Christianity Anglican Essay

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Malcolm Gorman

Christianity Part One



Introduction This essay evaluates the historical origins of the Anglican Church and analyses its key doctrine. This essay first discusses the origins of the Anglican Church and the Church of England. Then evaluates the denominations key Doctrine, Its approach to Sacraments and how the Anglican church is structured hierarchically.

rigins and !istory The esta"lishment of the Anglican Church arose following a collection of incidents, power struggles and conflicting interests during the si#teenth century that is retrospectively known as the $eformation. Although the simplest and most universally accepted e#planation of the $eformation points to !enry the eight as the instigator. %ar#ists "elieve it was a class struggle "etween the &common man' and the &select', while others feel it was a struggle "etween a feudal Catholicism and a capitalist (rotestantism. It appears the $eformation was the result of a com"ination of events and awakening ideologies inspired "y the renaissance spreading throughout )estern Europe and the perceived Catholic a"use of power. *+ewcom"e ,--./

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Malcolm Gorman

Christianity Part One


As this renaissance thinking "ecame more secular it was stimulated "y the growing num"er of humanists such as 0ean *0ohn/ Calvin who "elieved the Catholic Church had "ecome power hungry and corrupt and wished to see it return to more modest and historic form of Christian worship. In (re1 $eformation England the church was $oman Catholic and had "een founded "y s.t Augustine in .-2 CE when he "ecame the first arch"ishop of Canter"ury having converted the native 3ritannic pagans to Christianity. *(ounds 4556/. $easons for opposing the Catholic Church where numerous and growing in popularity among the populace who saw the esta"lished catholic church as inaccessi"le due to the use of 7atin in worship and the attitude that the Clergy where supernatural and undisputa"le. 3ut Catholic doctrine encompassed a "elief that the church, its hierarchy, sacraments and clergy where necessary for the layman to a"solve sin and receive salvation. This created a Dam in the $eformation movements as although it was clear to the reformers that change was needed they were una"le to side step this principle. In ,.,8 0ohann Tet9el was sent to :ermany Church to sell indulgences to raise money to re"uild St. (eter;s 3asilica in $ome. $oman Catholic theology stated that charity and good deeds must accompany faith in order to gain salvation. Indulgences where part remission of sin in e#change for money. <pon encountering 0ohann Te9el a :erman priest named %artin 7uther took e#ception to the sale of indulgences and produced a theses using scriptural authority to esta"lish the "elief that sin Page 2 of 10

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is a"solved "y :ods good grace and not "y good deeds or the Clergy. This work "y 7uther gave the $eformers a way round Catholic theology that had its authority from the 3i"le itself. This provided the much awaited opportunity for them to "reak away from the $oman Catholics while maintaining their Christian "eliefs. *=ainio 455>/ The $eformers ?protesting@ against the $oman Catholic Church "ecame known as the (rotestants and with the support of Aing !enry the Eight created the Church of England of which he declared himself the head. This unified the monarch, the state, and the church significantly increasing !enry the Eights power and influence and decreasing those of $ome and the (ope. Bollowing the "rief reigns of !enrys son Edward and the Catholic Cueen %ary. Cueen Eli9a"eth came to power and consolidated the Church of England. *Doran ,--6/. Inevita"ly the formation of the Church of England Theology was heavily influenced "y an attempt to distance itself from Catholicism and Catholic Doctrine. The key differences in Anglican "elief whereD

Souls were saved without the cycle of penitence and confession, "y faith, learning and the grace of :od.

Scripture was the sole authority, to "e taught in the vernacular. A new church structureD a community of "elievers, focused around a preacher, needing no central hierarchy. Page 3 of 10

Malcolm Gorman

Christianity Part One


The two sacraments mentioned in the scriptures i.e. Eucharist and 3aptism, were kept, al"eit altered "ut the other five were downgraded.

