PCPL 0532 4 407 04 11

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DOCUMENT No PCPL-0532-4-407-04-11 1.0 1.1 1.2 2.0 2.



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This specification covers requirements of stationary lead acid storage battery complete with battery racks inter cell and inter tier connectors and all other accessories. In case of conflict between any section or clause of this specification and Data heet!"# the requirements of Data heet!" shall govern CODES & STANDARDS The design# manufacture and performance of equipment shall comply with all currently applicable statutes# regulations and safety codes in the locality where the equipment will be installed. $othing in this specification shall be construed to relieve %&$D'( of this responsibility. The equipment shall conform to the latest edition of standards mentioned in Data heet! ". TYPE The battery offered shall preferably be one of the following types as mentioned in Data sheet *". i+ ii+ ealed ,ead "cid -attery $ickel * .admium -attery

2.2 ).0

/.0 /.1

FEATURES OF CONSTRUCTION GENERAL The equipment offered shall be complete with all parts that are necessary or usual for the efficient operation of the equipment# whether specifically mentioned or not

/.2 /.2.1

SEALED LEAD ACID BATTERY The sealed batteries shall be a starved electrolyte type with electrolyte immobilised in a micro porous material to allow recombining of generated o0ygen internally. The battery shall be completely e0plosion resistant. hall tolerate free1ing and shall not allow gases to escape during normal charging conditions. The battery shall not require any watering and be maintenance free. 2lante3 2ositive 2lates The plante3 positive plate shall be cast solid in pure lead in one piece and shall have adequate mechanical strength. It shall be electrochemically formed and shall be capable of operating under normal working condition with out buckling or cracking. 4elding together of small si1e lead castings or fully formed plates to form larger si1es will not be accepted.



Tubular 2ositive plate shall consist of suitable bar with spines cast of suitably alloyed lead to give adequate mechanical strength. 2orous# acid resistant and o0idation resistant tubes shall be inserted one over each spine. "fter insertion# the tubes shall be adequately filled and packed with active material before their lower ends are closed by a common bar. The construction and material of the tubes shall be such as to reduce loss of active material and to withstand normal internal stresses developed during service. DATE:22-0 -200 ISSUE No: P0

DOCUMENT No PCPL-0532-4-407-04-11 /./ 2asted 2ositive 2lates


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The pasted positive plates shall consist of either pure lead# low antimonial lead alloy or lead calcium positive grids5 having double separation with a glass wool retainer mat or any other suitable material placed against the surface of the positive plates# for good service life. /.6 $egative 2lates The negative plates shall normally be of the bo0 type. &nd negative plates# if of bo0 type may be of the half pasted type. 2asted plates shall have adequate mechanical strength and shall be so designed that the active material is maintained in intimate contact with the grid under normal working conditions. /.7 CONTAINERS The containers shall be made of plastics# or fibre reinforced plastics 89(2+. The container shall be spill proof and leak proof# e0plosion resistant and increased safety type enclosure. /.: !ENT PLUG The vent plug shall be for safety pressure vent and of self resealing type. The %endor shall indicate the vent pressure value. /.; SEPARATORS The plate separators shall consist of a micro porous matri0# which shall serve as the mobiliser for the electrolyte. The battery separator shall maintain the electrical insulation between the plates and shall allow the electrolyte to permeate freely. The %&$D'( shall indicate the material of the separator. /.< CONNECTORS AND TERMINAL POSTS Inter cell and inter!tier connectors and terminal posts shall be of copper. Terminal posts shall be designed to accommodate e0ternal bolted connection conveniently and positively. &ach terminal post shall have two bolt holes of the same diameter# preferably at right angles to each other. The bottom hole shall be used to terminate the inter cell connection. The top hole shall be left for 2=(.>" &(? terminal connections. "ll the metal parts of the terminals shall be lead coated if necessary. The %&$D'( shall indicate this in the bid. The @unction between terminal posts and cover and between cover and container shall be so sealed as to prevent any seepage of electrolyte. /.10 ELECTROLYTE The electrolyte shall be battery grade sulfuric acid conforming to latest editions of relevant standards. The sealed battery shall be transported with the electrolyte immobili1ed and fully charged. /.11 NIC"EL-CADMIUM BATTERY /.11.1 The battery container and lid shall be alkali resistant no!aging material with high impact strength. It shall have smooth sides e0cept for receptacles.# hold down br# vent tubes# name plate# latches and polarity marking.

