Oxford Mercer Program Guide April 2010

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Welcome Overview Faculty

Sample module Module 1 Module 2

Global Online Training

Strategic international management of benets, compensation and human capital

Certification Peer networking How to participate Team

Module 3 Module 4 Module 5 Module 6

View faculty biographies guide at www.hr-training.mercer.com

Global Online Training

Strategic international management of benets, compensation and human capital


Sample module

Table of contents


Welcome ................................................................................ 2 Program overview ................................................................. 6 Who is the faculty? .............................................................. 9 Online test and certification ............................................. 11 Complimentary training sessions .................................... 12  1 benefits and compensation session, 1 retirement and health
benefits session, 2 human capital sessions

Module 1 Module 2 Module 3

Faculty Certification

Module 1: Global policy setting and governance ........... 14  1 all benefits session, 1 compensation session, 1 health and
welfare session, 2 retirement sessions

Peer networking

Module 2: Global growth and performance drivers ....... 16  5 human capital sessions Module 3: Global mobility ................................................. 18  2 human capital sessions, 1 compensation session, 1 health and
risk benefits session, 1 retirement session

Module 4 Module 5

How to participate

Module 4: Europe and the Middle East ............................ 20  3 regional sessions on benefits and compensation across the
region plus 2 country sessions on retirement and health benefits in France, Germany and UK (UK session includes compensation)

Module 5: Asia Pacific ........................................................ 22  2 regional sessions on benefits and compensation across the
region plus 3 country sessions on retirement and health benefits in China, Japan and India

Module 6


Module 6: Americas ............................................................ 24  2 regional sessions on benefits and compensation across the
region plus 3 country sessions on retirement and health benefits in Brazil, Mexico and the US

Worldwide peer networking ............................................. 27 How to participate .............................................................. 28 Management team ............................................................. 31

Dear Global Professional,

We are delighted that you are interested in Mercer + Oxford Academics Global Online Training. This program is designed for human resource professionals who have global or multicountry responsibilities for the design and strategic management of benefits, compensation and/or human capital programs. Every Global Online Training module is delivered by both Oxford academics and Mercer faculty. This program consists of four free sample training sessions plus 30 paid online training sessions organized into six topic area modules, with five training sessions per module. The modules are:
n  Sample

module: Free sessions available from www.hr-training.mercer.com

n Module n  Module n Module n Module

3: Global mobility

n  Module n  Module

1: Global policy setting and governance 2: Global growth and performance drivers

4: Europe and the Middle East 5: Asia Pacific 6: Americas

Why Global Online Training

Human resource professionals Convenient, current and offers certification

Employers Cost-effective training for global teams, customized to individual needs

n S  elect from three price options: US$300

 earn year-round through 24/7 online L access to Global Online Training (GOT) without time constraints or travel requirements. K  eep your skills and knowledge of international HR on the cutting edge, as the GOT curriculum is refreshed annually. C  hoose from three learning levels Foundation, Intermediate, Advanced training sessions and assess your level of learning; individuals who successfully pass the online test for a GOT session receive certification.

(one session), US$1,200 (one module) or US$5,400 (entire program).

n E  ach price option gives you a one-year

membership and includes as many as 50 employees receiving unlimited access to Global Online Training during the one-year membership.

C  hoose whether to give all employees the same access to the same sessions/ modules or customized access only to the specific sessions/modules that match each individuals unique career goals.


Sample module



How Global Online Training differs from other programs

1.  Gold standard training This prestigious partnership between Oxford academics, a team led by Professor Gordon Clark of University of Oxford, and Mercer is the gold standard in world-class training for human resource professionals worldwide. Every Global Online Training module is delivered by both Oxford academics and Mercer faculty. 2.  Online training A 12-year (1996 to 2008) study by the US Department of Education found that highereducation students who utilized online learning generally performed better than those attending face-to-face courses. Year-round, 24/7 online access to training provides added flexibility to learn without time constraints or travel requirements. 3.  Flexible modular program From a total of 30 online training sessions available, companies and individuals can choose to buy a single training session, multiple sessions, a single module (each module includes five training sessions), multiple modules or the whole program, which consists of six modules. 4.  Online test and certification The Global Online Training program provides an online test for each training session to assess levels of learning. Individuals who successfully pass the test receive certification. 5.  Worldwide peer networking Participants can interact online with other global professionals in order to share experiences and continue the development process.

Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Module 4 Module 5 Module 6

Faculty Certification Peer networking How to participate Team

Global Online Training builds on one year of global market research in 38 countries to understand expectations and training needs worldwide
In 2009, more than 350 global companies participated in Mercers one-year market research and helped us design this program to closely address the training and peer networking needs of global human resource teams. Here are examples of quotes from global companies whose feedback we have incorporated in the design of Global Online Training.

