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COMMUNICATION ADDRESSES Present: Anupam Sharma C/O Bhupinder Singh "#/$ British T%&n' Rama Mandi +hud)a ,a)andhar' Pun-a. M%.i)e: #/$012"/"# Pradesh5 E mai): anupam*sharma617gmai)*4%m OB,ECTI(E T% 4%ntri.ute t%&ards the gr%&th %= the %rganiKati%n .? 4%ntinu%us )earning and inn%>ati%n* EDUCATIONA: ;UA:I<ICATION MBA3pursing5 =%rm :%>e)? Pr%=essi%na) Uni>ersit? @Expected to be finish in May 2013 A B*Te4h @ E)e4tr%ni4s and C%mmuni4ati%nA =r%m :%>e)? Pr%=essi%na) Uni>ersit? &ith an aggregate %= 29*8B Passed %ut 19C" EDaminati%n in "99# &ith 00B under H*P*S*E*B Passed %ut 19th EDaminati%n in "992 &ith 0/B under H*P*S*E*B PRO<ESSIONA: EEPERIENCE Consultancy Project with Coca-Cola from June 2012 to December 2012* The pr%-e4t &as d%ne at F:PU Resear4h C%nsu)tan4?G =%r the C%4a C%)a C%mpan?* The %.-e4ti>e %= the pr%-e4ti>e &as Study of the consumption pattern, retailers and competitions of Coca-Cola in Punjab (India) * Thr%ugh the pr%-e4t &e Hn%& a.%ut the 4%nsumerIs pre=eren4es and a.%ut ad>ertisements' tastes' reas%ns =%r 4%nsumpti%n and n%n 4%nsumpti%n* INDUSTRIA: TRAININ! DURIN! MBA J EN!INEERIN! 1. Hero Electric Consultancy Project. Current)? &%rHing =%r the 4%nsu)tan4? pr%-e4t %= Her% E)e4tri4 under the F:PU Resear4h C%nsu)tan4?* The %.-e4ti>es %= pr%-e4t are 4ust%mer pr%=i)ing' attitude measurement t%&ards e)e4tri4 .iHes' t% =ind the marHet p%tentia) and t% de>e)%p the targeting and p%siti%ning strateg? =%r the 4%mpan?* Permanent: Anupam Sharma S/O Sri !ian Chand (i))* Dhat%)i' P*O*

Tehsi) Ba)d&ara Dist* Mandi 3Hima4ha) Pin 1089$$

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2. i!eocon Consultancy Project !one !urin" 1st #ear of $%&* This &as the 1st pr%-e4t &hi4h &as d%ne at F:PU Resear4h C%nsu)tan4?G* The %.-e4ti>e %= the pr%-e4t &as FM%.i)e Internet Usage Pattern in ,a)andhar and Phag&ara Cit?G* Thr%ugh this pr%-e4t &e 4%me t% Hn%& a.%ut the m%.i)e internet usage pattern' 4%nsumer per4epti%ns and &ants thr%ugh m%.i)e ser>i4e pr%>iders* '. (nfosys Cam)us Connect *oun!ation Pro"ram at +P, in 2010. In=%s?s 4ampus 4%nne4t pr%gramme d%ne =r%m "# 8 "919 t% "6 6 "919 in :PU* In this pr%gram &e )earnt a.%ut the 4%mputer s?stems' pr%.)em s%)>ing te4hniLues' %perating s?stems and pr%-e4t de>e)%pment* -. #i-C(( +P, net .ocial-/elfare )roject in Punjab in 2011-12* The pr%-e4t &as d%ne &ith the ass%4iati%n %= C%n=ederati%n %= Indian Industr? 3CII5 thr%ugh their M%ung Indian 3Mi5 Chandigarh Tri4it? Chapter* In the pr%-e4t >ari%us s%4ia) &%rHs had .een d%ne' &e insta))ed 4%mputers in near.? >i))age s4h%%)s' %rganiKed marath%ns th%ught the p%%r i))iterates*

COMPUTER S+I::S PRO<I:E C%mputer SHi))s ECE :anguages SPSS' Mi4r%s%=t O==i4e' Nind%&s' Basi4 Hn%&)edge %= C' CCC MAT:AB' +ei)

AREA O< INTEREST MarHet Resear4h Pr%-e4t Management Sa)es STREN!THS Team P)a?er En>ir%nment Ad%pta.)e EETRA CURRICU:AR ACTI(ITIES A4hie>ed 1st p%siti%n in the Business Stimulation Game A4hie>ed 1st p%siti%n in Advertisin Simulation Game Chie= Ment%r at F!irst"#au$riG Campus Representati>e %= F!irst"#au$riG =%r the ?ear "911 "91"* Organised Entrepreneurship A%areness &ro ramme* Merit P%siti%n in Senior Secondary Examination* C% %rdinated the F&ro rammin 'ontest"2012G at :PU* A4ti>e %= (i")&* #et* Parti4ipated in K%na) r%und %= +)o istics, -alent .unt / 20130

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OrganiKed +(i")&* 1*# / A mini marathon02 PERSONA: PRO<I:E Name: <atherIs Name Date %= Birth Marita) Status Nati%na)it? :anguages +n%&n Anupam Sharma Shri !ian Chand "1 ,anuar? 1661 Sing)e Indian Eng)ish' Hindi3Read' Nrite' Sp%Hen5' Pun-a.i 3Sp%Hen On)?5

ORe=eren4es &i)) .e pr%>ided %n reLuest* T% the .est %= m? Hn%&)edge' the in=%rmati%n gi>en here is 4%rre4t*

Date: Place: Anupam Sharma

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