commerce standards in document e!change

Availa/ility o+ an electronic catalo(ue o+ product) and )ervice) i) an important +actor +or enterin( t%e (lo/al mar-et. ,o)t o+ t%e re)pondent) con+irmed t%at /uyer) can (ain an electronic catalo(ue o+ product) andIor )ervice) on an or(ani3ation;) <e/ )ite ="0.4JB. Almo)t %al+ o+ t%e re)pondent) con+irmed t%at an electronic catalo(ue could /e al)o acDuired /y e0mail =49."JB and /y CD media =43.!JB. A Duarter o+ t%e re)pondent) )tated t%at an electronic catalo(ue i) availa/le on di)-). 2nly 13.9J o+ t%e re)pondent) )tated t%at t%ey do not %ave an availa/le electronic catalo(ue o+ t%eir product) andIor )ervice) in t%eir or(ani3ation.


Management, V !. ", #$$%, #, &&. '(-)* A. Puci%ar& ,. Podlo(ar: 2r(ani3ational +actor) +or )ucce))+ul enterin( to e0mar-etplace...

A ma$ority o+ t%e re)pondent) )tated t%at e0catalo(ue) o+ product) and )ervice) are availa/le on t%eir <e/ )ite) = !.2JB? and in di++erent lan(ua(e) ="!.8JB. .e)) t%an %al+ o+ t%e re)pondent) )tated t%at /uyer) can )earc% t%eir e0 catalo(ue) =4!.3JB and t%at cu)tomer )upport i) availa/le on t%eir <e/ )ite) =40.2JB.
100J 90J 80J 0J "0J !0J 40J 30J 20J 10J 0J Auyer) can (et e0catalo(ue on <e/ @e can eEc%an(e @e can eEc%an(e @e can eEc%an(e e0catalo(ue /y e0catalo(ue e0catalo(ue e0mail /y CD /y +loppy Auyer) canHt (et ecatalo(ue #',%8 1%,(8 3$.(8 '(.38 '%.*8

*igure :. A"ailability of electronic catalogue

2ne0t%ird o+ t%e re)pondent) )tated t%at +inancial data o+ t%e or(ani3ation) are availa/le on t%e <e/ )ite =33.3JB. .e)) t%an a t%ird o+ t%e re)pondent) )tated t%at price) o+ product) and )ervice) =2!."JB and orderin( o+ product) and )ervice) are availa/le on t%eir <e/ )ite) =1 .9JB. 2nly a +e< re)pondent) )tated t%at on t%eir <e/ )ite) t%e payment proce)) i) )upported =!.1JB and t%e cu)tomi3ation o+ product) and )ervice) =2."JB =1i(ure B. 3.#. U1e 9 t0e e-ma.:et&!a-e 4n ! .gan46at4 n1 4n S! 7en4a Currently& t%ere are no /u)ine))0to0/u)ine)) e0mar-etplace) operatin( in 4lovenia. *o<ever& <e can o/)erve )ome intere)t eEpre))ed /y or(ani3ation)& )uc% a) 'ele-om 4loveni$e& variou) :4 provider) and )ome (overnment in)titution) =Fovernment Center o+ :n+ormatic)B& to e)ta/li)% t%e e0mar-etplace. :n addition& )ome companie) are loo-in( +or opportunitie) to e)ta/li)% private e0 mar-etplace) to involve all t%eir partner) +rom t%e )upply c%ain. :n 4lovenia& t%ere are )everal :' provider) <%o <ould li-e to )ell t%eir )o+t<are de)i(ned to operate e0mar-etplace). 2n t%e ot%er )ide& <e %ave )ome or(ani3ation) t%at %ave already $oined t%e e0mar-etplace) out)ide 4lovenia. 4ome o+ t%em <ere already a<arded and <on )ome /u)ine)) contract) =Puci%ar 2002B.

