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1ASMAC - LnL8ClSlnC CL8A1lCnS 1P8CuC

SmarL Card based olnL of Sale &

lnvenLory ManagemenL Soluuon for
ubllc ulsLrlbuuon SysLem (uS)

AbouL roxS lnfocomm LlmlLed
! A 11-year old, lSC 9001-2008 organlzauon promoLed by seasoned
professlonals havlng more Lhan 300 years of comblned lndusLry experlence.
! lndlas largesL ulglLal lnfrasLrucLure soluuons company focuslng on
1elemaucs, lnfoLalnmenL, lleeL managemenL, SpeclalLy Audlo and Moblle
soluuons. 1le-up wlLh M/s Clancor 1echnovaLes lndla rlvaLe LlmlLed, leader ln
Pand Peld soluuons for LlecLronlc bus uckeung, e-Challans, ubllc dlsLrlbuuon
sysLems, Mlcro nance appllcauons eLc.
! More Lhan 3000 lnsLallauons of Pand held devlces across Lhe World. roxS
Clancor Lechnologles are belng used ln !"#$% '(%)*+,-( ./(%*)-( 0,1( 2"34(
5'.026 .1(+* 7(+8 pro[ecLs ln 7 SLaLes ln lndla. Also has provlded Lhe
Lechnology Lo voLer lu and Aadhar ulu ro[ecLs Lhrough a sysLem lnLegraLor.
! uevelops lLs own Lechnology for all lLs soluuons whereby Lhe dependency on
exLernal suppllers are reduced and consLanL upgradauon of Lhe Lechnology ls
posslble. Several paLenLs obLalned.
! Croup companles lnclude nexmoo Soluuons (lndla) vL LlmlLed, Cyberunal
roxS Sdn 8hd, Shareware ureams vL LlmlLed and Crange ale

1o achleve Lhe sLaLed mlsslon Lhe plan ls Lo provlde SmarL Card based uS cards Lo
Lhe famllles ln Lhe SLaLe. 1hls would ensure LhaL

! 1he anu-poverLy measures of Lhe SLaLe CovernmenL are dellvered Lo Lhe needy ln
an eecuve and emclenL meLhod
! Lnsure Lhe avallablllLy of Lhe goods aL Lhe lalr prlce shops by beuer lnvenLory
managemenL and by analyslng Lhe consumpuon pauerns. Lecuve demand and
supply managemenL.
! Cn llne and real ume avallablllLy of daLa ellmlnaLes leaks ln revenue and
! 8educe Lhe ume of dellvery Lo depoLs and sLores by lmprovlng Lhe LraceablllLy and
Lracklng Lhro' beuer eeL and loglsucs managemenL.
! llferage and mlsuse of Lhe uS sysLem by Lhe Lraders and mlddle men geL


9:3;<=>; ? 1o deslgn, lmplemenL & malnLaln a SmarL Card based uS soluuon wlLh
enLerprlse wlde Sales, lnvenLory & Loglsucs managemenL sysLem for uS dlsLrlbuuon
and lmprove Lhe dellvery emclencles slgnlcanLly.

! 1he soluuon wlll have a Lhree componenLs vlz.,
! 8llu based SmarL uS cards for Lhe consumers
! olnL Cf Sales LqulpmenL aL every lS Lo recognlse Lhe SmarL uS Cards wlLh
a bllllng soluuon and connecuvlLy Lo Lhe cenLrallsed servers.
! LnLerprlse wlde sales and lnvenLory & loglsucs managemenL sysLem aL Lhe
back end.

SmarL Card 8ased uS - Soluuon Cvervlew
Soluuon ArchlLecLure
Soluuon ArchlLecLure-conLd..
Soluuon ComponenLs - aL lS

! A 8e-Chargeable olnL of Sale (oS) compacL deskLop unlL (of Pand held compuLer
slze) aL all reLall ouLleLs. 1hls oS unlL wlll have
a. an ln-bullL SmarL card & bar code reader & rlnLer,
b. C8S modem and opuonally blomeLrlc auLhenucauon of operaLor and
1he oS devlce can work conunuously for 6- 8 hours wlLhouL recharglng and do away
wlLh Lhe need for a heavy uS. SulLable for noL-so-perfecL power condluons ln rural

Soluuon ComponenLs - aL uepoLs and
CenLral Cmces

! Web based lnvenLory and Sales ManagemenL SysLem accesslble from pracucally
anywhere by auLhorlzed personnel.
! Wlde Area neLwork connecuvlLy uslng broadband.

