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Husky Key Club

Official Chino Hills High School Key Club Newsletter

Volume III | Issue VIII | November Edition

CHHS November Newsletter Page 2

Presidents Note for November:
Happy December, Key Clubbers! Another glorious month filled with service and fundraising as passed us, and it is truly thanks to your efforts as Key Club members. Fall Rally was a wonderful success with a great amount of attendees and a whole lot of spirit! This month, there is a lot to look forward to: Barnes and Noble gift wrapping, Isaiahs Rock Toy Sorting and Distribution, Christmas on Euclid, December DCM/Ice Skating Social, and Boat Parade! We continue to progress as a club, beating our amount of service hours and fundraising as each month passes us! As the holiday season is upon us, it reminds me to be truly thankful to be leading such a wonderful club. You guys make me smile every day and make me so proud to be your president! Keep serving and keep changing the world for the better! -PRESIDENT: SONA SENAPATI

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Editors Message and Table of Contents:
Hi! For those of you who dont know, my name is Jaie Peshawaria! This past November was absolutely unbelievable. We had so many awesome events and activities. In this newsletter, you will find recaps of our past events, including Fall Rally and Isaiahs Rock. Below is the table of contents! BE SURE to check out Page 13! Enjoy reading and Happy Holidays!

Opening Cover........1 Presidents Note for November....2 Editors Message and Table of Contents...3 Pre-Fall Rally South........4 Fall Rally South...........................5 Rolling Ridge Clean-up..6 November Division Council Meeting...........7 The Pomona Graffiti Run..8 Isaiah's Rock Food Packaging....9 Welcome New Officers ..10 Upcoming Service Events......11 What is STP?.....................................................................12 Know That Officer?..........................................................13 Back Cover....14

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Pre-Fall Rally South:
Whenever you think Key Club, you got to have Fall-Rally and DCON on your mind right?! Well on Friday November 8, Chino Hills High school and Alta Loma High school hosted Pre-Fall-Rally! Key clubbers from our entire division came, some wearing their amazing spirit gear, to meet new people, grab some NEW spirit gear, and most of all, learn our division's cheers!! Literally a wave of key clubbers from all of our division's schools flooded into our multipurpose room, its amazing to think that this huge amount of people is just a very small fraction compared to ALL of the Fall-Rally attendees! It is an extremely important and crucial event to attend before going to Fall-Rally itself, otherwise you'll be completely confused. It is also MANDATORY for any Fall-Rally attendee to attend Pre-Fall-Rally, this goes for every year. Thank you to all Key clubbers for making Fall-Rally one of the BIGGEST events to remember every year! I hope to see all who went at DCON as well! ARTICLE BY: Justin Li, CHHS Key Club member

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Fall Rally South:
Fall Rally was unbelievable and is literally one of the greatest experiences you can have. On November 9th, from 10am-7pm, Division 15 showed their spirit and truly became one voice that screamed, Cause were hot, so hot, D15 cannot be stopped.!! Fall Rally was inspirational, everyone present felt united. During the Rally session, we learned how our efforts (fundraisers and donations) were being used in the world. Our efforts have built hospitals, provided medicine, and bought technology for those in need. It was wonderful to hear how we were making a difference in the world. Throughout the day, Key Clubbers rode awesome rides, met other new Key Clubbers, and enjoyed the company of thousands of other loving members from around California, Nevada, and Hawaii. Personally, I meet so many new people that shared my passion for Key Club. It was an unforgettable day with unforgettable memories.

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Rolling Ridge Clean-up:

Helping out at Rolling Ridge was extremely fun. I would like to give a special thanks to Austin Chao who came out so early with me to attend an event starting 7:00 in the morning. Not only did we get to work with children from K-6, but we also got to have fun ourselves. In the morning we helped sharpen pencils, help kids make scarecrows, and danced with them. Next, we helped pass out snacks to the kids and then helped out with their PE activity, teaching them how to play capture the flag, and supervising in the computer lab. Towards noon, we helped the principal take out the trash and took a break before leaving for lunch. Overall, it was exhausting, a bit hectic, but extremely fun. Im sure Austin had an equally great time as I did reminiscing over our elementary school experiences and playing with kids. I personally met a little Chinese girl who could only converse with me in Chinese. She told me she wanted to go to Harvard and kept whispering in my ear. Thank you again, Austin, for waking up so early to come to such a special event. ARTICLE BY: Dennis Chen

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November Division Council Meeting:
Grand Avenue Park was the venue for the Division 15 DCM (Division Council Meeting). Division 15 gathered at this park on November 23rd from 1pm-3pm to discuss past events, new events, and also decide the specifics of the Division 15 Secret Santa all the clubs would be participating in this Christmas. This DCM was hosted by Ayala, our Key Club neighbors. They sold boba and spirit attire throughout the meeting. Amy, our LTG introduced the new committee that would be forming , Save the Philippines, or STP, not only in the division, but elsewhere in the entire District. She also talked about an Ice Skating Social coming up as well as more information about the Region 13 Winter Formal in January. After the meeting, the whole division split into teams and we all played some games. The first games was sort of like charades. The first person would act a phrase out to the second person, who was the only one looking, and then he or she would act it out to the next person, the cycle continued until it came to the tenth person, who would tell everyone what they thought it was. This game, like the meeting, was so much fun, and the Division, in my opinion, grew closer as a Key Club family.

