Azur e Bay Rout E15: Laverre City

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Pok Ball Factory

Laverre City Poliwag Poliwhirl Basculin

Sea Spirits Den

Sea Spirit's Den Articuno Zapdos Moltres

Coumarine City
Shalour City Tentacool Mantyke Luvdisc Remoraid Chinchou Alomomola Octillery Lanturn Lucario

Route 13 Dugtrio Trapinch Gible Graveler Slugma

Route 14

Az ur eB ay

Azure Bay Slowpoke Exeggcute Chatot Inkay Dwebble Binacle Wingull Tentacool Lapras Mantyke Luvdisc Chinchou Remoraid Lanturn Octillery Alomomola

Laverre City

Route 15 Skorupi Watchog Mightyena X Liepard Y Pawniard Murkrow Foongus Klefki Lombre Floatzel Poliwag Poliwhirl Basculin

Lost Hotel Magneton Electrode Litwick Pawniard Klefki Rotom Trubbish Garbodor Magnemite Voltorb

Frost Cavern
Frost Cavern Haunter Jynx Piloswine Beartic Bergmite Cryogonal Poliwhirl Smoochum Vanillite Cubchoo Floatzel Poliwag Poliwhirl Basculin

Route 14 Weepinbell Haunter Quagsire Carnivine Karrablast Shelmet Goomy Stunfisk Ekans Bellsprout Skorupi Poliwag Poliwhirl Barboach Whiscash

Ro ute 15

Lost Hotel

Dendemille Town

12 e t Rou
Route 12 Slowpoke Exeggcute Pinsir X Heracross Y Pachirisu Chatot Dwebble Binacle Tauros Mareep Miltank Wingull Tentacool Lapras Mantyke Luvdisc Remoraid Clamperl Corsola Octillery Huntail X Gorebyss Y Lapras

Rout e 13
Kalos Power Plant

6 1 e t Rou
Route 16 Weepinbell Floatzel Skorupi Phantump Pumpkaboo Murkrow Foongus Klefki Lombre Floatzel Poliwag Poliwhirl Basculin Route 17 Sneasel Delibird Snover Abomasnow Route 22 Psyduck Farfetch'd Dunsparce Azurill Azumarill Bidoof Bibarel Riolu Bunnelby Diggersby Litleo Magikarp Goldeen Carvanha Seaking Gyarados Sharpedo

Rou te 1 7

Terminus Cave Sandslash Graveler Lairon X Pupitar Y Ariados Noibat Shuckle Geodude Aron X Larvitar Y Durant Zygarde

Terminus Cave

Shalour City
Route 11 Nidorina Nidorino Hariyama Staravia Chingling Sawk X Throh Y Dedenne Nidoran Nidoran Starly Stunky

Lumiose City

Lumiose City Bulbasaur Charmander Squirtle

Anistar City

Pokmon League
Route 18 Sandslash Graveler Lairon X Pupitar Y Torkoal Gurdurr Shuckle Geodude Heatmor Durant

Reflection Cave
Reflection Cave Mr. Mime Wobbuffet Sableye Chingling Solosis Woobat Ferroseed Roggenrola Carbink Mime Jr.

Ro ut e5

Parfum Palace

Ro ute 11

Geosenge Town
Geosenge Town Xerneas X Yveltal Y Route 10 Eevee Snubbull Sigilyph Emolga Golett Hawlucha Houndour X Electrike Y Yanma Nosepass

Ro ute 10

Cyllage City Dwebble Binacle Tentacool Wailmer Luvdisc Horsea Clauncher X Skrelp Y Seadra Relicanth Clawitzer X Dragalge Y

Route 6 Oddish Sentret Nincada Kecleon Espurr Honedge Audino Venipede

Ro ute 18

Couriway Town Lombre Floatzel Poliwag Poliwhirl Basculin

Ro ute 6
Connecting Cave Meditite Zubat Whismur Axew

Route 5 Abra Doduo Bunnelby Skiddo Pancham Furfrou Plusle Minun Gulpin Scraggy

Route 4 Ledyba Ralts Skitty Budew Combee Flabb (Yellow) Flabb (Orange) Flabb (White) Flabb (Red)

4 ute Ro

Victory Road

22 e t u Ro

Battle Chateau

Camphrier Town
Route 7
Berry Fields Connecting Cave
Route 7 Smeargle Volbeat Illumise Croagunk Ducklett Flabb (Yellow) Flabb (Orange) Flabb (White) Flabb (Blue) Swirlix X Spritzee Y Psyduck Hoppip Roselia Snorlax

Santalune City
Santalune Forest Caterpie Weedle Kakuna X Metapod Y Pikachu Pansage Pansear Panpour Fletchling Scatterbug

Cyllage City
Route 8 Lower Lunatone Solrock Dwebble Binacle Tentacool Wailmer Luvdisc Staryu X Shellder Y Clauncher X Skrelp Y Starmie X Cloyster Y Qwilfish Clawitzer X Dragalge Y

Route 8 Upper Spoink Absol Bagon Drifloon Mienfoo Inkay Zangoose Seviper Wingull Taillow