Management, V !. ", #$$%, #, &&. '(-)* A. Puci%ar& ,. Podlo(ar: 2r(ani3ational +actor) +or )ucce))+ul enterin( to e0mar-etplace...

100&0J 90&0J 80&0J 0&0J "0&0J !0&0J 40&0J 30&0J 20&0J 10&0J 0&0J

!&2J "!&8J 4!&3J 40&2J



1 &9J !&1J 2&"J

1!&4J 0J

'%e re)earc% re)ult) %ave )%o<n t%at only a +e< or(ani3ation) %ave any -no<led(e and eEperience) o+ e0mar-etplace) =1i(ure 8B.
4ervice providin(? 3.4J Auyin(? 2.!J Auyin( and )ellin(? 1. J

Co an)<er? 13.4J

*igure <. &!periences #ith doing business in e-mar etplaces

2nly 23.!J o+ t%e companie) cited at lea)t one /u)ine))0to0/u)ine)) e0 mar-etplace t%at i) intere)tin( +or t%eir or(ani3ation. 2nly 11J o+ t%e

)e rv ice ) la n( du ua ct (e )a ) nd 1i na ) er Cu nc vi )t o ia ce ld m ) Pr a e ta r) ic e a e /o rv li) ic ut to e 2 or +p rd (a ro er ni in du 3a ( ct t io o+ an n pr d od ) er Cu uc v ic Pa t) )t o e) an ym m d i3 en ) ati er t on pr vi ce oc o+ ) e) pr ) od )u uc pp t) or t an d )e rv ice ) 2 t% er eA uc tio n) rc % o+ pr o i++ e re nt

pr od uc t) at alo (u e o+ eC

4e a

an d

*igure ;. Web site functions

4ellin(? 3.4J

Co eEpericence)? !."J

Management, V !. ", #$$%, #, &&. '(-)* A. Puci%ar& ,. Podlo(ar: 2r(ani3ational +actor) +or )ucce))+ul enterin( to e0mar-etplace...

or(ani3ation) already %ave t%e eEperience) o+ doin( /u)ine)) on t%e e0 mar-etplace. '%e re)earc% re)ult) )%o< t%at 2.!J o+ t%e or(ani3ation) already %ave eEperience) o+ /uyin(& 3.4J o+ )ellin(& 3.4J o+ )ervice providin( and 1. J o+ /uyin( and )ellin( on t%e e0mar-etplace. '%ree Duarter) = !."JB o+ t%e or(ani3ation) %ave no eEperience) and 13.4J o+ t%e or(ani3ation) did not an)<er t%e Due)tion =Puci%ar 2002B. '%e re)earc% re)ult) are in line <it% our eEpectation). '%e e0mar-etplace) are ne< <ay) o+ electronic commerce t%at %ave /een developin( very +a)t durin( t%e la)t +e< year). 1or t%at rea)on& it i) very )timulatin( t%at t%ere are )ome or(ani3ation) in 4lovenia <%o %ave already /een doin( /u)ine)) on t%e e0 mar-etplace. @e may +ind even more )timulatin( t%e re)ult) <%en <e eEamine or(ani3ation); intention to enter e0mar-etplace) in t%e +uture =1i(ure 9B.
:ntend to enter a) a /uyer? 2.!J :ntend to enter a) a )eller? ". J :ntend to enter a) a /uyer and a )eller? ."J Co an)<er? 10.1J DonHt t%in- a/out enterin( e,ar-etplace? 11.8J :ntend to enter e,ar-etplace /y t%e end o+ 2003? 11.8J

:ntend to /e a )ervice provider? 0.8J :ntend to enter e,ar-etplace in t%e +uture? 2".9J

