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17 November 2004 No.


Application Numbers: GB 0422707.0 - GB 0423138.6 Publication Numbers: GB 2401523 - GB 2401766

The Patents & Designs Journal

An Executive Agency of the Department of Trade and Industry

17 November 2004

Patents and Designs Journal

This Journal is published weekly by the Patent Ofce under Rule 115 of the Patents Rules 1995 (as amended). Production Editor: Kurt Stephens, Publishing Section, The Patent Ofce, Concept House, Cardiff Road, Newport, South Wales NP10 8QQ Tel: +44(0)1633 814876 Electronic Typesetting: Xerox Document Imaging, Building 9/4, Vantage Point Business Village, Mitcheldean, Gloucestershire GL17 0DD Patent Ofce Contract PROC/005/93 Distributed by: Publication Warehouse, The Patent Ofce, Unit 6, Nine Mile Point, Cwmfelinfach, South Wales NP11 7HZ Tel: +44(0)1633 814000 Advertising: Landmark Publishing Services, 2 Windmill Street, London W1T 2HX Tel: +44(0)20 7692 9292 Fax: +44(0)20 7692 9393 e-mail: Subscriptions: The Patent Ofce (Sales), Concept House, Cardiff Road, Newport, South Wales NP10 8QQ Tel: +44(0)1633 813651 Fax: +44(0)1633 814850 Single sales: The Patent Ofce (Sales), Newport (see above) or Sales Counter, The Patent Ofce, Harmsworth House, 13-15 Bouverie Street, London EC4Y 8DP (for current and two preceding issues only) The Patent Ofce does not guarantee the accuracy of the contents, nor accept any responsibility for errors or omissions or their consequences. Permission to reproduce extracts from the Journal must be obtained from the Comptroller.

Crown Copyright 2004

17 November November 2004 2004 17

Patents and and Designs DesignsJournal JournalNo. No.6026 6026 Patents

* Indicates an Ofcial Notice which has not previously appeared in this Journal or which has been amended

Regular Notices Office-wide Central Enquiry Unit .........................................................................................i The Patent Office - London Front Office.........................................................ii Customer Service Standards ......................................................................... iii Complaints Procedure....................................................................................iv PATLIB UK Centres Patent Office 2004 Publications and Subscriptions .......................................ix Patent National Security ............................................................................................xi Filing of Patents and Registered Designs Documents by Post ...........................................................................................................xi UK Classification Key .................................................................................... xii Indexes Used in this Journal........................................................................ xiii Specifications on Sale in London ................................................................. xiii Special Notices Patent Christmas and the New Year Holiday* ........................................................ xiv British Library - Recent Aditions to the Library ............................................ xvi Requests for copies of priority documents relating to PCT applications .... xvii Announcement of the European Qualifying Examination 2005 .................. xvii New Patent Law ........................................................................................ xviii Search and Advisory Service........................................................................ xxi Advertisements ..................................................................................................... xxii Proceedings under the Patents Act 1977 Applications for Patents filed .................................................................. 5857 Applications terminated .......................................................................... 5869 Applications published Subject Matter Index ...................................................................... 5871 Number Index ................................................................................. 5887 Name Index .................................................................................... 5889 Patents Granted Number Index ................................................................................. 5900 Subject Matter Index ...................................................................... 5913 Name Index .................................................................................... 5914 European Patents Granted ...................................................................... 5923 Translations Filed .................................................................................... 5958 European Patents Void ............................................................................ 5963 European Patents Revoked ..................................................................... 5963 European Patents Ceased ....................................................................... 5964 European Patent Expired ......................................................................... 5966 UK Patents Ceased ................................................................................. 5967 UK Patents Expired ................................................................................. 5968 Other Proceedings under the Patents Act 1977 (Sections 13, 27, 28, 30, 30, 32, 46, 75, 89A(6), 117; Rule 110) ..........................................5969

Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026

17 November 2004

Contents - cont
Proceedings under EC Regulations 1768/92 and 1610/96 Supplementary Protection Certificates for Medicinal Products and Plant Protection Products, respectively ........................................................... 5974 Proceedings under the Registered Designs Act 1949 Certificates of Registration issued .......................................................... 5976 Designs extended ................................................................................... 5979

17 November 2004

Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026

Regular Notices
Central Enquiry Unit
Enquiry line: 08459 500505 National callers. All calls to this number are charged at local rate.

+441633 813930 International callers Text telephone: 08459 222250 The Central Enquiry Unit has installed a Minicom 7000 Plus telephone. The telephone has a keyboard and display screen which enables people who have hearing loss or speech impairment to communicate with the ofce by typing out their conversation on their text telephone rather than speaking. An operator from the Central Enquiry Unit will then type a response.

e-mail address: web site: Fax: +44(0)1633 813600

Opening hours: 09:00 to 17:00, Monday to Friday Public searches: The Central Enquiry Unit has a public trade mark search facility. This is available by appointment during Ofce Hours. To arrange an appointment please telephone 08459 500505. Address: The Patent Ofce, Concept House, Cardiff Road, Newport, South Wales NP10 8QQ

ii Regular Notices - cont

Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026

17 November 2004

Patent Ofce - London Front Ofce

The London Front Ofce (LFO) is located at Harmsworth House, 13-15 Bouverie Street, EC4Y 8DP. Tel: see below. Opening hours: Monday - Friday 09:00 - 17:00. Customer services currently available from the London Front Ofce include: document ling (facilities for 24 hour ling); facilities for the inspection of the statutory registers for patents, designs and trade marks; obtaining les and documents for inspection; supplying copy extracts from statutory registers and les; on-line trade mark search facilities; support for patents, designs and trade mark hearings held in Harmsworth House; supply of A specications for GB, EP, US and WO patents; sale of Ofce publications; supply of free promotional material on patents, designs, trademarks etc.; on site facilities to access the Patent Ofce web site and its links to other patent and trade mark ofces; small library of reference material including: Trade Mark Journals (from 1874), Community Trade Marks Bulletin from the Ofce for Harmonization in the Internal Market - Trade Marks and Designs (from March 1997) WIPO Gazette of International Marks (from June 1996) Manual of Patent Practice Trade Marks Registry Work Manuals Reports of Patent, Design and Trade Mark Cases (from 1876)

Payment of fees may be made in cash, by cheque, by debit or credit card (Visa, Master Card,American Express, Switch, Maestro and Solo), or by bank transfer. Regular customers may open a deposit account (and charge orders against this account). Further information on all aspects of LFO customer services is available from: Rob Wilson Ofce Manager Tel: +44(0)20 7596 6517 Les Yuill Deputy Manager Tel: +44(0)20 7596 6518 Jan Collins Supervisor Tel: +44(0)20 7596 6507

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Customer Service Standards

What service can you expect from us? Our aim is to administer the intellectual property legislation fairly and consistently. We believe it is important that you should know what you can expect from us and so we set specic standards for our dealings with you. Our guiding principles are that you may expect to: be treated fairly; be treated courteously; and get help from us with your application.

To achieve this we aim to do the following: publish details of all the applications for Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) we accept, and publish major decisions which lay down new principles or reinforce existing ones for the grant and protection of IPR; always explain and give reasons for our decisions and give you the chance to challenge them; be positive and helpful to you; and staff our enquiry points from 09:00 to 17:00

The standards, including the performance against them for the quarter April to June 2004 are set out below. Performance will continue to be monitored with the results updated quarterly.

See that vistors are met from reception and taken to their meeting within 10 minutes of the time of their appointment. Answer letters and faxes of general enquiry clearly within 5 working days of receipt or explain why not. Answer e-mails of general enquiry clearly within 5 working days of receipt or explain why not. Answer telephone calls promptly and ensure enquiries are dealt with courteously and professionally. The following reect the standards of service we will provide Provide clear information about our services.





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17 November 2004

Do all we can to make our services available to everyone, including those with special needs. Listen to your comments about our services and if problems occur ensure that steps are taken to prevent them happening again. If you wish to comment generally on performance against standards, or wish to suggest any other areas of the Ofce where standards might be established, please contact:Kath Gibbs Patent Ofce Room 3.R09 Concept House Cardiff Road Newport South Wales NP10 8QQ Tel: +44(0)1633 813775 Fax: +44(0)1633 814509 e-mail: You may also wish to know that there is a leaet available with details of the Customer Service Standards and the Complaints procedure. Copies are obtainable from Kath Gibbs (as above).

Complaints Procedure
The Patent Ofce is committed to providing high quality best value services. If things go wrong we want to know. If you wish to complain about the quality of service you have received from us and cannot resolve the problem with the person you have been dealing with or his/her manager, please write to: Ron Marchant Chief Executive The Patent Ofce PO Box 49 Cardiff Road Newport South Wales NP10 8YU e-mail: Your complaint will be acknowledged within one working day and you will receive a full reply within 10 working days. If, in exceptional circumstances, we cannot meet this target, we will explain why and give you a new deadline. If you have followed this procedure and are still not satised, you have the right to ask your MP to take up your complaint and our handling of it with the Parliamentary Commissioner for Administration (the Ombudsman). Your local Citizens Advice Bureau will give you

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Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026

the address of your MP. You may get further advice from the Ombudsmans ofce at: The Parliamentary Ombudsman Ofce of the Parliamentary Commissioner for Administration Millbank Tower Millbank London SW1P 4PU Helpline: +44(0)20 7217 4163 Fax: +44(0)20 7217 4160 e-mail: The Ofce has developed a leaet detailing all aspects of its complaints procedure: copies can be obtained by phoning our Central Enquiry Unit on 08459 500505.

vi Regular Notices - cont

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17 November 2004

(Patent Information Libraries (PIN))
The ofcial publications of the Patent Ofce may be consulted free of charge at the following addresses, each of which is a PATLIB UK centre: Aberdeen Business and Technical Department, Central Library, Rosemount Viaduct, Aberdeen, AB25 1GW Tel: +44(0)1224 652502/505 Fax:+44(0)1224 636811 e-mail: Belfast Patents Section, Central Library, Royal Avenue, Belfast, BT1 1EA Tel: +44(0)2890509150 Fax: +44(0)2890 332819 e-mail: Birmingham Business Insight Patents, Central Library, Chamberlain Square, Birmingham, B3 3HQ Tel: +44(0)121 303 4538 Fax: +44(0)121 233 4458 web site: Bristol The Learning Centre, Central Library, College Green, Bristol, BS1 5TL Tel: +44(0)117 903 7216 Fax: +44(0)117 903 7436 e-mail: Glasgow Patents Collection, Business Information, Mitchell Library, North Street, Glasgow, G3 7DN Tel: +44(0)141 287 2903/5 Fax: +44(0)141 287 2912 e-mail: Leeds Business & Patent Services, 3rd Floor Suite, Central Library, Municipal Buildings, Calverley Street, Leeds, LS1 3AB Tel: +44(0)113 2478266 Fax: +44(0)113 2478268 e-mail: web site:

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Liverpool Business and Technology Library, Central Library, William Brown Street L3 8EW Tel: +44(0)151 233 5835/6 Fax: +44(0)151 233 5886 e-mail: London The British Library 96 Euston Road, London NW1 2DB General enquiries: British, European and PCT patents: Tel: +44(0)20 7412 7919/7920 Fax: +44(0)20 7412 7480 Foreign patents: Tel: +44(0)20 7412 7901/7902 Fax: +44(0)20 7412 7480 e-mail: web site: Manchester Technical Library, Central Library, St Peters Square M2 5PD Tel: +44(0)161 234 1987 Fax: +44(0)161 237 5974 web site: Newcastle upon Tyne Patents Advice Centre, City Library, Princess Square NE99 1DX Tel: +44(0)191 277 4125 Fax: +44(0)191 277 4124 e-mail: web site: Plymouth Reference Dept, Central Library, Drake Circus PL4 8AL Tel: +44(0)1752 305906/7/8 Fax: +44(0)1752 305905 e-mail: web site: Portsmouth Central Library, Guildhall Square, Portsmouth, PO1 2DX Tel: +44(0)2392 688044 Fax: +44(0)2392 839855 e-mail: Shefeld Business and Technology Library, Central Library, Surrey Street S1 1XZ Tel: +44(0)114 273 4743/36/37 Fax: +44(0)114 273 5009 e-mail:

viii Regular Notices - cont

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17 November 2004

Swansea Patents Collections and Services Library and Information Services University of Wales,Swansea,Singleton Park,Swansea SA2 8PP,Wales. Tel: +44(0)1792 513259 Fax: +44(0)1792 295851

PATLIB is a registered trade mark of the EPO

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Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026


Patent Ofce 2004 Publications and Subscriptions

The prices shown are for UK rst class post unless indicated otherwise. Other prices, including for addresses outside the UK, are available on request from The Patent Ofce (Sales). PATENTS (pounds sterling)

Patents & Designs Journal on CD ROM Subscription (See Note 1) Quarterly CD Annual CD Patent Specications 1949 Act 1977 Act A (Applications) 1977 Act B (Granted Patents) Abstracts Subscriptions (See Note 2) Complete Key Classication Key per Unit Key amended parts and revised Documentation Records Catchwords Index U1S Catchwords Index UKC/IPC Concordance Documentation Records Name Index Divisional/Heading Allotment (second class postage within the UK) Manual of Patent Practice (Edn.5) Hearing Ofcers Manual (See Note 3) Litigation Section Manual (See Note 3) Patent Formalities Manual CD ROMS ESPACE-UK Subscription ESPACE ACCESS-EUROPE Subscription GLOBALPat Subscription TRADE MARKS (See Note 4) Printed List of Marks on CD ROM Subscription Weekly CD Quarterly CD Registry Work Manuals 160.00 70.00 165.00 300.00 12.50 15.00 9.00 6.00 8.00 9.00 99.00 17.50 170.00 70.00 70.00 95.00 300.00 115.00 150.00 70.00 40.00 2.86 2.86 4.21

x Regular Notices - cont

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17 November 2004

DESIGNS Designs in View Subscription Designs in View per Copy OTHER Reports of Patent, Design and Trade Mark Cases Subscription (See Note 5)

300.00 6.75 285.00

Further details of publications, including back numbers of Journals, CDs, RPCs, etc, are available from The Patent Ofce (Sales) (Tel:+44(0)1633 813651, Fax: +44(0)1633 814444, e-mail: Note: 1. An electronic version of the Patents & Designs Journal is available free on this web site. Production of the paper journal ceased on 1 January 2004. The first quarterly CD was made available on 1 April 2004 and will cover the Journal publications from January to March 2004. 2. Sale of abstracts discontinued from 1 January 2004. 3. The Hearing Officers Manual and Litigation Section Manual can be purchased together at a total cost of 120.00 (pounds sterling) for UK delivery addresses. 4. An electronic version of the Trade Marks Journal is available free on this web site. Production of the paper journal ceased on 1 January 2004. 5. This reflects the cost of a full years subscription from 1 January 2004. 1998 editions and onwards of RPCs are only available from Sweet and Maxwell, Customer Services, Cheriton House, North Way, Andover, Hants SP10 5BR (Tel: +44(0)1264 342899, Fax: +44(0)1264 347723). For further information regarding availability and prices of back issues prior to 1998, please contact The Patent Office (Sales).

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National Security
Attention is drawn to the provisions of section 23 of the Patents Act 1977 which provides that no application for a patent for ANY invention may be made abroad by a person resident in the United Kingdom, without permission from the comptroller, unless application for a patent for the same invention has first been made in the United Kingdom, and six weeks have elapsed from the date of such application and no directions prohibiting publication or communication have been given or all such directions have been cancelled. Requests for permission from the comptroller to make an application abroad should be made even if for example such an application is required by contract with a foreign firm. Requests will be facilitated by explicitly addressing them For attention in Room G.R70. Normally the written authority required by section 23 will be posted from Newport on the same day that the request is received. If this degree of urgency does not suffice a telephone enquiry should first be made to +44(0)1633 813558.

Filing of Patents and Registered Designs Documents by Post

Anything sent to the Patent Ofce under UK patents and registered designs law1 by posting in the United Kingdom is deemed to have been led when it would have been delivered in the ordinary course of post. In practice, this has generally meant that patents and registered designs documents sent through the Royal Mail could, if delayed, be given a ling date before their actual date of receipt. Supporting evidence is called for in some cases before the earlier date is granted. Schedule 8 of the Postal Services Act 2000, which came into force on 26 March 2001, makes clear that the use of the terms post, registered post, recorded delivery, and rst class post in legislation cannot be limited only to services provided by what it calls the Post Ofce company. As a result, the Patent Ofce now recognises as post any items delivered to it by any commercial service which undertakes to deliver mail in exchange for a fee. It follows that patents and registered designs documents sent by such commercial services can, if delayed, be deemed to have been led before the actual date of receipt. Enquiries about this notice, and requests for documents to be given a ling date earlier than the actual date of receipt, should be directed to Kerry Collings at the Patent Ofce Tel: +44(0)1633 814414 Fax: +44(0)1633 814444 e-mail:

The Patents Act 1977, Rule 97 of the Patents Rules 1995; The Registered Designs Act 1949, Rule 7 of the Registered Designs Rules 1995.

xii Regular Notices - cont

Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026

17 November 2004

UK Classication Key
1. Summary of changes effective from 1 January 2004. On 1 January 2004 certain parts of the Key were republished. These parts together with the unamended parts of Edition V collectively constitute Edition W. All parts are now available at Except where changes are printing error corrections, the republished parts comprise complete headings republished to reect changes of substance, eg new classifying and indexing terms. All pages of these headings carry the designation W as the rst part of the code at the bottom left hand corner. Where the changes are printing error corrections, only the changed page is republished. The rst part of the code at the bottom left hand corner is unchanged on these. These pages are distinguished form the earlier versions by the inclusion of (e) in the bottom righthand corner of the affected pages. In addition, the following pamphlets will be available:1) Notes on the use of the Classication Key; 2) Structure of the Classication Key; 3) Documentation Records; 4) Concordance between the UK Key and the IPC; 5) Heading U1S Universal Indexing Schedules for Use, Application, Utility and Property; 6) Catchwords Index to the Classication Key 7) Catchwords Index to Heading U1S. The Documentation Records pamphlet has been revised; the other publications remain unamended. 2.Prices A number of different packages will be available. For details see the Regular Notices section. 3. Classication Key changes operative from 1 January 2004 (Edition W) The following classication changes will be operative from Patent Specication 2377151 Heading B1X B5N C4P E1D E2F G1H H2E Detail Addition of classifying term Printing error correction - page 10 Addition of new classifying term to reduce deep indexing. Addition of new classifying terms Printing error corrections - page 4. Addition of references out to headings B8T and F2V Further detail classication

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Printing error correction - Page 2 Printing error correction - Page 3 Addition of clarifying notes and deletion of classifying terms overlapping with heading H3P Addition of new classication marks Further detail classication; Clarifying amendments.

Indexes Used in this Journal

The head notes to some of the indexes in this Journal include examples of entries appearing in the indexes. Where appropriate, component parts of the examples are preceded by a two-gure INID code (Internationally agreed Numbers for the Identication of bibliographic Data) and include two-letter country codes. The codes are those of standards ST9 and ST3 respectively of the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) and more details are given quarterly in this Journal in the rst issues in January, April, July and October. Where an entry includes a name, then the entry is formatted according to standard ST20 of WIPO. Details of this standard are also given quarterly in the Journal in the rst issues in January, April, July and October.

Specications on Sale in London

Current Specications available for sale at the London Front Ofce during the week commencing 17 November 2004 are in the range GB 2401019 - GB 2401766.


Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026

17 November 2004

Special Notices
Christmas and the New Year Holiday
The Patent Ofce The Patent Ofce will be closed for all classes of business on Monday and Tuesday 27th and 28th December 2004. It will also be closed on Monday 3rd January 2005. Filing of Documents by Hand The facility for ling documents (in sealed packages) on the non-business days at Concept House and Harmsworth House will not be affected. Filing of Documents by Facsimile Transmission The 24 hour service for receiving documents by fax will continue to be available over the Christmas and New Year period. However the fax back service for ling documents will only be available between the times shown below: Friday 24th December 2004 Monday 27th December 2004 Tuesday 28th December 2004 Wednesday 29th December 2004 Thursday 30th December 2004 Friday 31st December 2004 Monday 3rd January 2005 between 09:00 and 16:00 closed for business closed for business between 09:00 and 16:00 between 09:00 and 16:00 between 09:00 and 16:00 closed for business

The normal fax back service will resume from Tuesday 4th January 2005. If you have any enquiries regarding this notice please contact Kerry Collings on telephone number (01633) 814414 or by e-mail to Internet and Database Services These services will be available as usual throughout the holiday period. A and B specications A and B specications will be published as normal on Wednesday 22nd and Wednesday 29th December 2004. The Patents and Designs Journal The Patents and Designs Journal will be published as normal on Wednesday 22nd and Wednesday 29th December 2004.

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Search and Advisory Service This service will not be available from 16:00 Friday 24th until 09:00 Wednesday 29th December 2004 and from 16:00 on Friday 31st December 2004 to 9:00 Tuesday 4th January 2005. Central Enquiry Service This service will not be available from 16:00 Friday 24th until 09:00 Wednesday 29th December 2004 and from 16:00 on Friday 31st December 2004 to 9:00 Tuesday 4th January 2005. Switchboard Calls to the switchboard on non business days will be answered by a recorded message. British Library All Reading Rooms at St Pancras will be closed from Friday 24th to Tuesday 28th December 2004, inclusive, they will also be closed on Monday 3rd January 2005. Inter Departmental Van Service (IDS) The IDS van service between Concept House and Harmsworth House will not operate on Monday and Tuesday 27th and 28th December 2004 and on Monday 3rd January 2005.

xvi Special Notices - cont

Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026

17 November 2004

British Library - Recent Additions to the Library

The following transcripts of High Court Decisions have been received at the British Library. Plaintiff(s) & Defendant(s) Date of Hearing SRIS code No. 10th September 2004 C/108/04

(1) DSM Anti-Infectives BV & Another -and(1) Smithkline Beecham PLC & Another

(1) Halliburton Energy Services Inc, -and(1) Smith International (Norther Sea) Inc (2) Smith International Inc (3) Smith International Italia SPA

9th September 2004


(1) Peter Settelen (2) Chakra Productions Ltd -and(1) The Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis

16th September 2004


(1) Unilin Beheer BV -and(1) Berry Floor NV (2) Information Consultancy Ltd (t/a Responsive Designs and/or Tapis UK) (3) B & Q PLC

20th September 2004


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Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026


Requests for copies of priority documents relating to PCT applications

As part of our commitment to improving our services to customers, we have been testing a simplied procedure for requesting Certied Ofce Copies of priority documents for applications under the Patent Co-operation Treaty (PCT). We are pleased to announce that we are dispensing with the requirement for our PCT customers to le a Form 23/77 (in addition to the PCT application) when requesting the GB Receiving Ofce to prepare and transmit a certied copy of the GB priority application to WIPO. PCT Customers should continue to indicate their request for a copy of the priority application on Box VI of the PCT RO/101 form and complete the relevant details on the PCT fee sheet which should accompany the PCT application. This will allow staff at the UK Ofce to prepare and transmit the relevant priority document to WIPO along with the PCT application. This practice will take effect on all PCT applications led on or after 1 November 2004. Any enquiries about this notice should be directed to Linda Taylor, Room GY19, Concept House, Cardiff Road, Newport, South Wales, NP10 8QQ. Tel: +44(0)1633 814635 Fax: +44(0)1633 814444 e-mail:

Announcement of the European Qualifying Examination 2005

The next European Qualifying Examination will be held from 8 - 10 March 2005. Full information regarding the examination centres and conditions of enrolment has been published in the Ofcial Journal of the European Patent Ofce and can be accessed via this link: Newport Examination Centre Candidates may request to sit the examination at the UK Patent Ofce in Newport, South Wales. The adoption of Newport as an examination centre is conditional on at least 10 candidates enrolling there. However, it is expected that this number will be well exceeded. Candidates must indicate on their enrolment forms whether, in the event that Newport is not a centre, they would wish to sit the examination at Munich, The Hague or Berlin, or withdraw.

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17 November 2004

Times of Examination 08.03.2004 09.03.2004 10.03.2004 paper D I paper D II paper A paper B paper C 08:45 - 11:45 13:15 - 17:15 08:30 - 12:00 13:30 - 17:30 08:30 - 14:30

New Patent Law

DEREGULATION OF PATENTS LEGISLATION The Regulatory Reform (Patents) Order 2004 (SI 2004 No. 2357) The Patents (Amendment) Rules 2004 (SI 2004 No. 2358) The abovementioned Statutory Instruments will come into force on 1 January 2005 and will put into place the regulatory reforms that were proposed in A Consultation Document on the Deregulation of Patents Legislation on 25 February 2003. The progress of this project has been recorded, and is currently documented, on the Patent Ofce web site at: Objects These Statutory Instruments will introduce the following aspects of the Patent Law Treaty of the World Intellectual Property Organisation into UK patent legislation: the availability of reinstatement of terminated applications; the ability to make a declaration of priority after the date of ling of an application when that application is led within the 12 months period provided for that purpose by the Paris Convention; the ability to request permission to make a declaration of priority with respect to an application which is led outside the 12 months period provided for that purpose by the Paris Convention; more exible date-of-ling provisions: more exible application formalities; proper provision for extending periods specied by the comptroller; and more comprehensive notication of errors and omissions to users.

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The Regulatory Reform (Patents) Order 2004 will also: enable erroneous requests for withdrawal of applications for patents to be corrected; allow single signature transactions of patents (as items of personal property) in the UK outside Scotland, and in the Isle of Man; and allow restoration under section 28 where the owner of the patent can show that failure to pay the renewal fee in time was unintended.

Application Fee and Preliminary Examination The ling fee (set at nil since October 1998) will be formally abolished, and an application fee will be introduced. Subject to the operation of transitional provisions (for applications led before the new legislation comes into force) the application fee will be payable within a prescribed period after the date of ling, and the preliminary examination will be performed when the Patent Ofce receives the application fee. Forms The amended Rules will require the use of new Forms 3/77 (Late Additions and Declarations of Priority), 9A/77 (Request for Search), and 14/77 (Request to reinstate a patent application). The detailed contents of Forms 1/77 and 52/77 will also need to be revised to reect changes in the legislation. The style and content of all new and amended forms whose use is required by the amended rules will be set out in directions made by the comptroller under section 123(2A) of the Patents Act 1977 (as amended). A new non-mandatory Form AF1 (Application Fee for a Patent Application) will also be made available. Prototypes of the new and amended Forms can be accessed via a link from the abovementioned web address. Practical Advice Notes on use of the new provisions (including an explanation of the Forms to be used and the procedures to be followed) can also be accessed from the abovementioned web address. Consolidated Texts The amendments to both primary and secondary patent legislation are complex and extensive. For the benet of users the Patent Ofce has prepared unofcial consolidations of the texts of all the affected sections of the Act and Rules. These consolidations are available as links from the abovementioned URL.

xx Special Notices - cont

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17 November 2004

Contact Point Mr F G Miles, Senior Legal Adviser, Room 3Y54, Concept house, Cardiff Road, Newport, South Wales, NP10 8QQ. Fax: 01633 814491 E-mail:

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17 November 2004


PDJ 6026/2

PDJ 6026/3

PDJ 6026/1


Replies to Box Number Advertisements should be addressed with Number to Landmark Publishing Services, 2 Windmill Street, London W1T 2HX. Enquiries relating to advertising space should be addressed to Landmark Tel: 020 7692 9292. Fax: 020 7692 9393 (For statements in such advertisements the Government accepts no responsibility)

17 November 2004

Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026


Proceedings under the Patents Act 1977

Applications for Patents Filed
Application Number Range
GB0422707.0 - GB0423138.6 This index sets out details of applications for patents led in the application number range given above. The entries are arranged in alphabetical order according to the applicants name. Where there are joint applicants, then the entry under the name of the rst applicant sets out details of the application, including the names of the other applicants. The entries under the names of the other applicants are cross referenced to the entry for the rst applicant. Each entry in the index under the name of the (or the rst) applicant provides the following information: the name(s) of the applicant(s); the title of the invention; the ling date of the application; any priority details; and the application number allotted to the application. Where an application is requesting an early date under Section 8, 12,15(4), or 37 of the Act, then the ling date of the earlier application is included (see example 2). Where an application is derived from an application under the Patent Cooperation Treaty or is converted from a European Patent Application, then the application number, the publication number, and the date of ling of the PCT or EP application are included (see example 3). The application number includes, at its end, a check digit. The full application number, including the check digit, should be quoted in all correspondence concerning proceedings in respect of an application up to the grant of a patent. When the application is published under Section 16(1) of the Act, it will be accorded to a seven-gure serial number. This should be used only when seeking to identify printed copies of the specication and its abstract and to make enquiries concerning entries in the Register of Patents. These applications will not be available to the public for inspection or purchase until the date of publication under Section 16(1) of the Act. This date will be advertised in a subsequent issue of this Journal. Aarvold, Silas T School display board Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 Priorities: [GB0416137 19 Jul 2004] GB0422813.6 Accentus plc Method for assessing value of intellectual capital to a company Date Lodged: 16 Oct 2004 GB0423012.4 Process and plant for treating biomass Date Lodged: 18 Oct 2004 GB0423037.1 Hydrogen production Date Lodged: 18 Oct 2004 GB0423081.9 Access Technologies Limited Method and apparatus for securing an anchoring device Date Lodged: 18 Oct 2004 Priorities: [GB0402422 04 Feb 2004] GB0423054.6 Addex Pharmaceuticals SA Novel allosteric modulators Date Lodged: 13 Oct 2004 GB0422748.4 There follows three examples of entries for this index. The rst example shows an entry under the name of the rst applicant for an application having joint applicants, and includes an entry under the name of one of the other applicants. The second example shows an entry for a divisional application and includes priority details. The third example shows an application derived from a PCT application. Example 1 (71)Thorpe, John R, Dawson, Bryan and Prowse, David W (54)Trench Covering System (22)Date Lodged: 04 Mar 1989 (21)GB8905012.4 (71)Dawson, Bryan See Thorpe John R Example 2 (71)Hammer, Floyd V (54) Method of forming articles from a plastic material (22)Date Lodged: 06 Mar1989 [16Oct 1986](Parent ling date) Priorities: [(33)US (31)798886 (32)18Nov1985] (21)GB8905132.0 Example 3 (71)Kajima Corporation (54) Curtain wall (22)Date Lodged: 10 Jan 1989 [16Jun1987] (PCT ling date) (86)PCT Appl No: PCT/JP1987/000389 (87)PCT Pubn No: WO/1988/010345 (21)GB8900507.8

Advanced Bolting Solutions Ltd Expandable fastener forming uid tight seal Date Lodged: 18 Oct 2004 GB0423083.5 AES Engineering Limited Close coupled mechanical seal Date Lodged: 18 Oct 2004 GB0423087.6 Agilent Technologies, Inc. Probe apparatus and method therefor Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 GB0422818.5 Cursor control Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 Priorities: [US10689317 20 Oct 2003] GB0422870.6 A method and machine-readable medium for using matrices to automatically analze network events Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 [US10691619 24 Oct 2003] GB0422900.1

Processing apparatus and method of analysing datagrams Date Lodged: 19 Oct 2004 GB0423130.4 Ahmed, Shahood Voice conerting aid Date Lodged: 18 Oct 2004 GB0423080.1 Airbus UK Limited Fastener assembly Date Lodged: 18 Oct 2004 GB0423106.4 Ali, Rokib Adjustable blade for compass Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 GB0422778.1 Alner, David L and Blanchette, Paul J Wheelbarrows Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 GB0422821.9 Aloha Auto Industry Co Automobile door mirrors Date Lodged: 18 Oct 2004 Priorities: [TW92222602 22 Dec 2003] GB0423036.3 Alpha Fry Limited Solder alloy Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0422997.7

Applications for Patents - cont Anthropics Technology Limited Improvements relating to animation using a mobile telecommunications device Date Lodged: 13 Oct 2004 GB0422768.2 Arakis Ltd The treatment of inammatory disorders Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 GB0422880.5 Arbomedics Gmbh Automated and regulated device for in vitro expansion of adherent cells Date Lodged: 13 Oct 2004 GB0422734.4 Ares Trading S.A. Lipocalin protein Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 GB0422901.9 Protein Date Lodged: 18 Oct 2004 GB0423126.2 Argenta Discovery Limited Thiazole compounds Date Lodged: 13 Oct 2004 GB0422731.0 Arjo Wiggins Limited Sheet product for thermal printing Date Lodged: 18 Oct 2004 GB0423107.2 Arpi Matossian-Rogers Peptides Date Lodged: 18 Oct 2004 GB0423128.8 Associated Octel, The Company Limited Composition Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0422975.3 Astleford, John and Astleford, Sharon Drilling uid screening device Date Lodged: 16 Oct 2004 GB0423021.5 Astleford, Sharon See Astleford, John AstraZeneca AB Compounds Date Lodged: 16 Oct 2004 GB0423039.7 Chemical compounds Date Lodged: 16 Oct 2004 GB0423041.3 Chemical process Date Lodged: 16 Oct 2004 GB0423042.1 Compounds Date Lodged: 16 Oct 2004 GB0423043.9 Compounds Date Lodged: 16 Oct 2004 GB0423044.7 ATI Inc No title Date Lodged: 18 Oct 2004 [19 Mar 2003] PCT Appl No: PCT/US2003/008357 PCT Pubn No: Not Published GB0423111.4

Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026

17 November 2004

Autoliv Development AB Improvements in or relating to a side air-bag Date Lodged: 13 Oct 2004 GB0422740.1 Avon Polymer Products Limited Milking apparatus and method Date Lodged: 18 Oct 2004 GB0423132.0 Baglin, Niel E Buildings roof valley safety unit Date Lodged: 13 Oct 2004 GB0422713.8 Bailey, Darren J Disposable products Date Lodged: 13 Oct 2004 Priorities: [GB0403925 23 Feb 2004] GB0422726.0 Baker Hughes Incorporated Apparatus and method for treating the borehole wall and expanding a screen Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 [04 Apr 2003] PCT Appl No: PCT/US2003/010330 PCT Pubn No: WO2003/087533 Priorities: [US10118841 09 Apr 2002] GB0422892.0 A one trip drilling and casing cementing method Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 [04 Apr 2003] PCT Appl No: PCT/US2003/010324 PCT Pubn No: WO2003/087525 [US60370910 08 Apr 2002] GB0422894.6 Barron, Neil A Shelving apparatus Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 GB0422841.7 Basic Holdings Apparatus for producing an optical effect or for simulating res and simulated replaces including such apparatus Date Lodged: 13 Oct 2004 GB0422717.9 Bearbox Limited Secure access system Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 [25 Aug 2000] GB0422878.9 Bekaert Fencing Limited Fixing means Date Lodged: 13 Oct 2004 GB0422708.8 Berry, Mary M See Berry, Nicholas J Berry, Nicholas J and Berry, Mary M Insect screen Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0422945.6 Biocomposites Limited Surgical apparatus Date Lodged: 13 Oct 2004 GB0422710.4 Blackwood, Darren M Personal communication devices Date Lodged: 18 Oct 2004 Priorities: [GB0324325 17 Oct 2003] GB0423048.8

Blanchette, Paul J See Alner, David L BOC Group, The plc Conveying apparatus Date Lodged: 18 Oct 2004 GB0423101.5 Boots Company PLC, The Skincare composition Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0422918.3 Boots Healthcare International Limited Therapeutic agents Date Lodged: 19 Oct 2004 GB0423103.1 Boreas Consultants Limited Foundation structure Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 [19 Mar 2003] PCT Appl No: PCT/GB2003/001159 PCT Pubn No: WO2003/080939 Priorities: [GB0206569 20 Mar 2002] GB0422928.2 Bowater, Roy The skin tick destroyer Date Lodged: 17 Sep 2004 GB0423074.4 Brand, Antony Passengers and baggage in separate aircraft Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 GB0422815.1 Brightwake Limited Therapeutic compositions and devices Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0422917.5 Brooks, William G Fairing Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0422950.6 Brown, James E Apparatus for enabling a guitar student to practice ngering positions for scales, chords and arpeggios Date Lodged: 13 Oct 2004 GB0422729.4 Brunel University Method of processing a polymer coated substrate Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 GB0422869.8 Buchanan, John Deep seal Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 GB0422897.9 Burley, Joseph Customised golf club locations Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0422920.9 Butcher, Ian C Hedgefence Date Lodged: 18 Oct 2004 GB0423060.3 Camaxiom Ltd Nucleoside and nucleotide analogues and uses thereof Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0422879.7 Cambridge Display Technology Limited Organic transistor Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0423006.6 Can, Liang R See Gaunce, Paul

17 November 2004
Applications for Patents - cont Carson, John W Improved agronomic chemicals Date Lodged: 19 Oct 2004 GB0423125.4 Caudell, Martin J and Snell, Barry E Scaffolding apparatus and system Date Lodged: 18 Oct 2004 GB0423145.2 Cellbond Limited Crash barrier Date Lodged: 16 Oct 2004 GB0423028.0 Chami, George See Chami, Tevdos Chami, Tevdos and Chami, George Self adjustable pressure sheet Date Lodged: 16 Oct 2004 GB0423049.6 Chandler, T N Fusion-insitu Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0422924.1 Chen, Yu See Uniwill Computer Corp Choat, Alexander T C Spiral string-pull confection cone Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 GB0422811.0 Chown, Peter A C System for generating electrical power from renewable energy Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0422919.1 Chui, Kui M Image processing Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0422930.8 Ciphergrid Limited Remote database technique Date Lodged: 13 Oct 2004 GB0422750.0 Citrix Systems Inc Methods and systems for providing access to an application Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 [20 Mar 2003] PCT Appl No: PCT/US2003/008434 PCT Pubn No: WO2003/083676 Priorities: [US10104863 22 Mar 2002] GB0422889.6 Clark, David Apparatus and method for monitoring the usage status of an asset Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0422921.7 Clifford Packaging Limited Improvements in or relating to cartons Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0422906.8 Coen, Mary T A Teaching aid Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 Priorities: [GB0325228 29 Oct 2003] GB0422774.0 Collins, Clive and Collins, Heather "An improved method of controlling tungsten lighting within a bathroom or similar environment" Date Lodged: 16 Oct 2004 GB0423059.5 Collins, Heather See Collins, Clive Collins, John R See Collins, John W

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Collins, John W and Collins, John R Roong information indicating device Date Lodged: 19 Oct 2004 [14 Apr 2003] PCT Appl No: PCT/GB2003/001558 PCT Pubn No: WO2003/089196 Priorities: [GB0208541 13 Apr 2002] GB0423136.1 Conair Corporation Shower device with multiple movable arms Date Lodged: 13 Oct 2004 GB0422720.3 A detachable power supply apparatus Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 Priorities: [US10686498 15 Oct 2003] GB0422799.7 Hair Styling tool Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 [US10691131 22 Oct 2003] GB0422800.3 Touch control foot spa Date Lodged: 18 Oct 2004 [18 Apr 2003] PCT Appl No: PCT/US2003/012287 PCT Pubn No: WO2004/023959 [US60373545 18 Apr 2002] GB0423084.3 Conenor Oy Method of manufacturing a composite product and composite product Date Lodged: 13 Oct 2004 Priorities: [US10684498 15 Oct 2003] GB0422738.5 Connolly, Eliza A nappy kit package, and methods of production thereof Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 GB0422807.8 Contenur Espana S.L. Locking mechanism for urban refuse containers Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 Priorities: [ES200302345 16 Oct 2003] GB0422874.8 Cotron Corporation Bluetooth headset and bluetooth device connectable to audio equipment Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 Priorities: [TW93125997 30 Aug 2004] GB0422973.8 Courtney, William A Combined power and fresh water generator Date Lodged: 13 Oct 2004 GB0422747.6 Creighton, Simon J R Scaffolding tie Date Lodged: 16 Oct 2004 GB0423050.4 Scaffolding clip for sheet material Date Lodged: 16 Oct 2004 GB0423051.2 Cromar Limited Improvements to packaging nuts Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 GB0422856.5 CRP Group Limited Pipe assembly Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 GB0422782.3

CyBio AG Method for characterizing a highly parallelized liquid handling technique using microplates and test kit for carying out the method Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 [13 Mar 2003] PCT Appl No: PCT/DE2003/000834 PCT Pubn No: WO2003/079030 Priorities: [DE10212557 14 Mar 2002] GB0422895.3 Daly, Andrew S G An air, gas or uidcooled tendon and ligament support Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 [30 Oct 2002] GB0422905.0 Daniolabs Limited See Sosei Co Ltd Danisco A/S Enzymes Date Lodged: 18 Oct 2004 GB0423139.5 Data Security Limited Stationery Date Lodged: 18 Oct 2004 Priorities: [GB0324347 17 Oct 2003] [GB0326832 19 Nov 2003] GB0423069.4 Davies, Stephen P Digitized information distribution system and method Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0422984.5 Davison, William A clothing accessory Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0422965.4 Deary, Richard T See Deary, Trevor H Deary, Trevor H and Deary, Richard T Safety gunpowder measure Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0422915.9 Delphi Technologies, Inc. Brake pad Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0422909.2 Brake pad Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0422916.7 Denman, Philip An immobiliser for a vehicle wheel Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 GB0422845.8 Denso Corporation Living body information detection and display apparatus Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 Priorities: [JP2003389527 19 Nov 2003] GB0422974.6 Brazing method Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 [JP2003356866 16 Oct 2003] GB0422986.0 Derek Bull Associates Limited Folding wheeled chair Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0422967.0 Doyle, Robert Graphic display system Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0422952.2

Applications for Patents - cont Drug Discovery Laboratory AS Process Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0422987.8 Dunham, Adrian C See Searle, Christina MH Dwight Cavendish Systems Ltd Audio copy protection system Date Lodged: 13 Oct 2004 GB0422743.5 Dyson Technology Limited A vacuum cleaning head Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0422907.6 Eads Astrium GmbH Method for drift compensation with radar measurements with the aid of reference radar signals Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 Priorities: [DE10348621 15 Oct 2003] GB0422972.0 Easyshave Ltd Shaving mirror Date Lodged: 18 Oct 2004 GB0423061.1 Elam-T Limited Electroluminescent devices Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0422912.6 Electroluminescent devices Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0422913.4 Elopak Systems AG Improvements in or relating to packaging Date Lodged: 16 Oct 2004 GB0423045.4 Emmans, James A The degravitator Date Lodged: 18 Oct 2004 Priorities: [GB0405592 12 Mar 2004] [GB0403902 23 Feb 2004] [GB0407427 01 Apr 2004] GB0423058.7 Eni S.p.A and Tecnomare SpA Telemetry system for the bi-directional communication of data between a well point and a terminal unit situated on the surface Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 [28 Jan 2003] PCT Appl No: PCT/EP2003/000746 PCT Pubn No: WO2003/089760 Priorities: [ITMI2002A0853 22 Apr 2002] [ITMI2002A2331 04 Nov 2002] GB0422902.7 Enovate Systems Limited Improved ball valve Date Lodged: 16 Oct 2004 GB0423015.7 Blow out preventers Date Lodged: 16 Oct 2004 GB0423016.5

Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026

17 November 2004

Enventure Global Technology Isolation of subterranean zones Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 [23 Aug 2002] Priorities: [US09981916 18 Oct 2001] GB0422893.8 Esselte Cassette Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0423010.8 Ettridge, John P Snr Improvements in electric motors no 3 Date Lodged: 19 Oct 2004 GB0423089.2 euphotonics Ltd Apparatus for illuminating a zone of mammalian skin Date Lodged: 18 Oct 2004 Priorities: [GB0324254 16 Oct 2003] GB0423026.4 Europlacer Industries SAS "Apparatus and method of modular belt distribution of stick fed components" Date Lodged: 16 Oct 2004 GB0423024.9 Evans, David R and Jessop, John Bottle temperature control apparatus Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 GB0422792.2 Findlay, Graeme Lid handle Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0422944.9 Fisco Tools Limited Tape measure housing Date Lodged: 13 Oct 2004 GB0422760.9 Foley, John Nozzle Date Lodged: 16 Oct 2004 GB0423017.3 Ford Global Technologies Inc A transfer mechanism having a high-range and a low-range selection controlled through a coupler Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 Priorities: [US10706215 12 Nov 2003] GB0422737.7 Ford Global Technologies LLC A transmission and transfer case having an integrated lubrication system Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 Priorities: [US10706661 12 Nov 2003] GB0422736.9 Foster, Graham D See Jones, Stuart T Fox, Martin Connecting system for thinwalled tube Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 GB0422839.1 Franklin, Michael J B Security feature for banknotes Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0422942.3 Friesem, Tai See Krishna, Manoj

Gamesman Limited Push button assembly Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0422927.4 Push button assembly Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0422939.9 Gaunce, Paul and Can, Liang R Illuminated mirror support unit Date Lodged: 18 Oct 2004 GB0423109.8 Gayner, Matthew Air freshening device Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0422956.3 Gee Group Limited Temporary cabin Date Lodged: 18 Oct 2004 Priorities: [GB0324182 16 Oct 2003] GB0423063.7 Generics (UK) Limited Preparation of suspension aerosol formulations Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 GB0422816.9 Gerolimatos, Marc Cure burn cream Date Lodged: 19 Oct 2004 GB0423131.2 Gibbs Technologies Limited Amphibious vehicle Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0422954.8 Gillette Management Inc Powered safety razor systems Date Lodged: 18 Oct 2004 GB0423099.1 Givaudan SA Organic compounds Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 GB0423008.2 GKN Walterscheid GmbH Drive assembly Date Lodged: 19 Oct 2004 Priorities: [DE10349773 24 Oct 2003] GB0423141.1 Glaxo Group Limited Novel compounds Date Lodged: 13 Oct 2004 GB0422755.9 Novel compounds Date Lodged: 13 Oct 2004 GB0422757.5 Compounds Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0422995.1 Compounds Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0423000.9 Compounds Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0423001.7 Novel compounds Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0423005.8 Glaxo Group Ltd Novel compounds Date Lodged: 13 Oct 2004 GB0422765.8 Novel compounds Date Lodged: 13 Oct 2004 GB0422766.6

17 November 2004
Applications for Patents - cont Graham, Morton An illumination device Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 GB0422796.3 Green, Robin J Keyed chain Date Lodged: 18 Oct 2004 GB0423062.9 Grifth, John D Laparoscopic sewing device Date Lodged: 13 Oct 2004 GB0422714.6 Guti, Sohail Guti cycle concept Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 GB0422888.8 Haase, Richard A Water combustion technology-methods,processes,systems and apparatus for the combustion of hydrogen and oxygen Date Lodged: 13 Oct 2004 [10 Apr 2003] PCT Appl No: PCT/US2003/011250 PCT Pubn No: WO2003/087564 Priorities: [US60379587 10 May 2002] [US60447880 14 Feb 2003] [US60371768 11 Apr 2002] [US60404644 19 Aug 2002] GB0422749.2 Hamilton Acorn Limited and Ladbrook Manufacturing Limited A tment Date Lodged: 13 Oct 2004 GB0422711.2 Hammersmith IMANET Limited Method of determining tracer arrival delay Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0422991.0 Hattersley, Kenneth R A hinge assembly for folding stringed instruments Date Lodged: 18 Oct 2004 GB0423102.3 Health Protection Agency Containment system Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0422982.9 Henriksen, Johnny V The Henriksen bicycle indicator Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 GB0422891.2 Heraeus Noblelight Limited Pumping laser lamp and production method Date Lodged: 18 Oct 2004 GB0423096.7 Hesketh, Mark R and Poss Ltd Shaving device having multiple razor blades Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 GB0422814.4 Hewlett-Packard Development Company L.P. Pre-warming portions of an inkjet printhead Date Lodged: 13 Oct 2004 Priorities: [US10691311 22 Oct 2003] GB0422722.9

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Universal power supply for consumer appliances Date Lodged: 13 Oct 2004 [US10689369 20 Oct 2003] GB0422723.7 Fault-tolerant multi-core microprocessing Date Lodged: 13 Oct 2004 [US10690727 22 Oct 2003] GB0422724.5 Identifying performance affecting causes in a data storage system Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 GB0422823.5 Tape drive apparatus Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 GB0422828.4 Data privacy management system and method Date Lodged: 18 Oct 2004 [GB0410180 07 May 2004] GB0423030.6 Display device with greyscale capability Date Lodged: 18 Oct 2004 GB0423134.6 Hinkley, Adrian M See Tromans, Neil Hitachi Limited Display device having a circuit protection function Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 [01 Oct 2003] Priorities: [JP2003170182 16 Jun 2003] GB0422911.8 Display device having a circuit protection function Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 [01 Oct 2003] [JP2003170182 16 Jun 2003] GB0422914.2 Hitachi Ltd Projection-type image display apparatus Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 Priorities: [JP2003391622 21 Nov 2003] GB0422910.0 Hitachi Maxell Ltd Tape cartridge of compatible type Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 Priorities: [JP2003356217 16 Oct 2003] [JP2003381009 11 Nov 2003] GB0422968.8 Hitachi, Ltd Video display apparatus Date Lodged: 13 Oct 2004 Priorities: [JP2004140556 11 May 2004] GB0422762.5 Hornibrook, Adrian Improved connector Date Lodged: 16 Oct 2004 GB0423055.3 Horton, Evan A D Ground anchor Date Lodged: 13 Oct 2004 Priorities: [US60510790 13 Oct 2003] [GB0329209 17 Dec 2003] GB0422715.3

Hughes, Norman A Mooring rope release Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0422925.8 Hyosung Corporation Polytrimethylene terephthalate resin,method of producing the same,and polytrimethylene terephthalate ber produced using the same Date Lodged: 18 Oct 2004 Priorities: [KR2003093584 19 Dec 2003] GB0423090.0 I.P .Holdings L.L.C Methods for treating deodorizer distillate Date Lodged: 13 Oct 2004 [18 Mar 2003] PCT Appl No: PCT/US2003/008463 PCT Pubn No: WO2003/080778 Priorities: [US10100443 18 Mar 2002] GB0422769.0 ICT Limited Communications system Date Lodged: 19 Oct 2004 GB0423147.8 Imagine Broadband Limited Broadband communications Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 [26 Mar 2002] Priorities: [EP01480025 26 Mar 2001] [EP01401767 03 Jul 2001] [EP01401351 22 May 2001] GB0422868.0 IMI Norgren Limited Tube coupling Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0422964.7 Imperial Chemical Industries PLC A tinting machine system Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 GB0422787.2 Surfactant compounds Date Lodged: 18 Oct 2004 GB0423072.8 Imrie, Peter PIN security attachment Date Lodged: 18 Oct 2004 GB0423122.1 Industrial Dataloggers Limited See Stevens, Robin T A Innite Data Storage Ltd Improved data transfer device and method Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0422904.3 Infra Scientic Limited Improvements in and relating to viscosity measurement apparatus and methods Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0422959.7 Inpharmatica Limited Proteins Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0423002.5

Applications for Patents - cont Inter-K Pty Limited Methods and agents for the treatment of cancer Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 Priorities: [AU2003905726 17 Oct 2003] GB0422989.4 International Business Machines Corporation A method and system for archiving and retrieving a markup language document Date Lodged: 18 Oct 2004 Priorities: [US10696694 29 Oct 2003] GB0423027.2 Isis Innovation Limited Chemical patterning on substrate Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 GB0422875.5

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17 November 2004

Jones, Roy Improvements in or relating to ladders Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 [19 Mar 2003] PCT Appl No: PCT/GB2003/001191 PCT Pubn No: WO2003/080984 Priorities: [GB0206438 19 Mar 2002] GB0422923.3 Jones, Stuart T and Foster, Graham D Bottle carrier Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 GB0422832.6 Jordan Reectors Limited Luminaire Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 GB0422759.1 K U Leuven Research & Development Bioactive vitamin D analogues Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0422929.0 Method to speed up the response of a bent liquid curtain Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0422934.0 The preparation of porous materials and the use of said porous materials Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0422937.3 mRNA quantication Date Lodged: 18 Oct 2004 GB0423057.9 Bioactive vitamin d analogues Date Lodged: 19 Oct 2004 GB0423091.8 Kanto Kagaku Kabushiki Kaisha Culture medium for detecting enterococcus Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 Priorities: [JP2003370536 30 Oct 2003] GB0422926.6 Kantor, Marian Motorcycle calliper pliers Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 GB0422775.7 Karolinska Innovations AB Methods and means for inhibiting lipolysis Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 GB0422908.4 Kauders, Hermann and Kauders, Peter Improvement to vertical plant growing systems Date Lodged: 13 Oct 2004 Priorities: [GB0326736 31 Oct 2003] [AT17302003 31 Oct 2003] GB0422756.7 Kauders, Peter See Kauders, Hermann Kelleher, Antony M Ecological interconnecting combin S alpha-extomega-04080505AZ12214006 Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 GB0422833.4

J C Bamford Excavators Limited Reciprocating piston internal combustion engines Date Lodged: 19 Oct 2004 [29 May 2003] PCT Appl No: PCT/GB2003/002335 PCT Pubn No: WO2003/102388 Priorities: [GB0212588 30 May 2002] GB0423144.5 J D Theile GmbH & Co KG Link chain Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 Priorities: [DE0348491 18 Oct 2003] GB0422863.1 James, Lawrence C W Apparatus for assisting breathing through a persons nose Date Lodged: 13 Oct 2004 GB0422728.6 Jamieson, Alan RFID tag detector Date Lodged: 18 Oct 2004 GB0423067.8 JCB Compact Products Limited Working machine Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 GB0422791.4 Jessop, John See Evans, David R Jiang, Jin-Shen Foldable chair for bathroom Date Lodged: 16 Oct 2004 GB0423007.4 Jkid Limited A handheld unit Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0422941.5 Johnson Electric S.A. An electric toothbrush Date Lodged: 16 Oct 2004 GB0423040.5 Jones, Graham A Mobile concrete mixer Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0422896.1

Ko, Kuang-Tai Continuous buffer cabinet hinge structure Date Lodged: 13 Oct 2004 Priorities: [TW93206253 23 Apr 2004] GB0422789.8 Kokubo, Tadashi See Pentax Corporation Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. Variable focus lens Date Lodged: 18 Oct 2004 Priorities: [GB0404996 05 Mar 2004] GB0423009.0 Method and apparatus for analogue to digital conversion Date Lodged: 16 Oct 2004 GB0423011.6 Method for operating digital television networks,and apparatus therefor Date Lodged: 18 Oct 2004 GB0423086.8 Kraus, Peter E Butter spreader Date Lodged: 18 Oct 2004 GB0423066.0 Krishna, Manoj and Friesem, Tai Posterior spinal arthroplastydevelopment of a new posteriorly inserted artical disc and an articial facet joint Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0422963.9 Ladbrook Manufacturing Limited See Hamilton Acorn Limited Laing, David J Child safety seat Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 GB0422831.8 Laird Security Hardware Limited A leaf carrying a locking mechanism Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0422988.6 Lall, Sardool S Mixer tap conversion without the need for under unit plumbing changes Date Lodged: 18 Oct 2004 GB0423078.5 Lander Inventions Limited Apparatus for indicating the correct side of a road to drive on in a country Date Lodged: 13 Oct 2004 Priorities: [GB0324016 14 Oct 2003] GB0422727.8 Laura Metaal Eygelshoven BV Barrier element Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 [14 Apr 2003] PCT Appl No: PCT/EP2003/003925 PCT Pubn No: WO2003/087480 Priorities: [NL1020420 18 Apr 2002] GB0422848.2 Leadbitter, Raymond Hand tool Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 GB0422846.6 Hand tool Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 GB0422847.4

17 November 2004
Applications for Patents - cont Hand tool Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 GB0422849.0 Hand tool Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 GB0422850.8 Hand tool Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 GB0422851.6 Legrand and Legrand SNC Electrical device with rocker adapted to be immobilised Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 Priorities: [FR0312095 16 Oct 2003] GB0422871.4 Legrand SNC See Legrand Leica Microsystems Nussloch GmbH Cryostat having an intregrated staining station Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 Priorities: [DE20318093 22 Nov 2003] GB0422980.3 Cryostat having a heating plate Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 [DE20318094 22 Nov 2003] GB0422981.1 Lenighan, Tracy Programmable alert device Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0422957.1 Lingvitae AS Method Date Lodged: 13 Oct 2004 GB0422730.2 Method Date Lodged: 13 Oct 2004 GB0422732.8 Method Date Lodged: 13 Oct 2004 GB0422733.6 Method Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 GB0422881.3 Liversidge, Barry P Medical needle safety devices Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 GB0422810.2 Medical needle safety devices Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 GB0422812.8 Lotinga, Marcus S The rid tree Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0422949.8 Loveday, John Apparatus for limiting the ight of a ball Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0422793.0 M-I L L C Lost circulation additive for drilling uids Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 GB0422798.9 Magink Display Technologies, Inc Display apparatus Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 GB0422876.3

Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026


Magtech A S Load symmetrization with controllable inductor Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 GB0422867.2 Malvern Scientic Solutions Limited Switch arangement and method for effecting switching Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 GB0422827.6 Mangar International Limited Method and means for assisting a person to,into and out of a seat in a conned space Date Lodged: 18 Oct 2004 GB0423082.7 Manthatron-IP Limited Acting on a subject system Date Lodged: 18 Oct 2004 GB0423110.6 Marine Energy Solutions Ltd DC lighting systems Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 GB0422898.7 Massarella, Christopher Multifunction outdoor oven Date Lodged: 18 Oct 2004 GB0423073.6 Matheson Medical Limited Cannula apparatus Date Lodged: 16 Oct 2004 GB0423022.3 McDine, Roy N Bath lift Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 GB0422829.2 McKeaveney, Joseph Combined packaging and press for a bra Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 GB0422795.5 McKenna, Malachi C Switch box light Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 GB0422890.4 McSweeney, Peter J Improvements in or relating to waste disposal containers or bins Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0422999.3 MeadWestvaco Packaging Systems LLC Article carrier and blank therefor Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0422962.1 Meehan, Gerard M A mobile garment carrier for a shipping container Date Lodged: 11 Oct 2004 GB0422716.1 Menagh, William Learning aid Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 Priorities: [GB0324045 14 Oct 2003] GB0422781.5 Merilab,Inc. Vehicle wheel alignment by rotating vision sensor Date Lodged: 19 Oct 2004 [18 Apr 2003] PCT Appl No: PCT/US2003/012152 PCT Pubn No: WO2003/089876 Priorities: [US60373455 18 Apr 2002] GB0423118.9

Metryx Limited Apparatus and method for investigating semiconductor wafers Date Lodged: 18 Oct 2004 [29 Jun 2001] Priorities: [GB0016562 05 Jul 2000] GB0423092.6 Mf Refrigeration Ltd Cooling device Date Lodged: 18 Oct 2004 GB0423095.9 MFI UK Limited Connector arrangement for a panel Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 GB0422776.5 Microgen Energy Limited A magnet assembly for a linear electromechanical machine Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0422996.9 Micromass UK Limited Mass spectrometer Date Lodged: 13 Oct 2004 Priorities: [GB0404186 25 Feb 2004] [GB0324054 14 Oct 2003] [GB0406601 24 Mar 2004] GB0422770.8 Midtronics, Inc Apparatus and method for simulating a battery tester with a xed resistance load Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 Priorities: [US10705020 11 Nov 2003] GB0422992.8 Moorcroft, Baden L Carrying system Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0422990.2 Morris, George Modular-basket integrated dishwasher Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 GB0422826.8 Moss Products Plastics Limited A constructional component Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0422976.1 Motorola Inc Method and apparatus for predistortion training in an amplier utilizing predistortion Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 Priorities: [US60511969 16 Oct 2003] [US10958091 04 Oct 2004] GB0422993.6 Mowlabocus, Gorabye Multi account credit card Date Lodged: 16 Oct 2004 GB0423076.9 Mpathy Medical Devices Limited Surgical implant Date Lodged: 13 Oct 2004 [02 Apr 2002] Priorities: [GB0108088 30 Mar 2001] GB0422719.5 Murray, John N and Murray, Lee N Method of producing an image Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 GB0422882.1 Murray, Lee N See Murray, John N

Applications for Patents - cont Myles, Michael Deep water culture system the bubbler Date Lodged: 18 Oct 2004 GB0423075.1 National Coupling Company Inc Seal retainer with pressure energized metal seal members for undersea hydraulic coupling Date Lodged: 13 Oct 2004 Priorities: [US10689392 20 Oct 2003] GB0422752.6 Seal retainer with metal seal members for undersea hydraulic coupling Date Lodged: 13 Oct 2004 [US10689338 20 Oct 2003] GB0422753.4 National Institute for Biological Standards and Control Detoxication method Date Lodged: 13 Oct 2004 GB0422746.8 NEC Technologies (UK) Limited Mobile radio communications device and method of operation Date Lodged: 13 Oct 2004 GB0422739.3 Apparatus for determining the cleanliness of a lens of a digital camera Date Lodged: 13 Oct 2004 GB0422745.0 Neppco Limited Control of rotofoam moulding process Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0423129.6 Neville, Karl A Golf putter Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 GB0422885.4 Newman, Carl J See Newman, Ian J Newman, Henley J See Newman, Ian J Newman, Iain A See Newman, Ian J Newman, Ian J and Newman, Henley J and Newman, Iain A and Newman, Carl J Strip of material with seeds Date Lodged: 19 Oct 2004 GB0423124.7 Newman, Ian J and Newman, Henley J and Newman, Carl J and Newman, Iain A Grass seed package Date Lodged: 19 Oct 2004 GB0423127.0 Nissan Technical Centre Europe Ltd Improvements in or relating to vehicle child seats Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 Priorities: [GB0324395 17 Oct 2003] GB0422931.6 Vehicle child seat assembly Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 [GB0324395 17 Oct 2003] [GB0327769 29 Nov 2003] GB0422938.1

Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026

17 November 2004

Nixon, Philip An improved furniture raiser Date Lodged: 16 Oct 2004 GB0423020.7 Nokia Corporation Communications network Date Lodged: 13 Oct 2004 GB0422836.7 Normington, Peter Intrinsic impedance power splitter Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0422887.0 Nott, Peter T M See Renton, Julian E Novartis AG Organic compounds Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 GB0422899.5 O'Malley, Gerard A Hygroscopic viscoelastic foam mattress Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 GB0422857.3 O'Neil, Michael J "An improved endotracheal tube" Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 GB0422809.4 Obadan, Glopet The peak chair Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 GB0422783.1 Ollis, William H Masonry anchor and method for installing a masonry anchor Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 [20 Dec 2001] Priorities: [GB0031230 21 Dec 2000] [GB0112258 21 May 2001] GB0422922.5 Oracle International Corporation Data retrieval method Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0422979.5 Oxford Biosensors Limited Voltammetric ion sensor Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0423025.6 Park, Tony S Inside out bolt Date Lodged: 16 Oct 2004 GB0423014.0 Parkingeye Ltd Autonomous monitoring + tracking of vehicles in car parking spaces to enforce payment and time regulations Date Lodged: 18 Oct 2004 GB0423077.7 Paston, Tanya Y Water disinfection apparatus and method Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 GB0422773.2 Payne, Carole A Half turn lever operated pinch valve Date Lodged: 18 Oct 2004 Priorities: [ZW012004 27 Jan 2004] GB0423112.2