Market research question: What do you like most about this program? Global Online Training  Comprehensiveness; accessibility. It makes me quite excited at having this on tap.  Diversity of topics covered and that the training curriculum is updated each year.  Modular setup allowing user to select what is relevant.  We have a lot of staff who play different roles/hats within HR, so this program would ensure consistency of training for our staff.  It specifically targets those who have global responsibility/perspective. The global view.  Ability to get up to speed quickly on high-level issues. Worldwide peer networking Global peer networking.  Idea of networking and global perspective.  I am most interested in the networking opportunity. Today it is difficult to connect with global professionals in other companies.  I am most interested in networking with peers working within my industry. Alumni Directory would be useful to include information by person on names; job scope; industry; time zone and contact details.  Networking and 24/7 availability.  Networking/learning opportunity. Partnership between Mercer + Oxford Academics  Truly global issues/concept and the combination of practical vendor and academic education.  Comprehensive, impressive combination of Mercer in partnership with Oxford Academics.  Academia plus consulting design and delivery; price is attractive for up to 50 people.


Sample module



We look forward to receiving your application and answering your questions. We wish you every success. Sincerely,

Module 1 Module 2

Faculty Certification

Chair of the Management Committee of Global Online Training, consisting of: Giles C. Archibald Worldwide Partner, Mercer Giles Archibald is the Global Leader of Mercers Client Services Group in the Retirement, Risk and Finance business. He is a member of the Mercer Global Retirement Operating Committee. Giles, who joined Mercer in 1977, has worked in Brussels, London and New York as an international consultant and global business leader. Now based in London and Manchester, UK, he provides consultation for many US and European multinationals. Giles also is a frequent speaker at conferences on international benefits. Professor Gordon Clark Academic Director, University of Oxford Gordon Clark is a Professor and pen sions specialist at the University of Oxford. His recent books include Managing Financial Risks: From Global to Local (Oxford University Press, 2009), The Geography of Finance (OUP, 2007), European Pensions and Global Finance (OUP, 2003) and Pension Fund Capitalism (OUP, 2000). He is currently working with colleague Dr. Ashby Monk to develop a monograph about the legitimacy and governance of sovereign wealth funds, to be published by Princeton University Press in 2011. Heli Olkkonen Principal, Mercer Heli Olkkonen is the Program Manager of Mercer + Oxford Academics Global Online Training. Heli most recently worked for two years with the World Economic Forum and the OECD to create two global retirement and health research publications. Heli has initiated and developed four product/service offerings: Mercers 49-country annual publication Benefit Plans Around the World, Mercers monthly Global Benefits Legislative Updates, Mercers biannual Going Global guide and Global Online Training.

Module 3 Module 4 Module 5 Module 6

Peer networking How to participate Team

What is Global Online Training?

This flexible program delivers year-round, 24/7 online training for human resource professionals. Members access this training program through a secure, restricted website with an individual log-in. The Global Online Training curriculum is refreshed annually. The Global Online Training program consists of four free training sessions plus 30 paid online training sessions organized into six topic area modules, with five training sessions per module. The modules are: Global Online Training: Six modules, five sessions per module Global focus Sample module: Available free from www.hr-training.mercer.com Module 1: Global policy setting and governance Module 2: Global growth and performance drivers Module 3: Global mobility Regional and country focus Sample module: Available free from www.hr-training.mercer.com Module 4: Europe and the Middle East Module 5: Asia Pacic Module 6: Americas

Features of every Global Online Training session

3 45-minute training recording plus a 15-minute q online test accessible from secure program website 3 Option to download and/or print slide show and q transcript of the recording 3 q Unlimited replays of the session via program website; ability to start, stop, restart, rewind and forward the training recording 3 q Take an online test per session to assess level of learning; individuals who pass the test receive certification 3 Option to e-mail Mercer faculty follow-up questions q 3 Option to participate in an online discussion forum with peers q 3 Access to training plus supplemental resources, including Mercer and third  q party periodical and journal articles 3 Please refer to page 28: Program Cost and Registration  q


Sample module



Who is the target audience?

The Global Online Training program is designed for human resource professionals who have global or multicountry responsibilities for the design and strategic management of benefits, compensation and/or human capital programs. Every module delivers training at three learning levels: Foundation, Intermediate and Advanced.

Module 1 Module 2

Faculty Certification

Foundation level training sessions are designed for the global professional who has no international experience and who is entering into a new role with multicountry benefits, compensation and/or human capital responsibilities. Intermediate level training sessions are designed for the global professional who has some knowledge of the basic concepts of international benefits, compensation and human capital management, but no expert knowledge of the subject being presented. Advanced level training sessions are designed for the experienced global professional who has expert international knowledge of the subject being presented.

Module 3 Module 4 Module 5

Peer networking How to participate

The training sessions and modules can be completed in any sequence, depending on individual learning needs. This provides an opportunity for global professionals in specialized roles to access only the training sessions and modules appropriate for the scope of their responsibilities.

Module 6



Sample module

Who is the faculty?


