SEC. 27. Rates of Income Tax On Domestic Corporations

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SEC. 27. Rates of Income tax on Domestic Corporations.

Taxpayers (A) Domestic Corporations (In General) (B) Proprietary !"cational Instit"tions an! #ospitals (except t$ose co%ere! by &"bsection (D) (C ) G(CCs) A*encies or Instr"mentalities (except G&I&) &&&) P#IC) PC&( an! t$ose "n!er RA No+ ,-,3) (D)Rate o. Tax (n Certain Passi%e Income (') Interest .rom P$ilippine c"rrency ban/ !eposits an! yiel! or any ot$er monetary .rom !eposit s"bstit"tes an! .rom tr"st ."n!s an! similar arran*ements) an! royalties (0) capital *ains !eri%e! .rom t$e sale o. s$ares o. stoc/ not tra!e! in t$e stoc/ exc$an*e Not o%er P'00)000 Amo"nt in excess o. P'00)000 (3) Tax on Income Deri%e! "n!er t$e xpan!e! 1orei*n C"rrency Deposit &ystem (except net income .rom s"c$ transactions as may be! by t$e &ecretary o. 1inance) (2) Intercorporate !i%i!en!s (-) Capital *ains reali3e! .rom t$e sale) exc$an*e or !isposition o. lan!s an!4or b"il!in*s ( ) 7inim"m Corporate Income Tax on Domestic Corporations 0% .inal 5it$$ol!in* tax 00% Tax Base Taxable Net Income Taxable Net Income Tax Rate 30% '0%

Taxable Net Income


-% '0% xempt

xempt 6%

&ec+ 08 Rates o. Income Tax on 1orei*n Corporations Taxpayer (A) Tax on Resi!ent 1orei*n Corporations (') In General Taxable Net Income 30% Tax Base Tax Rate

(0) 7inim"m Corporate Income Tax on Resi!ent 1orei*n Corporations

Gross Income


(3) International Carrier

=Gross P$ilippine Billin*s>

0 ?% '0%

(2) (..s$ore Ban/in* 9nits

1inal Tax

(-) Tax on Branc$ Pro.its Remittances

(6) Re*ional or Area #ea!:"arters an! Re*ional (peratin* #ea!:"arters o. 7"ltinational Companies+ (a) Re*ional or area $ea!:"arters as !e.ine! in &ection 00(DD) s$all not be s"b;ect to income tax+ (b) Re*ional operatin* $ea!:"arters as !e.ine! in &ection 00( ) (<) Tax on Certain Incomes Received by a Resident Foreign Corporation.

Total pro.its applie! or earmar/e! .or remittance 5it$o"t any !e!"ction .or t$e tax component t$ereo.


&$all not be s"b;ect to income tax+ '0% taxable income


(a)Interest .rom Deposits an! @iel! or any ot$er 7onetary .rom Deposit &"bstit"tes) Tr"st 1"n!s an! &imilar Arran*ements an! Royalties

.inal income tax

'0% (b) Income Deri%e! "n!er t$e xpan!e! 1orei*n C"rrency Deposit &ystem (c) Capital Gains .rom &ale o. &$ares o. &toc/ Not Tra!e! in t$e &toc/ xc$an*e+ ANot o%er P'00)000 A(n any amo"nt in excess o. P'00)000 (!) Intercorporate Di%i!en!s (B) Tax on Nonresi!ent 1orei*n Corporation+ (') In General (0) Nonresi!ent Cinemato*rap$ic 1ilm (5ner) Bessor or Distrib"tor (3) Nonresi!ent (5ner or Bessor o. Cessels C$artere! by P$ilippine Nationals (2) Nonresi!ent (5ner or Bessor o. Aircra.t) 7ac$ineries an! (t$er :"ipment+ (-) Tax on Certain Incomes Recei%e! by a Nonresi!ent 1orei*n Corporation (a) Interest on 1orei*n Boans (b) Intercorporate Di%i!en!s (c) Capital Gains .rom &ale o. &$ares o. &toc/ not Tra!e! in -% '0%
.inal 5it$$ol!in* tax .inal 5it$$ol!in* tax

.inal tax

.inal tax

-% '0%

Not s"b;ect to tax

*ross income *ross income

30% 0-%

*ross rentals) lease or c$arter .ees *ross rentals or .ees

2 '40%

< '40%

00% '-%

t$e &toc/ xc$an*e+ ANot o%er P'00)000 A (n any amo"nt in excess o. P'00)000

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