Pentax Corporation and Kokubo, Tadashi CaO-MgO-SiO2-based bioactive glass and sintered calcium phosphate glass using same Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 Priorities: [JP2003354023 14 Oct 2003] GB0422872.2 Perrett, Ian F E Dual ank drive open end wrench Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0422883.9 PictureTel Corporation Media role management in a video conferencing network Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 [24 Apr 2001] Priorities: [US09556359 24 Apr 2000] GB0422947.2 Pilkington Automotive Limited and Pilkington plc Solar control glazing Date Lodged: 18 Oct 2004 GB0423085.0 Pilkington plc Improvements in and relating to crack detectors Date Lodged: 16 Oct 2004 GB0423033.0 and See Pilkington Automotive Limited Plantech INC Airborne seedling and/or plantlet planting devcie Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 GB0422886.2 Poduval, Raj Hair tonic dispenser and scalp massager Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 GB0422834.2 Polymer Sciences Ltd Removal of moulded parts Date Lodged: 18 Oct 2004 GB0422966.2 Poss Ltd See Hesketh, Mark R Protensive Limited Spining disc reactor with cross-ow ltration or solvation Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0422855.7 Purton, Ellen M Baby blanket Date Lodged: 18 Oct 2004 GB0423070.2

QinetiQ Email system Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0422860.7 Email system Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0422940.7 QinetiQ Limited Optical correlation apparatus and method Date Lodged: 18 Oct 2004 GB0423093.4

17 November 2004
Applications for Patents - cont Quester Tangent Corporation Compensation of sonar image data primarily for seabed classication Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 [31 May 2002] PCT Appl No: PCT/CA2002/000802 PCT Pubn No: WO2003/093868 Priorities: [US60377155 01 May 2002] GB0422843.3 Resampling sonar echo time series primarily for seabed sediment classication Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 [31 May 2002] PCT Appl No: PCT/CA2002/000803 PCT Pubn No: WO2003/102624 GB0422844.1 Rampdoors Limited Access apparatus Date Lodged: 19 Oct 2004 GB0423143.7 Ramsay, Jean-Rock Adjustable roof ventilator base Date Lodged: 18 Oct 2004 GB0423065.2 Ramsey, Gower M C and Ramsey, Miriam J Hand-held dispensing apparatus Date Lodged: 18 Oct 2004 GB0423133.8 Ramsey, Miriam J See Ramsey, Gower MC Raune, Loraine A Apparatus Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 GB0422840.9 Renton, Julian E and Nott, Peter T M Personal height rescue apparatus Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 Priorities: [GB0410957 15 May 2004] GB0422835.9 Robert Bosch GmbH Fuel injector nozzle with pressurized needle valve assembly Date Lodged: 13 Oct 2004 [11 Apr 2003] PCT Appl No: PCT/US2003/011295 PCT Pubn No: WO2003/089783 Priorities: [US10126811 19 Apr 2002] GB0422709.6 Auxiliary handle Date Lodged: 13 Oct 2004 [DE10347944 15 Oct 2003] GB0422741.9 Auxiliary handle Date Lodged: 13 Oct 2004 [DE10347945 15 Oct 2003] GB0422742.7 Plate insert for a grinding plate of a hand-operated electric grinding tool Date Lodged: 13 Oct 2004 [DE10348930 18 Oct 2003] GB0422744.3

Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026


Hand-held grinding tool Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 [DE10349275 20 Oct 2003] GB0422970.4 Device comprising a coplanar line Date Lodged: 18 Oct 2004 [DE10350033 27 Oct 2003] GB0423034.8 Gear pump Date Lodged: 18 Oct 2004 [DE10355214 26 Nov 2003] GB0423035.5 Roberts, Mansell Ball game apparatus Date Lodged: 13 Oct 2004 GB0422830.0 Roberts, Neville Toilet-roll multidispenser Date Lodged: 16 Oct 2004 GB0423053.8 Robertson, Daniel S The use of the castner reaction for hydrogen fuel production Date Lodged: 13 Oct 2004 GB0422707.0 Robinson, Nigel See Walker, Debra Rolls-Royce plc Anti-icing system Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 GB0422864.9 A combustion device Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 GB0422865.6 Retaining washer for threaded fasteners Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 GB0422866.4 Electrical control systems Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0422951.4 A sealing arrangement Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0423056.1 Satake Corporation A sieve frame Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 GB0422820.1 Savage, William N Rodent trap coverguard Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0422935.7 Schlumberger Holdings Limited Apparatus and methods for determining isotropic and anisotropic formation resistivity in the presence of invasion Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 Priorities: [US60514720 27 Oct 2003] [US10707813 14 Jan 2004] GB0422772.4 Telemetry downhole system and method Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 [US10605730 22 Oct 2003] GB0422779.9

Scientic Generics Limited Structural error correction of biometric feature sets Date Lodged: 18 Oct 2004 GB0423104.9 Scott, Christopher Eco-washer plate Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 GB0422824.3 Searle, Christina M H and Dunham, Adrian C Headrest Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0422854.0 Secretary of State for the Home Department, The Improvements in and relating to identier comparison Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 GB0422784.9 Improvements in and relating to identier comparison Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 GB0422785.6 Improvements in and relating to identier investigation Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 GB0422786.4 See, Brian Aircraft Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 Priorities: [GB0416570 24 Jul 2004] GB0422838.3 Sentec Ltd Conditioning of electrodes in a novel low-power magnetic ow meter Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 GB0422801.1 Optimum selection and treatment of materials in a novel low power magnetic ow meter Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 GB0422802.9 Improved electrode designs for a novel low-power magnetic ow meter Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 GB0422803.7 Methods for synchronous detection in the presence of dc offset Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 GB0422804.5 Flow tube for magnetic ow meter Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 GB0422805.2 Remanent eld generator drive circuit Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 GB0422806.0 Demodulation and drift compensation Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 GB0422808.6 Siemens Aktiengesellschaft Telecommunications apparatus Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0422933.2 Silvertown U.K. Limited Bladder Date Lodged: 19 Oct 2004 GB0423137.9

Applications for Patents - cont Simon Corrugating Machinery Ltd Heat transfer system Date Lodged: 16 Oct 2004 GB0423068.6 Snell, Barry E See Caudell, Martin J Software 2000 Ltd Bit mask generation system Date Lodged: 18 Oct 2004 GB0423105.6 Solar and Wind Applications Ltd Energy window blind Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 GB0422817.7 Solinst Canada Limited Inatabledeatable borehole packer Date Lodged: 13 Oct 2004 GB0422718.7 Sony United Kingdom Limited Storage of content data in a peer-to-peer network Date Lodged: 18 Oct 2004 GB0423100.7 Sosei Co Ltd and Daniolabs Limited Compounds for use in therapy Date Lodged: 18 Oct 2004 GB0423117.1 Sphere Medical Limited Monitor Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0423004.1 Sportsfactory Consulting Limited Dispenser Date Lodged: 16 Oct 2004 GB0423018.1 Staley, Cyril Additional anti-theft protection utilising a vehicle's alarm system Date Lodged: 16 Oct 2004 GB0423113.0 Stanelco RF Technologies Ltd Product packaging Date Lodged: 16 Oct 2004 GB0423013.2 Statsmachine Limited Golf data recordal and analysis Date Lodged: 19 Oct 2004 GB0423148.6 Steelhead Systems Ltd Improvements relating to control of remote applications Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0422985.2 Stephenson, Alan Filler materials for lling holes in walls Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 Priorities: [GB0324198 15 Oct 2003] [GB0324197 15 Oct 2003] GB0422852.4 Repairing drywall damage, with reinstatement of anchor as required Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 [GB0324199 15 Oct 2003] GB0422853.2

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17 November 2004

Stevens, Robin T A and Industrial Dataloggers Limited Game controller Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 GB0422837.5 Stewart, Douglas L Fence connection apparatus and method Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0422932.4 Stoffer, Anne A bra Date Lodged: 18 Oct 2004 GB0423119.7 Structural Systems (UK) Ltd Shearhead Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0422948.0 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Apparatus and method for asynchronously sending data Date Lodged: 13 Oct 2004 Priorities: [US60516989 01 Nov 2003] [US10927285 25 Aug 2004] GB0422763.3 Method and apparatus for using one or more visual effects in a 3-dimensional display environment Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 [US10713847 13 Nov 2003] GB0422903.5 Sunplus Technology Co Limited Device and method of applying a parity to encrypt data for protection Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 GB0422842.5 Sunrise Medical Limited Lifting sling Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 GB0422758.3 Attachment device Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 GB0422790.6 Supreme Plastics Holdings Limited Reclosable fasteners Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 [14 Apr 2003] PCT Appl No: PCT/GB2003/001571 PCT Pubn No: WO2003/089320 Priorities: [GB0208522 13 Apr 2002] GB0422780.7 SweTree Technologies AB Methods for improving tree growth and wood properties Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0422977.9 Methods for increasing plant growth Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0422978.7 Tatung Co Ltd Rack for tablet PC Date Lodged: 19 Oct 2004 Priorities: [TW092220478 19 Nov 2003] GB0423135.3

Techtronic Industries Company Limited Upright-type vacuum cleaners Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0422955.5 Tecnomare SpA See Eni S.p.A Telefonaktiebolaget L M Ericsson (publ) A method for providing a communications network subscriber with an anonymous temporary subscriber identity and a dual anonymous communication system Date Lodged: 18 Oct 2004 [28 Feb 2003] PCT Appl No: PCT/FI2003/000147 PCT Pubn No: WO2003/094475 Priorities: [FI20020818 30 Apr 2002] GB0423116.3 Thompson, Frank The onboard baby seat Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0422953.0 Thompson, Raymond B Trestles Date Lodged: 13 Oct 2004 GB0422712.0 Thomson, David J Bearing press support adaptor Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 [20 Mar 2003] PCT Appl No: PCT/AU2003/000338 PCT Pubn No: WO2003/091011 Priorities: [AUPS1945 26 Apr 2002] GB0422873.0 Todd, Terry Screw and nail holder Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 GB0422822.7 Tolley, Dudley R C Rosalind propulsion Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0422943.1 Hannah energy Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0422946.4 Tomlinson, Andrew D See Tomlinson, Martin J Tomlinson, Martin J and Tomlinson, Andrew D Improvements to constructing sub-surface chambers within highways Date Lodged: 16 Oct 2004 GB0423023.1 Toshiba Research Europe Limited Data transmission links Date Lodged: 18 Oct 2004 [17 Jan 2002] GB0423098.3 Townsend, A E Serrated letter box wedge Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0422971.2 Toytower Limited A storage systerm Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0422936.5

17 November 2004
Applications for Patents - cont Trikon Technologies Limited Porous dielectric lms with a non-porous surface Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 [10 Jun 2003] PCT Appl No: PCT/GB2003/002494 PCT Pubn No: WO2003/107411 Priorities: [GB0213888 18 Jun 2002] [GB0213708 14 Jun 2002] [US60392057 28 Jun 2002] GB0422825.0 Methods and apparatus for sputtering Date Lodged: 16 Oct 2004 GB0423032.2 Tristel Company, The Limited NO TITLE Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 [23 Jul 2004] PCT Appl No: PCT/GB2004/003203 PCT Pubn No: Not Published GB0422862.3 Trojan Services Limited Improvements in and relating to trunking Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0422958.9 Tromans, Neil and Hinkley, Adrian M Siphonic dual ush system Date Lodged: 16 Oct 2004 GB0422994.4 TT electronics plc A connector and cable assembly for a power distribution system Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0422969.6 TTPCom Limited Interrupt control Date Lodged: 18 Oct 2004 GB0423094.2 Tyco Electronics Raychem nv Cooling means for a casing Date Lodged: 19 Oct 2004 GB0423121.3 Unique Product & Design Co, Ltd. Front wheel adjusting device for a golf cart Date Lodged: 18 Oct 2004 Priorities: [DE202004005732 08 Apr 2004] GB0423038.9 University Court of the University of Glasgow Bioactive polymers Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 GB0422877.1 University of Durham Fluid reactor Date Lodged: 18 Oct 2004 [09 May 2003] PCT Appl No: PCT/GB2003/001993 PCT Pubn No: WO2003/095086 Priorities: [GB0210809 11 May 2002] GB0423031.4 University of Leeds, The Screening method for agents capable of reversing fusidic acid resistance in bacteria Date Lodged: 19 Oct 2004 GB0423140.3

Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026


University of Manchester, The Electronic device Date Lodged: 16 Oct 2004 GB0423046.2 Electronic device Date Lodged: 16 Oct 2004 GB0423047.0 University of Paisley, The Improvements in and relating to database technology Date Lodged: 19 Oct 2004 GB0423146.0 University of Southampton Process Date Lodged: 18 Oct 2004 GB0423114.8 University of Wales College of Medicine Virus detection method,primers therefor and screening kit Date Lodged: 19 Oct 2004 GB0423138.7 University Of York, The Wax biosynthesis Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 GB0422797.1 Uniwill Computer Corp and Chen, Yu Multiplex transmission device nad system Date Lodged: 13 Oct 2004 Priorities: [TW093116905 11 Jun 2004] GB0422788.0 Vallid Limited Improvements in drip free valves Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 GB0422721.1 Venner Capital S A A medical device Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0422983.7 Vetco Gray Inc Hydro-pneumatic tensioner with stiffness altering secondary accumulator Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 Priorities: [US10685681 15 Oct 2003] GB0422861.5 Victorinox AG Pocket tool Date Lodged: 13 Oct 2004 Priorities: [AT16502003 17 Oct 2003] GB0422725.2 Vigna, Ron Method and apparatus for impairing the formation of digital images Date Lodged: 13 Oct 2004 Priorities: [GB0419756 07 Sep 2004] GB0422771.6 Visteon Global Technologies, Inc. Electromechanical valve actuator assembly Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 Priorities: [US60510988 14 Oct 2003] GB0422761.7

Walker, Debra and Robinson, Nigel Photo/animated ip book Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0422858.1 Way to Win, The Limited A seat portion for a seat Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0423003.3 Way, Christopher Goal for a ball game Date Lodged: 18 Oct 2004 GB0423108.0 Weedall, Raymond See Weedall, Tom Weedall, Tom and Weedall, Raymond Fishing bait Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 GB0422794.8 Wele, Paul G Cosmetic kit and method Date Lodged: 16 Oct 2004 GB0423019.9 Whear, Robert C Moulded plastic rim guard with pouring device and brush wipe Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 Priorities: [GB0400832 15 Jan 2004] GB0422819.3 Wigley, Victor J Improvements to building construction Date Lodged: 18 Oct 2004 GB0423064.5 Williams, Anne Present mystery box Date Lodged: 18 Oct 2004 GB0423123.9 Willis, Martin Convertible wheelchair and separate lift module for connecting to and elevating the wheelchair Date Lodged: 18 Oct 2004 [07 Apr 2003] PCT Appl No: PCT/US2003/010582 PCT Pubn No: WO2003/086261 Priorities: [US10120041 10 Apr 2002] GB0423029.8 Winsor, Allan A frequency independent reference power meter Date Lodged: 19 Oct 2004 GB0423120.5 Wolfson Microelectronics Limited Improved audio processing Date Lodged: 18 Oct 2004 GB0423097.5 Wonderland Nurserygoods Co Ltd Strap-adjusting device Date Lodged: 18 Oct 2004 GB0423142.9 Wood, Anthony M A novel shape of cast node joint, for use in the support structures of heavily loaded monotowers, installed offshore, and particularly those for supporting Date Lodged: 16 Oct 2004 GB0423052.0

Applications for Patents - cont World Properties, Inc. Electrically conductive polymeric foams and elastomers and methods of manufacture therof Date Lodged: 13 Oct 2004 [01 Apr 2003] PCT Appl No: PCT/US2003/009955 PCT Pubn No: WO2003/085681 Priorities: [US60369463 01 Apr 2002] GB0422764.1 Flame retardant polyurethane composition and method of manufacture thereof Date Lodged: 13 Oct 2004 [25 Apr 2002] PCT Appl No: PCT/US2002/013136 PCT Pubn No: WO2003/091308 GB0422767.4 Wright, Carol A Cleaning & maintenance systems Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0422859.9 X-Fab Semiconductor Foundries AG Improvements in bipolar transistors Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 GB0422754.2 Zarlink Semiconductor Limited Tuner Date Lodged: 18 Oct 2004 GB0423079.3 Zi Medical PLC Syringe driver monitoring means Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0422884.7 ZOOtech Limited Copy deterrent for an audiovisual product Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0422960.5 Watermarking in an audiovisual product Date Lodged: 15 Oct 2004 GB0422961.3 3Com Corporation Data storage and matching employing words wider than content addressable memory Date Lodged: 14 Oct 2004 GB0422777.3

Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026

17 November 2004

ADDENDA QinetiQ Electromagnetic radiation absorber Date Lodged: 18 Dec 2003 GB0329234.9

17 November 2004

Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026


Applications terminated before Publication under Section 16(1)

This index lists, according to the year of application and in ascending number order within each year, applications which have been withdrawn, taken to be withdrawn, treated as having been withdrawn, refused, or treated as having been refused, before publication under Section 16(1).

This index lists applications according to the year of application and in ascending application number order within each year GB8426235.1 GB8525104.9 GB8628553.3 GB0011005.6 GB0300975.0 GB0302179.7 GB0303789.2 GB0304555.6 GB0307385.5 GB0308598.2 GB0308647.7 GB0308653.5 GB0308816.8 GB0308895.2 GB0308933.1 GB0309219.4 GB0309246.7 GB0309256.6 GB0309267.3 GB0309311.9 GB0309341.6 GB0309342.4 GB0309343.2 GB0309390.3 GB0309393.7 GB0309396.0 GB0309506.4 GB0309507.2 GB0309616.1 GB0309637.7 GB0309705.2 GB0309798.7 GB0309944.7 GB0309946.2 GB0310017.9 GB0310052.6 GB0310056.7 GB0310057.5 GB0310060.9 GB0310096.3 GB0310232.4 GB0310234.0 GB0311182.0 GB0311631.6 GB0311632.4 GB0311633.2 GB0311638.1 GB0311640.7 GB0311837.9 GB0312050.8 GB0312421.1 GB0316274.0 GB0316379.7 GB0316385.4 GB0316470.4 GB0316481.1 GB0316482.9 GB0316568.5 GB0316569.3 GB0316582.6 GB0316674.1 GB0316881.2 GB0316970.3 GB0317182.4 GB0317288.9 GB0317571.8 GB0317579.1 GB0317580.9 GB0317846.4 GB0317856.3 GB0317858.9 GB0317859.7 GB0317949.6 GB0317950.4 GB0317957.9 GB0317961.1 GB0318047.8 GB0318051.0 GB0318054.4 GB0318155.9 GB0318156.7 GB0318157.5 GB0318276.3 GB0318351.4 GB0318363.9 GB0318383.7 GB0318388.6 GB0318395.1 GB0318454.6 GB0318459.5 GB0318485.0 GB0318498.3 GB0318548.5 GB0318584.0 GB0318600.4 GB0318637.6 GB0318639.2 GB0318652.5 GB0318661.6 GB0318662.4 GB0318663.2 GB0318677.2 GB0318683.0 GB0318686.3 GB0318688.9 GB0318698.8 GB0318729.1 GB0318746.5 GB0318786.1 GB0318790.3 GB0318849.7 GB0318853.9 GB0318859.6 GB0318860.4 GB0319389.3 GB0319401.6 GB0319407.3 GB0319410.7 GB0319461.0 GB0319467.7 GB0319473.5 GB0319489.1 GB0319490.9 GB0319504.7 GB0319506.2 GB0319508.8 GB0319514.6 GB0319516.1 GB0319597.1 GB0319604.5 GB0319615.1 GB0319696.1 GB0319698.7 GB0319702.7 GB0319708.4 GB0319709.2 GB0319710.0 GB0319723.3 GB0319759.7 GB0319760.5 GB0319767.0 GB0319773.8 GB0319789.4 GB0319791.0 GB0319795.1 GB0319812.4 GB0319820.7 GB0319854.6 GB0319856.1 GB0319857.9 GB0319872.8 GB0319874.4 GB0319875.1 GB0319907.2 GB0319917.1 GB0319921.3 GB0320129.0 GB0321160.4 GB0321227.1 GB0321743.7 GB0322069.6 GB0322180.1 GB0322591.9 GB0322748.5 GB0323206.3 GB0323372.3 GB0323502.5 GB0323520.7 GB0323567.8 GB0323627.0 GB0323656.9 GB0323724.5 GB0323825.0 GB0324016.5 GB0324199.9 GB0324374.8 GB0324452.2 GB0324562.8 GB0324751.7 GB0324784.8 GB0324857.2 GB0324978.6 GB0325228.5 GB0325294.7 GB0325347.3 GB0325501.5 GB0326302.7 GB0326603.8 GB0327779.5 GB0327971.8 GB0329230.7 GB0329296.8 GB0400518.7 GB0402110.1 GB0402114.3 GB0402115.0 GB0402144.0 GB0402145.7 GB0407427.4 GB0410361.0 GB0412812.0 GB0414002.6 GB0414154.5 GB0418170.7 GB0419576.4

Application number GB0329438.6 previously announced as terminated in journal number 6018 on the 22/09/2004 has been reinstated under the provisions of r.110(4).


Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026

17 November 2004

Applications terminated after Publication under Section 16(1)

This index lists, according to the year of application and in ascending application number within each year, applications which have been withdrawn, treated as having been withdrawn, refused, or treated as having been refused, after publication under Section 16(1). Alongside each application is the related publication number.

GB9924794.2 GB9925676.0 GB9927595.0 GB9927872.3 GB0004219.2 GB0004235.8 GB0004256.4 GB0004339.8 GB0004342.2 GB0004379.4 GB0004411.5 GB0004449.5 GB0004475.0 GB0004497.4 GB0004565.8 GB0004625.0 GB0004861.1 GB0004871.0 GB0016755.1 GB0019430.8 GB0025253.6 GB0030312.3 GB0102968.5 GB0102990.9 GB0104724.0 GB0104727.3 GB0104851.1 GB0125416.8 GB0213053.2 GB0216695.7 GB0216986.0 GB0217102.3 GB0217119.7 GB0217184.1 GB0217229.4 GB0217264.1 GB0217324.3 GB0217333.4 GB0217387.0 GB0217397.9 GB0217425.8 GB0217435.7 GB0217456.3 GB0217515.6 GB0217559.4 GB0217581.8 GB0217582.6 GB0217634.5 GB0217768.1 GB0217779.8 GB0217781.4 GB0217782.2 GB0217789.7 GB0217804.4 GB0217829.1 GB0217869.7 GB0219823.2 GB0220218.2

GB2357164 GB2355834 GB2356538 GB2356715 GB2359483 GB2359585 GB2359513 GB2359628 GB2359629 GB2359581 GB2367152 GB2359477 GB2359586 GB2359667 GB2359491 GB2359792 GB2359791 GB2359839 GB2364582 GB2359531 GB2362485 GB2359210 GB2366032 GB2359479 GB2360763 GB2359604 GB2360401 GB2391426 GB2391419 GB2390823 GB2390982 GB2391166 GB2391244 GB2391247 GB2391213 GB2391216 GB2391203 GB2391230 GB2391315 GB2391323 GB2391385 GB2391167 GB2391375 GB2391312 GB2391389 GB2391278 GB2391404 GB2391159 GB2391219 GB2391341 GB2391342 GB2391343 GB2391432 GB2391197 GB2391347 GB2391434 GB2376417 GB2379313

GB0229035.1 GB0303340.4 GB0305825.2 GB0306982.0 GB0307273.3 GB0309698.9 GB0315046.3 GB0316793.9 GB0317139.4 GB0317732.6

GB2391350 GB2391402 GB2391307 GB2391220 GB2400066 GB2391290 GB2391250 GB2391133 GB2391438 GB2391161

17 November 2004

Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026


Applications published : Subject-Matter Index

GB2401523 - GB2401766 This index sets out details of applications in the above number range which are published under Section 16(1) as from the date of publication of this issue of the Journal. Printed copies of the applications, together with the front pages containing their abstracts and bibliographic and classication data, and copies of search report under section 17, are now available at 2.86 per copy (including postage) from The Patent Ofce (Sales), Concept House, Cardiff Road, Newport, South Wales NP10 8QQ. These items are also available, but for a limited period only, to personal callers at Harmsworth House, 13-15 Bouverie Street, London EC4Y 8DP The index also includes applications in the above number range derived from applications under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) which have entered the UK national phase. Printed copies of the front page of these applications are similarly available together with English translations of those applications published under the PCT in a language other than English. Each entry in the index provides the following information: the publication number; the application number; the date on which the application was led at the Ofce; the name(s) of the applicant(s) and the country of incorporation; the abstract title; any priority details; the United Kingdom Classication Heading(s) assigned to the application; and the International Patent Classication assigned to the application. Where an application is requesting an early date under Section 8, 12, 15(4), or 37 of the Act, then the application number and the date of ling of the earlier application are included (see example 2). Where an application is derived from an application under the Patent Cooperation Treaty or is converted from a European Patent application, then the application number, the date of ling, the publication number and the date of publication of the PCT or EP application are included (see example 3). In the index, the entries are grouped in ascending publication number order according to the UK Classication Headings. The UK Heading is given at the beginning of each group. Where an application has been classied in a supplementary (or secondary) Heading, then the entry under the primary Heading includes details of the application and the entry under the supplementary Heading is in the form of a cross reference to the primary Heading (see example 4). The publication number is the seven gure number given to an application when it is published and by which it will be recorded on the Register of Patents. Printed copies of each application will also be identied by the publication number, followed by the document type A. This identication should be quoted in full when ordering copies. However, for all proceedings up to grant of a patent, the application number originally assigned should be used. There follows four examples of entries for this index. The rst does not include any information on priorities, earlier applications, or PCT or EP applications. The second and third include priority information. In addition, the second includes information carried for a divisional application, and the third includes information carried for an application derived from a PCT application. The fourth example shows an entry under a supplementary Heading.

Example 1 (52)A5G (11)GB2284155 (21)(GB9324164.4) (22)24 Nov 1993 (71)THE BEAUTIFUL BOUQUET COMPANY LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) (54)Volatile uid sampler (52)UKC Headings: A5G B5N U1S(51)Int Cl7 A61L 9/12 B32B 7/06 B32B 7/12 Example 2 (52)G4V (11)GB2284291 (21)(GB9420670.3) (22) 13 Oct 1994 (Date lodged) (62)[28 Sep 1992] (Parent ling date) (71)ANRITSU CORPORATION (INCORPORATED IN JAPAN) (54)Coin discriminating apparatus Divisional earlier date under Section 15(4) (62)GB9311170.6 (Parent application number) Priorities: [(33)JP(31)03276809 (32) 28 Sep 1991] [(33)JP (31)04089601 (32) 13 Mar 1992] (52)UKC Headings: G4V (51)Int Cl7 G07D 5/02 G07D 5/08 Example 3 (52)B3D (11)GB2284167 (21)(GB9503058.1) (22)16 Feb 1995 (Date of lodging PCT application) (86)[20 Jun 1994] (PCT ling date) (71)JAMES N EASTWOOD (54)Camshaft bearing surface linishing tool Priorities:[(33)AU (31)PL3499 (32)18 Jun 1993 PCT Details: (86)PCT/AU1994/000333 (87)WO1992/000293 05 Jan 1995 (52)UKC Headings: B3D U1S (51)Int Cl7 B24B 15/00 B24D 15/00 B24D 17/00 Example 4 (52)B8M (11)GB2284199 See entry under Heading B8R


Articial bait comprising gelable binder Priorities: [GB0310790 10 May 2003] UKC Headings: A1A Int Cl7 A01K 85/00 A01K 97/04 GB2401524 (GB0410671.2) 13 May 2004 FUJI KOGYO KABUSHIKI KAISHA (INCORPORATED IN JAPAN) Fishing reel mount

Priorities: [JP2003138920 16 May 2003] UKC Headings: A1A Int Cl7 A01K 87/06 A1E GB2401525 (GB0311168.9) 15 May 2003 MAY, ALLAN E A biodegradable valve, tap or plug for use in a plant watering system


Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026

17 November 2004

Applications published: Subject-Matter Index - cont UKC Headings: A1E Int Cl7 A01G 27/06 A1X GB2401526 (GB0311109.3) 14 May 2003 TOPTAGS ID SYSTEMS LTD (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Animal Ear Tag UKC Headings: A1X B6P Int Cl7 A01K 11/00 G09F 3/00 A2B GB2401527 (GB0307837.5) 04 Apr 2003 HATTON, MALCOLM Drinking straw for avouring a liquid UKC Headings: A2B Int Cl7 A47G 21/18 A2D GB2401528 (GB0310826.3) 12 May 2003 MORRIS, EDWIN R Preserving food at a reduced pressure UKC Headings: A2D Int Cl7 A23L 3/015 A3B GB2401529 (GB0421112.4) 22 Sep 2004 [20 Feb 2003] WHEELER, JEFFREY D Sports shoe cover Priorities: [GB0204134 22 Feb 2002] PCT Details: PCT/GB2003/000777 WO2003/070039 28 Aug 2003 UKC Headings: A3B Int Cl7 A43B 5/18 A43B 3/20 A43B 5/02 A43C 7/06 A3H GB2401530 (GB0420485.5) 15 Sep 2004 [06 Feb 2004] SNAPWATCH LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Display apparatus Priorities: [GB0302690 06 Feb 2003] PCT Details: PCT/GB2004/000468 WO2004/068990 19 Aug 2004 UKC Headings: A3H Int Cl7 A44C 5/00 A44C 5/12 A3V GB2401531 (GB0410836.1) 14 May 2004 PROTECTIVE SPORTS APPAREL LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN NEW ZEALAND) Ventilated headgear and method of construction Priorities: [NZ525927 16 May 2003] UKC Headings: A3V Int Cl7 A63B 71/10 A42B 3/28 A42C 2/00 A4B GB2401532 (GB0310931.1) 13 May 2003 SHIELL, RALPH Vacuum hose storage bracket UKC Headings: A4B Int Cl7 A47B 81/02 GB2401533 (GB0311139.0) 15 May 2003 GLOBE UNION INDUSTRIAL CORP (INCORPORATED IN TAIWAN) Wall mounting for bathroom accessories UKC Headings: A4B Int Cl7 A47G 29/087 A47B 96/06 GB2401534 (GB0311209.1) 15 May 2003 KING SLIDE WORKS CO LTD (INCORPORATED IN TAIWAN) Two-way retainer for a drawer slide track assembly UKC Headings: A4B Int Cl7 A47B 88/08 GB2401535 (GB0322690.9) 29 Sep 2003 KING SLIDE WORKS CO LTD (INCORPORATED IN TAIWAN) Device for aiding retention and closure of a drawer slide rail assembly Priorities: [TW92208944 15 May 2003] UKC Headings: A4B Int Cl7 A47B 88/04 A4L GB2401539 (GB0310748.9) 10 May 2003 HOPKINS & HOLLOWAY LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Portable seat for a boat UKC Headings: A4L B7A Int Cl7 B63B 29/04 GB2401540 (GB0310993.1) 13 May 2003 CHENG, KENNY Swivel wheel assembly with locking means to prevent swivelling UKC Headings: A4L Int Cl7 B60B 33/02 GB2401541 (GB0311056.6) 14 May 2003 ASTOR-BANNERMAN (MEDICAL) LTD (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Wall mounted, stretcher / bed support UKC Headings: A4L Int Cl7 A47B 5/04 A47B 9/00 GB2401542 (GB0311197.8) 16 May 2003 RED LAN Wheel assembly for a stroller UKC Headings: A4L Int Cl7 B60B 33/00 B62B 3/00 GB2401543 (GB0410820.5) 14 May 2004 COMPTON, DONNA Infant sunshade cover Priorities: [GB0311017 14 May 2003] UKC Headings: A4L B7B Int Cl7 A47D 15/00 A47C 7/66 B62B 9/14 GB2401544 (GB0420571.2) 16 Sep 2004 [10 Mar 2003] COSATTO (SALES) LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) A foldable seat Priorities: [GB0205668 11 Mar 2002] [GB0209954 01 May 2002] PCT Details: PCT/GB2003/001020 WO2003/077712 25 Sep 2003 UKC Headings: A4L Int Cl7 A47D 1/02 A4N GB2401545 (GB0311747.0) 12 May 2003 WALKER MEDICAL EQUIPMENT LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) A dual function bathing unit Priorities: [GB0307917 05 Apr 2003] UKC Headings: A4N Int Cl7 A61G 7/10 A47K 3/12

A4D GB2401536 (GB0311089.7) 14 May 2003 CHANG, KUEI T Electric grill UKC Headings: A4D Int Cl7 A47J 37/06

A4F GB2401537 (GB0327855.3) 01 Dec 2003 SAMSUNG GWANGJU ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. (INCORPORATED IN THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA) Cyclonic vacuum cleaner Priorities: [KR03031351 16 May 2003] [KR03031352 16 May 2003] UKC Headings: A4F Int Cl7 A47L 5/36 A47L 9/16 GB2401538 (GB0408567.6) 16 Apr 2004 HOOVER COMPANY, THE (INCORPORATED IN USA DELAWARE) Mufer assembly for a vacuum cleaner Priorities: [US10417846 17 Apr 2003] UKC Headings: A4F Int Cl7 A47L 9/14

17 November 2004

Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026


Applications published: Subject-Matter Index - cont A4X GB2401546 (GB0409510.5) 29 Apr 2004 RANKIN, BRIAN Card holder Priorities: [GB0309837 30 Apr 2003] UKC Headings: A4X Int Cl7 G09F 1/10 A47F 7/14 GB2401580 See entry under Heading B6G GB2401552 (GB0419939.4) 08 Sep 2004 [05 Mar 2003] HTL-STREFA SPLKA Z.O.O (INCORPORATED IN POLAND) A device for puncturing patients skin Priorities: [PLP352649 06 Mar 2002] [PLP352962 22 Mar 2002] [PLP352660 07 Mar 2002] [PLP355740 28 Aug 2002] PCT Details: PCT/PL2003/000019 WO2003/073936 12 Sep 2003 UKC Headings: A5R Int Cl7 A61B 5/15 A5T GB2401553 (GB0410707.4) 13 May 2004 DRGER SAFETY AG & CO KGAA (INCORPORATED IN THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY) Partially porous pipe or tube for supplying respiratory air inside protective clothing Priorities: [DE10315607 13 May 2003] UKC Headings: A5T Int Cl7 A62B 17/00 A62B 9/00 GB2401668 See entry under Heading F2V A6D GB2401554 (GB0311142.4) 15 May 2003 SU, PO-TANG Golf bag UKC Headings: A6D Int Cl7 A63B 55/00 GB2401555 (GB0420527.4) 15 Sep 2004 [26 Feb 2002] WOHLDORF GMBH (INCORPORATED IN THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY) Method for producing golf clubs that are individually adapted to the respective height of golf players PCT Details: PCT/EP2002/002046 WO2003/072203 04 Sep 2003 UKC Headings: A6D Int Cl7 A63B 59/00 A63B 53/00 A63B 69/36 G01B 5/00 GB2401556 (GB0420770.0) 17 Sep 2004 [11 Mar 2003] BURROWS, BRUCE D Slotted hosel for a golf club head Priorities: [US60365216 18 Mar 2002] PCT Details: PCT/US2003/007638 WO2003/080191 02 Oct 2003 UKC Headings: A6D Int Cl7 A63B 53/02 GB2401559 (GB0310816.4) 10 May 2003 COLQUHOUN, ROSS L A degassing device for separating liquid and gas from a mixture UKC Headings: B1M B1L Int Cl7 B01D 53/26 B01D 19/00 B2A GB2401560 (GB0421676.8) 29 Sep 2004 [27 Feb 2003] ONE PLUS CORP. (INCORPORATED IN USA ILLINOIS) A system and method for graphically providing/analysing operational compactor status information of a waste compactor container Priorities: [US10095859 12 Mar 2002] PCT Details: PCT/US2003/005944 WO2003/078150 25 Sep 2003 UKC Headings: B2A Int Cl7 B30B 9/30 B2E GB2401561 (GB0308344.1) 11 Apr 2003 PAL GROUP PLC (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) A prole element provided with a decorative layer and a UV stable layer UKC Headings: B2E U1S Int Cl7 E06B 3/30 B32B 27/30 GB2401559 See entry under Heading B1M B1M A6H GB2401557 (GB0409931.3) 04 May 2004 ACRES GAMING INCORPORATED (INCORPORATED IN USA NEVADA) Method for corroborating a gaming jackpot payment Priorities: [US10723129 25 Nov 2003] [US60470730 14 May 2003] UKC Headings: A6H Int Cl7 A63F 13/12 A63F 9/24 G06F 19/00 G07F 17/32 A6M GB2401558 (GB0410485.7) 11 May 2004 HSU, CHENG-HSIUNG Inatable balance exercise device Priorities: [US10436287 13 May 2003] UKC Headings: A6M Int Cl7 A63B 26/00 A63B 21/00 GB2401647 See entry under Heading E2F B1L

A5B GB2401547 (GB0409973.5) 05 May 2004 NEKTAR THERAPEUTICS UK LTD (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Particulate materials Priorities: [GB0329964 24 Dec 2003] [GB0310636 08 May 2003] UKC Headings: A5B Int Cl7 A61K 9/16


A5R GB2401549 (GB0310814.9) 12 May 2003 DEQUEKER, FRANS-ARTHUURBENOIT Combination set of upper and lower denture teeth set up in balanced articulation UKC Headings: A5R Int Cl7 A61C 13/113 A61C 13/003 A61C 13/097 GB2401550 (GB0310869.3) 12 May 2003 CORIN LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Head Centering Jig for Femoral Resurfacing UKC Headings: A5R Int Cl7 A61B 17/17 GB2401551 (GB0322923.4) 30 Sep 2003 MARSHALL, IAN P Female sexual stimulation aid Priorities: [GB0311033 14 May 2003] UKC Headings: A5R Int Cl7 A61H 19/00 A61H 21/00


Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026

17 November 2004

Applications published: Subject-Matter Index - cont GB2401562 (GB0314484.7) 19 Jun 2003 TAYLOR, DAVID Leach-preventative coating for a lead sheet UKC Headings: B2E U1S Int Cl7 B05D 7/14 GB2401563 (GB0410612.6) 12 May 2004 NIPPON PAINT CO. LTD. (INCORPORATED IN JAPAN) Forming a plural layered coated lm using a three coat one bake method Priorities: [JP2003134589 13 May 2003] UKC Headings: B2E C3M U1S Int Cl7 B05D 7/16 B62D 25/02 C09D 133/06 C09D 175/04 B2P GB2401564 (GB0311173.9) 15 May 2003 MANN + HUMMEL GMBH (INCORPORATED IN THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY) Centrifugal separation apparatus and rotor UKC Headings: B2P Int Cl7 B04B 9/06 B04B 1/12 B3C GB2401565 (GB0310899.0) 13 May 2003 SHIEH, DAIVE A drilling device UKC Headings: B3C Int Cl7 B23B 47/02 B23B 47/06 B3D GB2401566 (GB0410406.3) 10 May 2004 ROBERT BOSCH GMBH (INCORPORATED IN THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY) Abrasive cutting disc with means to compensate for disc eccentricity Priorities: [DE10321629 13 May 2003] UKC Headings: B3D Int Cl7 B24D 5/12 GB2401567 (GB0410695.1) 13 May 2004 GERD EISENBLATTER GMBH (INCORPORATED IN THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY) Cylindrical grinding tool with set back carrier roll Priorities: [DE10321445 13 May 2003] UKC Headings: B3D U1S Int 7/16 Cl7 B24D B3N GB2401568 (GB0421098.5) 22 Sep 2004 [21 Mar 2003] SNAP-ON INCORPORATED (INCORPORATED IN USA DELAWARE) Low clearance socket and drive system Priorities: [US60366895 22 Mar 2002] PCT Details: PCT/US2003/008876 WO2003/082525 09 Oct 2003 UKC Headings: B3N Int Cl7 B25B 23/00 B4B GB2401569 (GB0311060.8) 14 May 2003 SCOTFORD, TIM Paper cutting device UKC Headings: B4B Int Cl7 B26F 1/36 B4C GB2401570 (GB0310774.5) 12 May 2003 BLACK & DECKER INC. (INCORPORATED IN USA DELAWARE) Spindle assembly for hammer drill and method of assembly UKC Headings: B4C Int Cl7 B25D 17/06 B23B 45/16 B25D 11/04 B25D 16/00 GB2401571 (GB0310886.7) 13 May 2003 CHEN, MU-YU A nail stapler magazine UKC Headings: B4C Int Cl7 B25C 5/16 GB2401572 (GB0410721.5) 13 May 2004 SMITH, JOHN A Bushing extractor including lips and resilient spacers Priorities: [GB0310973 13 May 2003] UKC Headings: B4C Int Cl7 H01R 43/22 B25B 27/06 B5A GB2401573 (GB0310915.4) 13 May 2003 UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Needle assembly for gas-assisted injection moulding UKC Headings: B5A Int Cl7 B29C 45/17 B29C 45/34 B29C 45/57 B29C 45/63 GB2401574 (GB0406341.8) 22 Mar 2004 LEAR CORPORATION (INCORPORATED IN USA DELAWARE) Making a skin of an interior trim part Priorities: [US10396875 24 Mar 2003] UKC Headings: B5A Int Cl7 B29C 41/08 B29C 41/20 B29C 41/22 B29C 41/42 B29C 44/14 B29C 44/18 B29D 9/00 GB2401575 (GB0410658.9) 13 May 2004 UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) BATTENFELD GMBH (INCORPORATED IN THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY) Gas venting needle in injection moulding Priorities: [GB0310914 13 May 2003] UKC Headings: B5A Int Cl7 B29C 45/17 B29C 33/10 B29C 45/34 B29C 49/60 B29C 49/62 GB2401577 See entry under Heading B5N B5L GB2401576 (GB0410757.9) 14 May 2004 HITACHI KOKI CO., LTD (INCORPORATED IN JAPAN) Portable electric router having radial fan Priorities: [JP2003136553 14 May 2003] UKC Headings: B5L Int Cl7 B23Q 11/12 B27C 5/10 B27F 5/02 B27G 13/14 B5N GB2401577 (GB0404720.5) 03 Mar 2004 LEAR CORPORATION (INCORPORATED IN USA DELAWARE) Accoustically attenuating headliner Priorities: [US10378701 04 Mar 2003] UKC Headings: B5N B5A B7B U1S Int Cl7 B60R 13/02 B29C 45/14 B29C 70/68 B29D 9/00 B32B 3/28 G10K 11/168 G10K 11/172 B6C GB2401578 (GB0410404.8) 10 May 2004 NEOPOST INDUSTRIE SA (INCORPORATED IN FRANCE) Wireless display controller for mail machine Priorities: [US10768766 30 Jan 2004] [US60469978 13 May 2003] UKC Headings: B6C Int Cl7 G07B 17/00 G06F 17/26 B6E GB2401579 (GB0405980.4) 17 Mar 2004 LEBOFF, JEREMY Pen or pencil holder for ring binder or lever arch le UKC Headings: B6E Int Cl7 B42F 13/40

17 November 2004

Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026


Applications published: Subject-Matter Index - cont B6G GB2401580 (GB0409537.8) 28 Apr 2004 ACTON & ACTON LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) A frame for displaying a exible sheet of material Priorities: [GB0311120 15 May 2003] UKC Headings: B6G A4X B6P Int Cl A47G 1/06 B44C 5/02 B44D 3/18

GB2401584 (GB0421468.0) 27 Sep 2004 [02 Apr 2003] CHOI, YOUN S Armored foldaway inatable oating device Priorities: [KR10020017930 02 Apr 2002] [KR10030020449 01 Apr 2003] [KR10020054031 07 Sep 2002] PCT Details: PCT/KR2003/000656 WO2003/082616 09 Oct 2003 UKC Headings: B7A Int Cl7 B60F 3/00 B60V 1/00 B60V 3/00 B7B GB2401543 See entry under Heading A4L GB2401577 See entry under Heading B5N GB2401585 (GB0311103.6) 14 May 2003 AUTOLIV DEVELOPMENT AB (INCORPORATED IN SWEDEN) Air bag generator retainer UKC Headings: B7B Int Cl7 B60R 21/20 B60R 21/16 GB2401586 (GB0311271.1) 16 May 2003 JOHNSON, PAUL Foldable trailer UKC Headings: B7B Int Cl7 B62D 63/06

GB2401590 (GB0311340.4) 16 May 2003 ATB SALES LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Folding bicycle UKC Headings: B7E Int Cl7 B62K 15/00

B7H GB2401591 (GB0410613.4) 12 May 2004 JUNGHEINRICH AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT (INCORPORATED IN THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY) Fork lift vehicle with removable energy module Priorities: [DE10321773 15 May 2003] UKC Headings: B7H Int Cl7 B66F 9/075 B60K 5/10 B60K 6/02 B60S 5/06 GB2401592 (GB0421226.2) 23 Sep 2004 [17 Oct 2002] BRUMBY CORPORATION LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Motorcycle engine Priorities: [GB0217153 24 Jul 2002] [GB0213120 07 Jun 2002] PCT Details: PCT/GB2002/004685 WO2004/009433 29 Jan 2004 UKC Headings: B7H F1B F1M F2A F2T F4U Int Cl7 B62M 7/02 F01L 9/02 F01M 11/00 F01M 11/02 F01P 3/00 F01P 5/10 F01P 5/12 F02D 41/00 F02F 1/16 F02F 3/00 F02M 35/10 F02M 69/00 F16C 3/06 F16C 7/00 F16F 15/20

B6J GB2401581 (GB0407500.8) 02 Apr 2004 SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENT DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) A ceramic label and a method of applying it to a substrate UKC Headings: B6J Int Cl7 B32B 9/00 B44C 1/22 C03C 23/00 GB2401582 (GB0410619.1) 12 May 2004 DENSO CORPORATION (INCORPORATED IN JAPAN) Method of surface treating an aluminium alloy base body of a heat exchanger Priorities: [JP2003134636 13 May 2003] UKC Headings: B6J Int Cl7 C23F 1/00

GB2401587 (GB0410026.9) 05 May 2004 FORD GLOBAL TECHNOLOGIES LLC (INCORPORATED IN USA DELAWARE) Battery mounting system for a vehicle Priorities: [US10249839 12 May 2003] UKC Headings: B7B Int Cl7 H01M 2/10 B60K 1/04 B62D 25/20 B7C GB2401588 (GB0410555.7) 12 May 2004 SUMITOMO RUBBER INDUSTRIES LTD (INCORPORATED IN JAPAN) Asymmetrical tyre tread pattern Priorities: [JP2003139231 16 May 2003] UKC Headings: B7C Int Cl7 B60C 11/03 B60C 101:00 B60C 103:04 B60C 111:00 B7E GB2401589 (GB0311339.6) 16 May 2003 ATB SALES LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Folding bicycle UKC Headings: B7E Int Cl7 B62K 15/00

B6P GB2401526 See entry under Heading A1X GB2401580 See entry under Heading B6G

B7J GB2401593 (GB0410350.3) 10 May 2004 POYNTZ, PHILIP Retractable truck tarpaulin system Priorities: [US10439236 16 May 2003] UKC Headings: B7J Int Cl7 B60J 7/06 B60P 7/04 GB2401594 (GB0420787.4) 20 Sep 2004 [24 Mar 2003] KABUSHIKI KAISHA TOKAI RIKA DENKI SEISAKUSHO (INCORPORATED IN JAPAN) Electric steering lock device Priorities: [JP2002081722 22 Mar 2002] PCT Details: PCT/JP2003/003489 WO2003/080407 02 Oct 2003 UKC Headings: B7J Int Cl7 B60R 25/02

B7A GB2401539 See entry under Heading A4L GB2401583 (GB0420674.4) 17 Sep 2004 [12 Nov 2003] GIBBS TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS) Double exible keel Priorities: [GB0226445 13 Nov 2002] PCT Details: PCT/GB2003/004872 WO2004/043774 27 May 2004 UKC Headings: B7A Int Cl7 B63B 3/38


Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026

17 November 2004

Applications published: Subject-Matter Index - cont GB2401595 (GB0420790.8) 20 Sep 2004 [24 Mar 2003] KABUSHIKI KAISHA TOKAI RIKA DENKI SEISAKUSHO (INCORPORATED IN JAPAN) Electric steering lock device Priorities: [JP2002081723 22 Mar 2002] PCT Details: PCT/JP2003/003490 WO2003/080408 02 Oct 2003 UKC Headings: B7J Int Cl7 B60R 25/02 GB2401602 (GB0402567.2) 05 Feb 2004 TEDHAM, MARTIN J Dispenser for a blister pack Priorities: [GB0302545 05 Feb 2003] [GB0309000 22 Apr 2003] [GB0305256 07 Mar 2003] UKC Headings: B8P U1S Int Cl7 B65D 83/04 A61J 1/03 B8P GB2401601 (GB0311176.2) 15 May 2003 PRINCE, TERENCE PRINCE, STEPHEN E Container for transporting and mixing components of cement or concrete UKC Headings: B8P U1S Int Cl7 B65D 88/12 B28C 5/00 GB2401606 (GB0419534.3) 02 Sep 2004 [24 Feb 2003] KUDOS PHARMACEUTICALS LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Pyranones useful as atm inhibitors Priorities: [GB0204350 25 Feb 2002] [US60395884 15 Jul 2002] PCT Details: PCT/GB2003/000770 WO2003/070726 28 Aug 2003 UKC Headings: C2C U1S Int Cl7 C07D 409/14 A61K 31/5377 A61K 31/5415 A61P 35/00 A61P 37/00 C07D 407/14 C07D 409/14 C07D 411/14 C07D 417/14 C07D 409/14 C07D 295:10 C07D 309:38 C07D 339:08 C07D 411/14 C07D 295:10 C07D 309:38 C07D 327:08 C07D 407/14 C07D 295:10 C07D 307:91 C07D 309:38 C07D 409/14 C07D 295:10 C07D 309:38 C07D 409/14 C07D 295:10 C07D 309:38 C07D 335:16 C07D 417/14 C07D 279:20 C07D 295:10 C07D 309:38 C07D 409/14 C07D 295:10 C07D 309:38 C07D 337:14 C3H GB2401607 (GB0416955.3) 29 Jul 2004 [06 Aug 2001] CERESTEM LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Neural stem cell mitogenic factors (NSCMF) Divisional earlier date under section 15 (4) GB0302763.8 Priorities: [GB0019705 10 Aug 2000] UKC Headings: C3H C6F U1S Int Cl7 C07K 14/475 C12N 5/00 C3M GB2401563 See entry under Heading B2E C3R GB2401608 (GB0310952.7) 13 May 2003 UNIVERSITY OF SHEFFIELD, THE (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Polymer electrolyte UKC Headings: C3R Int Cl7 C08L 71/02 C08G 65/332 C08K 5/00 H01M 6/18 GB2401609 (GB0310953.5) 13 May 2003 UNIVERSITY OF SHEFFIELD, THE (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Polymer electrolyte UKC Headings: C3R Int Cl7 C08L 71/02 C08G 65/332 C08K 5/00 H01M 6/18

B7V GB2401596 (GB0410705.8) 13 May 2004 HONDA MOTOR CO.,LTD (INCORPORATED IN JAPAN) Outboard motor with air intake passage unit Priorities: [JP2003135036 13 May 2003] UKC Headings: B7V Int Cl7 F02M 35/16 B63H 20/00

B8U GB2401603 (GB0418356.2) 17 Aug 2004 [14 Feb 2003] SPOTLESS PLASTICS PTY LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN AUSTRALIA) Pinch grip hanger loading mechanism Priorities: [US10076789 15 Feb 2002] PCT Details: PCT/US2003/004565 WO2003/070422 28 Aug 2003 UKC Headings: B8U Int Cl7 B65G 59/10

B8A GB2401597 (GB0410229.9) 07 May 2004 ISHIDA CO. LTD (INCORPORATED IN JAPAN) Bag supply device and bagging device incorporating same Priorities: [JP2003132982 12 May 2003] [JP2003132981 12 May 2003] [JP2003132980 12 May 2003] UKC Headings: B8A Int Cl B65B 43/18 B65G 47/22

C1C B8D GB2401598 (GB0310793.5) 10 May 2003 BROWN, CHRISTOPHER A produce lifter for pickled produce UKC Headings: B8D Int Cl7 B65D 83/00 A47J 43/28 GB2401604 (GB0310803.2) 10 May 2003 RECKITT BENCKISER N.V. (INCORPORATED IN THE NETHERLANDS) Water-softening product UKC Headings: C1C U1S Int Cl C02F 5/00 C02F 5/08

B8E GB2401600 (GB0310798.4) 12 May 2003 O'KEEFFE, EDMUND Rollable loading ramp UKC Headings: B8E Int Cl7 B60P 1/43 A61G 3/06 B65G 69/28

C2C GB2401605 (GB0310856.0) 12 May 2003 PORTELA & C.A., S.A (INCORPORATED IN PORTUGAL) Method for racemisation of (S)- (+)- and (R)- (-)-10,11-dihydro-10-hydroxy-5Hdibenz[b,f]azepine-5-carboxamide and optically enriched mixtures thereof UKC Headings: C2C U1S Int Cl7 C07D 223/22

B8H GB2401699 See entry under Heading G4A

17 November 2004

Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026


Applications published: Subject-Matter Index - cont C4V GB2401610 (GB0410214.1) 07 May 2004 FUJIMI INCORPORATED (INCORPORATED IN JAPAN) Polishing composition Priorities: [JP2003132312 09 May 2003] UKC Headings: C4V Int Cl7 C09G 1/02 C09K 3/14 C5D GB2401611 (GB0410969.0) 17 May 2004 GREENBRIDGE ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Anti-viral and anti-bacterial cleaning composition Priorities: [PCT/GB2003/003296 30 Jul 2003] [GB0311174 15 May 2003] UKC Headings: C5D Int Cl7 C11D 3/00 C6F GB2401607 See entry under Heading C3H GB2401612 (GB0310925.3) 13 May 2003 VICTORIA UNIVERSITY OF MANCHESTER, THE (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Method and device for culturing tissue UKC Headings: C6F Int Cl7 C12N 5/06 C12M 3/00 C7F GB2401613 (GB0405291.6) 09 Mar 2004 AGERE SYSTEMS INC (INCORPORATED IN USA DELAWARE) Method and apparatus for producing a <111 Priorities: [US10615583 08 Jul 2003] [US60470120 13 May 2003] UKC Headings: C7F Int Cl7 C23C 14/50 C23C 14/54 C7N GB2401719 See entry under Heading H1C E1C GB2401614 (GB0402479.0) 04 Feb 2004 BUCHANAN, THOMAS J Toilet Priorities: [GB0310878 12 May 2003] UKC Headings: E1C Int Cl7 E03D 11/00 GB2401621 (GB0410879.1) 14 May 2004 WEATHERFORD/LAMB INC. (INCORPORATED IN USA DELAWARE) Expandable packer with elastomeric and non-elastomeric sealing elements Priorities: [US10438763 15 May 2003] UKC Headings: E1F Int Cl7 E21B 33/128 E1D GB2401615 (GB0310750.5) 10 May 2003 NEWELL, PETER B NEWELL, BARRY P Roof edging strip UKC Headings: E1D Int Cl7 E04D 13/15 GB2401616 (GB0417407.4) 05 Aug 2004 PERRY, RICHARD Bracket for fence rail or panel Priorities: [GB0318635 08 Aug 2003] UKC Headings: E1D Int Cl7 E04H 17/14 E1F GB2401617 (GB0311213.3) 15 May 2003 EXPRO NORTH SEA LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Communication using a control line UKC Headings: E1F Int Cl7 E21B 47/12 GB2401618 (GB0408851.4) 21 Apr 2004 WEATHERFORD/LAMB INC. (INCORPORATED IN USA DELAWARE) Wired Casing Priorities: [US10419456 21 Apr 2003] UKC Headings: E1F Int Cl7 E21B 7/20 E21B 17/00 E21B 47/12 GB2401619 (GB0410435.2) 11 May 2004 SCHLUMBERGER HOLDINGS LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS) Mounting instrumentation on a drill string Priorities: [US10249838 12 May 2003] UKC Headings: E1F Int Cl7 E21B 47/01 GB2401620 (GB0410709.0) 13 May 2004 HALLIBURTON ENERGY SERVICES, INC. (INCORPORATED IN USA - DELAWARE) Hydraulic control and actuation system for downhole tools Priorities: [US10438793 15 May 2003] UKC Headings: E1F Int Cl7 E21B 23/04 E21B 34/06 E21B 34/14 GB2401623 (GB0413646.1) 18 Jun 2004 [04 Feb 2003] DBT GMBH (INCORPORATED IN THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY) A mining or tunnelling device Priorities: [DE10205124 07 Feb 2002] PCT Details: PCT/EP2003/001078 WO2003/067022 14 Aug 2003 UKC Headings: E1F Int Cl7 E21C 25/08 E21C 25/16 GB2401624 (GB0413933.3) 21 Jun 2004 [20 Dec 2002] GTO SUBSEA AS (INCORPORATED IN NORWAY) Suction manifold for dredging Priorities: [NO20016361 21 Dec 2001] PCT Details: PCT/NO2002/000491 WO2003/056107 10 Jul 2003 UKC Headings: E1F Int Cl7 E02F 3/92 GB2401625 (GB0415647.7) 13 Jul 2004 [12 Dec 2002] BAKER HUGHES INCORPORATED (INCORPORATED IN USA DELAWARE) Surfactant-polymer composition for substantially solid-free water based drilling, drill-in, and completion uids Priorities: [US10023273 14 Dec 2001] PCT Details: PCT/US2002/039639 WO2002/052024 26 Jun 2003 UKC Headings: E1F Int Cl7 C09K 7/02 GB2401626 (GB0415826.7) 15 Jul 2004 [13 Dec 2002] ABB VETCO GRAY, INC. (INCORPORATED IN USA DELAWARE) Ported subsea wellhead Priorities: [US10037532 04 Jan 2002] PCT Details: PCT/US2002/039832 WO2002/060279 24 Jul 2003 UKC Headings: E1F Int Cl7 E21B 33/14 GB2401622 (GB0412501.9) 04 Jun 2004 [28 Jun 2001] BJ SERVICES COMPANY (INCORPORATED IN USA - TEXAS) Slip assembly with collapsible cone Divisional earlier date under section 15 (4) GB0229524.4 Priorities: [US09844512 27 Apr 2001] [US09608052 30 Jun 2000] UKC Headings: E1F Int Cl7 E21B 33/129


Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026

17 November 2004

Applications published: Subject-Matter Index - cont GB2401627 (GB0416245.9) 21 Jul 2004 [20 Jan 2003] BAKER HUGHES INCORPORATED (INCORPORATED IN USA DELAWARE) System and method for a failsafe control of a downhole valve in the event of tubing rupture Priorities: [US60350671 22 Jan 2002] PCT Details: PCT/US2003/001763 WO2003/062595 31 Jul 2003 UKC Headings: E1F Int E21B 34/10 Cl7 E21B 34/16 GB2401632 (GB0418427.1) 18 Aug 2004 [27 Sep 2001] SHELL OIL COMPANY (INCORPORATED IN USA - TEXAS) Plastically deforming and radially expanding a tubular member Divisional earlier date under section 15 (4) GB0306046.4 Priorities: [US60237334 02 Oct 2000] UKC Headings: E1F Int Cl7 E21B 43/10 E21B 19/16 E21B 23/00 GB2401633 (GB0418429.7) 18 Aug 2004 [27 Sep 2001] SHELL OIL COMPANY (INCORPORATED IN USA - TEXAS) Plastically deforming and radially expanding a tubular member Divisional earlier date under section 15 (4) GB0306046.4 Priorities: [US60237334 02 Oct 2000] UKC Headings: E1F Int E21B 19/16 E21B 23/00 Cl7 E21B 43/10 GB2401637 (GB0418433.9) 18 Aug 2004 [27 Sep 2001] SHELL OIL COMPANY (INCORPORATED IN USA - TEXAS) Plastically deforming and radially expanding a tubular member Divisional earlier date under section 15 (4) GB0306046.4 Priorities: [US60237334 02 Oct 2000] UKC Headings: E1F Int Cl7 E21B 43/10 E21B 19/16 E21B 23/00 GB2401638 (GB0418439.6) 18 Aug 2004 [27 Sep 2001] SHELL OIL COMPANY (INCORPORATED IN USA - TEXAS) Plastically deforming and radially expanding a tubular member Divisional earlier date under section 15 (4) GB0306046.4 Priorities: [US60237334 02 Oct 2000] UKC Headings: E1F Int Cl7 E21B 43/10 E21B 19/16 E21B 23/00 GB2401639 (GB0418442.0) 18 Aug 2004 [27 Sep 2001] SHELL OIL COMPANY (INCORPORATED IN USA - TEXAS) Plastically deforming and radially expanding a tubular member Divisional earlier date under section 15 (4) GB0306046.4 Priorities: [US60237334 02 Oct 2000] UKC Headings: E1F Int Cl7 E21B 43/10 E21B 19/16 E21B 23/00 E1G GB2401640 (GB0310906.3) 12 May 2003 SURVITEC GROUP LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Inatable fascine UKC Headings: E1G Int Cl7 E01C 9/08 GB2401641 (GB0311144.0) 15 May 2003 CLARKSTEEL HOLDINGS LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Access cover for use with manholes etc. UKC Headings: E1G Int Cl7 E02D 29/14 E1S GB2401642 (GB0309058.6) 22 Apr 2003 ASHCROFT, DAVID Demountable fence post stabiliser UKC Headings: E1S Int Cl7 E04H 17/22