DATE:22-0 -200 ISSUE No: P0

DOCUMENT No PCPL-0532-4-407-04-11


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/.11.2 The cell container shall be of high strength alkali resistant material either nickel plated mild steelA stainless steel or non!porous plastic as specified in Data heet!" /.11.) The connector covers shall be of hard 2%. to prevent e0ternal short circuiting. /.11./ The venting device shall be of anti splash type and shall allow the gases to escape freely and shall effectively prevent the electrolyte from coming out . 2rovisions shall be made for drawing electrolytes samples# checking and topping of the electrolyte. /.11.6 The electrolyte used shall be a solution of potassium hydro0ide in distilled water or de! mineralised made up to the specific gravity at 2:' .. /.11.7 .ell Designation. %ented $ickel!.admium prismatic rechargeable cells shall be designated by letter ?B? followed by second letterC T 2 ! ! ! , D > E ! ! ! ! .ells with tubular plates .ells with pocket plates cells with sintered plates 9or low rate of discharge 8below 0.6 .s+ 9or medium rate of discharge 80.6 .s to ).6 .s+ 9or high rate of discharge 8).6 .s to : .s+ 9or very high rate of discharge 8above : .s+

The second letter shall be followed by a third letterC

/.11.: The group of three letters shall be then followed by a group of figures indicating "mp! hour capacity. .ells in plastic material shall be marked with letter 323. /.11.; eparators used for the cells shall be porous alkali resistant and high insulating capacity to avoid shorting on leakage of the current between the plates of opposite polarity. The separator shall be dimensionally stable with out deformation at the room temperature. ACCESSORIES The battery shall be complete with accessories and devices# including but not limited to the followingC i+ ii+ iii+ iv+ v+ -attery racks 2orcelain insulators# rubber pads etc. et of inter cell# inter!tier and inter bank connectors as required for the complete installation. &lectrolyte for first filling F10G e0tra in plastic bottles or drums# for $i!.d battery. "ccessories for testing and maintenance. a+ 'ne ! !)# 0# F) volts Dc voltmeter with suitable leads for measuring cell voltage.


DATE:22-0 -200 ISSUE No: P0

DOCUMENT No PCPL-0532-4-407-04-11 b+ c+ d+ e+ f+ g+ h+ i+ @+ k+ l+ m+ n+ o+ p+ q+ 6.0 6.1


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'ne !>ydrometer for measuring specific gravity of electrolyte in steps of 0.002. 'ne ! 9iller hole thermometer fitted with plug and cap and having specific gravity correction scale. Three !2ocket thermometers Two sets ! 9unnels or siphon hydrometer and plastic @ugs for topping up. Two * Hraduated plastic level test tube for electrolyte level checking. Two * 2%. aprons 9our! 2%. H,'%& and any other protective wearing #$$#%&' to be specified by %&$D'( Two! .ell lifting straps 'ne set * Terminals and cable bo0es with glands for connecting cable as required. pare connectors pare vent plugs pare nuts and bolts uitable set of spanners 2%. spill trays under the -attery cells 'ne set ! .ell topping up apparatus 8for large si1es of $I!.D cells+ %&$D'( shall list the items. Insulated wrencher 8for sealed lead acid battery+.

BATTERY LAYOUT =nless otherwise specified the battery shall be complete with battery racks and preferably mounted in single tier arrangement. %&$D'( shall furnish dimensioned drawings of the battery layout for purchaser?s "22('%",. 9or smaller units# utilising sealed!in type of batteries# mounting of the battery in the same sheet metal cubicle as the associated equipment# for instance battery charger# will also be acceptable. BATTERY RAC"S -attery racks shall be constructed from good quality teakwood and painted with two coats of approved alkali resisting paint. The construction of the racks unless otherwise mentioned in Data heet!" shall be suitable for fi0ing to a flat concrete floor. The racks shall be rigid# freestanding type and free from warp and twist. The completed racks shall be suitable for being bolted end to end to form a continuous row. Insulators shall be provided below the legs of the stands.



