Wireless Energy Transfer

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Wireless energy transfer

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search Wireless energy transfer or wireless power is the transmission of electrical energy from a power source to an electrical load without artificial interconnecting conductors. Wireless transmission is useful in cases where interconnecting wires are inconvenient, hazardous, or impossible. The problem of wireless power transmission differs from that of wireless telecommunications, such as radio. n the latter, the proportion of energy received becomes critical only if it is too low for the signal to be distinguished from the background noise.!"# With wireless power, efficiency is the more significant parameter. $ large part of the energy sent out by the generating plant must arrive at the receiver or receivers to make the system economical. The most common form of wireless power transmission is carried out using direct induction followed by resonant magnetic induction. %ther methods under consideration include electromagnetic radiation in the form of microwaves or lasers.!&#


" 'lectric energy transfer o "." 'lectromagnetic induction


"."." 'lectrodynamic induction method ".".& 'lectrostatic induction method

".& 'lectromagnetic radiation

".&." (eamed power, size, distance, and efficiency ".&.& )icrowave method ".&.* +aser method

".* 'lectrical conduction

".*." ,isturbed charge of ground and air method

".*."." Terrestrial transmission line with atmospheric return ".*.".& Terrestrial single-conductor surface wave transmission line

& Timeline of wireless power * .ee also / Further reading

0 1eferences 2 '3ternal links

[edit] Electric energy transfer

)ain article: 4oupling 5electronics6 $n electric current flowing through a conductor carries electrical energy. When an electric current passes through a circuit there is an electric field in the dielectric surrounding the conductor7 magnetic field lines around the conductor and lines of electric force radially about the conductor. n a direct current circuit, if the current is continuous, the fields are constant7 there is a condition of stress in the space surrounding the conductor, which represents stored electric and magnetic energy, 8ust as a compressed spring or a moving mass represents stored energy. n an alternating current circuit, the fields also alternate7 that is, with every half wave of current and of voltage, the magnetic and the electric field start at the conductor and run outwards into space with the speed of light.!/# Where these alternating fields impinge on another conductor a voltage and a current are induced.!*# $ny change in the electrical conditions of the circuit, whether internal!0# or e3ternal!2# involves a read8ustment of the stored magnetic and electric field energy of the circuit, that is, a socalled transient. $ transient is of the general character of a condenser discharge through an inductive circuit. The phenomenon of the condenser discharge through an inductive circuit therefore is of the greatest importance to the engineer, as the foremost cause of high-voltage and high-fre9uency troubles in electric circuits.!:# 'lectromagnetic induction is proportional to the intensity of the current and voltage in the conductor which produces the fields and to the fre9uency. The higher the fre9uency the more intense the induction effect. 'nergy is transferred from a conductor that produces the fields 5the primary6 to any conductor on which the fields impinge 5the secondary6. ;art of the energy of the primary conductor passes inductively across space into secondary conductor and the energy decreases rapidly along the primary conductor. $ high fre9uency current does not pass for long distances along a conductor but rapidly transfers its energy by induction to ad8acent conductors. <igher induction resulting from the higher fre9uency is the e3planation of the apparent difference in the propagation of high fre9uency disturbances from the propagation of the low fre9uency power of alternating current systems. The higher the fre9uency the more preponderant become the inductive effects that transfer energy from circuit to circuit across space. The more rapidly the energy decreases and the current dies out along the circuit, the more local is the phenomenon.!*# The flow of electric energy thus comprises phenomena inside of the conductor!=# and phenomena in the space outside of the conductor>the electric field>which, in a continuous current circuit, is a condition of steady magnetic and dielectric stress, and in an alternating current circuit is alternating, that is, an electric wave launched by the conductor!*# to become far-field electromagnetic radiation traveling through space with the speed of light.

n electric power transmission and distribution, the phenomena inside of the conductor are of main importance, and the electric field of the conductor is usually observed only incidentally. !?# nversely, in the use of electric power for radio telecommunications it is only the electric and magnetic fields outside of the conductor, that is electromagnetic radiation, which is of importance in transmitting the message. The phenomenon in the conductor, the current in the launching structure, is not used.!*# The electric charge displacement in the conductor produces a magnetic field and resultant lines of electric force. The magnetic field is a ma3imum in the direction concentric, or appro3imately so, to the conductor. That is, a ferromagnetic body!"@# tends to set itself in a direction at right angles to the conductor. The electric field has a ma3imum in a direction radial, or appro3imately so, to the conductor. The electric field component tends in a direction radial to the conductor and dielectric bodies may be attracted or repelled radially to the conductor.!""# The electric field of a circuit over which energy flows has three main a3es at right angles with each other:
1. The magnetic field, concentric with the conductor. 2. The lines of electric force, radial to the conductor. 3. The power gradient, parallel to the conductor.

Where the electric circuit consists of several conductors, the electric fields of the conductors superimpose upon each other, and the resultant magnetic field lines and lines of electric force are not concentric and radial respectively, e3cept approximately in the immediate neighborhood of the conductor. (etween parallel conductors they are con8ugate of circles. Aeither the power consumption in the conductor, nor the magnetic field, nor the electric field, are proportional to the flow of energy through the circuit. <owever, the product of the intensity of the magnetic field and the intensity of the electric field is proportional to the flow of energy or the power, and the power is therefore resolved into a product of the two components i and e, which are chosen proportional respectively to the intensity of the magnetic field and of the electric field. The component called the current is defined as that factor of the electric power which is proportional to the magnetic field, and the other component, called the voltage, is defined as that factor of the electric power which is proportional to the electric field.!""# n radio telecommunications the electric field of the transmit antenna propagates through space as a radio wave and impinges upon the receive antenna where it is observed by its magnetic and electric effect.!""# 1adio waves, microwaves, infrared radiation, visible light, ultraviolet radiation, B rays and gamma rays are shown to be the same electromagnetic radiation phenomenon, differing one from the other only in fre9uency of vibration.!*#!"&#

[edit] Electromagnetic induction

'nergy transfer by electromagnetic induction is typically magnetic but capacitive coupling can also be achieved. [edit] Electrodynamic induction method

