Mcglone Lesson 3

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Civil War Unit: Lesson 3 Social Studies: Grade 4 Essential Question: Which states were a part of the Union

and which states were a part of the Confederacy? NCSS 1: Culture: Cultures are dynamic and change over time. 3: People, Places and Environment: The study of people, places and environments enables us to understand the relationships between human population and the physical world Social Studies SOL USI.9: The student will demonstrate knowledge of the causes, major events, and effects of the Civil War by: c) Identifying on a map the states seceded from the Union and those that remained in the Union Objective: Students will be able to identify which states left the union and which states remained in the Union using a map. Teacher Materials: Students Materials: Map of the United States 1860s Worksheet SMART Board List of Union/Confederate States Pencil Glue Scissors Green Crayon Red Crayon Black Marker Social Studies Journal

Introduction: 1) Students will gather on the carpet in a circle to begin. The teacher will (10 Min.) pull down the United States map. Discus Union states vs. Confederate States. Was the North or South called the Union? How do you know this? What was the name the South went by? 2) Point to the North West part of the U.S. Ask Is this was a part of either? 3) Give students a map of the United States and return to their desks Instruction: 1) The teacher will pull up the map using the SMART Board. (20-25 min) 2) Ask students what they notice on their map about Virginia. Discuss how western counties had smaller farms (like Northern states) and didnt believe in slaves. They broke away and stayed with the Union hence West Virginia. 3) Show students the line between the Union states and the Confederate States. Draw a black line using the SMART pens. Students should do this as well on their map using a black marker. Ask one student to come color in a Union state green and name the state. Ask another student to come color a Confederate state red and name the state. Students should be doing the same

on their own maps. Students will continue to color in Union states green and Confederate states red. 4) Create a list on the board with the help of students for them to copy down in the SS journal of Confederate states and Union states. 5) Start a discussion about music and how this would be different in Union states vs. Confederate states. What might Confederate soldiers sing about? What might Union Soldiers sing about? Summary: (10 Min) Tell students that tomorrow they will be listening to music and writing about what they are hearing. Students can talk with a partner about how they think music would be the same and or different among Confederate and Union soldiers. Have them report out what they talked about. The teacher will informally assess students throughout the lesson through discussion. The teacher will be looking for students who are participating, engaged and checking for understanding for the next lesson. Tell students they can look up some music at home and bring in or share out what they learned from doing their own research. This would be optional for students.

Assessment: -


Differentiation: - A special ed. teacher will be in the room to help children with special needs. A picture of just the states (No territories) will be given to them to glue in their social studies journal. - Two other special ed. teachers will be in the room to help a small group of students who struggle with writing. They will help students stay on track. A list will also be printed out to help those students when coping. - Visual learners will benefit from SMART board and the map. Students will be able to say and see exactly where the line between the two sides is. - ELL students will also benefit from the visual aid. The list of states and by color will also help ELL students keep track of each side.


- Technology is integrated through the use of the SMART board. Some students will come up to the board to color in a state and label it. The SMART board will be used as a visual aid to guide students through the lesson.

List of Union States

New York New Jersey West Virginia* Oregon Minnesota Vermont Illinois Kentucky New Hampshire Ohio Delaware Maryland Michigan Wisconsin Indiana Missouri Maine Pennsylvania California Kansas Massachusetts Iowa Connecticut Rhode Island

List of Confederate States

Virginia Alabama Louisiana Arkansas North Carolina Georgia Texas Florida South Carolina Mississippi Tennessee

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