GB2401628 (GB0416306.9) 22 Jul 2004 [05 Feb 2003] WEATHERFORD/LAMB INC. (INCORPORATED IN USA DELAWARE) Fracturing port collar for wellbore packoff system Priorities: [US10073685 11 Feb 2002] PCT Details: PCT/GB2003/000509 WO2003/069117 21 Aug 2003 UKC Headings: E1F Int Cl7 E21B 33/124 E21B 34/10 E21B 43/26 GB2401629 (GB0416366.3) 22 Jul 2004 [26 Jun 2003] SCHLUMBERGER HOLDINGS LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS) Flapper valve sealing surface arrangement Divisional earlier date under section 15 (4) GB0314926.7 Priorities: [US10235078 05 Jul 2002] [US60392673 27 Jun 2002] UKC Headings: E1F F2V Int Cl7 E21B 34/12 F16K 1/20 F16K 15/03 GB2401630 (GB0418425.5) 18 Aug 2004 [27 Sep 2001] SHELL OIL COMPANY (INCORPORATED IN USA - TEXAS) Plastically deforming and radially expanding a tubular member Divisional earlier date under section 15 (4) GB0306046.4 Priorities: [US60237334 02 Oct 2000] UKC Headings: E1F Int Cl E21B 43/10 E21B 19/16 E21B 23/00 GB2401631 (GB0418426.3) 18 Aug 2004 [27 Sep 2001] SHELL OIL COMPANY (INCORPORATED IN USA - TEXAS) Plastically deforming and radially expanding a tubular member Divisional earlier date under section 15 (4) GB0306046.4 Priorities: [US60237334 02 Oct 2000] UKC Headings: E1F Int Cl7 E21B 43/10 E21B 19/16 E21B 23/00

GB2401634 (GB0418430.5) 18 Aug 2004 [27 Sep 2001] SHELL OIL COMPANY (INCORPORATED IN USA - TEXAS) Plastically deforming and radially expanding a tubular member Divisional earlier date under section 15 (4) GB0306046.4 Priorities: [US60237334 02 Oct 2000] UKC Headings: E1F Int E21B 19/16 E21B 23/00 Cl7 E21B 43/10

GB2401635 (GB0418431.3) 18 Aug 2004 [27 Sep 2001] SHELL OIL COMPANY (INCORPORATED IN USA - TEXAS) Plastically deforming and radially expanding a tubular member Divisional earlier date under section 15 (4) GB0306046.4 Priorities: [US60237334 02 Oct 2000] UKC Headings: E1F Int Cl7 E21B 43/10 E21B 19/16 E21B 23/00 GB2401636 (GB0418432.1) 18 Aug 2004 [27 Sep 2001] SHELL OIL COMPANY (INCORPORATED IN USA - TEXAS) Plastically deforming and radially expanding a tubular member Divisional earlier date under section 15 (4) GB0306046.4 Priorities: [US60237334 02 Oct 2000] UKC Headings: E1F Int Cl7 E21B 43/10 E21B 19/16 E21B 23/00

17 November 2004

Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026


Applications published: Subject-Matter Index - cont E2A GB2401643 (GB0405526.5) 11 Mar 2004 SINOX COMPANY LTD (INCORPORATED IN TAIWAN) Padlock with alternative locking mechanisms Priorities: [TW092208756 14 May 2003] UKC Headings: E2A Int Cl7 E05B 37/00 E05B 37/02 GB2401644 (GB0407987.7) 08 Apr 2004 JONES, BARRIE A door security system with a key operated lock Priorities: [GB0308223 10 Apr 2003] UKC Headings: E2A Int Cl7 E05B 11/02 E05B 49/00 G06K 13/07 G07C 9/00 GB2401645 (GB0409320.9) 27 Apr 2004 KIN KEI HARDWARE INDUSTRIES LTD (INCORPORATED IN HONG KONG) Mechanical combination lock Priorities: [CN03225726 28 Apr 2003] UKC Headings: E2A Int Cl7 E05B 37/16 GB2401646 (GB0410754.6) 14 May 2004 LEAR CORPORATION (INCORPORATED IN USA DELAWARE) Keyless smart start system Priorities: [US10249901 16 May 2003] UKC Headings: E2A Int Cl7 B60R 25/04 E2F GB2401647 (GB0310879.2) 12 May 2003 SMP PLAYGROUNDS LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Swivel joint and playground attraction comprising such a joint UKC Headings: E2F A6M F2Q Int Cl7 F16G 15/08 A63G 9/00 GB2401648 (GB0407878.8) 07 Apr 2004 COTSWOLD ARCHITECTURAL PRODUCTS LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Jig for use with a stay Priorities: [GB0309811 30 Apr 2003] UKC Headings: E2F Int Cl7 E05C 19/18 F1B GB2401592 See entry under Heading B7H F1G GB2401651 (GB0311007.9) 14 May 2003 ROLLS-ROYCE PLC (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) A bearing support arrangement for a gas turbine engine UKC Headings: F1G F1C U1S Int Cl7 F02C 7/06 F01D 21/04 F04D 29/04 GB2401652 (GB0311127.5) 14 May 2003 LEAVESLEY, MALCOLM G Turbocharger having exhaust gas recirculating system for preventing gas leakage. UKC Headings: F1G Int Cl7 F02C 6/12 F1K GB2401653 (GB0409404.1) 28 Apr 2004 LEAR CORPORATION (INCORPORATED IN USA DELAWARE) Automotive remote start assembly with conrmation Priorities: [US10249902 16 May 2003] UKC Headings: F1K Int Cl7 F02N 11/08 F1M GB2401592 See entry under Heading B7H GB2401649 (GB0409184.9) 26 Apr 2004 CAMCON LTD (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Electromagnetic actuator, eg for poppet valves Priorities: [GB0329201 17 Dec 2003] [GB0309512 26 Apr 2003] UKC Headings: F1B F2V H1P H2A U1S Int Cl7 F01L 9/04 H02K 7/075 H02K 7/14 H02K 33/16 GB2401650 (GB0410169.7) 07 May 2004 ROBERT BOSCH GMBH (INCORPORATED IN THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY) Method for the multi-actuation of a fuel injector having a two piece nozzle needle Priorities: [DE10320980 09 May 2003] UKC Headings: F1B Int Cl7 F02M 45/08 F02M 47/02 F02M 51/06 F02M 61/18 F1C GB2401651 See entry under Heading F1G F1V GB2401654 (GB0311025.1) 14 May 2003 ROLLS-ROYCE PLC (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) A stator vane assembly for a turbomachine UKC Headings: F1V U1S Int Cl7 F04D 29/54 GB2401655 (GB0311159.8) 15 May 2003 ROLLS-ROYCE PLC (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) A rotor blade arrangement UKC Headings: F1V U1S Int Cl7 F04D 29/32 F01D 5/22 F01D 5/30 F04D 29/34 GB2401656 (GB0311348.7) 16 May 2003 SUNONWEALTH ELECTRIC MACHINE INDUSTRY CO., LTD. (INCORPORATED IN TAIWAN) A modular hub for a fan rotor with separately formed magnetic ring UKC Headings: F1V H2A U1S Int Cl7 F04D 29/34 F04D 25/08 H02K 7/14 GB2401657 (GB0408867.0) 21 Apr 2004 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY (INCORPORATED IN USA - NEW YORK) Compressor blade with dovetail slotted to reduce stress on the airfoil leading edge Priorities: [US10422701 25 Apr 2003] UKC Headings: F1V U1S Int Cl7 F04D 29/32 F01D 5/16 F01D 5/30 F04D 29/66 F2A GB2401592 See entry under Heading B7H F2B GB2401658 (GB0311378.4) 16 May 2003 ROLLS-ROYCE PLC (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) A sealing arrangement for sealing a leakage gap UKC Headings: F2B U1S Int Cl7 F16J 15/08 F01D 11/00 F2G GB2401659 (GB0409120.3) 23 Apr 2004 EATON CORPORATION (INCORPORATED IN USA - OHIO) Ball and socket uid coupling Priorities: [US10427841 01 May 2003] UKC Headings: F2G Int Cl7 F16L 27/04 F16L 37/52


Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026

17 November 2004

Applications published: Subject-Matter Index - cont F2H GB2401660 (GB0310930.3) 13 May 2003 NEWFREY LLC (INCORPORATED IN USA - DELAWARE) Shock absorbing blind rivet UKC Headings: F2H Int Cl7 F16B 19/04 GB2401592 See entry under Heading B7H GB2401661 (GB0311270.3) 16 May 2003 TEXTRON FASTENING SYSTEMS LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Self boring blind fastener UKC Headings: F2H Int Cl7 F16B 19/10 GB2401662 (GB0311368.5) 19 May 2003 TEXTRON FASTENING SYSTEMS LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Removable blind rivet Priorities: [GB0311053 14 May 2003] UKC Headings: F2H Int Cl7 F16B 19/10 GB2401663 (GB0408934.8) 22 Apr 2004 SUCH, SIMON One way security fastener and tool Priorities: [GB0310921 13 May 2003] UKC Headings: F2H Int Cl7 F16B 23/00 F16B 31/02 F2M GB2401664 (GB0311148.1) 15 May 2003 YU, MEI-YIN Overlapping joint UKC Headings: F2M Int Cl7 F16B 5/00 F2P GB2401665 (GB0410253.9) 10 May 2004 TEGUS LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) A method for generating electrical power Priorities: [GB0310768 10 May 2003] UKC Headings: F2P H2C U1S Int E21B 43/01 F16L 55/28 H02G 1/08 F16L 101:50 Cl7 F2Y GB2401669 (GB0310866.9) 12 May 2003 AUTOLIV DEVELOPMENT AB (INCORPORATED IN SWEDEN) A thermally regulated steering wheel UKC Headings: F2Y F4U U1S Int Cl7 B62D 1/06 B60H 1/00 F28D 15/02 GB2401670 (GB0420918.5) 21 Sep 2004 [02 Feb 2003] REID, THOMAS N Scanning computer mouse Priorities: [GB0202857 07 Feb 2002] PCT Details: PCT/GB2003/000494 WO2003/067410 14 Aug 2003 UKC Headings: F2Y H4F U1S Int Cl7 G06F 3/033 H04N 1/028 F2Q GB2401647 See entry under Heading E2F F4R GB2401672 (GB0212359.4) 29 May 2002 LUMISPHERE PRODUCTS LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) A light source comprising light devices mounted on a twisted substrate Priorities: [GB0122382 17 Sep 2001] UKC Headings: F4R Int Cl7 F21S 4/00 F21K 7/00 F21V 19/00 F21W 131:00 F21Y 101:02 GB2401673 (GB0310918.8) 13 May 2003 WU, WEN-CHANG An electrical connection system for a multi-arm ceiling lamp UKC Headings: F4R H2E Int Cl7 F21S 8/06 F21V 17/08 F21V 17/18 F21V 21/02 F21W 131:30 GB2401674 (GB0327978.3) 03 Dec 2003 LIN, CHENG-FU Colour separation disc assembly combinable with lightning ball and bre optic arrangement Priorities: [US10436095 13 May 2003] UKC Headings: F4R Int Cl7 F21S 8/00 F21S 10/00 GB2401675 (GB0418626.8) 20 Aug 2004 [21 Jan 2003] PULSAR LIGHT OF CAMBRIDGE LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Lighting panel Priorities: [GB0201364 22 Jan 2002] PCT Details: PCT/GB2003/000209 WO2003/062700 31 Jul 2003 UKC Headings: F4R Int Cl7 F21S 2/00 F21S 8/02 F21V 7/04 F4S GB2401676 (GB0407146.0) 30 Mar 2004 SANDEN CORPORATION (INCORPORATED IN JAPAN) FUJI JUKOGYO KABUSHIKI KAISHA (INCORPORATED IN JAPAN) Heat exchanger Priorities: [JP2003100595 03 Apr 2003] UKC Headings: F4S Int Cl7 F02B 29/04 B60K 11/06 F28D 1/00 F28F 9/02 F28F 21/06 B29L 31:18 F4U GB2401592 See entry under Heading B7H GB2401669 See entry under Heading F2Y


F2V GB2401629 See entry under Heading E1F GB2401649 See entry under Heading F1B GB2401667 (GB0311072.3) 14 May 2003 ENSTON, ROBERT P Sealing valves using pressure monitored uid injection UKC Headings: F2V Int Cl7 F16K 3/36 GB2401668 (GB0311338.8) 16 May 2003 HELMET INTEGRATED SYSTEMS LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Expiratory valve unit UKC Headings: F2V A5T Int Cl7 A61M 16/20 A62B 9/02

GB2401666 (GB0420363.4) 14 Sep 2004 [17 Mar 2003] WEATHERFORD/LAMB INC. (INCORPORATED IN USA DELAWARE) Tractors for movement along a pipeline within a uid ow Priorities: [GB0206246 15 Mar 2002] PCT Details: PCT/EP2003/050065 WO2003/078887 25 Sep 2003 UKC Headings: F2P Int Cl7 F16L 55/32 F16L 55/30

F4A GB2401671 (GB0310805.7) 10 May 2003 KEY, PEARL Steam wallpaper remover UKC Headings: F4A Int Cl7 A47L 11/38 B44C 7/02

17 November 2004

Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026


Applications published: Subject-Matter Index - cont F4V GB2401677 (GB0408098.2) 08 Apr 2004 DENSO CORPORATION (INCORPORATED IN JAPAN) Vehicle air conditioning apparatus Priorities: [JP2003106743 10 Apr 2003] UKC Headings: F4V Int Cl7 B60H 1/00 B60H 1/02 B60H 1/32 F24F 5/00 F24F 13/06 F24F 13/10 G1A GB2401678 (GB0300782.0) 14 Jan 2003 QTI/PRESSTECH LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Improvements to scanning heads UKC Headings: G1A Int Cl7 G06K 7/10 GB2401679 (GB0317585.8) 26 Jul 2003 STATUS SCIENTIFIC CONTROLS LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Infrared gas detector UKC Headings: G1A Int Cl7 G01N 21/35 GB2401680 (GB0326837.2) 18 Nov 2003 EDAX INC (INCORPORATED IN USA - DELAWARE) Chemical preltering for phase differentiation via simultaneous energy dispersive spectrometry and electron backscatter diffraction Priorities: [US10439346 15 May 2003] UKC Headings: G1A Int Cl7 H01J 37/26 G01N 23/203 G01N 23/225 GB2401681 (GB0408265.7) 14 Apr 2004 CARTY, JOHN Head rotation measurement apparatus Priorities: [IE028503 15 Apr 2003] UKC Headings: G1A Int G01B 11/26 Cl7 A61B 5/11 GB2401684 (GB0419394.2) 01 Sep 2004 [06 Mar 2003] PLANKE, SVERRE BERNDT, CHRISTIAN Apparatus for seismic measurements Priorities: [NO20021140 07 Mar 2002] PCT Details: PCT/NO2003/000079 WO2003/075039 12 Sep 2003 UKC Headings: G1G Int Cl7 G01V 1/38 G01V 1/20 G1M GB2401685 (GB0403042.5) 11 Feb 2004 FISCO TOOLS LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Measuring tape UKC Headings: G1M Int Cl7 G01B 3/10 G1N GB2401686 (GB0409162.5) 26 Apr 2004 VISTEON GLOBAL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. (INCORPORATED IN USA MICHIGAN) Mass air ow sensor with stress free sensor element mounting Priorities: [US10437826 14 May 2003] UKC Headings: G1N Int Cl7 G01F 1/684 GB2401687 (GB0409867.9) 04 May 2004 VISTEON GLOBAL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. (INCORPORATED IN USA MICHIGAN) Median ltering method for a misre detection system Priorities: [US10438640 15 May 2003] UKC Headings: G1N Int Cl7 G01M 15/00 G06F 17/18 GB2401688 (GB0410822.1) 14 May 2004 GE MEDICAL SYSTEMS GLOBAL TECHNOLOGY COMPANY, LLC. (INCORPORATED IN USA WISCONSIN) Cryogenic liquid level sensor Priorities: [US10439395 16 May 2003] UKC Headings: G1N Int Cl7 G01F 23/24 GB2401689 (GB0418467.7) 19 Aug 2004 [10 Oct 2001] AXON INSTRUMENTS INC (INCORPORATED IN USA CALIFORNIA) A multi-chamber electrode assembly Divisional earlier date under section 15 (4) GB0124277.5 Priorities: [US60239697 11 Oct 2000] UKC Headings: G1N Int Cl7 C12M 1/34 G01N 33/487 G2A GB2401740 See entry under Heading H4F G2F GB2401690 (GB0421265.0) 24 Sep 2004 [14 Mar 2003] INTENSE PHOTONICS LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Electro-absorption modulator with broad optical bandwidth Priorities: [GB0206226 16 Mar 2002] PCT Details: PCT/GB2003/001083 WO2003/079100 25 Sep 2003 UKC Headings: G2F Int Cl7 G02F 1/017 G3N GB2401691 (GB0409611.1) 29 Apr 2004 DEERE & COMPANY (INCORPORATED IN USA DELAWARE) System for controlling energy consumption in a vehicle which includes an electrical propulsion means Priorities: [US10439517 16 May 2003] UKC Headings: G3N U1S Int Cl7 G05D 1/00 A01D 34/00 B60K 31/00 B60R 16/02 G4A GB2401692 (GB0408858.9) 21 Apr 2004 HEWLETT-PACKARD DEVELOPMENT COMPANY L.P. (INCORPORATED IN USA - TEXAS) RPC SOAP service access employing a tag library Priorities: [US10431938 08 May 2003] UKC Headings: G4A Int Cl7 G06F 17/30 GB2401693 (GB0409228.4) 26 Apr 2004 SUN MICROSYSTEMS, INC. (INCORPORATED IN USA DELAWARE) Conict-free updating of directory information between servers Priorities: [FR0305837 15 May 2003] UKC Headings: G4A Int Cl7 G06F 17/30 GB2401694 (GB0409263.1) 26 Apr 2004 HEWLETT-PACKARD DEVELOPMENT COMPANY L.P. (INCORPORATED IN USA - TEXAS) Detecting a malfunctioning host coupled to a communications bus Priorities: [US10437981 14 May 2003] UKC Headings: G4A Int Cl7 G06F 11/00 G06F 11/20

GB2401738 See entry under Heading H4D G1G GB2401682 (GB8805749.2) 10 Mar 1988 THALES UNDERWATER SYSTEMS LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) A harness UKC Headings: G1G Int Cl7 G01V 1/20

GB2401683 (GB0311239.8) 16 May 2003 ROLLS-ROYCE PLC (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Monitoring engine order forcing frequency UKC Headings: G1G Int Cl7 G01M 15/00 G01H 1/00


Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026

17 November 2004

Applications published: Subject-Matter Index - cont GB2401695 (GB0410128.3) 06 May 2004 SUN MICROSYSTEMS INC (INCORPORATED IN USA DELAWARE) Performing a carry-save division operation Priorities: [US10436577 12 May 2003] UKC Headings: G4A Int Cl7 G06F 7/52 GB2401696 (GB0410265.3) 07 May 2004 SUN MICROSYSTEMS, INC. (INCORPORATED IN USA DELAWARE) Method for performing a square root operation Priorities: [US10436610 12 May 2003] UKC Headings: G4A Int Cl7 G06F 7/552 GB2401697 (GB0411038.3) 17 May 2004 HORTON, REMY A Microcontroller with timing control instructions Priorities: [GB0311175 15 May 2003] UKC Headings: G4A Int Cl7 G06F 9/30 G4H GB2401701 (GB0311336.2) 16 May 2003 INQUAM (UK) LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Mode selection for communications device keypad UKC Headings: G4H H4J U1S Int Cl7 H03M 11/14 G4R GB2401703 (GB0419065.8) 26 Aug 2004 [30 Jun 2000] ROYAL MAIL GROUP PLC (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Image processing Divisional earlier date under section 15 (4) GB0016216.4 UKC Headings: G4R U1S Int Cl7 G06K 9/36 H04N 1/40 G4V GB2401704 (GB0311119.2) 14 May 2003 MONEY CONTROLS LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Coin acceptor with piezoelectric sensor UKC Headings: G4V Int Cl7 G07D 5/00 GB2401705 (GB0406421.8) 22 Mar 2004 ACRES GAMING INCORPORATED (INCORPORATED IN USA NEVADA) Valued end bonus event for a gaming machine Priorities: [US10423727 25 Apr 2003] UKC Headings: G4V Int Cl7 G07F 17/32 G4X GB2401706 (GB0309218.6) 23 Apr 2003 INTERNATIONAL CURRENCY TECHNOLOGIES CORPORATION (INCORPORATED IN TAIWAN) Preventing paper currency from being pulled out of a currency receiver UKC Headings: G4X Int Cl7 G07D 7/00 GB2401707 (GB0316213.8) 10 Jul 2003 INTERNATIONAL CURRENCY TECHNOLOGIES CORPORATION (INCORPORATED IN TAIWAN) Preventing banknotes from being pulled out of a currency storage cabinet Priorities: [TW092205787 14 Apr 2003] UKC Headings: G4X Int Cl7 G07D 7/00 G07F 7/04 G5C GB2401708 (GB0310776.0) 10 May 2003 DEMOLE, FREDERIC J Changeable display sign UKC Headings: G5C Int Cl7 G09F 11/30 GB2401709 (GB0407006.6) 29 Mar 2004 LEVINSOHN, STEVEN M Variable message display accessory for microphone Priorities: [ZA20032641 04 Apr 2003] UKC Headings: G5C Int Cl7 G09F 23/00 H04R 1/02 GB2401710 (GB0407098.3) 30 Mar 2004 SALVAGE, RICHARD Thermochromatic warning device for door. Priorities: [GB0307466 01 Apr 2003] UKC Headings: G5C Int Cl7 G09F 19/12 GB2401711 (GB0410364.4) 10 May 2004 SONY CORPORATION (INCORPORATED IN JAPAN) Deposition mask, method for manufacturing display unit using it and display unit Priorities: [JP2003132791 12 May 2003] UKC Headings: G5C H1K Int Cl7 H01L 51/40 H05B 33/10

GB2401698 (GB0417707.7) 10 Aug 2004 [13 Jan 2003] SECURE DOCUMENT EXCHANGE PTY LTD (INCORPORATED IN AUSTRALIA - NEW SOUTH WALES) Document management and multi party collaboration system Priorities: [AU9941 11 Jan 2002] PCT Details: PCT/AU2003/000024 WO2003/058493 17 Jul 2003 UKC Headings: G4A Int G06F 17/30 Cl7 G06F 1/00

G5G GB2401712 (GB0311184.6) 15 May 2003 ROBINSON, EDWARD Rotating, illuminated, astronomical globe. UKC Headings: G5G Int Cl7 G09B 27/06 GB2401713 (GB0313572.0) 12 Jun 2003 SOUTH DARTMOOR COMMUNITY COLLEGE Training students. Priorities: [GB0310846 12 May 2003] UKC Headings: G5G Int Cl7 G09B 5/00

GB2401699 (GB0418226.7) 16 Aug 2004 [26 Nov 2002] CATERPILLAR INC. (INCORPORATED IN USA DELAWARE) A method of manufacturing a load bearing member and determining the effects of heat caused by welding Divisional earlier date under section 15 (4) GB0408375.4 Priorities: [US10028580 20 Dec 2001] UKC Headings: G4A B8H Int Cl7 G06F 17/50 B23K 31/12 E02F 3/38 E02F 9/14 GB2401700 (GB0419923.8) 08 Sep 2004 [14 Feb 2003] INTEL CORPORATION (INCORPORATED IN USA DELAWARE) A power-down scheme for an integrated circuit Priorities: [US10095864 11 Mar 2002] PCT Details: PCT/US2003/004519 WO2003/079172 25 Sep 2003 UKC Headings: G4A Int Cl7 G06F 1/32

G5J GB2401714 (GB0311240.6) 16 May 2003 GLENCROFT LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Selecting audio information UKC Headings: G5J Int Cl7 G10H 7/00

17 November 2004

Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026


Applications published: Subject-Matter Index - cont G5R GB2401715 (GB0410438.6) 11 May 2004 ALPS ELECTRIC CO., LTD. (INCORPORATED IN JAPAN) CPP giant magnetoresistive element Priorities: [JP2003132934 12 May 2003] UKC Headings: G5R Int Cl7 G11B 5/39 GB2401716 (GB0410441.0) 11 May 2004 ALPS ELECTRIC CO LTD (INCORPORATED IN JAPAN) Electrode layer for thin-lm magnetic heads Priorities: [JP2003133312 12 May 2003] UKC Headings: G5R Int G11B 5/39 H1A GB2401717 (GB0408714.4) 20 Apr 2004 VISTEON GLOBAL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. (INCORPORATED IN USA MICHIGAN) Flat cable assembly with a sealing lm. Priorities: [US10437747 14 May 2003] UKC Headings: H1A Int Cl7 H01B 7/08 H01B 7/28 GB2401718 (GB0409242.5) 26 Apr 2004 NEXANS (INCORPORATED IN FRANCE) Cable with crevice corrosion protection Priorities: [NO20032028 06 May 2003] UKC Headings: H1A Int Cl7 H01B 7/14 C23F 15/00 F16L 58/16 H01B 7/28 H1C GB2401719 (GB0320315.5) 29 Aug 2003 METAL IMPROVEMENT COMPANY, INC (INCORPORATED IN USA - CALIFORNIA) REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, THE (INCORPORATED IN USA CALIFORNIA) Single frequency ring laser Priorities: [US60471490 16 May 2003] UKC Headings: H1C C7N U1S Int Cl7 H01S 3/11 H1Q H1D GB2401720 (GB0311296.8) 16 May 2003 PRINTABLE FIELD EMITTERS LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Field emitters and devices UKC Headings: H1D Int Cl7 H01J 1/304 H01J 9/02 GB2401725 (GB0310829.7) 12 May 2003 NOKIA CORPORATION (INCORPORATED IN FINLAND) PIFA antenna with modied resonant frequencies UKC Headings: H1Q U1S Int Cl7 H01Q 9/04 H01Q 1/24 Cl7 G11B 5/31 GB2401722 (GB0405290.8) 09 Mar 2004 AGERE SYSTEMS INC (INCORPORATED IN USA DELAWARE) Wafer pedestal cover Priorities: [US10675568 30 Sep 2003] [US60470120 13 May 2003] UKC Headings: H1K Int Cl7 H01L 21/68 H01L 21/768 H1N GB2401723 (GB0311295.0) 16 May 2003 NOVAR ED&S LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Rocker switch UKC Headings: H1N Int Cl7 H01H 23/20 H01H 5/08 H1P GB2401649 See entry under Heading F1B GB2401724 (GB0310810.7) 12 May 2003 MAGNETIC SYSTEMS LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Permanent magnet chuck UKC Headings: H1P U1S Int Cl7 H01F 7/02 B23Q 3/154 GB2401721 (GB0407830.9) 06 Apr 2004 MICROMASS UK LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Mass spectrometer providing mass to charge ratio measurements with error bands Priorities: [GB0308278 10 Apr 2003] UKC Headings: H1D Int Cl7 H01J 49/00 H01J 49/26 H1K GB2401711 See entry under Heading G5C H1R GB2401727 (GB0311346.1) 16 May 2003 INQUAM (UK) LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Electronic device with battery slot UKC Headings: H1R H4J Int Cl7 H04M 1/02 H1W GB2401728 (GB0419590.5) 03 Sep 2004 [10 Mar 2003] CONDUCTUS INC (INCORPORATED IN USA CALIFORNIA) Resonator and coupling method and apparatus for a microstrip lter Priorities: [US60362596 08 Mar 2002] PCT Details: PCT/US2003/007139 WO2003/077352 18 Sep 2003 UKC Headings: H1W Int Cl7 H01P 1/203 H01P 7/08 H2A GB2401649 See entry under Heading F1B GB2401656 See entry under Heading F1V GB2401729 (GB0324916.6) 24 Oct 2003 YI, CHAE-CHUNG Direct current rotation machine Priorities: [DE10321763 15 May 2003] UKC Headings: H2A Int Cl7 H02K 23/00 H02K 3/28 GB2401730 (GB0407687.3) 05 Apr 2004 LINDE AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT (INCORPORATED IN THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY) Rotor shaft with uid coolant passages for an electrical machine; a drive axle containing said machine. Priorities: [DE10318022 19 Apr 2003] UKC Headings: H2A U1S Int Cl7 H02K 1/32 H02K 7/08 H02K 7/102 H02K 7/116 H02K 7/14 H02K 9/00 H02K 16/00 H2C GB2401665 See entry under Heading F2P GB2401726 (GB0410843.7) 14 May 2004 KANSAI PAINT CO. LTD. (INCORPORATED IN JAPAN) A method for forming an automotive antenna on a vehicle body panel Priorities: [JP2003136369 14 May 2003] UKC Headings: H1Q Int Cl7 H01Q 1/32


Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026

17 November 2004

Applications published: Subject-Matter Index - cont H2E GB2401673 See entry under Heading F4R GB2401731 (GB0310944.4) 13 May 2003 ON TAT BAKELITE ELECTRIC WORKS LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN HONG KONG) Modular electrical socket board UKC Headings: H2E Int Cl7 H01R 13/502 H01R 13/514 H2H GB2401732 (GB0416751.6) 28 Jul 2004 [02 Feb 2004] VISTEON GLOBAL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. (INCORPORATED IN USA MICHIGAN) Transient protection circuit Divisional earlier date under section 15 (4) GB0402159.8 Priorities: [US10653439 02 Sep 2003] [US60447826 14 Feb 2003] [US60452190 05 Mar 2003] UKC Headings: H2H Int Cl H02H 9/04 H3A GB2401733 (GB0311311.5) 16 May 2003 IPWIRELESS INC (INCORPORATED IN USA - DELAWARE) Automatic frequency control in a communication system UKC Headings: H3A Int Cl7 H03L 7/06 GB2401764 See entry under Heading H4P H3G GB2401734 (GB0311115.0) 14 May 2003 UBINETICS LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Transmission Power Steps UKC Headings: H3G Int Cl7 H04B 7/005 GB2401737 See entry under Heading H3W H3H GB2401735 See entry under Heading H3W H4F H3P GB2401735 See entry under Heading H3W H3T GB2401735 See entry under Heading H3W GB2401736 See entry under Heading H3W H4K GB2401670 See entry under Heading F2Y GB2401739 (GB0308954.7) 17 Apr 2003 SONY UNITED KINGDOM LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Data compression UKC Headings: H4F Int Cl7 H04N 7/30 GB2401745 (GB0311178.8) 15 May 2003 DESKTOP GUARDIAN LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Controlling access to a secure computer system UKC Headings: H4K Int Cl7 G06F 1/00

GB2401737 See entry under Heading H3W H3W GB2401735 (GB0408075.0) 08 Apr 2004 SONY CORPORATION (INCORPORATED IN JAPAN) A comparator with isolatable inputs for reduced noise in a sub-ranging ADC Priorities: [JP2003105689 09 Apr 2003] UKC Headings: H3W H3H H3P H3T Int Cl7 H03K 5/24 H03F 1/26 H03M 1/36 GB2401736 (GB0418318.2) 16 Aug 2004 [27 Feb 2003] ANDREW AG (INCORPORATED IN SWITZERLAND) Reducing peak-to-average signal power ratio Priorities: [US60360855 01 Mar 2002] [US60362651 08 Mar 2002] PCT Details: PCT/US2003/005934 WO2003/075457 12 Sep 2003 UKC Headings: H3W H3T H4P Int Cl7 H03G 11/00 GB2401737 (GB0419201.9) 27 Aug 2004 [28 Feb 2003] SIGE SEMICONDUCTOR INC (INCORPORATED IN CANADA ONTARIO) Method of adjusting gain and current consumption of a power amplier circuit while maintaining linearity Priorities: [US10085586 01 Mar 2002] PCT Details: PCT/CA2003/000284 WO2003/075452 12 Sep 2003 UKC Headings: H3W H3G H3T Int Cl7 H03F 1/02 H03F 1/30 H03F 1/32 H03G 3/20 H03G 3/30 H4D

GB2401740 (GB0407396.1) 01 Apr 2004 HEWLETT -PACKARD DEVELOPMENT COMPANY L.P. (INCORPORATED IN USA - TEXAS) Card shaped detachable camera imaging module Priorities: [GB0308304 10 Apr 2003] UKC Headings: H4F G2A Int Cl7 H04N 5/225 G03B 17/02 GB2401741 (GB0407596.6) 02 Apr 2004 HEWLETT -PACKARD DEVELOPMENT COMPANY L.P. (INCORPORATED IN USA - TEXAS) Image sensor array Priorities: [US10422277 23 Apr 2003] UKC Headings: H4F Int Cl7 H04N 1/04 GB2401742 (GB0408761.5) 20 Apr 2004 HEWLETT -PACKARD DEVELOPMENT COMPANY L.P. (INCORPORATED IN USA - TEXAS) Determining differences between scanned documents Priorities: [US10430203 05 May 2003] UKC Headings: H4F Int Cl7 H04N 1/40 GB2401743 (GB0417826.5) 11 Aug 2004 [18 Feb 2003] HOLOGRAPHIC IMAGING LLC (INCORPORATED IN USA DELAWARE) Computer generated holograms Priorities: [GB0204314 23 Feb 2002] PCT Details: PCT/GB2003/000762 WO2003/071360 28 Aug 2003 UKC Headings: H4F Int Cl7 G03H 1/08 G06T 1/00 H4J GB2401701 See entry under Heading G4H GB2401727 See entry under Heading H1R

GB2401738 (GB0311333.9) 16 May 2003 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHAMPTON (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Optical bre sensor UKC Headings: H4D G1A Int Cl7 G01M 11/00

GB2401744 (GB0311085.5) 14 May 2003 ULTRA ELECTRONICS LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) An adaptive noise control unit with feedback compensation UKC Headings: H4J Int Cl7 G10K 11/178

17 November 2004

Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026


Applications published: Subject-Matter Index - cont GB2401746 (GB0419234.0) 27 Aug 2004 [10 Mar 2003] ERICSSON INC (INCORPORATED IN USA - DELAWARE) Method,apparatus and system for sending a multimedia message when a called party does not answer the call Priorities: [US10094687 11 Mar 2002] PCT Details: PCT/US2003/007055 WO2003/079657 25 Sep 2003 UKC Headings: H4K Int Cl7 H04M 3/533 H04Q 7/38 H4L GB2401747 (GB0310877.6) 12 May 2003 HUTCHISON WHAMPOA THREE G IP (BAHAMAS) LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE BAHAMAS) Service restriction in foreign mobile networks UKC Headings: H4L Int Cl7 H04Q 7/38 GB2401748 (GB0311076.4) 14 May 2003 MOTOROLA INC (INCORPORATED IN USA DELAWARE) APPARATUS AND METHOD OF MEMORY ALLOCATION THEREOF UKC Headings: H4L Int Cl7 H04L 12/56 G06F 12/00 GB2401749 (GB0311117.6) 14 May 2003 UBINETICS LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Transmission power calibration UKC Headings: H4L Int Cl7 H04Q 7/34 GB2401752 (GB0312170.4) 28 May 2003 WALKER, GUY F H Mobile personal security eyewitness device Priorities: [GB0310885 13 May 2003] UKC Headings: H4L Int Cl7 H04M 11/04 GB2401753 (GB0326802.6) 18 Nov 2003 SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT (INCORPORATED IN THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY) Making broadcast services available to mobile stations outside broadcast area Priorities: [GB0311277 16 May 2003] UKC Headings: H4L Int Cl7 H04Q 7/22 GB2401757 (GB0417468.6) 05 Aug 2004 [18 Feb 2003] EMPOWER INTERACTIVE GROUP LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Distributed message transmission system and method Divisional earlier date under section 15 (4) GB0416118.8 Priorities: [GB0203796 18 Feb 2002] [GB0203795 18 Feb 2002] [GB0210243 03 May 2002] UKC Headings: H4L Int Cl7 H04Q 7/22 GB2401758 (GB0419429.6) 02 Sep 2004 [14 Feb 2003] MOTOROLA INC (INCORPORATED IN USA DELAWARE) Method and apparatus for robust local mobility management in a mobile network Priorities: [US10107861 27 Mar 2002] PCT Details: PCT/US2003/004491 WO2003/084148 09 Oct 2003 UKC Headings: H4L Int Cl7 H04L 12/28 H4M GB2401759 See entry under Heading H4P H4P GB2401755 (GB0417466.0) 05 Aug 2004 [18 Feb 2003] EMPOWER INTERACTIVE GROUP LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Distributed message transmission system and method Divisional earlier date under section 15 (4) GB0416118.8 Priorities: [GB0203795 18 Feb 2002] GB2401750 (GB0311214.1) 15 May 2003 NEC TECHNOLOGIES (UK) LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) METHOD OF REPORTING TRAFFIC VOLUME MEASUREMENTS IN A UMTS STACK. UKC Headings: H4L Int Cl7 H04L 29/06 GB2401751 (GB0311345.3) 16 May 2003 INQUAM (UK) LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Notication mechanism for a push to talk (PTT) enabled device UKC Headings: H4L Int H04Q 7/32 Cl7 H04Q 7/38 [GB0210243 03 May 2002] [GB0203796 18 Feb 2002] UKC Headings: H4L Int Cl7 H04Q 7/22 GB2401756 (GB0417467.8) 05 Aug 2004 [18 Feb 2003] EMPOWER INTERACTIVE GROUP LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Distributed Message Transmission System and Method Divisional earlier date under section 15 (4) GB0416118.8 Priorities: [GB0203796 18 Feb 2002] [GB0203795 18 Feb 2002] [GB0210243 03 May 2002] UKC Headings: H4L Int Cl7 H04M 15/00 H04Q 7/22 GB2401736 See entry under Heading H3W GB2401759 (GB0310976.6) 13 May 2003 NOKIA CORPORATION (INCORPORATED IN FINLAND) Method of signalling in a mobile communications network UKC Headings: H4P H4M Int Cl7 H04L 5/02 GB2401760 (GB0311215.8) 15 May 2003 NEC TECHNOLOGIES (UK) LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Transport format selection UKC Headings: H4P Int Cl7 H04L 12/56 H04Q 7/38 GB2401761 (GB0405016.7) 05 Mar 2004 AGERE SYSTEMS INC (INCORPORATED IN USA DELAWARE) Repeatable run out detector that selects best phase of original and interpolated samples with maximum likelihood detection of address mark Priorities: [US10436526 13 May 2003] UKC Headings: H4P Int Cl7 H04L 7/04 G11B 5/596 G11B 20/14

GB2401754 (GB0417465.2) 05 Aug 2004 [18 Feb 2003] EMPOWER INTERACTIVE GROUP LTD (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Distributed message transmission system and method Divisional earlier date under section 15 (4) GB0416118.8 Priorities: [GB0210243 03 May 2002] [GB0203795 18 Feb 2002] [GB0203796 18 Feb 2002] UKC Headings: H4L Int Cl7 H04Q 7/22


Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026

17 November 2004

Applications published: Subject-Matter Index - cont GB2401762 (GB0407261.7) 31 Mar 2004 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INCORPORATED (INCORPORATED IN USA DELAWARE) WLAN admission control for multimedia service Priorities: [US10449796 30 May 2003] [US10404268 01 Apr 2003] UKC Headings: H4P Int Cl7 H04L 12/28 GB2401763 (GB0417136.9) 30 Jul 2004 [04 Jul 2003] HEWLETT-PACKARD DEVELOPMENT COMPANY L.P. Trusted Authority for Identier-Based Cryptography Divisional earlier date under section 15 (4) GB0315696.5 Priorities: [GB0215590 05 Jul 2002] UKC Headings: H4P Int Cl7 H04L 9/08 H04L 9/32 GB2401764 (GB0417985.9) 12 Aug 2004 [03 Jan 2002] VTECH COMMUNICATIONS LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN HONG KONG) System clock synchronisation using a phase-locked loop (PLL) Divisional earlier date under section 15 (4) GB0200077.6 Priorities: [GB0100094 03 Jan 2001] UKC Headings: H4P H3A Int Cl7 H04L 7/08 H04B 7/26 H4R GB2401765 (GB0420326.1) 13 Sep 2004 [13 Mar 2003] HEARWORKS PTY. LTD (INCORPORATED IN AUSTRALIA) A method and system for controlling potentially harmful signals in a signal arranged to convey speech Priorities: [AUPS1029 13 Mar 2002] PCT Details: PCT/AU2003/000301 WO2003/077236 18 Sep 2003 UKC Headings: H4R Int Cl7 G10L 21/02 G08G 1/00 G10L 15/20 H04M 1/19 H5R GB2401766 (GB0305555.5) 11 Mar 2003 SYMETRICA LTD (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Improved gamma-ray camera system UKC Headings: H5R Int Cl7 G01T 1/164 A61B 6/00 G01T 1/20

17 November 2004

Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026


Applications published: Number Index

GB2401523 - GB2401766 This index is a concordance between application numbers and publication numbers of applications published in the above publication number range.The entries are arranged in ascending application number order. GB8805749.2 GB0212359.4 GB0300782.0 GB0305555.5 GB0307837.5 GB0308344.1 GB0308954.7 GB0309058.6 GB0309218.6 GB0310748.9 GB0310750.5 GB0310774.5 GB0310776.0 GB0310793.5 GB0310798.4 GB0310803.2 GB0310805.7 GB0310810.7 GB0310814.9 GB0310816.4 GB0310826.3 GB0310829.7 GB0310856.0 GB0310866.9 GB0310869.3 GB0310877.6 GB0310879.2 GB0310886.7 GB0310899.0 GB0310906.3 GB0310915.4 GB0310918.8 GB0310925.3 GB0310930.3 GB0310931.1 GB0310944.4 GB0310946.9 GB0310952.7 GB0310953.5 GB0310976.6 GB0310993.1 GB0311007.9 GB0311025.1 GB0311056.6 GB0311060.8 GB0311072.3 GB0311076.4 GB0311085.5 GB0311089.7 GB0311103.6 GB0311109.3 GB0311115.0 GB0311117.6 GB0311119.2 GB0311127.5 GB0311139.0 GB0311142.4 GB2401682 GB2401672 GB2401678 GB2401766 GB2401527 GB2401561 GB2401739 GB2401642 GB2401706 GB2401539 GB2401615 GB2401570 GB2401708 GB2401598 GB2401600 GB2401604 GB2401671 GB2401724 GB2401549 GB2401559 GB2401528 GB2401725 GB2401605 GB2401669 GB2401550 GB2401747 GB2401647 GB2401571 GB2401565 GB2401640 GB2401573 GB2401673 GB2401612 GB2401660 GB2401532 GB2401731 GB2401548 GB2401608 GB2401609 GB2401759 GB2401540 GB2401651 GB2401654 GB2401541 GB2401569 GB2401667 GB2401748 GB2401744 GB2401536 GB2401585 GB2401526 GB2401734 GB2401749 GB2401704 GB2401652 GB2401533 GB2401554 GB0311144.0 GB0311148.1 GB0311159.8 GB0311168.9 GB0311173.9 GB0311176.2 GB0311178.8 GB0311184.6 GB0311197.8 GB0311209.1 GB0311213.3 GB0311214.1 GB0311215.8 GB0311239.8 GB0311240.6 GB0311270.3 GB0311271.1 GB0311295.0 GB0311296.8 GB0311311.5 GB0311333.9 GB0311336.2 GB0311338.8 GB0311339.6 GB0311340.4 GB0311345.3 GB0311346.1 GB0311348.7 GB0311368.5 GB0311378.4 GB0311747.0 GB0312170.4 GB0313572.0 GB0314484.7 GB0316213.8 GB0317585.8 GB0320315.5 GB0322690.9 GB0322923.4 GB0324916.6 GB0326802.6 GB0326837.2 GB0327855.3 GB0327978.3 GB0402479.0 GB0402567.2 GB0403042.5 GB0404720.5 GB0405016.7 GB0405290.8 GB0405291.6 GB0405526.5 GB0405980.4 GB0406341.8 GB0406421.8 GB0407006.6 GB0407098.3 GB2401641 GB2401664 GB2401655 GB2401525 GB2401564 GB2401601 GB2401745 GB2401712 GB2401542 GB2401534 GB2401617 GB2401750 GB2401760 GB2401683 GB2401714 GB2401661 GB2401586 GB2401723 GB2401720 GB2401733 GB2401738 GB2401701 GB2401668 GB2401589 GB2401590 GB2401751 GB2401727 GB2401656 GB2401662 GB2401658 GB2401545 GB2401752 GB2401713 GB2401562 GB2401707 GB2401679 GB2401719 GB2401535 GB2401551 GB2401729 GB2401753 GB2401680 GB2401537 GB2401674 GB2401614 GB2401602 GB2401685 GB2401577 GB2401761 GB2401722 GB2401613 GB2401643 GB2401579 GB2401574 GB2401705 GB2401709 GB2401710 GB0407146.0 GB0407261.7 GB0407396.1 GB0407500.8 GB0407596.6 GB0407687.3 GB0407830.9 GB0407878.8 GB0407987.7 GB0408075.0 GB0408098.2 GB0408265.7 GB0408567.6 GB0408714.4 GB0408761.5 GB0408851.4 GB0408858.9 GB0408867.0 GB0408934.8 GB0409120.3 GB0409162.5 GB0409184.9 GB0409228.4 GB0409242.5 GB0409263.1 GB0409320.9 GB0409404.1 GB0409510.5 GB0409537.8 GB0409611.1 GB0409867.9 GB0409931.3 GB0409973.5 GB0410026.9 GB0410128.3 GB0410169.7 GB0410172.1 GB0410214.1 GB0410229.9 GB0410253.9 GB0410265.3 GB0410350.3 GB0410364.4 GB0410404.8 GB0410406.3 GB0410435.2 GB0410438.6 GB0410441.0 GB0410485.7 GB0410555.7 GB0410612.6 GB0410613.4 GB0410619.1 GB0410658.9 GB0410671.2 GB0410695.1 GB0410705.8 GB2401676 GB2401762 GB2401740 GB2401581 GB2401741 GB2401730 GB2401721 GB2401648 GB2401644 GB2401735 GB2401677 GB2401681 GB2401538 GB2401717 GB2401742 GB2401618 GB2401692 GB2401657 GB2401663 GB2401659 GB2401686 GB2401649 GB2401693 GB2401718 GB2401694 GB2401645 GB2401653 GB2401546 GB2401580 GB2401691 GB2401687 GB2401557 GB2401547 GB2401587 GB2401695 GB2401650 GB2401523 GB2401610 GB2401597 GB2401665 GB2401696 GB2401593 GB2401711 GB2401578 GB2401566 GB2401619 GB2401715 GB2401716 GB2401558 GB2401588 GB2401563 GB2401591 GB2401582 GB2401575 GB2401524 GB2401567 GB2401596


Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026

17 November 2004

Applications published: Number Index - cont GB0410707.4 GB0410709.0 GB0410721.5 GB0410754.6 GB0410757.9 GB0410820.5 GB0410822.1 GB0410836.1 GB0410843.7 GB0410879.1 GB0410969.0 GB0411038.3 GB0412501.9 GB0413646.1 GB0413933.3 GB0415647.7 GB0415826.7 GB0416245.9 GB0416306.9 GB0416366.3 GB0416751.6 GB0416955.3 GB0417136.9 GB0417407.4 GB0417465.2 GB0417466.0 GB0417467.8 GB0417468.6 GB0417707.7 GB0417826.5 GB0417985.9 GB0418226.7 GB0418318.2 GB0418356.2 GB0418425.5 GB0418426.3 GB0418427.1 GB0418429.7 GB0418430.5 GB0418431.3 GB0418432.1 GB0418433.9 GB0418439.6 GB0418442.0 GB0418467.7 GB0418626.8 GB0419065.8 GB0419201.9 GB0419234.0 GB0419394.2 GB0419429.6 GB0419534.3 GB0419590.5 GB0419923.8 GB0419939.4 GB0420326.1 GB0420363.4 GB0420485.5 GB0420527.4 GB0420571.2 GB0420674.4 GB0420770.0 GB0420787.4 GB0420790.8 GB0420918.5 GB2401553 GB2401620 GB2401572 GB2401646 GB2401576 GB2401543 GB2401688 GB2401531 GB2401726 GB2401621 GB2401611 GB2401697 GB2401622 GB2401623 GB2401624 GB2401625 GB2401626 GB2401627 GB2401628 GB2401629 GB2401732 GB2401607 GB2401763 GB2401616 GB2401754 GB2401755 GB2401756 GB2401757 GB2401698 GB2401743 GB2401764 GB2401699 GB2401736 GB2401603 GB2401630 GB2401631 GB2401632 GB2401633 GB2401634 GB2401635 GB2401636 GB2401637 GB2401638 GB2401639 GB2401689 GB2401675 GB2401703 GB2401737 GB2401746 GB2401684 GB2401758 GB2401606 GB2401728 GB2401700 GB2401552 GB2401765 GB2401666 GB2401530 GB2401555 GB2401544 GB2401583 GB2401556 GB2401594 GB2401595 GB2401670 GB0421098.5 GB0421112.4 GB0421226.2 GB0421265.0 GB0421468.0 GB0421676.8 GB2401568 GB2401529 GB2401592 GB2401690 GB2401584 GB2401560

17 November 2004

Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026


Applications Published: Name Index

This index lists, in alphabetical order, the names of applicants and inventors for the applications the publication of which is announced in this issue of the Journal. The entry under the name of the applicant sets out the details of the application including the name of any inventor who is not also an applicant. Where an inventor is also an applicant, the name appears in the index only as an applicant. Where there are joint applicants, details of the application are given only for the entry under the name of a rst applicant, the entries under the names of the other applicants being cross referenced to the entry for the rst applicant. Where an inventor is not also an applicant, the entry under the name of the inventor is cross referenced to the entry of the applicant, or the rst applicant in the case of joint applicants. Each entry under the name of the (or the rst) applicant provides the following information: the name(s) of the applicant(s); the country of incorporation; the names of inventors who are not also applicants; the UK Classication Headings accorded to the ABB Vetco Gray, Inc. (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) (Buckle, Kevin G) (Clark, Alan M) (Humphrey, Bernard) (Massie, Alfred) (Osborne, John H) E1F GB2401626 Acres Gaming Incorporated (Incorporated in USA - Nevada) (Iddings, Cara L) A6H GB2401557 (Boyd, Scott A) (Jordan, Jeffrey R) (Russell, Glen K) (Schneider, Richard J) G4V GB2401705 Acton & Acton Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Acton, David) B6G A4X B6P GB2401580 Acton, David See Acton & Acton Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Agere Systems Inc (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) (Buckfeller, Joseph W) (Clabough, Craig G) (Daniel, Timothy J) (Vartuli, Catherine) C7F GB2401613 (Buckfeller, Joseph W) (Clabough, Craig G) (Collier, Donald W) (Daniel, Timothy J) H1K GB2401722 (Annampedu, Viswanath) (Aziz, Pervez M) H4P GB2401761 Agnola, Jerome See Neopost Industrie SA (Incorporated in France) Akaki, Yuu See Kansai Paint Co. Ltd. (Incorporated in Japan) Alcock, John See TEGUS Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Allin, Melissa G See Halliburton Energy Services, Inc. (Incorporated in USA Delaware) Alps Electric Co Ltd (Incorporated in Japan) (Hasegawa, Naoya) (Oshima, Masahiro) G5R GB2401716

application; and the publication number of the application. There follows three examples of entries for this index. The rst example shows the entry for an application having two joint applicants and an inventor who is not also an applicant, the second shows the entry for the inventor who is not the applicant, the third shows the entry for the other applicant. Example 1 (71)Williams PLC and Carr PLC (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (72)Smith,WS (52)B5A A1C (11)GB2209689 Example 2 (72)Smith,WS See Williams PLC (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Example 3 (71)Carr PLC See Williams PLC (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Autoliv Development AB (Incorporated in Sweden) (Fricke, Conrad) (Kismir, Altay) (Moore, Jonathan) B7B GB2401585 (Lemasson, Pascal) (Tarte, Frdric) F2Y F4U U1S GB2401669 Axon Instruments Inc (Incorporated in USA - California) (Osipchuk, Yuri) G1N GB2401689 Aziz, Pervez M See Agere Systems Inc (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Baker Hughes Incorporated (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) (Quintero, Lirio) E1F GB2401625 (Sloan, James T) E1F GB2401627 Balsdon, Julian G See Rolls-Royce plc (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Bassis, Dimitri See Brumby Corporation Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Bataillard, Christophe J See Inquam (UK) Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Bateman, Robert H See Micromass UK Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Battenfeld GmbH See University of Warwick (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Berndt, Christian See Planke, Sverre Bernhart, Ralf See Black & Decker Inc. (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Bhatoolaul, David L See Motorola Inc (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Bishay, Michael See Corin Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) BJ Services Company (Incorporated in USA - Texas) (Lehr, Douglas J) (Slup, Gabriel) E1F GB2401622

Alps Electric Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in Japan) (Hasegawa, Naoya) (Saito, Masamichi) G5R GB2401715 Amiconi, Fabio See Reckitt Benckiser N.V. (Incorporated in the Netherlands) Andrew AG (Incorporated in Switzerland) (Leung, Stephen Y) H3W H3T H4P GB2401736 Annampedu, Viswanath See Agere Systems Inc (Incorporated in USA Delaware) Appleton, Ian K See UbiNetics Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Ares Blanco, Marcos See Sun Microsystems, Inc. (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Asahi, Toshio See Kabushiki Kaisha Tokai Rika Denki Seisakusho (Incorporated in Japan) Ashcroft, David E1S GB2401642 Ashford, Paul R See Money Controls Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Ashley, Anthony W See Money Controls Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Astor-Bannerman (Medical) Ltd (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Oldale, Richard) (Stuart-Smith, James B P) A4L GB2401541 ATB Sales Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Whyte, Jon F R) B7E GB2401589 (Whyte, Jon F R) B7E GB2401590 Au, Andy C See Rolls-Royce plc (Incorporated in the United Kingdom)


Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026

17 November 2004

Applications published: Name Index - cont Black & Decker Inc. (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) (Bernhart, Ralf) (Buchholz, Achim) B4C GB2401570 Bongers, Marc See Brumby Corporation Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Boots Healthcare International Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Shea-Simonds, Duncan R) A5G GB2401548 Boyd, Scott A See Acres Gaming Incorporated (Incorporated in USA Nevada) Brand, John M See Desktop Guardian Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Brewer, Jonathan L See Textron Fastening Systems Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Brocklehurst, Peter See Magnetic Systems Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Brown, Bari W See Lear Corporation (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Brown, Christopher B8D GB2401598 Brown, Jeff See Micromass UK Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Brumby Corporation Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Bassis, Dimitri) (Bongers, Marc) (Buck, Jurgen) (Capito, Jost) (Fricker, Paul) (Giussani, Alessandro) (Goto, Osamu) (Guerciotti, Luca) (Harris, Lester) (Harris, Stephen) (Ikebe, Hidehito) (Jann, Urs) (Mascheroni, Luigi) (Satoh, Yasuyuki) (Suter, Eskil) (Takahashi, Hironao) (Umiyama, Hidezo) (Walter, Thomas) (Yoshikawa, Masaaki) B7H F1B F1M F2A F2T F4U GB2401592 Brunnert, David J See Weatherford/Lamb Inc. (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Buchanan, Thomas J E1C GB2401614 Buchholz, Achim See Black & Decker Inc. (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Buck, Jurgen See Brumby Corporation Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Buckfeller, Joseph W See Agere Systems Inc (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Buckle, Kevin G See ABB Vetco Gray, Inc. (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Burrows, Bruce D A6D GB2401556 Byma, George B See Lear Corporation (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Caffyn, Charles A See Cosatto (Sales) Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Camcon Ltd (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Ford, Graham P) (Wygnanski, Wladyslaw) F1B F2V H1P H2A U1S GB2401649 Campos, Juan A See Schlumberger Holdings Limited (Incorporated in the British Virgin Islands) Capito, Jost See Brumby Corporation Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Carothers, Alison J See Ford Global Technologies LLC (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Carty, John G1A GB2401681 Caterpillar Inc. (Incorporated in USA Delaware) (Janes, Brian R) (Lee, Christy L) (Schreuder, Dirk J) (Sieck, Charles F) G4A B8H GB2401699 Cathro, Richard A See Protective Sports Apparel Limited (Incorporated in New Zealand) Cavill, Raymond J See Visteon Global Technologies, Inc. (Incorporated in USA - Michigan) CereStem Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (McClure, Myra) C3H C6F U1S GB2401607 Challender, Gary B See Eaton Corporation (Incorporated in USA Ohio) Chang, Kuei T A4D GB2401536 Chen, Ken-Ching See King Slide Works Co Ltd (Incorporated in Taiwan) Chen, Liqun See Hewlett-Packard Development Company L.P. Chen, Ming See Kin Kei Hardware Industries Ltd (Incorporated in Hong Kong) Chen, Mu-Yu B4C GB2401571 Chen, Shun-Min See Cheng, Kenny Cheng, Kenny (Chen, Shun-Min) A4L GB2401540 Chien, Tien-Yuan See International Currency Technologies Corporation (Incorporated in Taiwan) Choi, Youn S B7A GB2401584 Clabough, Craig G See Agere Systems Inc (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Clark, Alan M See ABB Vetco Gray, Inc. (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Clark, Paul A See Secure Document Exchange Pty Ltd (Incorporated in Australia - New South Wales) Clark, Ronald F See Clarksteel Holdings Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Clarksteel Holdings Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Clark, Ronald F) E1G GB2401641 Cockcroft, Xiao-Ling F See KuDOS Pharmaceuticals Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Cohen, Danny See Sun Microsystems Inc (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Collier, Donald W See Agere Systems Inc (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Colquhoun, Ross L B1M B1L GB2401559 Compton, Donna A4L B7B GB2401543 Conductus Inc (Incorporated in USA California) (Ye, Shen) H1W GB2401728 Cook, Robert L See Shell Oil Company (Incorporated in USA - Texas) Corin Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Bishay, Michael) (Krikler, Steven J) (Nevelos, James E) (Stachniw, Myron B) A5R GB2401550 Corradini, Fabio See Reckitt Benckiser N.V. (Incorporated in the Netherlands) Cosatto (Sales) Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Caffyn, Charles A) A4L GB2401544 Cotswold Architectural Products Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Wronski, Yurek A) E2F GB2401648 Croucher, Ken See Magnetic Systems Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Czernecki, Andrzej See HTL-STREFA Splka z.o.o (Incorporated in Poland) D`Orto, David See Hewlett-Packard Development Company L.P. (Incorporated in USA - Texas) D'Arcy, Susan P See Weatherford/Lamb Inc. (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Daintree, Linda S See Nektar Therapeutics UK Ltd (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Dakin, John P See University of Southampton (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Dampney, Ian See Helmet Integrated Systems Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Dane, C B See Metal Improvement Company, Inc (Incorporated in USA California) Daniel, Timothy J See Agere Systems Inc (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Davis, Joseph J Jr See Lear Corporation (Incorporated in USA - Delaware)

17 November 2004

Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026


Applications published: Name Index - cont DBT GmbH (Incorporated in the Federal Republic of Germany) (Hogg, William) E1F GB2401623 Deere & Company (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) (DeRoo, Chris A) (Thacher, Russell J) G3N U1S GB2401691 Demole, Frederic J G5C GB2401708 Dench, John R See Protective Sports Apparel Limited (Incorporated in New Zealand) Denham, Keith See Textron Fastening Systems Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Denso Corporation (Incorporated in Japan) (Hamamura, Kazunari) (Karube, Kenji) (Kasebe, Osamu) (Kobayashi, Kengo) (Shimoda, Kensuke) (Sugawara, Hiroyoshi) (Uchiyama, Kazuhisa) B6J GB2401582 (Tamatsu, Takeshi) F4V GB2401677 Dequeker, Frans-Arthuur-Benoit A5R GB2401549 DeRoo, Chris A See Deere & Company (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Desktop Guardian Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Brand, John M) (McCracken, Douglas W) H4K GB2401745 Dingley, David J See Edax Inc (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Domoney, Francis See Glencroft Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Douglas, Vincent See Snapwatch Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Drger Safety AG & Co KGaA (Incorporated in the Federal Republic of Germany) (Kausch, Arnd) A5T GB2401553 Durbin, Martin J See One Plus Corp. (Incorporated in USA - Illinois) Eaton Corporation (Incorporated in USA - Ohio) (Challender, Gary B) (Parrish, Thomas A) F2G GB2401659 Ebbutt, Julian M See THALES UNDERWATER SYSTEMS LIMITED (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Ebergen, Josephus C See Sun Microsystems, Inc. (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) and See Sun Microsystems Inc (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Eckardt, Helmut See University of Warwick (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Edax Inc (Incorporated in USA Delaware) (Dingley, David J) (McBride, Matthew) (Wright, Stuart I) G1A GB2401680 Eggert, Daniel M See Snap-On Incorporated (Incorporated in USA Delaware) Eisenblatter, Gerd See Gerd Eisenblatter GmbH (Incorporated in the Federal Republic of Germany) Elgin, Stephen R See GE Medical Systems Global Technology Company, LLC. (Incorporated in USA Wisconsin) Empower Interactive Group Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Wood, Ian) H4L GB2401755 (Wood, Ian) H4L GB2401756 (Wood, Ian) H4L GB2401757 Empower Interactive Group Ltd (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Wood, Ian) H4L GB2401754 Enston, Robert P F2V GB2401667 Ericsson Inc (Incorporated in USA Delaware) (Oren, David) H4K GB2401746 Expro North Sea Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Hudson, Steven M) E1F GB2401617 Fagervold, Gunnar See GTO Subsea AS (Incorporated in Norway) Fagervold, Terje See GTO Subsea AS (Incorporated in Norway) Fawaz, Mike See Lear Corporation (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Fawcett, Christopher J See Hoover Company, The (Incorporated in USA Delaware) Fell, Anthony W See Mann + Hummel GmbH (Incorporated in the Federal Republic of Germany) Ferraro, Mark See Neopost Industrie SA (Incorporated in France) Filippov, Andrei G See Shell Oil Company (Incorporated in USA Texas) Fisco Tools Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Lee, Barry H) (Levick, Michael J) G1M GB2401685 Fisher, Michael J A See Hearworks Pty. Ltd (Incorporated in Australia) Fok, Peter See On Tat Bakelite Electric Works Limited (Incorporated in Hong Kong) Ford Global Technologies LLC (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) (Carothers, Alison J) (Maguire, Patrick) (Mathews, Jacob) (Shaner, Leonard A) (Zhu, Douglas) B7B GB2401587 Ford, Graham P See Camcon Ltd (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Foster, Michael L See Snap-On Incorporated (Incorporated in USA Delaware) Fricke, Conrad See Autoliv Development AB (Incorporated in Sweden) Fricker, Paul See Brumby Corporation Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Fuji Jukogyo Kabushiki Kaisha See Sanden Corporation (Incorporated in Japan) Fuji Kogyo Kabushiki Kaisha (Incorporated in Japan) (Ohmura, Ryuichi) A1A GB2401524 Fujimi Incorporated (Incorporated in Japan) (Owaki, Toshiki) (Sugiyama, Hiroyasu) (Uno, Takanori) C4V GB2401610 Fujisaki, Takashi See Sanden Corporation (Incorporated in Japan) Fukushima, Mamoru See Sanden Corporation (Incorporated in Japan) Funayama, Tomoyuki See Kabushiki Kaisha Tokai Rika Denki Seisakusho (Incorporated in Japan) Garland, John M See Victoria University of Manchester, The (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Garnham, Derek See North East Wales Institute of Higher Education (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Gautreau, James C See General Electric Company (Incorporated in USA - New York) GE Medical Systems Global Technology Company, LLC. (Incorporated in USA - Wisconsin) (Elgin, Stephen R) (Shen, Weijun) (Xu, Minfeng) G1N GB2401688 General Electric Company (Incorporated in USA - New York) (Gautreau, James C) (Martin, Nicholas F) (Rickert, Chris A) F1V U1S GB2401657 Gerd Eisenblatter GmbH (Incorporated in the Federal Republic of Germany) (Eisenblatter, Gerd) B3D U1S GB2401567 German, Caroline S See Nektar Therapeutics UK Ltd (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Ghabra, Riad See Lear Corporation (Incorporated in USA - Delaware)


Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026

17 November 2004

Applications published: Name Index - cont Gibbs Technologies Limited (Incorporated in the British Virgin Islands) (Jenkins, Neil G) B7A GB2401583 Giroux, Richard L See Weatherford/Lamb Inc. (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Giussani, Alessandro See Brumby Corporation Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Glencroft Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Domoney, Francis) G5J GB2401714 Globe Union Industrial Corp (Incorporated in Taiwan) (Ouyoung, Scott) A4B GB2401533 Glovatsky, Andrew Z See Visteon Global Technologies, Inc. (Incorporated in USA - Michigan) Goodings, Chris J See VTech Communications Limited (Incorporated in Hong Kong) Goodwin, Stephen See UbiNetics Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Gordon, Peter C See Survitec Group Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Goto, Osamu See Brumby Corporation Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Gouldson, Stanley F See Spotless Plastics Pty Limited (Incorporated in Australia) Green, Martin See Micromass UK Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Greenbridge Environmental Control Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Malyszewicz, Christopher) C5D GB2401611 Gregory, Mark L See Pulsar Light of Cambridge Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Grifn, Roger J See KuDOS Pharmaceuticals Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Gruszczynski, Robert G See Visteon Global Technologies, Inc. (Incorporated in USA - Michigan) GTO Subsea AS (Incorporated in Norway) (Fagervold, Gunnar) (Fagervold, Terje) (Jacobsen, Tom) (Kvalvaag, Olav) E1F GB2401624 Gudmestad, Tarald See Weatherford/Lamb Inc. (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Guerciotti, Luca See Brumby Corporation Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Hackel, Lloyd A See Metal Improvement Company, Inc (Incorporated in USA California) Halliburton Energy Services, Inc. (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) (Allin, Melissa G) (Kyle, Donald G) (Ringgenberg, Paul D) (Schultz, Roger L) (Trinh, Tyler) (Wright, Adam D) (Zeller, Vincent P) E1F GB2401620 Hamamura, Kazunari See Denso Corporation (Incorporated in Japan) Harris, Fritz B See Metal Improvement Company, Inc (Incorporated in USA California) Harris, Lester See Brumby Corporation Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Harris, Stephen See Brumby Corporation Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Harrison, Keith A See Hewlett-Packard Development Company L.P. Hasegawa, Naoya See Alps Electric Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in Japan) and See Alps Electric Co Ltd (Incorporated in Japan) Hatton, Malcolm A2B GB2401527 Hayward, Justin P W See University of Southampton (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Head, David G See University of Warwick (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Hearworks Pty. Ltd (Incorporated in Australia) (Fisher, Michael J A) H4R GB2401765 Hein, David See Lear Corporation (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Helmet Integrated Systems Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Dampney, Ian) F2V A5T GB2401668 Hernandez, Alfred See Schlumberger Holdings Limited (Incorporated in the British Virgin Islands) Hewlett-Packard Development Company L.P. (Incorporated in USA Texas) (D`Orto, David) (Kenig, Neil) (Pavlik, Gregory) (Petersen, Peter H) G4A GB2401692 (Maciorowski, David R) (Mantey, Paul J) (Young, Michael D) G4A GB2401694 (Hunter, Andrew A) H4F G2A GB2401740 (Spears, Kurt E) H4F GB2401741 (Hoene, Keith) (Sesek, Robert) H4F GB2401742 (Chen, Liqun) (Harrison, Keith A) H4P GB2401763 Hideyuki, Katsuta See Sony Corporation (Incorporated in Japan) Hirth, David E See Weatherford/Lamb Inc. (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Hitachi Koki Co., Ltd (Incorporated in Japan) (Nishikawa, Tomomsa) (Ohtsu, Shinki) (Onose, Akira) B5L GB2401576 Ho, Jin-Meng See Texas Instruments Incorporated (Incorporated in USA Delaware) Hoene, Keith See Hewlett-Packard Development Company L.P. (Incorporated in USA - Texas) Hoffman, Corey E See Weatherford/Lamb Inc. (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Hogg, William See DBT GmbH (Incorporated in the Federal Republic of Germany) Holographic Imaging LLC (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) (Young, Robert I) H4F GB2401743 Honda Motor Co.,Ltd (Incorporated in Japan) (Ide, Shinichi) (Kubota, Mitsuaki) (Yasuda, Toyoshi) (Yazaki, Makoto) B7V GB2401596 Hong, Ching-Sheng See Sunonwealth Electric Machine Industry Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in Taiwan) Hoover Company, The (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) (Fawcett, Christopher J) A4F GB2401538 Hopkins & Holloway Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Willis, Mike) A4L B7A GB2401539 Horng, Alex See Sunonwealth Electric Machine Industry Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in Taiwan) Horng, Yin-Rong See Sunonwealth Electric Machine Industry Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in Taiwan) Horton, Remy A G4A GB2401697 Howard, Christopher See Printable Field Emitters Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Howard, Paul See IPWireless Inc (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Hsu, Cheng-Hsiung A6M GB2401558 HTL-STREFA Splka z.o.o (Incorporated in Poland) (Czernecki, Andrzej) (Sarna, Wojciech) (Wyszogrodzki, Wojciech) A5R GB2401552 Hudson, Steven M See Expro North Sea Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Hummersone, Marc G See KuDOS Pharmaceuticals Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom)

17 November 2004

Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026


Applications published: Name Index - cont Humphrey, Bernard See ABB Vetco Gray, Inc. (Incorporated in USA Delaware) Hunter, Andrew A See Hewlett-Packard Development Company L.P. (Incorporated in USA - Texas) Hutchison Whampoa Three G IP (Bahamas) Limited (Incorporated in the Bahamas) (Yakhli, Nadir E) H4L GB2401747 Hwang, Shih-Long See King Slide Works Co Ltd (Incorporated in Taiwan) Iddings, Cara L See Acres Gaming Incorporated (Incorporated in USA Nevada) Ide, Shinichi See Honda Motor Co.,Ltd (Incorporated in Japan) Ikebe, Hidehito See Brumby Corporation Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Ingram, Gary D See Weatherford/Lamb Inc. (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Inquam (UK) Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Bataillard, Christophe J) G4H H4J U1S GB2401701 (Bataillard, Christophe J) H1R H4J GB2401727 (Bataillard, Christophe J) H4L GB2401751 Intel Corporation (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) (Wei, Liqiong) (Zhang, Kevin) G4A GB2401700 Intense Photonics Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Marsh, John H) G2F GB2401690 International Currency Technologies Corporation (Incorporated in Taiwan) (Yu, Cheng-Kang) G4X GB2401706 (Chien, Tien-Yuan) G4X GB2401707 IPWireless Inc (Incorporated in USA Delaware) (Howard, Paul) H3A GB2401733 Ishida Co. Ltd (Incorporated in Japan) (Iwasa, Seisaku) (Minakuchi, Yuichiro) (Yokota, Yuji) B8A GB2401597 Iwasa, Seisaku See Ishida Co. Ltd (Incorporated in Japan) Iwinski, Dean J See Snap-On Incorporated (Incorporated in USA Delaware) Jackson, Stephen P See KuDOS Pharmaceuticals Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Jacobsen, Tom See GTO Subsea AS (Incorporated in Norway) Janes, Brian R See Caterpillar Inc. (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Jann, Urs See Brumby Corporation Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Jenkins, Neil G See Gibbs Technologies Limited (Incorporated in the British Virgin Islands) Jenkins, Sarah See North East Wales Institute of Higher Education (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Jin, Hyoung-jong See Samsung Gwangju Electronics Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in the Republic of Korea) Johnson, Paul B7B GB2401586 Jones, Barrie E2A GB2401644 Jones, Steven V See Newfrey LLC (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Jordan, Jeffrey R See Acres Gaming Incorporated (Incorporated in USA Nevada) Julien, Marquis C See SiGe Semiconductor Inc (Incorporated in Canada - Ontario) Jungheinrich Aktiengesellschaft (Incorporated in the Federal Republic of Germany) (Magens, Ernst-Peter) B7H GB2401591 Kabushiki Kaisha Tokai Rika Denki Seisakusho (Incorporated in Japan) (Asahi, Toshio) (Funayama, Tomoyuki) (Kakegawa, Tomoo) (Okuno, Masanari) B7J GB2401594 (Asahi, Toshio) (Funayama, Tomoyuki) (Kakegawa, Tomoo) (Suzuki, Noriyuki) B7J GB2401595 Kakegawa, Tomoo See Kabushiki Kaisha Tokai Rika Denki Seisakusho (Incorporated in Japan) Kansai Paint Co. Ltd. (Incorporated in Japan) (Akaki, Yuu) (Kogure, Hideo) (Nakamura, Shigeru) H1Q GB2401726 Karlsen, Stian See Nexans (Incorporated in France) Karube, Kenji See Denso Corporation (Incorporated in Japan) Kasebe, Osamu See Denso Corporation (Incorporated in Japan) Kausch, Arnd See Drger Safety AG & Co KGaA (Incorporated in the Federal Republic of Germany) Kenig, Neil See Hewlett-Packard Development Company L.P. (Incorporated in USA - Texas) Key, Pearl F4A GB2401671 Kin Kei Hardware Industries Ltd (Incorporated in Hong Kong) (Chen, Ming) E2A GB2401645 King Slide Works Co Ltd (Incorporated in Taiwan) (Chen, Ken-Ching) (Hwang, Shih-Long) (Wang, ChunChiang) A4B GB2401534 (Chen, Ken-Ching) (Tseng, I-Ming) A4B GB2401535 King, Ronald O See Lear Corporation (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Kismir, Altay See Autoliv Development AB (Incorporated in Sweden) Kleinman, Jeffrey R See Textron Fastening Systems Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Kobayashi, Kengo See Denso Corporation (Incorporated in Japan) Kogure, Hideo See Kansai Paint Co. Ltd. (Incorporated in Japan) Kosub, Mike See Reckitt Benckiser N.V. (Incorporated in the Netherlands) Krikler, Steven J See Corin Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Kubota, Mitsuaki See Honda Motor Co.,Ltd (Incorporated in Japan) KuDOS Pharmaceuticals Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Cockcroft, Xiao-Ling F) (Grifn, Roger J) (Hummersone, Marc G) (Jackson, Stephen P) (Lau, Alan) (Martin, Niall M B) (Matthews, Ian T W) (Menear, Keith A) (O'Connor, Mark J) (Rigoreau, Laurent J M) (Smith, Graeme C M) C2C U1S GB2401606 Kurt-Elli, Hilmi See Rolls-Royce plc (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Kvalvaag, Olav See GTO Subsea AS (Incorporated in Norway) Kyle, Donald G See Halliburton Energy Services, Inc. (Incorporated in USA Delaware) Lau, Alan See KuDOS Pharmaceuticals Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Lear Corporation (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) (Davis, Joseph J Jr) (Mikhjian, Sarkis B) (Peak, Timothy L) B5A GB2401574 (Brown, Bari W) (Byma, George B) (Tiesler, John M) B5N B5A B7B U1S GB2401577 (Fawaz, Mike) (Ghabra, Riad) (Hein, David) (King, Ronald O) (Lemense, Thomas) (Nantz, John) (Tang, Tom) E2A GB2401646 (Ghabra, Riad) (King, Ronald O) (Lemense, Thomas J) (Nantz, John S) (Tang, Tom) F1K GB2401653


Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026

17 November 2004

Applications published: Name Index - cont Learmonth, David A See Portela & C.A., S.A (Incorporated in Portugal) Leavesley, Malcolm G F1G GB2401652 Leboff, Jeremy B6E GB2401579 Lee, Barry H See Fisco Tools Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Lee, Christy L See Caterpillar Inc. (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Lehr, Douglas J See BJ Services Company (Incorporated in USA Texas) Lemasson, Pascal See Autoliv Development AB (Incorporated in Sweden) Lemense, Thomas See Lear Corporation (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Lemense, Thomas J See Lear Corporation (Incorporated in USA Delaware) Leung, Stephen Y See Andrew AG (Incorporated in Switzerland) Levick, Michael J See Fisco Tools Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Levinsohn, Steven M G5C GB2401709 Lin, Cheng-Fu F4R GB2401674 Linde Aktiengesellschaft (Incorporated in the Federal Republic of Germany) (Tesar, Ivo) (Welschof, Bernward) H2A U1S GB2401730 Ling, Renny T L See Sinox Company Ltd (Incorporated in Taiwan) Liu, Jianguo See University of Shefeld, The (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Lowe, Peter A See PAL Group plc (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Lumisphere Products Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Myson, Robert E) F4R GB2401672 Maciorowski, David R See HewlettPackard Development Company L.P. (Incorporated in USA - Texas) Macks, Harold R See Visteon Global Technologies, Inc. (Incorporated in USA - Michigan) Maes, Alain See NEC Technologies (UK) Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Magalhaes, Rui See University of Warwick (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Magel, Hans-Christoph See Robert Bosch GmbH (Incorporated in the Federal Republic of Germany) Magens, Ernst-Peter See Jungheinrich Aktiengesellschaft (Incorporated in the Federal Republic of Germany) Magnetic Systems Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Brocklehurst, Peter) (Croucher, Ken) H1P U1S GB2401724 Maguire, Patrick See Ford Global Technologies LLC (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Makuta, Yuji See Sanden Corporation (Incorporated in Japan) Malyszewicz, Christopher See Greenbridge Environmental Control Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Mann + Hummel GmbH (Incorporated in the Federal Republic of Germany) (Fell, Anthony W) (Samways, Andrew L) B2P GB2401564 Mantey, Paul J See Hewlett-Packard Development Company L.P. (Incorporated in USA - Texas) Mardon, Paul F See Pulsar Light of Cambridge Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Marlow, Kevin J See Scientic Instrument Developments Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Marsh, John H See Intense Photonics Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Marshall, Ian P A5R GB2401551 Martin, Niall M B See KuDOS Pharmaceuticals Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Martin, Nicholas F See General Electric Company (Incorporated in USA - New York) Mascheroni, Luigi See Brumby Corporation Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Massie, Alfred See ABB Vetco Gray, Inc. (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Mathews, Jacob See Ford Global Technologies LLC (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Matthews, Ian T W See KuDOS Pharmaceuticals Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) May, Allan E A1E GB2401525 McBride, Matthew See Edax Inc (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) McClure, Myra See CereStem Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) McCracken, Douglas W See Desktop Guardian Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) McDine, Roy See Walker Medical Equipment Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Menear, Keith A See KuDOS Pharmaceuticals Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Metal Improvement Company, Inc (Incorporated in USA - California) and Regents of the University of California, The (Incorporated in USA - California) (Dane, C B) (Hackel, Lloyd A) (Harris, Fritz B) H1C C7N U1S GB2401719 Micromass UK Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Bateman, Robert H) (Brown, Jeff) (Green, Martin) H1D GB2401721 Mikhjian, Sarkis B See Lear Corporation (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Miller, Gary P See Visteon Global Technologies, Inc. (Incorporated in USA - Michigan) Minakuchi, Yuichiro See Ishida Co. Ltd (Incorporated in Japan) Money Controls Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Ashford, Paul R) (Ashley, Anthony W) (Yates, Lee A) G4V GB2401704 Montgomery, Trevor See QTI/PressTech Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Moore, Jonathan See Autoliv Development AB (Incorporated in Sweden) Morris, Edwin R A2D GB2401528 Motorola Inc (Incorporated in USA Delaware) (Bhatoolaul, David L) H4L GB2401748 (Venkitaraman, Narayanan) H4L GB2401758 Myers, Eric C See Visteon Global Technologies, Inc. (Incorporated in USA - Michigan) Myson, Robert E See Lumisphere Products Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Nakamura, Shigeru See Kansai Paint Co. Ltd. (Incorporated in Japan) Nantz, John See Lear Corporation (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Nantz, John S See Lear Corporation (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) NEC Technologies (UK) Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Maes, Alain) H4L GB2401750 (Maes, Alain) H4P GB2401760 Nektar Therapeutics UK Ltd (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Daintree, Linda S) (German, Caroline S) (Walker, Stephen E) A5B GB2401547 Neopost Industrie SA (Incorporated in France) (Agnola, Jerome) (Ferraro, Mark) B6C GB2401578

17 November 2004

Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026


Applications published: Name Index - cont Nevelos, James E See Corin Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Newell, Barry P See Newell, Peter B Newell, Peter B and Newell, Barry P E1D GB2401615 Newfrey LLC (Incorporated in USA Delaware) (Jones, Steven V) (Weeks, Geoffrey) F2H GB2401660 Newley, Alan J See Novar ED&S Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Nexans (Incorporated in France) (Karlsen, Stian) H1A GB2401718 Nippon Paint Co. Ltd. (Incorporated in Japan) (Segawa, Daisuke) (Takesako, Shoichi) (Toi, Teruzo) (Yamauchi, Masahiro) B2E C3M U1S GB2401563 Nishikawa, Tomomsa See Hitachi Koki Co., Ltd (Incorporated in Japan) Nokia Corporation (Incorporated in Finland) (Wang, Hanyang) (Zhang, Su Q) H1Q U1S GB2401725 (Puputti, Matti) (Vesma, Jussi) H4P H4M GB2401759 North East Wales Institute of Higher Education (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) AND Oceanbait Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Garnham, Derek) (Jenkins, Sarah) (Sayers, Claire) (Williams, Peter A) A1A GB2401523 Novar ED&S Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Newley, Alan J) H1N GB2401723 O'Connor, Mark J See KuDOS Pharmaceuticals Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) O'Keeffe, Edmund B8E GB2401600 Oceanbait Limited See North East Wales Institute of Higher Education (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Oh, Jang-keun See Samsung Gwangju Electronics Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in the Republic of Korea) Ohmura, Ryuichi See Fuji Kogyo Kabushiki Kaisha (Incorporated in Japan) Ohtsu, Shinki See Hitachi Koki Co., Ltd (Incorporated in Japan) Okuno, Masanari See Kabushiki Kaisha Tokai Rika Denki Seisakusho (Incorporated in Japan) Oldale, Richard See Astor-Bannerman (Medical) Ltd (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) On Tat Bakelite Electric Works Limited (Incorporated in Hong Kong) (Fok, Peter) H2E GB2401731 One Plus Corp. (Incorporated in USA Illinois) (Durbin, Martin J) (Simon, Jay) B2A GB2401560 Onose, Akira See Hitachi Koki Co., Ltd (Incorporated in Japan) Oren, David See Ericsson Inc (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Osborne, John H See ABB Vetco Gray, Inc. (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Oshima, Masahiro See Alps Electric Co Ltd (Incorporated in Japan) Osipchuk, Yuri See Axon Instruments Inc (Incorporated in USA - California) Ouyoung, Scott See Globe Union Industrial Corp (Incorporated in Taiwan) Owaki, Toshiki See Fujimi Incorporated (Incorporated in Japan) PAL Group plc (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Lowe, Peter A) B2E U1S GB2401561 Parrish, Thomas A See Eaton Corporation (Incorporated in USA Ohio) Pavlik, Gregory See Hewlett-Packard Development Company L.P. (Incorporated in USA - Texas) Peak, Timothy L See Lear Corporation (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Perry, Richard E1D GB2401616 Petersen, Peter H See Hewlett-Packard Development Company L.P. (Incorporated in USA - Texas) Pheaton, Tony D See Rolls-Royce plc (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Planke, Sverre and Berndt, Christian G1G GB2401684 Portela & C.A., S.A (Incorporated in Portugal) (Learmonth, David A) C2C U1S GB2401605 Porter, Robert M S See Sony United Kingdom Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Poyntz, Philip B7J GB2401593 Prince, Stephen E See Prince, Terence Prince, Terence and Prince, Stephen E B8P U1S GB2401601 Printable Field Emitters Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Howard, Christopher) (Tuck, Richard A) (Waite, Michael S) H1D GB2401720 Proctor, Toby See Siemens Aktiengesellschaft (Incorporated in the Federal Republic of Germany) Protective Sports Apparel Limited (Incorporated in New Zealand) (Cathro, Richard A) (Dench, John R) (Rapley, Miles D) A3V GB2401531 Pulsar Light of Cambridge Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Gregory, Mark L) (Mardon, Paul F) F4R GB2401675 Puputti, Matti See Nokia Corporation (Incorporated in Finland) QTI/PressTech Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Montgomery, Trevor) G1A GB2401678 Quintero, Lirio See Baker Hughes Incorporated (Incorporated in USA Delaware) Ramsden, David See Symetrica Ltd (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Rankin, Brian A4X GB2401546 Rapley, Miles D See Protective Sports Apparel Limited (Incorporated in New Zealand) Read, Dennis M Jnr See Schlumberger Holdings Limited (Incorporated in the British Virgin Islands) Reckitt Benckiser N.V. (Incorporated in the Netherlands) (Amiconi, Fabio) (Corradini, Fabio) (Kosub, Mike) C1C U1S GB2401604 Red Lan A4L GB2401542 Regents of the University of California, The See Metal Improvement Company, Inc (Incorporated in USA - California) Reid, Thomas N F2Y H4F U1S GB2401670 Reveane, Joseph See Sun Microsystems, Inc. (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Richards, David See SMP Playgrounds Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Rickert, Chris A See General Electric Company (Incorporated in USA - New York) Rigoreau, Laurent J M See KuDOS Pharmaceuticals Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Ring, Lev See Shell Oil Company (Incorporated in USA - Texas) Ringgenberg, Paul D See Halliburton Energy Services, Inc. (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Robert Bosch GmbH (Incorporated in the Federal Republic of Germany) (Voigt, Mike) B3D GB2401566 (Magel, Hans-Christoph) F1B GB2401650 Robinson, Edward G5G GB2401712 Robinson, Eric P See Toptags ID Systems Ltd (Incorporated in the United Kingdom)


Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026

17 November 2004

Applications published: Name Index - cont Rolls-Royce plc (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Scrase, Colin E) (Stephenson, Nigel D) F1G F1C U1S GB2401651 (Shahpar, Shahrokh) F1V U1S GB2401654 (Au, Andy C) (Pheaton, Tony D) F1V U1S GB2401655 (Balsdon, Julian G) F2B U1S GB2401658 (Kurt-Elli, Hilmi) G1G GB2401683 Royal Mail Group Plc (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Swann, Robert E M) (Tan, Robert W L) (Young, Robert W) G4R U1S GB2401703 Russell, Glen K See Acres Gaming Incorporated (Incorporated in USA Nevada) Russell, Stuart J See University of Southampton (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Saito, Masamichi See Alps Electric Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in Japan) Salvage, Richard G5C GB2401710 Samsung Gwangju Electronics Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in the Republic of Korea) (Jin, Hyoung-jong) (Oh, Jangkeun) A4F GB2401537 Samways, Andrew L See Mann + Hummel GmbH (Incorporated in the Federal Republic of Germany) Sanden Corporation (Incorporated in Japan) and Fuji Jukogyo Kabushiki Kaisha (Incorporated in Japan) (Fujisaki, Takashi) (Fukushima, Mamoru) (Makuta, Yuji) (Wada, Naoki) F4S GB2401676 Sarna, Wojciech See HTL-STREFA Splka z.o.o (Incorporated in Poland) Satoh, Yasuyuki See Brumby Corporation Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Saunders, Nicholas I See Sony United Kingdom Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Sayers, Claire See North East Wales Institute of Higher Education (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Schlumberger Holdings Limited (Incorporated in the British Virgin Islands) (Villareal, Steven G) E1F GB2401619 (Campos, Juan A) (Hernandez, Alfred) (Read, Dennis M Jnr) E1F F2V GB2401629 Schneider, Richard J See Acres Gaming Incorporated (Incorporated in USA Nevada) Schreuder, Dirk J See Caterpillar Inc. (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Schultz, Roger L See Halliburton Energy Services, Inc. (Incorporated in USA Delaware) Scientic Instrument Developments Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Marlow, Kevin J) B6J GB2401581 Scotford, Tim B4B GB2401569 Scott, Ivan A See Ultra Electronics Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Scott, Tommy See Survitec Group Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Scrase, Colin E See Rolls-Royce plc (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Secure Document Exchange Pty Ltd (Incorporated in Australia - New South Wales) (Clark, Paul A) G4A GB2401698 Segawa, Daisuke See Nippon Paint Co. Ltd. (Incorporated in Japan) Sesek, Robert See Hewlett-Packard Development Company L.P. (Incorporated in USA - Texas) Shahpar, Shahrokh See Rolls-Royce plc (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Shaner, Leonard A See Ford Global Technologies LLC (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Shaver, Donald See Texas Instruments Incorporated (Incorporated in USA Delaware) Shawyer, Alan E See Textron Fastening Systems Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Shea-Simonds, Duncan R See Boots Healthcare International Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Shell Oil Company (Incorporated in USA - Texas) (Cook, Robert L) (Filippov, Andrei G) (Ring, Lev) (Waddell, Kevin K) (Zwald, Edwin A Jr) E1F GB2401630 (Cook, Robert L) (Filippov, Andrei G) (Ring, Lev) (Waddell, Kevin K) (Zwald, Edwin A Jr) E1F GB2401631 (Cook, Robert L) (Filippov, Andrei G) (Ring, Lev) (Waddell, Kevin) (Zwald, Edwin A Jr) E1F GB2401632 (Cook, Robert L) (Filippov, Andrei G) (Ring, Lev) (Waddell, Kevin) (Zwald, Edwin A Jr) E1F GB2401633 (Cook, Robert L) (Filippov, Andrei G) (Ring, Lev) (Waddell, Kevin K) (Zwald, Edwin A Jr) E1F GB2401634 (Cook, Robert L) (Filippov, Andrei G) (Ring, Lev) (Waddell, Kevin K) (Zwald, Edwin A) E1F GB2401635 (Cook, Robert L) (Filippov, Andrei G) (Ring, Lev) (Waddell, Kevin K) (Zwald, Edwin A Jr) E1F GB2401636 (Cook, Robert L) (Filippov, Andrei G) (Ring, Lev) (Waddell, Kevin K) (Zwald, Edwin A Jr) E1F GB2401637 (Cook, Robert L) (Filippov, Andrei G) (Ring, Lev) (Waddell, Kevin K) (Zwald, Edwin A) E1F GB2401638 (Cook, Robert L) (Filippov, Andrei G) (Ring, Lev) (Waddell, Kevin K) (Zwald, Edwin A) E1F GB2401639 Shen, Weijun See GE Medical Systems Global Technology Company, LLC. (Incorporated in USA - Wisconsin) Shieh, Daive B3C GB2401565 Shiell, Ralph (Shiell, Ralph) A4B GB2401532 and See Shiell, Ralph Shimizu, Yasuhide See Sony Corporation (Incorporated in Japan) Shimoda, Kensuke See Denso Corporation (Incorporated in Japan) Sieck, Charles F See Caterpillar Inc. (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Siemens Aktiengesellschaft (Incorporated in the Federal Republic of Germany) (Proctor, Toby) H4L GB2401753 SiGe Semiconductor Inc (Incorporated in Canada - Ontario) (Julien, Marquis C) (Walter, Wayne) H3W H3G H3T GB2401737 Simon, Jay See One Plus Corp. (Incorporated in USA - Illinois) Simpson, Neil A A See Weatherford/Lamb Inc. (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Sinox Company Ltd (Incorporated in Taiwan) (Ling, Renny T L) (Wu, Chun-Sheng) E2A GB2401643 Sloan, James T See Baker Hughes Incorporated (Incorporated in USA Delaware) Slup, Gabriel See BJ Services Company (Incorporated in USA - Texas) Smith, Gordon F See University of Warwick (Incorporated in the United Kingdom)

17 November 2004

Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026


Applications published: Name Index - cont Smith, Graeme C M See KuDOS Pharmaceuticals Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Smith, John A B4C GB2401572 SMP Playgrounds Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Richards, David) (Yates, Andrew) E2F A6M F2Q GB2401647 Snap-On Incorporated (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) (Eggert, Daniel M) (Foster, Michael L) (Iwinski, Dean J) B3N GB2401568 Snapwatch Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Douglas, Vincent) A3H GB2401530 Sollanek, Jeffrey R See Spotless Plastics Pty Limited (Incorporated in Australia) Sony Corporation (Incorporated in Japan) (Yamaguchi, Masaru) G5C H1K GB2401711 (Hideyuki, Katsuta) (Shimizu, Yasuhide) (Yamasita, Yukitosi) (Yokoyama, Nobuhiko) H3W H3H H3P H3T GB2401735 Sony United Kingdom Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Porter, Robert M S) (Saunders, Nicholas I) H4F GB2401739 South Dartmoor Community College (Trevarthen, Jason) G5G GB2401713 Spears, Kurt E See Hewlett-Packard Development Company L.P. (Incorporated in USA - Texas) Spotless Plastics Pty Limited (Incorporated in Australia) (Gouldson, Stanley F) (Sollanek, Jeffrey R) B8U GB2401603 Stachniw, Myron B See Corin Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Status Scientic Controls Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Stuttard, David M) G1A GB2401679 Stephenson, Nigel D See Rolls-Royce plc (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Stothers, Ian M See Ultra Electronics Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Stuart-Smith, James B P See AstorBannerman (Medical) Ltd (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Stuttard, David M See Status Scientic Controls Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Su, Po-Tang A6D GB2401554 Such, Simon F2H GB2401663 Sugawara, Hiroyoshi See Denso Corporation (Incorporated in Japan) Sugiyama, Hiroyasu See Fujimi Incorporated (Incorporated in Japan) Sumitomo Rubber Industries Ltd (Incorporated in Japan) (Tanikawa, Toshiharu) B7C GB2401588 Sun Microsystems Inc (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) (Cohen, Danny) (Ebergen, Josephus C) (Sutherland, Ivan E) G4A GB2401695 Sun Microsystems, Inc. (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) (Ares Blanco, Marcos) (Reveane, Joseph) G4A GB2401693 (Ebergen, Josephus C) G4A GB2401696 Sunonwealth Electric Machine Industry Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in Taiwan) (Hong, Ching-Sheng) (Horng, Alex) (Horng, Yin-Rong) F1V H2A U1S GB2401656 Survitec Group Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Gordon, Peter C) (Scott, Tommy) E1G GB2401640 Suter, Eskil See Brumby Corporation Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Sutherland, Ivan E See Sun Microsystems Inc (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Suzuki, Noriyuki See Kabushiki Kaisha Tokai Rika Denki Seisakusho (Incorporated in Japan) Swann, Robert E M See Royal Mail Group Plc (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Symetrica Ltd (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Ramsden, David) H5R GB2401766 Takahashi, Hironao See Brumby Corporation Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Takesako, Shoichi See Nippon Paint Co. Ltd. (Incorporated in Japan) Tamatsu, Takeshi See Denso Corporation (Incorporated in Japan) Tan, Robert W L See Royal Mail Group Plc (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Tang, Tom See Lear Corporation (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Tanikawa, Toshiharu See Sumitomo Rubber Industries Ltd (Incorporated in Japan) Tarte, Frdric See Autoliv Development AB (Incorporated in Sweden) Taylor, David B2E U1S GB2401562 Tedham, Martin J B8P U1S GB2401602 TEGUS Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Alcock, John) F2P H2C U1S GB2401665 Tesar, Ivo See Linde Aktiengesellschaft (Incorporated in the Federal Republic of Germany) Texas Instruments Incorporated (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) (Ho, Jin-Meng) (Shaver, Donald) H4P GB2401762 Textron Fastening Systems Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Brewer, Jonathan L) (Denham, Keith) F2H GB2401661 (Kleinman, Jeffrey R) (Shawyer, Alan E) F2H GB2401662 Thacher, Russell J See Deere & Company (Incorporated in USA Delaware) THALES UNDERWATER SYSTEMS LIMITED (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Ebbutt, Julian M) G1G GB2401682 Tiesler, John M See Lear Corporation (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Tilton, Frederick T See Weatherford/Lamb Inc. (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Toi, Teruzo See Nippon Paint Co. Ltd. (Incorporated in Japan) Toptags ID Systems Ltd (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Robinson, Eric P) A1X B6P GB2401526 Trevarthen, Jason See South Dartmoor Community College Trinh, Tyler See Halliburton Energy Services, Inc. (Incorporated in USA Delaware) Tseng, I-Ming See King Slide Works Co Ltd (Incorporated in Taiwan) Tuck, Richard A See Printable Field Emitters Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) UbiNetics Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Appleton, Ian K) (Goodwin, Stephen) H3G GB2401734 (Appleton, Ian K) (Goodwin, Stephen) H4L GB2401749 Uchiyama, Kazuhisa See Denso Corporation (Incorporated in Japan) Ultra Electronics Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Scott, Ivan A) (Stothers, Ian M) H4J GB2401744 Umiyama, Hidezo See Brumby Corporation Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom)


Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026

17 November 2004

Applications published: Name Index - cont University of Shefeld, The (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Liu, Jianguo) (Wright, Peter V) C3R GB2401608 (Wright, Peter V) (Zheng, Yungui) C3R GB2401609 University of Southampton (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Dakin, John P) (Hayward, Justin P W) (Russell, Stuart J) H4D G1A GB2401738 University of Warwick (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Magalhaes, Rui) (Smith, Gordon F) B5A GB2401573 AND Battenfeld GmbH (Incorporated in the Federal Republic of Germany) (Eckardt, Helmut) (Head, David G) (Smith, Gordon F) B5A GB2401575 Uno, Takanori See Fujimi Incorporated (Incorporated in Japan) Vartuli, Catherine See Agere Systems Inc (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Venkitaraman, Narayanan See Motorola Inc (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Vesma, Jussi See Nokia Corporation (Incorporated in Finland) Victoria University of Manchester, The (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Garland, John M) C6F GB2401612 Villareal, Steven G See Schlumberger Holdings Limited (Incorporated in the British Virgin Islands) Visteon Global Technologies, Inc. (Incorporated in USA - Michigan) (Myers, Eric C) (Zurek, Lawrence A) G1N GB2401686 (Cavill, Raymond J) (Gruszczynski, Robert G) (Miller, Gary P) G1N GB2401687 (Glovatsky, Andrew Z) H1A GB2401717 (Macks, Harold R) (Zack, Gary E) H2H GB2401732 Voigt, Mike See Robert Bosch GmbH (Incorporated in the Federal Republic of Germany) VTech Communications Limited (Incorporated in Hong Kong) (Goodings, Chris J) (Young, Matthew) H4P H3A GB2401764 Wada, Naoki See Sanden Corporation (Incorporated in Japan) Waddell, Kevin See Shell Oil Company (Incorporated in USA - Texas) Waddell, Kevin K See Shell Oil Company (Incorporated in USA - Texas) Waite, Michael S See Printable Field Emitters Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Walker Medical Equipment Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (McDine, Roy) A4N GB2401545 Walker, Guy F H H4L GB2401752 Walker, Stephen E See Nektar Therapeutics UK Ltd (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Walter, Thomas See Brumby Corporation Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Walter, Wayne See SiGe Semiconductor Inc (Incorporated in Canada - Ontario) Wang, Chun-Chiang See King Slide Works Co Ltd (Incorporated in Taiwan) Wang, Hanyang See Nokia Corporation (Incorporated in Finland) Weatherford/Lamb Inc. (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) (Brunnert, David J) (Tilton, Frederick T) E1F GB2401618 (Gudmestad, Tarald) (Hirth, David E) E1F GB2401621 (Giroux, Richard L) (Hoffman, Corey E) (Ingram, Gary D) E1F GB2401628 (D'Arcy, Susan P) (Simpson, Neil A A) F2P GB2401666 Weeks, Geoffrey See Newfrey LLC (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Wei, Liqiong See Intel Corporation (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Welschof, Bernward See Linde Aktiengesellschaft (Incorporated in the Federal Republic of Germany) Wheeler, Jeffrey D A3B GB2401529 Whyte, Jon F R See ATB Sales Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Williams, Peter A See North East Wales Institute of Higher Education (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Willis, Mike See Hopkins & Holloway Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Wohldorf GmbH (Incorporated in the Federal Republic of Germany) (Wohldorf, Peter A) A6D GB2401555 Wohldorf, Peter A See Wohldorf GmbH (Incorporated in the Federal Republic of Germany) Wood, Ian See Empower Interactive Group Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) and See Empower Interactive Group Ltd (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) and See Empower Interactive Group Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Wright, Adam D See Halliburton Energy Services, Inc. (Incorporated in USA Delaware) Wright, Peter V See University of Shefeld, The (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Wright, Stuart I See Edax Inc (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Wronski, Yurek A See Cotswold Architectural Products Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Wu, Chun-Sheng See Sinox Company Ltd (Incorporated in Taiwan) Wu, Wen-Chang F4R H2E GB2401673 Wygnanski, Wladyslaw See Camcon Ltd (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Wyszogrodzki, Wojciech See HTLSTREFA Splka z.o.o (Incorporated in Poland) Xu, Minfeng See GE Medical Systems Global Technology Company, LLC. (Incorporated in USA - Wisconsin) Yakhli, Nadir E See Hutchison Whampoa Three G IP (Bahamas) Limited (Incorporated in the Bahamas) Yamaguchi, Masaru See Sony Corporation (Incorporated in Japan) Yamasita, Yukitosi See Sony Corporation (Incorporated in Japan) Yamauchi, Masahiro See Nippon Paint Co. Ltd. (Incorporated in Japan) Yasuda, Toyoshi See Honda Motor Co.,Ltd (Incorporated in Japan) Yates, Andrew See SMP Playgrounds Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Yates, Lee A See Money Controls Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Yazaki, Makoto See Honda Motor Co.,Ltd (Incorporated in Japan) Ye, Shen See Conductus Inc (Incorporated in USA - California) Yi, Chae-chung H2A GB2401729 Yokota, Yuji See Ishida Co. Ltd (Incorporated in Japan) Yokoyama, Nobuhiko See Sony Corporation (Incorporated in Japan) Yoshikawa, Masaaki See Brumby Corporation Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Young, Matthew See VTech Communications Limited (Incorporated in Hong Kong) Young, Michael D See Hewlett-Packard Development Company L.P. (Incorporated in USA - Texas) Young, Robert I See Holographic Imaging LLC (Incorporated in USA Delaware)

17 November 2004

Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026


Applications published: Name Index - cont Young, Robert W See Royal Mail Group Plc (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Yu, Cheng-Kang See International Currency Technologies Corporation (Incorporated in Taiwan) Yu, Mei-Yin F2M GB2401664

Zack, Gary E See Visteon Global Technologies, Inc. (Incorporated in USA - Michigan) Zeller, Vincent P See Halliburton Energy Services, Inc. (Incorporated in USA Delaware) Zhang, Kevin See Intel Corporation (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Zhang, Su Q See Nokia Corporation (Incorporated in Finland) Zheng, Yungui See University of Shefeld, The (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Zhu, Douglas See Ford Global Technologies LLC (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Zurek, Lawrence A See Visteon Global Technologies, Inc. (Incorporated in USA - Michigan) Zwald, Edwin A See Shell Oil Company (Incorporated in USA - Texas) Zwald, Edwin A Jr See Shell Oil Company (Incorporated in USA Texas)


Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026

17 November 2004

Patents granted: Number Index

Patents whose grant is indicated in the index below take effect for the purposes of all provisions of the Act subsequent to Section 25(1) as from the date of publication of this issue of the Journal. Printed copies of the corresponding specications of the patents identied by the publication number listed, and followed by the letter B, are now available for sale at 4.21 per copy (including postage). These items are available from The Patent Ofce (Sales), Concept House, Cardiff Road, Newport, South Wales NP10 8QQ and, for a limited period only, to personal callers at Harmsworth House, 13-15 Bouverie Street, London EC4Y 8DP. This index lists the granted patents in ascending publication number order. Each entry in the index provides the following information: the publication number; the application number; the date on which the application was led at the Ofce; the name(s) of the proprietor(s) and the country of incorporation; the name(s) of the inventor(s); the title of the invention; any priority details; the United Kingdom Classication Heading(s) assigned to the application; and the International Patent Classication assigned to the application. Where an application is requesting an early date under Section 8, 12, 15(4), or 37 of the Act, then the application number and date of ling the earlier application are included (see example 2). Where an application is derived from an application under the Patent Cooperation Treaty or is converted from a European patent application, then the application number, the date of ling, the publication number, and the date of publication of the PCT or EP application are included (see example 3). There follows three examples of entries for this index. The rst does not include any information on priorities, earlier applications, or PCT or EP applications. The second and third include priority information. In addition, the second includes information carried for a divisional application, and the third includes information carried for an application derived from a PCT application. Example 1 (11)GB2264826 (21) (GB9204102.9) (22) 26 Feb 1992 (73)MURATA MANUFACTURING CO LTD (INCORPORATED IN JAPAN) GB2348090 (GB0000867.2) 14 Jan 2000 CUMMINS ENGINE COMPANY, INC. (INCORPORATED IN USA INDIANA) Inventors: BRUNEMANN, GEORGE DOLLMEYER, THOMAS A MATHEW, JOSEPH C A system and method for controlling an internal combustion engine Priorities: [US09232104 15 Jan 1999] UKC Headings: H4P G3N Int Cl7 H04L 29/06 B60R 16/02 F02D 29/02 GB2360556 (GB0105045.9) 28 Feb 2001 LUK LAMELLEN UND KUPPLUNGSBAU BETEILIGUNGS KG (INCORPORATED IN THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY) Inventors: ROMER, GRAHAM P Solenoid actuators Priorities: [GB0005185 04 Mar 2000] UKC Headings: F2D Int Cl7 F16H 61/32 Inventors: (72)TAMAKOSHI, OSAMU (54)Voltage-controlled oscillator (52)UKC Headings: H3F H3T (51)Int Cl7 H03B 5/04 Example 2 (11)GB2264136 (21)(GB9306697.5) (62)23 Sep 1992 (Parent ling date) (73)CAMCO INTERNATIONAL INC (INCORPORATED IN USA-DELAWARE) Inventors: (72)MORRIS, ARTHUR J PRINGLE, RONALD E (54)A linear operated safety release joint Priorities: [(33)US (31)07772828 (32)07 Oct 1991] Divisional earlier date under Section 15(4) (62)GB9220099.7 (Parent application number) (52)UKC Heading: E1F (51)Int Cl7 E21B 17/06 Example 3 (11)GB2262669 (21) (GB9302471.9) (86)12 Jun 1992 (PCT ling date) (73)HUNTLEIGH TECHNOLOGY PLC (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Inventors: (72)BAILY, GREG (54) Power fail detection circuit Priorities:[(33)GB (31)9112867 (32)14 Jun 1991] PCT Details:(86)PCT/GB1992/001058 (87)WO1992/022949 23 Dec 1992 (52)UKC Headings: H2K (51)Int Cl7 H02H 3/24 Inventors: GARFORTH-BLES, SOPHIE V GARFORTH-BLES, REBECCA L Cycle safety headlights Priorities: [GB0012805 25 May 2000] UKC Headings: A3V F4R Int Cl7 A42B 3/04 GB2364079 (GB0015714.9) 28 Jun 2000 WEATHERFORD/LAMB INC. (INCORPORATED IN USA DELAWARE) Inventors: PIA, GIANCARLO T P Drill bits UKC Headings: E1F Int Cl7 E21B 10/34 E21B 7/28 E21B 10/26 GB2364136 (GB0115084.6) 20 Jun 2001 CANTOR, BRIAN D Inventors: CANTOR, BRIAN D Multifocal contact lenses Priorities: [GB00160002 29 Jun 2000] UKC Headings: G2J Int Cl7 G02C 7/06

GB2360825 (GB0007819.6) 30 Mar 2000 FORMFLO LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Inventors: COLE, CHRISTOPHER J Gear wheels roll formed from powder metal blanks UKC Headings: F2Q Int Cl7 B22F 5/08 B21H 5/00 GB2362667 (GB0110769.7) 02 May 2001 COOPER CAMERON CORPORATION (INCORPORATED IN USA - DELAWARE) Inventors: THEISS, DAVID H Riser method and apparatus Priorities: [US09579608 26 May 2000] UKC Headings: E1F Int Cl7 E21B 17/01 E21B 7/128 E21B 33/076 E21B 43/01 GB2363314 (GB0113027.7) 25 May 2001 GARFORTH-BLES, REBECCA L GARFORTH-BLES, SOPHIE V

17 November 2004
Patents granted: Number Index - cont GB2364208 (GB0016049.9) 30 Jun 2000 NOKIA CORPORATION (INCORPORATED IN FINLAND) Inventors: ARNOLD, STEVE Improved data input UKC Headings: H4L Int Cl7 H04M 1/247 H04Q 7/32 GB2364390 (GB0028669.0) 24 Nov 2000 HAJ-YOUSEF, YOUSRI M T Inventors: HAJ-YOUSEF, YOUSRI M T A method and device for detecting and monitoring concealed bodies and objects Priorities: [AE532000 03 Jul 2000] UKC Headings: G1N Int Cl7 G01V 3/08 GB2365120 (GB0018045.5) 21 Jul 2000 INFRARED INTEGRATED SYSTEMS LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Inventors: GALLOWAY, JOHN L Multipurpose detector UKC Headings: G1A Int Cl7 G08B 19/00 GB2365552 (GB0007755.2) 30 Mar 2000 CANON KABUSHIKI KAISHA (INCORPORATED IN JAPAN) Inventors: JOST, UWE H Machine interface UKC Headings: G4A Int Cl7 G06F 17/30 GB2366010 (GB0007125.8) 23 Mar 2000 CANON KABUSHIKI KAISHA (INCORPORATED IN JAPAN) Inventors: HOGENHOUT, WIDE R Machine interface UKC Headings: G4A Int Cl7 G06F 17/30 G06F 17/20 GB2366330 (GB0118587.5) 13 Aug 2001 FORD GLOBAL TECHNOLOGIES LLC (INCORPORATED IN USA MICHIGAN) Inventors: BREHOB, DIANA D LEONE, THOMAS G RUSSELL, JOHN D A method for operating an engine with a hybrid valvetrain Priorities: [US09650436 29 Aug 2000] UKC Headings: F1B Int F02D 13/02 F01L 1/053 F01L 9/00 F02M 25/08 GB2366349 (GB0117034.9) 12 Jul 2001 THK CO., LTD. (INCORPORATED IN JAPAN) Cl7

Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026


Inventors: FUJITA, SATOSHI Ball screw Priorities: [JP12216863 18 Jul 2000] UKC Headings: F2Q Int Cl7 F16H 25/22 GB2366426 (GB0108828.5) 09 Apr 2001 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION (INCORPORATED IN USA - NEW YORK) Inventors: DAVIS, GORDON T HEDDES, MARCO C LEAVENS, ROSS B RINALDI, MARK A Coprocessor data processing system Priorities: [US09548109 12 Apr 2000] UKC Headings: G4A Int Cl7 G06F 9/38 G06F 15/16 G06F 15/17 GB2367245 (GB0023925.1) 29 Sep 2000 JOHNSON & JOHNSON MEDICAL LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Inventors: DALE, CYNTHIA M STOW, MARTIN W Adaptable dressings UKC Headings: A5R Int Cl7 A61F 13/02 GB2367284 (GB0023974.9) 30 Sep 2000 ERCIYAS, HULYA N Inventors: ERCIYAS, HULYA N Packaging container UKC Headings: B8P Int Cl7 B65D 3/02 GB2368290 (GB0020864.5) 25 Aug 2000 WELLS, RAYMOND Inventors: WELLS, RAYMOND Swimming exercise paddle UKC Headings: A6D Int Cl7 A63B 31/00 GB2368462 (GB0114151.4) 11 Jun 2001 NEC CORPORATION (INCORPORATED IN JAPAN) Inventors: TANAKA, YASUNORI TSUNEMASU, KIMIO Mounting structure of semiconductor package Priorities: [JP12178824 14 Jun 2000] UKC Headings: H1K Int Cl7 H01L 23/488 H01L 21/60 GB2368614 (GB0118591.7) 13 Aug 2001 FORD GLOBAL TECHNOLOGIES LLC (INCORPORATED IN USA MICHIGAN)

Inventors: BREHOB, DIANA D HAMMOUD, MAZEN LEONE, THOMAS G RUSSELL, JOHN D STOCKHAUSEN, WILLIAM F Transitions among operating modes in an engine with a hybrid valvetrain Priorities: [US09650434 29 Aug 2000] UKC Headings: F1B Int Cl7 F02D 13/02 F01L 1/053 F01L 9/00 F02M 25/08 GB2369466 (GB0116999.4) 12 Jul 2001 HEWLETT -PACKARD COMPANY (INCORPORATED IN USA DELAWARE) Inventors: BROWN, SEAN PAASKE, STIG Page Content Item Billing Priorities: [GB0020368 18 Aug 2000] UKC Headings: G4A Int Cl7 G06F 17/60 GB2369578 (GB0205801.4) 24 Aug 2000 KIMBERLY-CLARK WORLDWIDE, INC. (INCORPORATED IN USA DELAWARE) Inventors: DIPALMA, JOSEPH SCHMIDT -FOERST, ALEXANDER M Three dimensional body-conforming bladder for an absorbent article Priorities: [US09388210 31 Aug 1999] [US09388212 31 Aug 1999] [US09387726 31 Aug 1999] [US09387725 31 Aug 1999] PCT Details: PCT/US2000/023241 WO2001/015648 08 Mar 2001 UKC Headings: A5R Int Cl7 A61F 13/15 GB2369741 (GB0029260.7) 30 Nov 2000 MATSUSHITA ELECTRIC INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD (INCORPORATED IN JAPAN) Inventors: BROWN, MATTHEW J Removable covers for a mobile telephone UKC Headings: H4J Int Cl7 H04M 1/02 GB2370326 (GB0128437.1) 28 Nov 2001 CATERPILLAR INC (INCORPORATED IN USA DELAWARE) Inventors: DEGROOT, JEFFREY L DIETZ, HANS P GAUGUSH, SUSAN J SKINNER, THOMAS G Overspeed prevention Priorities: [US09742756 20 Dec 2000] UKC Headings: F2D Int Cl7 F16H 61/16 F16H 61/02

Patents granted: Number Index - cont GB2370560 (GB0028045.3) 16 Nov 2000 T W ENGINEERING CO LTD (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Inventors: PASSEY, MICHAEL W Lifting device UKC Headings: B8J Int Cl7 B66F 19/00 GB2370632 (GB0029171.6) 30 Nov 2000 ROLLS-ROYCE PLC (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Inventors: TUBBS, HENRY A gas turbine engine guide vane and temperature monitor therefor UKC Headings: G1A Int Cl7 G01J 5/04

Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026

17 November 2004

Inventors: JONES, LESLIE SHORE, DEREK M Workman's tool for accessing cavities UKC Headings: B3C Int Cl7 B23B 51/04 GB2371618 (GB0102345.6) 30 Jan 2001 TERAVIEW LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Inventors: COLE, BRYAN E A probe, apparatus and method for examining a sample UKC Headings: G1A H1Q Int Cl7 G01N 21/35 G01N 21/49 H01Q 9/28 GB2371646 (GB0121847.8) 10 Sep 2001 HEWLETT -PACKARD COMPANY (INCORPORATED IN USA DELAWARE) Inventors: HOUCK, PETER T VACANTE, ROBERT C Testing of policy prior to deployment in a policy-based network management system Priorities: [US09659367 12 Sep 2000] UKC Headings: G4A Int Cl7 G06F 17/50 H04L 12/24 GB2371747 (GB0209278.1) 31 Aug 2000 REMEDY RESEARCH LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Inventors: HICKOK, STEPHEN Metal-containing compositions, preparations and uses Priorities: [GB9920539 31 Aug 1999] [GB9928337 30 Nov 1999] PCT Details: PCT/GB2000/003364 WO2001/015554 08 Mar 2001 UKC Headings: A5B C1C U1S Int A23L 1/304 A01N 59/16 A01N 59/20 A23L 3/358 A61K 31/19 C02F 1/50 C09D 1/00 C09K 15/02 A61P 9/10 A61P 11/06 A61P 15/00 A61P 25/20 A61P 31/04 A61P 31/12 A61P 31/18 A61P 35/00 Cl7

Inventors: FREEMAN, JOSH E GRAY, MICHAEL R KLOBA, DAVID D MOORE, DAVID M UPSON, LINUS M WEINSTEIN, RAFAEL Z WHITTAKER, TOM E WILLIAMS, DAVID J System, method, and computer program product for interactive interfacing with mobile devices Priorities: [US09393390 10 Sep 1999] [US60173807 30 Dec 1999] [US60189969 17 Mar 2000] PCT Details: PCT/US2000/011438 WO2001/018688 15 Mar 2001 UKC Headings: G4A Int Cl7 G06F 17/30 GB2372202 (GB0103824.9) 16 Feb 2001 CANO, JOSEPH BELTON, CHRISTOPHER R Inventors: BELTON, CHRISTOPHER R CANO, JOSEPH Portable and mobile storage, rest and shelter unit UKC Headings: A4L B7B Int Cl7 A01K 97/22 GB2372498 (GB0104448.6) 23 Feb 2001 PACKAGING INNOVATION LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Inventors: KELSEY, STEPHEN F KELSO, JOHN M KINGSLAND, ALASTAIR G L O'BRIAN, GERARD Pellet dispensers UKC Headings: B8U Int Cl7 B65D 83/04 GB2372838 (GB0129335.6) 07 Dec 2001 FORD GLOBAL TECHNOLOGIES LLC (INCORPORATED IN USA MICHIGAN) Inventors: KOTRE, STEPHEN J ROBICHAUX, JERRY D An adapative fuel strategy for a hybrid electric vehicle Priorities: [US09746492 21 Dec 2000] UKC Headings: G3N Int Cl7 F02D 41/02 B60K 6/02 GB2372840 (GB0107190.1) 22 Mar 2001 SHARMA, RAJIV SHARMA, SUNANDA Inventors: SHARMA, SUNANDA SHARMA, RAJIV Medication compliance apparatus Priorities: [GB0104911 28 Feb 2001] UKC Headings: G3T B8P Int Cl7 A61J 7/04 B65D 83/04

GB2370873 (GB0100578.4) 09 Jan 2001 ELEY LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Inventors: PIELA, MICHAEL J Ammunition cartridge UKC Headings: F3A Int Cl7 F42B 30/02 B21K 23/00 F42B 14/04 F42B 33/00 GB2371110 (GB0125036.4) 18 Oct 2001 QINETIQ LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) AERO & INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Inventors: BRUNDISH, KEVIN D MORGAN, LEIGH C WHEATLEY, ALAN J Fuel injectors Priorities: [GB0025765 20 Oct 2000] UKC Headings: F4T Int Cl7 F23D 11/10 F23R 3/34 GB2371122 (GB0126485.2) 05 Nov 2001 FORD MOTOR COMPANY (INCORPORATED IN USA DELAWARE) Inventors: RAFTARI, ABBAS RAMASWAMY, DEEPA ROBICHAUX, JERRY D A torque-based monitor in a hybrid electric vehicle Priorities: [US09709612 10 Nov 2000] UKC Headings: G3N Int Cl7 B60K 6/02 GB2371506 (GB0101780.5) 19 Jan 2001 CAVITY ACCESS LTD (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM)

GB2371902 (GB0207917.6) 28 Apr 2000 AVANTGO INC (INCORPORATED IN USA - DELAWARE)

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Patents granted: Number Index - cont GB2372909 (GB0200228.5) 07 Jan 2002 YANG, WALLACE Inventors: YANG, WALLACE Wireless network telephone set system Priorities: [TW090201329 20 Jan 2001] UKC Headings: H4L Int Cl7 H04Q 7/20 GB2372991 (GB0105877.5) 09 Mar 2001 FIOCRUZ, FUNDACAO O C Inventors: BONALDO, MIRNA C DA SILVA FREIRE, MARCOS GALLER, RICARDO GARRAT, RICHARD C Flavivirus expression vector UKC Headings: C3H U1S Int Cl7 C12N 15/86 A61P 37/02 C12N 15/67 GB2373290 (GB0205946.7) 14 Mar 2002 WINDOW FABRICATION & FIXING SUPPLIES LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Inventors: SHENTON, NIGEL P Friction hinge Priorities: [GB0106237 14 Mar 2001] UKC Headings: E2F U1S Int Cl7 E05D 15/44 E05D 15/30 GB2373292 (GB0106298.3) 14 Mar 2001 FORD GLOBAL TECHNOLOGIES LLC (INCORPORATED IN USA MICHIGAN) Inventors: MA, THOMAS T Dual-mode engine with controlled autoignition UKC Headings: F1B Int Cl7 F02B 69/06 F02B 1/14 F02D 13/02 GB2373380 (GB0206052.3) 14 Mar 2002 ITT MANUFACTURING ENTERPRISES, INC. (INCORPORATED IN USA DELAWARE) Inventors: BERNARDINI, ALLEN J COLLIN, EDWIN KOZUBAL, PAUL PORZIO, WILLIAM D Push-pull quick connect connector system Priorities: [US10096114 13 Mar 2002] [US60275468 14 Mar 2001] UKC Headings: H2E Int Cl7 H01R 13/627 H01R 13/623 GB2373499 (GB0215275.9) 01 Dec 2000 XENOVA LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM)

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Inventors: DENNY, WILLIAM A FOLKES, ADRIAN J MILTON, JOHN VICKER, NIGEL WANG, SHOUMING Pharmaceutical compounds Priorities: [GB9928542 02 Dec 1999] PCT Details: PCT/GB2000/004609 WO2001/046157 28 Jun 2001 UKC Headings: C2C U1S Int Cl7 C07D 241/46 A61K 31/498 A61P 35/00 C07D 403/12 GB2373541 (GB0107920.1) 20 Mar 2001 GOODE, MATTHEW Inventors: GOODE, MATTHEW Wheelie bin locking clip UKC Headings: E2A U1S Int Cl7 B65F 1/16 GB2373543 (GB0206566.2) 20 Mar 2002 RENISHAW PLC (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Inventors: LE GUIN, HERMANN A coordinate measuring machine having a disconnectable joint Priorities: [GB0106870 20 Mar 2001] UKC Headings: E2A Int Cl7 F16B 21/16 B23Q 1/00 B23Q 3/155 B23Q 16/08 B25J 15/04 B23Q 1/01 F16B 2/18 GB2373602 (GB0107212.3) 22 Mar 2001 ARITHMATICA LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Inventors: RUMYNIN, DMITRIY TALWAR, SUNIL A multiplication logic circuit UKC Headings: G4A Int Cl7 G06F 7/52

GB2374161 (GB0206282.6) 18 Mar 2002 INSTITUT FRANAIS DU PTROLE Inventors: DURET, EMMANUEL TRAN, QUANG-HUY "Method and device for neutralizing,by gas injection,the formation of liquid slugs at the foot of a riser connected to a multiphase uid transport pipe Priorities: [FR0103727 19 Mar 2001] UKC Headings: G3H E1F U1S Int Cl7 F15D 1/02 E21B 17/01 GB2374183 (GB0108458.1) 04 Apr 2001 SAGEM SA (INCORPORATED IN FRANCE) Inventors: ROMAO, FERNANDO Mobile telephoone with a means for blocking a smart card in its housing UKC Headings: G4M U1S Int Cl7 G06K 7/04 GB2374383 (GB0205463.3) 08 Mar 2002 CARL ZEISS JENA GMBH (INCORPORATED IN THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY) Inventors: CORRENS, NICO HOYME, WERNER KERSTAN, FELIX KLARNER, ULRICH Arrangement for xing in position an optical component Priorities: [DE10112714 16 Mar 2001] UKC Headings: E2A Int Cl7 G02B 7/00 F16B 2/24 GB2374506 (GB0201650.9) 25 Jan 2002

GB2373790 (GB0108085.2) 30 Mar 2001 COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC & INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH (INCORPORATED IN INDIA) Inventors: BALODI, BHAGWATI P BHATIA, VIRENDRA K DAS, GAUTAM KAPOOR, VIRENDRA K KUMAR, ANIL KUMAR, SUNIL PURI, SOM N RAI, GUR P RAO, TURUGA S R SAIN, BIR A process for sweetening LPG and light petroleum distillates UKC Headings: C5E Int Cl7 C10G 19/02 B01J 27/02 C10G 27/06 C10L 3/10

HEWLETT -PACKARD COMPANY (INCORPORATED IN USA DELAWARE) Inventors: COLES, ALISTAIR N WILCOCK, LAWRENCE Audio user interface with cylindrical audio eld organisation Priorities: [GB0102230 29 Jan 2001] [GB0127783 20 Nov 2001] UKC Headings: H4R Int Cl7 H04S 3/00 G06F 3/16 H04S 7/00 GB2374540 (GB0201383.7) 22 Jan 2002 KARSTEN MANUFACTURING CORPORATION (INCORPORATED IN USA - ARIZONA)

Patents granted: Number Index - cont Inventors: BLANKENSHIP, JEFFREY A Method and apparatus for measuring a vibrational characteristic of a golf club shaft Priorities: [US09835655 16 Apr 2001] UKC Headings: A6D Int Cl7 A63B 59/00 A63B 69/36 GB2374706 (GB0128614.5) 29 Nov 2001 HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY (INCORPORATED IN USA DELAWARE) Inventors: GUILLEMIN, GUSTAVO M REARDON, LAURA I ROSTI, SHAWN Systems and methods for secure printing Priorities: [US09728045 30 Nov 2000] UKC Headings: G4H Int Cl7 G06F 3/12