)ain articles: nductive coupling, 'lectrodynamic induction, and 1esonant inductive coupling The electrodynamic induction wireless transmission techni9ue is near field over distances up to about one-si3th of the wavelength used. Aear field energy itself is non-radiative but some radiative losses do occur. n addition there are usually resistive losses. With electrodynamic induction, electric current flowing through a primary coil creates a magnetic field that acts on a secondary coil producing a current within it. 4oupling must be tight in order to achieve high efficiency. $s the distance from the primary is increased, more and more of the magnetic field misses the secondary. 'ven over a relatively short range the inductive coupling is grossly inefficient, wasting much of the transmitted energy.!"*# This action of an electrical transformer is the simplest form of wireless power transmission. The primary and secondary circuits of a transformer are not directly connected. 'nergy transfer takes place through a process known as mutual induction. ;rincipal functions are stepping the primary voltage either up or down and electrical isolation. )obile phone and electric toothbrush battery chargers, and electrical power distribution transformers are e3amples of how this principle is used. nduction cookers use this method. The main drawback to this basic form of wireless transmission is short range. The receiver must be directly ad8acent to the transmitter or induction unit in order to efficiently couple with it. The application of resonance increases the transmission range somewhat. When resonant coupling is used, the transmitter and receiver inductors are tuned to the same natural fre9uency. ;erformance can be further improved by modifying the drive current from a sinusoidal to a nonsinusoidal transient waveform.!"/# ;ulse power transfer occurs over multiple cycles. n this way significant power may be transmitted between two mutuallyattuned +4 circuits having a relatively low coefficient of coupling. Transmitting and receiving coils are usually single layer solenoids or flat spirals with series capacitors, which, in combination, allow the receiving element to be tuned to the transmitter fre9uency. 4ommon uses of resonance-enhanced electrodynamic induction are charging the batteries of portable devices such as laptop computers and cell phones, medical implants and electric vehicles.!"0#!"2#!":# $ localized charging techni9ue!"=# selects the appropriate transmitting coil in a multilayer winding array structure.!"?# 1esonance is used in both the wireless charging pad 5the transmitter circuit6 and the receiver module 5embedded in the load6 to ma3imize energy transfer efficiency. This approach is suitable for universal wireless charging pads for portable electronics such as mobile phones. t has been adopted as part of the Ci wireless charging standard. t is also used for powering devices having no batteries, such as 1F , patches and contactless smartcards, and to couple electrical energy from the primary inductor to the helical resonator of Tesla coil wireless power transmitters. [edit] Electrostatic induction method )ain article: 4apacitive coupling

The Tesla effect!&@#!&"#!&&# is shown with the illumination of two e3hausted tubes by means of a powerful, rapidly alternating electrostatic field created between two vertical metal sheets suspended from the ceiling on insulating cords. t utilizes the physics of electrostatic induction. 'lectrostatic or capacitive coupling is the passage of electrical energy through a dielectric. n practice it is an electric field gradient or differential capacitance between two or more insulated terminals, plates, electrodes, or nodes that are elevated over a conducting ground plane. The electric field is created by charging the plates with a high potential, high fre9uency alternating current power supply. The capacitance between two elevated terminals and a powered device form a voltage divider. The electric energy transmitted by means of electrostatic induction can be utilized by a receiving device, such as a wireless lamp.!&*#!&/#!&0# Tesla demonstrated the illumination of wireless lamps by energy that was coupled to them through an alternating electric field.!&2#!&:#

D nstead of depending on electrodynamic induction at a distance to light the tube . . . !the# ideal way of lighting a hall or room would . . . be to produce such a condition in it that an illuminating device could be moved and put anywhere, and that it is lighted, no matter where it is put and without being electrically connected to anything. have been able to produce such a condition by creating in the room a powerful, rapidly alternating electrostatic field. For this purpose suspend a sheet of metal a distance from the ceiling on insulating cords and connect it to one terminal of the induction coil, the other terminal being preferably connected to the ground. %r else suspend two sheets . . . each sheet being connected with one of the terminals of the coil, and their size being carefully determined. $n e3hausted tube may then be carried in the hand anywhere between the sheets or placed anywhere, even a certain distance beyond them7 it remains always luminous.D!&=# The principle of electrostatic induction is applicable to the electrical conduction wireless transmission method. E n some cases when small amounts of energy are re9uired the high elevation of the terminals, and more particularly of the receiving-terminal ,F, may not be necessary, since, especially when the fre9uency of the currents is very high, a sufficient amount of energy may be collected at that terminal by electrostatic induction from the upper air strata, which are rendered conducting by the active terminal of the transmitter or through which the currents from the same are conveyed.D!&?#

[edit] Electromagnetic radiation

Far field methods achieve longer ranges, often multiple kilometer ranges, where the distance is much greater than the diameter of the device5s6. The main reason for longer ranges with radio wave and optical devices is the fact that electromagnetic radiation in the far-field can be made to match the shape of the receiving area 5using high directivity antennas or wellcollimated +aser (eam6 thereby delivering almost all emitted power at long ranges. The ma3imum directivity for antennas is physically limited by diffraction. [edit] Beamed power, size, distance, and efficiency The size of the components may be dictated by the distance from transmitter to receiver, the wavelength and the 1ayleigh criterion or diffraction limit, used in standard radio fre9uency antenna design, which also applies to lasers. n addition to the 1ayleigh criterion $iryFs diffraction limit is also fre9uently used to determine an appro3imate spot size at an arbitrary distance from the aperture. The 1ayleigh criterion dictates that any radio wave, microwave or laser beam will spread and become weaker and diffuse over distance7 the larger the transmitter antenna or laser aperture compared to the wavelength of radiation, the tighter the beam and the less it will spread as a function of distance 5and vice versa6. .maller antennae also suffer from e3cessive losses due to side lobes. <owever, the concept of laser aperture considerably differs from an antenna. Typically, a laser aperture much larger than the wavelength induces multi-moded radiation and mostly collimators are used before emitted radiation couples into a fiber or into space. Gltimately, beamwidth is physically determined by diffraction due to the dish size in relation to the wavelength of the electromagnetic radiation used to make the beam. )icrowave power beaming can be more efficient than lasers, and is less prone to atmospheric attenuation caused by dust or water vapor losing atmosphere to vaporize the water in contact. Then the power levels are calculated by combining the above parameters together, and adding in the gains and losses due to the antenna characteristics and the transparency and dispersion!disambiguation needed # of the medium through which the radiation passes. That process is known as calculating a link budget. [edit] Microwave method )ain article: )icrowave power transmission

$n artistFs depiction of a solar satellite that could send electric energy by microwaves to a space vessel or planetary surface. ;ower transmission via radio waves can be made more directional, allowing longer distance power beaming, with shorter wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation, typically in the microwave range. $ rectenna may be used to convert the microwave energy back into

electricity. 1ectenna conversion efficiencies e3ceeding ?0H have been realized. ;ower beaming using microwaves has been proposed for the transmission of energy from orbiting solar power satellites to 'arth and the beaming of power to spacecraft leaving orbit has been considered.!&#!*@# ;ower beaming by microwaves has the difficulty that for most space applications the re9uired aperture sizes are very large due to diffraction limiting antenna directionality. For e3ample, the "?:= A$.$ .tudy of solar power satellites re9uired a "-km diameter transmitting antenna, and a "@ km diameter receiving rectenna, for a microwave beam at &./0 I<z!citation needed# . These sizes can be somewhat decreased by using shorter wavelengths, although short wavelengths may have difficulties with atmospheric absorption and beam blockage by rain or water droplets. (ecause of the Dthinned array curse,D it is not possible to make a narrower beam by combining the beams of several smaller satellites. For earthbound applications a large area "@ km diameter receiving array allows large total power levels to be used while operating at the low power density suggested for human electromagnetic e3posure safety. $ human safe power density of " mWJcm& distributed across a "@ km diameter area corresponds to :0@ megawatts total power level. This is the power level found in many modern electric power plants. Following World War , which saw the development of high-power microwave emitters known as cavity magnetrons, the idea of using microwaves to transmit power was researched. (y "?2/ a miniature helicopter propelled by microwave power had been demonstrated.!*"# Japanese researcher <idetsugu Kagi also investigated wireless energy transmission using a directional array antenna that he designed. n February "?&2, Kagi and Gda published their first paper on the tuned high-gain directional array now known as the Kagi antenna. While it did not prove to be particularly useful for power transmission, this beam antenna has been widely adopted throughout the broadcasting and wireless telecommunications industries due to its e3cellent performance characteristics.!*&# Wireless high power transmission using microwaves is well proven. '3periments in the tens of kilowatts have been performed at Ioldstone in 4alifornia in "?:0!**#!*/#!*0# and more recently 5"??:6 at Irand (assin on 1eunion sland.!*2# These methods achieve distances on the order of a kilometer. [edit] Laser method

