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Help IDs for RobotStudio 5.12.2857.

85 ### Commands & Menus ### ### ### ### ID Caption HelpText Type AttachFrame Attach to For attaching a frame to an object. CommandB arPopup AttachGCG Attach to CommandBarPopup AttachMech Attach to For attaching a mechanism to an object. CommandB arPopup AttachPart Attach to For attaching a part to an object. CommandB arPopup AttachWorkobject Attach to For attaching a workobject. CommandB arPopup ControllerPropertiesMenu Properties For viewing and setting the vari ous properties of the controller. CommandBarPopup CopyInstructionToPath Copy to Path For copying an instruction to another pa th. CommandBarPopup CopyPathToTask Copy to Task For copying a path to another task in the statio n. CommandBarPopup CopyTargetToWobj Copy to Workobject For copying a target to a workob ject. CommandBarPopup CopyTaskContent Copy Task Data To For copying the task data to another tas k. CommandBarPopup CopyToolDataToTask Copy to Task For copying tooldata to another task. CommandBarPopup CopyWorkobjectToTask Copy to Task For copying a workobject to another task . CommandBarPopup EditRedoPopup Redo CommandBarPopup EditUndoPopup Undo CommandBarPopup ElementViewMenu View CommandBarPopup MenuAdvancedStartStop Advanced CommandBarPopup MenuApplicationMode Application Mode CommandBarPopup MenuCameras Viewpoints CommandBarPopup MenuConfigEditor Configuration Editor For viewing and editing the syst em parameters of a specific topic in a controller. CommandBarPopup MenuController Controller CommandBarPopup MenuCreate Create CommandBarPopup MenuEdit Edit CommandBarPopup MenuFile File CommandBarPopup MenuHelp Help CommandBarPopup MenuJointTargetAddToPathGroup Add to path For adding a jointtarget to a pa th. CommandBarPopup MenuModify Modify CommandBarPopup MenuModifyTarget Modify Target CommandBarPopup MenuModuleCompare Compare To CommandBarPopup MenuMotion Motion CommandBarPopup MenuMultiRobotJog Multi Robot Jog For jogging several mechanisms at the sa me time. CommandBarPopup MenuOfflineRestart Restart For restarting the controller. CommandBarPopup MenuOnlineRestart Restart For restarting the controller. CommandBarPopup MenuOutputWindowFilter Show messages CommandBarPopup MenuPlaceObjects Place For placing an object. CommandBarPopup MenuProgram Program CommandBarPopup MenuSafety Safety Configuration CommandBarPopup MenuSelectionLevel Selection Level CommandBarPopup MenuShowHide Show/Hide For determining whether selected targets, frames , paths parts and mechanisms are visible. CommandBarPopup MenuShutdown Shutdown For shutting down a controller. CommandBarPopup MenuSimulation Simulation CommandBarPopup MenuSnapMode Snap Mode CommandBarPopup MenuTargetAddToPathGroup Add to path For adding a target to an existi

ng path. CommandBarPopup MenuToolAtTarget View Tool at Target For illustrating tool orientatio n. CommandBarPopup MenuTools Tools CommandBarPopup MenuView View CommandBarPopup MenuViewSettings 3D Settings For choosing the various view settings o f the graphics window. CommandBarPopup MenuWindow Window CommandBarPopup MenuWindows Show Windows For choosing the various setting of the graphics window. CommandBarPopup ModifyPath Path CommandBarPopup MoveInstructionToPath Move to Path For moving an instruction to another pat h. CommandBarPopup MovePathToTask Move to Task For moving a path to another task in the station . CommandBarPopup MoveTargetToWorkobject Move to Workobject For moving a target to a workobj ect. CommandBarPopup MoveTaskContent Move Task Data To For moving the task data to another task . CommandBarPopup MoveTooldataToTask Move to Task For moving tooldata to another task. CommandBarPopup MoveToPose Move To Pose For moving a mechanism to a predefined joint val ue at a predefined time without using the VC. CommandBarPopup MoveWorkobjectToTask Move to Task For moving a workobject to another task. CommandBarPopup PopupRunMode Run Mode For selecting the run mode of the controller. CommandBarPopup PopupSetPP Set Program Pointer CommandBarPopup ReversePath Reverse Path For changing the sequence of targets in a path. CommandBarPopup ViewPopup View Orientation CommandBarPopup AppMenuCollaborate Collaborate CommandBarGalleryPopup AppMenuOnline Online CommandBarGalleryPopup AppMenuPrint Print CommandBarGalleryPopup BackupGallery Backup For managing backups. CommandBarGalleryPopup ConnectControllerGallery Add Controller For adding a controller. CommandBarGalleryPopup CtxGalleryTracks Add Track CommandBarGalleryPopup GalleryCreateCurve Curve For creating a 1D object. CommandBarGaller yPopup GalleryCreateFrame Frame For defining a coordinate system. CommandB arGalleryPopup GalleryCreateSolid Solid For creating a 3D