GVI Pta Gruesa 2008 Annual Science Report

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Global Vision International,

2008 Report Series No. 001

ISSN 2008-1 (Print)

GVI Mexico

Punta Gruesa Marine Conservation

Expedition, Q Roo, Mexico

Annual Report 2008

GVI Punta Gruesa Marine Conservation Expedition Report 2008

Submitted in whole to
Global Vision International
Amigos de Sian Ka’an

Produced by

Stuart Fulton – Base Manager

Raphael Zara – Expedition Coordinator
Chris Mason-Parker - Field Staff
Nikki Taylor – Field Staff

For a full list of all volunteers who took part in the monitoring programme, please
consult the appendices

Edited by
Daniel Ponce-Taylor – Regional Director

GVI Mexico

Address: Apt Postal 17, Col Centro, 77710, Playa del Carmen, Q Roo, Mexico
Email: mexico@gviworld.com
Web page: http://www.gvi.co.uk and http://www.gviusa.com

GVI´s first year at Punta Gruesa ran from the January to December 2008, with Global
Vision International (GVI) Staff Members and a total of 93 Expedition Members (EMs).
See Appendix VI for a list of Expeditions Members for each phase.

The team consisted of a wide range of skills from over 10 countries and the hard work
and enthusiasm of the above individuals saw the successful completion of the first full
year at Punta Gruesa. GVI Mexico would like to thank all the EMs from this expedition
and hope that they will foster a continued interest in the sustainable development and
conservation of Mexico’s resources, through access of the GVI website,
http://www.gvi.co.uk, the blog on http://www.gvimexico.blogspot.com and other sources.
GVI Punta Gruesa would also like to extend thanks to local partners for their support,
including in particular:

Gonzalo Merendiz Alonso, Baruch Figueroa-Zavala and Albert Franquesa Rinos of ASK

Finally Regional Office staff, Daniel Ponce-Taylor, Cynthia Arochi Zendejas, Oliver
Burdekin and members of the GVI Head Office for their continued support behind the

GVI Global Vision International

ASK Amigos de Sian Ka’an
CONANP Comisión Nacional de Áreas Naturales Protegidas (CONANP)
MBRS Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System
SMP Synoptic Monitoring Programme
EM Expedition Member
NSP National Scholarship Programme

CC Coral Communities Transect

PI Point Intercept Transect
FR Fish Rover Transect
CR Coral Rover Transect
AF Adult Fish Transect
JF Juvenile Fish Transect

Executive Summary

GVI´s primary aims for its first full year at Punta Gruesa included:

• Establishment of monitoring at strategic sites along the coast, while continued

exploration in this new and practically pristine zone.

• Training of EMs in the MBRS methodology including fish, hard coral, algae and
disease identification.

• Employing the methods of the MBRS Synoptic Monitoring Programme (SMP) for
the selected sites within the Mahahual region to provide regional decision makers
with up to date information on the ecological condition of the reef.

• Providing English lessons and environmental education opportunities for the local

• Further developing the current Marine Education programme for the children of
Mahahual that works alongside the standard curriculum.

• Liaise with local partners to develop a successful and feasible programme of

research in collaboration with GVI into the future.

• Continue adding to a coral and fish species list that will expand over time as a
comprehensive guide for the region.

• Continuation of the National Scholarship Programme, whereby GVI Punta

Gruesa accepts Mexican nationals on a scholarship basis into the expedition
each phase.

• To assist the local community to create and develop new environmental

management strategies.

