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Peer Evaluation is a process where some part of a group activity (in which all group members have to participate and make their contribution) is evaluated by peer group members, rather than the faculty or the instructor. The intended objective behind peer evaluation is to curb loafingbehaviour of students while they are performing a group activity, reduce biasedness of instructor in total evaluation, democratization of evaluation procedure and making evaluation a more effective tool of gauging performance. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Name : _________________________(optional) Age : _________________________ Gender : MALE / FEMALE (strike off, which is not applicable) Course : MBA / MCA (strike off, which is not applicable) SEMESTER/ TRIMESTER : _________

Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Disagree Un-biasedness of the teacher 1. Do you think, introduction of peer evaluation will reduce the biasedness of the instructor in total evaluation? 2. Do you think the evaluation system can be more objective by introduction of peer evaluation? Better Evaluation Tool 3. Do you think, the instructor gets carried away by first impression of the student? 4. Do you think, the student after making a good first impression before the instructor, tries to befool the instructor in rest of the classes? 5. Do you think, most of the students are bad team-players and would not contribute on a group activity and yet get good scores? 6. Do you think, peer evaluation will enable fellow students to punish errant group members, by giving

Strongly Agree

them power to award low grades to bad performers? Democratisation and Student Participation 7. Do you think, the present system of evaluation is autocratic, where instructor / teacher alone can decide about the performance of the student? 8. Do you think, it is essential to gauge the behavior of the student beyond the class, i.e. if a student is spending time in library etc. and that it should be evaluated upon? 9. Do you think, it is practically possible for every instructor, to keep a check on every student with regard to question number 8? 10. Do you think, if peer evaluation is introduced as a part of internal assessment of every subject at the post graduate level, the issue mentioned in question 8 can be resolved? 11. Do you think, that introduction of peer evaluation will make students more responsible towards their contribution, when they are working in a group-activity? 12. Do you think, students will fear piggy-backing on their group members, for the fear of being adversely evaluated by their group members? 13. Do you think, each and every student will experience higher level of commitment, once he / she knows that his / her opinion matters in evaluation performance of others? 14. Do you think, the overall class scores will improve, with introduction of peer evaluation? Discipline 15. Do you think, introduction of peer evaluation will enable students to discipline themselves? 16. Do you think, peer evaluation will

create a fright amongst students, that their peer group members may wrongly penalize them? 17. Do you think, peer evaluation will help students in becoming better team players, which is essential part of management studies?
18. Do you think, that female students perform better in a group activity, when they are grouped in all-girls group? 19. Do you think, if groups have both male and female students, the performance of the group in a group activity increases?

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