object. CommandBarGaller yPopup GalleryCreateSurface Surface For creating a 2D object. CommandBarGaller yPopup GalleryCreateTarget Target For defining a coordinate point to be reached by the robot. CommandBarGalleryPopup GraphicAppearanceGallery Graphic Appearance CommandBarGaller yPopup LibGalleryABB ABB Library For importing ABB mechanism libraries your stati on. CommandBarGalleryPopup LibGalleryImport Import Library For importing various equipment into you r station. CommandBarGalleryPopup RobotSystemGallery Robot System For importing a robot and adding a syste m to your station. CommandBarGalleryPopup TemplateSystemGallery Quick System CommandBarGalleryPopup UASGallery Authenticate For managing authorization. CommandBarGaller yPopup ActivateMechUnits Activate Mechanical Units... For activating and deact

ivating tracks, positioners, and other units for monitoring by the controller. CommandBarButton ActiveProcess Active Process CommandBarButton AddJointTargetsToActivePath Add to active path CommandBarButton AddTargetsToActivePath Add to active path CommandBarButton AlignFramesByTargetOrFrame Align Frame Orientation For aligning the rotatio n of selected frames around one axis, without changing the rotation around the o thers. CommandBarButton AlignTargetsByTargetOrFrame Align Target Orientation For aligning the rotation of selected targets around one axis without affecting the rotation aro und the others. CommandBarButton ApplicationButton RobotStudio Button CommandBarButton BooleanOperationIntersect Intersect For creating a new body through the intersection of two bodies. CommandBarButton BooleanOperationSubtract Subtract For creating a new body by subtr acting one body from another. CommandBarButton BooleanOperationUnion Union For creating a new body through the union of two bodies. CommandBarButton BrowserCollapse Collapse Browser Contents CommandBarButton CollisionSetActive Active CommandBarButton Configurations Configurations... For setting the configuration of a singl e target. CommandBarButton ConfigureCommands Customize Commands... CommandBarButton ConfigurePath Auto Configuration For setting the configuration of all tar gets in a path. CommandBarButton ControllerActivateIOUnit Activate Unit CommandBarButton ControllerActive Active CommandBarButton ControllerAddExisting Existing... For adding an existing system to your st ation. CommandBarButton ControllerAddTemplate From Template... For applying a predefined system to your station. CommandBarButton ControllerBackup Create Backup... For creating a system backup. CommandBarButton ControllerConfigurationEditor Configuration Editor... CommandBarButton ControllerConfigurationWizard From Layout... For creating a system based on y our layout. CommandBarButton ControllerControlPanel Control Panel For switching between the operational mo des of the controller. CommandBarButton ControllerControlPanelMode Switch Style CommandBarButton ControllerDeactivateIOUnit Deactivate Unit CommandBarButton ControllerDevices Device Browser CommandBarButton ControllerEventRecorder Events... For displaying the events log of the con troller. CommandBarButton ControllerIOSimulator I/O Simulator For displaying and setting signal, group s and cross-connections during program execution. CommandBarButton ControllerIOWindow Inputs/Outputs For displaying the input and output sign als. CommandBarButton ControllerKill Terminate Virtual Controller(s) CommandBarButton ControllerLoadParams Load Parameters... For loading a configuration file to the controller. CommandBarButton ControllerLogin Login as a Different User For logging on with a different user name. CommandBarButton ControllerLogoff Log off For logging off from the controller. CommandB arButton ControllerLogoffAll Log off all controllers For logging off from all control lers. CommandBarButton ControllerProperties Controller and System Properties CommandB arButton ControllerReleaseMastership Release Write Access For releasing the right to edit controller information. CommandBarButton

ControllerRemoveSystem Remove System CommandBarButton ControllerRename Rename... CommandBarButton ControllerRequestMastership Request Write Access For requesting the right to edit controller information. CommandBarButton ControllerRestore Restore Backup... For restoring a system from back up. CommandBarButton ControllerRunModeContinuous Continuous CommandBarButton ControllerRunModeSingleCycle Single Cycle CommandBarButton ControllerSaveParams Save Parameters... For saving system parameters to a configuration file. CommandBarButton ControllerSetCtrlID Controller ID CommandBarButton ControllerSetDate Date and Time CommandBarButton ControllerSetTaskFrames Set Task Frames... CommandBarButton ControllerShutdown Shutdown