With a laser beam centered on its panel of photovoltaic cells, a lightweight model plane makes the first flight of an aircraft powered by a laser beam inside a building at A$.$ )arshall .pace Flight 4enter. n the case of electromagnetic radiation closer to visible region of spectrum 5"@s of microns 5um6 to "@s of nm6, power can be transmitted by converting electricity into a laser beam that is then pointed at a solar cell receiver. This mechanism is generally known as DpowerbeamingD because the power is beamed at a receiver that can convert it to usable electrical energy. $dvantages of laser based energy transfer compared with other wireless methods are:!*:#
1. collimated monochromatic wavefront propagation allows narrow beam cross-section

area for energy transmission over large ranges. 2. compact size of solid state lasers-photovoltaics semiconductor diodes fit into small products.
3. no radio-fre9uency interference to e3isting radio communication such as Wi-fi and

cell phones. /. control of access7 only receivers illuminated by the laser receive power. ts drawbacks are: ". 4onversion to light, such as with a laser, is inefficient 2. 4onversion back into electricity is inefficient, with photovoltaic cells achieving /@HL 0@H efficiency.!*=# 5Aote that conversion efficiency is rather higher with monochromatic light than with insolation of solar panels6. *. $tmospheric absorption causes losses. /. $s with microwave beaming, this method re9uires a direct line of sight with the target. The laser DpowerbeamingD technology has been mostly e3plored in military weapons!*?#!/@#!/"# and aerospace!/&#!/*# applications and is now being developed for commercial and consumer electronics +ow-;ower applications. Wireless energy transfer system using laser for consumer space has to satisfy +aser safety re9uirements standardized under '4 2@=&0. To develop an understanding of the trade-offs of +aser 5Da special type of light waveD-based system6:!//#!/0#!/2#!/:# ". ;ropagation of a laser beam!/=#!/?#!0@# 5on how +aser beam propagation is much less affected by diffraction limits6 &. 4oherence and the range limitation problem 5on how spatial and spectral coherence characteristics of +asers allows better distance-to-power capabilities!0"#6 *. $iry disk 5on how wavelength fundamentally dictates the size of a disk with distance6 /. $pplications of laser diodes 5on how the laser sources are utilized in various industries and their sizes are reducing for better integration6

Ieoffrey +andis!0&#!0*#!0/# is one of the pioneers of solar power satellite!00# and laser-based transfer of energy especially for space and lunar missions. The continuously increasing demand for safe and fre9uent space missions has resulted in serious thoughts on a futuristic space elevator!02#!0:# that would be powered by lasers. A$.$Fs space elevator would need wireless power to be beamed to it for it to climb a tether.!0=# A$.$Fs ,ryden Flight 1esearch 4enter has demonstrated flight of a lightweight unmanned model plane powered by a laser beam.!0?# This proof-of-concept demonstrates the feasibility of periodic recharging using the laser beam system and the lack of need to return to ground. D+asermotiveD demonstrated laser powerbeaming at one kilometer during A$.$Fs &@@? powerbeaming contest. $lso D+ighthouse ,'MD 5a spin off of A$.$ ;ower (eaming Team6 along with DGniversity of )arylandD is developing an eye safe laser system to power a small G$M. .ince &@@2, D;ower(eamD which originally invented the eye-safe technology and holds all crucial patents in this technology space, is developing commercially ready units for various consumer and industrial electronic products.!2@#!2"#

[edit] Electrical conduction

)ain article: World Wireless .ystem

The Tesla coil wireless power transmitter !"! #atent $,$$%,&'(

)eans for long conductors of electricity forming part of an electric circuit and electrically connecting said ionized beam to an electric circuit. <ettinger "?": -5G... ;atent ",*@?,@*"6 [edit] )istur*ed charge of ground and air method

.ingle wire with 'arth return electrical power transmission systems rely on current flowing through the earth plus a single wire insulated from the earth to complete the circuit. n emergencies high-voltage direct current power transmission systems can also operate in the Fsingle wire with earth returnF mode. 'limination of the raised insulated wire, and transmission of high-potential, high-fre9uency alternating current through the earth with an atmospheric return circuit has been investigated as a method of wireless electrical power transmission. Transmission of electrical energy through the earth alone, eliminating the second conductor is also being investigated. +ow fre9uency alternating current can be transmitted through the inhomogeneous earth with low loss because the net resistance between earth antipodes is considerably less than " ohm. !2&# The electrical displacement takes place predominantly by electrical conduction through the oceans, and metallic ore bodies and similar subsurface structures. The electrical displacement is also by means of electrostatic induction through the more dielectric regions such as 9uartz deposits and other non-conducting minerals.!2*#!2/# $lternating current can be transmitted through atmospheric strata having a barometric pressure even greater than "*@ millimeters of mercury.!20# 4urrent flows by means of electrostatic induction through the lower atmosphere up to about two or three miles above the plants!22# 5this is the middle part in a three-space model6 and the flow of ions, that is to say, electrical conduction through the ionized region above three miles. ntense vertical beams of ultraviolet light may be used to ionize the atmospheric gasses directly above the two elevated terminals resulting in the formation of plasma high-voltage electrical transmission lines leading up to the conducting atmospheric strata. The end result is a flow electrical current between the two elevated terminals by a path up to and through the troposphere and back down to the other facility.!2:# 'lectrical conduction through atmospheric strata is made possible by the creation of capacitively coupled discharge plasma through the process of atmospheric ionization.!2=#!2?#!:@#!:"#
[edit] +errestrial transmission line with atmospheric return

Tesla discovered that electrical energy can be transmitted through the earth and the atmosphere. n the course of his research he successfully lit lamps at moderate distances and was able to detect the transmitted energy at much greater distances. The Wardenclyffe Tower pro8ect was a commercial venture for trans-$tlantic wireless telephony and proof-of-concept demonstrations of global wireless power transmission. The facility was not completed because of insufficient funding.!:&# 'arth is a naturally conducting body and forms one conductor of the system. $ second path is established through the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere starting at an elevation of appro3imately /.0 miles 5:.& km6.!:*# $ global system for Dthe transmission of electrical energy without wiresD called the World Wireless .ystem, dependent upon the high electrical conductivity of plasma and the high electrical conductivity of the earth, was proposed as early as "?@/.!:/#!:0#
[edit] +errestrial single,conductor surface wave transmission line

)ain article: .ingle-wire transmission line

The same transmitter used for the atmospheric conduction method is used for the terrestrial single-conductor earth resonance method.!:2#!::# The fundamental earth resonance fre9uency is claimed to be appro3imately "".:= <z.!:=# With the earth resonance method some harmonic of this fundamental fre9uency is used.!:?# D would say that the fre9uency should be smaller than twenty thousand per second, through shorter waves might be practicableD!=@#!="#!=&# and on the low end, Da fre9uency of nine hundred and twenty-five per secondD is used, Dwhen it is indispensable to operate motors of the ordinary kind.D!:*# %bservations have been made that may be inconsistent with a basic tenet of physics related to the scalar derivatives of the electromagnetic potentials!=*#!=/#!=0#!=2#!=:#!==#!=?# that are presently considered to be nonphysical.[90]