Every Global Online Training module is delivered by both Oxford academics and Mercer faculty.

Module 1

Meet the Oxford academics

The Oxford team, led by Professor Gordon Clark, is noted for their knowledge and experience in the field with many publications and partnerships with industry groups. The team consists of:
n P  rofessor

Faculty Certification

Module 2

Gordon Clark, Academic Director, University of Oxford Dr. Adam Dixon, University of Oxford Dr. Ashby Monk, University of Oxford Dr. Will Harvey, University of Oxford

Module 3

n n n

Peer networking

Meet the Mercer faculty Module 4

The Mercer faculty to Global Online Training consists of experienced market leaders worldwide who are advising employers, governments and providers in: Australia Brazil Canada China Czech Republic France Germany Hungary India Japan Mexico Singapore Switzerland United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States

How to participate

Module 5

View faculty biographies guide at www.hr-training.mercer.com.

Module 6




Sample module

Online test and certication


Expand your personal growth

n  The

Global Online Training program provides an online test for each training session to assess levels of learning.

Module 1


n A  ll

individuals who complete the online session test receive an achievement score and an answer key afterward. who successfully pass a session test receive from Mercer a Certificate of Completion for that session.

Module 2

n I  ndividuals


Global Online Training: Certificate of Completion

Module 3 Module 4 Module 5

Peer networking How to participate

Session test questions are written based on predefined learning objectives (Skills, Knowledge and Inspiration) for each session. Each online test consists of 10 multiple-choice questions per training session. Subject to active program membership status, there is no time limit for completion of any session test, and participants have unlimited opportunities to retake a test. Global Online Training: Sample test questions

Module 6



Free training sessions

We encourage you to test our four free Global Online Training sessions to experience them (described on page 13 and accessible from www.hr-training.mercer.com) to get an idea of how intuitive and informative the learning style is. All Global Online Training sessions are delivered in the same way, using the most advanced online learning technology.

What you will learn in this module

Skills Master the ability to compare compensation, retirement and medical benet employer provisions across countries and regions. Knowledge Gain in-depth information about the key human capital challenges facing employers in cross-border mergers and acquisitions, along with techniques for addressing these challenges.

Module 0
Inspiration Be inspired by the interesting variety of employer practices around the world.



Sample module

Free training sessions

Module 0


Session 1 Foundation Introduction to global benefits and compensation: Around the world in 45 minutes Faculty: Giles Archibald, Robyn Cameron, Steve Gross This session provides the global professional with an awareness of and sensitivity to the differences in benefit and compensation practices around the world. The faculty members explain how rewards programs differ by country and are being changed by global driving forces, and they also explore the many different practices across and within the regions. The session concludes with a presentation of a best practice approach that many leading global companies have taken in dealing with this international complexity. Session 2 Intermediate Canadian retirement and health care system Faculty: Scott Clausen, Marg French The faculty members start with a discussion of the present market environment, as this environment provides a good background for the issues that both employees and employers in Canada are facing. The faculty members then discuss the general framework of benefits in Canada, go into more detail about the roles played by governments, employers and individuals, and finish by talking about some of the actions that employers in Canada are taking. Session 3 Advanced Mergers and acquisitions beyond borders: Global opportunities and risks Faculty: Bart Hermans, Adam Rosenberg This session enhances skills for awareness of and sensitivity to the differences in due diligence issues in transactions around the world. The faculty members present knowledge of the due diligence process and how it fits into the wider merger-and-acquisition (M&A) process. The participant will gain an understanding of the key reward issues worldwide faced by companies doing transactions. The faculty members share specific examples of deal issues. Session 4 Advanced Strategic training for global HR professionals: Survey results and case studies Faculty: Daniel Mitchell, Heli Olkkonen, Anne Stewart While many organizations may claim that a clear line of sight exists between their business strategy and the training solutions planned and delivered in support of that strategy, research reveals that in many companies, that is not the case. While the positive relationship between training and performance is both intuitive and documented, not all training interventions are created equal, and not all training impacts performance in a positive way. This session presents multi-country survey data and case studies of best practice training solutions by leading global employers.

Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Module 4 Module 5 Module 6

Faculty Certification Peer networking How to participate Team


What you will learn in this module

Skills Master the ability to dene (or redene) your global benets and compensation philosophies. Knowledge Gain in-depth information about best practices by global companies, from policy setting and building an inventory to decision making, implementation and proactively addressing related governance issues.

Module 1
Inspiration Training in this module draws on case examples from the corporate world.

Session 1 Foundation Global policy setting, gathering information and implementation Faculty: Robyn Cameron, Vicki Stokoe This session delivers guidance on how to define (or redefine) your global benefits philosophy, from policy setting and building an inventory to the design of decisionmaking and related governance structures and implementation of the overall framework. The faculty members focus on what needs to be considered when establishing your global benefit guidelines and invite participants to consider where they are now, where they want to be and how to get there.