CommandBarButton ControllerSyncToStation Synchronize to Station... For synchronizing a virt ual controller to an open station. CommandBarButton ControllerSyncToVC Synchronize to VC... For synchronizing an open statio n to a virtual controller. CommandBarButton ControllerTaskWindow Rapid Tasks For listing the active tasks in the cont roller. CommandBarButton ControllerUASAdmin Edit User Accounts For administering UAS user accou nts, grants and groups. CommandBarButton ControllerUASViewer UAS Grant Viewer... For displaying the grants and gr oups owning them. CommandBarButton ConvertFrameToWorkobject Convert Frame to Workobject For creating a n ew workobject from a frame. CommandBarButton ConvertTargetToWorkobject Convert Target to Workobject For converting a target to a workobject. CommandBarButton ConvertToMoveC Convert to Move Circular For creating a circular motion t o an instruction target. CommandBarButton ConveyorSimulation Conveyor Simulation CommandBarButton ConveyorTrackingSetup Conveyor Setup CommandBarButton Create2DArc Arc CommandBarButton Create2DBorder2Bodies Border around Bodies For creating a curve along the b order between two bodies. CommandBarButton Create2DBorderAroundSurface Border around Surface For creating a curve alo ng the border of a surface. CommandBarButton Create2DBorderFromPoints Border from Points For creating a curve alo ng a border selected by points. CommandBarButton Create2DCircle Circle For creating a circle from a center point and a radius o r diameter. CommandBarButton Create2DCircle3Point three point circle For creating a circle from three specified points. CommandBarButton Create2DEllipse Ellipse CommandBarButton Create2DEllipticalArc Elliptical Arc CommandBarButton Create2DLine Line CommandBarButton Create2DLineFromNormal Line from Normal For creating a new body from a l ine extending perpendicularly from a surface. CommandBarButton Create2DPolygon Polygon CommandBarButton Create2DPolyline Polyline CommandBarButton Create2DRectangle Rectangle CommandBarButton Create2DSpline Spline CommandBarButton Create2DSurfaceCircle Surface Circle CommandBarButton Create2DSurfaceFromCurve Surface from Curve CommandBarButton Create2DSurfacePolygon Surface Polygon CommandBarButton Create2DSurfaceRectangle Surface Rectangle CommandBarButton Create3DBox Box By defing a corner point and dimensions. CommandB arButton Create3DBoxFrom3Point Box from 3-points By defining three corner points. CommandBarButton

Create3DCone Cone CommandBarButton Create3DCylinder Cylinder CommandBarButton Create3DPyramid Pyramid CommandBarButton Create3DSphere Sphere CommandBarButton CreateActionInstruction Action Instruction For inserting an auxilliary, non -motion instruction, useful for offline programing. CommandBarButton CreateActionInstructionContextMenuCommand Insert Action Instruction... CommandBarButton CreateCollisionSet Create Collision Set For setting up collision detecti on between moving parts. CommandBarButton CreateComponentGroup Component Group For grouping components and related obje cts. CommandBarButton CreateEmptyPart Empty Part For creating a new part. CommandBarButton CreateFrame Frame... For creating a generic frame. CommandBarButton CreateFrameThreePoints Frame from Three Points... For creating a frame fro m two points on the X axis and one point on the Y axis. CommandBarButton CreateInstructionTemplates Instruction Template Manager... CommandB arButton CreateJointTarget Create Jointtarget... For creating a target by specify ing the positions of the robot axes. CommandBarButton CreateMoveInstruction Move Instruction... CommandBarButton CreateMoveInstructionContextMenuCommand Insert Move Instruction... CommandBarButton CreateMoveInstructionContextMenuDispatch Insert Move Instruction... CommandBarButton CreateMoveInstructionDispatch Move Instruction... For creating a move inst ruction and corresponding target. CommandBarButton CreateMoveInstructionJointTarget Move Instruction CommandB arButton CreateNewPathWithJointTargets Add to new path CommandBarButton CreateNewPathWithTargets Add to new path For creating a new path with the selected target. CommandBarButton CreatePath Empty Path For creating a new path that is empty of instruc tions. CommandBarButton CreatePathContextMenuCommand Create Path CommandBarButton CreatePathFromCurve Path from Curve For generating a path from a curve, comp lete with targets and instructions. CommandBarButton CreateRelation Pairing For creating a relation between controllers. CommandB arButton CreateTarget Create Target... For creating a target. CommandBarButton CreateTool Create Tool... For creating a tool, complete with tooldata. CommandBarButton DeactivatePowerPac Close PowerPac CommandBarButton Defeature Defeature CommandBarButton DetachObject Detach For detaching a part from an object. CommandBarButton EditCopy Copy CommandBarButton EditCut Cut CommandBarButton EditDelete Delete For deleting an object from the station. CommandB arButton EditExternalAxis Modify External Axis... For repositioning the external a xis. CommandBarButton EditFind Find CommandBarButton EditPaste Paste CommandBarButton EditRedo Redo CommandBarButton EditRename Rename CommandBarButton EditReplace Replace CommandBarButton EditSelectAll Select All CommandBarButton EditUndo Undo CommandBarButton EPSWizard EPS Wizard CommandBarButton EventManager Event Manager... For handling events, setting signals and

