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Scientific Method and Classification Test Answer Key- 20 Points- SLE

Nolan Siegel September 25, 2013 Period 8 Science

The seven steps to the Scientific Method are: 1) State the question. 2) Collect information. 3) Form a hypothesis. 4) Test the hypothesis. 5) Observe. 6) Record and study data. 7) Draw a conclusion.

The Classification Chart is as follows: 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15)
Domain Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species

Write the letter of the definition next to the correct word.

Classification Vocabulary Words 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 21) 22) 23) 24) 25) 26) 27) D Classification L Species E Eukaryotes K Kingdom C Bacteria F Plantae B Animalia J Dichotomous Key H Binomial Nomenclature G Taxonomy I Protista A Archaea

Definitions a. Domain made up of prokaryotes, or single celled organisms with no nucleus, that can survive extreme environments b. Kingdom made up of complex multi-cellular animal organisms that have cell membranes but not cell walls c. Domain made up of prokaryotes that are much more common than archaea, and can live almost anywhere

d. A division of organisms into groups or classes based on specific characteristics e. Organisms made up of cells that have a nucleus that include protists, animals, plants and fungi, but not archaea or bacteria f. The kingdom of complex, multicellular plant organisms that have cell walls and make their own food via photosynthesis g. The science of describing, naming and classifying organisms h. A naming system in which each species of animal or plant receives two names-- the first identifying the genus to which it belongs and the second the species i. Kingdom of mostly one-celled eukaryotic organisms that are different from plants, animals, fungi or bacteria j. A tool used to identify organisms that consists of descriptive statements organized into couplets (a & b pairs) k. A major category in biological taxonomy that ranks above the phylum and below the domain l. A group of organisms that are closely related and can mate to produce fertile offspring

28) 29) 30) 31) 32) 33)

Scientific Method Vocabulary Words E Observation B Scientific Method I Scientific Theory C Control F Hypothesis H Variables

34) 35) 36) 37) 38)

G Dependent Variable D Independent Variable K Life Science J Scientific Law A Model Definitions

a. A representation of an object, system or concept designed to show its structure or how it works b. An organized process that uses a series of steps to study things and find answers to questions c. A factor in an experiment that is left alone (does not change) and is used to compare your results against d. The one factor that changes in an experiment e. Using the five senses to find information- usually recorded in a scientific investigation f. A prediction on the outcome of a test based on prior knowledge and that can be tested g. The factor that changes as a result of the experiment that is measured h. All the possible factors that can change in an experiment i. An explanation that ties together many related facts, observations and hypotheses. (Explains and predicts) j. A statement that summarizes many experimental results; tells what will happen in a situation and seems to be true all the time. k. The study of living things

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