DonHt -no<? 21.8J

*igure =. .ntention of organi(ations about entering e-mar etplaces in the future

,ore t%an %al+ o+ t%e or(ani3ation) =!".3JB are t%in-in( a/out enterin( e0 mar-etplace) in t%e near +uture. ,ore t%an one0tent% =11.8JB o+ t%e or(ani3ation) intend) to enter t%e e0mar-etplace /y 2003 and more t%an a Duarter =2".9JB o+ t%em in t%e +uture. 4ome or(ani3ation) already -no< %o< t%ey <ill enter t%e e0mar-etplace: ". J o+ t%em <ill enter a) )eller)& 2.!J a) /uyer) and ."J a) /uyer) and )eller). .e)) t%an one percent o+ t%e or(ani3ation) =0.8JB intend) to enter t%e e0mar-etplace a) )ervice provider). 2nly 11.8J o+ t%e or(ani3ation) do not t%in- a/out enterin( t%e e0mar-etplace

Management, V !. ", #$$%, #, &&. '(-)* A. Puci%ar& ,. Podlo(ar: 2r(ani3ational +actor) +or )ucce))+ul enterin( to e0mar-etplace...

in t%e +uture. Almo)t a Duarter =21.8JB o+ t%e or(ani3ation) %a) no opinion a/out enterin( t%e e0mar-etplace in t%e +uture& <%ile one0tent% =10.1JB o+ t%e or(ani3ation) did not an)<er t%e Due)tion =Puci%ar 2002B. 3.%. O.gan46at4 na! 9a-t .1 4n ! .gan46at4 n1 4n S! 7en4a Relevant or(ani3ation o+ t%e :4 department and a %i(% level o+ :' u)e are important +actor) +or )ucce))+ul enterin( on e0mar-etplace). 2nly 32. J o+ t%e re)pondent) con+irmed t%at t%e :' )upport (roup in t%eir or(ani3ation i) lar(e enou(% to o++er e++ective )upport to t%e u)er). Almo)t %al+ o+ t%e re)pondent) =4!.4 JB /elieve t%at t%at t%eir or(ani3ation %a) adeDuate -no<led(e a/out :'. ,any more re)pondent) ="9.8JB con+irmed t%at t%ey +ollo< t%e development o+ and po))i/ilitie) +or t%e :' u)e in t%eir or(ani3ation =Puci%ar 2002B. Cot many o+ t%e re)pondent) %ave t%e a<arene)) o+ t%e /ene+it) o+ e0 mar-etplace u)e. :t may /e one o+ t%e rea)on) +or t%e lo< level o+ e0mar-etplace u)e in lar(e or(ani3ation) in 4lovenia& and vice ver)a. .e)) t%an %al+ o+ t%e re)pondent) =44.! JB di)a(ree t%at in t%eir or(ani3ation t%ey are a<arded +or )ucce))+ully doin( /u)ine)) on e0mar-etplace). :n addition& many re)pondent) =34.3 JB di)a(ree t%at t%ey are a<are o+ po))i/le trou/le) <%en doin( /u)ine)) on t%e e0mar-etplace. A (ood t%ird o+ t%e re)pondent) =3 .8 JB di)a(ree t%at employee) in t%eir or(ani3ation -no< t%e /ene+it) o+ doin( /u)ine)) on t%e e0 mar-etplace. Almo)t %al+ o+ t%e re)pondent) =49." JB al)o di)a(ree t%at an or(ani3ation;) employee) -no< <%at e0mar-etplace) are t%e mo)t )uita/le +or t%eir or(ani3ation to enter =Puci%ar 2002B. 'op mana(ement mu)t )upport t%e u)e o+ ne< /u)ine)) model) ena/led /y modern :'. Co<aday)& it may /e t%e only <ay +or t%eir or(ani3ation to (ain important competitive advanta(e in t%e (lo/al mar-etplace. ,ore t%an %al+ o+ t%e re)pondent) a(ree t%at t%e top mana(ement in t%eir or(ani3ation )upport) ne< <ay) o+ /u)ine)) =" JB and inve)tment) in electronic /u)ine)) =!4."JB =Puci%ar 2002B ='a/le 2B. ,any o+ t%e re)pondent) could not de+ine or an)<er i+ t%e co)t) o+ preparin( +or and enterin( t%e e0mar-etplace are lo< or %i(%. '%i) may eEplain t%e )tated co)t) /ein( neit%er %i(% nor lo< +or e0mar-etplace )ervice) =34.!JB& co)t o+ e0mar-etplace +ee) =32.8B& co)t) o+ )ettin( up and maintainin( an electronic catalo(ue o+ product) andIor )ervice) =40.3JB and :' co)t) =31.9JB. '%e %i(%e)t num/er o+ t%e re)pondent) t%in- t%at trainin( and educational co)t) are %i(% =44.!JB ='a/le 3B. '%eir an)<er) could /e attri/uted to t%e lac- o+ eEperience u)in( e0mar-etplace) =Puci%ar 2002B.