specifying trigger conditions. CommandBarButton Export2D Save 2D Drawing CommandBarButton ExportHelpIDs Export Help IDs CommandBarButton ExtrudeSurface Extrude Surface For extruding a 3D object from a surface. CommandBarButton ExtrudeWire Extrude Curve For extruding a 3D object from a curve. CommandB arButton FileCaptureAppStart Record application For recording the entire applica tion window to a video clip. CommandBarButton FileCaptureDocStart Record graphics For recording the active graphics window to a video clip. CommandBarButton FileCapturePlay View Recording For playing the latest recording. CommandB arButton FileCaptureSimulation Record Simulation For recording the next simulatio n to a video clip. CommandBarButton FileCaptureStop Stop Recording For stopping the recording. CommandBarButton FileCloseStation Close CommandBarButton FileDisconnectLibrary Disconnect Library For disconnecting a library from a station. CommandBarButton FileExit Exit CommandBarButton FileExportGeometry Export Geometry... For exporting a geometry from yo ur station. CommandBarButton FileImportGeometry Import Geometry... For copying a CAD file to your s tation. CommandBarButton FileImportLibrary Import Library... CommandBarButton FileImportStation Import Station... CommandBarButton FileNewStation New Station... CommandBarButton FileOpenStation Open CommandBarButton FilePackAndGo Pack and Go... CommandBarButton FilePrint Print CommandBarButton FilePrintPreview Print Preview CommandBarButton FileSaveAsLibrary Save As Library... For saving a created part as a l ibrary. CommandBarButton FileSaveAsViewer Save Station as Viewer CommandBarButton FileSaveStation Save CommandBarButton FileSaveStationAs Save As... CommandBarButton FileScreenshot Screenshot CommandBarButton FileUnpackAndWork Unpack and Work... CommandBarButton FindTargetsFromMoveInstructions Locate Target For locating a target from a mov e instruction. CommandBarButton FlexPendantViewer FlexPendant Viewer For displaying a virtual FlexPen dant. CommandBarButton FrameNormalToSurface Set Normal To Surface For orienting a target perpendic ular to a surface. CommandBarButton GoOffline Go Offline For creating a station with a virtual controller that matches your system. CommandBarButton HelpAbout About RobotStudio CommandBarButton HelpAPIHelp RobotStudio API Help CommandBarButton HelpFlexPendant FlexPendant Help CommandBarButton HelpHelp RobotStudio Help CommandBarButton HelpRapidHelp RAPID Reference CommandBarButton HelpRapidIntro Introduction to RAPID CommandBarButton HelpSystemParams System Parameters Reference CommandBarButton HideSyncNotification Hide CommandBarButton InterpolatePath Interpolate Path... For reorienting the targets in a path fo r a more even distribution. CommandBarButton Invert Invert For inverting the direction of a face. CommandBarButton JumpHome Jump Home For moving a robot to its home position. CommandBarButton JumpToJointTarget Jump To Jointtarget CommandBarButton

JumpToMoveInstruction Jump To Move Instruction For jumping a robot to t he selected move instruction. CommandBarButton JumpToSelection Jump To Target/Move Instruction CommandBarButton JumpToTarget Jump To Target For jumping the robot to the selected target. CommandBarButton LibraryLoadBrowse Change library... CommandBarButton LocateOriginal Locate Original CommandBarButton MeasureAngle Angle For measuring the angle between two convergent lines. CommandBarButton MeasureCircle Diameter For measuring the diameter of a circle. CommandB arButton MeasureObjectToObject Minimum Distance For measuring the closest distan ce between two objects in the graphics window. CommandBarButton MeasurePointToPoint Point to Point For measuring the distance between two p oints in the graphics window. CommandBarButton MechanicalUnitProperties System Configuration... For configuring a number of spatial functions in the controller. CommandBarButton MechanismModeler Create Mechanism... For creating or modifying new me chanisms. CommandBarButton MinimizeRibbon Minimize the Ribbon CommandBarButton MirrorPath Mirror Path... For mirroring all motion