Sample module

Global policy setting and governance

Module 1


Session 2 Intermediate Global compensation strategy: Whos doing it, how and why Faculty: Darrell Cira, Steve Gross In todays global business environment, human resource professionals are challenged with striking the right balance between global compensation systems and optimal local solutions. This session will share the successes and challenges of designing and administering compensation in a global context, using examples from several organizations that have begun the journey toward globalization. Session 3 Intermediate The growing case for global health and welfare care strategies Faculty: Christine Owen Many employers aspire to harmonization and equanimity in the delivery of their health and wellness services and benefits around the world. In this session, we examine global health risk profiles and their potential to affect business productivity and profitability. We explore the opportunities to have an impact on this significant business risk and to develop effective and efficient global programs that deliver real health improvement and measurable return on investment. We also explore the role of multinational companies in shaping health and welfare care reform in light of the almost universal cost shifting by governments in funding health care provisions for the employed population and the opportunities for influencing the design of supplemental programs in emerging markets. Session 4 Advanced Managing pension risk in defined benefit retirement plans Faculty: Kevin McLaughlin Due to increasingly volatile markets around the world, managing and monitoring pension risk is top of mind for many CFOs and risk managers. In this session, the faculty will discuss how multinationals manage pension risks globally from headquarters. The faculty will share new approaches to managing and monitoring pension risk across borders, including case examples of how these approaches are actually working at multinational companies. This session focuses on how to manage defined benefit retirement plans that are mostly closed to new entrants and whose membership is aging. In spite of the plans being closed, the liability trail will last for some time. Hence, it is important to understand the risks and find ways to reduce those risks. Session 5 Advanced Defined contribution pensions: Design and structure Academic: Dr. Gordon Clark, University of Oxford Faculty: Barbara Marder In this session, we consider the principles behind the design of defined contribution pensions in the private sector, drawing lessons from studies of global best practice to inform employers goals, objectives and plan management as well as the choices made available to participants. It is noted that the structure of defined contribution (DC) plans often depends upon the nature and diversity of companies workforces and the role of DC pensions in relation to national pension systems.

Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Module 4 Module 5 Module 6

Faculty Certification Peer networking How to participate Team


What you will learn in this module

Skills Master the ability to bring signicant value to your global organizations growth and its sales effort through the redening of employee roles, performance measures and pay packages to further align them with business strategy. Knowledge Gain in-depth information about how to create a high-performing workforce culture through human capital dashboards, which are becoming more prevalent in human resource functions.

Module 2
Inspiration Training in this module draws on case examples from the corporate world.

Session 1 Foundation Helping the sales organization succeed Faculty: David Heazlett, Steve Grossman The frontline sales manager is highly critical to sales force effectiveness, yet it remains an underleveraged role in many organizations. Mercer research on Fortune 500 companies suggests that the sales organization could benefit greatly from redefining roles, profiles and capabilities, and designing pay packages in concert with other enabling fundamentals. These represent key areas where HR can bring significant value to the sales effort.



Sample module

Global growth and performance drivers

Module 2


Session 2 Foundation Employee performance management in a global setting Faculty: Jason Jeffay, Padmaja Alaganandan Employee performance measurement systems can serve as the critical link between business strategy and execution that defines and clarifies the behaviors that lead to sustainable success. This session discusses global best practices. Session 3 Intermediate Organizing the workforce infrastructure to drive business results Faculty: Ilene Siscovick Combining accountability mapping, role clarification, and skill and competency assessment, this new blueprint of workforce architecture not only ensures the organization is hard-wired with the required behavioral shift to create a high-performing culture, but also presents a clear roadmap of how to implement widespread organizational change that is fully aligned with business strategies. Session 4 Advanced Managing with human capital dashboards Faculty: Rick Guzzo, Matthew Stevenson Human capital dashboards are becoming more prevalent in human resource functions because integrated human resource information systems (HRIS) now make it possible to bring a wealth of important human capital data together into a single place. Technology also makes it possible to tie together data from various sources not just from HRIS, but from surveys and customer service databases as well to develop an integrated view. This session, which is rich with case examples, delivers principles of effective dashboard design and use. Session 5 Advanced The modern firm: Rewards in the new economy Academic: Dr. Ashby Monk, University of Oxford Over the past few decades, market-based competition, globalization and the knowledge economy have all ushered in a new paradigm of wealth creation underpinned by the dynamic capabilities of firms. In this new economy, prosperity is a function of sorting and analyzing knowledge and applying it usefully. The success of firms is thus increasingly based on firm-specific human capital, which underpins both innovation and competitiveness. As such, this training illustrates the changing nature of competition and demonstrates the importance of human capital in the new economy, focusing specifically on the role of rewards in the attraction and retention of key employees.

Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Module 4 Module 5 Module 6

Faculty Certification Peer networking How to participate Team


What you will learn in this module

Skills Master the ability to structure appropriate expatriate packages and processes. Knowledge Gain in-depth information about typical international assignment package components, technical considerations and current trends.