Rout e 8U

Berry Fields Ledyba Volbeat Illumise Burmy Combee Spewpa

Route 3 Pidgey Pikachu Dunsparce Azurill Bidoof Burmy Bunnelby Fletchling Marill Masquerain Magikarp Goldeen Corphish Seaking Gyarados Crawdaunt

Santalune Forest
Route 2 Weedle X Caterpie Y Pidgey Zigzagoon Scatterbug Bunnelby Fletchling

Ambrette Town
Ambrette Town Dwebble Binacle Tentacool Wailmer Luvdisc Horsea Clauncher X Skrelp Y Seadra Relicanth Clawitzer X Dragalge Y Aerodactyl Tyrunt Amaura Shieldon Anorith Tirtouga Kabuto Omanyte Archen Lileep Cranidos

Route 9
Route 9 Hippopotas Sandile Helioptile Glittering Cave Machop Onix Cubone Rhyhorn Kangaskhan Mawile Lunatone Solrock Woobat Ferroseed Dwebble

Glittering Cave

Aquacorde Town
Route 1

Aquacorde Town Chespin Fennekin Froakie

Pokmon Village Jigglypuff Ditto Zoroark Gothorita Amoonguss Hoothoot Banette Garbodor Rotom Poliwag Noctowl Foongus Lombre Poliwhirl Basculin Mewtwo

Vaniville Town

Map Key City or Town Point of Interest Cave or Forest Traversable with Surf Standard Catch (Bushes, Walking, etc...) Special Catch (Shaking Bushes, etc...) Catchable in Shallow Water Catchable Using Rock Smash Catchable in Hordes Catchable Using Surf Catchable Fishing with an Old Rod Catchable Fishing with an Good Rod Catchable Fishing with an Super Rod Catching Requires an Interaction Pokmon Received as a Gift Traversable with Rideable Pokmon

Pokmon Center Gym Badge Rock Smash Surf Fishing

Created By: Bob K. ( Special Thanks To:

Coastal Kalos: Drifblim Mienshao Grumpig Malamar Shelgon Salamence Pelipper Swellow Barbaracle Crustle Tentacruel Wailord Kingdra Krokorok Krookodile Heliolisk Hippowdon Rhydon Rhyperior

Steelix Swoobat Machoke Machamp Marowak Tyrantrum Aurorus Ferrothorn Granbull Manectric Houndoom Vaporeon Jolteon Flareon Espeon Umbreon Leafeon Glaceon Sylveon

Yanmega Golett Probopass Makuhita Staraptor Skuntank Nidoqueen Nidoking Chimecho Duosion Reuniclus Wynaut Boldore Gigalith Flaaffy Ampharos Slowbro Slowking Exeggutor


Available Only Through Evolution or Friend Safari: Central Kalos: Wormadam Wartortle Quilladin Mothim Blastoise Chesnaught Surskit Gogoat Braixen Pyroar Pangoro Delphox Golduck Dodrio Frogadier Lucario Swalot Greninja Kirlia Scrafty Linoone Gardevoir Kadabra Fletchinder Gallade Alakazam Talonflame Floette Gloom Pidgeotto Florges Vileplume Pidgeot Roserade Bellossom Vivillon Ledian Furret Butterfree Vespiquen Ninjask Beedrill Delcatty Shedinja Simisage Ivysaur Meowstic Simisear Venusaur Doublade Simipour Charmeleon Aegislash Pichu Charizard Whirlipede Raichu

Scolipede Toxicroak Swanna Aromatisse Slurpuff Skiploom Jumpluff Munchlax Loudred Exploud Medicham Golbat Crobat Fraxure Haxorus

Mountain Kalos: Diglett Vibrava Flygon Gabite Garchomp Golem Magcargo Wooper Goodra Escavalier Accelgor Victreebel Gastly Gengar Purrloin Poochyena Patrat Bisharp Honchkrow

Lotad Ludicolo Buizel Gourgeist Lampent Chandelure Magnezone Trubbish Swinub Mamoswine Avalugg Vanillish Vanilluxe Weavile Timburr Conkeldurr Sandshrew Aggron Tyranitar

Spinarak Spearow Noivern Gliscor Igglybuff Wigglytuff Shuppet Zorua Gothita Gothitelle Bonsly Lickilicky Scizor Deino Dragonite

Route 20

Victory Road Graveler Haunter Druddigon Zweilous Fearow Skarmory Hydreigon Ariados Noibat Shuckle Lickitung Teddiursa Gurdurr Geodude Floatzel Lombre Poliwag Poliwhirl Basculin Poliwrath

Rou te 2 1
Route 21 Ursaring Altaria Floatzel Scyther Spinda Swablu Lombre Poliwag Poliwhirl Dratini Basculin Dragonair

9 1 e t u Ro

Couriway Town
Route 19 Haunter Quagsire Drapion Carnivine Karrablast Shelmet Sliggoo Arbok Weepinbell Gligar Skorupi Stunfisk Poliwag Poliwhirl Barboach Whiscash Politoed

Snowbelle City

3 ute Ro

Route 20 Jigglypuff Noctowl Zoroark Gothorita Amoonguss Sudowoodo Foongus Trevenant

L te 8 Rou

Route 2

Pokmon Village

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