Table of Contents
Acknowledgements ...................................................................................................... 3
Abbreviations ................................................................................................................ 4
Table of Figures ............................................................................................................ 7
List of Tables................................................................................................................. 7
List of Photographs ...................................................................................................... 7
1. Introduction .............................................................................................................. 8
2. Synoptic Monitoring Programme ........................................................................... 10
2.1 Benthic Cover....................................................................................................... 10
2.2 Fish Populations .................................................................................................. 13
2.3 Physical Parameters............................................................................................. 16
3. Methodology and Training ..................................................................................... 16
3.1 Synoptic Monitoring Programme Training ............................................................. 18
3.2 Physical Parameters............................................................................................. 19
4. Results ..................................................................................................................... 21
4.1 Fish ...................................................................................................................... 21
4.1.1 Adult fish ............................................................................................ 21
4.1.2 Juvenile fish ....................................................................................... 23
4.1.3 Fish Distribution ................................................................................. 24
4.1.4 Biomass ............................................................................................. 26
4.1.5 Adult Fish Diversity ............................................................................ 27
4.1.6 Grazing............................................................................................... 27
4.2 Benthic Data......................................................................................................... 28
4.2.1 Point Intercept transects..................................................................... 29
4.2.2 Coral Community transects................................................................ 30
5. Discussion............................................................................................................... 34
5.1 Fish ...................................................................................................................... 34
5.2 Coral .................................................................................................................... 35
6. Incidental Sightings Programme ........................................................................... 36
6.1 Methodology......................................................................................................... 36
6.2 Results ................................................................................................................. 36
7. Community Work Programme................................................................................ 38
7.1 English Language Programme for Adults ............................................................. 38
7.2 Environmental Awareness Programme.............................................................. 40
7.3 Environmental Education for Children................................................................ 40
7.4 Project Aware’s “Dive into Earth Day” turns into a week in Mahahual................... 41
8. Other Programmes and Activities.......................................................................... 42
8.1 Turtle Nesting Project, Xcacel .............................................................................. 42
9. Conclusions ............................................................................................................ 43
10. References............................................................................................................. 45
Appendix I – SMP Methodology Outlines .................................................................. 47
Appendix II - Adult Fish Indicator Species List......................................................... 51
Appendix III - Juvenile Fish Indicator Species List................................................... 53
Appendix IV - Coral Species List ............................................................................... 54
Appendix V - Fish Species List .................................................................................. 55
Appendix VI -Expedition Members ............................................................................ 60
081 ...................................................................................................................... 60
082 ...................................................................................................................... 62
083 ...................................................................................................................... 64
084 ...................................................................................................................... 66

Table of Figures

Figure 1.1 Location of Punta Gruesa ......................................................................... 9

Figure 3.1 Map of the monitoring (yellow) and training (green) sites for GVI
Mahahual............................................................................................................. 17
Figure 4.1 Percentage abundance of adult fish families during 2008 ................... 21
Figure 4.2 Key Adult Family Abundance.................................................................. 22
Figure 4.3 Juvenile fish species seen during 2008 ................................................. 23
Figure 4.4 Key Juvenile Species Seen per Phase.................................................. 24
Figure 4.5 Adult Fish Distribution during 2008 ........................................................ 24
Figure 4.6 Juvenile Distribution during 2008 ........................................................... 25
Figure 4.7 Adult fish biomass at Punta Gruesa during 2008. Average figures for
Caribbean and MBRS are included. ................................................................. 26
Figure 4.8 Number of Species during Fish Rover dives......................................... 27
Figure 4.9 Relationship between Acanthuridae and Turf Algae ............................ 28
Figure 4.10 Percentage benthic cover per site in 2008.......................................... 29
Figure 4.11 Number of coral species per site in 2008 ............................................ 30
Figure 4.12 Frequency of Bleaching......................................................................... 31
Figure 4.13 Diseases recorded during 2008 ........................................................... 32
Figure 4.14 Occurence of Predation......................................................................... 33
Figure 6.1 Incidental Sightings of Sharks and Rays during 2008.......................... 37

List of Tables
Table 1 Name, depth and GPS points of the first monitoring sites (SMP)............ 18
Table 2 Number of transects conducted per phase................................................ 21
Table 3 Average Biomass per fish during 2008. ..................................................... 26
Table 4 Coral Monitoring Statistics during 2008 .................................................... 28

List of Photographs
Photograph 1 Nesting Loggerhead turtle having its carapace measured............. 42

1. Introduction

The Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System (MBRS) extends from Isla Contoy at the North
of the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico, to the Bay Islands of Honduras through Belize and
Guatemala and is the second largest barrier reef in the world.