Module 3
Inspiration Find out why nding suitable mobility candidates is challenging, and learn techniques for addressing these challenges.

Session 1 Foundation Expatriate talent management and segmentation Faculty: Tom Flannery, Carlos Mestre The increasing diversity of the expatriate population, complex assignment patterns and the ever-present need to control costs have led a growing number of leading companies to differentiate their expatriate compensation approaches according to types of assignments and employee categories. The session illustrates how to implement a segmented policy and provides examples of expatriate packages for different types of assignments. Session 2 Intermediate Expatriate compensation and allowances Faculty: Olivier Meier, Yvonne Traber This session will focus on how to design a competitive expatriate compensation package and set consistent expatriate allowances. It will explain the concept and



Sample module

Global mobility

Module 3


theories driving expatriate compensation and will explore the most common approaches with actual case examples. This session will also discuss how to determine expatriate allowances and premiums such as cost of living, housing and hardship allowances. Session 3 Intermediate Expatriate medical and risk benefit provision Faculty: Lynda Remec, Tracey Shephard Companies often offer special international medical plans to their globally mobile employees to address the difficulties of maintaining this type of employee in a home or host country medical plan. In terms of risk benefits, death and disability benefits for expatriates are typically provided through a home or host country plan; however, there are common difficulties in ensuring continuity of risk benefits coverage. This session provides an update on current trends, practices and challenges that companies face as they move employees across borders and provide medical and risk benefits for them. Session 4 Intermediate Expatriate pension provision Faculty: Noam Lakser, Robert Lockley Benefit programs (including retirement issues) for globally mobile employees can present major challenges for multinational companies, due in part to the complexities of providing equitable packages across borders. The biggest challenge is arriving at a globally consistent approach for such a disparate group of employees. This session provides an update on current trends, practices and challenges that companies face as they move employees across borders and provide pension benefits for them. Session 5 Advanced The migration of global talent Academic: Dr. Will Harvey, University of Oxford This presentation examines the most recent research and analysis on the international migration of elite workers. It begins with a brief overview of some of the well-established explanations of international migration, such as push-pull, human capital, network and brain drain theories. The main discussion then turns to contemporary explanations of highly skilled migration, including business travel and expatriation, education and career development, lifestyle changes, as well as characteristics associated with countries, regions and cities. The overall argument is that our understanding of international migration needs to focus on broader issues not just employment dynamics because many highly skilled people are moving due to factors unrelated to work. Finally, rather than emphasizing the migration of talent, this training suggests that our focus should be more on the mobility of talent because many business elites today are moving abroad temporarily, as opposed to in the past, when long-term relocations and secondments were the norm.

Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Module 4 Module 5 Module 6

Faculty Certification Peer networking How to participate Team


What you will learn in this module

Skills Master the ability to consider where emerging trends and best practices in one country or in this region might have application to other countries or globally. Knowledge Gain in-depth information about fast-moving countries in this region, trends in local compensation and benets across this region, and the actions required by employers driven by legislative responsibilities for benet provision.

Module 4
Inspiration Learn where structural and cultural differences may limit attempts to apply global benets and compensation standards directly into this region.

Regional sessions include Sessions 1, 2 and 3: Session 1 Foundation Eastern Europe benefits and compensation across the region Faculty: Martin Macha, Larisa Muravska This regional session will provide a high-level overview of employer compensation and benefits practices, trends and legislation within the region. Not every country is examined, but examples showing the diversity across the region of design structures, vendor marketplace, insurance market maturity, retirement and health issues are provided. In addition, compensation trends in key markets are explored and current topical issues are introduced.



Sample module

Europe and the Middle East

Module 4


Session 2 Foundation The Middle East: Benefits and compensation across the region Faculty: Callum Burns-Green, Cameron Hannah This regional session provides a high-level overview of employer compensation and benefits practices, trends and legislation within the region. Not every country is examined, but examples showing the diversity across the region of design structures, vendor marketplace, insurance market maturity, retirement and health issues are provided. In addition, compensation trends in key markets are explored and current topical issues are introduced. Session 3 Advanced The changing pension and benefits landscape of Europe and the Middle East Academic: Dr. Adam Dixon, University of Oxford This session discusses the primary challenges affecting and changing the pension and benefits landscape of Europe and the Middle East. The faculty presenter explores the ways in which European integration, expanding pan-European firms and growing trans-European labor markets are challenging the continuity of national systems of public and private pension provision. Despite this increasing Europeanization, national differences still persist and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. This session explains why this is the case, while offering a discussion of how transnational modes of pension and benefits provision are being facilitated at the European level. Country sessions include Sessions 4 and 5: Session 4 Intermediate France and Germany retirement and health benefit practices Faculty: Norman Dreger, Charles-Antoine Roger This session deals with the pension and health benefits landscape in two of Europes most important economies, France and Germany. This session provides an overview of these countries macroeconomic environments, social security systems for retirement and health provision, key government legislation affecting employer benefit programs, health insurance markets, corporate pension funding vehicles and employer practices in retirement and health benefits. The faculty members then go into more detail about some of the hottest topics, most pressing challenges facing employers in these two countries and actions that employers are taking in providing retirement and health benefits for their employees. Session 5 Intermediate United Kingdom: Retirement and health benefit and compensation practices Faculty: Charles Alberts, Deborah Cooper, Christopher Johnson This session provides an overview of this countrys macroeconomic environment, social security system for retirement and health provision, key government legislation affecting employer benefit and compensation programs, health insurance market, corporate pension funding vehicles and employer practices in benefits and compensation programs. The faculty members then go into more detail about some of the hottest topics, most pressing challenges facing employers in this country and actions that employers are taking in providing benefits and compensation for their employees.

Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Module 4 Module 5 Module 6

Faculty Certification Peer networking How to participate Team


What you will learn in this module

Skills Master the ability to consider where emerging trends and best practices in one country or in this region might have application to other countries or globally. Knowledge Gain in-depth information about fast-moving countries in this region, trends in local compensation and benets across this region, and the actions required by employers driven by legislative responsibilities for benet provision.

Module 5
Inspiration Learn where structural and cultural differences may limit attempts to apply global benets and compensation standards directly into this region.

Regional sessions include Sessions 1 and 2: Session 1 Foundation Asia Pacific: Benefits and compensation across the region Faculty: Ben Facer, Amy Laverock, Jo Wear This regional session provides a high-level overview of employer compensation and benefits practices, trends and legislation within the region. Not every country is examined, but examples showing the diversity across the region of design structures, vendor marketplace, insurance market maturity, retirement and health issues are provided. In addition, compensation trends in key markets are explored and current topical issues are introduced. Session 2 Advanced Pensions and retirement planning in the Asia Pacific region Academic: Dr. Gordon Clark, University of Oxford In this presentation, we survey developments in the employer provision of pension benefits across the Asia Pacific region, recognizing the dynamic nature of economic development in the region as well as the transformation of benefit



Sample module

Asia Pacic

Module 5


systems in even the developed economies (Australia and Japan) of the region. Three points are made about the apparent trends in employer provision. First, in those countries experiencing the most rapid rates of economic growth, rural-urban migration has effectively cut off many workers from traditional sources of community support. Second, the competitiveness of many countries has been based on the cost advantage of urban production platforms, discounting any form of employer provision of benefits. Third, these forces are giving way in some cases with the emergence of a new urban middle class population that has a genuine interest in planning for the future. This may mean, however, a mixture of private saving and employerprovided benefits, as nation states come to recognize the potential long-term costs of ageing populations. Country sessions include Sessions 3, 4 and 5: Session 3 Intermediate China retirement and health benefit practices Faculty: Stan Feng, Greta Mikelonis This session provides an overview of this countrys macroeconomic environment, social security system for retirement and health provision, key government legislation affecting employer benefit programs, health insurance market, corporate pension funding vehicles and employer practices in retirement and health benefits. The faculty members then go into more detail about some of the hottest topics, most pressing challenges facing employers in this country and actions that employers are taking in providing retirement and health benefits for their employees. Session 4 Intermediate Japan retirement and health benefit practices Faculty: Steve E. Brown, Dustin Wasserman This session provides an overview of this countrys macroeconomic environment, social security system for retirement and health provision, key government legislation affecting employer benefit programs, health insurance market, corporate pension funding vehicles and employer practices in retirement and health benefits. The faculty members then go into more detail about some of the hottest topics, most pressing challenges facing employers in this country and actions that employers are taking in providing retirement and health benefits for their employees. Session 5 Intermediate India retirement and health benefit practices Faculty: Gautam Kakar, Sudip Mukhopadhyay This session provides an overview of this countrys macroeconomic environment, social security system for retirement and health provision, key government legislation affecting employer benefit programs, health insurance market, corporate pension funding vehicles and employer practices in retirement and health benefits. The faculty members then go into more detail about some of the hottest topics, most pressing challenges facing employers in this country and actions that employers are taking in providing retirement and health benefits for their employees.

Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Module 4 Module 5 Module 6

Faculty Certification Peer networking How to participate Team


What you will learn in this module

Skills Master the ability to consider where emerging trends and best practices in one country or in this region might have application to other countries or globally. Knowledge Gain in-depth information about fast-moving countries in this region, trends in local compensation and benets across this region, and the actions required by employers driven by legislative responsibilities for benet provision.

Module 6
Inspiration Learn where structural and cultural differences may limit attempts to apply global benets and compensation standards directly into this region.