Management, V !. ", #$$%, #, &&. '(-)* A. Puci%ar& ,. Podlo(ar: 2r(ani3ational +actor) +or )ucce))+ul enterin( to e0mar-etplace...

'%e ma$ority o+ re)pondent) a(ree) t%at t%ey are a/le to provide t%e )tandardi3ed +orm o+ data. Almo)t %al+ o+ t%e re)pondent) =4".2JB a(ree t%at t%e c%aracteri)tic) o+ t%eir product) and )ervice) are ea)y to de)cri/e. ,ore t%an %al+ o+ t%e re)pondent) ="3JB a(ree t%at in t%eir or(ani3ation t%ey are a/le to o++er )tandardi3ed data a/out product) and )ervice) =Puci%ar 2002B ='a/le 4B. 3.'. Im& .tan-e 9 O.gan46at4 na! Fa-t .1 9 . 1/--e119/!!; ente.4ng t0e e-ma.:et&!a-e A ma$ority o+ t%e re)pondent) )tated eac% o+ t%e +ollo<in( or(ani3ational +actor) a) important +or )ucce))+ully enterin( t%e e0mar-etplace =Puci%ar 2002B:

Top management support to ne# .T and #ays of business $<;.+>%? *ormulated e-commerce strategy $<+.8>%? Trained employees #ith information technology and no#ledge $<9.9>% Modern .T infrastructure $<4.+>%? 1eadiness of business processes to connect #ith business partners $<-.,>%? .T department support in the organi(ation $;;.=>%? 5se of an enterprise resource planning system that enables them to connect #ith business partners $;:.8>%? 7efined position of an electronic commerce e!ecuti"e in the organi(ation $;;.4>%? A"ailability of an electronic catalogue of products and ser"ices $:;>%? &!periences #ith electronic commerce $:;>%.

'%e importance o+ or(ani3ational +actor) +or a )ucce))+ul entry on t%e e0 mar-etplace i) )%o<n in 'a/le !.


Management, V !. ", #$$%, #, &&. '(-)* A. Puci%ar& ,. Podlo(ar: 2r(ani3ational +actor) +or )ucce))+ul enterin( to e0mar-etplace...

Table +. .nternal organi(ational factors

St. ng!; < 1 T0e !e7e! 9 ag.ee4ng 4n 8 A7e.age St. ng!; N 7a!/e an1=e. # % ' * $

O.gan46at4 na! 9a-t .1

Organization of the IS departments and the level of use of information technology :n+ormation tec%nolo(y )upport (roup i) lar(e enou(% to o++er e++ective )upport to u)er). :n or(ani3ation <e %ave enou(% -no<led(e a/out in+ormation tec%nolo(y. :n or(ani3ation <e +ollo< t%e development o+ and po))i/ilitie) o+ t%e in+ormation tec%nolo(y u)e. 10.1 2.! 0 21. 8 1". 8 !.0 31. 9 32. 8 19. 3 19. 3 34. ! 31. 1 13.4 10.9 38. 3.4 2.! !.9 3 3.4 4.1