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Inventors: CRIPPA, VALERIO Anti-decoupling mechanism for a threaded coupling connector Priorities: [US9849248 07 May 2001] UKC Headings: H2E Int Cl7 H01R 13/622 GB2375462 (GB0209043.9) 19 Apr 2002 NEC CORPORATION (INCORPORATED IN JAPAN) Inventors: ANDO, TAKESHI Method and network for answering calls to mobile terminals according to userdened response modes Priorities: [JP2001123518 20 Apr 2001] UKC Headings: H4L Int Cl7 H04Q 7/38 H04Q 7/22 H04Q 7/32 GB2375512 (GB0116704.8) 25 Jun 2001

GB2375902 (GB0203685.3) 15 Feb 2002 UNIVERSITY OF NORTHUMBRIA AT NEWCASTLE (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) NORTHERN ELECTRIC DISTRIBUTION LTD (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Inventors: AHMED, MOHAMED M R MAY, HARRY S PENLINGTON, ROGER PUTRUS, GHANIM A RAN, LI XIAO, LEJUN A hybrid fault current limiting and interrupting device Priorities: [GB0103748 15 Feb 2001] UKC Headings: H2K Int Cl7 H02H 3/02 GB2376066 (GB0113234.9) 31 May 2001 S.A.V.UNITED KINGDOM LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Inventors: FABRICIUS, LARS C HANSEN, OESTERHOLM J PARSLOE, CHRISTOPHER A commissioning module for a uiddistributing system UKC Headings: F4U Int Cl7 F24D 19/08 F16K 11/00 GB2376183 (GB0213026.8) 07 Jun 2002 HERNON, PAUL A Inventors: HERNON, PAUL A Modular furniture Priorities: [GB0113815 07 Jun 2001] UKC Headings: A4N A4B E1C Int Cl7 A47K 3/28 A47B 49/00 A47K 4/00 GB2376367 (GB0208083.6) 08 Apr 2002 NEC CORPORATION (INCORPORATED IN JAPAN) Inventors: SATODA, KOZO Contents distribution system for distributing contents to a terminal, a corresponding method and program therefore Priorities: [JP2001110410 09 Apr 2001] UKC Headings: H4F Int Cl7 H04N 7/173 GB2376464 (GB0210403.2) 07 May 2002 GW PHARMA LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM)

GB2374791 (GB0109885.4) 23 Apr 2001 ACE INTERMED LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Inventors: COLE, MICHAEL Method and apparatus for pasteurising human milk UKC Headings: A2D Int Cl7 A23C 3/02 GB2375138 (GB0208908.4) 18 Apr 2002 FUJI PHOTO OPTICAL CO., LTD (INCORPORATED IN JAPAN) Inventors: MORIYA, CHIKATSU Locking apparatus of vibration proof lens for camera, vibration proof adapter, and lens apparatus Priorities: [JP2001122832 20 Apr 2001] UKC Headings: E2A Int Cl7 G03B 5/00 G03B 17/00 GB2375323 (GB0209765.7) 29 Apr 2002 HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY (INCORPORATED IN USA DELAWARE) Inventors: PHILLIPS, QUINTIN T System and method for protecting printer consumables through positioning nonuse zones Priorities: [US09851703 08 May 2001] UKC Headings: B6C Int Cl7 B41J 25/34 B41J 2/175 B41J 15/00 GB2375438 (GB0210113.7) 02 May 2002 VEAM S.R.L (INCORPORATED IN ITALY)

O'GRADY, RAYMOND Inventors: O'GRADY, RAYMOND Storage container with wheels Priorities: [GB01116300 14 May 2001] UKC Headings: B7B B7J Int Cl7 B60R 9/045 B60R 9/055 B62D 63/06 GB2375519 (GB0111752.2) 14 May 2001 CAMPS, JULI V GUTIRREZ, XAVIER M Inventors: CAMPS, JULI V GUTIRREZ, XAVIER M Funerary urn UKC Headings: B8D A5X U1S Int Cl7 A61G 17/08 GB2375551 (GB0112290.2) 19 May 2001 KEE KLAMP LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Inventors: GREAVES, JOHN Connector assembly for a handrail installation UKC Headings: E1D Int Cl7 E04F 11/18 GB2375753 (GB0107447.5) 24 Mar 2001 J.C.BAMFORD EXCAVATORS LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Inventors: ALLSOPP, ROY W HULSE, EDWARD W Wear pad UKC Headings: B8H Int Cl7 E02F 9/08

17 November 2004
Patents granted: Number Index - cont Inventors: DOWNS, DAVID GUY, GEOFFREY PATE, DAVID WHITTLE, BRIAN Processes and apparatus for extraction of active substances and enriched extracts from natural products Priorities: [GB0111046 04 May 2001] UKC Headings: C2C B1B U1S Int Cl7 C07D 311/80 B01D 3/00 B01D 3/08 B01D 3/40 C07C 37/70 C07C 39/21 GB2376663 (GB0213274.4) 10 Jun 2002 HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY (INCORPORATED IN USA DELAWARE) Inventors: HEIM, RORY A PAUL, RONALD G Reserving ink for printer servicing purposes Priorities: [US09883823 18 Jun 2001] UKC Headings: B6F Int B41J 2/165 Cl7 B41J 2/175

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Inventors: OGAWA, TAKASHI TEISHI, MINORU YAMASHITA, TAKASHI Automotive weatherstrip and method for molding the same Priorities: [JP2001197083 28 Jun 2001] UKC Headings: E1J Int Cl7 B60J 10/00 GB2377309 (GB0207265.0) 27 Mar 2002 MATSUSHITA ELECTRIC INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD (INCORPORATED IN JAPAN) Inventors: ARAI, FUJIO TAKEUCHI, HIDENORI Pc card Priorities: [JP2001101121 30 Mar 2001] UKC Headings: G4M U1S Int Cl7 G06K 7/04 GB2377477 (GB0215163.7) 19 Mar 2002 GRANT PREDICO L.P. (INCORPORATED IN USA DELAWARE) Inventors: DELANGE, RICHARD W EVANS, M E Threaded connection Priorities: [US09811734 19 Mar 2001] PCT Details: PCT/US2002/008476 WO2002/075197 26 Sep 2002 UKC Headings: F2G Int Cl7 F16L 25/00 F16L 35/00 GB2377638 (GB0221446.8) 09 Mar 2001 MARS UK LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Inventors: BAILLON, MARIE-LOUISE GIFFARD, CATRIONA J Treatment of infection in animals Priorities: [PCT/GB2000/000890 10 Mar 2000] [GB0012401 22 May 2000] [GB0022210 11 Sep 2000] PCT Details: PCT/GB2001/001036 WO2001/065949 13 Sep 2001 UKC Headings: A5B U1S Int Cl7 A23K 1/14 A23K 1/16 A23K 1/18 A61K 31/702 A61K 35/78 A61P 1/12 A61P 31/04 GB2377757 (GB0117617.1) 19 Jul 2001 CHIANG, ANN-SHYN Inventors: CHIANG, ANN-SHYN An aqueous tissue clearing solution UKC Headings: G1B Int Cl7 G01N 1/28 GB2377898 (GB0118260.9) 26 Jul 2001 SODA-CLUB (CO2) SA (INCORPORATED IN SWITZERLAND)

Inventors: DAVIES, PAUL ROFF, JENNIFER C TANNY, GERALD THOMSON, MICHAEL A Domestic water ltration system UKC Headings: B1D Int Cl7 C02F 1/28 B01D 15/04 B01D 35/04 B01D 61/18 GB2377950 (GB0217051.2) 23 Jul 2002 MITEK HOLDINGS, INC. (INCORPORATED IN USA DELAWARE) Inventors: TADICH, JOHN Structural framework, method of forming the framework and webs therefor Priorities: [AUPR6667 27 Jul 2001] UKC Headings: E1D E1S Int Cl7 E04C 3/292 E04C 3/09 GB2378187 (GB0217718.6) 31 Jul 2002 DEARNLEY, PETER A Inventors: DEARNLEY, PETER A Wear resistant boride coatings Priorities: [GB0118755 01 Aug 2001] UKC Headings: C7F Int Cl7 C23C 14/14 C23C 16/38 GB2378387 (GB0114428.6) 13 Jun 2001 NEWFORD COMPANY LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN HONG KONG) Inventors: CHIU, SANNY Apparatus for beauty treatment UKC Headings: A5R Int Cl7 C01B 13/11 GB2378408 (GB0119382.0) 09 Aug 2001 CHIAPPETTA, FRANCO ANTONNELLI, FRANKIE PARBERRY, LEE Inventors: ANTONNELLI, FRANKIE CHIAPPETTA, FRANCO PARBERRY, LEE Wire cutters UKC Headings: B4W Int Cl7 B26B 17/00 B23D 29/00 GB2378896 (GB0214653.8) 25 Jun 2002 COMMUNITY PRODUCTS LLC (INCORPORATED IN USA - NEW YORK) Inventors: HOFER, DANIEL MARCHANT, ALLISTER Crib Priorities: [US09898189 03 Jul 2001] UKC Headings: A4L Int Cl7 A47D 7/02

GB2376699 (GB0115220.6) 21 Jun 2001 LOVELL, MARK Inventors: LOVELL, MARK Improved composite panel UKC Headings: E1D Int Cl7 E04C 2/30 GB2376779 (GB0223265.0) 05 Apr 2001 COOL 123 LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN NEW ZEALAND) Inventors: SMITH, GLEN D Interactive marketing system Priorities: [NZ503817 07 Apr 2000] PCT Details: PCT/NZ2001/000051 WO2001/078345 18 Oct 2001 UKC Headings: G4A Int Cl7 H04L 29/00 G06F 17/60 G09F 19/00 G09F 21/00 GB2376997 (GB0115785.8) 28 Jun 2001 FORD GLOBAL TECHNOLOGIES LLC (INCORPORATED IN USA DELAWARE) Inventors: BENNETT, PETER J PERKINS, SIMON R Clutch biting point monitoring UKC Headings: F2L Int Cl7 F16D 48/08 B60K 41/02 GB2377246 (GB0214824.5) 26 Jun 2002 NISHIKAWA RUBBER CO., LTD. (INCORPORATED IN JAPAN) HONDA GIKEN KOGYO KABUSHIKI KAISHA (INCORPORATED IN JAPAN)

Patents granted: Number Index - cont GB2378942 (GB0229005.4) 22 Jun 2001 ALCOA CLOSURE SYSTEMS INTERNATIONAL INC (INCORPORATED IN USA DELAWARE) Inventors: MCCANDLESS, THOMAS J Closure shell and container sealing system Priorities: [US09602432 23 Jun 2000] PCT Details: PCT/US2001/020124 WO2002/000521 03 Jan 2002 UKC Headings: B8T Int Cl7 B65D 41/04 GB2379142 (GB0120717.4) 24 Aug 2001 FUJITSU LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN JAPAN) Inventors: NAVEN, FINBAR Distribution of signals in high speed digital circuitry UKC Headings: H4P Int Cl7 H03K 5/15 G06F 1/10 GB2379212 (GB0226199.8) 18 May 2001 PLACER DOME TECHNICAL SERVICES LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN CANADA) Inventors: FLEMING, CHRISTOPHER A HACKL, RALPH P JI, JINXING WEST-SELLS, PAUL G Method for thiosulfate leaching of precious metal-containing materials Priorities: [US60205472 19 May 2000] PCT Details: PCT/IB2001/001119 WO2001/088212 22 Nov 2001 UKC Headings: C1A Int Cl7 C22B 11/00 C22B 3/00 C22B 3/08 C22B 3/26 C22B 3/42 C22B 3/46 GB2379345 (GB0215991.1) 10 Jul 2002 TYCO ELECTRONICS AMP GMBH (INCORPORATED IN THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY) Inventors: WINKENS, BERND Power module Priorities: [GB0117817 21 Jul 2001] UKC Headings: H3P H3T U1S Int Cl7 H03K 17/00 G08C 15/00 GB2379392 (GB0122016.9) 11 Sep 2001 JOHNSON & JOHNSON MEDICAL LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Inventors: KIRKWOOD, ANDREW J LOWING, PAUL H Wound dressing with occlusive apertured and hydrogel layers UKC Headings: A5R Int Cl7 A61F 13/00 A61L 15/62

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GB2379504 (GB0229153.2) 30 May 2001 KUDOS PHARMACEUTICALS LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Inventors: JACKSON, STEPHEN P LAU, ALAN O'CONNOR, MARK J Inhibiting retrotransposon and retroviral integration by targeting the atm pathway Priorities: [US60208672 30 May 2000] PCT Details: PCT/GB2001/002398 WO2001/092562 06 Dec 2001 UKC Headings: G1B U1S Int Cl7 C12Q 1/18 A61P 31/10 A61P 31/14 C12Q 1/68 G01N 33/68 GB2379541 (GB0225063.7) 01 May 2001 MOSAID TECHNOLOGIES INCORPORATED (INCORPORATED IN CANADA ONTARIO) Inventors: AHMED, ABDULLAH GILLINGHAM, PETER LINES, VALERIE MA, STANLEY J MA, PETER P MCKENZIE, ROBERT Matchline sense circuit and method Priorities: [CA2307240 01 May 2000] PCT Details: PCT/CA2001/000628 WO2001/084555 08 Nov 2001 UKC Headings: G4C Int Cl7 G11C 15/04 G11C 7/06 GB2379783 (GB0215002.7) 28 Jun 2002 DENSO CORPORATION (INCORPORATED IN JAPAN) Inventors: HIRATA, TATSUYA ISOBE, TOSHIO SUGIURA, MASAHIRO SUGIURA, AKIHIRO TAKAHASHI, KIYOSHI TAKIGUCHI, MASAHIRO Improvements in and relating to IC card readers Priorities: [JP2001199386 29 Jun 2001] UKC Headings: G4M U1S Int Cl7 G06K 7/08 GB2379964 (GB0217849.9) 01 Aug 2002 INSTITUT FRANAIS DU PTROLE (INCORPORATED IN FRANCE) Inventors: GAILLARD, CHRISTIAN GUESNON, JEAN Hooped tube dimensioning method Priorities: [FR0110362 01 Aug 2001] UKC Headings: F2P Int Cl7 F16L 9/04

GB2379983 (GB0122554.9) 19 Sep 2001 PLUS DESIGN LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Inventors: ATHERTON, ERIC Transducer assembly UKC Headings: G1N U1S Int Cl7 G01K 7/32 G01K 1/14 GB2380076 (GB0216503.3) 17 Jul 2002 CLINTON, HENRY Inventors: CLINTON, HENRY Apparatus for the high voltage testing of insulated conductors and oscillator circuit for use with same Priorities: [US09911671 24 Jul 2001] UKC Headings: H3P G1U H3T Int Cl7 H03K 3/30 G01R 31/02 GB2380108 (GB0217624.6) 30 Jul 2002 HEWLETT -PACKARD COMPANY (INCORPORATED IN USA DELAWARE) Inventors: BRESNIKER, KIRK LARSON, THANE M Server system with segregated management lan and payload lan Priorities: [US09923881 07 Aug 2001] UKC Headings: H4P Int Cl7 H04L 29/06 H04L 12/46 GB2380237 (GB0123254.5) 27 Sep 2001 UPONOR INNOVATION AB (INCORPORATED IN SWEDEN) Inventors: MUCKLE, DEREK Pipe with nose cone UKC Headings: F2P Int Cl7 F16L 55/165 GB2380394 (GB0300033.8) 07 Jun 2001 KIMBERLY-CLARK WORLDWIDE, INC. (INCORPORATED IN USA DELAWARE) Inventors: ALBERTS, JOSEPH R NELSON, MICHAEL J RIBBLE, BRENDON F Process for manufacturing shirts with inset sleeves Priorities: [US09875749 06 Jun 2001] [US09875583 06 Jun 2001] [US09875587 06 Jun 2001] [US09875834 06 Jun 2001] [US60210124 07 Jun 2000] [US60210125 07 Jun 2000] [US60210071 07 Jun 2000] [US60210128 07 Jun 2000] PCT Details: PCT/US2001/018385 WO2001/094674 13 Dec 2001 UKC Headings: A3V Int Cl7 A41H 42/00 D05B 25/00 D05B 33/00

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Patents granted: Number Index - cont GB2380586 (GB0214975.5) 27 Jun 2002 HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY (INCORPORATED IN USA DELAWARE) Inventors: CLOUGH, JAMES E Schedule-based printer selection Priorities: [US09905414 13 Jul 2001] UKC Headings: G4H U1S Int Cl7 G06F 3/12 GB2380943 (GB0220010.3) 29 Aug 2002 ULTRADENT PRODUCTS INC (INCORPORATED IN USA - UTAH) Inventors: FISCHER, DAN E MCLEAN, BRUCE S Flocked endodontic les Priorities: [US9946128 04 Sep 2001] UKC Headings: A5R Int Cl7 A61C 5/02 GB2381037 (GB0223888.9) 14 Oct 2002 WEST ALLOY LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Inventors: SMITH, WILLIAM Waterproof door lock handle Priorities: [GB0124992 17 Oct 2001] UKC Headings: E2A Int Cl7 E05B 1/00 E05B 13/10 GB2381482 (GB0304305.6) 27 Jul 2001 XANTEC BIOANALYTICS GMBH (INCORPORATED IN THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY) Inventors: GEDIG, ERK T HAALCK, LUTZ Coating for different substrates and processes for making same. Priorities: [DE10036907 28 Jul 2000] PCT Details: PCT/EP2001/008701 WO2002/010759 07 Feb 2002 UKC Headings: B2E A5R U1S Int G01N 33/543 A61K 47/48 Cl7

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Inventors: KOCH, ROGER D Method and apparatus for determining a contact force of a work tool Priorities: [US10004232 31 Oct 2001] UKC Headings: G1N Int Cl7 H01Q 1/02 GB2381694 (GB0221570.5) 17 Sep 2002 KABUSHIKI KAISHA TOSHIBA (INCORPORATED IN JAPAN) Inventors: FUNATO, YASUO MAKITA, TAKESHI Audio packet communications system, network telephone terminal and special packet process method Priorities: [JP2001282374 17 Sep 2001] UKC Headings: H4K Int Cl7 H04M 3/428 H04L 29/06 H04M 7/00 GB2381697 (GB0225362.3) 31 Oct 2002 INTELLPROP LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE CHANNEL ISLANDS) Inventors: WILSON, JEFFREY Telecommunications services apparatus Priorities: [GB0126262 01 Nov 2001] UKC Headings: H4K Int Cl7 H04M 3/487 GB2381840 (GB0225321.9) 26 Mar 2001 LUK LAMELLEN UND KUPPLUNGSBAU BETEILIGUNGS KG (INCORPORATED IN THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY) Inventors: BRANDT, MARTIN A method of controlling a power shift gearbox Priorities: [DE10016543 03 Apr 2000] PCT Details: PCT/DE2001/001204 WO2001/074619 11 Oct 2001 UKC Headings: F2D Int Cl7 B60K 41/22 GB2382214 (GB0305430.1) 26 Sep 2001 SEAGATE TECHNOLOGY LLC (INCORPORATED IN USA DELAWARE) Inventors: EDMUN, CHIANSONG S KAN, UTT H LIM, AIKCHUAN TANG, KAYHEE Method and apparatus for determining equalized signal-to-noise ratio in a storage device Priorities: [US60235604 27 Sep 2000] PCT Details: PCT/US2001/030001 WO2002/027721 04 Apr 2002 UKC Headings: G5R Int Cl7 G11B 27/36 G11B 5/09 G11B 20/10

GB2382506 (GB0128039.5) 22 Nov 2001 UBINETICS LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Inventors: PLEWS, ALAN REEVE, JOHN M A data processing circuit UKC Headings: H4P Int Cl7 H04L 27/38 H03H 17/00 GB2382948 (GB0227218.5) 21 Nov 2002 HEWLETT -PACKARD COMPANY (INCORPORATED IN USA DELAWARE) Inventors: YANG-HUFFMAN, SIEW-HONG System and method for network usage metering Priorities: [US10012720 07 Dec 2001] UKC Headings: H4K Int Cl7 H04Q 3/00 H04L 12/24 H04L 12/26 H04L 29/06 H04M 15/00 GB2383041 (GB0306346.8) 15 Oct 2001 ZAMBON GROUP S.P.A. (INCORPORATED IN ITALY) Inventors: CANNATA, VINCENZO CORCELLA, FRANCESCO NICOLI, ANDREA Process for the preparation of gabapentin Priorities: [ITMI20A002285 23 Oct 2000] PCT Details: PCT/EP2001/011867 WO2002/034709 02 May 2002 UKC Headings: C2C Int Cl7 C07C 227/40 C07C 227/42 C07C 229/28 GB2383710 (GB0306149.6) 29 Aug 2001 TEXTRON SYSTEMS CORPORATION (INCORPORATED IN USA - MASSACHUSETTS) Inventors: HASSON, VICTOR H Passive ranging to a target reecting solar radiation Priorities: [US09656993 07 Sep 2000] PCT Details: PCT/US2001/026867 WO2002/021155 14 Mar 2002 UKC Headings: H4D Int Cl7 G01S 11/12 G01C 3/08 G01J 5/00 G01S 17/32 GB2383713 (GB0211675.4) 21 May 2002 INVENTEC CORPORATION (INCORPORATED IN TAIWAN) Inventors: CHANG, SHENG-CHANG CHEN, MING-HUANG HSIEH, YU-LUNG Automatic network management system Priorities: [TW90132699 28 Dec 2001] UKC Headings: H4K Int Cl7 H04L 12/24 H04L 12/26 H04Q 3/00

GB2381489 (GB0126006.6) 30 Oct 2001 ROLLS-ROYCE PLC (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Inventors: BYRD, PAMELA J HASTILOW, NEIL K STEVENS, MARTIN J Method of forming a shaped hole UKC Headings: B3V Int Cl7 B23K 26/38 GB2381587 (GB0218083.4) 05 Aug 2002 CATERPILLAR INC (INCORPORATED IN USA DELAWARE)

Patents granted: Number Index - cont GB2383741 (GB0200079.2) 03 Jan 2002 KAO, JUI-CHIEN Inventors: KAO, JUI-CHIEN Tool suspension rack UKC Headings: A4B A4L B8C Int Cl7 B25H 3/04 E05B 73/00 GB2383813 (GB0304569.7) 20 Sep 2001 SCHLUMBERGER HOLDINGS LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS) Inventors: BRADY, MARK E Viscoelastic surfactant uids at high brine concentrations Priorities: [US09667073 21 Sep 2000] [US09918264 30 Jul 2001] PCT Details: PCT/EP2001/010904 WO2002/024831 28 Mar 2002 UKC Headings: E1F Int Cl7 C09K 7/02 E21B 43/25 GB2383871 (GB0307398.8) 23 Oct 2001 SUN MICROSYSTEMS INC (INCORPORATED IN USA DELAWARE) Inventors: SOKOLOV, STEPAN WALLMAN, DAVID Improved frameworks for loading and execution of object-based programs Priorities: [US09703449 31 Oct 2000] PCT Details: PCT/US2001/046308 WO2002/037265 10 May 2002 UKC Headings: G4A Int Cl7 G06F 9/44

Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026

17 November 2004

GB2384665 (GB0201730.9) 25 Jan 2002 TOSHIBA RESEARCH EUROPE LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Inventors: CHOW, YUK C FITTON, MICHAEL P RIZVI, KHURRAM A Reciever processing systems UKC Headings: H4P Int Cl7 H04B 1/707 H04B 7/26 H04J 13/00 GB2385214 (GB0302262.1) 31 Jan 2003 SCHLUMBERGER HOLDINGS LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS) Inventors: D'ARCY, DES KOBYLINSKI, LEE S MCHUGH, MARCUS D Technique for providing power to a completion used in a subterranean environment Priorities: [US10068076 06 Feb 2002] UKC Headings: H2E Int Cl7 H02G 15/18 GB2385506 (GB0201532.9) 24 Jan 2002 CANNY COMPANY, THE LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Inventors: SMITH, BRIAN Dog collar UKC Headings: A1M Int Cl7 A01K 27/00 GB2385578 (GB0202610.2) 05 Feb 2002 BIRCHWOOD PRODUCTS LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Inventors: SMITH, ANTHONY E Ramp UKC Headings: B8H Int Cl7 B65G 69/28 GB2385708 (GB0303610.0) 07 Sep 2001 RADI MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIES AB (INCORPORATED IN SWEDEN) Inventors: HJORT, KLAS RANGSTEN, PELLE RIBBING, CAROLINA TIRN, JONAS X-ray tube electrodes Priorities: [US60230708 07 Sep 2000] [US60230707 07 Sep 2000] PCT Details: PCT/SE2001/001913 WO2002/021564 14 Mar 2002 UKC Headings: H1D Int Cl7 H01J 35/04 GB2385802 (GB0310862.8) 12 May 2003 AKALLEY, BALRAJ Inventors: AKALLEY, BALRAJ Improvements in lottery entry systems Priorities: [GB0210776 10 May 2002] UKC Headings: A6H Int Cl7 A63F 13/12

GB2386223 (GB0310613.5) 14 Nov 2001 SUN MICROSYSTEMS, INC. (INCORPORATED IN USA DELAWARE) Inventors: AVERY, JAMES M Method and apparatus for implementing PCI DMA speculative prefetching in a message passing queue oriented bus system Priorities: [US09713917 16 Nov 2000] PCT Details: PCT/US2001/044130 WO2002/041155 23 May 2002 UKC Headings: G4A Int Cl7 G06F 13/28 GB2386291 (GB0312298.3) 18 Apr 2002 EMC CORPORATION (INCORPORATED IN USA MASSACHUSETTS) Inventors: MIAOULIS, BETH K STIFFLER, JACK J WILS, JORIS J Integrated procedure for partitioning network data services among multiple subscribers Priorities: [US10124630 17 Apr 2002] [US60284439 18 Apr 2001] PCT Details: PCT/US2002/012444 WO2002/086715 31 Oct 2002 UKC Headings: H4K Int Cl7 H04Q 3/00 G06F 9/46 GB2386449 (GB0226637.7) 15 Nov 2002 HEWLETT -PACKARD COMPANY (INCORPORATED IN USA DELAWARE) Inventors: TAYLOR, RICHARD Recongurable processor Priorities: [GB0127727 20 Nov 2001] UKC Headings: G4A Int Cl7 G06F 15/78 G06F 9/318 G06F 9/38 GB2386935 (GB0304086.2) 24 Feb 2003 SMITHS GROUP PLC (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Inventors: GIBSON, DIANE Ducting Priorities: [GB0206074 15 Mar 2002] UKC Headings: F2P Int Cl7 F16L 11/112 F16L 11/08 GB2387989 (GB0319695.3) 20 Feb 2002 SENDO INTERNATIONAL LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN CHINA)

GB2384133 (GB0301158.2) 24 Oct 2001 MAYER, YARON Inventors: MAYER, YARON Cellular phone that exposes the user's brain to much less microwave radiation than ordinary cellular phones with the help of a proxy (intermediary) device Priorities: [IL139234 24 Oct 2000] [US60266732 05 Feb 2001] PCT Details: PCT/IL2001/000981 WO2002/035802 02 May 2002 UKC Headings: H4J H4L Int Cl7 H04M 1/02 H04M 1/00 GB2384660 (GB0201722.6) 25 Jan 2002 TOSHIBA RESEARCH EUROPE LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Inventors: FITTON, MICHAEL P Reciever processing systems UKC Headings: H4P Int Cl7 H04B 1/707 H04B 7/06 H04B 7/26 H04J 13/00

17 November 2004
Patents granted: Number Index - cont Inventors: SAYED, ASHLEY Telephone apparatus Priorities: [GB0104151 20 Feb 2001] PCT Details: PCT/GB2002/000728 WO2002/067552 29 Aug 2002 UKC Headings: H4J Int Cl7 H04M 1/02

Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026


Inventors: GANESAN, KRISHNAMURTHY Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging using phase encoding Priorities: [US10051479 18 Jan 2002] UKC Headings: G1N Int Cl7 G01V 3/32 G01R 33/54 G01V 3/00 G01V 3/14 GB2390234 (GB0310395.9) 07 May 2003 VISTEON GLOBAL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. (INCORPORATED IN USA MICHIGAN) Inventors: KEMPFER, STEPHEN T KRIEGER, NORMAN N SETSUDA, DAVID J YU, DEQUAN Fuel sender assembly Priorities: [US10184587 28 Jun 2002] UKC Headings: H2E Int Cl7 H01R 13/52 F02M 37/10 GB2390312 (GB0321463.2) 22 Mar 2002 NEWSON, CHARLES J Inventors: NEWSON, CHARLES J Apparatus for therapeutically exercising parts of the human body Priorities: [GB0107386 23 Mar 2001] [GB0117547 18 Jul 2001] [GB0200715 14 Jan 2002] PCT Details: PCT/GB2002/001389 WO2002/076556 03 Oct 2002 UKC Headings: A6M Int Cl7 A63B 23/04 GB2390561 (GB0216329.3) 13 Jul 2002 LOVEJOY, JOHN G Inventors: LOVEJOY, JOHN G Smoothing apparatus UKC Headings: B3D Int Cl7 B24B 9/00 B08B 9/02 B23B 5/16 B24B 9/20 GB2390947 (GB0308450.6) 11 Apr 2003 DAIMLERCHRYSLER AG (INCORPORATED IN THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY) Inventors: SCHNEIDER, ROBERT Parking space detection for a vehicle Priorities: [DE10220837 08 May 2002] UKC Headings: H4D Int Cl7 G01S 13/88 G01S 13/93 GB2390992 (GB0327463.6) 04 Jun 2001 ROLLS-ROYCE CORPORATION (INCORPORATED IN USA DELAWARE)

Inventors: MILLER, RAYMOND T SHARP, RICHARD A Broach carrier PCT Details: PCT/US2001/017938 WO2002/098592 12 Dec 2002 UKC Headings: B3L Int Cl7 B23D 43/04 B23D 71/08 B23P 15/42 GB2391386 (GB0312668.7) 02 Jun 2003 NEC CORPORATION (INCORPORATED IN JAPAN) Inventors: HAYASHI, KENICHI HIRANO, NAOTO SHIRAISHI, HITOSHI YAMAMOTO, ATSUSHI Method for forming pattern of stacked lm Priorities: [JP2002165163 06 Jun 2002] UKC Headings: H1K Int Cl7 H01L 21/336 H01L 21/3065 GB2391569 (GB0318408.2) 06 Aug 2003 SCHLUMBERGER HOLDINGS LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS) Inventors: BIGELOW, JASON DIVIS, ROBERT MULLIGAN, MARK WOLFE, DAVID Modular retrievable packer Priorities: [US10215659 09 Aug 2002] UKC Headings: E1F Int Cl7 E21B 33/122 GB2391723 (GB0316552.9) 15 Jul 2003 JAPAN AVIATION ELECTRONICS INDUSTRY LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN JAPAN) HONDA GIKEN KOGYO KABUSHIKI KAISHA (INCORPORATED IN JAPAN) Inventors: ARIYOSHI, TOSHIAKI HASHIGUCHI, OSAMU SAITO, KAZUKI SATO, MASAHIKO Zif connector having a contact of unique shape Priorities: [JP2002336287 20 Nov 2002] [JP2002205114 15 Jul 2002] UKC Headings: H2E Int Cl7 H01R 13/193 GB2392192 (GB0219454.6) 21 Aug 2002 BARRACLOUGH, KEITH Inventors: BARRACLOUGH, KEITH Restricted access barrier UKC Headings: E1G Int Cl7 E01F 13/00

GB2388190 (GB0308910.9) 17 Apr 2003 AMERSHAM BIOSCIENCES UK LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Inventors: WHATELEY, JOHN G Methods for measuring enzyme activity Priorities: [GB0208989 19 Apr 2002] UKC Headings: G1B Int Cl7 C12Q 1/34 C12Q 1/37 C12Q 1/44 G01N 33/58 GB2388485 (GB0316676.6) 26 Mar 2002 TELEFONAKTIEBOLAGET L M ERICSSON (PUBL) (INCORPORATED IN SWEDEN) Inventors: BRUSEWITZ, HARALD Low complexity video decoding Priorities: [US9818043 26 Mar 2001] PCT Details: PCT/SE2002/000608 WO2002/078353 03 Oct 2002 UKC Headings: H4F Int Cl7 H04N 7/26 H04N 7/36 H04N 7/50 GB2388809 (GB0211712.5) 22 May 2002 DONUT SAFETY SYSTEMS LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Inventors: HAYHURST, JOHN F An escape hammer UKC Headings: B4C Int Cl7 B25D 1/02 B25D 1/00 GB2388857 (GB0310084.9) 01 May 2003 SMITH INTERNATIONAL INC (INCORPORATED IN USA DELAWARE) Inventors: SIRACKI, MICHAEL A WITMAN IV, GEORGE B XIANG, YING Single-cone rock bit having cutting structure adapted to improve hole cleaning,and to reduce tracking and bit balling Priorities: [US10152498 21 May 2002] UKC Headings: E1F Int Cl7 E21B 10/16


Patents granted: Number Index - cont GB2392411 (GB0315243.6) 30 Jun 2003 IRISH BAKERY INVENTIONS LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN IRELAND) Inventors: MCNAMEE, RONAN Improvements in and relating to dough handling apparatus Priorities: [IE20020550 03 Jul 2002] UKC Headings: B5A B4B Int A21C 5/00 A21C 9/08 B26D 1/09 B26D 5/00 GB2392531 (GB0328050.0) 03 May 2002 PURE MATRIX INC (INCORPORATED IN USA COLORADO) Inventors: PENDERS, ALAIN System and method for privacy protection in a service development and execution environment Priorities: [US60288076 03 May 2001] PCT Details: PCT/US2002/013948 WO2002/091663 14 Nov 2002 UKC Headings: G4A Int Cl7 H04L 9/00 G06F 1/00 G06F 12/14 GB2392557 (GB0315662.7) 03 Jul 2003 SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO. LTD. (INCORPORATED IN THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA) Inventors: KIM, JI-YOUNG SON, NAK-JIN Semiconductor device and method of manufacturing the same Priorities: [KR02038708 04 Jul 2002] UKC Headings: H1K Int Cl7 H01L 29/10 H01L 21/336 H01L 21/8242 GB2392791 (GB0317159.2) 23 Jul 2003 VISTEON GLOBAL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. (INCORPORATED IN USA MICHIGAN) Inventors: PURSIFULL, ROSS D YANG, CHANG Throttle miswire detection Priorities: [US10237752 09 Sep 2002] UKC Headings: H2K Int Cl7 F02D 11/10 Cl7

Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026

17 November 2004

GB2393045 (GB0317342.4) 24 Jul 2003 YAZAKI CORPORATION (INCORPORATED IN JAPAN) Inventors: ENDO, TOMOMI Connector structure Priorities: [JP2002216810 25 Jul 2002] UKC Headings: H2E Int Cl7 H01R 13/629 GB2393164 (GB0318616.0) 08 Aug 2003 VISTEON GLOBAL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. (INCORPORATED IN USA MICHIGAN) Inventors: FISH, DUANE A KAHLER, RICHARD W JR Fuel tank bafe Priorities: [US10252205 23 Sep 2002] UKC Headings: B7H Int Cl7 B60K 15/077 GB2393205 (GB0221159.7) 12 Sep 2002 GOODWIN, RICHARD J Inventors: GOODWIN, RICHARD J A method of manufacturing building units UKC Headings: E1S Int Cl7 E04G 21/14 E04B 2/70 E04C 3/17 GB2393210 (GB0227269.8) 22 Nov 2002 LEAR CORPORATION (INCORPORATED IN USA DELAWARE) Inventors: WILSON, DOUGLAS J Interior trim attachment apparatus and method for a vehicle Priorities: [US10246161 18 Sep 2002] UKC Headings: E2F B7J Int Cl7 B60J 3/02 GB2393212 (GB0227272.2) 22 Nov 2002 LEAR CORPORATION (INCORPORATED IN USA DELAWARE) Inventors: WILSON, DOUGLAS J Interior trim attachment apparatus and method for a vehicle Priorities: [US10246139 18 Sep 2002] UKC Headings: E2F Int Cl7 B60J 3/02 GB2393228 (GB0317153.5) 23 Jul 2003 VISTEON GLOBAL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. (INCORPORATED IN USA MICHIGAN)

Inventors: LEVITTE, JAMES A SEIDEL, RICHARD L WANG, HUI Wheel end assembly with locking fastener Priorities: [US10241394 11 Sep 2002] UKC Headings: F2H Int Cl7 F16B 39/10 GB2393436 (GB0401680.4) 29 Jul 2002 GIESECKE & DEVRIENT GMBH (INCORPORATED IN THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY) Inventors: DOPFER, PETER Method and device for singling sheet material Priorities: [DE10137390 31 Jul 2001] PCT Details: PCT/EP2002/008427 WO2003/011726 13 Feb 2003 UKC Headings: B8R Int Cl7 B65H 3/00 B65H 7/06 GB2393822 (GB0400330.7) 25 Jan 2002 HEWLETT -PACKARD COMPANY (INCORPORATED IN USA DELAWARE) Inventors: BARNEY, CLIVE A GRANGE, SCOTT R Designing integrated circuits Priorities: [US09779301 07 Feb 2001] Earlier date under section 15 (4) GB0201755.6 UKC Headings: G4A Int Cl7 G06F 17/50 H01L 27/02 GB2394434 (GB0324256.7) 16 Oct 2003 VISTEON GLOBAL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. (INCORPORATED IN USA MICHIGAN) Inventors: ENGELS, FRANK P KROENER, THILO SIMONS, KARL-HEINZ Method for manufacturing a shaft-hub connection Priorities: [DE10248579 17 Oct 2002] UKC Headings: B3A Int Cl7 B60B 27/04 GB2394700 (GB0404977.1) 06 Aug 2002 SWANBOROUGH, MICHAEL C J Inventors: SWANBOROUGH, MICHAEL C J Direction stabilizer device Priorities: [GB0119151 06 Aug 2001] PCT Details: PCT/GB2002/003621 WO2003/013880 20 Feb 2003 UKC Headings: B7B Int Cl7 B60B 33/02 GB2395013 (GB0317053.7) 22 Jul 2003 SCHLUMBERGER HOLDINGS LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS)

GB2392937 (GB0321349.3) 12 Sep 2003 SCHLUMBERGER HOLDINGS LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS) Inventors: MILLIGAN, CLAY W JR READ, DENNIS M JNR Volume compensated shifting tool Priorities: [US60410359 13 Sep 2002] UKC Headings: E1F Int Cl7 E21B 23/00

17 November 2004
Patents granted: Number Index - cont Inventors: SPEIER, PETER Method for magnetic resonance uid characterization Priorities: [US10064914 28 Aug 2002] UKC Headings: G1N Int Cl7 G01V 3/32 G01R 33/54 GB2395107 (GB0401554.1) 11 Feb 2002 WHITTLE, MAURICE H Inventors: WHITTLE, MAURICE H Locking device for display hook Earlier date under section 15 (4) GB0203068.2 UKC Headings: A4B E2A Int Cl7 A47F 5/08 E05B 67/38 E05B 67/06 GB2395355 (GB0320643.0) 03 Sep 2003 MICROMASS UK LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Inventors: BATEMAN, ROBERT H BROWN, JEFF Mass spectrometer Priorities: [GB0220450 03 Sep 2002] UKC Headings: H1D Int Cl7 H01J 49/42 H01J 49/04 GB2395656 (GB0311490.7) 20 May 2003 LEAR CORPORATION (INCORPORATED IN USA DELAWARE) Inventors: WIECLAWSKI, STANISLAW A Headrest seat-back arrangement Priorities: [US10306119 27 Nov 2002] UKC Headings: A4L F2S Int Cl7 B60N 2/48 F16F 7/02 GB2395748 (GB0227545.1) 26 Nov 2002 SUPPORT SERVICES GROUP PLC (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Inventors: ALDRIDGE, JONATHAN PLANT, RUSSELL A seating arrangement UKC Headings: E2F A4L Int Cl7 A47C 1/121 GB2395772 (GB0325193.1) 29 Oct 2003 GENEVAC LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Inventors: LEE-SMITH, ROGER Pressure control in centrifugal evaporators Priorities: [GB0225329 31 Oct 2002] UKC Headings: F4G Int Cl7 F26B 21/10 F26B 5/04 F26B 5/08 F26B 11/18

Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026


GB2396018 (GB0404047.3) 23 Aug 2002 SCHLUMBERGER HOLDINGS LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS) Inventors: MINERBO, GERALD N OMERAGIC, DZEVAT ROSTHAL, RICHARD A Directional electromagnetic measurements insensitive to dip and anisotropy Priorities: [US10113132 29 Mar 2002] [US60325272 26 Sep 2001] [US60325273 26 Sep 2001] Earlier date under section 15 (4) GB0219637.6 UKC Headings: G1N Int Cl7 G01V 3/28 G01V 3/30 GB2396052 (GB0307477.0) 01 Apr 2003 VISTEON GLOBAL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. (INCORPORATED IN USA MICHIGAN) Inventors: CHEN, XIAOLU COOTS, WADE FREITAS, CHARLES M WU, ZILI Two-electrode corona apparatus and method for plastic throttle body surface treatment Priorities: [US10160077 29 May 2002] UKC Headings: H1D H1X H5H Int Cl7 H01T 19/00 H01J 37/32 H05H 1/48 GB2396084 (GB0228144.2) 03 Dec 2002 MOTOROLA INC (INCORPORATED IN USA DELAWARE) Inventors: BOGENBERGER, FLORIAN LINK, LEONARD POKORNY, GREGOR RAUSCH, MATHIAS TEMPLE, CHRISTOPHER THANNER, MANFRED WUERZ, THOMAS System node and method for providing media arbitration UKC Headings: H4P Int Cl7 H04L 12/43 GB2396272 (GB0229171.4) 13 Dec 2002 MOTOROLA INC (INCORPORATED IN USA DELAWARE) Inventors: ABEL, LIORAH GELLER, HAIM PERY, RANT Communication system,communication unit and method for synchronising communication therefor UKC Headings: H4L Int Cl7 H04B 7/26

GB2396387 (GB0326401.7) 12 Nov 2003 EADS SPACE TRANSPORTATION GMBH (INCORPORATED IN THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY) Inventors: ENGEL, HERBERT Air intake for engines and manufacture thereof Priorities: [DE10253579 15 Nov 2002] UKC Headings: F1J F2R Int Cl7 F02K 7/10 GB2396398 (GB0229668.9) 19 Dec 2002 LUNDAR ELECTRIC INDUSTRIAL CO LTD (INCORPORATED IN TAIWAN) Inventors: HSU, TONY A steam valve for a coffee maker UKC Headings: F2V Int Cl7 A47J 31/46 GB2396501 (GB0405061.3) 20 Dec 2000 FUJITSU LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN JAPAN) Inventors: HAMADA, HAJIME NAKAMURA, MICHIHARU OISHI, YASUYUKI Radio transmitter and method of controlling direction of radio-wave emission Priorities: [JP2000045674 23 Feb 2000] Earlier date under section 15 (4) GB0031136.5 UKC Headings: H4D H1Q Int Cl7 G01S 1/32 H01Q 3/26 H04Q 7/38 GB2396568 (GB0230107.5) 24 Dec 2002 LEE, CHIN-TSUN Inventors: LEE, CHIN-TSUN Combined exerciser/massage device UKC Headings: A6M A5R Int Cl7 A63B 22/08 A61H 15/00 GB2396642 (GB0404830.2) 12 Jun 2001 SHELL OIL COMPANY (INCORPORATED IN USA - TEXAS) Inventors: COOK, ROBERT L FILIPPOV, ANDREI G GRANT, THOMAS P III HAUT, RICHARD C RING, LEV ZWALD, EDWIN A JR A system for coupling a tubular member to a preexisting structure Priorities: [US60212359 19 Jun 2000] Earlier date under section 15 (4) GB0229708.3 UKC Headings: E1F Int Cl7 E21B 43/10 E21B 23/01

Patents granted: Number Index - cont GB2396800 (GB0325411.7) 30 Oct 2003 SAMSUNG GWANGJU ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. (INCORPORATED IN THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA) Inventors: LEE, YONG-HEE Cyclone vacuum cleaner Priorities: [KR02088130 31 Dec 2002] UKC Headings: A4F Int Cl7 A47L 9/16 A47L 5/28 GB2396910 (GB0328279.5) 05 Dec 2003 DRGER SAFETY AG & CO KGAA (INCORPORATED IN THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY) Inventors: JUMPERTZ, WERNER Device and method for monitoring the deployment of remen wearing breathing apparatus Priorities: [DE10259123 18 Dec 2002] UKC Headings: G1A Int Cl7 G02B 27/01

Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026

17 November 2004

Inventors: KIM, JI-YOUNG SON, NAK-JIN Semiconductor device and method of manufacture Priorities: [KR02038708 04 Jul 2002] Earlier date under section 15 (4) GB0315662.7 UKC Headings: H1K Int Cl7 H01L 29/10 H01L 21/336 H01L 21/8242 H01L 27/088 H01L 27/108 H01L 29/78 GB2399609 (GB0412169.5) 28 Mar 2001 A P RACING LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM) Inventors: BASS, RICHARD A Brake uid circulation Priorities: [GB0007748 30 Mar 2000] [GB0025519 17 Oct 2000] Earlier date under section 15 (4) GB0223172.8 UKC Headings: F2F Int Cl7 B60T 5/00 B60T 11/232 GB2399711 (GB0416723.5) 24 May 2001 ACCUTEL CONFERENCING SYSTEMS INC (INCORPORATED IN CANADA) Inventors: BALAZ, JOSEPH V Teleconference system and method permitting pre-registration Priorities: [US09578052 24 May 2000] Earlier date under section 15 (4) GB0112700.0 UKC Headings: H4K Int Cl7 H04M 3/56 GB2399945 (GB0413750.1) 08 Jan 2001 MICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC. (INCORPORATED IN USA DELAWARE) Inventors: AHN, KIE Y FORBES, LEONARD TRAN, LUAN C Methods of forming semiconductor structures Priorities: [US09478975 06 Jan 2000] Earlier date under section 15 (4) GB0213397.3 UKC Headings: H1K Int Cl7 H01L 21/28 H01L 29/49 GB2400122 (GB0413948.1) 22 Mar 2001

Inventors: HOIE, TOR H PALMER, ANTHONY SWANN, PETER J Composite building components Priorities: [GB0007000 22 Mar 2000] Earlier date under section 15 (4) GB0222112.5 UKC Headings: E1D Int Cl7 E04C 3/29 GB2400128 (GB0414434.1) 13 Apr 2001 FMC CORPORATION (INCORPORATED IN USA DELAWARE) Inventors: JANOFF, DWIGHT D VICIC, JOHN C Thermal insulation material and insulated subsea christmas tree using same Priorities: [US09677280 02 Oct 2000] [US60197319 14 Apr 2000] Earlier date under section 15 (4) GB0226377.0 UKC Headings: E1F Int Cl7 E21B 34/04 GB2400150 (GB0416121.2) 21 Jan 2002 TORRINGTON, THE COMPANY (INCORPORATED IN USA DELAWARE) Inventors: SENGER, CHRISTOPHER G Bearing cage Priorities: [US09774349 31 Jan 2001] Earlier date under section 15 (4) GB0201193.0 UKC Headings: F2A Int Cl7 F16C 33/46

GB2396948 (GB0314821.0) 25 Jun 2003 LG PHILIPS LCD CO LTD (INCORPORATED IN THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA) Inventors: OH, DU H PARK, JAE D Bi-directional driving circuit of at panel display device and method for driving the same Priorities: [KR02087967 31 Dec 2002] UKC Headings: G5C Int Cl7 G09G 3/36 GB2397461 (GB0408590.8) 13 Jul 2001 MATSUSHITA ELECTRIC INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD (INCORPORATED IN JAPAN) Inventors: KOBAYASHI, MASAO KUBO, TETSUYA NANMOKU, TERUO SUZUKI, SUGURU YANAGIBASHI, HIDEHIRO A portable radio device Priorities: [JP2000214665 14 Jul 2000] [JP2000214586 14 Jul 2000] [JP2000214666 14 Jul 2000] [JP2000214664 14 Jul 2000] [JP2000236983 04 Aug 2000] Earlier date under section 15 (4) GB0117180.0 UKC Headings: H4J Int Cl7 H04M 1/02 GB2397693 (GB0409386.0) 03 Jul 2003 SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO LTD. (INCORPORATED IN THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA)


17 November 2004

Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026


Patents granted: Subject-Matter Index

This index is based on the current UK Classication Key. The Classication of the specication of an individual patent may differ from that of the specication accompanying the application published under Section 16 for various reasons such as changes in the subject matter disclosed in these specications or changes to the Key.

A1M GB2385506 A2D GB2374791 A3V GB2363314 GB2380394 A4B GB2376183 GB2383741 GB2395107 A4F GB2396800 A4L GB2372202 GB2378896 GB2383741 GB2395656 GB2395748 A4N GB2376183 A5B GB2371747 GB2377638 A5R GB2367245 GB2369578 GB2378387 GB2379392 GB2380943 GB2381482 GB2396568 A5X GB2375519 A6D GB2368290 GB2374540 A6H GB2385802 A6M GB2390312 GB2396568

B1B GB2376464 B1D GB2377898 B2E GB2381482 B3A GB2394434 B3C GB2371506 B3D GB2390561 B3L GB2390992 B3V GB2381489 B4B GB2392411 B4C GB2388809 B4W GB2378408 B5A GB2392411 B6C GB2375323 B6F GB2376663 B7B GB2372202 GB2375512 GB2394700 B7H GB2393164 B7J GB2375512 GB2393210

B8C GB2383741 B8D GB2375519 B8H GB2375753 GB2385578 B8J GB2370560 B8P GB2367284 GB2372840 B8R GB2393436 B8T GB2378942 B8U GB2372498 C1A GB2379212 C1C GB2371747 C2C GB2373499 GB2376464 GB2383041 C3H GB2372991 C5E GB2373790 C7F GB2378187 E1C GB2376183

E1D GB2375551 GB2376699 GB2377950 GB2400122 E1F GB2362667 GB2364079 GB2374161 GB2383813 GB2388857 GB2391569 GB2392937 GB2396642 GB2400128 E1G GB2392192 E1J GB2377246 E1S GB2377950 GB2393205 E2A GB2373541 GB2373543 GB2374383 GB2375138 GB2381037 GB2395107 E2F GB2373290 GB2393210 GB2393212 GB2395748 F1B GB2366330 GB2368614 GB2373292 F1J GB2396387 F2A GB2400150

F2D GB2360556 GB2370326 GB2381840 F2F GB2399609 F2G GB2377477 F2H GB2393228 F2L GB2376997 F2P GB2379964 GB2380237 GB2386935 F2Q GB2360825 GB2366349 F2R GB2396387 F2S GB2395656 F2V GB2396398 F3A GB2370873 F4G GB2395772 F4R GB2363314 F4T GB2371110 F4U GB2376066

G1A GB2365120 GB2370632 GB2371618 GB2396910 G1B GB2377757 GB2379504 GB2388190 G1N GB2364390 GB2379983 GB2381587 GB2388907 GB2395013 GB2396018 G1U GB2380076 G2J GB2364136 G3H GB2374161 G3N GB2348090 GB2371122 GB2372838 G3T GB2372840 G4A GB2365552 GB2366010 GB2366426 GB2369466 GB2371646 GB2371902 GB2373602 GB2376779 GB2383871 GB2386223 GB2386449 GB2392531 GB2393822 G4C GB2379541

G4H GB2374706 GB2380586 G4M GB2374183 GB2377309 GB2379783 G5C GB2396948 G5R GB2382214 H1D GB2385708 GB2395355 GB2396052 H1K GB2368462 GB2391386 GB2392557 GB2397693 GB2399945 H1Q GB2371618 GB2396501 H1X GB2396052 H2E GB2373380 GB2375438 GB2385214 GB2390234 GB2391723 GB2393045 H2K GB2375902 GB2392791 H3P GB2379345 GB2380076 H3T GB2379345 GB2380076

H4D GB2383710 GB2390947 GB2396501 H4F GB2376367 GB2388485 H4J GB2369741 GB2384133 GB2387989 GB2397461 H4K GB2381694 GB2381697 GB2382948 GB2383713 GB2386291 GB2399711 H4L GB2364208 GB2372909 GB2375462 GB2384133 GB2396272 H4P GB2348090 GB2379142 GB2380108 GB2382506 GB2384660 GB2384665 GB2396084 H4R GB2374506 H5H GB2396052


Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026

17 November 2004

Patents granted: Name Index

This index lists, in alphabetical order, the names of proprietors and inventors for patents whose grant is announced in this issue of the Journal. The entry under the name of the proprietor sets out the details of the patent including the name of any inventor who is not also a proprietor. Where an inventor is also a proprietor, the name appears in the index only as a proprietor. Where there are joint proprietors, details of the patent are given only for the entry under the name of a rst proprietor, the entries under the names of the other proprietors being cross referenced to the entry for the rst proprietor. Where an inventor is not also a proprietor, then the entry under the name of the inventor is cross referenced to the entry for the proprietor, or the rst proprietor in the case of joint proprietors. Each entry under the name of the (or the rst) proprietor provides the following information: the name(s) of the proprietor(s); the country of incorporation; the names of inventors who are not also proprietors; the UK Classication Headings accorded to the patent; and the publication number of the patent. There follows three examples of entries in this index. The rst example illustrates the case where there is a single proprietor who is also the inventor. The second example illustrates the case where there is a single proprietor and an inventor who is not also a proprietor, and includes the entry for the inventor. The third example illustrates the case where there are joint proprietors and a n inventor who is not also a proprietor, and includes the entries for the other proprietors and the inventor. Example 1 (73)(72)Oetiker,Hans (52)E2A U1S (11)GB2161207 Example 2 (73)Nippon Sheet Glass Co Ltd (Incorporated in Japan) (72)(Kawahara,Hideo) (52)C7F (11)GB2179731 (72)Kwahara,Hideo See Nippon Sheet Glass Co Ltd (Incorporated in Japan) Example 3 (73)Air Traction Industries Limited, (Incorporated in the United Kingdom), (73)ABEC Venture Partnership (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) and (73)Plaxtons Plc (incorporated in the United Kingdom) (72)(Dobbie,Clelland RM) (52)B7H (11)GB2175550 (73)ABEC Venture Partnership See Air Traction Industries Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (72)Dobbie,ClellandRM See Air Traction Industries Limited) (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (73)Plaxtons Plc See Air Traction Industries Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom)

A P Racing Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Bass, Richard A) F2F GB2399609 Abel, Liorah See Motorola Inc (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Accutel Conferencing Systems Inc (Incorporated in Canada) (Balaz, Joseph V) H4K GB2399711 Ace Intermed Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Cole, Michael) A2D GB2374791 Aero & Industrial Technology Limited See Qinetiq Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Ahmed, Abdullah See Mosaid Technologies Incorporated (Incorporated in Canada - Ontario) Ahmed, Mohamed M R See University of Northumbria at Newcastle (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Ahn, Kie Y See Micron Technology, Inc. (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Akalley, Balraj A6H GB2385802 Alberts, Joseph R See Kimberly-Clark Worldwide, Inc. (Incorporated in USA - Delaware)

Alcoa Closure Systems International Inc (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) (McCandless, Thomas J) B8T GB2378942 Aldridge, Jonathan See Support Services Group Plc (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Allsopp, Roy W See J.C.Bamford Excavators Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Amersham Biosciences UK Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Whateley, John G) G1B GB2388190 Ando, Takeshi See NEC Corporation (Incorporated in Japan) Antonnelli, Frankie See Chiappetta, Franco Arai, Fujio See Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd (Incorporated in Japan) Arithmatica Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Rumynin, Dmitriy) (Talwar, Sunil) G4A GB2373602 Ariyoshi, Toshiaki See Japan Aviation Electronics Industry Limited (Incorporated in Japan) Arnold, Steve See Nokia Corporation (Incorporated in Finland)

Atherton, Eric See Plus Design Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Avantgo Inc (Incorporated in USA Delaware) (Freeman, Josh E) (Gray, Michael R) (Kloba, David D) (Moore, David M) (Upson, Linus M) (Weinstein, Rafael Z) (Whittaker, Tom E) (Williams, David J) G4A GB2371902 Avery, James M See Sun Microsystems, Inc. (Incorporated in USA - Delaware)

Baillon, Marie-Louise See Mars UK Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Balaz, Joseph V See Accutel Conferencing Systems Inc (Incorporated in Canada) Balodi, Bhagwati P See Council of Scientic & Industrial Research (Incorporated in India) Barney, Clive A See Hewlett-Packard Company (Incorporated in USA Delaware) Barraclough, Keith E1G GB2392192 Bass, Richard A See A P Racing Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom)

17 November 2004
Patents granted: Name Index - cont Bateman, Robert H See Micromass UK Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Belton, Christopher R See Cano, Joseph Bennett, Peter J See Ford Global Technologies LLC (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Bernardini, Allen J See ITT Manufacturing Enterprises, Inc. (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Bhatia, Virendra K See Council of Scientic & Industrial Research (Incorporated in India) Bigelow, Jason See Schlumberger Holdings Limited (Incorporated in the British Virgin Islands) Birchwood Products Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Smith, Anthony E) B8H GB2385578 Blankenship, Jeffrey A See Karsten Manufacturing Corporation (Incorporated in USA - Arizona) Bogenberger, Florian See Motorola Inc (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Bonaldo, Mirna C See Fiocruz, Fundacao O C Brady, Mark E See Schlumberger Holdings Limited (Incorporated in the British Virgin Islands) Brandt, Martin See LuK Lamellen und Kupplungsbau Beteiligungs KG (Incorporated in the Federal Republic of Germany) Brehob, Diana D See Ford Global Technologies LLC (Incorporated in USA - Michigan) Bresniker, Kirk See Hewlett-Packard Company (Incorporated in USA Delaware) Brown, Jeff See Micromass UK Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Brown, Matthew J See Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd (Incorporated in Japan) Brown, Sean See Hewlett-Packard Company (Incorporated in USA Delaware) Brundish, Kevin D See Qinetiq Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Brunemann, George See Cummins Engine Company, Inc. (Incorporated in USA - Indiana) Brusewitz, Harald See Telefonaktiebolaget L M Ericsson (publ) (Incorporated in Sweden) Byrd, Pamela J See Rolls-Royce plc (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Camps, Juli V and Gutirrez, Xavier M B8D A5X U1S GB2375519 Cannata, Vincenzo See Zambon Group S.p.a. (Incorporated in Italy)

Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026


Canny Company, The Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Smith, Brian) A1M GB2385506 Cano, Joseph and Belton, Christopher R A4L B7B GB2372202 Canon Kabushiki Kaisha (Incorporated in Japan) (Jost, Uwe H) G4A GB2365552 (Hogenhout, Wide R) G4A GB2366010 Cantor, Brian D G2J GB2364136 Carl Zeiss Jena GmbH (Incorporated in the Federal Republic of Germany) (Correns, Nico) (Hoyme, Werner) (Kerstan, Felix) (Klarner, Ulrich) E2A GB2374383 Caterpillar Inc (Incorporated in USA Delaware) (Degroot, Jeffrey L) (Dietz, Hans P) (Gaugush, Susan J) (Skinner, Thomas G) F2D GB2370326 (Koch, Roger D) G1N GB2381587 Cavity Access Ltd (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Jones, Leslie) (Shore, Derek M) B3C GB2371506 Chang, Sheng-Chang See Inventec Corporation (Incorporated in Taiwan) Chen, Ming-Huang See Inventec Corporation (Incorporated in Taiwan) Chen, Xiaolu See Visteon Global Technologies, Inc. (Incorporated in USA - Michigan) Chiang, Ann-Shyn G1B GB2377757 Chiappetta, Franco and Antonnelli, Frankie and Parberry, Lee B4W GB2378408 Chiu, Sanny See Newford Company Limited (Incorporated in Hong Kong) Chow, Yuk C See Toshiba Research Europe Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Clinton, Henry H3P G1U H3T GB2380076 Clough, James E See Hewlett-Packard Company (Incorporated in USA Delaware) Cole, Bryan E See TeraView Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Cole, Christopher J See Formo Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Cole, Michael See Ace Intermed Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Coles, Alistair N See Hewlett-Packard Company (Incorporated in USA Delaware) Collin, Edwin See ITT Manufacturing Enterprises, Inc. (Incorporated in USA - Delaware)

Community Products LLC (Incorporated in USA - New York) (Hofer, Daniel) (Marchant, Allister) A4L GB2378896 Cook, Robert L See Shell Oil Company (Incorporated in USA - Texas) Cool 123 Limited (Incorporated in New Zealand) (Smith, Glen D) G4A GB2376779 Cooper Cameron Corporation (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) (Theiss, David H) E1F GB2362667 Coots, Wade See Visteon Global Technologies, Inc. (Incorporated in USA - Michigan) Corcella, Francesco See Zambon Group S.p.a. (Incorporated in Italy) Correns, Nico See Carl Zeiss Jena GmbH (Incorporated in the Federal Republic of Germany) Council of Scientic & Industrial Research (Incorporated in India) (Balodi, Bhagwati P) (Bhatia, Virendra K) (Das, Gautam) (Kapoor, Virendra K) (Kumar, Anil) (Kumar, Sunil) (Puri, Som N) (Rai, Gur P) (Rao, Turuga S R) (Sain, Bir) C5E GB2373790 Crippa, Valerio See Veam S.r.L (Incorporated in Italy) Cummins Engine Company, Inc. (Incorporated in USA - Indiana) (Brunemann, George) (Dollmeyer, Thomas A) (Mathew, Joseph C) H4P G3N GB2348090 D'Arcy, Des See Schlumberger Holdings Limited (Incorporated in the British Virgin Islands) Da Silva Freire, Marcos See Fiocruz, Fundacao O C DaimlerChrysler AG (Incorporated in the Federal Republic of Germany) (Schneider, Robert) H4D GB2390947 Dale, Cynthia M See Johnson & Johnson Medical Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Das, Gautam See Council of Scientic & Industrial Research (Incorporated in India) Davies, Paul See Soda-Club (CO2) SA (Incorporated in Switzerland) Davis, Gordon T See International Business Machines Corporation (Incorporated in USA - New York) Dearnley, Peter A C7F GB2378187 Degroot, Jeffrey L See Caterpillar Inc (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) DeLange, Richard W See Grant Predico L.P. (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Denny, William A See Xenova Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom)