[edit] +imeline of wireless power

$-(.: $ndrN-)arie $mpOre develops $mperePs law showing that electric current produces a magnetic field. $-'$: )ichael Faraday develops FaradayPs law of induction describing the electromagnetic force induced in a conductor by a time-varying magnetic flu3. $-'/: Aicholas 4allan invents the electrical transformer. $-/0: James 4lerk )a3well synthesizes the previous observations, e3periments and e9uations of electricity, magnetism and optics into a consistent theory and mathematically models the behavior of electromagnetic radiation. $---: <einrich 1udolf <ertz confirms the e3istence of electromagnetic radiation. <ertzPs Dapparatus for generating electromagnetic wavesD was a M<F or G<F Dradio waveD spark gap transmitter. $-%$: Tesla improves <ertz-wave wireless transmitter 1F power supply or e3citer in his patent Ao. /0/,2&&, D.ystem of 'lectric +ighting.D $-%': Tesla demonstrates the wireless illumination of phosphorescent lamps of his design at the WorldFs 4olumbian '3position in 4hicago.!?"# $-%': Tesla publicly demonstrates wireless power before a meeting of the Aational 'lectric +ight $ssociation in .t. +ouis.!&0#!?&#!?*# $-%0: Tesla lights incandescent lamps wirelessly at the *0 .outh Fifth $venue laboratory in Aew Kork 4ity by means of Delectro-dynamic inductionD or resonant inductive coupling.!?/#!?0#!?2# $-%0: <utin Q +e(lanc, espouse long held view that inductive energy transfer should be possible, they received G... ;atent R 0&:,=0: describing a system for power transmission at * k<z.!?:# $-%0: Jagdish 4handra (ose ignites gunpowder and rings a bell at a distance using electromagnetic waves, showing that communications signals can be sent without using wires.!?=#!??#

$-%/: Tesla demonstrates wireless transmission over a distance of about /= kilometres 5*@ mi6.!"@@# $-%&: Tesla files his first patent application dealing specifically with wireless transmission. $-%%: Tesla continues his wireless power transmission research in 4olorado .prings and writes, Dthe inferiority of the induction method would appear immense as compared with the disturbed charge of ground and air method.D!"@"# $%.(: Aikola Tesla vs. 1eginald Fessenden L G... ;atent nterference Ao. &",:@", .ystem of .ignaling 5wireless67 wireless power transmission, time and fre9uency domain spread spectrum telecommunications, electronic logic gates in general.!"@&# $%.0: $t the .t. +ouis WorldFs Fair, a prize is offered for a successful attempt to drive a @." horsepower 5:0 W6 airship motor by energy transmitted through space at a distance of at least "@@ feet 5*@ m6.!"@*# $%$/: Tesla states, D n my !disturbed charge of ground and air# system, you should free yourself of the idea that there is !electromagnetic# radiation, that energy is radiated. t is not radiated7 it is conserved.D!"@/# $%$&: TeslaFs Wardenclyffe tower is demolished. . . . $%(/: .hintaro Gda and <idetsugu Kagi publish their first paper on GdaFs "tuned high-gain directional array"!*&# better known as the Kagi antenna. $%/$: William 4. (rown publishes an article e3ploring possibilities of microwave power transmission.!"@0#!"@2# $%/0: (rown demonstrates on 4(. Aews with Walter 4ronkite a model helicopter that receives all of the power needed for flight from a microwave beam. (etween "?2? and "?:0, (rown is technical director of a J;+ 1aytheon program that beams *@ kW over a distance of "2@@ meters 5" mile6 at =/H efficiency.!citation needed# $%/-: ;eter Ilaser proposes wirelessly transmitting solar energy captured in space using D;owerbeamingD technology.!"@:#!"@=# This is usually recognized as the first description of a solar power satellite. $%&$: ;rof. ,on %tto develops a small trolley powered by induction at The Gniversity of $uckland, in Aew Sealand.!citation needed# $%&': The worldFs first passive 1F , system is demonstrated at +os-$lamos Aational +ab.!"@?# $%&1: Ioldstone ,eep .pace 4ommunications 4omple3 does e3periments in the tens of kilowatts.!**#!*/#!*0# $%--: $ power electronics group led by ;rof. John (oys at The Gniversity of $uckland in Aew Sealand, develops an inverter using novel engineering materials and power electronics and conclude that power transmission by means of electrodynamic induction should be achievable. $ first prototype for a contact-less power supply is

built. $uckland Gniservices, the commercial company of The Gniversity of $uckland, patents the technology.!citation needed#

$%-%: ,aifuku, a Japanese company, engages $uckland Gniservices +td. to develop technology for car assembly plants and materials handling providing challenging technical re9uirements including multiplicity of vehicles.!citation needed# $%%.: ;rof. John (oys team develops novel technology enabling multiple vehicles to run on the same inductive power loop and provide independent control of each vehicle. $uckland Gni.ervices ;atents the technology.!citation needed# $%%/: $uckland Gniservices develops an 'lectric (us power system using electrodynamic induction to charge 5*@L2@ kW6 opportunistically commencing implementation in Aew Sealand. ;rof John (oys Team commission "st commercial ;T (us in the world at Whakarewarewa, in Aew Sealand.!citation needed# $%%-: 1F , tags are powered by electrodynamic induction over a few feet. $%%%: ,r. <erbert +. (ecker powers a lamp and a hand held fan from a distance of *@ feet.!citation needed# $%%%: ;rof. .hu Kuen 51on6 <ui and )r. ..4. Tang file a patent on D4oreless ;rinted4ircuit-(oard 5;4(6 transformers and operating techni9uesD, which form the basis for future planar charging surface with Dvertical flu3D leaving the planar surface. The circuit uses resonant circuits for wireless power transfer. ';5I(6@?*0&2*( (...: ;rof. .hu Kuen 51on6 <ui invent a planar wireless charging pad using the Dvertical flu3D approach and resonant power transfer for charging portable consumer electronic products. $ patent is filed on D$pparatus and method of an inductive battery charger,T ;4T ;atent ;4TJ$G@*J@@ :&", &@@@. (...: (ased on the coreless ;4( transformer developed by ;rof. 1on <ui, ;rof. (. 4hoi and his team at Uyungpook Aational Gniversity publish a paper on E$ new contactless battery charger for portable telecommunicationJcomputing electronics,T in ;roc. 44'P@@ nt. 4onf. 4onsumer 'lectron., &@@@, pp. 0=L0?. The coreless ;4( transformer is used to wirelessly charge a mobile phone. (..$ ;rof. .hu Kuen 51on6 <ui and ,r. ..4. Tang file a patent on D;lanar ;rinted4ircuit-(oard Transformers with 'ffective 'lectromagnetic nterference 5') 6 .hieldingD. The ') shield consists of a thin layer of ferrite and a thin layer of copper sheet. t enables the underneath of the future wireless charging pads to be shielded with a thin ') shield structure with thickness of typically @.:mm or less. ;atent: G.2,0@",*2/. (..$: ;rof. 1on <uiFs team demonstrate that the coreless ;4( transformer can transmit power close to "@@W in V$ low-profile low-power converter with coreless ;4( isolation transformer, ''' Transactions on ;ower 'lectronics, Molume: "2 ssue: * , )ay &@@". $ team of ;hilips 1esearch 4enter $achen, led by ,r. 'berhard Waffenschmidt, use it to power an "@@W lighting device in their paper D.ize advantage of coreless transformers in the )<z rangeD in the 'uropean ;ower 'lectronics 4onference in Iraz.