Awareness of benefits of e-marketplace use :n or(ani3ation <e are a<are o+ 30. 18. 10. )ucce))+ully doin( /u)ine)) on e0 14.3 ". 19.3 3 ! 9 mar-etplace). :n or(ani3ation <e are a<are o+ 23. 24. 1". po))i/le trou/le) o+ doin( /u)ine)) on 11.8 11.8 12." ! 4 0 e0mar-etplace. :n or(ani3ation <e -no< t%e /ene+it) 2". 2!. 1". 10.9 10.1 10.9 o+ doin( /u)ine)) on e0mar-etplace. 9 2 0 :n or(ani3ation <e -no< <%ic% e0 2". 22. mar-etplace) are t%e mo)t )uita/le +or 23.! ." 3.4 1".8 1 our or(ani3ation to enter. The level of top management support for organization's entering e-marketplace 'op mana(ement )upport) ne< <ay) 10. 1". 38. 1. 28." 3.4 o+ /u)ine)). 9 8 'op mana(ement )upport) 10. 2 . 31. 2.! 23.! 4.2 inve)tment) in electronic /u)ine)). 9 1 2." 2.9 2.9 2.3

3.8 3."


Management, V !. ", #$$%, #, &&. '(-)* A. Puci%ar& ,. Podlo(ar: 2r(ani3ational +actor) +or )ucce))+ul enterin( to e0mar-etplace...

Table 8. 3osts of preparing and entering the e-mar etplace

T0e !e7e! 9 - 1t1> 4n 8 Ve.; N 04g0 an1=e. % ' * $

O.gan46at4 na! 9a-t .1

Ve.; L = 1

A7e.age 7a!/e

osts of preparing for and entering e-marketplace Co)t) o+ e0mar-etplace )ervice) Co)t) o+ e0mar-etplace +ee) 'rainin( and educational co)t) Co)t) o+ )et0up and maintainin( an electronic catalo(ue o+ product) andIor )ervice) :n+ormation tec%nolo(y co)t) 0.8 1. 0 0 2.! 1 . " 1!. 1 ". 8.4 14. 3 34. ! 32. 8 33. " 40. 3 31. 9 21. 0 24. 4 3!. 3 31. 1 31. 1 0.8 2.! 9.2 !.9 !.0 2!.2 23.! 1!.1 14.3 1!.1 3.1 3.0 3." 3.4 3.3

Table 9. Ability to ensure and pro"ide the standardi(ed form of data

T0e !e7e! 9 ag.ee4ng 4n 8 St. ng!; N an1=e. % ' * $

O.gan46at4 na! 9a-t .1

St. ng!; < 1

A7e.age 7a!/e

Ability to ensure and provide the standardized form of data C%aracteri)tic) o+ our product) and )ervice) are ea)y to de)cri/e. 2ur or(ani3ation i) a/le to o++er )tandardi3ed data a/out our product) and )ervice). !.0 0.8 1". 8 8.4 21. 8 1!. 1 28. " 31. 1 1 ." 31.9 10.1 12." 3.4 4.0


Management, V !. ", #$$%, #, &&. '(-)* A. Puci%ar& ,. Podlo(ar: 2r(ani3ational +actor) +or )ucce))+ul enterin( to e0mar-etplace...