Doctrine Anglican doctrine is characterised and anchored to the scripture and particularly the concept of ?7e# orandi, le# credenda@ or ?The law of prayer is the law of "elief@ The principle of le# orandi, le# credendi is referred to as the Ethree1legged stoolE of scripture, tradition, and reason attri"uted to $ichard !ooker. This approach is strategic to allow Anglicanism to practice a theology that is realistic and focused "ut still relevant to the contemporary world. Also central to Anglican doctrine are the thirty nine articles esta"lished with the formation of the Anglican Church. In contrast to other protestant denominations Anglicanism reFects the principle of a founder such as 7uther or Calvin. In contrast to more institutionalised denominations such as Catholicism, it doesn't hold a universally recognised declaration of faith. And "y definition it has a"andoned the concept of a dominant authority who defines set "eliefs and practices, in direct contradiction to Catholicism and the role of the (ope. The accepted foundations of Anglican doctrine are the Apostles, Athanasian and +icene creeds, the concept of the Bour Instruments of the Anglican Communion and the 7am"eth Cuadrilateral. Bundamental to

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Malcolm Gorman

Christianity Part One


Anglican doctrine are the decisive scriptures of Christianity i.e. the old and new testament as verified "y the thirty nine articles which also decrees the "ooks of Apocrypha as informative "ut are not held in the same reverence as the "i"le. *Chapman 4558/. Article > of the Thirty1+ine Articles declares the Apostle, Athanasian and +icene creeds authenticated "y the !oly Scripture. These creeds esta"lish an e#pression of faith that "inds together the "eliefs of the Anglican community. The creeds are included in the Anglican liturgy 1The 3ook Common (rayer and although in some versions the Athanasian Creed is omitted, this uniformity of liturgy adds to the omnipresent Creeds doctrinal importance and authenticity. The Bour Instruments of Anglican Communion unites the Anglican community throughout the world. As there is no central authority within Anglicanism, The Bour instruments ground "eliefs and unite the Anglican worldwide community, this is essential due each Anglican Church having full autonomy. The sense of community achieved "y the Bour Instruments allows ritesGchanges implemented in one Church to "e recognised "y the rest of the Anglican Communion. The Bour Instruments of Anglican Communion areD ,. The Arch"ishop of Canter"ury H Seen as a focal point for the unity of Anglicans "ut holds no Furisdiction outside the Church of England. +o church within the Anglican Communion claims mem"ership without acknowledging the Arch"ishop of Canter"ury. f

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Christianity Part One


4. The 7am"eth Conference 1 first held in ,>82, is a meeting of 3ishops to strengthen solidarity through the authority of the episcopate. It is held once a decade and is a chance to discuss common concern and issue guidelines to the Anglican community. 6. The Anglican Consultative Council H first held in ,-2,, invites 7aity, 3ishops and Clergy representing the thirty eights provinces. I. The (rimates; %eeting first held in ,-2- H was instigated "y Arch"ishop Donald Coggan as a forum for Eleisurely thought, prayer and deep consultationE.

The 7am"eth Cuadrilateral is an outline of the Anglican doctrine and is often cited as a rudimentary summary of the Anglican identity. The four points areD ,. The !oly Scriptures of the ld and +ew Testaments are seen as holding

all that is necessary for salvation 4. The Creeds H are seen as templates for Anglican faith 6. The sacraments of 3aptism and !oly Communion are essential and are "elieved to "e ?of Christ@ I. The validity of the episcopal polity and the authority of "ishops through apostolic succession. Sacraments

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Christianity Part One


Anglicans consider Eucharist and 3aptism as "eing ordained "y Christ as stated in the thirty nine articles. The remaining sacraments of Confession and a"solution, !oly %atrimony, Confirmation, rdination and Anointing of