!ENTILATION T>& bidder shall I$DI."T& I$ T>& T&$D&( (&I=I(&D&$T '9 %&$TI,"TI'$ I$ T>& -"TT&(J (''D. The battery shall operate satisfactorily DATE:22-0 -200 ISSUE No: P0

DOCUMENT No PCPL-0532-4-407-04-11


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over the entire range of temperature indicated in Data heet without affecting its normal life. -IDD&( shall indicate the percentage reduction in battery capacity at the lowest temperature compared to that tat standard temperature of 2:' .. If any special ventilation requirements are necessary# the same shall be indicated. 7.0 CAPACITY The standard ampere!hour capacity at ten hour rate of discharge of the battery has been based on the requirements of loads mentioned in Data heet!" and the minimum ambient temperature specified. -IDD&( >",, Huarantee that the capacity of the battery offered by him is adequate for the duty specified 8all loads being co!incident from the instant of supply failure even at the minimum ambient temperature specified in Data heet!"+. 9or lead acid battery it may be assumed that the battery is fully charged to 2.16 % at the start of the cycle and is discharged to a voltage of 1.:6 %Acell at the end of the cycle. 9or $i!.d battery each cell at start is considered charged to 1.2; % and the cell end voltage after discharge to be 1.1. or 1.06 % as mentioned in Data heet!" :.0 :.1 :.2 C(ARGING The proposed method of charging of the battery is indicated in the Data heet *". -IDD&( shall state whether an equalising charge is recommended for the battery. If so# the equalising charging voltage# current# duration and the interval between the equalising charging shall be specified in Data heet!-. -IDD&( >",, also indicate the requirements for boost charging. LIFE The -IDD&( shall quote in his offer the guaranteed life of the battery when operating under the conditions specified <.0 <.1 TESTS "ll tests shall be conducted as per the relevant standards. Tests shall include following Type K acceptance testsC i+ Type TestsC .opy of report on type test performed at D"$=9".T=(&(? works shall be submitted with the bill.


ii+ "cceptance TestC 2erformed at site after installation and commissioning of the battery. "ll tests shall be witnessed by the 2=(.>" &(? representative. Details of tests to be performed are given belowC <.2 <.2.1 TYPE TESTS Type tests shall comprise o the followingC a+ %isual inspection b+ Dimensional check c+ .apacity tests d+ (etention of charge test e+ "mpere!hour and watt!hour efficiency tests.

DATE:22-0 -200 ISSUE No: P0

DOCUMENT No PCPL-0532-4-407-04-11 f+ &ndurance test g+ ,ife cycle test <.2.2


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Type tests shall be conducted on a minimum of one sample cell typical and identical with the cells forming the complete battery offered. >owever# the test cell shall not be one of the cells offered in the battery offered.

<.2.). In applications where the first momentary discharge stated in Data heet!" is high and lasts for several minutes a high discharge test shall be conducted# in addition to the above tests# as a type test. This test shall ensure that at the end of the high discharge rate duty# end cell voltage does not fall below 1.7 % for lead acid and 1.1A1.06 % for $i!.d and the temperature rise of electrolyte shall be within 10' .. <.) ACCEPTANCE TESTS "cceptance tests shall be conducted at site on completion of installation and commissioning and immediately prior to putting the battery in service. These tests shall comprise ofC a+ %isual inspection b+ Dimensional check c+ .apacity test d+ Test for voltage during discharge e+ <./ torage test f+ Insulation resistance TEST REPORTS " copy of routine and type test results shall be submitted for approval before the dispatch of batteries. pecified number of bound copies of complete test results shall be furnished with the batteries. 10.0 SPARE PARTS -IDD&( shall include the following items in his recommended list of spares along with item wise unit pricesC a+ Inter cell connectors b+ -attery stand insulators and cell insulators c+ $uts# bolts# washers etc. d+ %ent plugs cum level indicators e+ .omplete set of spare cell 8without electrolyte for $i!.d cell+ f+ -attery inter row connector g+ -attery intercell connector 11.0 IDENTIFICATION &ach cell shall be marked in a permanent manner to indicate the following informationC DATE:22-0 -200 ISSUE No: P0

DOCUMENT No PCPL-0532-4-407-04-11 a+ .ell number b+ Type of positive plate


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c+ "> capacity at 10 hour rate 8lead "cid+ and ; hour rate 8$ickel!.admium+. d+ Type of container e+ D"$=9".T=(&(? name f+ Donth and year of manufacture. 12.0 CO-ORDINATION )IT( BATTERY C(ARGER !ENDOR 4hen battery charger is procured separately# %&$D'( shall coordinate with battery charger %&$D'( in regard to layout# connections# charging voltage requirements etc. 1).0 TRANSPORT The $i!.d battery shall be transported without electrolyte in preferably dry charged condition. The electrolyte shall be supplied separately in non!returnable containers. The sealed lead acid battery shall be transported with the electrolyte immobili1ed# sealed and fully charged. 1/.0 )ARRANTY %&$D'( shall indicate if he will give a warranty period of 10 years for sealed lead!acid battery and indicate the warranty terms and conditions.

DATE:22-0 -200 ISSUE No: P0

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