Table ,. .mportance of organi(ational factors

T0e !e7e! 9 4m& .tan-e 9 9a-t .1 4n 8 O.gan46at4 na! 9a-t .1 'op mana(ement )upport to ne< :' and <ay) o+ /u)ine)) 1ormulated e0commerce )trate(y 'rained employee) <it% -no<led(e ,odern :' in+ra)tructure Readine)) o+ /u)ine)) proce))e) to connect <it% /u)ine)) partner) :' department )upport in t%e or(ani3ation U)e o+ enterpri)e re)ource plannin( )y)tem t%at ena/le) connectin( <it% /u)ine)) partner) De+ined po)ition o+ electronic commerce eEecutive in or(ani3ation Availa/ility o+ electronic catalo(ue o+ product) and )ervice) 7Eperience) <it% electronic commerce N t 4m& .tant at a!! 1 0 0 0 0 0.8 0.8 1. # 0 0. 8 1. 1. 0. 8 2. ! 2. ! . " !. 1 3. 4 % 8.! 13. " 9.3 12. 0 11. 9 14. 4 14. 4 11. 0 1". 9 2". 3 ' 30. ! 33. 1 40. 41. 0 3!. " 38. 1 33. 1 39. 8 33. 9 40. Ve.; 4m& .tant * !".8 49.2 44.1 40.2 44.9 39.8 43.2 N an1=e. $ 4.2 3.4 4.2 !.1 !.9 4.2 !.1 4.! 4.4 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.2 4.2 A7e.age 7a!/e

0 0 0

3 .3 33.1 2".3

4.2 11.0 3.4

4.1 4.1 3.9

). RECOMMENDATIONS :+ an or(ani3ation <ant) to enter an e0mar-etplace )ucce))+ully& it i) important t%at it %a) clearly de+ined t%e )trate(y o+ enterin( t%e e0mar-etplace. :t need) to -no< <%at t%e (oal) o+ doin( /u)ine)) on t%e e0mar-etplace are. :t i) important t%at an or(ani3ation %a) a clear vi)ion o+ <%et%er it <ill enter t%e e0 mar-etplace a) a /uyer or a )eller. 4ince t%ere are many e0mar-etplace) pre)ent in t%e (lo/al mar-et& it i) important t%at t%e or(ani3ation -no<) t%e e0 mar-etplace) t%at are relevant to it) /u)ine)) and it) (oal). '%e or(ani3ation need) to inve)ti(ate <%at i) t%e proce)) o+ enterin( t%e e0mar-etplace& <%at type) o+ )ervice) are availa/le& <%at i) t%e price to )u/)cri/e and u)e a )ervice& etc.

Management, V !. ", #$$%, #, &&. '(-)* A. Puci%ar& ,. Podlo(ar: 2r(ani3ational +actor) +or )ucce))+ul enterin( to e0mar-etplace...

:t i) al)o important t%at t%e top mana(ement )upport) t%e pro$ect o+ enterin( t%e e0mar-etplace and t%at t%ey %ave a clear vi)ion and )trate(y %o< t%ey <ill eEploit t%e /ene+it) o+ t%i) ne< <ay o+ doin( /u)ine)). A de+ined po)ition o+ an electronic commerce eEecutive in an or(ani3ation mi(%t elevate t%e importance o+ electronic commerce and electronic /u)ine)) +or t%e or(ani3ation. :t i) al)o important t%at employee) are educated and trained +or )uc% a <ay o+ doin( /u)ine)). U)ually t%e e0mar-etplace provider) o++er all t%e nece))ary trainin( on %o< to u)e di++erent e0mar-etplace )o+t<are. :t i) important t%at an or(ani3ation i) a<are o+ t%e co)t) t%at <ill appear /y enterin( t%e e0mar-etplace. :n addition to t%e direct co)t)& )uc% a) e0mar-etplace annual +ee) and )ervice +ee)& or(ani3ation) <ill al)o /e +aced <it% variou) indirect co)t)& )uc% a) trainin( co)t)& inve)tment) in ne< tec%nolo(y or may/e even inve)tment) in )ettin( up and maintainin( an e0catalo(ue o+ product) and )ervice). 2nly i+ t%e or(ani3ation %a) a )tron( vi)ion a/out enterin( t%e e0 mar-etplace and i+ it i) a<are o+ t%e additional co)t) t%at may appear& it <ill /e a/le to a))ure t%e nece))ary re)ource). 7very or(ani3ation %a) to calculate t%e eEpected /ene+it) and co)t) /ecau)e& in any ca)e& t%e eEpected /ene+it) %ave to /e %i(%er t%an t%e eEpected co)t) in order to ma-e a c%oice a/out enterin( t%e e0 mar-etplace. '%e availa/ility o+ an electronic commerce catalo(ue o+ product) and )ervice) i) important. 2r(ani3ation) t%at intend to enter t%e e0mar-etplace mu)t /e a/le to o++er )tandardi3ed electronic data a/out t%eir product) and )ervice). '%e u)e o+ electronic commerce )tandard) ena/le) t%e connection o+ di++erent in+ormation )y)tem). '%i) i) e)pecially important in t%e ca)e o+ enterin( t%e e0 mar-etplace /ecau)e many or(ani3ation) t%at are u)in( di++erent in+ormation )y)tem) need to communicate <it% eac% ot%er. Almo)t all e0mar-etplace) operate on t%e @e/0/a)ed in+ormation )y)tem)& t%u) it i) important t%at t%e modern :' in+ra)tructure& <%ic% ena/le) :nternet commerce& i) in place in t%e or(ani3ation. ,any e0mar-etplace) operate on t%e /a)i) o+ in+ormation )y)tem) inte(ration& t%i) /ein( e)pecially valid +or con)ortia /a)ed e0mar-etplace). A) many or(ani3ation) %ave implemented enterpri)e re)ource plannin( )y)tem)& it i) important t%at t%ey are a/le to connect t%eir )y)tem) <it% ot%er in+ormation )y)tem) o+ /u)ine)) partner). '%e u)e o+ electronic commerce )tandard) and di++erent inter+ace) +or /u)ine))0to0 /u)ine)) )y)tem) inte(ration ma-e inte(ration proce))e) muc% ea)ier.