Regional sessions include Sessions 1 and 2: Session 1 Foundation Latin America: Benefits and compensation across the region Faculty: Jeanie Adkins, Franois Racicot This regional session provides a high-level overview of employer compensation and benefits practices, trends and legislation within the region. Not every country is examined, but examples showing the diversity across the region of design structures, vendor marketplace, insurance market maturity, retirement and health issues are provided. In addition, compensation trends in key markets are explored and current topical issues are introduced.



Sample module


Module 6


Session 2 Advanced Private pensions in North America: Recreating the second pillar Academic: Dr. Ashby Monk, University of Oxford Employer-sponsored pensions in the private sector have been a cornerstone of retirement policy in North America, supplementing a modest state social security and ensuring sufficient replacement rates for the elderly in retirement. However, the long-term transition from defined benefit (DB) to defined contribution pensions, coupled with the retreat by some employers from offering retirement income benefits altogether, has prompted concern about the future of this model. As such, this presentation maps out the pension landscape in North America. It explains why DB pensions are on the decline and shows what Canada and the United States are doing about it. Country sessions include Sessions 3, 4 and 5: Session 3 Intermediate Brazil retirement and health benefit practices Faculty: Alberto Mondelli, Franois Racicot This session provides an overview of this countrys macroeconomic environment, social security system for retirement and health provision, key government legislation affecting employer benefit programs, health insurance market, corporate pension funding vehicles and employer practices in retirement and health benefits. The faculty members then go into more detail about some of the hottest topics, most pressing challenges facing employers in this country and actions that employers are taking in providing retirement and health benefits for their employees. Session 4 Intermediate Mexico retirement and health benefit practices Faculty: Paule Desaulniers, Sergio Torres This session provides an overview of this countrys macroeconomic environment, social security system for retirement and health provision, key government legislation affecting employer benefit programs, health insurance market, corporate pension funding vehicles and employer practices in retirement and health benefits. The faculty members then go into more detail about some of the hottest topics, most pressing challenges facing employers in this country and actions that employers are taking in providing retirement and health benefits for their employees. Session 5 Intermediate US retirement and health benefit practices Faculty: Sharon Cunninghis, Betsy Dill This session provides an overview of this countrys macroeconomic environment, social security system for retirement and health provision, key government legislation affecting employer benefit programs, health insurance market, corporate pension funding vehicles and employer practices in retirement and health benefits. The faculty members then go into more detail about some of the hottest topics, most pressing challenges facing employers in this country and actions that employers are taking in providing retirement and health benefits for their employees.

Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Module 4 Module 5 Module 6

Faculty Certification Peer networking How to participate Team




Sample module

Worldwide peer networking

Module 6


Participants views will be used as a valuable source for the ongoing development of the worldwide peer networking group program. Current program features include:

Module 1


The option to e-mail your questions directly to the training session faculty for every Mercer session

Module 2 Module 3 Module 4

Certification Peer networking

For each training session, the option to participate in an online discussion forum for all session attendees around each topic of the session

How to participate Team

Module 5 Module 6

 he option to T voluntarily participate in and receive the Global Online Training: Worldwide Peer Network Directory, enabling you to interact by e-mail with other global professionals


Program cost
Global Online Training offers cost-effective training for global HR teams, with options for customizing the training modules and sessions to individual needs:
n S  elect

from three price options: US$300 (one session), US$1,200 (one module) or US$5,400 (entire program). price option gives you a one-year membership and includes as many as 50 employees receiving unlimited access to Global Online Training during the one-year membership. whether to give all employees the same access to the same sessions/ modules or customized access only to the specific sessions/modules that match each individuals unique career goals. Price US$300 200 200 Comments
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n  Choose

Options Purchase access to one session

 ach session is a 45-minute training recordE ing plus a 15-minute online test P  lease refer to page 6: Features of Every Global Online Training Session  ive sessions per module F Six modules available 

Purchase access to one module

US$1,200 900 800 US$5,400 4,100 3,600

n n

Purchase access to all modules

30 sessions across six modules 

Any local taxes that may apply are in addition to prices listed above. Discounts are available to companies that participated in the Global Online Training market research that took place in 2009 and to companies that are members of certain other Mercer online services and products, such as Mercer Select and MercerGOLD. Speak with a Program Representative about whether your company qualifies for a discount.



