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Basic Usage

Command Reference http://taskwarrior.org

Write Commands
task task task task task task task task task task task task task <filter> <filter> <filter> <filter> <filter> <filter> <filter> <filter> <filter> <filter> <filter>

add annotate append delete denotate done duplicate edit log modify prepend start stop

<mods> <mods> <mods> <mods> <pattern> <mods> <mods> <mods> <mods> <mods> <mods> <mods>

Adds a new task Adds an annotation to an existing task Appends text to an existing task description Deletes the specified task Deletes an annotation Marks the specified task as completed Duplicates the specified tasks Launches an editor to modify a task directly Adds a new task that is already completed Modifies the existing task with provided arguments Prepends text to an existing task description Marks specified task as started Removes the 'start' time from a task

Synch Commands
task task task task

merge URL pull URL push URL synchronize

Merges the remote files with the local files Pulls remote files from the URL Pushes the local files to the URL Synchronizes data with the Task Server


A <filter> is zero or more restrictions on tasks

task task task task task 28 +weekend project:Home due.before:today ebeeab00-ccf8-464b-8b58-f7f2d606edfb

<command> <command> <command> <command> <command>

<mods> <mods> <mods> <mods> <mods>

3/14/2012 (rc.dateformat) 20120314T230140Z (ISO) today yesterday tomorrow Tuesday 14th sow, eow som, eom soq, eoq soy, eoy weekday hourly, 1hr daily, day, 1day weekly, 1wk monthly, 1mo biweekly, fortnight quarterly, 1qtr semiannual, 6months biannual, biyearly, 2yrs before after none any is isnt has hasnt startswith endswith word noword (under, below) (over, above) (equals) (not) (contains) (left) (right)

Filters combine with 'and', but 'or' and 'xor' may be used with parentheses
task '( /[Cc]at|[Dd]og/ or /[0-9]+/ )' <command> <mods> Runs rc.default.command, if specified. Shows a graphical burndown chart, by day Shows a graphical burndown chart, by month Shows a graphical burndown chart, by week Shows a calendar, with due tasks marked. Counts matching tasks Exports tasks in JSON format Shows a graphical report of task history, by year Shows a graphical report of task history, by month Shows a report of task history, by year Shows a report of task history, by month Shows the IDs of matching tasks, as a range Shows all data and metadata Lists the most urgent tasks Shows all project names used Shows task database statistics Shows a report of task status by project Shows a list of all tags used Weekly summary of completed and started tasks Shows the UUIDs of matching tasks Runs report with filter. Report can be one of: active, all, blocked, completed, list, long, ls, minimal, newest, oldest, overdue, recurring, ready, unblocked, waiting or your custom report


Read Commands
task task task task task task task task task task task task task task task task task task task task task

<filter> <filter> burndown.daily <filter> burndown.monthly <filter> burndown.weekly calendar [due|month year] <filter> count <filter> export <filter> ghistory.annual <filter> ghistory.monthly <filter> history.annual <filter> history.monthly <filter> ids <filter> information <filter> next <filter> projects <filter> stats <filter> summary <filter> tags timesheet [weeks] <filter> uuids <filter> <report>

Filters may target specific tasks using ID or UUID numbers

task task task task 1,2,3 1-3 1,2-5,19 4-7 ebeeab00-ccf8-464b-8b58-f7f2d606edfb

delete info modify pri:H info

The <mods> consist of zero or more changes to apply to the tasks

task <filter> <command> project:Home task <filter> <command> +weekend +garden due:tomorrow task <filter> <command> Description/annotation text

Attribute modifiers

Tags are arbitrary words

+tag -tag

The + means add the tag The - means remove the tag

Alternately algebraic expressions support

and or xor < <= = != ( ) >= >

Logical operators Relational operators Precedence list list

task due.before:eom priority.not:L task '(due < eom or priority != L)'

Built-in attributes
description status project priority limit entry start end wait scheduled due recur until

Miscellaneous Commands
task task task task task task task task task task task task task

The default .taskrc file can be overridden

All colors, a sample, or a legend All supported columns and formatting styles Change settings in the task configuration Platform, build and environment details Executes external commands and scripts Displays this usage help text Imports JSON files Displays the Taskwarrior logo Lists all supported reports Launches an interactive shell Shows all configuration variables or subset Reverts the most recent change to a task Shows the taskwarrior version number task ... rc:<alternate file> ... task ... rc:~/.alt_taskrc ... TASKRC=~/.alt_taskrc task ... task ... rc.<name>=<value> ... task rc.color=off list task list project:Home task li pro:Home

colors [sample | legend] columns config [name [value | '']] diagnostics execute <external command> help import <file> [<file> ...] logo reports shell show [all | substring] undo version

The values in .taskrc (or alternate) can be overridden

Any command or attribute name may be abbreviated if unique

Task text Pending, Completed, Deleted Project name Priority Desired number of rows, or 'page' Date task was created Date task was started Date task was completed/deleted Date until task becomes pending Date task may be started Due date Recurrence frequency Date task will be auto-deleted

Some task descriptions need to be escaped because of the shell

task add "quoted ' quote" task add escaped \' quote

Common Questions
task task task task task

tag next -tag next <filter> modify depends:<id>[,...] <filter> modify depends:-<id>[,...] <filter> modify wait:<date>

Show tasks having tag Show tasks not having tag Add dependency to task Remove dependency from task Task will disappear until <date>

The -- treats all other args as description, no matter what

task add -- project:Home needs scheduling

Many characters have special meaning to the shell, including:

$ ! ' " ( ) ; \ ` * ? { } [ ] < > | & % # ~



task task task task task task

add Pay the bills add Call the bank list 1 modify due:Friday 1 done 2 delete

man man man man man man

task taskrc task-tutorial task-color task-faq task-sync

Revised 2013-04-07 Copyright (C) 2006 - 2013 P. Beckingham, F. Hernandez, D. Deimeke. Portions of this software Copyright (C) 1994 2008 Lua.org, PUC-Rio. Taskwarrior is distributed under the MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php

#taskwarrior on freenode




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