Management, V !. ", #$$%, #, &&. '(-)* A. Puci%ar& ,. Podlo(ar: 2r(ani3ational +actor) +or )ucce))+ul enterin( to e0mar-etplace...

:t i) important t%at or(ani3ation) %ave t%eir /u)ine)) proce))e) ready to /e connected <it% /u)ine)) partner). '%ey mu)t c%an(e and modi+y /u)ine)) proce))e) to t%e ne< <ay o+ doin( /u)ine)). '%e nece))ary c%an(e) o+ /u)ine)) proce))e) are dependent on t%e type o+ e0mar-etplace t%at t%e or(ani3ation i) <illin( to enter. 1or eEample& an or(ani3ation <ill %ave to ma-e more c%an(e) i+ it decide) to enter a private or con)ortia0/a)ed e0mar-etplace rat%er t%an t%ird party e0mar-etplace). 'o enter a private or con)ortia0/a)ed e0mar-etplace& an or(ani3ation %a) to con)ider c%an(in( it) /u)ine)) proce))e) /ecau)e t%e neEt )tep <ill u)ually /e t%e inte(ration o+ in+ormation )y)tem). 'o enter an independent t%ird party e0mar-etplace& it i) u)ually enou(% to u)e t%e @e/ /ro<)er to ma-e an order or to participate in an on0line auction. '%e e0mar-etplace) are ne< /u)ine)) model) t%at are developin( and c%an(in( very rapidly. '%ere+ore& it i) important t%at t%e /u)ine)) environment encoura(e) or(ani3ation) to u)e )uc% model) to (ain a competitive advanta(e in t%e (lo/al mar-et. Fovernment) need to play a -ey role in )uc% activitie). REFERENCES 4. Auer& '.? Reponen& '. =199 B: K:n+ormation 4y)tem 4trate(y 1ormation 7m/edded into a Continuou) 2r(ani3ational .earnin( Proce))L. .nformation 1esource Management @ournal, 10 =4prin(B& pp. 32G43. +. Arc%er& C.? Fe/auer& M. =2000B: ,ana(in( in t%e ConteEt o+ t%e Ce< 7lectronic ,ar-etplace. Proceedings 4st World 3ongress on the Management of &lectronic 3ommerce, *amilton& 2ntario& Canada& Manuary pp. 19 G 21. 8. Aailey& M.? Aa-o)& M. N. =199 B: An 7Eploratory 4tudy o+ t%e 7mer(in( Role o+ 7lectronic :ntermediarie). .nternational @ournal of &lectronic 3ommerce, 9ol. 1.3. 4prin(& pp. G 20. 9. Aa-o)& M. N. =1991B: A 4trate(ic Analy)i) o+ 7lectronic ,ar-etplace). M.' Auarterly, 4eptem/er& pp. 29!0310. ,. Aaldi& 4.? Aor(man& *. P. =2001B: Con)ortium0Aa)ed A2A e0,ar-etplace) G A Ca)e 4tudy in t%e Automotive :ndu)try. 49th Bled &lectronic 3ommerce 3onference6 e-&"erything6 e-3ommerce, e-Bo"ernment, e-Cousehold, e7emocracy. 7ditor): 2;5ee+e& A.? .oe//ec-e& C.? Fri6ar& M.? Puci%ar& A.? .enart& F. Aled& 4lovenia& Mune 2!02"& pp. "290"4!. :. Aarlin(& A.? 4tar-& *. =1998B: DBusiness-to-business electronic commerce6 )pening the mar etE. 2vum& MuneIAu(u)tI2cto/er. %ttp:II<<<.ovum.comI.