instructions and their targets to a new path. CommandBarButton ModifyApplyOrientation Apply Orientation For applying the orientation cop ied from another object. CommandBarButton ModifyCollisionSet Modify Collision set... CommandBarButton ModifyCopyOrientation Copy Orientation For copying the orientation of a n object. CommandBarButton ModifyCurvesSelection Modify Curve For modifying or optimizing a curve. CommandBarButton ModifyGraphicAppearance Graphic Appearance... For determining the graphic appe arance of an individual object. CommandBarButton ModifyMechanism Modify Mechanism... For modifying a mechanism. CommandB arButton ModifyModPos Modify Position For modifying the position of an object or targe t. CommandBarButton ModifySetColor Set Color... For coloring your graphics. CommandBarButton ModuleCompareToFile File... CommandBarButton MoveAlongPathProcedure Move Along Path For executing all move instructions in a path. CommandBarButton MoveToMoveInstruction Execute Move Instruction For testing whether a ro bot can reach a specified position with the programed motion properties. CommandBarButton MultiMove MultiMove For opening the MultiMove wizard. CommandB arButton NeverShowSyncNotificationAgain Never show this message again CommandB arButton OfflineControllerRestart-I I-start Restart the controller with the current system and the default settings. CommandBarButton OfflineControllerRestart-P P-start Restart the controller with the current system and reinstall RAPID. CommandBarButton OfflineControllerRestartWarm Warmstart Restart the controller and activ ate changes made to the system. CommandBarButton OffsetPath Tool Compensation For offsetting a path to compensate for the radius of a rotating tool. CommandBarButton OnlineConnectController Add Controller... For adding available controllers to the network. CommandBarButton OnlineControllerRestart-B B-start Restart the controller with the current system and the last known good settings. CommandBarButton OnlineControllerRestart-C C-start Delete current system and start boot app lication. CommandBarButton

OnlineControllerRestart-I I-start Restart the controller with the current system and the default settings. CommandBarButton OnlineControllerRestart-P P-start Restart the controller with the current system and reinstall RAPID. CommandBarButton OnlineControllerRestartWarm Warmstart Restart the controller and activ ate changes made to the system. CommandBarButton OnlineControllerRestart-X X-start Save current system and start boot appli cation. CommandBarButton OnlineExportControllers Export Controllers CommandBarButton OnlineImportControllers Import Controllers CommandBarButton Options RobotStudio Options CommandBarButton OptionsScreenRecorder Recorder Settings CommandBarButton OutputWindowActivate View detailed information... CommandBarButton OutputWindowClear Clear CommandBarButton OutputWindowSaveToFile Save to file... CommandBarButton OutputWindowShowAll All CommandBarButton OutputWindowShowErrors Errors CommandBarButton OutputWindowShowInformation Information CommandBarButton OutputWindowShowWarnings Warnings CommandBarButton OutputWindowShowWE Warnings and Errors CommandBarButton PlaceObjectFrame Frame CommandBarButton PlaceObjectOnePoint One Point CommandBarButton PlaceObjectThreePoints Three Points CommandBarButton PlaceObjectTwoPoints Two Points CommandBarButton PowerPacLoad Load Add-In CommandBarButton PowerPacLoadOnStartup Autoload Add-In CommandBarButton ProcessTimerReset Reset Process Timer For resetting the timer to zero. CommandBarButton ProcessTimerStartStop Enable Process Timer For activating the timer. CommandBarButton ProgramDeleteProgram Delete Program CommandBarButton ProgramLoadModule Load Module... For loading a RAPID module. CommandB arButton ProgramLoadProgram Load Program... For loading a RAPID program. CommandB arButton ProgramNewModule New Module... For creating a new RAPID module. CommandBarButton ProgramSaveModuleAs Save Module As... CommandBarButton ProgramSaveProgramAs Save Program As... CommandBarButton ProgramSetPPCursor Set Program Pointer to Cursor CommandBarButton ProgramSetPPMain Set Program Pointer to Main CommandBarButton ProgramSetPPRoutine Set Program Pointer to Routine CommandBarButton ProgramShowMP Show Motion Pointer For opening the RAPID editor where the m otion pointer is found. CommandBarButton ProgramShowPP Show Program Pointer For opening the RAPID editor where the p rogram pointer is found. CommandBarButton RapidActivateProgramEditor RAPID Editor For opening the RAPID editor. CommandBarButton RapidBuild Check program For verifying the syntactic and semantic correct ness of all modules in the system. CommandBarButton RapidCompleteWord Complete Word CommandBarButton RapidIgnoreBreakpoints Ignore breakpoints For ignoring all breakpoints dur ing program execution. CommandBarButton RapidListRecordComponents List Record Components CommandBarButton RapidModuleApply Apply changes CommandBarButton RapidParameterInfo Parameter Info CommandBarButton RapidPickList Pick List CommandBarButton RapidStart Start For starting the execution of all normal RAPID tasks in the system. CommandBarButton RapidStepIn Step in For starting and executing into a routine, while stoppin