the Sick are considered to "e un1ordained "y :od. Anglican 3aptism follows a similar pattern to Catholic with the words coming from the +ew Testament, adding to the rites authenticity. 3aptism is seen as an initiation into the Christian faith that permits the recipient to receive the grace of :od particularly in the form of the other sacraments. The aim of 3aptism is to renounce sin and those opposed to :od, "y reciting vows, to declare "elief in the holy trinity, "y reciting one of the Creeds, and a pledge to 0esus Christ as saviour, again "y vows. The Eucharist is considered "y Anglicans to "e the prominent act of communal worship. 3read and wine receive the Eucharistic prayer and "ecome the presence of the 3ody and 3lood of Christ. $eception of the Eucharist signifies Christ's sacrifice and an acceptance of Christ's incarnation into the recipient's life and community. In the Catholic Church the Eucharist is seen as literally the 3ody of Christ and is therefore revered and worshiped, with unused Eucharist stored in a Ta"ernacle which in turn "ecomes a focal point for worship. Anglicans accept the Eucharist "ecomes the em"odiment of Christ "ut would consider worship as sacrileges, although due to Anglicism's range in "eliefs there are those who appear Catholic in practice and Anglican only "y name. rganisation and !ierarchy

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Christianity Part One


The Anglican Church's organisational structure stems from its ideology of apostolic succession, 7ike the $oman catholic and rthodo# Church,

Anglicans "elieve present day 3ishops have an un"roken chain of spiritual authority stemming from the apostles and "eing carried through ordination to the present day. $oman Catholics in particular consider this chain to have "een "roken "y the early Anglicans and dispute Anglican 3ishops legitimacy. Apostolic succession guarantees the spiritual, moral authority of the ordained as well as the power to convey sacraments. This authority is confirmed weekly "y the congregation reciting the passage from the +icene Creed ?)e "elieve in one holy and catholic and apostolic church...@ *3riggs ,-,6/. A "reakdown of the logistics of the Church of England "egins with the ruling monarch who is the Supreme :overnor of the Church of England. At the local level Churches have parishes to define their "oundariesJ parishes are looked after "y ordained parish priests who in return reports to the (arochial Church Council consisting of mem"ers of the congregation and clergy. A collection of parishes "ecomes Archdeaconries for which a rural Dean is responsi"le. In turn a collection of Archdeaconries together "ecomes a Diocese with a presiding "ishop and cathedral. Diocese is followed "y (rovinces under the guidance of an arch"ishop who also has Furisdiction over the rest of the country. $esponsi"ility of decision making within a province "elongs to a general synod.

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Clergy are ordained in line with the ideology of apostolic succession and must swear an oath allegiance to the current monarch and o"edience to their respective 3ishop utside of England the Church of England "ecomes the Anglican Church and follows an internal structure as outlined a"ove and with full autonomy. *$o""ins ,-->/ Conclusion Anglicanism has a wide ranging and tolerant ideology which originates in its formation and disillusion with the $oman Catholic Church. It can "e seen within its Doctrine and rganisational structure, Anglicism's attempt

to rectify grievances aimed at the $oman Catholic Church as set out in the Thirty1+ine articles. The Church is defined "y its accepting ideology and insistence on avoiding corruption and distraction from worship as accused of Catholics. Anglicanism's strength lies within its non1hierarchal structure "ut this can also "e considered its weakness as each "ranch of Anglicanism world1wide has the authority to reFect or adopt ideology causing friction within the Church.


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Malcolm Gorman

Christianity Part One


, 3riggs, C. A. ,. *,-,6/. The fundamental christian faith D The origin, history and interpretation of the apostles; and nicene creeds. <nited StatesD 4 Chapman, %. *4558/. Anglicanism D A very short introductionD A very short introduction. #fordD #ford <niversity (ress, <A.

6 Doran, S. *,--6/. Eli9a"eth I and religion ,..>1,856. 7ondonD $outledge.

I +ewcom"e D.:.*,--./. !enry =III and the english reformation. $outledge. :reat 3ritain . (ounds, +. 0. :. *4556/. A history of the english parish D The culture of religion from augustine to victoriaD The culture of religion from augustine to victoria. Cam"ridge <niversity (ress. Cam"ridge

8 $o""ins, A. *,-->/. The making of the anglican church worldwide

2 =ainio,

. *455>/. 0ustification and participation in christ D The

development of the lutheran doctrine of Fustification from luther to the formula of concord *,.>5/D The development of the lutheran doctrine of Fustification from luther to the formula of concord *,.>5/. 7eidenD 3$I77.

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