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Management, V !. ", #$$%, #, &&. '(-)* A. Puci%ar& ,. Podlo(ar: 2r(ani3ational +actor) +or )ucce))+ul enterin( to e0mar-etplace...

ORGANIZACI?SKI @IM+ENICI USP?EANOG ULASKA NA ELEKTRONI@KA TRBIATA SaCeta: Privla6no)t po)lovan$a putem =@orld @ideB @e/a $e $a)na: a(re(iran$em veli-o( /ro$a -upaca i prodava6a& te automati3iran$em tran)a-ci$a& ele-troni6-a trViUta poveZava$u i3/or do)tupan -upcima& ali i pruVa$u prodavatel$ima pri)tup novim -upcima& te )man$u$u tran)-aci$)-e troU-ove 3a )ve u6e)ni-e u tr(ovan$u. Ula3 na ele-troni6-o trViUte $e pove3an ) reinVen$erin(om& pove3ivan$em in+ormaci$)-i% )u)tava& )t$ecan$em novi% 3nan$a putem trenin(a i u6en$a& te inve)tiran$em u nove in+ormaci$)-e te%nolo(i$e i )o+t<are. 2r(ani3aci$a -o$a nam$erava ) u)p$e%om uZi u ele-troni6-o trViUte& mora )e 3a ta-av -ora- paVl$ivo pripremiti. 4amo Ze ta-av pri)tup or(ani3aci$i otvoriti potpuni pri)tup )vim mo(uZno)tima -o$e )to$e na ra)pola(an$u& te dove)ti do o6e-ivani% po)lovni% re3ultata. U radu )e pred)tavl$a$u ra3li6iti o/lici ele-troni6-i% trViUta& te upora/a ele-troni6-i% trViUta u po)lovan$u. Cadal$e )e i3no)e re3ultati i)traVivan$a provedeno( u 2!0 veli-i% )loven)-i% podu3eZa. U i)traVivan$u )e ra3matra trenutna ra3ina -oriUten$e ele-troni6-e tr(ovine i trViUta u veli-im )loven)-im podu3eZima& te )e i3dva$a$u or(ani3aci$)-i 6im/enici -o$i )e ci$ene /itnim 3a u)p$eUan ula3a- na ele-troni6-a trViUta. U 3a-l$u6-u rada )e i3no)e preporu-e 3a or(ani3aci$e -o$e nam$erava$u uZi na ele-troni6-o trViUte.


Management, V !. ", #$$%, #, &&. '(-)* A. Puci%ar& ,. Podlo(ar: 2r(ani3ational +actor) +or )ucce))+ul enterin( to e0mar-etplace...

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