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Aus / NZ Custom Map Draft Tournament

Admins: Caution, High Cookie, Artifacial, Pengu, Referees: Jewsus, Nocturnal Disputes: All disputes must be submitted to an admin Map Pool: Haunted Forest v1.3 Back 2 School Detour Ahead v8 Arena of the Dead 2 Carried Off v2.5 Heaven Can Wait 2 I Hate Mountains 2 City 17 Get off steam workshop

Server selection Artis unless high ping players (like Soc dog and Ultima) then Pengus or MgZs Config We are using a modified Pro mod 3.2 config which includes: -No bunt on Hunters -A maximum of 2 SMGs per team -A maximum of 2 melees per team -Tanks dies after both rage bars are depleted, instead of going ai -There are no extra pills -No Uzi slow down on tank -No survivor slow down in water

Match scheduling and match rules

Spectators and admins Aside from authorized casters and admins, no spectators whatsoever will be allowed in the server during matches. Pauses You are not allowed to pause the game whilst a survivor is being revived,

this will drop the incapped survivor back to the ground which would force the survivors to pick him up again.

The penalty for abuse of the pause function will typically be whichever is greater between:

a zero score for the round for the offending team, or an adjustment of the score of the offended team equivalent to full map distance (with health bonus at the time of the offense).

Screenshots and demos At the start of every new campaing in a match each survivor must take a screenshot and upload it, the screenshots can be deleted after the match but this is to ensure no one is cheating, also if someone crashes and they rejoin if the opposing team demand a screenshot to be taken you must screenshot and immediatley and upload.

Ladder Blocking If an infected team blocks the ladder in an attempt to stop the survivors from rescuing a team member or to delay health bonus(if bleeding out) the infected team will be punished. This means you cannot block a ladder if a survivor is climbing up it. SIMPLE. The penalty for doing this will be either * Loss of points for the offending team * score of 0 for the map * DQ from the match This is all judged of how bad the block was and how badly the survivors were damaged Admins will decide if it was ladder blocking or not dont spam global Server crashes No one may connect to a match server while online on steam, nor go online while connected to the server. In the event of a server crash or sustained denial of service attack, an admin will determine if the round will be replayed. Competitors are expected to make reasonable efforts to finish the live round where possible. Glitches In the event of a finale rescue vehicle glitch (most common on Swamp Fever, but also possible on Dark Carnival and Hard Rain) the half will be replayed following a restart round. If necessary the final scores will be calculated manually.

Tank Rock tank is against the the rules in this tournament, We are trying to make the tournament fast and fun to watch. If your tank sends multiple rocks in and tries to maintain line of sight for multiple SI attacks and it is clear you are trying to rock tank instead of pushing tank in. You may be penalized for up to the amount of bonus removed from the survivors during the rock tank and will be forced to push the tank in, regardless of your SI spawns, while rock tanking. This will be added on the opponent's score with promod 3.2 set score function at the start of the following round. or calculated manually at the end of the finale map.

Addons and configuration

The best way to avoid the severe penalties associated with bending or breaking these rules is to play with a stock configuration. Penalties The minimum penalty for illegal modifications or addons is a team forfeit loss for the match. There is no maximum penalty, which may run up and including team expulsion from the tournament, forfeiture of already played matches. Forbidden modifications no modifications to game files or materials, nor use of third-party software and applications that affect gameplay will be allowed. This includes but is not limited to: Any changes whatsoever to the stock survivor or infected models, map textures, skyboxes, props, or other materials used for rendering the in-game environment Any changes whatsoever to game sounds (excluding Section 6.2.4) Any third-party applications, programs, or macros that read or modify memory in a method for affecting gameplay, or that provide information about the game state to the player, or that simulate mouse movement (aiming) while the game is running


During the ready-up for the first half of each map, changing cl_interp and cl_interp_ratio values is forbidden until both halves of the round are complete Maximum lerp for this competition is 67 (cl_interp 0.05). If you are not sure how to set up lerp as an admin and we can help you Other Any player may validate the game cache using the stock Steam client while in-between rounds. (if a ss is demanded you must ss)

Behavior and etiquette

Conduct Players are expected to conduct themselves politely and professionally during the match. Abusive or harassing conduct toward other players, spectators, or tournament administrators will not be tolerated. Players may be removed from the match by a admin if abusive or disruptive behavior results in complaints. Vocalizations Players may not trigger sound-effects to taunt, harass, annoy, or confuse other players while the round is live. Sprays Players may not use sprays that imitate or resemble environmental objects, including weapons, other players, infected models, props, or any other recognizable game element. Players may not use sprays that are grotesque, violent, or depict other disturbing or offensive imagery such as racist material or shock images.

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