Patents granted: Name Index - cont Denso Corporation (Incorporated in Japan) (Hirata, Tatsuya) (Isobe, Toshio) (Sugiura, Akihiro) (Sugiura, Masahiro) (Takahashi, Kiyoshi) (Takiguchi, Masahiro) G4M U1S GB2379783 Dietz, Hans P See Caterpillar Inc (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Dipalma, Joseph See Kimberly-Clark Worldwide, Inc. (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Divis, Robert See Schlumberger Holdings Limited (Incorporated in the British Virgin Islands) Dollmeyer, Thomas A See Cummins Engine Company, Inc. (Incorporated in USA - Indiana) Donut Safety Systems Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Hayhurst, John F) B4C GB2388809 Dopfer, Peter See Giesecke & Devrient GmbH (Incorporated in the Federal Republic of Germany) Downs, David See GW PHARMA LIMITED (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Drger Safety AG & Co KGaA (Incorporated in the Federal Republic of Germany) (Jumpertz, Werner) G1A GB2396910 Duret, Emmanuel See Institut Franais du Ptrole

Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026

17 November 2004

EADS SPACE TRANSPORTATION GMBH (Incorporated in the Federal Republic of Germany) (Engel, Herbert) F1J F2R GB2396387 Edmun, ChianSong S See Seagate Technology LLC (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Eley Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Piela, Michael J) F3A GB2370873 EMC Corporation (Incorporated in USA - Massachusetts) (Miaoulis, Beth K) (Stifer, Jack J) (Wils, Joris J) H4K GB2386291 Endo, Tomomi See Yazaki Corporation (Incorporated in Japan) Engel, Herbert See EADS SPACE TRANSPORTATION GMBH (Incorporated in the Federal Republic of Germany) Engels, Frank P See Visteon Global Technologies, Inc. (Incorporated in USA - Michigan) Erciyas, Hulya N B8P GB2367284 Evans, M E See Grant Predico L.P. (Incorporated in USA - Delaware)

Fabricius, Lars C See S.A.V.United Kingdom Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Filippov, Andrei G See Shell Oil Company (Incorporated in USA Texas) Fiocruz, Fundacao O C (Bonaldo, Mirna C) (Da Silva Freire, Marcos) (Galler, Ricardo) (Garrat, Richard C) C3H U1S GB2372991 Fischer, Dan E See Ultradent Products Inc (Incorporated in USA - Utah) Fish, Duane A See Visteon Global Technologies, Inc. (Incorporated in USA - Michigan) Fitton, Michael P See Toshiba Research Europe Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Fleming, Christopher A See Placer Dome Technical Services Limited (Incorporated in Canada) FMC Corporation (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) (Janoff, Dwight D) (Vicic, John C) E1F GB2400128 Folkes, Adrian J See Xenova Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Forbes, Leonard See Micron Technology, Inc. (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Ford Global Technologies LLC (Incorporated in USA - Michigan) (Brehob, Diana D) (Leone, Thomas G) (Russell, John D) F1B GB2366330 (Brehob, Diana D) (Hammoud, Mazen) (Leone, Thomas G) (Russell, John D) (Stockhausen, William F) F1B GB2368614 (Kotre, Stephen J) (Robichaux, Jerry D) G3N GB2372838 (Ma, Thomas T) F1B GB2373292 (Bennett, Peter J) (Perkins, Simon R) F2L GB2376997 Ford Motor Company (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) (Raftari, Abbas) (Ramaswamy, Deepa) (Robichaux, Jerry D) G3N GB2371122 Formo Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Cole, Christopher J) F2Q GB2360825 Freeman, Josh E See Avantgo Inc (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Freitas, Charles M See Visteon Global Technologies, Inc. (Incorporated in USA - Michigan) Fuji Photo Optical Co., Ltd (Incorporated in Japan) (Moriya, Chikatsu) E2A GB2375138 Fujita, Satoshi See THK Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in Japan)

Fujitsu Limited (Incorporated in Japan) (Naven, Finbar) H4P GB2379142 (Hamada, Hajime) (Nakamura, Michiharu) (Oishi, Yasuyuki) H4D H1Q GB2396501 Funato, Yasuo See Kabushiki Kaisha Toshiba (Incorporated in Japan) Gaillard, Christian See Institut Franais du Ptrole (Incorporated in France) Galler, Ricardo See Fiocruz, Fundacao O C Galloway, John L See Infrared Integrated Systems Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Ganesan, Krishnamurthy See Schlumberger Holdings Limited (Incorporated in the British Virgin Islands) Garforth-Bles, Rebecca L and Garforth-Bles, Sophie V A3V F4R GB2363314 Garforth-Bles, Sophie V See GarforthBles, Rebecca L Garrat, Richard C See Fiocruz, Fundacao O C Gaugush, Susan J See Caterpillar Inc (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Gedig, Erk T See XanTec Bioanalytics GmbH (Incorporated in the Federal Republic of Germany) Geller, Haim See Motorola Inc (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Genevac Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Lee-Smith, Roger) F4G GB2395772 Gibson, Diane See Smiths Group Plc (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Giesecke & Devrient GmbH (Incorporated in the Federal Republic of Germany) (Dopfer, Peter) B8R GB2393436 Giffard, Catriona J See Mars UK Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Gillingham, Peter See Mosaid Technologies Incorporated (Incorporated in Canada - Ontario) Goode, Matthew E2A U1S GB2373541 Goodwin, Richard J E1S GB2393205 Grange, Scott R See Hewlett-Packard Company (Incorporated in USA Delaware) Grant Predico L.P. (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) (DeLange, Richard W) (Evans, M E) F2G GB2377477 Grant, Thomas P III See Shell Oil Company (Incorporated in USA Texas) Gray, Michael R See Avantgo Inc (Incorporated in USA - Delaware)

17 November 2004
Patents granted: Name Index - cont Greaves, John See Kee Klamp Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Guesnon, Jean See Institut Franais du Ptrole (Incorporated in France) Guillemin, Gustavo M See HewlettPackard Company (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Gutirrez, Xavier M See Camps, Juli V Guy, Geoffrey See GW PHARMA LIMITED (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) GW PHARMA LIMITED (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Downs, David) (Guy, Geoffrey) (Pate, David) (Whittle, Brian) C2C B1B U1S GB2376464

Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026


Haalck, Lutz See XanTec Bioanalytics GmbH (Incorporated in the Federal Republic of Germany) Hackl, Ralph P See Placer Dome Technical Services Limited (Incorporated in Canada) Haj-Yousef, Yousri M T G1N GB2364390 Hamada, Hajime See Fujitsu Limited (Incorporated in Japan) Hammoud, Mazen See Ford Global Technologies LLC (Incorporated in USA - Michigan) Hansen, Oesterholm J See S.A.V.United Kingdom Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Hashiguchi, Osamu See Japan Aviation Electronics Industry Limited (Incorporated in Japan) Hasson, Victor H See Textron Systems Corporation (Incorporated in USA Massachusetts) Hastilow, Neil K See Rolls-Royce plc (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Haut, Richard C See Shell Oil Company (Incorporated in USA - Texas) Hayashi, Kenichi See NEC Corporation (Incorporated in Japan) Hayhurst, John F See Donut Safety Systems Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Heddes, Marco C See International Business Machines Corporation (Incorporated in USA - New York) Heim, Rory A See Hewlett-Packard Company (Incorporated in USA Delaware) Hernon, Paul A A4N A4B E1C GB2376183

Hewlett-Packard Company (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) (Brown, Sean) (Paaske, Stig) G4A GB2369466 (Houck, Peter T) (Vacante, Robert C) G4A GB2371646 (Coles, Alistair N) (Wilcock, Lawrence) H4R GB2374506 (Guillemin, Gustavo M) (Reardon, Laura I) (Rosti, Shawn) G4H GB2374706 (Phillips, Quintin T) B6C GB2375323 (Heim, Rory A) (Paul, Ronald G) B6F GB2376663 (Bresniker, Kirk) (Larson, Thane M) H4P GB2380108 (Clough, James E) G4H U1S GB2380586 (Yang-Huffman, Siew-Hong) H4K GB2382948 (Taylor, Richard) G4A GB2386449 (Barney, Clive A) (Grange, Scott R) G4A GB2393822 Hickok, Stephen See Remedy Research Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Hirano, Naoto See NEC Corporation (Incorporated in Japan) Hirata, Tatsuya See Denso Corporation (Incorporated in Japan) Hjort, Klas See Radi Medical Technologies AB (Incorporated in Sweden) Hofer, Daniel See Community Products LLC (Incorporated in USA - New York) Hogenhout, Wide R See Canon Kabushiki Kaisha (Incorporated in Japan) Hoie, Tor H See International Concept Technologies NV (Incorporated in the Netherlands) Honda Giken Kogyo Kabushiki Kaisha See Nishikawa Rubber Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in Japan) and See Japan Aviation Electronics Industry Limited (Incorporated in Japan) Houck, Peter T See Hewlett-Packard Company (Incorporated in USA Delaware) Hoyme, Werner See Carl Zeiss Jena GmbH (Incorporated in the Federal Republic of Germany) Hsieh, Yu-Lung See Inventec Corporation (Incorporated in Taiwan) Hsu, Tony See Lundar Electric Industrial Co Ltd (Incorporated in Taiwan) Hulse, Edward W See J.C.Bamford Excavators Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom)

Infrared Integrated Systems Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Galloway, John L) G1A GB2365120 Institut Franais du Ptrole (Duret, Emmanuel) (Tran, Quang-Huy) G3H E1F U1S GB2374161 (Gaillard, Christian) (Guesnon, Jean) F2P GB2379964 Intellprop Limited (Incorporated in the Channel Islands) (Wilson, Jeffrey) H4K GB2381697 International Business Machines Corporation (Incorporated in USA New York) (Davis, Gordon T) (Heddes, Marco C) (Leavens, Ross B) (Rinaldi, Mark A) G4A GB2366426 International Concept Technologies NV (Incorporated in the Netherlands) (Hoie, Tor H) (Palmer, Anthony) (Swann, Peter J) E1D GB2400122 Inventec Corporation (Incorporated in Taiwan) (Chang, Sheng-Chang) (Chen, Ming-Huang) (Hsieh, YuLung) H4K GB2383713 Irish Bakery Inventions Limited (Incorporated in Ireland) (McNamee, Ronan) B5A B4B GB2392411 Isobe, Toshio See Denso Corporation (Incorporated in Japan) ITT Manufacturing Enterprises, Inc. (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) (Bernardini, Allen J) (Collin, Edwin) (Kozubal, Paul) (Porzio, William D) H2E GB2373380

J.C.Bamford Excavators Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Allsopp, Roy W) (Hulse, Edward W) B8H GB2375753 Jackson, Stephen P See KuDOS Pharmaceuticals Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Janoff, Dwight D See FMC Corporation (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Japan Aviation Electronics Industry Limited (Incorporated in Japan) and Honda Giken Kogyo Kabushiki Kaisha (Incorporated in Japan) (Ariyoshi, Toshiaki) (Hashiguchi, Osamu) (Saito, Kazuki) (Sato, Masahiko) H2E GB2391723 Ji, Jinxing See Placer Dome Technical Services Limited (Incorporated in Canada)

Patents granted: Name Index - cont Johnson & Johnson Medical Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Dale, Cynthia M) (Stow, Martin W) A5R GB2367245 (Kirkwood, Andrew J) (Lowing, Paul H) A5R GB2379392 Jones, Leslie See Cavity Access Ltd (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Jost, Uwe H See Canon Kabushiki Kaisha (Incorporated in Japan) Jumpertz, Werner See Drger Safety AG & Co KGaA (Incorporated in the Federal Republic of Germany) Kabushiki Kaisha Toshiba (Incorporated in Japan) (Funato, Yasuo) (Makita, Takeshi) H4K GB2381694 Kahler, Richard W Jr See Visteon Global Technologies, Inc. (Incorporated in USA - Michigan) Kan, Utt H See Seagate Technology LLC (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Kao, Jui-Chien A4B A4L B8C GB2383741 Kapoor, Virendra K See Council of Scientic & Industrial Research (Incorporated in India) Karsten Manufacturing Corporation (Incorporated in USA - Arizona) (Blankenship, Jeffrey A) A6D GB2374540 Kee Klamp Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Greaves, John) E1D GB2375551 Kelsey, Stephen F See Packaging Innovation Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Kelso, John M See Packaging Innovation Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Kempfer, Stephen T See Visteon Global Technologies, Inc. (Incorporated in USA - Michigan) Kerstan, Felix See Carl Zeiss Jena GmbH (Incorporated in the Federal Republic of Germany) Kim, Ji-Young See Samsung Electronics Co Ltd. (Incorporated in the Republic of Korea) and See Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. (Incorporated in the Republic of Korea) Kimberly-Clark Worldwide, Inc. (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) (Dipalma, Joseph) (Schmidt-Foerst, Alexander M) A5R GB2369578 (Alberts, Joseph R) (Nelson, Michael J) (Ribble, Brendon F) A3V GB2380394 Kingsland, Alastair G L See Packaging Innovation Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom)

Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026

17 November 2004

Kirkwood, Andrew J See Johnson & Johnson Medical Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Klarner, Ulrich See Carl Zeiss Jena GmbH (Incorporated in the Federal Republic of Germany) Kloba, David D See Avantgo Inc (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Kobayashi, Masao See Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd (Incorporated in Japan) Kobylinski, Lee S See Schlumberger Holdings Limited (Incorporated in the British Virgin Islands) Koch, Roger D See Caterpillar Inc (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Kotre, Stephen J See Ford Global Technologies LLC (Incorporated in USA - Michigan) Kozubal, Paul See ITT Manufacturing Enterprises, Inc. (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Krieger, Norman N See Visteon Global Technologies, Inc. (Incorporated in USA - Michigan) Kroener, Thilo See Visteon Global Technologies, Inc. (Incorporated in USA - Michigan) Kubo, Tetsuya See Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd (Incorporated in Japan) KuDOS Pharmaceuticals Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Jackson, Stephen P) (Lau, Alan) (O'Connor, Mark J) G1B U1S GB2379504 Kumar, Anil See Council of Scientic & Industrial Research (Incorporated in India) Kumar, Sunil See Council of Scientic & Industrial Research (Incorporated in India) Larson, Thane M See Hewlett-Packard Company (Incorporated in USA Delaware) Lau, Alan See KuDOS Pharmaceuticals Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Le Guin, Hermann See Renishaw plc (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Lear Corporation (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) (Wilson, Douglas J) E2F B7J GB2393210 (Wilson, Douglas J) E2F GB2393212 (Wieclawski, Stanislaw A) A4L F2S GB2395656 Leavens, Ross B See International Business Machines Corporation (Incorporated in USA - New York) Lee-Smith, Roger See Genevac Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Lee, Chin-Tsun A6M A5R GB2396568

Lee, Yong-hee See Samsung Gwangju Electronics Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in the Republic of Korea) Leone, Thomas G See Ford Global Technologies LLC (Incorporated in USA - Michigan) Levitte, James A See Visteon Global Technologies, Inc. (Incorporated in USA - Michigan) LG Philips LCD Co Ltd (Incorporated in the Republic of Korea) (Oh, Du H) (Park, Jae D) G5C GB2396948 Lim, AikChuan See Seagate Technology LLC (Incorporated in USA Delaware) Lines, Valerie See Mosaid Technologies Incorporated (Incorporated in Canada - Ontario) Link, Leonard See Motorola Inc (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Lovejoy, John G B3D GB2390561 Lovell, Mark E1D GB2376699 Lowing, Paul H See Johnson & Johnson Medical Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) LuK Lamellen und Kupplungsbau Beteiligungs KG (Incorporated in the Federal Republic of Germany) (Romer, Graham P) F2D GB2360556 (Brandt, Martin) F2D GB2381840 Lundar Electric Industrial Co Ltd (Incorporated in Taiwan) (Hsu, Tony) F2V GB2396398

Ma, Peter P See Mosaid Technologies Incorporated (Incorporated in Canada - Ontario) Ma, Stanley J See Mosaid Technologies Incorporated (Incorporated in Canada - Ontario) Ma, Thomas T See Ford Global Technologies LLC (Incorporated in USA - Michigan) Makita, Takeshi See Kabushiki Kaisha Toshiba (Incorporated in Japan) Marchant, Allister See Community Products LLC (Incorporated in USA New York) Mars UK Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Baillon, MarieLouise) (Giffard, Catriona J) A5B U1S GB2377638 Mathew, Joseph C See Cummins Engine Company, Inc. (Incorporated in USA Indiana)

17 November 2004
Patents granted: Name Index - cont Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd (Incorporated in Japan) (Brown, Matthew J) H4J GB2369741 (Arai, Fujio) (Takeuchi, Hidenori) G4M U1S GB2377309 (Kobayashi, Masao) (Kubo, Tetsuya) (Nanmoku, Teruo) (Suzuki, Suguru) (Yanagibashi, Hidehiro) H4J GB2397461 May, Harry S See University of Northumbria at Newcastle (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Mayer, Yaron H4J H4L GB2384133 McCandless, Thomas J See Alcoa Closure Systems International Inc (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) McHugh, Marcus D See Schlumberger Holdings Limited (Incorporated in the British Virgin Islands) Mckenzie, Robert See Mosaid Technologies Incorporated (Incorporated in Canada - Ontario) McLean, Bruce S See Ultradent Products Inc (Incorporated in USA - Utah) McNamee, Ronan See Irish Bakery Inventions Limited (Incorporated in Ireland) Miaoulis, Beth K See EMC Corporation (Incorporated in USA - Massachusetts) Micromass UK Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Bateman, Robert H) (Brown, Jeff) H1D GB2395355 Micron Technology, Inc. (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) (Ahn, Kie Y) (Forbes, Leonard) (Tran, Luan C) H1K GB2399945 Miller, Raymond T See Rolls-Royce Corporation (Incorporated in USA Delaware) Milligan, Clay W Jr See Schlumberger Holdings Limited (Incorporated in the British Virgin Islands) Milton, John See Xenova Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Minerbo, Gerald N See Schlumberger Holdings Limited (Incorporated in the British Virgin Islands) MiTek Holdings, Inc. (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) (Tadich, John) E1D E1S GB2377950 Moore, David M See Avantgo Inc (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Morgan, Leigh C See Qinetiq Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Moriya, Chikatsu See Fuji Photo Optical Co., Ltd (Incorporated in Japan) Mosaid Technologies Incorporated (Incorporated in Canada - Ontario) (Ahmed, Abdullah) (Gillingham, Peter) (Lines, Valerie) (Ma, Peter P) (Ma, Stanley J) (Mckenzie, Robert) G4C GB2379541

Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026


Motorola Inc (Incorporated in USA Delaware) (Bogenberger, Florian) (Link, Leonard) (Pokorny, Gregor) (Rausch, Mathias) (Temple, Christopher) (Thanner, Manfred) (Wuerz, Thomas) H4P GB2396084 (Abel, Liorah) (Geller, Haim) (Pery, Rant) H4L GB2396272 Muckle, Derek See Uponor Innovation AB (Incorporated in Sweden) Mulligan, Mark See Schlumberger Holdings Limited (Incorporated in the British Virgin Islands) Nakamura, Michiharu See Fujitsu Limited (Incorporated in Japan) Nanmoku, Teruo See Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd (Incorporated in Japan) Naven, Finbar See Fujitsu Limited (Incorporated in Japan) NEC Corporation (Incorporated in Japan) (Tanaka, Yasunori) (Tsunemasu, Kimio) H1K GB2368462 (Ando, Takeshi) H4L GB2375462 (Satoda, Kozo) H4F GB2376367 (Hayashi, Kenichi) (Hirano, Naoto) (Shiraishi, Hitoshi) (Yamamoto, Atsushi) H1K GB2391386 Nelson, Michael J See Kimberly-Clark Worldwide, Inc. (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Newford Company Limited (Incorporated in Hong Kong) (Chiu, Sanny) A5R GB2378387 Newson, Charles J A6M GB2390312 Nicoli, Andrea See Zambon Group S.p.a. (Incorporated in Italy) Nishikawa Rubber Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in Japan) and Honda Giken Kogyo Kabushiki Kaisha (Incorporated in Japan) (Ogawa, Takashi) (Teishi, Minoru) (Yamashita, Takashi) E1J GB2377246 Nokia Corporation (Incorporated in Finland) (Arnold, Steve) H4L GB2364208 Northern Electric Distribution Ltd See University of Northumbria at Newcastle (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) O'Brian, Gerard See Packaging Innovation Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom)

O'Connor, Mark J See KuDOS Pharmaceuticals Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) O'Grady, Raymond B7B B7J GB2375512 Ogawa, Takashi See Nishikawa Rubber Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in Japan) Oh, Du H See LG Philips LCD Co Ltd (Incorporated in the Republic of Korea) Oishi, Yasuyuki See Fujitsu Limited (Incorporated in Japan) Omeragic, Dzevat See Schlumberger Holdings Limited (Incorporated in the British Virgin Islands) Paaske, Stig See Hewlett-Packard Company (Incorporated in USA Delaware) Packaging Innovation Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Kelsey, Stephen F) (Kelso, John M) (Kingsland, Alastair G L) (O'Brian, Gerard) B8U GB2372498 Palmer, Anthony See International Concept Technologies NV (Incorporated in the Netherlands) Parberry, Lee See Chiappetta, Franco Park, Jae D See LG Philips LCD Co Ltd (Incorporated in the Republic of Korea) Parsloe, Christopher See S.A.V.United Kingdom Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Passey, Michael W See T W Engineering Co Ltd (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Pate, David See GW PHARMA LIMITED (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Paul, Ronald G See Hewlett-Packard Company (Incorporated in USA Delaware) Penders, Alain See Pure Matrix Inc (Incorporated in USA - Colorado) Penlington, Roger See University of Northumbria at Newcastle (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Perkins, Simon R See Ford Global Technologies LLC (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Pery, Rant See Motorola Inc (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Phillips, Quintin T See Hewlett-Packard Company (Incorporated in USA Delaware) Pia, Giancarlo T P See Weatherford/Lamb Inc. (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Piela, Michael J See Eley Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom)

Patents granted: Name Index - cont Placer Dome Technical Services Limited (Incorporated in Canada) (Fleming, Christopher A) (Hackl, Ralph P) (Ji, Jinxing) (West-Sells, Paul G) C1A GB2379212 Plant, Russell See Support Services Group Plc (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Plews, Alan See UbiNetics Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Plus Design Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Atherton, Eric) G1N U1S GB2379983 Pokorny, Gregor See Motorola Inc (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Porzio, William D See ITT Manufacturing Enterprises, Inc. (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Pure Matrix Inc (Incorporated in USA Colorado) (Penders, Alain) G4A GB2392531 Puri, Som N See Council of Scientic & Industrial Research (Incorporated in India) Pursifull, Ross D See Visteon Global Technologies, Inc. (Incorporated in USA - Michigan) Putrus, Ghanim A See University of Northumbria at Newcastle (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Qinetiq Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) and Aero & Industrial Technology Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Brundish, Kevin D) (Morgan, Leigh C) (Wheatley, Alan J) F4T GB2371110 Radi Medical Technologies AB (Incorporated in Sweden) (Hjort, Klas) (Rangsten, Pelle) (Ribbing, Carolina) (Tirn, Jonas) H1D GB2385708 Raftari, Abbas See Ford Motor Company (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Rai, Gur P See Council of Scientic & Industrial Research (Incorporated in India) Ramaswamy, Deepa See Ford Motor Company (Incorporated in USA Delaware) Ran, Li See University of Northumbria at Newcastle (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Rangsten, Pelle See Radi Medical Technologies AB (Incorporated in Sweden) Rao, Turuga S R See Council of Scientic & Industrial Research (Incorporated in India) Rausch, Mathias See Motorola Inc (Incorporated in USA - Delaware)

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17 November 2004

Read, Dennis M Jnr See Schlumberger Holdings Limited (Incorporated in the British Virgin Islands) Reardon, Laura I See Hewlett-Packard Company (Incorporated in USA Delaware) Reeve, John M See UbiNetics Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Remedy Research Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Hickok, Stephen) A5B C1C U1S GB2371747 Renishaw plc (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Le Guin, Hermann) E2A GB2373543 Ribbing, Carolina See Radi Medical Technologies AB (Incorporated in Sweden) Ribble, Brendon F See Kimberly-Clark Worldwide, Inc. (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Rinaldi, Mark A See International Business Machines Corporation (Incorporated in USA - New York) Ring, Lev See Shell Oil Company (Incorporated in USA - Texas) Rizvi, Khurram A See Toshiba Research Europe Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Robichaux, Jerry D See Ford Global Technologies LLC (Incorporated in USA - Michigan) and See Ford Motor Company (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Roff, Jennifer C See Soda-Club (CO2) SA (Incorporated in Switzerland) Rolls-Royce Corporation (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) (Miller, Raymond T) (Sharp, Richard A) B3L GB2390992 Rolls-Royce plc (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Tubbs, Henry) G1A GB2370632 (Byrd, Pamela J) (Hastilow, Neil K) (Stevens, Martin J) B3V GB2381489 Romao, Fernando See Sagem SA (Incorporated in France) Romer, Graham P See LuK Lamellen und Kupplungsbau Beteiligungs KG (Incorporated in the Federal Republic of Germany) Rosthal, Richard A See Schlumberger Holdings Limited (Incorporated in the British Virgin Islands) Rosti, Shawn See Hewlett-Packard Company (Incorporated in USA Delaware) Rumynin, Dmitriy See Arithmatica Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Russell, John D See Ford Global Technologies LLC (Incorporated in USA - Michigan)

S.A.V.United Kingdom Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Fabricius, Lars C) (Hansen, Oesterholm J) (Parsloe, Christopher) F4U GB2376066 Sagem SA (Incorporated in France) (Romao, Fernando) G4M U1S GB2374183 Sain, Bir See Council of Scientic & Industrial Research (Incorporated in India) Saito, Kazuki See Japan Aviation Electronics Industry Limited (Incorporated in Japan) Samsung Electronics Co Ltd. (Incorporated in the Republic of Korea) (Kim, Ji-Young) (Son, NakJin) H1K GB2397693 Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. (Incorporated in the Republic of Korea) (Kim, Ji-Young) (Son, NakJin) H1K GB2392557 Samsung Gwangju Electronics Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in the Republic of Korea) (Lee, Yong-hee) A4F GB2396800 Sato, Masahiko See Japan Aviation Electronics Industry Limited (Incorporated in Japan) Satoda, Kozo See NEC Corporation (Incorporated in Japan) Sayed, Ashley See Sendo International Limited (Incorporated in China) Schlumberger Holdings Limited (Incorporated in the British Virgin Islands) (Brady, Mark E) E1F GB2383813 (D'Arcy, Des) (Kobylinski, Lee S) (McHugh, Marcus D) H2E GB2385214 (Ganesan, Krishnamurthy) G1N GB2388907 (Bigelow, Jason) (Divis, Robert) (Mulligan, Mark) (Wolfe, David) E1F GB2391569 (Milligan, Clay W Jr) (Read, Dennis M Jnr) E1F GB2392937 (Speier, Peter) G1N GB2395013 (Minerbo, Gerald N) (Omeragic, Dzevat) (Rosthal, Richard A) G1N GB2396018 Schmidt-Foerst, Alexander M See Kimberly-Clark Worldwide, Inc. (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Schneider, Robert See DaimlerChrysler AG (Incorporated in the Federal Republic of Germany)

17 November 2004
Patents granted: Name Index - cont Seagate Technology LLC (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) (Edmun, ChianSong S) (Kan, Utt H) (Lim, AikChuan) (Tang, KayHee) G5R GB2382214 Seidel, Richard L See Visteon Global Technologies, Inc. (Incorporated in USA - Michigan) Sendo International Limited (Incorporated in China) (Sayed, Ashley) H4J GB2387989 Senger, Christopher G See Torrington, The Company (Incorporated in USA Delaware) Setsuda, David J See Visteon Global Technologies, Inc. (Incorporated in USA - Michigan) Sharma, Rajiv and Sharma, Sunanda G3T B8P GB2372840 Sharma, Sunanda See Sharma, Rajiv Sharp, Richard A See Rolls-Royce Corporation (Incorporated in USA Delaware) Shell Oil Company (Incorporated in USA - Texas) (Cook, Robert L) (Filippov, Andrei G) (Grant, Thomas P III) (Haut, Richard C) (Ring, Lev) (Zwald, Edwin A Jr) E1F GB2396642 Shenton, Nigel P See Window Fabrication & Fixing Supplies Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Shiraishi, Hitoshi See NEC Corporation (Incorporated in Japan) Shore, Derek M See Cavity Access Ltd (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Simons, Karl-Heinz See Visteon Global Technologies, Inc. (Incorporated in USA - Michigan) Siracki, Michael A See Smith International Inc (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Skinner, Thomas G See Caterpillar Inc (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Smith International Inc (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) (Siracki, Michael A) (Witman IV, George B) (Xiang, Ying) E1F GB2388857 Smith, Anthony E See Birchwood Products Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Smith, Brian See Canny Company, The Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Smith, Glen D See Cool 123 Limited (Incorporated in New Zealand) Smith, William See West Alloy Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Smiths Group Plc (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Gibson, Diane) F2P GB2386935

Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026


Soda-Club (CO2) SA (Incorporated in Switzerland) (Davies, Paul) (Roff, Jennifer C) (Tanny, Gerald) (Thomson, Michael A) B1D GB2377898 Sokolov, Stepan See Sun Microsystems Inc (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Son, Nak-Jin See Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. (Incorporated in the Republic of Korea) and See Samsung Electronics Co Ltd. (Incorporated in the Republic of Korea) Speier, Peter See Schlumberger Holdings Limited (Incorporated in the British Virgin Islands) Stevens, Martin J See Rolls-Royce plc (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Stifer, Jack J See EMC Corporation (Incorporated in USA - Massachusetts) Stockhausen, William F See Ford Global Technologies LLC (Incorporated in USA - Michigan) Stow, Martin W See Johnson & Johnson Medical Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Sugiura, Akihiro See Denso Corporation (Incorporated in Japan) Sugiura, Masahiro See Denso Corporation (Incorporated in Japan) Sun Microsystems Inc (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) (Sokolov, Stepan) (Wallman, David) G4A GB2383871 Sun Microsystems, Inc. (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) (Avery, James M) G4A GB2386223 Support Services Group Plc (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Aldridge, Jonathan) (Plant, Russell) E2F A4L GB2395748 Suzuki, Suguru See Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd (Incorporated in Japan) Swanborough, Michael C J B7B GB2394700 Swann, Peter J See International Concept Technologies NV (Incorporated in the Netherlands) T W Engineering Co Ltd (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Passey, Michael W) B8J GB2370560 Tadich, John See MiTek Holdings, Inc. (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Takahashi, Kiyoshi See Denso Corporation (Incorporated in Japan) Takeuchi, Hidenori See Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd (Incorporated in Japan) Takiguchi, Masahiro See Denso Corporation (Incorporated in Japan) Talwar, Sunil See Arithmatica Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom)

Tanaka, Yasunori See NEC Corporation (Incorporated in Japan) Tang, KayHee See Seagate Technology LLC (Incorporated in USA Delaware) Tanny, Gerald See Soda-Club (CO2) SA (Incorporated in Switzerland) Taylor, Richard See Hewlett-Packard Company (Incorporated in USA Delaware) Teishi, Minoru See Nishikawa Rubber Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in Japan) Telefonaktiebolaget L M Ericsson (publ) (Incorporated in Sweden) (Brusewitz, Harald) H4F GB2388485 Temple, Christopher See Motorola Inc (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) TeraView Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Cole, Bryan E) G1A H1Q GB2371618 Textron Systems Corporation (Incorporated in USA - Massachusetts) (Hasson, Victor H) H4D GB2383710 Thanner, Manfred See Motorola Inc (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Theiss, David H See Cooper Cameron Corporation (Incorporated in USA Delaware) THK Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in Japan) (Fujita, Satoshi) F2Q GB2366349 Thomson, Michael A See Soda-Club (CO2) SA (Incorporated in Switzerland) Tirn, Jonas See Radi Medical Technologies AB (Incorporated in Sweden) Torrington, The Company (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) (Senger, Christopher G) F2A GB2400150 Toshiba Research Europe Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Fitton, Michael P) H4P GB2384660 (Chow, Yuk C) (Fitton, Michael P) (Rizvi, Khurram A) H4P GB2384665 Tran, Luan C See Micron Technology, Inc. (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Tran, Quang-Huy See Institut Franais du Ptrole Tsunemasu, Kimio See NEC Corporation (Incorporated in Japan) Tubbs, Henry See Rolls-Royce plc (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Tyco Electronics AMP GmbH (Incorporated in the Federal Republic of Germany) (Winkens, Bernd) H3P H3T U1S GB2379345

Patents granted: Name Index - cont UbiNetics Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Plews, Alan) (Reeve, John M) H4P GB2382506 Ultradent Products Inc (Incorporated in USA - Utah) (Fischer, Dan E) (McLean, Bruce S) A5R GB2380943 University of Northumbria at Newcastle (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) and Northern Electric Distribution Ltd (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Ahmed, Mohamed M R) (May, Harry S) (Penlington, Roger) (Putrus, Ghanim A) (Ran, Li) (Xiao, Lejun) H2K GB2375902 Uponor Innovation AB (Incorporated in Sweden) (Muckle, Derek) F2P GB2380237 Upson, Linus M See Avantgo Inc (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Vacante, Robert C See Hewlett-Packard Company (Incorporated in USA Delaware) Veam S.r.L (Incorporated in Italy) (Crippa, Valerio) H2E GB2375438 Vicic, John C See FMC Corporation (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Vicker, Nigel See Xenova Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Visteon Global Technologies, Inc. (Incorporated in USA - Michigan) (Kempfer, Stephen T) (Krieger, Norman N) (Setsuda, David J) (Yu, DeQuan) H2E GB2390234 (Pursifull, Ross D) (Yang, Chang) H2K GB2392791 (Fish, Duane A) (Kahler, Richard W Jr) B7H GB2393164 (Levitte, James A) (Seidel, Richard L) (Wang, Hui) F2H GB2393228 (Engels, Frank P) (Kroener, Thilo) (Simons, Karl-Heinz) B3A GB2394434 (Chen, Xiaolu) (Coots, Wade) (Freitas, Charles M) (Wu, Zili) H1D H1X H5H GB2396052 Wallman, David See Sun Microsystems Inc (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Wang, Hui See Visteon Global Technologies, Inc. (Incorporated in USA - Michigan) Wang, Shouming See Xenova Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom)

Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026

17 November 2004

Weatherford/Lamb Inc. (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) (Pia, Giancarlo T P) E1F GB2364079 Weinstein, Rafael Z See Avantgo Inc (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Wells, Raymond A6D GB2368290 West Alloy Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Smith, William) E2A GB2381037 West-Sells, Paul G See Placer Dome Technical Services Limited (Incorporated in Canada) Whateley, John G See Amersham Biosciences UK Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Wheatley, Alan J See Qinetiq Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Whittaker, Tom E See Avantgo Inc (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Whittle, Brian See GW PHARMA LIMITED (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Whittle, Maurice H A4B E2A GB2395107 Wieclawski, Stanislaw A See Lear Corporation (Incorporated in USA Delaware) Wilcock, Lawrence See Hewlett-Packard Company (Incorporated in USA Delaware) Williams, David J See Avantgo Inc (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Wils, Joris J See EMC Corporation (Incorporated in USA - Massachusetts) Wilson, Douglas J See Lear Corporation (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Wilson, Jeffrey See Intellprop Limited (Incorporated in the Channel Islands) Window Fabrication & Fixing Supplies Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Shenton, Nigel P) E2F U1S GB2373290 Winkens, Bernd See Tyco Electronics AMP GmbH (Incorporated in the Federal Republic of Germany) Witman IV, George B See Smith International Inc (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Wolfe, David See Schlumberger Holdings Limited (Incorporated in the British Virgin Islands) Wu, Zili See Visteon Global Technologies, Inc. (Incorporated in USA - Michigan) Wuerz, Thomas See Motorola Inc (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) XanTec Bioanalytics GmbH (Incorporated in the Federal Republic of Germany) (Gedig, Erk T) (Haalck, Lutz) B2E A5R U1S GB2381482

Xenova Limited (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) (Denny, William A) (Folkes, Adrian J) (Milton, John) (Vicker, Nigel) (Wang, Shouming) C2C U1S GB2373499 Xiang, Ying See Smith International Inc (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Xiao, Lejun See University of Northumbria at Newcastle (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Yamamoto, Atsushi See NEC Corporation (Incorporated in Japan) Yamashita, Takashi See Nishikawa Rubber Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in Japan) Yanagibashi, Hidehiro See Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd (Incorporated in Japan) Yang-Huffman, Siew-Hong See Hewlett-Packard Company (Incorporated in USA - Delaware) Yang, Chang See Visteon Global Technologies, Inc. (Incorporated in USA - Michigan) Yang, Wallace H4L GB2372909 Yazaki Corporation (Incorporated in Japan) (Endo, Tomomi) H2E GB2393045 Yu, DeQuan See Visteon Global Technologies, Inc. (Incorporated in USA - Michigan) Zambon Group S.p.a. (Incorporated in Italy) (Cannata, Vincenzo) (Corcella, Francesco) (Nicoli, Andrea) C2C GB2383041 Zwald, Edwin A Jr See Shell Oil Company (Incorporated in USA Texas)

17 November 2004

Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026


European Patents granted

Grants mentioned in EPO Bulletin No 04/47 dated 17 November 2004

This index lists, in ascending publication number order, European patents designating the United Kingdom as a Contracting State, which have been granted under Article 97 of the European Patent Convention as of the date of the EPO Bulletin mentioned above. For each entry in this index, the rst item is the publication number of the European application and the second item is the application number. The item (NOT ENGLISH) is used to indicate when the language of publication is French or German, and the last item is the name(s) of the proprietor(s). For patents having a publication language of French or German, an English translation must be led if the patent is to continue to be effective in the UK. There follows an example of an entry for this index. (11) EP0237366 (21) EP87400116.77 (26) NOT ENGLISH (73) Jouveinal SA EP0320500 EP89102441.6 Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Frderung der Wissenschaften e.V. EP0407133 EP90307234.6 KABUSHIKI KAISHA TOSHIBA EP0526117 EP92306778.9 BP Chemicals Limited EP0532426 EP92402495.3 SHISEIDO COMPANY LTD. TAKEDA CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES, LTD. EP0553829 EP93101337.9 CANON KABUSHIKI KAISHA EP0566149 EP93106255.8 Mazda Motor Corporation EP0579187 EP93111239.5 LOCKHEED MARTIN CORPORATION EP0587450 EP93307181.3 CANON KABUSHIKI KAISHA EP0601817 EP93309774.3 KABUSHIKI KAISHA TOSHIBA EP0603263 EP92919219.3 THE BABRAHAM INSTITUTE EP0604922 EP93120846.6 CYTEC TECHNOLOGY CORP. EP0611006 EP94200328.6 Lucent Technologies Inc. EP0627693 EP94201175.0 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. NOT ENGLISH EP0631398 EP94109760.2 MATSUSHITA ELECTRIC INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. EP0640829 EP94116251.3 OLYMPUS OPTICAL CO., LTD. EP0652972 EP93917122.9 ISIS PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. EP0657860 EP94203525.4 PHILIPS ELECTRONICS UK LIMITED EP0662656 EP94119823.6 CANON KABUSHIKI KAISHA EP0663510 EP95200809.2 EXXONMOBIL OIL CORPORATION EP0666527 EP95300441.3 ADVANCED MICRO DEVICES INC. EP0679160 EP94903322.9 Wellstat Therapeutics Corporation EP0682437 NEC Corporation EP95107262.8

EP0689125 EP95102589.9 Hewlett-Packard Company EP0698865 EP95111964.3 PITNEY BOWES INC. EP0701355 EP95401749.7 NOT ENGLISH SAT (Socit Anonyme de Tlcommunications) EP0701861 EP95306515.8 Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd.


European Patents granted - cont

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17 November 2004

EP0707077 EP95306481.3 ORTHO-CLINICAL DIAGNOSTICS, INC. EP0717523 EP95308840.8 Tyco Telecommunications (US) Inc. EP0726957 EP94927937.6 Beckman Coulter, Inc. EP0728471 Unilever Plc EP96300587.1

EP0775318 GENRAD, INC.


EP0777491 EP95929893.6 Deutsche Gelatine-Fabriken Stoess AG EP0781482 EP95933827.8 Avaya Technology Corp. EP0784388 EP97400023.4 Kokusai Denshin Denwa Kabushiki Kaisha EP0786692 EP97200072.3 EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY EP0787024 Evans, Brian L EP95905474.3


EP0731106 EP94927086.2 Teikoku Hormone Mfg. Co., Ltd. EP0731174 EP96101620.1 Gen-Probe Incorporated EP0731811 EP95902003.3 THE UNIVERSITY OF QUEENSLAND EP0732262 EP96101397.6 Airbus Deutschland GmbH NOT ENGLISH

EP0788287 EP97101730.6 AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES, INC. EP0789197 EP97101906.2 SANYO ELECTRIC Co., Ltd. EP0789476 EP97101863.5 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INCORPORATED EP0790555 EP97102666.1 NEC Electronics Corporation EP0790758 EP96119610.2 THOMSON CONSUMER ELECTRONICS, INC. EP0797361 EP97104230.4 NOT ENGLISH DEUTSCHE THOMSON-BRANDT GMBH EP0797814 EP96931256.0 Casio Computer Co., Ltd. Casio Electronics Manufacturing Co., Ltd. EP0798385 EP97302226.2 SEIKAGAKU KOGYO KABUSHIKI KAISHA (SEIKAGAKU CORPORATION) EP0801274 EP97105433.3 SANYO ELECTRIC Co., Ltd. EP0801657 EP95943114.9 THE GENERAL HOSPITAL CORPORATION EP0802442 Avanex Corporation EP97400829.4 NOT ENGLISH

EP0733909 EP96200817.3 INTERUNIVERSITAIR MICRO ELEKTRONICA CENTRUM VZW LIMBURGS UNIVERSITAIR CENTRUM EP0738055 EP96400792.6 NIPPON TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE CORPORATION EP0743771 EP96107797.1 CANON KABUSHIKI KAISHA EP0748075 EP96401230.6 CANON KABUSHIKI KAISHA EP0754382 EP95916075.5 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) EP0754475 EP96110928.7 Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. EP0757824 EP95911211.1 Inneon Technologies AG EP0758500 EP96901471.1 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. EP0766371 EP96307076.8 Kabushiki Kaisha Toshiba NOT ENGLISH

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European Patents granted - cont

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EP0802622 EP97302589.3 MATSUSHITA ELECTRIC INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. EP0803234 EP96302839.4 BIOMET LIMITED EP0803705 EP96119898.3 AISIN AW CO., LTD. EP0803708 EP97107030.5 AISIN AW CO., LTD. EP0803876 EP97480018.7 International Business Machines Corporation EP0806966 Amgen Inc. EP96902128.6

EP0821849 EP97900710.1 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. EP0822785 EP97916710.3 Kent Ridge Digital Labs EP0824063 EP97306161.7 Johnson & Johnson Vision Care, Inc. EP0825324 EP97306247.4 Halliburton Energy Services, Inc. EP0825959 EP96910509.7 PLAYTEX PRODUCTS, INC. TETRA LAVAL HOLDINGS & FINANCE SA EP0827584 Vapore, Inc. EP96913923.7

EP0807234 EP96905275.2 ORGANOGENESIS, INC. EP0809100 EP97107121.2 Micronas Semiconductor Holding AG EP0813159 EP97303915.9 SUN MICROSYSTEMS, INC. EP0814286 ADAM OPEL AG EP97109094.9 NOT ENGLISH NOT ENGLISH

EP0829613 EP97115136.0 Becker-Antriebe GmbH EP0831244 EP97114784.8 Continental Teves AG & Co. oHG EP0832092 EP96923451.7 Metabasis Therapeutics, Inc. EP0832159 EP96918337.5 THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS COMPANY EP0832185 Antigenics Inc. EP96922446.8



EP0814537 EP97401351.8 NOT ENGLISH COMPAGNIE FINANCIERE ET INDUSTRIELLE DES AUTOROUTES EP0814626 EP97110136.5 NTT DoCoMo, Inc. EP0817360 EP96306825.9 TAMAGAWA SEIKI KABUSHIKI KAISHA EP0819305 Elsicon, Inc. EP96911609.4

EP0832969 EP97116145.0 Henkel Kommanditgesellschaft auf Aktien EP0833473 EP97116821.6 Inneon Technologies AG EP0836199 EP97117336.4 MURATA MANUFACTURING CO., LTD. EP0840116 Varian, Inc. EP97107545.2



EP0819763 EP96907660.3 ASAHI BREWERIES, LTD. TORII PHARMACEUTICAL CO., LTD. THE NIKKA WHISKY DISTILLING CO., LTD. EP0819855 EP97401743.6 ebm-papst Landshut GmbH EP0819912 EP97305133.7 Toyota Jidosha Kabushiki Kaisha NOT ENGLISH

EP0840438 EP97307568.2 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. EP0841703 EP97307559.1 Japan Science and Technology Corporation KABUSHIKI KAISHA TOSHIBA

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EP0843230 EP97307547.6 CANON KABUSHIKI KAISHA EP0844270 EP97120269.2 Sanyo Chemical Industries, Ltd. EP0848553 EP97121230.3 General Instrument Corporation EP0849933 EP97310356.7 CANON KABUSHIKI KAISHA EP0849972 EP97307197.0 Oki Electric Industry Co., Ltd. EP0850968 EP97310570.3 TORAY INDUSTRIES, INC. EP0852049 EP96931670.2 SmartSound Software, Inc. EP0852502 EP96933084.4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND COLLEGE PARK EP0852888 EP96936087.4 QUALCOMM Incorporated EP0853115 EP98300134.8 Lubrizol Corporation, The EP0854613 EP97310663.6 Compaq Computer Corporation EP0855703 EP98101387.3 Kitano Engineering Co., Ltd. EP0856616 EP98300729.5 BUILDING MATERIALS CORPORATION OF AMERICA EP0856825 EP97830034.1 STMicroelectronics S.r.l. EP0856985 EP98300698.2 CANON KABUSHIKI KAISHA EP0859468 EP98101517.5 E.G.O. ELEKTRO-GERTEBAU GmbH EP0860446 EP96932016.7 SHIONOGI & CO., LTD. EP0861694 Metso Paper, Inc. EP98201307.0 NOT ENGLISH

EP0862081 Kuraray Co., Ltd.


EP0862334 EP98301466.3 QUANTEL LIMITED EP0864244 EP97939512.6 MMC Networks, Inc. EP0864700 ORAS OY EP98660019.5

EP0866107 EP96941188.3 DAIKIN INDUSTRIES, LIMITED EP0867467 EP98302048.8 Crompton Corporation EP0867502 EP97870043.3 THE PROCTER & GAMBLE COMPANY EP0867809 EP98302259.1 Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. EP0868524 EP97944817.2 Bayer BioScience N.V. EP0868789 Nokia Corporation EP97942049.4

EP0869375 EP98302529.7 WESTERN ATLAS INTERNATIONAL, INC. EP0869476 EP98200761.9 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. EP0872981 EP98201116.5 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. EP0873011 EP98106137.7 AEG Infrarot-Module GmbH EP0873128 JAGOTEC AG EP0873141 CANJI, Inc. EP97900058.5 NOT ENGLISH




EP0873645 EP97904466.6 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) EP0875124 EP97915816.9 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ)

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EP0875745 EP98107877.7 Siemens VDO Automotive S.A.S.


EP0886279 EP97310514.1 Oki Electric Industry Co., Ltd. EP0887263 EP97830312.1 Tetra Laval holdings & nance S.A. EP0887556 EP98111911.8 EBARA CORPORATION EP0888338 EP97905700.7 Aventis Pharmaceuticals Inc. EP0888455 EP96915338.6 GENENCOR INTERNATIONAL, INC. EP0892224 Tong, Xiamin Wang, Ta-Chin JI, Amin EP97917209.5

EP0876212 EP96932357.5 HUNTSMAN PETROCHEMICAL CORPORATION EP0876428 Innosense S.r.l. Visen Medical, Inc. EP0876848 Chugai Ro Co., Ltd. EP96934591.7


EP0880842 EP97905370.9 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) EP0880844 EP97941134.5 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. EP0880845 EP97902499.9 BRITISH TELECOMMUNICATIONS PUBLIC LIMITED COMPANY EP0881243 EP98108908.9 NISSHINBO INDUSTRIES, INC. EP0881593 EP98202979.5 CANON KABUSHIKI KAISHA EP0881836 EP98400824.3 THOMSON BROADCAST SYSTEMS EP0882152 Kemira Oyj EP97903409.7

EP0893117 EP98112651.9 BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT EP0893374 EP98401400.1 ARIES PACKAGING S.A. EP0894942 EP98114234.2 Kabushiki Kaisha Toshiba EP0895517 EP97917392.9 Ipsen Manufacturing Ireland Limited



EP0895950 EP98114672.3 MATSUSHITA ELECTRIC INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. EP0896014 EP97950393.5 MARUZEN PETROCHEMICAL CO., LTD. EP0896321 EP98114897.6 NEC Electronics Corporation EP0896369 EP97830418.6 STMicroelectronics S.r.l. EP0897392 EP97905952.4 CYTOGEN CORPORATION University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, The NOT ENGLISH EP0898180 EP98305516.1 ALLEGRO MICROSYSTEMS INC. EP0898194 EP98306588.9 VICTOR COMPANY OF JAPAN, LIMITED

EP0882541 EP98302557.8 APPLETON PAPERS INC. EP0883176 EP98108840.4 NOT ENGLISH Patent-Treuhand-Gesellschaft fr elektrische Glhlampen mbH EP0883218 EP98304328.2 Lucent Technologies Inc. EP0883691 EP96931544.9 THE SCRIPPS RESEARCH INSTITUTE EP0884864 ALCATEL EP98401357.3


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EP0903119 Parodi, Juan C EP0903120 Parodi, Juan C EP0903187 Castrip, LLC EP0903354 Atona NOT ENGLISH EP0903541 Denso Corporation EP0904198 Pliant Corporation



EP0898443 EP97918421.5 MATSUSHITA ELECTRIC INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. EP0899306 EP98306946.9 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY EP0899539 EP98111345.9 CCS Technology, Inc. EP0899699 Bauman, Edward F Nature-Pac Inc. Bauman, Barry B EP0900350 Honkasalo, Martti EP0900934 Denso Corporation EP0900965 RE-FLEX S.r.l. EP98306854.5







EP0904796 EP98307161.4 Biosense Webster, Inc. EP0904915 EP98108067.4 INOAC CORPORATION EP0905461 EP98307705.8 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. EP0905462 EP98307883.3 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. EP0905606 EP98307690.2 Compaq Computer Corporation EP0905676 EP98117957.5 ATLAS ELEKTRONIK GmbH EP0906374 EP97929851.0 Treofan Germany GmbH & Co.KG EP0906684 EP97923684.1 Nortel Networks Limited EP0906752 L'OREAL EP98402056.0 NOT ENGLISH NOT ENGLISH



EP0901041 EP98307185.3 Konica Minolta Photo Imaging, Inc. EP0901792 EP98108214.2 Dr. Suwelack Skin & Health Care AG EP0901817 EP98114993.3 Becton Dickinson and Company EP0902344 EP98202912.6 SALVAGNINI ITALIA S.p.A. EP0902394 EP97307053.5 Randox Laboratories Ltd. EP0902403 EP98117158.0 Siemens Aktiengesellschaft EP0902404 EP98117163.0 Siemens Aktiengesellschaft EP0902945 EP97926799.4 Discovision Associates NOT ENGLISH NOT ENGLISH



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EP0908578 EP98116974.1 Mding Keramikfassaden GmbH EP0908803 EP98117968.2 MAN Roland Druckmaschinen AG EP0910112 EP98117202.6 OSRAM SYLVANIA INC. EP0911374 EP98914044.7 SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION EP0913144 EP98111869.8 Boots Company PLC, The


EP0924847 EP98123071.7 DEUTSCHE THOMSON-BRANDT GMBH EP0925642 EP98917486.7 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. EP0925801 Cordis Corporation EP98310615.4


EP0926244 EP98900440.3 KYOWA MEDEX CO., LTD. EP0926997 EP97940317.7 Biosense Webster, Inc. EP0927118 EP97943364.6 HSMV Corporation VT Dimensions, Inc. EP0927796 System Albanese EP98811274.4 NOT ENGLISH

EP0914370 EP97937025.1 E.I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS AND COMPANY EP0915077 EP98919559.9 DAICEL CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES, LTD. EP0918480 Samson, Ilan EP0918950 Jewell, Hollis EP0919628 SDS Biotech K.K. EP97922355.9

EP0928081 EP98123903.1 Corning Photonic Technologies Inc. EP0928190 EP97919142.6 PowderJect Research Limited EP0929048 EP99100093.6 Denso Wave Incorporated Hitachi, Ltd. Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation NEC TOKIN Corporation EP0929369 EP97942531.1 Alpine Engineered Products, Inc. EP0929446 EP97920085.4 Siemens ElectroCom L.P. EP0931062 EP97911614.2 MICROGENICS CORPORATION EP0932457 EP97910509.5 SORTEX LIMITED EP0933995 EP97940974.5 EAST CAROLINA UNIVERSITY Anagnostou, Athanasius A Sigounas, George EP0934605 EP97909173.3 Siemens Aktiengesellschaft NOT ENGLISH



EP0919663 EP98122695.4 WESTVACO CORPORATION EP0920109 EP98122180.7 EBARA CORPORATION EP0921519 EP98309595.1 Lucent Technologies Inc. EP0922699 EP98811200.9 Ciba Specialty Chemicals Holding Inc. EP0923569 EP97934175.7 WARNER-LAMBERT COMPANY LLC EP0924625 Elixent Limited EP98309600.9

EP0924721 EP98123978.3 KABUSHIKI KAISHA TOSHIBA Nippon Chemi-Con Corporation

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17 November 2004

EP0935139 EP97941192.3 DAIICHI PURE CHEMICALS CO. LTD. EP0935386 EP98921797.1 SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION EP0937394 ETHICON INC. EP99300393.8

EP0943003 EP97950737.3 Valentis Inc. THE BAYLOR COLLEGE OF MEDICINE EP0943725 EP97929549.0 Nippon Sheet Glass Co., Ltd. NIPPON ZEON CO., LTD. EP0944370 CNS, INC. EP97939879.9

EP0937438 EP99301307.7 Clement Clarke International Ltd EP0945178 EP97935781.1 Toyota Jidosha Kabushiki Kaisha EP0937897 ZF Sachs AG EP0938100 SAGEM S.A. EP98124183.9 NOT ENGLISH EP0945568 Thirion, Christian EP99400358.0 NOT ENGLISH EP0945691 EP99630026.5 CARRIER CORPORATION EP0945721 EP99105079.0 DAINIPPON PRINTING CO., LTD. Karube, Isao EP0945869 EP98830188.3 STMicroelectronics S.r.l. EP0947261 Castrip, LLC EP0947655 Ferrari, Franco EP98307305.7 EP99460019.5 NOT ENGLISH

EP0938731 EP98931330.9 ENERGY CONVERSION DEVICES, INC. EP0938874 EP99100649.5 Heiser, Wolfgang Dr. med. EP0939028 EP99200406.9 THE BOEING COMPANY EP0939168 Ross, Kurt G EP99102574.3 NOT ENGLISH NOT ENGLISH


EP0939224 EP98935338.8 Taiho Kogyo Co., Ltd. EP0939798 EP97954338.6 Syngenta Mogen B.V. EP0940425 TEIJIN LIMITED EP98941727.4

EP0947681 EP99302401.7 Ford Motor Company EP0947897 EP99104457.9 ROBERT BOSCH GMBH EP0948100 EP99302374.6 Regal Electronics, Inc. EP0949470 EP99400833.2 L'air Liquide, S.A. Directoire et Conseil de Surveillance pour l'Etude et l'Exploitation des Procds Georges Claude EP0950344 EP99107624.1 Lemken GmbH & Co. KG EP0950871 TPL, Inc. EP99200708.8 NOT ENGLISH NOT ENGLISH

EP0941589 EP97945804.9 TELLABS DENMARK A/S EP0942731 EP97952023.6 MERCK SHARP & DOHME LTD. EP0942732 EP97952024.4 MERCK SHARP & DOHME LTD. EP0942928 EP97930274.2 Aventis Pasteur Limited

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EP0963863 EP99304434.6 BRIDGESTONE CORPORATION NOT ENGLISH EP0965236 EP97909119.6 Siemens Aktiengesellschaft NOT ENGLISH

EP0951389 EP97953856.8 Porextherm-Dmmstoffe GmbH EP0952221 Ajinomoto Co., Inc. EP99105508.8

EP0965464 EP99304817.2 SUMITOMO RUBBER INDUSTRIES, LTD. EP0965703 EP99109573.8 EDUARD HUECK GmbH & CO. KG EP0965997 EP99304760.4 Kyoto Elex Co., Ltd. EP0966250 L'OREAL EP98939694.0 NOT ENGLISH NOT ENGLISH

EP0952706 EP99302991.7 Ford Global Technologies, Inc. EP0953161 EP98902491.4 Cymer, Inc. Spectronic Instruments, Inc. EP0956293 Akzo Nobel N.V. EP0956708 Thomson Inc. EP97944781.0


EP0966901 EP99203321.7 Colgate-Palmolive Company EP0967018 ABB K.K. EP98961635.4

EP0957568 EP99400934.8 SONY CORPORATION EP0967244 EP99304884.2 Bridgestone Corporation EP0959309 EP99201526.3 ZONNE-ENERGIE NEDERLAND B.V. EP0967378 EP99303339.8 Ford Global Technologies, Inc. EP0959344 EP98109175.4 NOT ENGLISH compra GmbH Inspektionsgesellschaft fr Qualittssicherung & Rckbau EP0960978 EP99109106.7 Voith Paper Patent GmbH EP0961457 EP99110188.2 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. EP0962483 TEIJIN LIMITED EP0962778 Tektronix Inc. EP98959214.2 NOT ENGLISH EP0969191 EP99110760.8 MAN NUTZFAHRZEUGE AG EP0969194 EP99112584.0 NISSAN MOTOR COMPANY, LIMITED EP0969239 EP99420143.2 STAUBLI FAVERGES EP0969436 EP99201142.9 Jolly Motor International S.p.A. EP0969617 EP99107477.4 FUJITSU LIMITED EP0970504 EP99902664.4 Micromass UK Limited EP0971043 EP99113077.4 USHIODENKI KABUSHIKI KAISHA NOT ENGLISH EP0971088 Renault s.a.s. EP99401425.6 NOT ENGLISH NOT ENGLISH NOT ENGLISH


EP0963573 EP98955868.9 ASML Netherlands B.V. EP0963590 EP98907061.0 Tyco Electronics UK Limited EP0963688 EP99110562.8 Scherhaufer-Kremmer, Helmut

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EP0971367 EP99113542.7 DOW CORNING CORPORATION EP0971368 EP99305465.9 Pirelli Cables and Systems LLC EP0971567 EP98108947.7 THE LINCOLN ELECTRIC COMPANY EP0971657 EP98912105.8 EAGLE VISION INC. EP0971994 EP98911723.9 AVERY DENNISON CORPORATION EP0972595 EP99113369.5 NOT ENGLISH Vesuvius Becker & Piscantor Grossalmeroder Schmelztiegelwerke GmbH & Co. KG EP0972805 JSR Corporation EP0972846 Murgia, Sergio EP0973766 Pzer Limited EP99113844.7 NOT ENGLISH

EP0977630 EP98918447.8 ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Company EP0978894 EP99115530.0 Spinner GmbH Elektrotechnische Fabrik EP0979245 EP98913511.6 THE PROCTER & GAMBLE COMPANY EP0979884 EP99108819.6 Zimmer Aktiengesellschaft EP0979940 EP99115753.8 TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI KAISHA EP0980255 SATURNUS A.G. EP0980543 Montres Rado S.A. EP0980606 Legerity, Inc. EP98929308.9 NOT ENGLISH NOT ENGLISH






EP0980880 EP99115061.6 Bayer MaterialScience AG EP0980881 EP99115062.4 Bayer MaterialScience AG EP0981369 EP98923447.1 APHTON CORPORATION EP0981693 EP98921232.9 THOMSON INDUSTRIES, INC. EP0982071 EP99116974.9 SONY CORPORATION



EP0974073 EP98914545.3 EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY EP0974315 EP99202454.7 CORDIS EUROPA N.V. EP0974565 EP99305814.8 SUMITOMO ELECTRIC INDUSTRIES, LTD. EP0976278 Nokia Corporation EP97919077.4

EP0976369 EP99306099.5 Johnson & Johnson Medical Limited EP0976468 EP99305053.3 Kusakabe Electric & Machinery Co., Ltd. EP0976791 Xerox Corporation EP99114260.5

EP0982479 EP99202662.5 Cummins Engine Company, Ltd. CNH U.K. LIMITED Iveco (UK) Ltd. EP0983319 EP98921080.2 Kimberly-Clark Worldwide, Inc. EP0983815 EP99117169.5 SANDVIK AKTIEBOLAG EP0984123 EP99114818.0 DaimlerChrysler AG NOT ENGLISH


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EP0984988 EP99915659.9 Basell Poliolene Italia S.p.A. EP0985411 EP99306961.6 McNEIL-PPC, INC. EP0985478 EP99307193.5 SUMITOMO ELECTRIC INDUSTRIES, LTD. EP0985597 EP99115206.7 NOT ENGLISH Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft EP0985726 EP98402228.5 Chevron Chemical S.A. EP0986656 EP97918786.1 E.I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS AND COMPANY EP0987169 EP99307287.5 TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI KAISHA EP0987219 EP99118265.0 Nippon Aerosil Co., Ltd. EP0987306 EP99203652.5 HENKEL CORPORATION EP0987334 EP99307285.9 GUINNESS LIMITED EP0987344 EP99116178.7 KABUSHIKI KAISHA KOBE SEIKO SHO EP0987384 Stolzer, Paul EP99117844.3 NOT ENGLISH

EP0989920 BAE SYSTEMS plc


EP0990089 EP98930918.2 Norton, Cyril Andrew EP0990174 EP98930426.6 BP Corporation North America Inc. EP0991685 EP98929098.6 International Paper Company EP0991967 QinetiQ Limited EP98930885.3

EP0992151 EP98958877.7 Deutsche Telekom AG EP0992692 GATE S.r.l. EP0992693 GATE S.r.l. EP99119896.1



EP0992705 EP99118626.3 SUSPA Holding GmbH EP0992860 EP99119297.2 KONICA CORPORATION EP0993112 EP99118761.8 NOKIA TECHNOLOGY GmbH EP0993342 Mazzei, Angelo L. EP98935533.4


EP0987606 EP99307180.2 KONICA CORPORATION EP0987836 EP99116882.4 Alvarion Israel (2003) Ltd. EP0988214 EP98929120.8 21st Century Cycle Pty Ltd EP0989156 EP99402327.3 NOT ENGLISH Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics Chaineux EP0989291 EP99118492.0 Siemens Aktiengesellschaft EP0989645 EP99307571.2 NGK SPARK PLUG CO., LTD. NOT ENGLISH

EP0994172 EP99117800.5 Ernst Mhlbauer GmbH & Co.KG EP0994320 ARBONIA AG EP99810934.2



EP0997082 EP98120460.5 BROGGIAN DIFFUSIONE S.p.A EP0997158 EP00200426.5 BAXTER INTERNATIONAL INC. EP0997408 EP99115731.4 Gemtron Corporation EP0998257 L'OREAL EP98945346.9 NOT ENGLISH

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EP0998520 EP98940686.3 NORSK HYDRO ASA EP0998841 CNH Canada Ltd. EP0998842 CNH Canada Ltd. EP99308780.8

EP1005318 Kerr Corporation


EP1005664 EP99914692.1 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. EP1005915 L'OREAL EP99402772.0 NOT ENGLISH


EP0999411 EP99402621.9 L'air Liquide, S.A. Directoire et Conseil de Surveillance pour l'Etude et l'Exploitation des Procds Georges Claude EP1000071 EP98929133.1 Polychip Pharmaceuticals Pty. Ltd. THE UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY EP1000356 EP98936859.2 Coulter International Corp. EP1000615 EP99307051.5 McNEIL-PPC, INC. EP1001131 EP99500074.2 GAVIOTA SIMBAC, S.L. EP1001262 EP00102029.6 NGK INSULATORS, LTD. EP1002138 EP98943872.6 Organon Teknika B.V. bioMerieux B.V. EP1002206 Weh, Erwin WEH, Wolfgang EP1002410 Tachyon, Inc. EP98945144.8 NOT ENGLISH

EP1006451 EP99309625.4 Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. EP1007206 EP98938043.1 Scientic Design Company Inc EP1007817 EP97953173.8 HUNTER DOUGLAS INTERNATIONAL NV EP1008704 Cecchi, Grard EP98403064.3 NOT ENGLISH

EP1008797 EP99122932.9 PF Schweisstechnologie GmbH EP1008833 EP99124027.6 LITTON SYSTEMS, INC. EP1011237 T.Sqware SA EP98403132.8



EP1011496 EP97941522.1 THE UAB RESEARCH FOUNDATION EP1011741 T.G. Eakin Limited EP1012549 Imagine Optic EP98940448.8




EP1013115 Nokia Corporation NOT ENGLISH


EP1002969 EP99119032.3 ThyssenKrupp Bilstein GmbH EP1003313 EP98307353.7 Two Way Media Limited EP1003588 EP98948843.2 B. BRAUN MELSUNGEN AG EP1004023 Abbott Laboratories EP98939891.2

EP1013413 EP98204382.0 Chi Mei Optoelectronics Corporation EP1014398 EP99118349.2 AREVA Sachsenwerk GmbH EP1014951 ALZA Corporation EP98944756.0 NOT ENGLISH

EP1014980 EP98947159.4 Georgetown University

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EP1015065 EP98944037.5 Vascular Concepts Holdings Limited EP1015532 EP98948850.7 Rohmax Additives GmbH EP1015679 EP98948325.0 SCHLEGEL CORPORATION EP1016605 EP99124815.4 PITNEY BOWES INC. EP1016828 EP99402851.2 NOT ENGLISH L'air Liquide, S.A. Directoire et Conseil de Surveillance pour l'Etude et l'Exploitation des Procds Georges Claude EP1018347 EP00101071.9 SIMS DELTEC, INC. EP1018862 EP98940564.2 MATSUSHITA ELECTRIC INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. EP1020237 Zheng, Hongzhuan Zhao, Linzhen EP97938744.6

EP1025973 EP99926850.1 NISSHA PRINTING CO., LTD. EP1026407 EP00101678.1 BURKERT WERKE GmbH & Co. EP1026635 EP99402343.0 Hyundai Curitel, Inc. EP1026835 EP99124579.6 MATSUSHITA ELECTRIC INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. EP1027021 EP98918104.5 ALCON LABORATORIES INC EP1027201 EP98958879.3 G.B. BOUCHERIE, N.V. EP1028239 CTS Corporation EP00300550.1 NOT ENGLISH

EP1028570 EP99102617.0 Sony International (Europe) GmbH EP1028890 EP99953686.5 EADS Deutschland GmbH EP1028923 EP97910747.1 Coors Ceramics Company EP1029644 EP99102703.8 FERRO CORPORATION NOT ENGLISH

EP1020640 EP00100811.9 NISSAN MOTOR COMPANY, LIMITED EP1020804 EP00100190.8 PITNEY BOWES INC. EP1020953 EP00100186.6 Northrop Grumman Corporation EP1021498 EP98944662.0 GTC Technology, Inc EP1022433 EP00300525.3 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY EP1023631 EP98947678.3 Holographic Imaging LLC EP1023832 EP00300669.9 BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT EP1024192 EP99310541.0 Council of Scientic and Industrial Research EP1024417 EP99203987.5 SONY CORPORATION

EP1029775 Zefal EP1030292 TDK Corporation




EP1031024 EP98934339.7 American Iron And Steel Institute EP1031315 Leoni, Carlo EP1031395 Cecchi, Marco Cecchi, Daniela EP1033496 Air Torque S.p.A. EP99301260.8



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EP1033533 EP98954735.1 EBARA CORPORATION EP1033573 EP00301529.4 Sysmex Corporation EP1035016 EP00100981.0 DaimlerChrysler AG EP1035139 EP00103130.1 BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT EP1036564 Pzer Products Inc. EP1036597 Hansgrohe AG EP00300830.7 NOT ENGLISH

EP1045001 EP00302940.2 NIPPON SHOKUBAI CO., LTD. EP1045752 Vertis B.V. EP98962714.6

EP1046154 EP98933871.0 Art-Advanced Recognition Technologies Ltd. EP1046179 EP98962828.4 Florida International University EP1046375 Nipro Corporation EP1048473 ROHM CO., LTD. EP00107976.3





EP1036607 EP99113803.3 Stolle Machinery Company, LLC EP1039181 EP00106166.2 REINZ-DICHTUNGS-GMBH EP1039299 EP00200677.3 JohnsonDiversey, Inc. MERCK PATENT GmbH EP1040193 EP98966671.4 BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT EP1041306 EP00302783.6 Sumitomo Wiring Systems, Ltd. EP1041318 EP00103510.4 Carl Freudenberg KG EP1041422 EP00104518.6 HAMAR LASER INSTRUMENTS, Inc. EP1042276 EP98959510.3 WARNER-LAMBERT COMPANY LLC EP1043137 EP00440054.5 Andre David S..R.L. NOT ENGLISH NOT ENGLISH NOT ENGLISH NOT ENGLISH

EP1049628 EP98930110.6 MeadWestvaco Packaging Systems LLC EP1050260 Salton, Inc. EP1050277 Garito, Jon C Ellman, Alan G EP00109657.7


EP1050531 EP00401198.7 LES LABORATOIRES SERVIER EP1050990 NEC Corporation EP00250139.3


EP1051043 EP00116759.2 MITSUBISHI DENKI KABUSHIKI KAISHA EP1051066 Schlsser, Ulrich Boxser, Daniel Dedden, Lothar EP1051376 AlliedSignal Inc. EP99910090.2 NOT ENGLISH


EP1051574 EP99963265.6 ROBERT BOSCH GMBH


EP1044076 EP98963634.5 NOT ENGLISH ELECTRICITE DE STRASBOURG (SOCIETE ANONYME) EP1044600 EP00201334.0 Baggermans Transport- en Machinefabriek B.V.