g at the beginning of the routine. CommandBarButton RapidStepOut Step out For executing all remaining statements of the cu rrent routine, and stopping after the call to the current routine. CommandB arButton RapidStepOver Step over For starting and executing one statement in all normal tasks in the system. CommandBarButton RapidStepOverToolbar Step over CommandBarButton RapidStop Stop For stopping the execution of all normal RAPID tasks in the system. CommandBarButton RapidToggleBreakpoint Toggle Breakpoint For toggling a breakpoint at the cursor. CommandBarButton ReachabilityObject Check Reachability For verifying that the robot can reach selected targets and motion instructions. CommandBarButton ReachabilityTool Reachability... For checking whether the robot is within reach of selected targets. CommandBarButton RemoveGeometry Remove Geometry For removing a geometry from your station. CommandBarButton RemoveUnusedTargets Remove Unused Targets For deleting targets that are no longer used in any instructions. CommandBarButton RenameTargets Rename Targets... For changing the name of targets. CommandBarButton ReposLocalOrigin Set Local Origin For repositioning the local coor dinate system of an object. CommandBarButton ResetConveyor Conveyor Reset CommandBarButton ResultsWindowClear Clear CommandBarButton ReversePathAdvanced Advanced CommandBarButton ReversePathSimple Simple CommandBarButton RotatePath Rotate Path... For rotating complete paths and moving the targe ts used by the paths. CommandBarButton SafeMoveController1 SafeMove 1 CommandBarButton SafeMoveController2 SafeMove 2 CommandBarButton SafeMoveController3 SafeMove 3 CommandBarButton SafeMoveController4 SafeMove 4 CommandBarButton SetAsActivePath Set as active CommandBarButton SetAsActiveTask Set as active CommandBarButton SetAsActiveTool Set as active CommandBarButton SetAsActiveWorkObject Set as active CommandBarButton SimulationMonitor Monitor... For visually detecting critical robot mo vements during simulation. CommandBarButton SimulationPause Pause For pausing the simulation. CommandBarButton SimulationPlay Play For starting the simulation. This will start all RAPID programs configured in the Simulation Setup. CommandBarButton SimulationReset Reset For resetting the simulation. CommandBarButton SimulationSetup Simulation Setup For configuring and staging a simulation . CommandBarButton SimulationStop Stop For stopping and resetting the simulation. CommandB arButton SystemBuilder System Builder... CommandBarButton TargetNormalToSurface Set Normal to Surface For setting a target orientation perpendicular to the surface. CommandBarButton TeachMoveInstruction Teach Instruction For creating a move instruction and corresponding target at the current position of the robot. CommandBarButton TeachTarget Teach Target For creating a target through jogging a robot. CommandBarButton ToolControlTearOff Tear Off CommandBarButton ToolCreateToolData Tooldata For defining the properties of a tool, s uch as its position and load. CommandBarButton ToolCreateWorkobject Workobject For creating a RAPID workobject. Defini ng targets relative to a workobject facilitates calibration. CommandBarButton ToolEditInstruction Modify Instruction... For modifying the arguments and

editable properties of an instruction. CommandBarButton ToolEditJointTarget Modify JointTarget... For modifying a jointtarget. CommandBarButton ToolEditToolData Modify Tooldata... For modifying tooldata. CommandB arButton ToolEditWorkobject Modify Workobject... For modifying a workobject. CommandBarButton ToolMechanismJointJog Mechanism Joint Jog For jogging the joints of a mech ansim. CommandBarButton ToolMechanismJointJog2 Mechanism Joint Jog For jogging the joints of the me chanisms in your station. CommandBarButton ToolMechanismLinearJog Mechanism Linear Jog For jogging mechanisms linearly. CommandBarButton ToolMechanismLinearJog2 Mechanism Linear Jog For jogging mechanisms linearly in your station. CommandBarButton ToolRotate Rotate... For rotating an item. CommandBarButton ToolsAddSignals Add Signals... CommandBarButton ToolSetPosition Set Position... For setting the position of a part relative to a specified coordinate system. CommandBarButton ToolsFileManager File Transfer CommandBarButton