The GVI Marine Programme within Mexico initiated the running of its first base, Pez
Maya, in the Sian Ka’an Biosphere Reserve in 2003. Since then the programme has
flourished, with a sister site being set up in the south of the Yucatan at Mahahual. The
current projects of GVI Pez Maya and Mahahual are assisting Amigos de Sian Ka’an
(ASK) and Comisión Nacional de Áreas Naturales Protegidas (CONANP) to obtain
baseline data by conducting marine surveys along the coast of Quintana Roo. By
obtaining this data, ASK and its partners can begin to focus on the areas needing
immediate environmental regulation depending on susceptibility; therefore, implementing
management protection plans as and when required. Surveys using the same
methodology are being conducted by a number of bodies through the entire
Mesoamerican Barrier Reef, in Belize, Honduras and Guatemala, coordinated by the
MBRS project group.

Such a project is especially significant in current times of rapid development along the
Costa Maya coast which includes the Mahahual area, due to the tourism industry
generated by the cruise ship pier that was built near the town in 2002.
The cruise ship pier was badly damaged following Hurricane Dean in August 2007 and
remained out of operation until October 2008 when Mahahual again began receiving
cruise ships. The current terminal can berth 3 cruise ships with 3 to 7 arrivals per week
during the peak winter season. The cruise ship arrivals see a flood of tourists in to the
Mahahual region, an area which at present, only has a limited infrastructure for dealing
with large numbers of people.
Furthermore, plans are underway to increase the number of cruise ships in port, and on
land, develop the roadway through the mangrove system, increasing access to vacation
homes and hotels. There are also plans to re-open the small airport about 10 km from
Mahahual in an effort to get more people to the area. Such development invites

degradation of the ecosystems contributing to the health of the reef, as well as activities
directly disturbing the reef, such as wave runners and environmental unaware tourists,
increasing the pressure on marine resources. Consequently, effective monitoring is
becoming ever more important. By assessing the health of the marine environment, new
policies can be formulated and environmental degradation prevented if the appropriate
measures are taken to advocate long-term, sustainable ecotourism.

GVI’s presence in Mahahual was finalised in early 2004 with collaboration between ASK
and UQROO, contributing in part to the Programa de Manejo Integrado de Recursos
Costeros (MIRC), with the Estación Costa Maya (ECM) base running as a fully functional
research station from April 2004. Expeditions ran on a 10 week basis until June 2007,
working on marine and littoral studies and focusing on local community development.
Before Hurricane Dean, GVI briefly moved to Sol y mar, a site 6 km north of Mahahual,
where 5 weeks of expedition life happened in a new and improved facility. After Dean’s
passing, the base was not able to house the number of staff and EMs, so an alternative
was sought out. GVI went back to the ECM, despite it being badly damaged, for one
more phase before arriving to Punta Gruesa in January 2008.

Figure 1.1 Location of Punta Gruesa

Punta Gruesa is located approximately 40 km north of Mahahual, 12 km south of the
southern boundary of the Sian Ka´an Biosphere. The area is, at present, relatively
unpopulated although many plots of land in the locality are currently in the process of

This report marks the expedition’s first year at Punta Gruesa. By using divers with
appropriate training, data can be provided in the hope of being useful for the decision
makers to put into practice effective coastal zone management. The efforts would also
provide a comparison with data collected inside the Sian Ka´an Biosphere at our sister
base Pez Maya.

2. Synoptic Monitoring Programme

The projects at Punta Gruesa and Pez Maya work towards identifying species and their
resilience to environmental stressors. The projects also aim to ascertain areas of high
species diversity, areas of high algal mass, fish species and abundance.