Sample module

How to participate

Module 6


Join this program

Please complete our short online registration form (www.hr-training. mercer.com/register) and you will then be contacted by our program representative. If you have any questions, feel free to call or e-mail our program representative in your country or region: Australia Anne Stewart Benelux Hans van Dijk Brazil Sheila Santos Canada Greg Fayarchuk China, Beijing Stan Feng China, Hong Kong Jonathan Gove China, Shanghai Greta Mikelonis Eastern Europe Cindy Arkin France Marie-Andree Leblanc Germany Norman Dreger India Padmaja Alaganandan Ireland Aisling Kennedy Mexico Julieta Manzano Netherlands Hans van Dijk Scandanavia Norman Dreger Singapore Daniel Mitchell Spain Marie-Andree Leblanc Switzerland Marie-Andree Leblanc Middle East Cindy Arkin United Kingdom Giles Archibald USA Heli Olkkonen USA Rivkah Pontos Telephone: +61 3 9623 5672 anne.stewart@mercer.com Telephone: +31 10 406 0849 hans.van.dijk@mercer.com Telephone: +55 11 3048 1865 sheila.santos@mercer.com Telephone: +1 416 868 2638 greg.fayarchuk@mercer.com Telephone: +86 10 65334316 stan.feng@mercer.com Telephone: +852 2115 2033 jonathan.gove@mercer.com Telephone: +86 21 6141 6665 greta.mikelonis@mercer.com Telephone: +90212 355 4595 cindy.arkin@mercer.com Telephone: +41 22 918 10 66 marie-andree.leblanc@mercer.com Telephone: +4969 6897 78171 norman.dreger@mercer.com Telephone: +9180 4185 7756 padmaja.alaganandan@mercer.com Telephone: +353 1 603 9785 aisling.kennedy@mercer.com Telephone: +52 55 5999 1958 julieta.manzano@mercer.com Telephone: +31 10 406 0849 hans.van.dijk@mercer.com Telephone: +49 69 6897 78171 norman.dreger@mercer.com Telephone: +65 6327 5884 daniel.mitchell@mercer.com Telephone: +41 22 918 10 66 marie-andree.leblanc@mercer.com Telephone: +41 22 918 10 66 marie-andree.leblanc@mercer.com Telephone: +90212 355 4595 cindy.arkin@mercer.com Telephone: +44 161 837 6508 giles.archibald@mercer.com Telephone: +1 312 917 8967 heli.olkkonen@mercer.com Telephone: +1 312 917 8992 rivkah.pontos@mercer.com

Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Module 4 Module 5 Module 6

Faculty Certification Peer networking How to participate Team




Sample module

Management team

Module 6


Program management team

Management Committee of Global Online Training (page 5) Giles Archibald, Mercer Professor Gordon Clark, University of Oxford Heli Olkkonen, Mercer Training Advisory Group Giles Archibald, Chair of the Training Advisory Group, Mercer Gordon Clark, University of Oxford Harry Conaway, Mercer Select Adam Dixon, University of Oxford Will Harvey, University of Oxford Bart Hermans, Mercer M&A Ready Ashby Monk, University of Oxford Heli Olkkonen, Mercer Global Online Training Monica Ralli, Mercer Signature Events Anne Stewart, Mercer College Elizabeth Warde, Learning@Mercer Jennifer Wiser, R3 Training Training recordings Richard Klein, Recordings Leader Lesley Flint Online tests and certifications Rivkah Pontos Lesley A. Wood Harry Conaway Module Project Managers Sangeeta Champaneri Heli Olkkonen Rivkah Pontos Shufang Yeo Module Leaders Scott Clausen Norman Dreger Ben Facer Steve Gross Robert Lockley Vicki Stokoe Communications, design and marketing Monica Ralli, Marketing Leader Mary Voigt, Brochure Designer Allison Antebi Deborah Day Jonathan Fiur Lisa Galjanic Larry Gonzales Joanne Hahn Shahdiya Kureshi Judi Liametz, JLgraphicFX (www.JLgraphicFX.com) Yedi Peguero Kathleen Vandervoort Jennifer Whitney Rod Wiberg Website 1: Training Harry Conaway, Mercer Select Leader Judy Bauserman Darin Bitner Urvi Brahme David Buser Mike Cavanagh Rosemarie Lally Meena Nair Reina Redwine LaTonia Rich Felichia Smith Website 2: Promotional Mitch Potter Christopher James Manon van Alphen Website 3: Internal site Debbie Tye Lindsey Plant Worldwide peer networking program Heli Olkkonen Rivkah Pontos Continuing Professional Development research Rivkah Pontos Researchers for supplemental resources Judy Bauserman, Research Leader Jan Bloom Linda Bustos Carole David Yasmin Farouk Susan Goldenson Ellen Lodwick Kim Moriarty George Nichols lise Rettinger Sue Routhier Mei Tan Jo-Anne Weiler Legal counsel Claire Patterson Philip Ramsell Finance Richard Clarke Nic Williams Faculty biographies View faculty biographies guide at www.hr-training.mercer.com

Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Module 4 Module 5 Module 6

Faculty Certification Peer networking How to participate Team


Argentina Australia Austria Belgium Brazil Canada Chile China Colombia Czech Republic Denmark Finland France Germany Hong Kong Hungary India Indonesia Ireland Italy Japan

Malaysia Mexico Netherlands New Zealand Norway Philippines Poland Portugal Singapore South Korea Spain Sweden Switzerland Taiwan Thailand Turkey United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States Venezuela For further information, please contact your local Mercer office or visit our website at: www.mercer.com

May 2010 03105A-RE

Copyright 2010 Mercer LLC. All rights reserved.

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