ToolsImportAdditionalOptions Import Options For importing system options to the media pool. CommandBarButton ToolsLicenseWizard License Key Request Wizard... CommandBarButton ToolsOneClickConnect One Click Connect... For connecting to the service po rt of a controller. CommandBarButton ToolsSystemBuilder System Builder... For creating, modifying, copying and deleting systems. CommandBarButton ToolsTerminal Terminal CommandBarButton TranslatePath Translate Path... For moving a path and all included targe ts. CommandBarButton ViewCreateCamera Create Viewpoint CommandBarButton ViewDefaultLayout Default Layout CommandBarButton ViewExamine Examine CommandBarButton ViewFrameSizeLarge Large CommandBarButton ViewFrameSizeMedium Medium CommandBarButton ViewFrameSizeSmall Small CommandBarButton ViewFreehandJogMultiRobot Enable CommandBarButton ViewFreehandModeJogJoint Jog Joint For jogging the different axes o f a robot. CommandBarButton ViewFreehandModeJogLinear Jog Linear For jogging within the coordinat e system defined by the active tool.. CommandBarButton ViewFreehandModeJogReorient Jog Reorient For enabling the rotation of the TCP. CommandBarButton ViewFreehandModeMove Move For dragging an item, relative to the active ref erence coordinate system. CommandBarButton ViewFreehandModeRotate Rotate For enabling rotation around the various axes of an object, determined by the reference coordinate system. CommandBarButton ViewFreehandRefGlobal World CommandBarButton ViewFreehandRefLocal Local CommandBarButton ViewFreehandRefTool Active Tool CommandBarButton ViewFreehandRefUCS UCS CommandBarButton ViewFreehandRefWobj Active Workobject CommandBarButton ViewModelingFilter_ShowBodies Show Bodies CommandBarButton ViewModelingFilter_ShowFaces Show Faces/Curves CommandBarButton ViewMoveToCamera Move to Viewpoint CommandBarButton ViewPanDown Pan Down CommandBarButton ViewPanLeft Pan Left CommandBarButton ViewPanRight Pan Right CommandBarButton ViewPanUp Pan Up CommandBarButton ViewPickingEnabled Selectable in 3D View For rendering a part in three di

mensions. CommandBarButton ViewProjectionOrthographic Orthographic CommandBarButton ViewProjectionPerspective Perspective CommandBarButton ViewRefresh Refresh CommandBarButton ViewRepresentationBoth Both CommandBarButton ViewRepresentationHiddenLineRemoval Hidden-line removal CommandB arButton ViewRepresentationSurface Surface CommandBarButton ViewRepresentationWireframe Wireframe CommandBarButton ViewRobotAtTarget View Robot at Target For illustrating robot orientati on. CommandBarButton ViewRotateDown Rotate Down CommandBarButton ViewRotateLeft Rotate Left CommandBarButton ViewRotateRight Rotate Right CommandBarButton ViewRotateUp Rotate Up CommandBarButton ViewSelectionLevelAssembly Group Selection For selecting on group level. CommandBarButton ViewSelectionLevelCurve Curve Selection For selecting on curve level. CommandB arButton ViewSelectionLevelEntity Body Selection For selecting on body level. CommandBarButton ViewSelectionLevelMechanism Mechanism Selection For selecting on mechani sm level. CommandBarButton ViewSelectionLevelPart Part Selection For selecting on part level. CommandB arButton ViewSelectionLevelPath Path Selection For selecting on path level. CommandB arButton ViewSelectionLevelSurface Surface Selection For selecting on surface level. CommandBarButton ViewSelectionLevelTarget Target/Frame Selection For selecting on target or frame level. CommandBarButton ViewSetCamera Set to current CommandBarButton ViewSetUCS Set as UCS For setting the frame of the created part as the User Coordinate System. CommandBarButton ViewShowAllFrames All Targets/Frames CommandBarButton ViewShowAllMechanisms All Mechanisms CommandBarButton ViewShowAllParts All Parts CommandBarButton ViewShowAllPaths All Paths CommandBarButton ViewShowFrameNames Frame Names CommandBarButton ViewShowName Show Name CommandBarButton ViewShowPathNames Path Names CommandBarButton ViewShowTargetNames Target Names CommandBarButton ViewSnapModeCenter Snap Center For snapping the cursor to the center po int. CommandBarButton ViewSnapModeEdge Snap Edge For snapping the cursor to the edge poin ts. CommandBarButton ViewSnapModeEnd Snap End For snapping the cursor to the closest end point or corner. CommandBarButton ViewSnapModeGravity Snap Gravity For snapping the cursor to the center of gravity. CommandBarButton ViewSnapModeGrid Snap Grid For snapping the cursor to the UCS grid points. CommandBarButton ViewSnapModeLocalOrigin Snap Local Origin For snapping the cursor to the l ocal origin of an object. CommandBarButton ViewSnapModeMid Snap Mid For snapping the cursor to the midpoint. CommandBarButton ViewSnapModeObject Snap Object For snapping the cursor to the closest c enter, mid or end point. CommandBarButton ViewUnexamine Unexamine CommandBarButton ViewViewAll View All CommandBarButton