(..$: .plashpower formed in the GU. Gses coupled resonant coils in a flat DpadD style to transfer tens of watts into a variety of consumer devices, including lamp, phone, ;,$, i;od etc.!citation needed# (..(: ;rof. .hu Kuen 51on6 <ui e3tends the planar wireless charging pad concept using the vertical flu3 approach to incorporate free-positioning feature for multiple loads. This is achieved by using a multilayer planar winding array structure. ;atent were granted as D;lanar nductive (attery 4hargerD, I(&*=?:&@ and I( &*=?:2:. (..0: 'lectrodynamic induction used by ?@ percent of the G.W" billion clean room industry for materials handling e9uipment in semiconductor, +4, and plasma screen manufacture.!citation needed# (..1: ;rof. .hu Kuen 51on6 <ui and ,r. W.4. <o publish their work in the ''' Transactions on a planar wireless charging platform with free-positioning feature. The planar wireless charging pad is able to charge several loads simultaneously on a flat surface. (..1: ;rof (oysF team at The Gniversity of $uckland, refines *-phase ;T <ighway and pick-up systems allowing transmission of power to moving vehicles in the lab.
!citation needed#

(..&: $ localized charging techni9ue is reported by ,r. Bun +iu and ;rof. 1on <ui for the wireless charging pad with free-positioning feature. With the aid of the doublelayer ') shields enclosing the transmitter and receiver coils, the localized charging selects the right transmitter coil so as to minimize flu3 leakage and human e3posure to radiation. (..&: Gsing electrodynamic induction a physics research group, led by ;rof. )arin .ol8acic, at ) T, wirelessly power a 2@W light bulb with /@H efficiency at a & metres 52.2 ft6 distance with two 2@ cm-diameter coils.!""@# (..-: (ombardier offers a new wireless power transmission product ;1 )%M', a system for use on trams and light-rail vehicles.!"""# (..-: ndustrial designer Thanh Tran, at (runel Gniversity make a wireless lamp incorporating a high efficiency *W +',.!citation needed# (..-: ntel reproduces TeslaFs original "=?/ implementation of electrodynamic induction and ;rof. John (oys groupFs "?== follow-up e3periments by wirelessly powering a nearby light bulb with :0H efficiency.!""&# (..-: Ireg +eyh and )ike Uennan of the Aevada +ightning +aboratory publish a paper on TeslaFs disturbed charge of ground and air method of wireless power transmission with circuit simulations and test results showing an efficiency greater than can be obtained using the electrodynamic induction method.!""*# (..%: ;alm 5now a division <;6 launches the ;alm ;re smartphone with the ;alm Touchstone wireless charger. (..%: $ 4onsortium of interested companies called the Wireless ;ower 4onsortium announce they are nearing completion for a new industry standard for low-power 5which is eventually published in $ugust &@"@6 inductive charging.!""/#

(..%: $n '3 approved Torch and 4harger aimed at the offshore market is introduced. !""0# This product is developed by Wireless ;ower Q 4ommunication, a Aorway based company. (..%: $ simple analytical electrical model of electrodynamic induction power transmission is proposed and applied to a wireless power transfer system for implantable devices.!""2# (..%: +asermotive uses diode laser to win W?@@k A$.$ prize in power beaming, breaking several world records in power and distance, by transmitting over a kilowatt more than several hundred meters.!"":# (..%: .ony shows a wireless electrodynamic-induction powered TM set, 2@ W over 0@ cm!""=# (.$.: <aier Iroup debuts Ethe worldFs firstT completely wireless +4, television at 4'. &@"@ based on ;rof. )arin .ol8acicFs follow-up research on TeslaFs electrodynamic induction wireless energy transmission method and the Wireless <ome ,igital nterface 5W<, 6.!""?# (.$.: .ystem %n 4hip 5.o46 group in Gniversity of (ritish 4olumbia develops an optimization tool for the design of highly efficient wireless power transmission systems using multiple coils. The design is optimized for implantable applications and power transfer efficiency of =&H is achieved.!"&@#

[edit] "ee also

energy portal

(eam-powered propulsion (eam ;ower 4hallenge L one of the A$.$ 4entennial 4hallenges ,ifferential capacitance ,istributed generation 'lectricity distribution 'lectric power transmission 'lectromagnetic compatibility 'nergy harvesting Friis transmission e9uation )icrowave power transmission 1esonant inductive coupling Thinned array curse Transmission medium

Wardenclyffe Tower

[edit] 2urther reading


Walker, J., <alliday, ,., Q 1esnick, 1. 5&@""6. Fundamentals of physics. <oboken, AJ: Wiley. <u, $. ;. 5&@@?6. WirelessJ4ontactless power supply: nductively coupled resonant converter solutions. .aarbrXcken, Iermany: M,) Merlag ,r. )Xller. $nderson, +eland . 5&@@&6. A U%+$ T'.+$ %A < . W%1U W T< $+T'1A$T AI 4G11'AT. $A, T<' 1 $;;+ 4$T %A T% W 1'+'.. T'+'I1$;<K, T'+';<%AK $A, T1$A.) .. %A %F ;%W'1 : $n '3tended nterview, Tesla ;resents .eries, ;art ". &"st 4entury (ooks. Malone, T. 5&@@&6. <arnessing the wheelwork of nature: TeslaFs science of energy. Uempton, ll: $dventure Gnlimited ;ress. Ieneral 'lectric 4o. 5"?"06. Ieneral 'lectric review, Molume "=. DWireless Transmission of 'nergyD (y 'lihu Thomson. Ieneral 'lectric 4ompany, +ynn. 5ed. +ecture by ;rofessor Thomson, Aational 'lectric +ight $ssociation, Aew Kork.6 .teinmetz, 4. ;. 5"?"/6. 'lementary lectures on electric discharges, waves and impulses, and other transients. Aew Kork: )cIraw-<ill book co., inc. +ouis 4ohen 5"?"*6. Formulae and tables for the calculation of alternating current problems. )cIraw-<ill. Uennelly, $. '. 5"?"&6. The application of hyperbolic functions to electrical engineering problems: (eing the sub8ect of a course of lectures delivered before the Gniversity of +ondon in )ay and June "?"". +ondon: Gniversity of +ondon ;ress. %rlich, '. ). 5"?"&6. ,ie Theorie der WechselstrYme. Fleming, J. $. 5"?"26 The principles of electric wave telegraphy and telephony. +ondon: +ongmans, Ireen and 4o. Fleming, J. $. 5"?""6. ;ropagation of electric currents in telephone Q telegraph conductors. Aew Kork: Man Aostrand. Franklin, W. .. 5"?@?6. 'lectric waves: $n advanced treatise on alternating-current theory. Aew Kork: )acmillan 4o. G... ;atent /,?00,02&, )icrowave powered aircraft, John '. )artin, et al. 5"??@6. G... ;atent *,?**,*&*, .olid state solar to microwave energy converter system and apparatus, Uenneth W. ,udley, et al. 5"?:26. G... ;atent *,0*0,0/*, )icrowave power receiving antenna, 4arroll 4. ,ailey 5"?:@6. G... ;atent 2=0,?0=, )ethod of Gtilizing 1adiant 'nergy, Aikola Tesla 5"?@"6.


