The Glass Ceiling FINAL

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The Glass Ceiling By Precious Thomas

EXT. CITY STREETS Cars traverse. EXT. CITY STREETS/ OUTSIDE LARGE BUILDING We see ELIZABETH BARKER. She is wearing a pants suit. Elizabeth is walking alongside this large reflective building. She looks at her reflection on the buildings surface. INT. OFFICE BUILDING WAITING ROOM Elizabeth removes her shoulder bag. Elizabeth fixes her hair and pulls out a compact with a small mirror. We see her begin applying lipstick through the reflection in the compact mirror. In the reflection of the compact mirror, we then see a man in a business suit. This is VINCE STEVENS. VINCE So youre my competition? Elizabeth closes her compact mirror and turns around. ELIZABETH What? Vince walks past her toward a seat. VINCE Youre here applying for the job position ELIZABETH - Position yea. She places the compact on an end table. VINCE Vince Stevens. ELIZABETH Elizabeth Barker. They shake hands. They sit across from each other. Theres a long seemingly awkward silence.




VINCE Ever heard of Sutherland? Sutherland & Company? They own 3/4ths of the tri-state area. A position just opened for them, which is why i wont be too crushed if i dont get this. What Id do to work for them ELIZABETH - I did. VINCE You - You worked at Sutherland? ELIZABETH Well, my dad got me a- It was an internship. I quit. Vince looks confused. VINCE Why? ELIZABETH I worked for woman at the company. Great- amazing at what she did. Committed, reliable. Yet her work wasnt held in the same esteem as everyone else. They were all men. Vincent ponders what to say. ELIZABETH She quit. I quit. Vince is silent. There is a bit of silence. VINCE Well, look, dont be nervous ELIZABETH - Oh Im not nervous! Im youre competition remember? Vince smiles. VINCE I remember. Elizabeth returns the smile.


CONTINUED: ELIZABETH And Im very competitive. An office secretary off screen calls for Elizabeth. WOMAN (O.S) Elizabeth Barker. Elizabeth rises and grabs her shoulder bag. VINCE Good Luck! Elizabeth crosses her fingers. INT. OFFICE


We see SMITH he is the head of the company conducting the interview. He is finishing up a sentence describing the qualities one needs to be considered for their company. SMITH And the demonstration of the ability to go above and beyond. Thats what were looking for here. ELIZABETH I think you can find all that in me, sir. Smith sits upright in his chair, folds his hands and looks directly at Elizabeth. SMITH I know we can. Elizabeth smiles super excited. SMITH An internship at Sutherland! Youre very experienced, for so young. You could really move up here. ELIZABETH Thank you, sir. SMITH And Hell, We need a woman on the team. Meh, perhaps a small wardrobe change is in order. Elizabeths expression changes from over joy, to a little confused and taken back. (CONTINUED)



SMITH Perhaps a little something more pleasing to the eye, A little moreELIZABETH What if I think what Im wearing is fine. What if I say no. Smith laughs a bit to himself. SMITH You wouldnt do that. See, Im giving you the job. Smith holds out his hand to shake. INT. OFFICE BUILDING WAITING ROOM Elizabeth bursts out the room. Vince rises. She wipes off the lipstick with a tissue. Elizabeth exits. Vince looks off in the direction she left, and then he looks down to the end table where her compact lies. P.O.V of compact mirror. He picks it up, on the back it says "Love, Dad." EXT. LARGE CITY BUILDING We see Elizabeth walking down the steps of the building. In the foreground we see a woman in a struggle. OLDER WOMAN No! Help! Elizabeth, wiping her face. Sees this struggle. ELIZABETH Hey! The womans purse is snatched. Elizabeth impulsively runs after him. We see Vince exit the stairs, he is holding the compact. He hasnt seen the incident. P.O.V. shot of the compact. "Love, Dad." Though Vince has seen Elizabeths running direction. SMITH (V.O.) Ill tell you what were looking for.


EXT. CITY STREETS Elizabeth is gaining on The Robber but she is loosing to much ground. SMITH (V.O.) Energy. Humans are drawn to energetic people its in our nature. The robber leads her around corners and obstacles. SMITH (V.O.) Resilience. We need someone who can still perform when the going gets tough. The robber makes a daring move through traffic which gives Elizabeth no choice but to find another way to him. SMITH (V.O.) Judgment. We need to know that we can count on you to assess situations and draw sound conclusions. In other words good sense. She knows the city streets and finds a short cut that would lead her to cutting him off. EXT. DEAD END ALLY The robber is cornered hes just a few feet away from Elizabeth he drops the purse and walks towards her. He flips out a knife. Elizabeth is a little shocked and afraid but she holds her guard slightly side stepping. SMITH (V.O.) Problem Solving Skills. You gotta be sharp. Be able to compute with missing variables ya know? Elizabeth deflects the first lunge with her shoulder bag. This brings her off balance, she is vulnerable. He begins another lunge but is caught from behind by Vince. Elizabeth recognizes Vince and shocked, unable to speak or move for a moment. VINCE Run!




SMITH (V.O.) The ability to cooperate with others. We all have weaknesses, thats why its good we work together. Vince and the robber struggle. VINCE Go! Elizabeth runs. She picks up the womans purse. SMITH (V.O.) You gotta show us that you always finish what you start. Elizabeth is about leave the alleyway but she looks back and sees that Vince is in trouble. Vince and the robber continue to struggle. The robber punches Vince in the face, he goes down. The robber is standing above Vince with the knife in hand. Elizabeth uses her shoulder bag to smash the robbers hand. He drops the knife, howls in pain and runs out of the alleyway. Vince is at awe at what hes seen. SMITH (V.O.) And the demonstration of the ability to go above and beyond. Thats what were looking for here. Elizabeth offers her hand and helps him up. ELIZABETH (V.O.) I think you can find all that in me, sir. Vince is lifted back to his feet. VINCE Thanks. Elizabeth looks at him with a confused expression. She begins to walk away. ELIZABETH Not what youd expect from any woman,huh? Vince shakes his head and shouts after her. VINCE Nah, Not what Id expect from anyone. (CONTINUED)



Elizabeth stops and turns around. Vince is holding the compact. VINCE Job or no job. She takes the compact. And begin walking away. P.O.V. shot of compact in her hand it says "Love, Dad." VINCE Hed be proud. Elizabeth smiles. THE END

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