ViewViewBack Back CommandBarButton ViewViewBottom Bottom CommandBarButton ViewViewCenter View Center CommandBarButton ViewViewFront Front CommandBarButton ViewViewLeft Left CommandBarButton ViewViewRight Right CommandBarButton ViewViewTop Top CommandBarButton ViewVisible Visible CommandBarButton ViewZoomIn Zoom In CommandBarButton ViewZoomOut Zoom Out CommandBarButton VirtualFlexPendant Virtual FlexPendant For opening the Virtual FlexPend ant. CommandBarButton VstaAddAddinToStation Add to Station CommandBarButton VstaAddUserAddin Add Add-In... CommandBarButton VstaDeleteAddinFile Delete Add-In CommandBarButton VstaEditCode Edit code... CommandBarButton VstaLoadAddin Load Add-In CommandBarButton VstaLoadAddinOnStartup Autoload Add-In CommandBarButton VstaMacroExecute Run Macro CommandBarButton VstaReloadAddin Reload Add-In CommandBarButton VstaRemoveUserAddin Remove Add-In CommandBarButton VstaShowIDE Visual Studio Tools for Applications For customizing an appli cation with VSTA. CommandBarButton VstaUnloadAddin Unload Add-In CommandBarButton WindowCloseAllEditorDocuments Close text documents CommandBarButton WindowNewView New View For adding a new view tab to the graphics window . CommandBarButton WorkEnvelope Show Work Envelope CommandBarButton AttachFrameGroup CommandBarButtonGroup AttachGCGGroup CommandBarButtonGroup AttachMechGroup CommandBarButtonGroup AttachPartGroup CommandBarButtonGroup AttachWorkobjectGroup CommandBarButtonGroup CopyInstructionToPathList CommandBarButtonGroup CopyPathToTaskList CommandBarButtonGroup CopyTargetToWorkobjectList CommandBarButtonGroup CopyTaskContentList CommandBarButtonGroup CopyTooldataToTaskList CommandBarButtonGroup CopyWorkobjectToTaskList CommandBarButtonGroup EditConfigDomainGroup CommandBarButtonGroup EditRedoList CommandBarButtonGroup EditUndoList CommandBarButtonGroup FileRecentStations CommandBarButtonGroup MoveInstructionToPathList CommandBarButtonGroup MovePathToTaskList CommandBarButtonGroup MoveTargetToWorkobjectList CommandBarButtonGroup MoveTaskContentList CommandBarButtonGroup MoveTooldataToTaskList CommandBarButtonGroup MoveToPoseGroup CommandBarButtonGroup MoveWorkobjectToTaskList CommandBarButtonGroup RecentControllers CommandBarButtonGroup RecentInstructionTemplates CommandBarButtonGroup ViewCameraList CommandBarButtonGroup ViewControlBars CommandBarButtonGroup ViewFreehandJogMultiRobotList CommandBarButtonGroup ViewToolAtTargetList CommandBarButtonGroup WindowList CommandBarButtonGroup ActiveTaskCombo Task For determining the active task, to which any new workob ject, tooldata, target, empty path or path from curve will be added. CommandB arComboBox

ActiveToolCombo Tool For determining the active tool, to which any move instr uctions will be added. CommandBarComboBox ActiveWorkObjectCombo Workobject For determining the active workobject, t o which any new targets and move instructions are added. CommandBarComboB ox ComboFreehandReference Reference Coordinate System For defining the active coordinate system, during placement using the Freehand toolbar. CommandBarComboB ox m_routineCombo Select routine... CommandBarComboBox RapidRoutineCombo CommandBarComboBox MaterialOpacity Opacity % CommandBarCustomControl MaterialShininess Shininess CommandBarCustomControl ProcessTimerReference Process Timer CommandBarCustomControl ### Windows ### ### ### ### ID Caption AddInBrowser Add-Ins ConfigurationEditorWindow EPS_5.11.01.1031: CFG/Controller ConfigurationEditorWindow paint_5400_13: CFG/Controller ControllerFileManagementWindow File Transfer ControllerSetTaskFrames Modify Task Frames : paint_5400_13 DevicesWindow EPS_5.11.01.1031: Device Browser ElementBrowser Paths&Targets EventLogWindow paint_5400_13: Eventlog EventLogWindow EPS_5.11.01.1031: Eventlog EventManager Event Manager FindResults Find Results FlexPendantViewerWindow EPS_5.11.01.1031: FlexPendant Viewer GraphicWindow Paint_A4:View1 InstructionTemplatesWindow Instruction Templates: T_ROB1 IOSimulatorWindow0 paint_5400_13 signals IOWindow EPS_5.11.01.1031: I/O System IOWindow paint_5400_13: I/O System MechanismModeler Create Mechanism ModelingBrowser Modeling ObjectBrowser Layout OfflineBrowser Offline OnlineBrowser Online OnlineControllerStatusWindow Controller Status OperatorWindow paint_5400_13: Operator Window Output Output RapidEditorWindow paint_5400_13: T_ROB1/Module1 (read-only) RapidEditorWindow EPS_5.11.01.1031: T_ROB1/Module1 StartPage ABB TaskWindowWindow paint_5400_13: Tasks TaskWindowWindow EPS_5.11.01.1031: Tasks Terminal Terminal WatchOffline RAPID Watch Offline WatchOnline RAPID Watch Online

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