G... ;atent 2=0,?0:, $pparatus for the Gtilization of 1adiant 'nergy, Aikola Tesla 5"?@"6. G... ;atent 2/?,2&", $pparatus for Transmission of 'lectrical 'nergy, Aikola Tesla 5"?@@6.

[edit] 3eferences
4 $ radio transmitter can produce waves having a power of several kilowatts or even megawatts but this energy scatters in all directions. %nly a small fraction, less than a millionth part, of the transmitted energy is received. <owever, this is sufficient to yield the intelligence. 2. Z a b I. $. +andis, D$pplications for .pace ;ower by +aser Transmission,D .; ' %ptics, 'lectro-optics Q +aser 4onference, +os $ngeles 4$, &/L&= January "??/7 aser !ower "eaming# $!%& !roceedings 'ol. ()()# &0&L&00.

*. /. 0. 2. :.

Z a b c d e f Ieneral 'lectric review, Molume "0 (y Ieneral 'lectric. DMelocity of ;ropagation of 'lectric FieldD, 4harles ;roteus .teinmetz 4 "==,@@@ miles per second 4 .uch as an internal change of load, starting and switching operations, and short circuits. 4 .uch as the e3ternal change due to lightning. 4 4harles .teinmetz 5Fellow, $. . '. '. 4hief 4onsulting 'ngineer, Ieneral 'lectric 4ompany, .chenectady, A. K.6. D*ondenser +ischarge Through a ,eneral ,as *ircuitD. $merican nstitute of 'lectrical 'ngineers., "?&&. Transactions of the $merican nstitute of 'lectrical 'ngineers. Aew Kork: $merican nstitute of 'lectrical 'ngineers. ;resented at the "@th )idwinter 4onvention of the $. . '. '., Aew Kork, A. K., "0L": February "?&&. 4 viz., the dissipation of electric energy by the resistance of the conductor through its conversion into heat7 4 .uch as when it gives trouble by induction in telephone circuits or when it reaches such high intensities as to puncture insulation, cause mechanical motion, etc. 4 such as an iron needle. Z a b c Theory and calculation of transient electric phenomena and oscillations (y 4harles ;roteus .teinmetz 4 .peculation was made as to what the electric wave was, leading to the contradictory deductions that for certain reasons space is considered as a gas of infinitely low density, and for certain others as a solid. 4 ,ave (aarman and Joshua .chwannecke 5&@@?-"&-@@6. DGnderstanding Wireless ;owerD. 4 .teinmetz, 4harles ;roteus 5&? $ugust &@@=6. $teinmet-# +r. *harles !roteus# &lementary ectures on &lectric +ischarges# .aves# and %mpulses# and

=. ?.

"". "&.

"*. "/.

/ther Transients# (nd &dition# 0c,raw-1ill "oo2 *ompany# %nc.# )9)3. Ioogle (ooks. 1etrieved / June &@@?. "0. "2. ":. "=.

4 DWireless charging, $daptor die, )ar 0th &@@?D. The &conomist. : Aovember &@@=. 1etrieved / June &@@?. 4 (uley, Taylor 5? January &@@?6. DWireless technologies are starting to power devices, @".@?.@?, @2:&0 pm '.TD. 4orbes. 1etrieved / June &@@?. 4 D$lternative 'nergy, From the unsustainable...to the unlimitedD. ''Times.com. &" June &@"@. 4 ;atent $pplication ;4TJ4A&@@=J@:&==00 4 ;atent G.:"2/&00 Z a b Aorrie, <. .., D nduction 4oils: <ow to make, use, and repair themD. Aorman <. .chneider, "?@:, Aew Kork. /th edition. 4 'lectrical e3perimenter, January "?"?. pg. 2"0 4 Tesla: )an %ut of Time (y )argaret 4heney. ;age ":/ 4 '3periments with $lternate 4urrents of Mery <igh Fre9uency and Their $pplication to )ethods of $rtificial llumination, $ '', 4olumbia 4ollege, A.K., &@ )ay "=?" 4 '3periments with $lternate 4urrents of <igh ;otential and <igh Fre9uency, '' $ddress, +ondon, February "=?& Z a b D%n +ight and %ther <igh Fre9uency ;henomena, Franklin nstitute, ;hiladelphia, February "=?*, and Aational 'lectric +ight $ssociation, .t. +ouis, )arch "=?* 4 Iernsback, <ugo. DAikola Tesla and <is $chievements,D 'lectrical '3perimenter, January "?"?. p. 2"0 4 4heney, )argaret. Tesla: )an %ut of Time, p. ":/ 4 )artin, T. 4., Q Tesla, A. 5"=?/6. nventions, 1esearches and Writings of Aikola Tesla, with special reference to his work in polyphase currents and high potential lighting. Aew Kork: The 'lectrical 'ngineer. ;age "==. 4 .ystems of Transmission of 'lectrical 'nergy, G... ;atent Ao. 2/0,0:2, )arch &@, "?@@. 4 I. +andis, ). .tavnes, .. %leson and J. (ozek, D.pace Transfer With Iround-(ased +aserJ'lectric ;ropulsionD 5$ $$-?&-*&"*6 56$6 Technical 0emorandum T0-)07070 5"??&6. 4 '3perimental $irborne )icrowave .upported ;latform ,escriptive Aote : Final rept. Jun 2/ L $pr 20 Z a b D.canning the ;ast: $ <istory of 'lectrical 'ngineering from the ;ast, <idetsugu KagiD. eee.cincinnati.fuse.net. 1etrieved / June &@@?.

&@. &". &&. &*.



&2. &:. &=.

&?. *@.

31. 32.


Z a b D.pace .olar 'nergy nitiativeD. .pace sland Iroup. 1etrieved / June &@@?. Z a b Wireless ;ower Transmission for .olar ;ower .atellite 5.;.6 5.econd ,raft by A. .hinohara6, .pace .olar ;ower Workshop, Ieorgia nstitute of Technology Z a b (rown., W. 4. 5.eptember "?=/6. DThe <istory of ;ower Transmission by 1adio WavesD. 0icrowave Theory and Techni8ues# %&&& Transactions on '( 5Molume: *&, ssue: ? %n page5s6: "&*@-"&/&[ ..A: @@"=-?/=@6: "&*@. (ibcode "?=/ T)TT..*&."&*@(. doi:"@.""@?JT)TT."?=/.""*&=**. 4 ;% AT-T%-;% AT W 1'+'.. ;%W'1 T1$A.;%1T$T %A A 1'GA %A .+$A, /=th nternational $stronautical 4ongress, Turin, taly, 2L"@ %ctober "??: L $F-?:-1./.@= J. ,. +an .un +uk, $. 4eleste, ;. 1omanacce, +. 4hane Uuang .ang, J. 4. Iatina L Gniversity of +a 1Nunion L Faculty of .cience and Technology. 4 .mith, ,avid 5.unday / January &@@?6. DWireless power spells end for cablesD. The /bserver 5+ondon6. 4 Dpower transmission via lasersD. +aserfocusworld.com. 1etrieved / June &@@?. 4 .killings, Jonathan 5&* $ugust &@@=6. D+aser weapons: $ distant target, 4A'T news $ugust &*, &@@= ":/" pm ;,TD. Aews.cnet.com. 1etrieved / June &@@?. 4 D+aser Weapons D$lmost 1eady\D Aot]D. ,efensetech.org. 1etrieved / June &@@?. 4 DWhite .ands testing new laser weapon system, G. $rmy.mil, *@ Jan &@@?D. $rmy.mil. *@ January &@@?. 1etrieved / June &@@?. 4 D+asers ;ower ;lanes, ,ronesD. ,efensetech.org. 1etrieved / June &@@?. 4 D1iding a (eam of +ightD. .pace.com. &/ %ctober &@@0. 1etrieved / June &@@?. 4 Aobelprize.org, +aser facts, What is a +aser\!dead lin2# 4 DAobelprize.org, +aser facts, +aser history and Aobel ;rizes in ;hysicsD. Aobelprize.org. "? ,ecember &@@&. 1etrieved / June &@@?. 4 Aobelprize.org, +aser facts, $pplications of +aser!dead lin2# 4 DAobelprize.org, +aser facts, 'veryday Gse of +aserD. Aobelprize.org. "? ,ecember &@@&. 1etrieved / June &@@?. 4 DFree-.pace +aser ;ropagation: $tmospheric 'ffectsD. eee.org. 1etrieved / June &@@?. 4 ;ropagation 4haracteristics of +aser (eams L )elles Iriot catalog