Soluuon ComponenLs - aL vehlcles

! CS devlce based ulsLrlbuuon and 1racklng ManagemenL for all vehlcles
conLracLed Lo 1nCSC for dlsLrlbuuon of goods from depoLs Lo reLall ouLleLs.
Soluuon - Pow lL Works?
! All producLs wlll be barcoded/8llu Lagged aL Lhe manufacLurer / depoL level
before despaLch Lo rauons shops/ falr prlce ouLleLs.
! CS based eeL managemenL sysLem lnsLalled ln uS conLracLed vehlcles wlll Lrack
and show Lhe locauon of Lhe goods aL any polnL ln ume.
! @)+;; A;>;A% "B (C*);4=<(="4 <(4 :; 8;DA"-;8 (* *); "C*A;* *" D+;>;4* 1,%C%;
"B +(="4 <(+8%E A"F,4 /,*) D(%%/"+8 "4 *); )(48);A8 *;+1,4(A :- "D;+(*"+G
H,4F;+D+,4* ,8;4=*- >;+,I<(="4 :- :"*) "D;+(*"+ J <C%*"1;+G <"4*(<* %1(+*
<(+8% B"+ >;+,B-,4F ,8;4=*- J %*"+,4F *+(4%(<="4% "B :"*) "D;+(*"+ (48 <C%*"1;+
! Lvery ume a producL ls sold Lhe sLore operaLor [usL needs Lo scan Lhe barcode/
8llu reader uslng Lhe CS devlces' bar code scanner or selecL an enLry from Lhe
Lermlnal whlch ln Lurn would be connecLed Lo a dlglLal welghlng scale.
! 1he cusLomer would swlpe hls smarL card on Lhe Lermlnal whlch wlll verlfy hls
ldenuLy and sLore Lhe lasL 10-20 Lransacuons done by hlm on Lhe card.

Soluuon K Pow lL Works?.....
! 1he CS devlce wlll reLrleve Lhe lnformauon from Lhe barcode/ulglLal welghlng
scale and prlnL ouL Lhe paymenL recelpLs.
! uslng lLs bullL ln C8S modem, Lhe CS devlce aL lS LransmlL and updaLe Lhe sale
deLalls Lo Lhe server aL Lhe cenLral omce enabllng real ume sLaLus of sales &
! AL Lhe cenLral omce and depoLs auLhorlzed personnel can monlLor and manage
Lhe sLock levels, reorder quanuues, collecuons for Lhe day eLc.

8eneLs of Cur Soluuon
8eneLs of our soluuon
! Cur olnL of Sale (oS) devlce ls cusLom bullL for Lhls appllcauon whlch ls very
rugged and very user frlendly .
! 1he devlce lnLegraLes 6 dlerenL componenLs lnLo a slngle compacL Lermlnal l.e.
" Cpuonal 8lomeLrlc (ngerprlnL recognluon) auLhenucauon
" SmarL card reader enables ldenuLy verlcauon and sLorage of lasL few Lransacuons.
" 8arcode reader Lo read bar codes on Lhe producL
" C8S modem ( Lo LransmlL sales & sLock lnformauon lnsLanLly)
" rlnLer ( Lo prlnL sales recelpLs ) - Cpuon Lo prlnL ln Lngllsh & 1amll
" LCu dlsplay (wlLh local language opuon)
" Long llfe bauery wlLh 6-8 worklng hours on a slngle charge - no need for uS
1hls removes Lhe need for separaLe bulky componenLs and +;8C<;% "D;+(="4% (48
1(,4*;4(4<; <"%*%
! 1he sLore operaLor only has Lo scan Lhe barcode / 8llu Lag on Lhe producL wlLh Lhe
devlce Lo generaLe and prlnL Lhe sales recelpLs, whlch can be also updaLed lnsLanLly
aL Lhe cenLral omce.
! 8rlngs Lransparency lnLo Lhe sysLem le malpracuces aL Lhe reLall level can be
curbed. Also helps ln beuer managemenL of resources and funds.

Soluuon E 8eneLs
! As sysLem ls onllne, reporLs can be generaLed onllne (real ume) from pracucally any
where by auLhorlzed personnel
! ulerenL Lypes of reporLs and comblnauons among Lhem can be generaLed and can
be exporLed Lo Lxcel SheeLs wlLh a cllck of buuon.
! 1he lleeL managemenL module wlll show where uS ueparLmenL's conLracLed
vehlcles are aL any polnL ln ume and lmprove loglsucs & LraceablllLy
! 1he SysLem helps ln malnLalnlng a conunuously updaLed Sales, collecuons &
lnvenLory . 1hls lnformauon ls avallable aL Lhe ngerups.
! 1he SysLem helps Lo lmprove uS ueparLmenLs's resource plannlng by provldlng
beuer daLa access, fasLer daLa reLrleval, hlgher quallLy daLa.
! 1he SysLem helps ln lmprovlng emclency, boLh on Lhe cosL and ume. 1hls ls
achleved by avoldlng dupllcauons, repeuuons, delays, mlsslng records and
! SLorage of daLa ln a more sysLemauc and well organlzed manner whlch helps ln
reporL generauon and makes lL easy aL Lhe ume of audlLs.
Soluuon E 8eneLs...ConLd

roxS lnfocomm LlmlLed
Cround lloor
13 kannlah SLreeL
1 nagar
Chennal 600 017 lndla
L: lnfo[
1: +91 44 4330 2003
l: +91 44 4330 2009


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