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The Pomona Graffiti Run:
On November 24th, from 7am-9am, Division 15 had the opportunity to volunteer at the Graffiti Run in Pomona. Members arrived bright and early to learn more about their jobs they would be assigned during the run. We were to help out in two areas, Registration and the actual colored powder-throwing. Those who would be throwing the powder were called the Graffiti Squad. Those who were part of the Graffiti squad were split into four groups, which all had a specific color that they would be throwing. The color zones were blue, pink, green, and yellow. The event started at around 9am, and the runners came in waves. It was awesome to be able to throw the powder at the people. My blue station got everyone who came by, and the runners were all blue by the tine they got through our wave of color. I ACTUALLY had the chance to run through the course and it was unbelievable. All the Key Clubbers aimed for me and by the time I had gotten through all four zones, I literally looked like a rainbow. When I returned to my station, all my fellow volunteers looked smurfs. This event was awesome and I want to thank the CHHS members, Rachel Morales, Josh Yuhan, Terry Chien, Matt Llave, and Kaylee McKenzie for the passion and spirit that they showed.

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Isaiahs Rock Food Packaging:
Isaiahs Rock Thanksgiving Food Packaging has always been one of our hardest yet most selfrewarding Key Club events of all time. With the collaboration of D15 Giraffes, D35E Elephants, and other clubs from different cities, work that wouldve taken several days to finish was completed within a short 3 hours. From running around, separating canned foods into different categories to going in circles, packing food items one after another, the workload was without doubt a hardcore exercise. But thanks to the refreshments, food, and the famous Hello Neighbor song, we were all more than inspired to continue working. Throughout the years, Isaiahs Rock has been one of CHHS Key Clubs biggest service partners. Everyday they provide dinner for the less fortunate, every Thanksgiving they have turkeys and food that would last families a week or even two, and every Christmas they have toys for the kids who do not receive presents. Isaiahs rock is working endlessly everyday to provide for their community. For us Key Clubbers, their dedication and enthusiasm for service is definitely something to look up to. Thanks to all the volunteers we had for this years packaging, distribution, and Turkey Bucks event, we were able to provide hundreds of families with a happy Thanksgiving dinner. One more month and it will be the Christmas Toy Packaging event! See you all there Key Clubbers and I hope you had a happy Thanksgiving! ARTICLE BY: JOYCE XIONG

CHHS November Newsletter Page 10 Welcome New Officers:

Freshmen Representative: Keala Valencia
Director of Activities : Anderson Chiang

Congratulations to Keala and Anderson! Keala is a freshmen and Anderson is a Junior. Both are passionate about Key Club and are very excited about working with the current officer board!

**Also Congratulations to Megan Walsh and Tyler Kim for becoming task coordinators. They will both assist Anderson in finding new events for our Club!**

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Upcoming Service Events:

Christmas on Euclid When: December 7th from 9am-4pm Where: We will be meeting at the US Bank in Ontario, on Euclid of course. Why: To spread Christmas cheer and help-out the local community as well as our Kiwanis sponsors. We will be helping with the set-up and clean-up, passing books out to the children, and assisting Santa with passing out pictures.

Cal Aero Preserve Academy Holiday Night When: December 11th from 4:45pm-7pm Where: Cal Aero Preserve Academy Why: To help-out our local elementary school with their annual Holiday party. This is a great way to spread our service into new areas and create a partnership with Cal Aero. **More Information will be distributed soon, at the next meeting!

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What is STP?

I'm sure that many of us have heard about the typhoon that has hit Philippines hard. With over 10,000 casualties and already 1800 pronounced dead, with several bodies still on the streets, Philippines is desperate for food and water as cities are in ruins. The situation is very dire and urgent, and as Key Clubbers, I feel that it is our duty to step up and help those around us. Save the Philippines or STP will be a string of committees within different divisions throughout the Cali-Nev-Ha District that will aid the Philippines with recovery. The committee will be of Key Club members that plan fundraisers and organize donations for this cause. Through this organization, we will provide much-needed support.

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Know that Officer?

Vice President: Joyce Xiong

1. Where are you from? California, Garfield hospital, to be exact. But people think Im fob (from China). 2. What are some of your hobbies? I love swimming, jumping, and playing the piano...I played the flute, but Im terrible at it. 3. Whats your favorite food? I love California Rolls (not sushi) and gummy bears. 4. Whats one weird thing about you? I REALLY REALLYLIKE TO TYPE IN CAPS. 5. If you could be a celebrity, who would you be? Anyone in the K-Pop Industry. 6. What your favorite thing about being an officer? It allows me to experience what its like to be a leader. 7. What are some of your biggest fears? ROLLERCOASTERS, death.and my Dad getting angry.

Thanks for Reading! :)

Caring-Our Way of Life

Chino Hills High Key Club| Division 15 | Cali-Nev-Ha District Chino Hills High School | 16150 Pomona Rincon Road, Chino Hills, California, 91709-3101 Editor: Jaie Peshawaria Email:

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