EP1053437 EP99903433.3 ASTRONAUTICS CORPORATION OF AMERICA EP1053958 EP00109771.6 MOTAN Materials Handling GmbH NOT ENGLISH

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EP1054994 Novartis AG


EP1060175 EP99910192.6 NOT ENGLISH Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Frderung der Wissenschaften e.V. ALTANA Pharma AG EP1060984 EP00500073.2 Munoz Saiz, Manuel EP1061551 Jeol Ltd. EP00305000.2

EP1055125 EP99905027.1 TopoTarget UK Limited EP1055428 EP00110282.1 USE Techno Corporation EP1055846 EP00110769.7 {FUJI JUKOGYO KABUSHIKI KAISHA{ EP1055849 EP00108490.4 Carl Freudenberg KG NOT ENGLISH

EP1061983 EP99909999.7 Oldeld Family Holdings PTY Limited EP1062776 EP99911700.5 NOT ENGLISH Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft EP1063057 EP00112642.4 Blohm Maschinenbau GmbH EP1063653 EP99830396.0 STMicroelectronics S.r.l. EP1064064 EP99913212.9 MERCK PATENT GmbH EP1064629 EP99919107.5 ROBERT BOSCH GMBH EP1065046 EP00305449.1 Uni-Charm Corporation EP1065128 EP00113464.2 Railion Deutschland AG EP1065343 EP00303619.1 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY EP1065832 EP99305183.8 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS LIMITED EP1065994 EP99908407.2 Boston Scientic Limited EP1066121 EP00900699.0 Extec Screens and Crushers Limited EP1066264 L'OREAL EP00900643.8 NOT ENGLISH NOT ENGLISH NOT ENGLISH NOT ENGLISH

EP1055893 EP00201781.2 L'air Liquide, S.A. Directoire et Conseil de Surveillance pour l'Etude et l'Exploitation des Procds Georges Claude EP1056020 NEC Corporation EP1056977 KB Biotopen EP00202734.0


EP1057423 EP00111319.0 YKK CORPORATION EP1057494 EP00304755.2 Sleepnet, Corporation EP1058026 EP00110758.0 ContiTech Luftfedersysteme GmbH EP1058162 Xerox Corporation EP00109989.4 NOT ENGLISH


EP1059148 EP00304400.5 Bridgestone Corporation EP1059387 Antoniazzi, Alain EP00490022.1 NOT ENGLISH

EP1059554 EP00304830.3 University of Tokyo, The EP1059816 EP99304440.3 Lucent Technologies Inc. EP1059848 DANDY A/S EP99937853.2

EP1066530 EP99915724.1 Inverness Medical Switzerland GmbH

European Patents granted - cont

Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026

17 November 2004

EP1068396 EP99944178.5 Vanhonacker, Patrick EP1068843 Biomet France EP1068927 GRAF + CIE AG EP00420083.8


EP1075471 Wyeth EP1076138 BRUSTOR, N.V.







EP1077144 EP00300107.0 Pacic Industrial Co., Ltd. EP1077181 Eva Denmark A/S EP00610078.8


EP1077354 EP00105949.2 Kabushiki Kaisha Toshiba EP1077367 Riken Fuence Co. Ltd. EP00906687.9

EP1077554 EP99916929.5 Ferre Herrero, Angel J EP1077931 AstraZeneca AB EP99922290.4

EP1072827 EP00112644.0 Federal-Mogul Sealing Systems GmbH EP1073377 MicroVention, Inc. EP99921377.0


EP1078266 EP99919325.3 CIS BIO INTERNATIONAL EP1078911 mg technologies ag EP00114594.5



EP1073379 EP98942220.9 MINNESOTA MINING AND MANUFACTURING COMPANY EP1073427 EP99919391.5 Ark Therapeutics Limited EP1073469 EP99916906.3 Baxter Healthcare S.A. EP1073733 EP99915813.2 INSTITUT GUSTAVE ROUSSY NOT ENGLISH

EP1079897 EP99953301.1 Carl Baasel Lasertechnik GmbH EP1079981 EP99933313.1 Volvo Personvagnar AB EP1080270 EP99945723.7 AKZO NOBEL N.V. EP1080537 EP99907813.2 Lojack Venture Corporation-Micrologic, Inc. EP1080703 Stryker Spine EP00117704.7



EP1073770 EP99924858.6 MAX-PLANCK-GESELLSCHAFT ZUR FRDERUNG DER WISSENSCHAFTEN E.V. EP1074235 EP00306589.3 Uni-Charm Corporation EP1074574 EP00116648.7 DOW CORNING CORPORATION

EP1081736 EP99920538.8 Beijing New Century De' en S&T Development Co., Ltd. EP1082065 EP99955202.9 OSTEO-Ti LIMITED

17 November 2004
European Patents granted - cont

Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026


EP1082321 AstraZeneca AB


EP1087265 EP00120178.9 DAINIPPON INK AND CHEMICALS, INC. EP1087359 EP00119854.8 Siemens Aktiengesellschaft EP1087612 EP00120459.3 KONICA CORPORATION EP1087762 EP00922845.3 Sigma-Tau Industrie _Farmaceutiche Riunite S.p.A. EP1087953 Nicox S.A. EP99927990.4 NOT ENGLISH

EP1082349 EP99929362.4 Raisio Chemicals Ltd. EP1082357 LG Chemical Ltd. EP1082945 Ellman, Alan G Garito, Jon C EP00902186.6


EP1083471 EP00119687.2 STMicroelectronics SA EP1083778 EP00116763.4 Endress + Hauser GmbH + Co.KG. EP1084126 Roowin, S.A. EP99922250.8



EP1088397 EP00926885.5 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. EP1088496 EP00203270.4 Koninklijke Ahrend N.V. EP1088784 EP00120201.9 SPM DRINK SYSTEMS SRL


EP1084824 EP00308122.1 BROTHER KOGYO KABUSHIKI KAISHA EP1088864 EP00121456.8 CANON KABUSHIKI KAISHA EP1085031 EP00120465.0 CANON KABUSHIKI KAISHA EP1089013 EP99202470.3 Van Doorne's Transmissie B.V. EP1085040 EP99118001.9 Dow Global Technologies Inc. EP1085191 EP00119930.6 Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. EP1085213 WILO AG EP00119886.0 NOT ENGLISH EP1091232 EP00302878.4 BAE Systems Electronics Ltd. EP1092657 EP00117572.8 NOT ENGLISH BRECO Antriebstechnik Breher GmbH & Co. EP1092943 EP00120888.3 Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung trading as Carl Zeiss EP1092958 EP00120850.3 WAGNER INTERNATIONAL AG EP1093375 EP99939646.8 Sea Run Holdings, Inc. NOT ENGLISH EP1093475 EP99928075.3 Borealis Technology Oy NOT ENGLISH EP1089264 EP00120561.6 SONY CORPORATION EP1090037 EP99955481.9 CELLTECH THERAPEUTICS LIMITED

EP1085313 EP99810834.4 INSTITUTE OF NUCLEAR ENERGY RESEARCH, TAIWAN, R.O.C. EP1085974 EP99923234.1 Magna International of America, Inc. EP1086770 EP00116323.7 Kanzawa Seiko Co., Ltd EP1086796 Barchena, Juan C EP1086904 L'OREAL EP00308238.5



European Patents granted - cont

Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026

17 November 2004

EP1093760 EP00204831.2 KARLIN TECHNOLOGY, INC. EP1094358 EP00122979.8 SONY CORPORATION EP1094444 EP00420204.0 Comptoir de la Technologie EP1094740 EP99933878.3 ATD CORPORATION EP1094763 EP00936706.1 NOT ENGLISH Abbott Laboratories Vascular Enterprises Limited EP1095759 EP00118159.3 ILLINOIS TOOL WORKS INC. EP1097323 EP99938311.0 Henkel Loctite Deutschland GmbH EP1097642 OEM - Ali S.p.A EP1098572 Mars UK Limited EP00203771.1 NOT ENGLISH NOT ENGLISH

EP1104315 EP99940320.7 Imprint Pharmaceuticals Limited EP1104564 EP99939131.1 Sun Microsystems Inc. EP1104990 EP99946098.3 Syngenta Participations AG EP1105007 Sher, Jayson I EP98923334.1

EP1105101 EP99943687.6 SOUTHERN RESEARCH INSTITUTE EP1105438 EP99943931.8 Dow Global Technologies Inc. EP1105503 EP99953535.4 Vasopharm Biotech GmbH EP1106127 Lang, Christoph EP1107506 Pitney Bowes Inc. EP00126806.9 NOT ENGLISH




EP1098885 EP99931497.4 FUJISAWA PHARMACEUTICAL CO., LTD. EP1098923 EP98931772.2 DOW GLOBAL TECHNOLOGIES INC. EP1100591 Ferraro, Fausto EP99940058.3

EP1107830 EP99934003.7 NORTHROP GRUMMAN CORPORATION EP1108474 EP00127232.7 Drr Systems GmbH EP1108818 EP00126332.6 KELLER GRUNDBAU GmbH EP1109474 Babbini, Giuseppe EP99946433.2 NOT ENGLISH


EP1102133 EP00309711.0 SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO. LTD. EP1102793 Elotex AG EP1102826 M-I L.L.C. EP99936581.0

EP1109500 EP99948115.3 SMITH & NEPHEW, INC. EP1109642 EP99941517.7 NOT ENGLISH Schunk GmbH & Co. KG Fabrik fr Spann- und Greifwerkzeuge EP1109809 EP99943093.7 Cerebrus Pharmaceuticals Limited NOT ENGLISH EP1111181 TECHNAL EP00403423.7 NOT ENGLISH


EP1102898 EP99925269.5 AUTOSTRADE S.p.A. EP1103587 tesa AG EP00125180.0

EP1103839 EP01100823.2 THOMSON multimedia


EP1112430 EP99955665.7 ROBERT BOSCH GMBH


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Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026


EP1112451 EP99943967.2 Daimlerchrysler Corporation EP1112633 EP99953692.3 Siemens Aktiengesellschaft EP1112733 EP00403303.1 SHIN-ETSU CHEMICAL CO., LTD. EP1113092 WALTER AG EP00119554.4 NOT ENGLISH NOT ENGLISH

EP1117454 Sano-Aventis



EP1117631 EP99947696.3 Davy Process Technology Limited EP1117709 EP99950551.4 ATOFINA Research EP1118185 EP99959193.6 Siemens Aktiengesellschaft Kendelbacher, Detlef Watzlawik, Gnter Thom, Marc EP1118262 EP99953694.9 Siemens Aktiengesellschaft EP1118542 Burall Limited EP00310917.0 NOT ENGLISH




EP1113831 EP99942997.0 NOT ENGLISH SOCIETE DE CONSEILS DE RECHERCHES ET D'APPLICATIONS SCIENTIFIQUES (S.C.R.A.S.) EP1114088 EP99952459.8 Nova Chemicals (International) S.A. EP1114106 Avecia Limited EP99946320.1

EP1118635 EP01100063.5 Mitsubishi Polyester Film GmbH EP1118724 Ohta, Ikumi EP00300398.5


EP1114847 EP00202458.6 DAINIPPON INK AND CHEMICALS, INC. EP1114920 EP00311119.2 Ford Global Technologies, Inc. EP1115341 EP99969660.2 SDGI Holdings, Inc. EP1115450 COLOPLAST A/S EP99944281.7

EP1118832 EP00126825.9 Rheinmetall Waffe Munition GmbH EP1119211 Hertel, Joachim EP1119681 Reineke, Erwin EP00116787.3




EP1121804 EP99968756.9 Asvan Technology, LLC. EP1121869 G.D S.p.A. EP01830049.1

EP1115856 EP99969437.5 WISCONSIN ALUMNI RESEARCH FOUNDATION EP1116274 EP99955704.4 Siemens Aktiengesellschaft EP1116429 Leijenaar, Sijtze EP1116482 Faiso Limited EP1117453 Sano-Aventis EP01200066.7 NOT ENGLISH

EP1121925 EP01101790.2 Henkel Kommanditgesellschaft auf Aktien EP1122708 Distec GmbH EP00115826.0




EP1123195 EP99938815.0 3M Innovative Properties Company NOT ENGLISH EP1123461 EP00967529.9 ROBERT BOSCH GMBH NOT ENGLISH


European Patents granted - cont

Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026

17 November 2004

EP1123657 EP00102667.3 SOCIETE DES PRODUITS NESTLE S.A. EP1124728 EP99922767.1 Trans Tech Holdings Group, LLC EP1124868 EP99950550.6 ATOFINA Research EP1125020 Metso Paper, Inc. EP1125150 Coherent, Inc. EP99936643.8

EP1136376 Wang, Wen-Tsan EP1137476 UT-Battelle, LLC




EP99942352.8 EP1138143 Nokia Corporation EP99959449.2

EP1125714 EP01201611.9 OWENS CORNING EP1125823 EP01300969.1 Ford Global Technologies, LLC EP1125882 Freelift B.V. EP01200429.7

EP1138331 EP01302085.4 K.B.A.S. Pty Limited EP1138841 Zeist, John van EP01201163.1

EP1141552 EP00904292.0 E.I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS AND COMPANY EP1142599 EP00956955.9 Showa Yakuhin Kako Co., Ltd Hios Inc. EP1143095 EP99940211.8 Grupo Antolin Ingenieria, S.A. EP1143136 EP01105727.0 ROBERT BOSCH GMBH EP1143294 EP01420066.1 EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY EP1143862 EP99973624.2 SYNTHES AG Chur EP1143897 EP00905681.3 Procter & Gamble Company, The EP1144271 EP99942865.9 Rittal-Werk Rudolf Loh GmbH & Co. KG EP1144274 Fleet National Bank NOT ENGLISH EP98940939.6 NOT ENGLISH NOT ENGLISH

EP1126614 EP00830102.0 STMicroelectronics S.r.l. EP1127480 EP00956878.3 Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. EP1128128 Schwank GmbH EP01102434.6 NOT ENGLISH


EP1132770 EP01105330.3 Fuji Photo Film Co., Ltd. EP1134450 Piolax Inc. EP1134847 Yazaki Corporation EP1136136 L'OREAL EP01302456.7



EP1144409 EP00907553.2 SmithKline Beecham plc

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Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026


EP1144506 EP99962398.6 H.B. Fuller Coatings Ltd. EP1144983 EP00975641.2 THE TITAN CORPORATION EP1145086 EP99942764.4 Siemens Aktiengesellschaft EP1147288 EP99973420.5 Halliburton Energy Services, Inc. EP1147985 EP01109248.3 Airbus Deutschland GmbH EP1147986 EP01109253.3 Airbus Deutschland GmbH EP1148224 EP01109773.0 TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI KAISHA EP1148895 EP99905751.6 Regents of the University of California, The EP1150432 EP00830311.7 {STMicroelectronics S.r.l.{ EP1152187 EP01830287.7 C.R.F. Societa' Consortile per Azioni EP1152203 EP01400847.8 NOT ENGLISH L'AIR LIQUIDE, S.A. Directoire et Conseil de Surveillance pour l'Etude et l'Exploitation des Procds Georges Claude EP1152916 EP00993311.0 ROBERT BOSCH GMBH EP1152952 EP00915804.9 STRATIS CORPORATION EP1153069 EP99968240.4 KRATON Polymers Research B.V. EP1153549 Firma May EP01110883.4 NOT ENGLISH NOT ENGLISH NOT ENGLISH NOT ENGLISH

EP1155607 Deere & Company EP1155609 Deere & Company





EP1156205 EP01201887.5 Siemens VDO Automotive Inc. EP1156587 EP01303792.4 Hewlett-Packard Company EP1156999 G.D. Searle LLC EP00910040.5


EP1157039 EP00907750.4 FLAMEL TECHNOLOGIES EP1157611 EP01105936.7 Matsushita Electric Works, Ltd. EP1158471 EP00890170.4 Hfe, Christian Walter, Michael, Ing. Foidl, Horst Dipl.-Ing. EP1158598 EP01109630.2 Marconi Communications GmbH EP1158940 EP01900127.0 Biedermann Motech GmbH EP1159161 EP00916785.9 Siemens Aktiengesellschaft EP1159359 BASF Coatings AG EP00909092.9







EP1159717 EP00906343.9 VACUUMSCHMELZE GMBH EP1159740 EP00908160.5 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) EP1159860 EP00912376.1 Siemens Aktiengesellschaft EP1159861 EP00916787.5 Siemens Aktiengesellschaft EP1160069 EP01111755.3 Socite de Technologie Michelin Michelin Recherche et Technique S.A. NOT ENGLISH


EP1154803 EP99936197.5 Bracco International B.V. EP1155208 EP00912472.8 NOT ENGLISH HUF HLSBECK & FRST GMBH & CO. KG


European Patents granted - cont

Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026

17 November 2004

EP1160271 EP00949948.4 TORAY INDUSTRIES, INC. EP1161503 Lilly Industries, Inc. EP00916061.5


EP1162350 EP01113428.5 Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. EP1163275 EP00902667.5 Bayer MaterialScience AG TEIJIN LIMITED

EP1163382 EP00911939.7 E.I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS AND COMPANY EP1163569 Qlogic Corporation EP00910194.0


EP1169604 EP00922215.9 Powerlight Corporation EP1170037 Tunturi Oy Ltd EP01660117.1

EP1170169 EP01401778.4 THOMSON MARCONI SONAR SAS EP1170517 EP00904065.0 Strawberry Corporation EP1171000 DANISCO A/S EP00918851.7


EP1164743 EP00901981.1 MITSUBISHI DENKI KABUSHIKI KAISHA EP1164789 EP01304943.2 MITSUBISHI DENKI KABUSHIKI KAISHA EP1164869 Unilever Plc EP00920525.3


EP1171174 EP99928274.2 Nobel Biocare AB (publ) EP1171295 EP00921570.8 Dow Global Technologies Inc. EP1171540 EP00922600.2 Henkel Kommanditgesellschaft auf Aktien NOT ENGLISH




EP1167067 EP00116374.0 d'Agnone, Uwe Schfer, Tim Dipl.-Ing.

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Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026


EP1173665 EP01904494.0 NISSAN MOTOR COMPANY, LIMITED EP1174227 EP01115765.8 Matsushita Electric Works, Ltd. EP1174462 EP01116268.2 DOW CORNING CORPORATION EP1174861 EP01117295.4 Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.


EP1181850 EP00930770.3 Sun Microsystems, Inc.

EP1183181 BAE Systems PLC


EP1183582 EP00921543.5 INTEL CORPORATION EP1175142 Babo, Tivadar EP1175188 Raymedica, Inc. EP99962480.2 EP1184048 EP01117419.0 Becton, Dickinson and Company


EP1175689 EP00919152.9 NORDSON CORPORATION EP1175755 EP00934853.3 Siemens Aktiengesellschaft EP1176041 EP01306272.4 ArvinMeritor Light Vehicle Systems-France EP1176313 EP01305595.9 NISSAN MOTOR COMPANY, LIMITED EP1176968 EP00928955.4 ANTICANCER INC. EP1178501 EP01118915.6 NEC TOKIN Corporation EP1179031 EP00931106.9 BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT EP1179715 EP01117123.8 Fujikoki Corporation EP1179889 EP00830573.2 STMicroelectronics S.r.l. EP1180168 EP00938685.5 Vlaams Interuniversitair Instituut voor Biotechnologie vzw. EP1180747 Mars, Incorporated EP00306848.3 NOT ENGLISH NOT ENGLISH

EP1184421 EP01307202.0 Dow Corning Toray Silicone Co., Ltd.

EP1184568 EP01307398.6 Delphi Technologies, Inc.

EP1184694 EP01120405.4 TOMOEGAWA PAPER CO. LTD. Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation

EP1184963 EP01116964.6 ABB RESEARCH LTD.


EP1185274 EP00901264.2 AstraZeneca AB SHIONOGI & CO., LTD.

EP1185841 EP00907364.4 Icos Vision Systems N.V.

EP1186116 EP00926267.6 QUALCOMM Incorporated

EP1186223 CNH Belgium N.V.


EP1186719 Weber, Rainer



EP1186787 EP00912665.7 Grupo Antolin-Ingenieria, S.A.

EP1181151 EP00903511.4 ROBERT BOSCH GMBH



European Patents granted - cont

Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026

17 November 2004

EP1186842 EP01402294.1 NOT ENGLISH L'AIR LIQUIDE, S.A. Directoire et Conseil de Surveillance pour l'Etude et l'Exploitation des Procds Georges Claude EP1187141 EP01120724.8 Kabushiki Kaisha Toshiba

EP1193817 EP01308335.7 NGK SPARK PLUG CO., LTD. EP1194261 Diserens, Pierre Y EP00960381.2

EP1194263 EP00943738.5 Solvay Fluor und Derivate GmbH EP1188378 EP01120116.7 DIOSNA Dierks & Shne GmbH NOT ENGLISH EP1194496 EP99938696.4 3M Innovative Properties Company EP1188381 EP01610095.0 SLAGTERIERNES FORSKNINGSINSTITUT


EP1195189 EP01122601.6 DAINIPPON INK AND CHEMICALS, INC. EP1188430 EP01122271.8 NOT ENGLISH KPSS-Kao Professional Salon Services GmbH EP1188431 EP01122272.6 NOT ENGLISH KPSS-Kao Professional Salon Services GmbH EP1188504 EP01120751.1 NGK SPARK PLUG CO., LTD. EP1190480 EP00944805.1 Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, The EP1190507 EP00931508.6 Marconi Communications GmbH NOT ENGLISH EP1196606 EP00942146.2 NOT ENGLISH Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Frderung der _angewandten Forschung e.V. EP1197137 Legro Gartneri A/S EP1197162 Hidan Co., Ltd. EP01610078.6


EP1197181 EP01128856.0 MICHELSON, Gary K EP1198665 AlliedSignal Inc. EP00975169.4

EP1190518 EP00943612.2 NOT ENGLISH IHP GmbH-Innovations for High Performance Microelectronics/Institut fr innovative Mikroelektronik EP1190528 AMX Corporation EP00938192.2

EP1198689 EP00922783.6 Valeurs Bois Industrie


EP1199112 EP00440265.7 NOT ENGLISH ELECTRICITE DE STRASBOURG (SOCIETE ANONYME) EP1199318 EP01123566.0 Socit de Technologie Michelin Michelin Recherche et Technique S.A. NOT ENGLISH

EP1191045 EP01120870.9 THE GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER COMPANY EP1191246 EP01118335.7 Federntechnik Knrzer GmbH EP1191646 EP01307988.4 Avaya Technology Corp. EP1191964 EP00931035.0 NOVO-NORDISK A/S EP1192406 EP01958138.8 GIAT INDUSTRIES EP1192861 VMI EP01402471.5 NOT ENGLISH NOT ENGLISH




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Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026


EP1206379 EP00954472.7 NOT ENGLISH KNORR-BREMSE SYSTEME FR NUTZFAHRZEUGE GmbH EP1206435 EP00962037.8 ARCHER-DANIELS-MIDLAND COMPANY EP1206456 EP00958457.4 NOT ENGLISH BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Frderung der Wissenschaften e.V. EP1206598 EP99939299.6 Siber Hegner & Co. Ltd. EP1206686 EP00956724.9 Transense Technologies PLC EP1207364 EP01120337.9 Danieli & C. Ofcine Meccaniche S.P.A. EP1208321 EP01949215.6 ROBERT BOSCH GMBH EP1208403 EP00962031.1 ADC Telecommunications, Inc. EP1209159 EP01111102.8 Sumitomo Chemical Company, Limited EP1209719 EP01128996.4 CANON KABUSHIKI KAISHA EP1209985 EP00948846.1 Novozymes North America, Inc. EP1210333 EP00965923.6 Syngenta Participations AG EP1210838 Nokia Corporation EP00960905.8 NOT ENGLISH NOT ENGLISH NOT ENGLISH

EP1213980 EP00964321.4 THALES AVIONICS S.A. EP1214008 Urueta, Joshua M Urueta, W. W EP00961469.4


EP1214110 EP00958062.2 Computer Controlled Syringe Inc. EP1214323 EP00941464.0 Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceutical, Inc. EP1214513 EP00914408.0 Motortestcenter MTC AB EP1214550 Sher, Tak C EP99939311.9

EP1214989 EP01129762.9 SHIBUYA KOGYO CO., LTD EP1215193 EP01129170.5 MITSUBISHI GAS CHEMICAL COMPANY, INC. EP1215955 EP00963795.0 Mackie International Pty Ltd EP1216173 EP00967954.9 VALEO SYSTEMES D'ESSUYAGE EP1216754 EP02002408.9 Gen-Probe Incorporated EP1217506 EP01310397.3 Hewlett-Packard Company EP1218086 EP00962411.5 Mann + Hummel GmbH EP1218627 EP00949244.8 Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft EP1218702 CEM Corporation EP00963454.4 NOT ENGLISH NOT ENGLISH


EP1212501 EP00960256.6 Intier Automotive Closures Inc. EP1212629 EP00959345.0 UNISYS CORPORATION EP1212658 EP00914423.9 3M Innovative Properties Company EP1212924 EP00959201.5 WATLOW ELECTRIC MANUFACTURING COMPANY

EP1219151 EP00981137.3 Siemens Aktiengesellschaft DMT GMBH EP1219544 EP01306623.8 HILEX POLY CO. LLC


European Patents granted - cont

Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026

17 November 2004

EP1219695 EP01130479.7 NITTO DENKO CORPORATION EP1219896 EP02006367.3 Foster Wheeler Energia Oy EP1220599 EP00954580.7 CLAAS Selbstfahrende Erntemaschinen GmbH EP1220604 Connolly, Michael EP00966382.4

EP1227099 EP02250490.6 Yung Shin Pharmaceutical Ind. Co., Ltd. EP1227169 EP02250360.1 FUJIMI INCORPORATED EP1227901 EP00937484.4 SECO TOOLS AB; (publ) EP1227972 EP00970337.2 Naiad Inatables New Zealand Limited EP1228110 EP00967006.8 E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company EP1230301 EP00962510.4 Ciba Specialty Chemicals Holding Inc. EP1231568 EP02290254.8 NOT ENGLISH INRIA INSTITUT NATIONAL DE RECHERCHE EN INFORMATIQUE ET EN AUTOMATIQUE NOT ENGLISH EP1232357 EP00962079.0 Australian Dynamic Products Pty. Ltd EP1232397 EP00953588.1 N.V. Nederlandsche Apparatenfabriek NEDAP EP1232754 EP02251027.5 Commonwealth Biotechnologies, Inc.

EP1221867 EP00964172.1 SOCIETE DES PRODUITS NESTLE S.A. EP1222049 EP00964100.2 NOT ENGLISH Emitec Gesellschaft fr Emissionstechnologie mbH EP1222189 EP00992437.4 Ciba Specialty Chemicals Holding Inc. EP1222744 EP00982935.9 Siemens Aktiengesellschaft EP1223022 EP99203112.0 E.R. SQUIBB & SONS, INC. EP1223354 NIFCO INC. EP1223909 Fjordbad AS EP1224344 Zimmer AG EP02000227.5

EP00963157.3 EP1232834 Faimond S.r.l. EP00978961.1 NOT ENGLISH EP1234150 EP00966268.5 NOT ENGLISH L'air Liquide, S.A. Directoire et Conseil de Surveillance pour l'Etude et l'Exploitation des Procds Georges Claude EP1234703 EP02290325.6 Peugeot Citroen Automobiles SA EP1235553 EP00965997.0 Cognis Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG EP1235619 Alto2Lab Limited EP1236421 L'OREAL EP00981931.9 NOT ENGLISH EP02003404.7

EP1224401 EP00955317.3 REXNORD CORPORATION EP1224926 EP02001045.0 Ivoclar Vivadent AG EP1225412 EP01205020.9 Engineered Support Systems, Inc. EP1226205 EP00959924.2 E.I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS AND COMPANY EP1226754 SHIMANO INC. EP02394001.8 NOT ENGLISH




EP1227069 EP02002184.6 HOYA CORPORATION

EP1236490 EP02003306.4 MAHLE Filtersysteme GmbH


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European Patents granted - cont

Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026


EP1236582 EP02004508.4 CANON KABUSHIKI KAISHA EP1236591 EP02000489.1 NOT ENGLISH Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft EP1238250 EP00945579.1 Inneon Technologies AG EP1238862 EP02005222.1 FUJI JUKOGYO KABUSHIKI KAISHA EP1239821 EP00987395.1 Henkel Kommanditgesellschaft auf Aktien EP1240296 Unilever Plc EP00989892.5 NOT ENGLISH NOT ENGLISH

EP1242486 Hydro-Qubec



EP1242756 EP00988066.7 Gates Corporation, The EP1242994 EP00986462.0 EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY EP1243246 Cavex Holland BV EP01106787.3

EP1243369 EP01121450.9 Kanzawa Seiko Co., Ltd EP1243437 EP02006493.7 Ricoh Company, Ltd. EP1243485 EP02006266.7 Schroth Safety Products GmbH EP1243585 EP00944385.4 Sumitomo Chemical Company, Limited NOT ENGLISH

EP1240411 EP00984721.1 Pratt & Whitney Canada Corp. EP1240412 EP00984700.5 Pratt & Whitney Canada Corp. EP1240413 EP00990510.0 Siemens Aktiengesellschaft EP1240465 LIND, Leif I EP00987931.3 NOT ENGLISH

EP1244353 Viacell, LLC Ericson, Daniel G EP1246934 Carr, Anthony H



EP1240651 EP00963477.5 Vishay Dale Electronics, Inc. EP1241225 EP02005288.2 HERCULES INCORPORATED EP1241377 EP02002597.9 MAN NUTZFAHRZEUGE AG EP1241965 EP00987566.7 ARTFORM INTERNATIONAL LIMITED EP1242250 EP00989926.1 Cartolombarda S.R.L. Ferrari, Angelo EP1242413 EP00986568.4 CELGENE CORPORATION EP1242436 N.V. Nutricia EP00983244.5 NOT ENGLISH NOT ENGLISH

EP1247387 EP00983415.1 Nortel Networks Limited EP1247481 EP01108382.1 NOT ENGLISH SOCIETE DES PRODUITS NESTLE S.A. EP1247521 Salkin, Andr EP1248527 KX Industries, L.P. EP02290659.8 NOT ENGLISH


EP1248620 EP00969616.2 ORION CORPORATION EP1249166 EP02005938.2 Bode Chemie GmbH & Co. EP1250340 EP00986242.6 ELI LILLY AND COMPANY NOT ENGLISH

European Patents granted - cont

Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026

17 November 2004

EP1250568 GSI Lumonics, Inc.


EP1257182 EP00919194.1 Sacci Ryggsckar AB NOT ENGLISH EP1257261 EP00952070.1 Faculteit Geneeskunde Universiteit Utrecht EP1257706 EP00990581.1 Schmale-Holding GmbH. & Co. EP1257722 EP01905554.0 Intier Automotive Closures Inc. EP1257723 EP01905482.4 Techmo Entwicklungs- und Vertriebs GmbH Alwag Tunnelausbau Gesellschaft mbH NOT ENGLISH EP1258193 Syngenta Limited EP02017258.1 NOT ENGLISH NOT ENGLISH

EP1250701 EP01907355.0 Siemens Aktiengesellschaft EP1251023 EP02290954.3 MOTEURS LEROY-SOMER EP1251079 EP02008468.7 RPC Bramlage GmbH EP1251157 Xerox Corporation EP1251338 Camille Bauer AG EP1251492 Nokia Corporation EP02008326.7




EP02100287.8 EP1258765 EP02012920.1 CANON KABUSHIKI KAISHA EP1259205 EP01917055.4 Paul Hartmann Aktiengesellschaft EP1260304 Cross Hller GmbH EP1260439 Orgapack GmbH NOT ENGLISH EP1260856 Agfa-Gevaert NOT ENGLISH EP1262315 EP01112705.7 Stork Prints Austria GmbH NOT ENGLISH EP1262316 EP01112706.5 Stork Prints Austria GmbH EP1262586 EP01961313.2 TORAY INDUSTRIES, INC. EP1262824 Agfa-Gevaert EP01000180.8 NOT ENGLISH NOT ENGLISH EP01000179.0 EP01112649.7 NOT ENGLISH

EP1251789 EP01903659.9 FaceWorks Solutions & Technologies Limited EP1251950 Meggitt (UK) Ltd. EP01946802.4


EP1252560 EP00986725.0 Netscape Communications Corporation EP1253257 Unidek Group B.V. EP01110518.6



EP1253412 EP02405304.3 Oertli-Instrumente AG EP1254229 EP01913553.2 Medizinische Hochschule Hannover EP1254812 EP02009466.0 EATON CORPORATION EP1255626 EP01906766.9 Eveready Battery Company, Inc. EP1256094 Gajdr, Tibor RACZ, Gbor EP01904237.3

EP1263005 EP02011979.8 Nec Tokin Corporation EP1263374 EP01903417.2 BKI Holding Corporation

EP1257090 EP01304113.2 Lucent Technologies Inc.

17 November 2004
European Patents granted - cont

Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026


EP1263600 EP00902844.0 Hewlett-Packard Indigo B.V. EP1263665 EP01913857.7 MTS Maschinenbau GmbH EP1263727 EP01940256.9 UCB Farchim S.A. (AG - LTD) EP1264313 EP01905334.7 Broadcom Corporation EP1265976 EP01920802.4 ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Company EP1266452 EP01906706.5 Inneon Technologies AG International Business Machines Corp. EP1267389 EP02100705.9 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. EP1267442 EP02010035.0 EADS Deutschland Gmbh EP1267669 EP01911318.2 Giroex-Entwicklungs AG EP1268656 EP00986634.4 Dow Global Technologies Inc. EP1268727 Unilever Plc EP1269833 Plas Eco S.A.R.L. EP01915315.4 NOT ENGLISH NOT ENGLISH

EP1272701 EP01925602.3 Ahlstrom Glassbre OY EP1272833 EP01904593.9 All Medicus Co., Ltd EP1273742 Weisser, Helmut O EP01116312.8 NOT ENGLISH

EP1274381 EP01918124.7 SCA Hygiene Products AB EP1274700 EP00989326.4 Pharmacia Corporation EP1274847 EP01925074.5 WISCONSIN ALUMNI RESEARCH FOUNDATION The United States of America, represented b T EP1275195 EP01936160.9 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. EP1275597 Pharmax S.A. EP1276408 STRIX LIMITED EP02020273.5 NOT ENGLISH




EP1276555 EP01969031.2 3D Molecular Sciences Limited EP1279873 EP02090274.8 Demag Cranes & Components GmbH EP1280706 Goh, Djing S EP00991132.2 NOT ENGLISH



EP1270136 EP02014128.9 FUJI JUKOGYO KABUSHIKI KAISHA EP1271175 EP02013552.1 ATLAS ELEKTRONIK GmbH EP1272130 EP02703299.4 MICHELSON, Gary K EP1272468 Sano-Aventis EP01919610.4 NOT ENGLISH NOT ENGLISH

EP1282658 EP01920876.8 DOW GLOBAL TECHNOLOGIES INC. EP1282780 Howden Power A/S EP00918732.9

EP1282788 EP01936372.0 NOT ENGLISH Trelleborg Automotive Technical Centre GmbH EP1282843 EP01936209.4 Westfalia Separator AG EP1282890 EP01919614.6 LAWRENCE, Malcolm G NOT ENGLISH


European Patents granted - cont

Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026

17 November 2004

EP1283105 EP02017660.8 BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgerte GmbH


EP1291220 EP02256249.0 NISSAN MOTOR COMPANY, LIMITED EP1291250 EP02019183.9 TAKATA CORPORATION EP1291496 Fleetguard, Inc. EP02017444.7

EP1283456 EP02017390.2 Mori Seiki Co., Ltd. Intelligent Manufacturing Systems International EP1283672 EP01935147.7 Arizona Board of Regents, acting for and on behalf of Arizona State University EP1283854 EP01936361.3 Cognis Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG EP1284848 EP01928094.0 AUTOBAR GROUP LIMITED EP1285670 EP02018533.6 Nitto Denko Corporation EP1285719 EP02016943.9 NOT ENGLISH Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Frderung der _angewandten Forschung e.V. EP1285832 EP02014209.7 Dr.Ing. h.c.F. Porsche Aktiengesellschaft EP1286023 BorgWarner Inc. EP1286873 Wingship Limited EP02255446.3 NOT ENGLISH NOT ENGLISH

EP1292404 EP01930690.1 MORGAN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY EP1292503 EP01946407.2 THE PROCTER & GAMBLE COMPANY EP1292538 EP01949369.1 Ciba Specialty Chemicals Water Treatments Limited EP1293114 EP02019696.0 NOT ENGLISH Amazonen-Werke H. Dreyer GmbH & Co. KG EP1293961 EP02080225.2 LEONHARD, Frank U EP1294962 EP01947428.7 Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Frderung _der Wissenschaften e.V. EP1295625 EP02020603.3 Matsushita Electric Works, Ltd. EP1296983 Pzer Limited EP01936729.1


EP1286903 EP01932399.7 VMI EPE HOLLAND BV EP1286990 EP01928071.8 Universidad de Cadiz EP1287182 EP01945134.3 ATOTECH Deutschland GmbH EP1288521 EP02255274.9 Honda Giken Kogyo Kabushiki Kaisha EP1288953 Celfa AG EP01119660.7 NOT ENGLISH

EP1297066 EP01934604.8 Samsung Atona Co., Ltd. EP1297506 EP01931952.4 NCR International, Inc. EP1297763 Park, Hyuk K EP1297997 Gestind S.p.A. EP01123559.5


EP1298874 EP02016650.0 Agilent Technologies, Inc. EP1300114 Sarstedt AG & Co. EP1301077 ECOLAB INC. EP02021517.4 NOT ENGLISH

EP1289980 EP01945174.9 SMITHKLINE BEECHAM PLC EP1289999 EP01929813.2 PHARMA MAR, S.A.


17 November 2004
European Patents granted - cont

Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026


EP1301107 Rckstdter, Hans



EP1311887 NODFELT, Ingvar Hallstadius, Hans


EP1303283 EP01956229.7 Nucryst Pharmaceuticals Corp. EP1303297 EP01951556.8 SanguiBioTech GmbH EP1303389 EP01951302.7 Decoma Exterior Trim Inc. EP1303694 EP01957931.7 Mann + Hummel GmbH NOT ENGLISH NOT ENGLISH

EP1311901 EP01966101.6 Concord Camera Corp. EP1312289 Liu, Xinhao EP01984396.0



EP1313584 EP01969647.5 NOT ENGLISH OTT -JAKOB GmbH & Co. Spanntechnik KG EP1313606 EP01974215.4 NOT ENGLISH DLR Deutsches Zentrum fr Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. Invent Innovative Verbundwerkstoffe Realisation und Vermarktung Neuer Technologien GmbH SAERTEX Wagener GmbH & Co. KG EP1313643 EP01967863.0 Saab Ericsson Space AB EP1314299 A/S EP01962678.7

EP1304480 EP03001476.5 MATSUSHITA REFRIGERATION COMPANY EP1305117 Mezzoli, Giorgio EP1305678 INOVACOR AB EP01969476.9


EP1305684 EP01949634.8 HORNE ENGINEERING LIMITED EP1306562 EP02022504.1 Automotive Products France S.A. EP1314880 EP02015136.1 Carl Freudenberg KG EP1306606 Bracale, Gennaro EP02005373.2 EP1315592 EP01963314.8 TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI KAISHA EP1307396 EP01974134.7 Railion Deutschland AG Lase GmbH Industrielle Lasertechnik EP1308662 COMAP EP02356217.6 NOT ENGLISH EP1315659 VALOIS S.A.S. NOT ENGLISH EP1316242 EP01966371.5 Power Signal Technologies, Inc. NOT ENGLISH EP1317227 C.R. BARD, INC. EP01968890.2 EP01965365.8 NOT ENGLISH NOT ENGLISH

EP1310609 EP02020285.9 WEINOR Dieter Weiermann GmbH & Co. EP1311212 EP01961513.7 GRAMTEC INNOVATION AB EP1311422 Renault s.a.s. Augade, Philippe EP01960854.6

EP1318405 EP01128851.1 B.R.A.H.M.S Aktiengesellschaft NOT ENGLISH EP1318804 EP01967474.6 Vitra Pharmaceuticals Ltd. EP1318940 Deere & Company EP01974221.2


EP1311508 EP01978258.0 NOT ENGLISH Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co.KG

European Patents granted - cont

Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026

17 November 2004

EP1319006 EP01983479.5 Ciba Specialty Chemicals Holding Inc. EP1319793 EP02258681.2 HUNTER DOUGLAS INDUSTRIES B.V. EP1320174 EP02254573.5 Young & Franklin, Inc. EP1320310 EP01982361.6 GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare GmbH & Co. KG. EP1321441 EP02027616.8 SHOEI CHEMICAL INC. EP1322282 EP01985671.5 Henkel Kommanditgesellschaft auf Aktien EP1322743 EP01969736.6 Henkel Kommanditgesellschaft auf Aktien NOT ENGLISH

EP1332549 EP01978175.6 Siemens Aktiengesellschaft EP1334818 EP02250861.8 Visteon Global Technologies, Inc. EP1334830 EP02002829.6 FISCHER & KRECKE GMBH & CO. EP1335379 EP03250541.4 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. EP1335851 Renault EP1336106 UNIBIO S.r.l. EP01974394.7






EP1336572 EP02380104.6 Llorente Lecue, David EP1338258 EP02004073.9 THE PROCTER & GAMBLE COMPANY EP1339511 Kemper, Kurt EP01989532.5 NOT ENGLISH

EP1322887 EP01976626.0 Mazzer Materie Plastiche di Giacomo Ezio Mazzer & C. S.N.C. EP1323967 EP02027550.9 Rexroth Mecman GmbH EP1325847 EP02027680.4 KEY SAFETY SYSTEMS, INC. EP1326567 EP01965805.3 SCA Hygiene Products AB EP1327590 Daisin Co., Ltd. COSBERG SPA Sanki Co., Ltd. EP1328057 Denso Corporation EP02018722.5 NOT ENGLISH

EP1339803 EP01974219.6 Bayer Chemicals AG EP1340599 MARTOR KG EP1342604 ADAM OPEL AG EP1343420 PRECIMED S.A. EP02028369.3







EP1343628 Tefron Ltd.


EP1328593 EP01968528.8 BP Corporation North America Inc. EP1329158 EP03075208.3 FOX INTERNATIONAL GROUP LIMITED EP1329184 KERMI GmbH EP02090398.5 NOT ENGLISH

EP1345810 EP01995756.2 Eads Sogerma Services EP1346018 Unilever Plc EP1346022 Unilever Plc EP01991847.3






17 November 2004
European Patents granted - cont

Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026


EP1348015 Unilever Plc EP1349180 Nexans


EP1361708 EP03010199.2 MICROSOFT CORPORATION NOT ENGLISH EP1362045 EP02716791.5 MERCKLE GMBH EP1363658 Mologen AG EP02714031.8 NOT ENGLISH


EP1349184 EP03006869.6 Kabushiki Kaisha Toshiba EP1349458 Eriksson Capital AB EP1349679 R.Marchal & Cie EP02716112.4


EP1366106 EP02704707.5 Bayer MaterialScience AG Bayer Corporation NOT ENGLISH EP1366391 EP02709965.4 ETA SA Manufacture Horlogre Suisse NOT ENGLISH EP1366416 EP02714177.9 Siemens Aktiengesellschaft EP1366741 L'OREAL EP1368408 Clariant GmbH NOT ENGLISH EP1373150 Schott AG NOT ENGLISH EP1373683 EP02710230.0 Simex Enginnering SRL EP1373755 Habasit AG EP02703442.0 EP02757729.5 EP03010664.5




EP1350612 EP03004622.1 SIG Corpoplast GmbH & Co. KG EP1350828 Lin, Mon-Sheng EP02007558.6



EP1352464 EP01984765.6 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. EP1352572 EP03007517.0 Hauni Maschinenbau Aktiengesellschaft EP1353572 EP01964985.4 Reemtsma Cigarettenfabriken GmbH EP1353742 EP02716143.9 Ineos Fluor Holdings Limited EP1354231 EP01973526.5 Tyco Telecommunications (US) Inc. EP1356553 EP02716151.2 THE UNIVERSITY COURT OF THE UNIVERSITY OF GLASGOW EP1356620 EP02715516.7 Marconi UK Intellectual Property Ltd EP1358380 EP02704671.3 BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgerte GmbH NOT ENGLISH





EP1374207 EP02707441.8 EXXONMOBIL OIL CORPORATION EP1375214 EP03004585.0 J. Eberspcher GmbH Co. KG EP1376008 EP03019736.2 C.R.F. Societa Consortile per Azioni EP1377621 EP02709539.7 DOW CORNING CORPORATION EP1379008 EP02020516.7 Kabushiki Kaisha Toshiba EP1379423 EP02761907.1 ZF Lenksysteme GmbH NOT ENGLISH NOT ENGLISH

EP1358862 EP03009209.2 NOT ENGLISH Medi Bayreuth Weihermller & Voigtmann GmbH & Co. KG EP1360402 Nagel, William S REID, Philip L. EP02742465.4

European Patents granted - cont

Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026

17 November 2004

EP1379706 EP02727658.3 INDUSTEEL CREUSOT EP1380528 EP03360080.0 SUPERBA (Socit par Actions Simplie) EP1382010 Mhlbauer AG EP1382555 Bucher Guyer AG EP1383596 TotalnaElf France EP1383684 SIG allCap AG EP1387879 Unilever Plc EP02718185.8


EP1400460 Unilever Plc EP1401257 CNH Belgium N.V. EP1401442 Cipla Ltd.








EP1401566 EP02740689.1 BASF Aktiengesellschaft EP1401580 EP02724332.8 Thermo Electron Oy EP1401682 EP02747183.8 ROBERT BOSCH GMBH EP1401711 EP02735763.1 I.M.A. Industria Macchine Automatiche S.p.A. EP1402172 EP02745088.1 ROBERT BOSCH GMBH








EP1389227 EP02739263.8 DUPONT DOW ELASTOMERS L.L.C. EP1389405 EP02771623.2 Siemens Aktiengesellschaft EP1390063 EP02748680.2 F. HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG EP1392557 EP01958257.6 Intelligent Engineering (Bahamas) Limited EP1392606 EP01941013.3 Idratech S.R.L. Rafneria di Roma S.P.A. EP1393280 Jokab Safety AB EP02724862.4 NOT ENGLISH


EP1402232 EP02780824.5 DaimlerChrysler AG EP1402497 EP02724255.1 Siemens Schweiz AG EP1402639 EP02732290.8 Intier Automotive Closures Inc.



EP1404557 EP02754705.8 NOT ENGLISH KNORR-BREMSE SYSTEME FR NUTZFAHRZEUGE GmbH EP1404951 EP02743251.7 DEUTZ Aktiengesellschaft NOT ENGLISH EP1405304 EP02732932.5 International Business Machines Corporation EP1405435 EP02748611.7 Inneon Technologies AG EP1406833 EP02767163.5 BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT EP1406933 BP Belgium N.V. EP02747395.8 NOT ENGLISH NOT ENGLISH

EP1396182 EP02747212.5 Siemens Aktiengesellschaft EP1397039 MO-EL S.r.l. EP02741169.3

EP1397799 EP02740659.4 NOT ENGLISH Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur _Frderung der angewandten Forschung e.V. EP1399608 EP02734609.7 INVISTA Technologies S..r.l.


17 November 2004
European Patents granted - cont

Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026


EP1407446 EP02758344.2 NOT ENGLISH FRAUNHOFER-GESELLSCHAFT ZUR FRDERUNG DER ANGEWANDTEN FORSCHUNG E.V. EP1409347 EP02762269.5 Schur Packaging Systems A/S EP1414755 EP02764921.9 Commissariat A L'Energie Atomique EP1424258 EP03450056.1 Innova Patent GmbH EP1424937 EP02791457.1 Aesculap AG & Co. KG EP1450001 Tecnopat AG EP1457942 ALCATEL EP1466847 Tecnopat AG EP03003986.1 NOT ENGLISH







EP0872763 EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY The above EP(UK) patent was advertised in the Patents and Designs Journal No. 6022 dated 20 Oct 2004 as FRENCH Notication has been received from the European Patent Ofce that the publication language is actually ENGLISH. EP1369971 EP0240547.9 KOMAX HOLDING AG The above EP(UK) patent was advertised in the Patents and Designs Journal No. 6022 dated 20 October 2004 as ENGLISH. Notication received from the European Patent Ofce that the Publication language is actually GERMAN.

EP1187790 EP00937049.5 The entry in the Patents and Designs Journal No. 5971 published on the 29 October 2003 is in error as the United Kingdom was not designated.


Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026

17 November 2004

Translations filed: European Patents

This index lists European Patents designating the United Kingdom as a Contracting State, for which a translation has been led under Section 77(6)(a). The entries are arranged in blocks in order of date on which the ling of the translation was entered in the Register. Within each block, the entries are arranged in ascending publication number order with the application number, the date on which grant took effect in the UK, and the name of the proprietor given against each publication number. There follows an example of an entry in the index. (Date of entry in Register) 15 DEC 1989 (11) EP0145872 (21) EP84111927.4 (Effective date of UK grant) 20 Dec 1989 (73) Black and Decker Overseas AG

21 OCT 2004

EP0915444 EP98402694.8 detection electronique francaise, La 08 Sep 2004 EP0922209 EP97951815.6 ROBERT BOSCH GMBH 15 Sep 2004 EP0944687 EP98947602.3 SAINT-GOBAIN GLASS FRANCE 21 Jul 2004 EP0944979 Thales EP97951282.9

01 Sep 2004

EP0632669 EP94201802.9 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. EP0794508 EP97103336.0 Giesecke & Devrient GmbH EP0808994 EP97810168.1 ALSTOM Technology Ltd EP0813050 EP97106221.1 ROBERT BOSCH GMBH

07 Jul 2004

29 Sep 2004

28 Jul 2004

30 Jun 2004

EP0950774 EP99890063.3 14 Jul 2004 Domico Dach-, Wand- und Fassadensysteme _Gesellschaft m.b.H. & Co. KG EP0956879 EP99810409.5 Disetronic Licensing AG EP0960832 EP99110123.9 Focke & Co. (GmbH & Co.) 07 Jul 2004

EP0846807 EP97121216.2 04 Aug 2004 Moravia Gesellschaft fr Verkehrszeichen und Signalglser mbH EP0848935 Ivoclar Vivadent AG EP97118900.6 14 Jul 2004

15 Sep 2004

EP0852154 EP98400017.4 ELA MEDICAL (Socit anonyme)

07 Jul 2004 EP0962712 KERMI GmbH EP0964363 Thales EP0966207 RHODIA CHIMIE EP99108577.0 14 Jul 2004

EP0854340 EP98400004.2 28 Jul 2004 COMPAGNIE GENERALE DES MATIERES NUCLEAIRES EP0854699 L'OREAL EP0866279 WILO AG EP0881950 EPPENDORF AG EP96931854.2 28 Jul 2004


18 Aug 2004


21 Jul 2004


11 Aug 2004

EP0968862 EP99108351.0 Schade GmbH & Co. KG EP0973484 EP97953710.7 Henkel Kommanditgesellschaft auf Aktien EP0975317 L'OREAL EP1004354 Roquette Frres EP98945344.4

21 Jul 2004


07 Jul 2004

07 Jul 2004

EP0896443 EP98402009.9 NORTEL NETWORKS France EP0914029 EP98119934.2 Siemens Aktiengesellschaft

21 Jul 2004

14 Jul 2004

25 Aug 2004


21 Jul 2004

17 November 2004

Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026


Translations led: European Patents - cont EP1008836 EP98123660.7 Endress + Hauser GmbH + Co.KG. EP1023991 EP99126184.3 Focke & Co. (GmbH & Co.) 01 Sep 2004 EP1118593 EP00125340.0 Carl Zeiss Stiftung Trading as Schott Glaswerke 04 Aug 2004

15 Sep 2004

EP1118595 Schott Glas


21 Jul 2004

EP1032021 EP00100688.1 04 Aug 2004 Patent-Treuhand-Gesellschaft fr elektrische Glhlampen mbH EP1032333 EP98965576.6 HJS Gelenk System GmbH EP1034084 EP98948922.4 Siemens Aktiengesellschaft EP1038910 EP00102753.1 Henkel Kommanditgesellschaft auf Aktien EP1045965 EP99971490.0 ROBERT BOSCH GMBH EP1050492 Habasit AG EP1051907 IMV Technologies EP00810255.0 15 Sep 2004

EP1125570 EP00127510.6 HYSALMA Hygiene Sales & Marketing GmbH

18 Aug 2004

EP1150751 VIDAL, Jean-Paul


28 Jul 2004

18 Aug 2004

EP1155917 EP01111434.5 28 Jul 2004 DURA Automotive Body & Glass Systems GmbH & Co. KG A. Raymond & Cie

14 Jul 2004 EP1181321 EP00920542.8 Basell Polyolene GmbH 28 Jul 2004

14 Jul 2004

06 Oct 2004

EP1207107 Ferag AG


18 Aug 2004


04 Aug 2004

EP1216736 EP01123523.1 Mann + Hummel GmbH

14 Jul 2004

EP1053163 EP99901701.5 SNR ROULEMENTS EP1053742 L'OREAL EP1053936 AIRBUS France EP00401244.9

15 Sep 2004

EP1217162 Hachtel, Steffen


18 Aug 2004

04 Aug 2004

EP1227052 Ferag AG


11 Aug 2004


28 Jul 2004

EP1231116 EP02001901.4 TRW Automotive Safety Systems GmbH

08 Sep 2004

EP1062144 EP99929059.6 ZF Lemfrder Metallwaren AG EP1075400 EP00906314.0 Hamburger Patent Schmiede GmbH EP1075658 EP99924829.7 NP Inspection Services GmbH EP1075671 EP99920717.8 Spectra-Physics GmbH EP1081024 ADAM OPEL AG EP00117695.7

29 Sep 2004

EP1232032 Mller, Roland


31 Mar 2004

18 Aug 2004

EP1254004 EP01916963.0 Gnther Heisskanaltechnik GmbH

18 Aug 2004

30 Jun 2004

EP1279789 EP02016367.1 Hrmann KG Antriebstechnik

29 Sep 2004

30 Jun 2004

EP1296882 EP01943524.7 Knapp Logistik Automation Gesellschaft MBH

15 Sep 2004

11 Aug 2004

EP1348487 Drr Systems GmbH


04 Aug 2004

EP1092417 EP00121717.3 Henkel Kommanditgesellschaft auf Aktien

07 Jul 2004

EP1405712 EP02022072.9 Leister Process Technologies

21 Jul 2004


Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026

17 November 2004

Translations led: European Patents - cont 22 OCT 2004 EP1076353 EP00107219.8 04 Aug 2004 Patent-Treuhand-Gesellschaft fr elektrische Glhlampen mbH EP1083358 EP00116100.9 Dr.Ing. h.c.F. Porsche Aktiengesellschaft EP1090453 EP99924706.7 ROBERT BOSCH GMBH EP1121726 EP00954348.9 ROBERT BOSCH GMBH EP1148464 Brittling, Rudolf M EP00108506.7 06 Oct 2004 EP0759225 ALCATEL EP0920287 Hermeking, Heino 26 OCT 2004 EP98936117.5 21 Jul 2004

27 OCT 2004 EP96905889.0 11 Aug 2004

14 Jul 2004

14 Jul 2004

EP0773568 EP96117607.0 Valeo Schalter und Sensoren GmbH EP0801407 EP97105730.2 ABB PATENT GmbH EP0818825 EP97410073.7 STMicroelectronics S.A. EP0819406 EP97109328.1 Siemens Aktiengesellschaft EP0831258 EP97116139.3 MTU Friedrichshafen GmbH EP0833534 EP97113862.3 Siemens Aktiengesellschaft EP0858795 L'OREAL EP98400050.5

27 Oct 2004

14 Jul 2004

21 Jul 2004

27 Oct 2004

EP1157949 EP01250177.1 Siemens Aktiengesellschaft EP1158154 EP01103857.7 MAN NUTZFAHRZEUGE AG EP1165403 EP00920572.5 Conteyor Multibag Systems N.V. EP1169565 EP01911388.5 ROBERT BOSCH GMBH EP1169940 L'OREAL EP1169955 SEB S.A. EP01401489.8

18 Aug 2004

27 Oct 2004

06 Oct 2004

11 Aug 2004

18 Aug 2004

27 Oct 2004

28 Jul 2004

04 Aug 2004

04 Aug 2004


18 Aug 2004

EP0886456 EP98108014.6 d & b audiotechnik Aktiengesellschaft EP0926803 EP98113652.6 ebm-papst Mulngen GmbH & Co.KG EP0935066 Renault s.a.s. EP0948944 Ivoclar Vivadent AG EP99400033.9

04 Aug 2004

29 Sep 2004

EP1173490 EP00936690.7 Henkel Kommanditgesellschaft auf Aktien EP1189507 Lonza AG EP00947875.1

14 Jul 2004

25 Aug 2004

18 Aug 2004


14 Jul 2004

EP1190907 EP01116421.7 Dr.Ing. h.c.F. Porsche Aktiengesellschaft EP1224434 EP00975825.1 ROBERT BOSCH GMBH EP1244423 EP00990774.2 Henkel Kommanditgesellschaft auf Aktien EP1371245 EP02753688.7 Siemens Aktiengesellschaft

06 Oct 2004

14 Jul 2004

EP0961621 EP97918098.1 Impella CardioSystems AG EP1004717 Oblin, Jean-Pierre Vertical Bloc EP1009171 ALCATEL EP99460064.1

07 Jul 2004

07 Jul 2004

04 Aug 2004

20 Oct 2004


27 Oct 2004

17 November 2004

Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026


Translations led: European Patents - cont EP1010303 EP98948766.5 Siemens Aktiengesellschaft EP1010384 EP99124762.8 BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgerte GmbH EP1022531 EP99124375.9 Mann + Hummel ProTec GmbH EP1030064 FESTO AG & Co EP1040180 2004 Infors AG EP00102019.7 27 Oct 2004 EP1172062 Haag-Streit AG EP1188765 Probiodrug AG EP00810615.5 27 Oct 2004

27 Oct 2004


27 Oct 2004

04 Aug 2004

EP1196604 EP00956173.9 Institut fr Panzenbiochemie-IPB EP1200332 Socit BIC EP00956205.9

27 Oct 2004

27 Oct 2004

27 Oct 2004


06 May

EP1205475 EP01126541.0 MERCK PATENT GmbH EP1206588 EP00909178.6 ThyssenKrupp VDM GmbH EP1212959 WIK Far East Ltd. EP01128555.8

27 Oct 2004

EP1059024 EP00112183.9 Welger Maschinenfabrik GmbH EP1061266 EP00111788.6 Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft EP1071001 EP00114470.8 Leuze electronic GmbH + Co KG EP1079086 EP00115985.4 Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft EP1081986 EP00118875.4 Bleckmann GmbH & Co. KG EP1083302 EP00117905.0 Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft EP1106670 A. WEBER, S.A. EP00440312.7

27 Oct 2004

27 Oct 2004

27 Oct 2004

27 Oct 2004

27 Oct 2004

EP1245007 EP00983198.3 Giesecke & Devrient GmbH EP1259691 EP00991197.5 SIEGENIA-AUBI KG EP1262575 Schott AG EP02007695.6

27 Oct 2004

27 Oct 2004

27 Oct 2004

01 Sep 2004

27 Oct 2004

27 Oct 2004

EP1267916 EP01925576.9 IPF Pharmaceuticals GmbH EP1275864 EP01116558.6 Gehring GmbH & Co. KG EP1285172 Pama Reiter Stefan EP01902240.9

30 Jun 2004

11 Aug 2004

27 Oct 2004

EP1112797 EP00128080.9 27 Oct 2004 WIKUS-Sgenfabrik _Wilhelm H. Kullmann GmbH & Co. KG. EP1130276 EP00104766.1 27 Oct 2004 BMACH ENGINEERING INTERNATIONAL B.V. EP1140481 Flexico-France EP99961122.1 01 Sep 2004

27 Oct 2004

EP1287753 EP02013365.8 Hauni Maschinenbau AG EP1296031 EP02018407.3 Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft EP1297225 EP01947508.6 SAINT -GOBAIN PAM EP1313945 EP01971616.6 Siemens Aktiengesellschaft EP1318138 EP02025292.0 BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT

27 Oct 2004

27 Oct 2004

EP1157646 EP01110684.6 BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgerte GmbH EP1164003 EP01110893.3 HETTLERmaschinen GmbH EP1169983 EP01420144.6 RICHARD FRERES S.A.

27 Oct 2004

27 Oct 2004

27 Oct 2004

27 Oct 2004

27 Oct 2004

29 Sep 2004


Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026

17 November 2004

Translations led: European Patents - cont EP1325694 EP02028829.6 Dauphin Entwicklungs- u. Beteiligungs GmbH 27 Oct 2004

Translations filed: Amended European Patents

This index lists amended European Patents designating the United Kingdom as a Contracting State, for which a translation has been led under Section 77(6)(b). Each entry comprises the date on which the ling of the translation was entered in the Register, the publication number, the application number, the date of grant, and the name of the proprietor. There follows an example of an entry for this index. (Date of entry in Register) 24 DEC 1989 (11) EP0131027 (21) EP84900404.9 (73) Smith and Company

EP1327834 EP02000889.2 27 Oct 2004 DAVID + BAADER - DBK - Spezialfabrik Elektrischer Apparate und Heizwiderstnde - GmbH EP1333120 EP02002433.7 Thomas Josef Heimbach GmbH & Co. EP1342016 KS Gleitlager GmbH EP01270187.6 27 Oct 2004

27 Oct 2004

(45) 17 Dec 1986

EP1349625 EP01985805.9 Stadlbauer Spiel- und Freizeitartikel GmbH EP1354564 BrainLAB AG EP02008185.7

14 Jul 2004

Translations filed: Claims of European Applications

This index lists, in ascending serial number order, applications for European Patents designating the United Kingdom as a Contracting State, for which a translation of claims has been led under Section 78(7). NIL RETURN

15 Sep 2004

EP1389310 EP02700529.7 Vaucher Manufacture Fleurier SA

22 Sep 2004

Translations filed: Amended European Patents

This index lists amended European Patents designating the United Kingdom as a Contracting State, for which a translation has been led under Section 77(6)(b). Each entry comprises the date on which the ling of the translation was entered in the Register, the publication number, the application number, the date of grant, and the name of the proprietor. There follows an example of an entry for this index. (Date of entry in Register) 24 DEC 1989 (11) EP0131027 (21) EP84900404.9 (73) Smith and Company EP0687822 EP95810222.0 HILTI Aktiengesellschaft

(45) 17 Dec 1986

12 Aug 1998

EP0847487 EP96937185.5 03 Nov 1999 Continental ISAD Electronic Systems GmbH & Co. oHG EP0864784 EP97104128.0 Sealed Power Europe GmbH 04 Jul 2001

17 November 2004

Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026

EP1174165 EP1180915 EP1180966 EP1190196 EP1194285 EP1198810 EP1198816 EP1198817 EP1200290 EP1215235 EP1228906 EP1232130 EP1232510 EP1234621 EP1253281 EP1262265 EP1271738 EP1275785 EP1290287 EP1296560 EP1306283 EP1317984 EP1330628 EP1331280 EP1341694 EP1341721 EP1341722 EP1341805 EP01890213.0 EP01103783.5 EP99950672.8 EP00951627.9 EP00954307.5 EP00954543.5 EP00951409.2 EP00954544.3 EP00947996.5 EP01128569.9 EP02001481.7 EP00976036.4 EP00976013.3 EP02000995.7 EP02008822.5 EP01127542.7 EP02354049.5 EP02009369.6 EP01955288.4 EP01953648.1 EP02020844.3 EP01129162.2 EP01984527.0 EP02026718.3 EP01270459.9 EP01270494.6 EP01270489.6 EP01993609.5

19 MAY 2004 19 MAY 2004 19 MAY 2004 19 MAY 2004 19 MAY 2004 19 MAY 2004 19 MAY 2004 19 MAY 2004 19 MAY 2004 19 MAY 2004 19 MAY 2004 19 MAY 2004 19 MAY 2004 19 MAY 2004 19 MAY 2004 19 MAY 2004 19 MAY 2004 19 MAY 2004 19 MAY 2004 19 MAY 2004 19 MAY 2004 19 MAY 2004 19 MAY 2004 19 MAY 2004 19 MAY 2004 19 MAY 2004 19 MAY 2004 19 MAY 2004

European Patents void

This index lists European Patents designating the United Kingdom as a Contracting State, which were published in French or German and for which an English translation has not been led within the period prescribed by the Patents Rules. In accordance with Section 77(7), they are therefore treated as always having been void. The patents are listed in ascending publication number order. Against each publication number is the corresponding application number and the date of the European Bulletin in which grant by the EPO was announced. There follows an example of an entry in the index. (11) EP0292381 (21) EP88401200.6 09 NOV 1994 (Date of grant/ EPO Bulletin) 19 MAY 2004 19 MAY 2004 19 MAY 2004 19 MAY 2004 19 MAY 2004 19 MAY 2004 19 MAY 2004 19 MAY 2004 19 MAY 2004 19 MAY 2004 19 MAY 2004 19 MAY 2004 19 MAY 2004 19 MAY 2004 19 MAY 2004 19 MAY 2004 19 MAY 2004 19 MAY 2004 19 MAY 2004 19 MAY 2004 19 MAY 2004 19 MAY 2004 19 MAY 2004 19 MAY 2004 19 MAY 2004 19 MAY 2004 19 MAY 2004 19 MAY 2004 19 MAY 2004 19 MAY 2004 19 MAY 2004 19 MAY 2004 19 MAY 2004 19 MAY 2004 19 MAY 2004 19 MAY 2004 19 MAY 2004 19 MAY 2004 19 MAY 2004 19 MAY 2004 19 MAY 2004 19 MAY 2004 19 MAY 2004 19 MAY 2004 19 MAY 2004 19 MAY 2004 19 MAY 2004 19 MAY 2004

EP0813568 EP0818591 EP0826426 EP0849512 EP0850752 EP0885796 EP0886292 EP0929659 EP0930446 EP0932375 EP0936342 EP0942273 EP0950597 EP0959251 EP0974806 EP0990856 EP0995848 EP1018495 EP1025201 EP1032444 EP1041161 EP1042026 EP1045104 EP1045975 EP1052050 EP1053857 EP1054130 EP1060176 EP1066444 EP1074586 EP1080696 EP1087097 EP1109859 EP1111171 EP1116465 EP1118497 EP1124016 EP1124895 EP1127768 EP1135970 EP1136668 EP1136738 EP1137322 EP1140572 EP1159475 EP1163761 EP1165244 EP1166037

EP96906797.4 EP97110084.7 EP97114333.4 EP97402858.1 EP97121901.9 EP98440127.3 EP98401487.8 EP97938783.4 EP98123077.4 EP97931869.8 EP99810082.0 EP99104797.8 EP98810330.5 EP99109591.0 EP99111951.2 EP99118435.9 EP99116756.0 EP00105971.6 EP98961029.0 EP97911100.2 EP00400882.7 EP98962516.5 EP00105809.8 EP99952396.2 EP00401091.4 EP00106356.9 EP00105743.9 EP98955432.4 EP99962183.2 EP00114994.7 EP00118827.5 EP00420195.0 EP99938238.5 EP00403546.5 EP01420004.2 EP00126562.8 EP00118348.2 EP99947349.9 EP01104235.5 EP99953762.4 EP01105188.5 EP01105425.1 EP00890096.1 EP00975887.1 EP00909448.3 EP00918691.7 EP00910814.3 EP00920468.6

European Patents revoked

This index lists European Patents designating the United Kingdom as a Contracting State which have been revoked by the EPO under Article 102 of the European Patent Convention. The index is arranged according to the date on which the patent was revoked with the earliest date rst. Each entry includes the above date, the publication number, and the application number of the revoked patent. There follows an example of an entry in the index. 19 JUL 1989 (Date revoked by the EPO) 27 JUN 2004 28 JUN 2004 20 JUL 2004 29 JUL 2004 05 AUG 2004 (11) EP0049322 (21) EP81104288.6

EP1200176 EP0822343 EP0843696 EP0799028 EP0651614

EP00940402.1 EP97112367.4 EP96925540.5 EP96940616.4 EP94909878.4


Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026

17 November 2004

European Patents ceased

This index lists European Patents designating the United Kingdom as a Contracting State, which have ceased through non-payment of renewal fees. The entries are arranged in blocks according to the date of ceasing and in ascending publication number order within each block.

24 Mar 2004 - 30 Mar 2004 (Inclusive)

24 MAR 2004 EP0197694 EP0239076 EP0240223 EP0241768 EP0243003 EP0283606 EP0284384 EP0284516 EP0286501 EP0287838 EP0336875 EP0337838 EP0337839 EP0390002 EP0391187 EP0391192 EP0392238 EP0421047 EP0505987 EP0506333 EP0506640 EP0506651 EP0508206 EP0508209 EP0509653 EP0509655 EP0562839 EP0562956 EP0563783 EP0564898 EP0567775 EP0570099 EP0570684 EP0586643 EP0617324 EP0617338 EP0618253 EP0621679 EP0632739 EP0636101 EP0667268 EP0673737 EP0674348 EP0676443 EP0679443 EP0691796 EP0701737 EP0704022 EP0704040 EP0706242 EP0733406 EP0751726 EP0752463 EP0752979

24 Mar - cont EP0761018 EP0792663 EP0798045 EP0798781 EP0802037 EP0802287 EP0842048 EP0867340 EP0867341 EP0872630 EP0875198 EP0889994 EP0892704 EP0904177 EP0945383 EP0945420 EP0951997 EP0970039 EP0970295 EP0979158 EP0982999 EP1041055 EP1043467 EP1048590 EP1066157 EP1166142 EP1188309 EP1188925 25 MAR 2004 EP0159821 EP0162735 EP0196219 EP0196863 EP0197698 EP0197836 EP0199127 EP0203035 EP0261209 EP0284088 EP0284414 EP0284433 EP0284518 EP0285018 EP0288754 EP0293393 EP0297694 EP0333949 EP0333950 EP0368851 EP0449172 EP0449547 EP0468942 EP0506003

25 Mar - cont EP0506030 EP0506553 EP0506588 EP0509656 EP0562212 EP0562856 EP0562866 EP0564160 EP0564168 EP0578660 EP0616760 EP0618003 EP0618161 EP0619482 EP0622553 EP0632917 EP0633755 EP0633789 EP0643758 EP0643759 EP0643760 EP0674216 EP0674217 EP0675244 EP0677680 EP0690996 EP0694170 EP0705723 EP0733718 EP0735003 EP0735153 EP0736524 EP0798144 EP0798405 EP0801255 EP0802436 EP0817818 EP0820258 EP0820435 EP0820437 EP0837652 EP0889878 EP0890006 EP0890166 EP0891389 EP0930976 EP0945764 EP0945766 EP0945774 EP0947572 EP0953528 EP0959831 EP0970253 EP0988588

25 Mar - cont EP0988838 EP0989154 EP0990425 EP1034369 EP1038784 EP1050407 EP1060001 EP1064633 EP1068102 EP1070281 EP1076642 EP1107855 EP1165306 26 MAR 2004 EP0157580 EP0158478 EP0161192 EP0196721 EP0196722 EP0196970 EP0200356 EP0203908 EP0243283 EP0245932 EP0262188 EP0285942 EP0289776 EP0334972 EP0390003 EP0390273 EP0390458 EP0391203 EP0392247 EP0392248 EP0449195 EP0449200 EP0449585 EP0449586 EP0449722 EP0449726 EP0451020 EP0451103 EP0453790 EP0506406 EP0506423 EP0506429 EP0506563 EP0506570 EP0508223 EP0508227 EP0508651 EP0527548 EP0562635

26 Mar - cont EP0563810 EP0563813 EP0563816 EP0563818 EP0563819 EP0563828 EP0564192 EP0564199 EP0577706 EP0586653 EP0586677 EP0618645 EP0632918 EP0633763 EP0736687 EP0736839 EP0738008 EP0739729 EP0739854 EP0741312 EP0798955 EP0803770 EP0809133 EP0814979 EP0819020 EP0819077 EP0819194 EP0820372 EP0821622 EP0826659 EP0828603 EP0828930 EP0838046 EP0867203 EP0867204 EP0867205 EP0867220 EP0867306 EP0867525 EP0867979 EP0868008 EP0868972 EP0871256 EP0890020 EP0891292 EP0892752 EP0902729 EP0945848 EP0947711 EP0969786 EP0972299 EP1025003 EP1065918 EP1066606

26 Mar - cont EP1067851 27 MAR 2004 EP0156368 EP0156377 EP0156379 EP0157356 EP0157363 EP0159250 EP0161697 EP0165386 EP0187434 EP0199475 EP0204907 EP0225332 EP0238693 EP0238739 EP0238740 EP0241081 EP0241187 EP0241789 EP0243694 EP0249598 EP0283543 EP0390062 EP0390064 EP0390065 EP0390068 EP0390090 EP0390471 EP0390477 EP0390500 EP0390501 EP0391870 EP0399856 EP0429584 EP0448750 EP0448845 EP0449612 EP0449621 EP0450850 EP0451024 EP0451615 EP0451626 EP0451995 EP0461679 EP0473782 EP0476104 EP0478736 EP0490021 EP0506077 EP0506091 EP0506107 EP0506118

27 Mar - cont EP0506451 EP0506485 EP0507523 EP0507702 EP0508656 EP0508857 EP0509293 EP0509864 EP0511497 EP0521973 EP0522014 EP0522041 EP0524965 EP0531499 EP0533896 EP0533943 EP0563831 EP0564928 EP0564930 EP0575707 EP0581853 EP0622026 EP0675336 EP0692635 EP0700298 EP0701900 EP0702565 EP0734856 EP0736947 EP0736949 EP0737542 EP0738644 EP0751735 EP0751944 EP0752940 EP0755214 EP0755216 EP0756308 EP0759292 EP0798212 EP0798307 EP0798816 EP0798860 EP0799668 EP0799772 EP0799839 EP0800210 EP0817697 EP0817744 EP0818095 EP0819195 EP0819241 EP0821721 EP0824146

27 Mar - cont EP0824147 EP0830697 EP0833837 EP0837845 EP0867136 EP0867263 EP0867267 EP0867602 EP0869122 EP0870705 EP0870752 EP0889944 EP0891316 EP0891614 EP0910388 EP0945209 EP0953529 EP0967906 EP0974374 EP0980877 EP1046848 EP1048429 EP1050615 EP1134228 EP1204719 28 MAR 2004 EP0161142 EP0175726 EP0176564 EP0185630 EP0196643 EP0201374 EP0215133 EP0241792 EP0284438 EP0285352 EP0286293 EP0288166 EP0289374 EP0334680 EP0335323 EP0335338 EP0335346 EP0335348 EP0342339 EP0343342 EP0390111 EP0390522 EP0390682 EP0390763 EP0391234 EP0398480 EP0420962

17 November 2004
European Patents ceased - cont 28 Mar - cont EP0449294 EP0449320 EP0450515 EP0450532 EP0451901 EP0452000 EP0453817 EP0458038 EP0459105 EP0466731 EP0474847 EP0476221 EP0481029 EP0522031 EP0523170 EP0579638 EP0616919 EP0618400 EP0619211 EP0619346 EP0674862 EP0675626 EP0676910 EP0677892 EP0677984 EP0681851 EP0691839 EP0693870 EP0698639 EP0734885 EP0735142 EP0735247 EP0735271 EP0735656 EP0736500 EP0737718 EP0738835 EP0754161 EP0797938 EP0817690 EP0817710 EP0818958 EP0819325 EP0875018 EP0970266 EP1041240 EP1165535 EP1165542 EP1173060 EP1173933 EP1185460 EP1202310 EP1242248 29 MAR 2004 EP0156393 EP0156394 EP0157391 EP0157703 EP0158903 EP0166088 EP0181871 EP0239654 EP0285374 29 Mar - cont EP0335360 EP0335683 EP0339278 EP0377931 EP0390138 EP0390545 EP0390549 EP0390564 EP0391469 EP0391473 EP0394698 EP0454610 EP0457704 EP0522008 EP0553079 EP0563840 EP0563861 EP0564207 EP0564210 EP0565403 EP0566436 EP0568811 EP0575708 EP0580950 EP0580951 EP0580952 EP0586672 EP0586674 EP0617956 EP0617968 EP0618212 EP0618463 EP0618546 EP0618718 EP0619404 EP0619431 EP0620534 EP0626412 EP0633922 EP0634032 EP0635053 EP0642690 EP0648051 EP0673941 EP0674917 EP0674918 EP0675065 EP0675091 EP0675370 EP0675379 EP0676731 EP0676764 EP0676784 EP0679513 EP0683715 EP0692052 EP0699052 EP0708450 EP0734764 EP0734811 EP0734939 EP0735057 EP0735102 EP0735160

Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026


29 Mar - cont EP0735285 EP0735433 EP0735574 EP0735575 EP0736377 EP0736384 EP0736451 EP0736501 EP0736578 EP0736738 EP0737763 EP0738916 EP0751867 EP0755185 EP0755422 EP0755611 EP0776246 EP0781878 EP0789118 EP0817570 EP0817760 EP0817769 EP0817795 EP0818123 EP0820200 EP0853431 EP0862587 EP0867576 EP0891244 EP0897480 EP0963062 EP0984701 EP0987092 EP1050408 EP1066597 EP1079973 EP1165498 EP1165883 EP1169173 EP1181649 30 MAR 2004 EP0245936 EP0261232 EP0285141 EP0285401 EP0285402 EP0286306 EP0286307 EP0286316 EP0288168 EP0289144 EP0311671 EP0336290 EP0336639 EP0336822 EP0339701 EP0352295 EP0354212 EP0390295 EP0390595 EP0390600 EP0390607 EP0396437

30 Mar - cont EP0396439 EP0396896 EP0405061 EP0417265 EP0422243 EP0465600 EP0486070 EP0506491 EP0506987 EP0507231 EP0507402 EP0507535 EP0508257 EP0508262 EP0508520 EP0511037 EP0547730 EP0563907 EP0575712 EP0579702 EP0583258 EP0587908 EP0603993 EP0618238 EP0618574 EP0618586 EP0618611 EP0619212 EP0619558 EP0619566 EP0619606 EP0620551 EP0626403 EP0633872 EP0635184 EP0670453 EP0675404 EP0675488 EP0682203 EP0683122 EP0683449 EP0691885 EP0692056 EP0692155 EP0692962 EP0693099 EP0695201 EP0702222 EP0708883 EP0735459 EP0770164 EP0796431 EP0817863 EP0869291 EP0869516 EP0869595 EP0877273 EP0947277 EP0947505 EP0947787 EP0948040 EP0967598 EP0972242 EP0984287

30 Mar - cont EP0986842 EP1041115 EP1044617 EP1068062 EP1068627 EP1089859 EP1171968 EP1175256 EP1182928


Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026

17 November 2004

European Patents expired

This index lists European Patents designating the United Kingdom as a Contracting State which have expired after termination of 20 years. The entries are arranged in blocks according to the date of expiry and in ascending publication number order within each block. 22 Oct 2004 - 28 Oct 2004 (Inclusive)

22 OCT 2004 GB2149550 GB2150814 GB2151085 GB2151867 23 OCT 2004 GB2150392 GB2150434 GB2165872 GB2334323 24 OCT 2004 GB2150393 GB2150394 GB2150395 GB2150499 GB2150751 GB2166222 GB2166463 25 OCT 2004 GB2148907 GB2149050 GB2149514 GB2150127 GB2150314 GB2151354 GB2166175 28 OCT 2004 GB2149001 GB2151223

17 November 2004

Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026


UK Patents ceased
This index lists UK patents which have ceased through non-payment of renewal fees. The entries are arranged in blocks according to the date of ceasing and in ascending publication number order within each block.

24 Mar 2004 - 30 Mar 2004 (Inclusive)

24 MAR 2004 GB2188266 GB2188280 GB2188781 GB2189740 GB2190510 GB2254620 GB2271071 GB2272494 GB2276632 GB2276793 GB2287918 GB2288279 GB2288280 GB2288281 GB2288282 GB2288283 GB2288293 GB2292027 GB2299121 GB2311707 GB2311729 GB2311817 GB2323531 GB2330480 GB2335437 GB2335714 GB2348479 GB2348516 GB2348648 GB2349983 GB2360463 GB2360605 GB2360676 GB2362752 GB2363530 GB2365964 25 MAR 2004 GB2173466 GB2175409 GB2202800 GB2205529 GB2265423 GB2272136 GB2274909 GB2276452 GB2276507 GB2280431 GB2288103 GB2299112 GB2299491 GB2300792 GB2311602

25 Mar - cont GB2311616 GB2312432 GB2323702 GB2335438 GB2335605 GB2335826 GB2340938 GB2348191 GB2348245 GB2348246 GB2361897 26 MAR 2004 GB2156763 GB2172940 GB2173652 GB2174090 GB2174951 GB2175576 GB2188253 GB2232542 GB2246112 GB2254053 GB2265678 GB2268110 GB2276317 GB2300112 GB2311786 GB2313282 GB2313307 GB2323583 GB2335691 GB2335798 GB2353880 GB2375622 27 MAR 2004 GB2242516 GB2242898 GB2243103 GB2254157 GB2254732 GB2276434 GB2278443 GB2287719 GB2294103 GB2299258 GB2299846 GB2301886 GB2311570 GB2323581 GB2323671 GB2323713

27 Mar - cont GB2325540 GB2325541 GB2325542 GB2325763 GB2325764 GB2329448 GB2332260 GB2336027 GB2338403 28 MAR 2004 GB2156754 GB2204277 GB2206060 GB2207489 GB2229641 GB2230284 GB2232012 GB2242423 GB2242734 GB2249511 GB2254119 GB2254121 GB2254469 GB2257219 GB2274839 GB2277643 GB2287911 GB2287920 GB2287921 GB2287943 GB2288241 GB2291292 GB2316076 GB2316077 GB2325544 GB2344611 GB2349104 GB2353795 GB2360764 GB2360884 29 MAR 2004 GB2156407 GB2157020 GB2157787 GB2203399 GB2215976 GB2217664 GB2266692 GB2277157 GB2287901 GB2288109

29 Mar - cont GB2299630 GB2299803 GB2300595 GB2307501 GB2311504 GB2311693 GB2314064 GB2335899 GB2350871 30 MAR 2004 GB2203553 GB2203629 GB2217953 GB2242452 GB2256179 GB2265682 GB2265712 GB2266633 GB2288383 GB2288486 GB2288487 GB2288498 GB2289710 GB2289794 GB2292292 GB2299368 GB2303185 GB2316142 GB2316293 GB2327082 GB2351611 GB2360823 GB2360829


Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026

17 November 2004

UK Patents expired
This index lists UK patents which have expired after termination of 20 years. The entries are arranged in blocks according to the date of expiry and in ascending publication number order within each block.

22 Oct 2004 - 28 Oct 2004 (Inclusive)

22 OCT 2004 GB2149550 GB2150814 GB2151085 GB2151867 23 OCT 2004 GB2150392 GB2150434 GB2165872 GB2334323 24 OCT 2004 GB2150393 GB2150394 GB2150395 GB2150499 GB2150751 GB2166222 GB2166463 25 OCT 2004 GB2148907 GB2149050 GB2149514 GB2150127 GB2150314 GB2151354 GB2166175 28 OCT 2004 GB2149001 GB2151223

17 November 2004

Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026


Other Proceedings under the Patents Act 1977

Section 13 Mention of Inventor
Application for inventor to be mentioned under Section 13(1)
Application led GB 2345714 ASPHALT SYSTEMS INTERNATIONAL LIMITED System for repairing bituminous wearing courses. Application for a person to be mentioned as inventor under Section 13(1) by Asphalt Systems International Limited led on 25 November 2004 GB 2352750 ASPHALT SYSTEMS INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Composition for rejuvenating bituminous wearing courses. Application for a person to be mentioned as inventor under Section 13(1) by Asphalt Systems International Limited led on 25 November 2004

Section 28 Restoration of Ceased Patents

This list relates to applications for the restoration of ceased patents. For further information contact +44 (0)1633 814788. The date included with each entry is the effective date that the application was led, withdrawn, refused or allowed.

Application for restoration led

18 October 2004 EP 0295837 INVENTIONS, INC. Customer account online servicing system. 21 October 2004 EP 0384941 NORSK HYDRO A.S. A exible container with improved bottom and top. 18 October 2004 EP 0460816 INVENTIONS, INC. Method and apparatus for dynamic and interdependent processing of inbound calls and outbound calls EP 0515068 INVENTIONS, INC. Automated voice system for improving agent efciency and for improving service to parties on hold 14 October 2004 EP 0548973 OSI SPECIALTIES, INC. Inhibited epoxysilanes

Application under Section 13(3) for a person not to be mentioned as inventor

Application led GB 2345714 ASPHALT SYSTEMS INTERNATIONAL LIMITED System for repairing bituminous wearing courses. Application for a person not to be mentioned as inventor under Section 13(3) by Asphalt Systems International Limited led on 25 November 2004 GB 2352750 ASPHALT SYSTEMS INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Composition for rejuvenating bituminous wearing courses. Application for a person not to be mentioned as inventor under Section 13(3) by Asphalt Systems International Limited led on 25 November 2004

12 October 2004 EP 0636054 ALU-MAC A/S METHOD FOR THE EXTRUSION OF METAL OR PLASTIC PROFILES AND APPARATUS FOR WORKING METHOD 20 October 2004 GB 2326678 RAOS, JACK D Sucker rod pump actuating device 22 October 2004 GB 2350520 protocol CELESTICA LIMITED Communications

Application to amend the specification of a patent (under Section 27 and Section 75) Section 27
Application Filed Application(s) made for Amendment of Specication
The details of the amendments proposed, which may now be inspected at the Patent Ofce, will be advertised later (unless the application is abandoned); the application will then be open to opposition. The date included in the entry is the date of ling of the application. GB 2369642 TEMPAKERB LTD Kerb 6 August 2004.

Application for restoration allowed

21 October 2004 GB 2331178 DPSS LASERS INC. Intra-cavity tripled solid state diode pumped laser GB 2356487 DPSS LASERS INC. Intra-cavity tripled solid state diode pumped laser

Application determined Section 27: Application to amend withdrawn/not proceeded with/refused

EP 0889508 INFINEON TECHNOLOGIES AG Process for the dry etching of an electrode structure. Application to amend the specication under section 27 led on 17 February 2004 withdrawn on 20 October

Other Proceedings - cont

Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026

17 November 2004

Section 30 Transactions in Patents and Applications

This list relates to unpublished applications and shows changes to the applicants name or to the ownership of the application. For further information contact +44 (0)1633 814630.

GB0323442.4 New Applicant (s) Symbian Software Limited Old Applicant (s) Symbian Limited

GB0313942.5 New Applicant (s) GDX NORTH AMERICA INC. Old Applicant (s) GenCorp Property, Inc. GB0323906.8 New Applicant (s) University of Leeds, The Old Applicant (s) Bandara, Palitha GB0318008.0 New Applicant (s) GDX NORTH AMERICA INC. Old Applicant (s) GenCorp Property, Inc. GB0324752.5 New Applicant (s) Iommex Limited Old Applicant (s) Batish, Anil GB0322120.7 New Applicant (s) ORBITAL2 LIMITED Old Applicant (s) Hicks, R J GB0326623.6 New Applicant (s) GDX NORTH AMERICA INC. Old Applicant (s) GenCorp Property, Inc. GB0322716.2 New Applicant (s) Symbian Software Limited Old Applicant (s) Symbian Limited GB0326776.2 New Applicant (s) GDX NORTH AMERICA INC. Old Applicant (s) GenCorp Property, Inc. GB0323439.0 New Applicant (s) Symbian Software Limited Old Applicant (s) Symbian Limited GB0328266.2 New Applicant (s) Siemens Plc Old Applicant (s) Siemens Power Generation Ltd GB0323440.8 New Applicant (s) Symbian Software Limited Old Applicant (s) Symbian Limited GB0329888.2 New Applicant (s) GDX NORTH AMERICA INC.

17 November 2004
Other Proceedings - cont

Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026


Old Applicant (s) GenCorp Property, Inc.

GB0405309.6 New Applicant (s) GDX NORTH AMERICA INC. Old Applicant (s) GenCorp Property, Inc.

GB0400804.1 New Applicant (s) Merkus, Franciscus W H Old Applicant (s) Innoscience Technology BV

GB0406964.7 New Applicant (s) MAS DESIGN PRODUCTS LIMITED Old Applicant (s) Sanders, Mark A

GB0400869.4 New Applicant (s) GDX NORTH AMERICA INC. Old Applicant (s) GenCorp Property, Inc.

GB0411078.9 New Applicant (s) Syngenta Participations AG Syngenta Ltd Old Applicant (s) Syngenta Participations AG

GB0401756.2 New Applicant (s) GDX NORTH AMERICA INC. Old Applicant (s) GenCorp Property, Inc.

GB0419420.5 New Applicant (s) Syngenta Participations AG Syngenta Ltd Old Applicant (s) Syngenta Participations AG

GB0403476.5 New Applicant (s) Medical Research Council Old Applicant (s) Medical Research Council Technology

Section 32 Register of Patents etc.

Amendments to the Register in respect of changes of name or changes affecting rights. For further information contact +44 (0)1633 814630. 21 OCT 2004 To 27 OCT 2004 Inclusive EP0235986 EP0280348 EP0282919 EP0288756 EP0304592 EP0325830 EP0332534 EP0332534 EP0352048 EP0409549 EP0409732 EP0409732 EP0420617 EP0448413 EP0460792 EP0465338 EP0486163 EP0488326 EP0496342 EP0497048 EP0517471 EP0536758 EP0573084 EP0587428 EP0602892 EP0618668 EP0625173 EP0639558 EP0643847 EP0675936

GB0404801.3 New Applicant (s) Syngenta Participations AG Syngenta Ltd Old Applicant (s) Syngenta Participations AG

GB0404804.7 New Applicant (s) GDX NORTH AMERICA INC. Old Applicant (s) GenCorp Property, Inc.

Other Proceedings - cont

Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026

17 November 2004

EP0691231 EP0704834 EP0705164 EP0728077 EP0730339 EP0747265 EP0752750 EP0757631 EP0763392 EP0794731 EP0811472 EP0814304 EP0818415 EP0847291 EP0850152 EP0851966 EP0865947 EP0867916 EP0885698 EP0890551 EP0901008 EP0918065 EP0918962 EP0919983 EP0927162 EP0945229 EP0951971 EP0980338 EP0980338 EP0981752 EP0988915 EP0991899 EP1007773 EP1018476 EP1023480 EP1038711 EP1040739 EP1046473 EP1063305 EP1073520 EP1082285 EP1088643 EP1136197 EP1138978 EP1227824 EP1234483 EP1248767 GB2172692 GB2181698 GB2184398 GB2186485 GB2198773 GB2200390 GB2212844 GB2215762 GB2220969 GB2227779 GB2229702 GB2233377 GB2237836 GB2238339 GB2238819 GB2241143 GB2241571

GB2247487 GB2255523 GB2258185 GB2265221 GB2267527 GB2272058 GB2272469 GB2272618 GB2273086 GB2273951 GB2273952 GB2275712 GB2276059 GB2277620 GB2281836 GB2282848 GB2283375 GB2283809 GB2285471 GB2285612 GB2286416 GB2287337 GB2293191 GB2294284 GB2294964 GB2297412 GB2298070 GB2300444 GB2300944 GB2300945 GB2300997 GB2301899 GB2301900 GB2301961 GB2302751 GB2304772 GB2304773 GB2308417 GB2309994 GB2310877 GB2312460 GB2312518 GB2314364 GB2314378 GB2315893 GB2317189 GB2317214 GB2318385 GB2319294 GB2321266 GB2321268 GB2321488 GB2325552 GB2326697 GB2327698 GB2327699 GB2328318 GB2330254 GB2331266 GB2331627 GB2335028 GB2335310 GB2340661 GB2340662

GB2340924 GB2341880 GB2341981 GB2342113 GB2342947 GB2343906 GB2344406 GB2345311 GB2345594 GB2346553 GB2347202 GB2348232 GB2349666 GB2350178 GB2350640 GB2353553 GB2356195 GB2362415 GB2362601 GB2362602 GB2363285 GB2367611 GB2370291 GB2370307 GB2372529 GB2373567

GB2374622 GB2378206 GB2378207 GB2378208 GB2378449 GB2378455 GB2378478 GB2378680 GB2381849 GB2382950 GB2383348 GB2385336 GB2388866 GB2390387 GB2390628 GB2393751 GB2393752 GB2394925 GB2395496 GB2395511 GB2395973 GB2396326 GB2396397 GB2397813 GB2398267 GB2399852

Section 46 Licences of Right

Licence of Right Endorsement under Section 46(1)
The patents listed below have been endorsed Licences of Right in the Register with effect from the dates specied. Annual fees on these patents are payable at half the full rate and any person is entitled as of right to a licence under any such patent. Any person who claims that the proprietor or the patent is, or was at the time of entry, precluded by a contract in which the claimant is interested from granting licences under the patent may, within 2 months after the making of the relevant entry, apply to the Comptroller for cancellation of the entry. For further information contact +44 (0)1633 814656. 25 OCT 2004 EP0932104 DEUTSCHE THOMSONBRANDT GMBH Method and apparatus for transferring bidirectionally data between an IEEE 1394 bus and a device 26 OCT 2004 EP1071283 THOMSON LICENSING S.A. Video processing apparatus and method for allowing rating level control of the viewing of several programs displayed simultaneously 25 OCT 2004 EP1103064 KONINKLIJKE PHILIPS ELECTRONICS N.V. ELECTRIC LAMP AND ELECTRIC LAMP/REFLECTOR UNIT 26 OCT 2004 EP1177707 THOMSON LICENSING S.A. CENTRALIZING OF A SPATIALLY EXPANDED STEREOPHONIC AUDIO IMAGE

17 November 2004
Other Proceedings - cont

Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026


25 OCT 2004 EP1271966 THOMSON LICENSING S.A. Method and device for processing video frames for stereoscopic display 26 OCT 2004 GB2355922 JONES, JULIA Garment hanger

Rule 110 Alteration of Time Limits

Extension Application
GB 0207622.2 MPUNGA, FRANCIS Vacuum cleaner previously announced as terminated in the Patents and Designs Journal dated 02 DEC 2003. Application for extension of the period(s) prescribed by Rule(s) 25(2) led on 25 OCT 2004. GB 0310544.2 SANDISON, GEORGE O SWITCHS WAP LTD Light switch cover system Application for extension of the period(s) prescribed by Rule(s) 15(1) led on 19 OCT 2004. GB 0311284.4 HADJCO 259 LIMITED Panel mounting arrangement previously announced as terminated in the Patents and Designs Journal dated 11 AUG 2004. Application for extension of the period(s) prescribed by Rule(s) 25(2) led on 30 SEP 2004. GB 0313614.0 HADJCO 259 LIMITED A fastening assembly Application for extension of the period(s) prescribed by Rule(s) 25(2) led on 30 SEP 2004. GB 0313616.5 HADJCO 259 LIMITED Improvements in or relating to a support framework for a conservatory roof Application for extension of the period(s) prescribed by Rule(s) 25(2) led on 30 SEP 2004. GB 0315880.5 HATTON, MALCOLM W The message cap Application for extension of the period(s) prescribed by Rule(s) 25(2) led on 20 AUG 2004.

Section 89A (6) Requests for publication of translation

Application Number: Applicant(s) Name: GB 0421452.4 Koei Chemical Co Ltd

PCT Application Number: PCT/JP2003/003568 PCT Publication Number: WO 2003/080575 Application Number: Applicant(s) Name: GB 0422268.3 Telair International AB

PCT Application Number: PCT/EP2003/002494 PCT Publication Number: WO 2003/076267 Application Number: Applicant(s) Name: GB 0422309.5 Chafose Corporation

PCT Application Number: PCT/JP2002/003634 PCT Publication Number: WO 2003/084365

Section 117 Correction of Errors in Patents and Applications

Request made for Correction of Error
In the event that the Comptroller requires notice of the proposed correction to be advertised in accordance with Rule 91(3) then details of the proposed correction will be advertised later. EP 1181907 HEINZ KURZ GMBH MEDIZINTECHNIK Auditory ossicles prosthesis. Request for correction under Section 117 led on 29 July 2004

Extension Allowed
GB2350595 GB9912765.6 HOOPER, RICHARD PRECIOUS, DAVID J Floating container-Floating planter Period(s) prescribed by Rule(s) 34 extended under Rule 110(6) in accordance with the decision of the Comptroller dated 04 OCT 2004. The patent/application is reinstated subject to special terms for third party interests. GB0329438.6 ROM GROUP LIMITED Transport apparatus Period(s) prescribed by Rule(s) 15(1) extended under Rule 110(6) in accordance with the decision of the Comptroller dated 01 OCT 2004.

Case decided by the Comptroller

Corrections Allowed EP 0770768 TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI KAISHA Device for evaluating catalyst performance deterioration. Request for correction under Section 117 led on 5 December 2003 allowed on 20 October 2004 EP 0906078 ERIC F BERNSTEIN Topical use of tempol in the prevention of photoaging. Request for correction under Section 117 led on 11 February 2004 allowed on 20 October 2004


Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026

17 November 2004

Proceedings under EC Regulations 1768/92 and 1610/96

Supplementary Protection Certificates for Medicinal Products and Plant Protection Products, respectively
These entries include details of all proceedings relating to Supplementary Protection Certicates. Applications for Supplementary Protection Certicates are numbered in a single yearly sequence commencing SPC/GB93/001 covering both medicinal and plant protection products and the same number is retained for the granted certicate. Proceedings are open to public inspection but the granted certicate is not separately published. The entries are grouped in categories according to the type of proceedings. Within each category the entries are arranged in alphabetical order according to the name of the applicant for, or holder of, the certicate and provide the following information; the name and address of the applicant or holder; the product in respect of which the certicate has been applied for or granted; the product type; ie. Medicinal or Plant Protection; the number and date of the rst authorisation under Directive 65/65/EEC or Directive 81/851/EEC to place the product on the market as a medicinal product in the United Kingdom or the number and date of the rst authorisation under Article 4 of Directive 91/414/EEC or an equivalent provision of national law to place the product on the market as a plant protection product in the United Kingdom; where relevant, the country; number and date of the rst authorisation to place the product on the market in the European Community; the number and title of the basic UK patent or European patent (UK) which protects the product; and the number of the application or certicate. The entries will also state as appropriate: the ling date of the application; the date of grant or rejection of the application; the maximum period of the granted certicate; the effective period of the certicate on entry into force; and the date of lapse or invalidity of the certicate. There follows three examples of entries under these proceedings. The rst relates to a new application for a certicate based on a European patent designating the United Kingdom and having rst authorisation of the product in the United Kingdom. The second example relates to a certicate granted based, once again, on a European patent designating the United Kingdom but with the rst product authorisation in the EEC in Denmark. The third refers to a certicate entering into force based on a United Kingdom patent with rst product authorisation in the EEC in Belgium. Example 1: Applications for Certicates Filed (71) Ohmeda Pharmaceutical Products Division Inc. 110 Allen Road, Liberty Corner, NJ 07938 USA (95) Product: 2-(D i f l u o r o m e t h o x y )-1 , 1 , 1 ,2tetrauoroethane (Desuane) Product Type: Medicinal (92) Authorised: UK 0022/0120 19 July 1993 (68) Patent No: EP(UK) 0285237 (54) 2(Diuoromethoxy)-1,1,1,2tetrauoroethane as an anaesthetic (21) SPC/GB93/175 (22) Lodged: 24 December 1993 Example 2: Certicates Granted (73) Aktiebolaget Hassle Karagatan 5,S-431 83 Molndal, Sweden (95) Product: Felodipine Product Type: Medicinal (92) Authorised: UK 0017/0235-0236 15 November 1993 (93) DK 6499 21 January 1988 (68) Patent No: EP(UK) 0007293 (54) 2,6-dimethyl-4-(2,3dichlorophenyl)-1,4-dihydropyridine-3,5dicarboxylic acid-3-methyl ester-5-ethyl ester having hypotensive properties, process for its preparation and pharmaceutical preparations containing it. (11) SPC/GB93/134 Date Granted: 14 January 1994 (94) Maximum period expires: 20 January 2003 Example 3: Certicates entered into force (73) American Cyanamid Company Burden Avenue, Township of Wayne, State of NewJersey 06904, United States of America (95) Product: Felbinac (4-biphenyl acetic acid) Product Type: Medicinal (92) Authorised: UK 0095/0119 28 October 1988 (93) BE 536 1S 91 F 7 21 June 1988 (68) Patent No: GB 1402691(54) Compositions of 4Biphenyl Acetic Acid (11) SPC/GB93/151 (24) Date entered into force 7 September 1993 (94) Effective period expires 6 September 1998

BIOGEN, INC. 14 Cambridge Centre, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02142, USA HEALTH RESEARCH INCORPORATED 66 Hacket Boulevard 3rd Floor, Albany, NY 12209, USA Product: Product Type: Authorised: Patent: Bivalirudin Medicinal


Date Lodged:

19 October 2004

TT Pharmaceuticals Inc 2-6 Nihonbashi-honcho, 103-8405, Japan Product: Product Type: Beractant Medicinal UK 0037/0218 DE 18348.00.00 03February1993 25 October 1989 2-Chome, Chuo-Ku, Tokyo

UK EU/1/04/289/001

20 September 2004 Authorised:

EP(UK) 0489070, Novel Inhibitors of Thrombin

17 November 2004

Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026


Proceedings under Council Regulation (EEC) 1768/92 - cont

Patent :

GB 2050832, Surface active material, a method of preparation and pharmaceutical compositions there of for use in the treatment of hyline-membrane disease Date Expired: 24 October 2004



Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026

17 November 2004

Proceedings under the Registered Designs Act 1949

Certificates of Registration issued

Week Ending 27 October 2004
The details of designs in this list as well as previously registered designs, are open to public inspection, details of which may be inspected without provision of a copy, free of charge at The Patent Ofce, Designs Registry, Newport, South Wales NP10 8QQ or at the London Front Ofce at Harmsworth House, 13-15 Bouverie St, London EC4Y 8DP.

Restrictions Designs registered for wallpaper or lace are not available for public inspection until two years after the date of grant and for textiles 3 years, after the date of grant. Any enquiries about designs registered prior to 1965 should be addressed to the Public Record Ofce, Ruskin Avenue, Kew, Richmond, Surrey TW9 4FU. Other Design Publications Designs in View Designs in View is an illustrated journal, published weekly. The journal contains a selected image of each design recently granted, along with the following information for each design: Design number Date of grant Statement of article Proprietor(s) name(s) Registration date Locarno classication

Copies of the Designs Register entry and representations of the registered design may be obtained from the date on which the Certicate of Registration is issued (Grant Date), on payment of a fee of 5. Photographic copies, where reproduction is from a large or coloured specimen or a photograph that will not effectively photocopy, may be obtainable exceptionally at market price.

Alternatively the Register of Designs and registered representations may be inspected on The Patent Ofce web site at:

Clicking on the Database Services button on the home page will display services available of which the following relate to Designs.

Design Status Information Service

Designs in View can be ordered from: The Patent Ofce (Sales), Concept House, Cardiff Road, Newport, South Wales

Displays the Register entry for each design number input.

Designs Image Search Service

Displays all registered representations and a brief register extract for each registered design. Designs can be searched and examined by proprietor, classication or design number.

NP10 8QQ Designs Registry Enquiries

No fee is charged for the use of either of the above database services. Burke, Peter Rugby board game 07 JUL 2004 3017973 Byfield, Audra E and Medwynter, Philip E Stay fresh resealable seal system 14 JUL 2004 07 MAY 2004 08 JUL 2004 3018081 3017219 3018031 GP Acoustics (UK) Limited Loudspeaker Hammerton, John V Chimney pot cowl

Phone: 08459 500 505 e-mail: Lambri, Peter and Lambri, Yiannis Cube tweeter box 08 JUL 2004 Cheese tweeter box 3017968 3018023 3014197 20 JUL 2004 3018131 3017978

Henkel Kommanditgesellschaft auf Aktien Tape dispenser 05 JUL 2004 Tape dispenser 05 JUL 2004 09 JUL 2004 Kingcraft Limited A support 28 AUG 2003 Hon Technology Inc. Chair frame 3017967

Lambri, Yiannis See Lambri, Peter Maddock, John V Weed wiper hinge 22 APR 2004 3017041

17 November 2004
Certicates of Registration issued - cont Matsushita Electric Works Ltd and Procter & Gamble Company, The Sprayer 24 SEP 2003 3014526 Sprayer 24 SEP 2003 3014532 Sprayer cartridge 24 SEP 2003 3014534 McEwen, Malcolm J A layout for an educational garden 25 AUG 2004 3017339 Medwynter, Philip E See Byfield, Audra E Moffatt, Michael Floor/tabletop game 13 AUG 2003 3014042 Newlong Industrial Company Limited Sewing machine head 14 JUL 2004 3018082 Procter & Gamble Company, The See Matsushita Electric Works Ltd Reckitt Benckiser (UK) Limited Blister pack 15 NOV 2003 3015203 Roger Cleveland Golf Company Inc Iron-type golf club head 08 APR 2004 3016920 Wedge-type golf club head 08 APR 2004 3016921 Saika Technological Institute Foundation Cartridge for use in chromatography 17 MAY 2004 3017345 Cartridge for use in chromatography 17 MAY 2004 3017346 Simply Online Services Ltd Web:printed matter:logo 19 NOV 2003 3015272 Solus Garden and Leisure Ltd Garden outdoor water feature 23 JAN 2004 3015904 Tempestivo Ltd Convert recycle dustbin 09 JUN 2004 3017598 Theodore, Janet A Babies pants/ inserts 13 AUG 2004 3017481 Thompson, James A Building blocks for sea defences 19 MAY 2004 3017384 Tri/Mark Corporation A handle 06 MAY 2004 3017204 Warner-Lambert Company LLC Pill dispenser 12 NOV 2003 3015164 White, George Garden ornaments 21 JUL 2004 3018167 GRANTED ON 25 OCTOBER 2004 Ball, Jason P Working aid 19 MAY 2004 3017372 Beaumont TM Limited Measured quantity liquid dispenser 19 NOV 2003 3015239 Black & Decker Inc. Impact driver 29 JUN 2004 3017860

Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026


Brady, Herold V and Fraser, Hayden T Stand for paintball gun 18 SEP 2003 3014457 Brough, Stephen M A lamp/retro lamps 13 MAY 2003 3012697 Carpenter, Patrick Designer radiator cover 11 SEP 2003 3014400 Chamberlain Group, Inc., The Barrier movement operator housing 17 JUN 2004 3017722 Barrier movement operator housing 17 JUN 2004 3017723 Eco Diffusion, SARL Hand towel 04 JUN 2004 3017550 Hand towel 04 JUN 2004 3017552 Hand towel 04 JUN 2004 3017553 Hand towel 04 JUN 2004 3017554 Hand towel 04 JUN 2004 3017555 Hand towel 04 JUN 2004 3017556 Hand towel 04 JUN 2004 3017557 Hand towel 04 JUN 2004 3017558 Fraser, Hayden T See Brady, Herold V GET Plc Plug extensions 02 AUG 2004 3018288 Plug extensions 02 AUG 2004 3018289 Plug extensions 02 AUG 2004 3018290 Plug extensions 02 AUG 2004 3018291 Plug extensions 02 AUG 2004 3018292 Gibson Guitar Corporation Audio system 05 JUL 2004 3017952 Hon Technology Inc. Chair arm 25 JUN 2004 3017837 Chair 29 JUL 2004 3018257 Jarvis Fastline Limited A roller 30 MAR 2004 3016767 Kirk, Peter J Board for a game 11 NOV 2003 3015113 Mainetti (UK) Limited Garment hanger 30 JUN 2004 3017875 Northumbria Blow Mouldings Ltd Nesting trigger spray bottle 26 JUL 2004 3018231 PAC International Ltd PAC panel reader, a radio based proximity identification, reader, for gaining authorised entry to an area 17 JUN 2004 3017713 Palmer, Emma Raincover for twin pushchair 13 MAR 2004 3016595 Procter & Gamble Company, The Scoop 27 AUG 2003 3014200

Reckitt Benckiser (UK) Limited Insert 15 NOV 2003 3015204 Smith, Wendy A Cards/papercraft packaging/gift card 08 MAY 2004 3017239 Tiradores Egoki SA Handles and knobs for furniture 13 JUL 2004 3018050 TOD'S S.p.A. Bracelet 02 JUL 2004 3017947 Bracelet 02 JUL 2004 3017948 Bracelet 02 JUL 2004 3017949 Warner-Lambert Company LLC Pill dispenser 04 NOV 2003 3015024 Whitehouse, Sidney A H Putting practice aid 01 SEP 2004 3018604 GRANTED ON 26 OCTOBER 2004 Chang, Tzu-Yun Water spray gun 29 SEP 2004 3018910 Chao, Wen-Hsin Transformer 29 SEP 2004 3018908 Chatterton, Helen M Cushion cover (or other textile products such as throws, hangings, bags or scarves) 27 SEP 2004 3018865 Diapo Limited Staircase 25 SEP 2004 3018850 Hoang, Kaya Bowl 22 SEP 2004 3018817 Ikon Footwear Limited A shoe sole 25 SEP 2004 3018849 Jessett, David C 'Gravel traps' with 'grass' border, tyre walls and safety fencing for toy racing circuits 28 SEP 2004 3018878 Juniper Brand Development Limited Bottle 23 SEP 2004 3018841 Kilton Limited Bottle 23 SEP 2004 3018840 Mainwaring, Guy Chair 27 SEP 2004 3018871 Morrison, Howard Multi-functional furniture 29 SEP 2004 3018909 Now Group Plc Kitchen cupboard door 28 SEP 2004 3018875 Omega Plc Furniture door 08 OCT 2004 3018998 Paul Smith Limited An icon 08 OCT 2004 3019021 Pentel Kabushiki Kaisha A mechanical pencil 07 OCT 2004 3019019 A marking pen 07 OCT 2004 3019020

Certicates of Registration issued - cont Sabichi Homewares Ltd Dinnerware 23 SEP 2004 3018818 Dinnerware 23 SEP 2004 3018819 Storey, John Bird deterrent device 28 SEP 2004 3018886 Troy Innovations Ltd Silver plasma screen wall mount 28 SEP 2004 3018872 GRANTED ON 27 OCTOBER 2004 Acres Gaming Incorporated A display 20 JUL 2004 3018157 Adam Fire Surrounds Ltd Fire suite 14 SEP 2004 3017028 Fire suite 22 APR 2004 3017029 Fire suite 22 APR 2004 3017031 Adams, Colin and Morris, Simon Pva rig 08 SEP 2004 3018671 Allmand-Smith Limited A threshold sill 02 OCT 2004 3018946 B-Tech International Ltd Flatscreen TV wall mount with tilt facility 29 SEP 2004 3018889 Flatscreen TV wall mount 29 SEP 2004 3018913 Bayne-Powell, Olando and Livingstone-Smith, Nicole Folding, heated, horse rug drier 04 MAY 2004 3017173 Burrows Golf LLC A golf club head 19 JUL 2004 3018132 Golf club head 19 JUL 2004 3018133 Golf club head 19 JUL 2004 3018134 Chorlton, Katherine J 2 in 1 polo shirt 01 JUL 2004 3017934 Clarkson, Elizabeth J Collectable figurines called 'gomokos' 17 AUG 2004 3018440 Comtech Holdings Limited Magic messenger 25 JUN 2004 3017802 Cox, Yvonne Canine front supporting/walking harness 12 AUG 2004 3018414 Fenwick, Amanda J A interactive dog toy 14 SEP 2004 3018730

Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026

17 November 2004

Kado Industrial Company Limited A container 06 OCT 2004 3018988 Kenford Industrial Co Ltd Hair dressing device 10 SEP 2004 3018685 Hair dressing device 10 SEP 2004 3018686 Hairdryer 10 SEP 2004 3018687 Hairdryer 10 SEP 2004 3018688 Kuo, Jen-Tsu Festive decoration 04 OCT 2004 3018966 Leon Paul Equipment Co Ltd Bayonet foil socket 12 AUG 2004 3018395 Livingstone-Smith, Nicole See Bayne-Powell, Olando Lu-Hilson, Mark The luve handle original extended reach showerhead and body exfoliator 12 MAY 2004 3017278 Moore, Ruth E 'Bootcut chaps' laced front bootcut chaps 18 OCT 2003 3014825 'Bootcut chaps' fur bootcut chaps (with optional detachable knee pads) 18 OCT 2003 3014826 'Bootcut chaps' side laced bootcut chaps with optional detachable knee pads) 18 OCT 2003 3014827 Morris, Simon See Adams, Colin Multibrands International Ltd Logo 20 APR 2004 3017015 Logo 20 APR 2004 3017016 Fluorodyne toothpaste box 02 SEP 2004 3018681 Fabron washpowder box 20 APR 2004 3018682 Fabron washpowder box 20 APR 2004 3018683 Fluorodyne toothpaste box 20 APR 2004 3018684 Nolan, Paul J Bath storage panel 19 AUG 2004 3018462 Omega SA (Omega AG) (Omega Ltd) Pendant 02 SEP 2004 3018621 Pendant 02 SEP 2004 3018622 Earring 02 SEP 2004 3018623 Pendant 02 SEP 2004 3018624

Parish, Kevin Educational card game 09 SEP 2004 3018679 Parsons, Stephen H A clamp 01 OCT 2004 3018938 S & S Supplies (London) Limited L.E.D. flashing crystal spinning ball 24 AUG 2004 3018506 L.E.D. flashing spinning sword 24 AUG 2004 3018507 Sen Fung Rollform Machinery Corp Die for encaustic metal tile 05 OCT 2004 3018976 Stokes, Oliver B Drinking cup 22 JUL 2004 3018172 Stronghold Security Products Limited Trailer hitch lock 29 SEP 2004 3018888 Summers, Allison Garden secateurs 10 JUL 2004 3018035

Proceedings under Section 8A of the Registered Designs Act 1949

Application made for restoration of Design Number 2080608
Widget Manufacturing Co. Ltd, The Widget wedge (golf club head)

Application made for restoration of Design Number 2084097

Widget Manufacturing Co. Ltd, The Iron golf club head

Restoration made by Order of Registrar 2079005

Germans Boada, S.A. Cutting device

Proceedings under Section 11(2) of the Registered Designs Act 1949

Cancellation of Design Number 3013797
Glopac Limited A bag

Cancellation of Design Number 3002929

Stealthcraft Limited Boat

17 November 2004
Certicates of Registration issued - cont

Patents and Designs Journal No. 6026


Designs extended
The designs listed below have been renewed for further periods of ve years each, by payment of the appropriate fee. Second period 2079005 2085688 2086852 2086870 2087292 2087320 2087424 2087490 2087504 2087564 2087570 2087594 2087595 2087596 2087597 2087599 2087600 2087613 2087615 2087643 2087644 2087645 2087646 2087647 2087648 2087649 2087653 2087669 2087671 2087672 2087674 2087693 2087702 2087703 2087747 2087753 2087791 2087792 2087797 2087809 2087842 2087843 2087844 2087845 2087846 2087847 2087854 2087985 2087986 2087987 2088015 2088016 2088065 2088066 2088143 2088245 Third period 0601364 0601507 2039100 2039101 2039102 2039103 2039743 2039744 2042680 2042713 2042731 2042736 2042738 2042755 2042756 2042757 2042758 2042759 2042760 2042761 2088915 2088990 2089029 2089601 2089613 2089652 2089687 2089688 2089689 2089795 2042762 2042763 2042764 2042765 2042766 2042767 2042768 2042769 2042770 2042771 2042772 2042773 2042774 2042775 2042776 2042777 2042778 2042779 2042780 2042781 2042782 2042783 2042798 2042799 2042804 2042846 2042847 2042902 2042999 2043064 2043100 2043137 2043151 2043305 2043306 2043374 2043433 2043585 2043652 2043746 2043913 2044355 2050619

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