*:. *=. *?. /@. /". /&. /*. //. /0. /2. /:. /=. /?.


4 . *. 6ndrews and 9. . !hillips# aser "eam !ropagation through 9andom 0edia# (nd ed. :$!%& !ress# (00;<. Ioogle (ooks. &@@0. .(A ?:=@="?/0?/=@. 1etrieved / June &@@?. 4 ,r. 1Xdiger ;aschotta. D$n e3planation of 4oherenceD. 1p-photonics.com. 1etrieved / June &@@?. 4 D$n 'volutionary ;ath to .;.D. slandone.org. 1etrieved / June &@@?. 4 D$ .upersynchronous .;.D. Ieoffreylandis.com. &= $ugust "??:. 1etrieved / June &@@?. 4 D;apers 1elating to .pace ;hotovoltaic ;ower, ;ower beaming, and .olar ;ower .atellitesD. .ff.net. doi:"@."@=?J"0*""@:@":0*"?=?&:.. 1etrieved / June &@@?. 4 D+imitless clean energy from spaceD. Ass.org. 1etrieved / June &@@?. 4 D;ower (eaming 54limber6 4ompetitionD. .paceward.org. 1etrieved / June &@@?. 4 DFrom 4oncept to 1ealityD. The .pace 'levator. 1etrieved / June &@@?. 4 D.pace 'levator Tethers 4oming 4loserD. 4rnano.typepad.com. *" January &@@?. 1etrieved / June &@@?. 4 D,ryden Flight 1esearch 4enter, (eamed +aser ;ower For G$MsD. Aasa.gov. : )ay &@@=. 1etrieved / June &@@?. 4 D;ower(eam demo with 4onsumer devices from ;ower(eam ncD. youtube. &@@?-"&. 4 D+aser)otive e3perimental demoD. youtube. * June &@"@. 4 DAikola Tesla and the ,iameter of the 'arth: $ ,iscussion of %ne of the )any )odes of %peration of the Wardenclyffe Tower,D U. +. 4orum and J. F. 4orum, ;h, "??2 4 William (eaty, Kahoo Wireless 'nergy Transmission Tech Iroup )essage R:=:, reprinted in W 1'+'.. T1$A.) .. %A T<'%1K. 4 Wait, James 1., The $ncient and )odern <istory of ') Iround-Wave ;ropagation,D %&&& 6ntennas and !ropagation 0aga-ine, Mol. /@, Ao. 0, %ctober "??=. 4 .K.T') %F T1$A.) .. %A %F '+'4T1 4$+ 'A'1IK, & .ept. "=?:, G... ;atent Ao. 2/0,0:2, &@ )ar. "?@@. 4 Aikola Tesla %n <is Work With $lternating 4urrents and Their $pplication to Wireless Telegraphy, Telephony and Transmission of ;ower have to say here that when filed the applications of .eptember &, "=?:, for the transmission of energy in which this method was disclosed, it was already clear to me that did not need to have terminals at such high elevation, but never have, above

0". 0&. 0*. 0/.

00. 02. 0:. 0=. 0?. 2@. 2". 2&.

2*. 2/.


my signature, announced anything that did not prove first. That is the reason why no statement of mine was ever contradicted, and do not think it will be, because whenever publish something go through it first by e3periment, then from e3periment calculate, and when have the theory and practice meet announce the results. $t that time was absolutely sure that could put up a commercial plant, if could do nothing else but what had done in my laboratory on <ouston .treet7 but had already calculated and found that did not need great heights to apply this method. )y patent says that break down the atmosphere Dat or nearD the terminal. f my conducting atmosphere is & or * miles above the plant, consider this very near the terminal as compared to the distance of my receiving terminal, which may be across the ;acific. That is simply an e3pression. . . . 2:. 4 <enry (radford, DTesla on Ilobal Wireless 'nergy Transmission for Telecommunications and %ther ;urposesD 68. 4 Aikola Tesla %n <is Work With $lternating 4urrents and Their $pplication to Wireless Telegraphy, Telephony and Transmission of ;ower . . . saw that would be able to transmit power provided could construct a certain apparatus L and have, as will show you later. have constructed and patented a form of apparatus which, with a moderate elevation of a few hundred feet, can break the air stratum down. Kou will then see something like an aurora borealis across the sky, and the energy will go to the distant place. That is very simple. $n apparatus which permits displacing a certain 9uantity of electricity in the terminal L we shall say so many units L will produce an electric potential at a distance of 0 miles, and the fall of electric potential per centimeter will be e9ual to the 9uantity of electricity divided by the s9uare of the distance. Aow, have satisfied myself that can construct plants in which may produce, per kilometer of the atmosphere, electric differences of potential of something like 0@,@@@ or 2@,@@@ volts, and at 0@,@@@ or 2@,@@@ volts that atmosphere must break down and will become conductive. .o that, when had e3plained this principle to +ord Uelvin, he became absolutely convinced that could do it7 but <elmholtz was convinced from the very beginning that could do it. t took argumentation, however, and demonstration by e3periments, to convince +ord Uelvin. 2?. 4 1auscher, 'lizabeth $., 'lectromagnetic ;henomena in 4omple3 Ieometries and Aonlinear ;henomena, Aon-<ertzian Waves and )agnetic )onopoles, Tesla (ook 4ompany. :@. 4 $;;$1$TG. F%1 T1$A.) .. %A %F '+'4T1 4$+ 'A'1IK, & .eptember "=?:, G... ;atent Ao. 2/?,2&", "0 )ay "?@@ :". 4 Aikola Tesla %n <is Work With $lternating 4urrents and Their $pplication to Wireless Telegraphy, Telephony and Transmission of ;ower, pp. "&2, "&:.


4 DThe Future of the Wireless $rt,D Wireless Telegraphy and Telephony, Walter W. )assie Q 4harles 1. Gnderhill, "?@=, pp. 2:L:" t is intended to give practical demonstrations of these principles with the plant illustrated. $s soon as completed, it will be possible for a business man in Aew Kork to dictate instructions, and have them instantly appear in type at his office in +ondon or elsewhere. <e will be able to call up, from his desk, and talk to any telephone subscriber on the globe, without any change whatever in the e3isting e9uipment. $n ine3pensive instrument, not bigger than a watch, will enable its bearer to hear anywhere, on sea or land, music or song, the speech of a political leader, the address of an eminent man of science, or the sermon of an elo9uent clergyman, delivered in some other place, however distant. n the same manner any picture, character, drawing, or print can be transferred from one to another place. )illions of such instruments can be operated from but one plant of this kind. )ore important than all of this, however, will be the transmission of power, without wires, which will be shown on a scale large enough to carry conviction.

Z a b Tesla, Aikola, .ystems of Transmission of 'lectrical 'nergy, & .ept. "=?:, G... ;atent Ao. 2/0,0:2, &@ )ar. "?@@. :/. 4 DThe Transmission of 'lectrical 'nergy Without Wires,D 'lectrical World, )arch 0, "?@/D. &"st 4entury (ooks. 0 )arch "?@/. 1etrieved / June &@@?..D :*.

4 Aikola Tesla %n <is Work With $lternating 4urrents and Their $pplication to Wireless Telegraphy, Telephony and Transmission of ;ower, pp. "&=L"*@. DThe earth is /,@@@ miles radius. $round this conducting earth is an atmosphere. The earth is a conductor7 the atmosphere above is a conductor, only there is a little stratum between the conducting atmosphere and the conducting earth which is insulating. . . . Aow, you realize right away that if you set up differences of potential at one point, say, you will create in the media corresponding fluctuations of potential. (ut, since the distance from the earthFs surface to the conducting atmosphere is minute, as compared with the distance of the receiver at /,@@@ miles, say, you can readily see that the energy cannot travel along this curve and get there, but will be immediately transformed into conduction currents, and these currents will travel like currents over a wire with a return. The energy will be recovered in the circuit, not by a beam that passes along this curve and is reflected and absorbed, . . . but it will travel by conduction and will be recovered in this way


4 $pparatus for Transmitting 'lectrical 'nergy, "= Jan. "?@&, G... ;atent ",""?,:*&, " ,ec. "?"/. 77. 4 %ne wireless system L Two methods $ comparison of TeslaFs patents covering wireless transmission using both atmospheric conduction and earth resonance principles reveals the basic transmitting and receiving apparatus are identical. $n e3ception is noted in the two-tower form of earth-resonance transmitter. :=. 4 $rt of Transmitting 'lectrical 'nergy Through the Aatural )ediums, "2 )ay "?@@, G... ;atent Ao. :=:,/"&, "= $pr. "?@0.


4 DAikola Tesla and the ,iameter of the 'arth : $ ,iscussion of %ne of the )any )odes of %peration of the Wardenclyffe Tower,D U. +. 4orum and J. F. 4orum, ;h, "??2. 4 $rt of Transmitting 'lectrical 'nergy Through the Aatural )ediums, ": $pril "?@2, 4anadian ;atent Ao. "/&,*0&, "* $ugust "?"&. Three re9uirements seem to be essential to the establishment of the resonating condition. First. The earthPs diameter passing through the pole should be an odd multiple of the 9uarter wave length L that is, of the ratio between the speed of light L and four times the fre9uency of the currents. .econd. t is necessary to employ oscillations in which the rate of radiation of energy into space in the form of hertzian or electromagnetic waves is very small. To give an idea, would say that the fre9uency should be smaller than twenty thousand per second, through shorter waves might be practicable. The lowest fre9uency would appear to be si3 per second, in which case there will be but one node, at or near the ground-plate, and, parado3ical as it may seem, the effect will increase with the distance and will be greatest in a region diametrically opposite the transmitter. With oscillations still slower the earth, strictly speaking, will not resonate, but simply act as a capacity, and the variation of potential will be more or less uniform over its entire surface. Third. The most essential re9uirement is, however, that irrespective of fre9uency the wave or wave-train should continue for a certain interval of time, which have estimated to be not less than one-twelfth or probably @.@=/=/ of a second and which is taken in passing to and returning from the region diametrically opposite the pole over the earthPs surface with a mean s of about four hundred and seventy-one thousand two hundred and forty kilometers per second !/:",&/@ kmJsec#.



4 $rt of Transmitting 'lectrical 'nergy Through the Aatural )ediums, "2 )ay "?@@, G... ;atent Ao. :=:,/"&, "= $pril "?@0. t is apparent from documents on file at the G... ;atent %ffice pertaining to G... ;atent Ao. :=:,/"& that Tesla collected performance data on this type of transmitter. n response to a 9uestion from G... ;atent '3aminer I.4. ,ean regarding three stated re9uirements that, Eseem essential to the establishment of the resonating conditionT TeslaPs attorneys said, These three re9uirements, as stated are in agreement with his numerous e3perimental observations. . . . we would point out that the specification does not deal with theories, but with facts which applicant has e3perimentally observed and demonstrated again and again, and in the commercial e3ploitation of which he is engaged.


4 D.pherical Transmission +ines and Ilobal ;ropagation, $n $nalysis of TeslaFs '3perimentally ,etermined ;ropagation )odel,D U. +. 4orum, J. F. 4orum, ;h,, and J. F. B. ,aum, ;h, "??2, p. *n.


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"@". 4 0 June "=??, A U%+$ T'.+$ */ /96+/ $!9%5,$ 5/T&$ "=??L"?@@, Aolit, "?:= "@&. "@*. 4 Aikola Tesla: Iuided Weapons Q 4omputer Technology. 4 The &lectrician 5+ondon6, "?@/6.

"@/. 4 Aikola Tesla %n <is Work With $lternating 4urrents and Their $pplication to Wireless Telegraphy, Telephony and Transmission of ;ower, p. "**. "@0. 4 $ survey of the elements of power Transmission by microwave beam, in "?2" 1' nt. 4onf. 1ec., vol.?, part *, pp.?*L"@0 "@2. 4 D ''' )icrowave Theory and Techni9ues, (ill (rownPs ,istinguished 4areerD. )tt.org. 1etrieved / June &@@?. "@:. "@=. "@?. 4 D;ower from the .un: ts Future,D .cience Mol. "2&, pp. ?0:L?2" 5"?2=6 4 D.olar ;ower .atellite patentD. ;atft.uspto.gov. 1etrieved / June &@@?. 4 <istory of 1F ,

""@. 4 D) T lights 2@W light bulb by wireless power transmissionD. 'et ndia.co.in. 1etrieved * )ay &@"@. """. 4 D(ombardier ;1 )%M' TechnologyD. (ombardier.com. 1etrieved / June &@@?. ""&. 4 D ntel imagines wireless power for your laptopD. TI ,aily. && $ugust &@@=. 1etrieved / June &@@?. ""*. 4 +eyh, I. '. and ). ,. Uennan, D'fficient Wireless Transmission of ;ower Gsing 1esonators with 4oupled 'lectric Fields,D &@@= Aorth $merican ;ower .ymposium. ""/. 4 Dwireless electricity specification nearing completionD. ;4World. "= $ugust &@@?. 1etrieved &" $ugust &@@?. ""0. 4 DTB/@ and 4B/@, '3 approved Torch and 4hargerD.

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