2.1 Benthic Cover

Caribbean reefs were once dominated by hard coral, with huge Acropora palmata stands
on the reef crests and Acropora cervicornis and Montastraea annularis dominating the
fore reef. Today, many coral reefs in the Caribbean have been over run by macroalgae
during a ‘phase shift’ which is thought to have been brought about by numerous factors
including a decrease in herbivory, and an increase in eutrophication and disease
(McClanahan & Muthiga, 1998).

One of the Caribbean’s key reef herbivore, the long-spined sea urchin Diadema
antillarium, suffered mass mortalities during 1983-84, resulting in a reduction in number
of approximately 90% (Deloach, 1999). This has resulted in a large amount of grazing
pressure being removed, providing algae with an opportunity to increase in abundance.

Fishing pressures, and the subsequent removal of herbivorous fish, such as Parrotfish,
has further reduced grazing pressure.

The main coral family in the Caribbean was once the Acroporidae. In the mid 1980’s this
family suffered from what developed into a massive reduction in abundance. This
decline has subsequently been attributed to both the disease White Band and natural
factors, and has lead to A. palmata and A. cervicornis being added to the US
Endangered Species list as ‘threatened’ (NOAA, 2006). The removal of the Acroporids
lead to a change in dominance of the non-reef building families Poritidae and Agaricidae
and it had been found that sites across the Caribbean have decreased in hard coral
coverage by as much as 80% over the last 30 years (Gardener et al., 2003). With the
reduction in Acroporas, the decimation of the Diadema population and continued fishing
pressures, algal species have been able to flourish, therefore the phase shift from corals
to algal dominance is observed.

Benthic transects record the abundance of all benthic species as well as looking at coral
health. The presence of coral on the reef is in itself an indicator of health, not only
because of the current state of the reef, but also for its importance to fish populations
(Spalding & Jarvis, 2002). Coral health is not only impacted by increased nutrients and
algal growth, but by other factors both naturally occurring and anthropogenically
introduced. A report produced by the United Nations Environment Programme World
Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC) in 2004 stated that nearly 66% of
Caribbean reefs are at risk from anthropogenic activities, with over 40% of reefs at high
to very high risk (UNEP-WCMC, 2006).

Naturally occurring events such as hurricanes can have devastating effects on coral
reefs in very short periods of time (Gardener et al., 2005). The impact of a hurricane can
be felt for some time after the initial strike due to increased sedimentation and nutrient
load. Low turbidity and low nutrient levels are required for coral growth and health. An
increase in sedimentation has been found to increase mortality rates due to impeded
photosynthesis and increased energy required to remove sediment form colony surfaces
(Nuges & Roberts, 2003; Yentsch et al., 2002). Sediment levels can increase after
storms and hurricanes and also as a result of anthropogenic activities such as
deforestation, dredging and coastal construction.

Different coral families have differing resistances to stress. However, with multiple
stressors present (sediment, removal of herbivores, disease) even the most hardy can
succumb to the pressure, resulting in loss of coral coverage (Kenyon et al., 2006;
Yentsch et al., 2002). The measurement of percentage coral mortality provides a way of
determining the state of health for the colony and these measures are taken during
benthic monitoring (Nuges & Roberts, 2003).

As a result of the phase shift on Caribbean reefs, the abundance and type of algae
present are of particular interest. It has been found that some macroalgae and
cyanobacteria do not simply occupy space on the reef, but can actively inhibit coral
recruitment (Kuffner et al., 2006). Of those algae present on the reef, two key genera
are particularly observed, Halimeda and Dictyota. Halimeda is as important genera due
to its calcified structure providing large amounts of calcium carbonate which contribute
greatly to beaches and adds to the structure of the reef (Littler et al., 1989). Dictyota
spp. have been found to not only inhibit the growth of Halimeda spp. through its
epiphytic nature, but also certain species have been found to be able to kill coral recruits
other than by simply shading (Beach et al., 2003; Kuffner et al., 2006). Due to their
opportunistic nature, ability to deal with stress and mechanisms for out-competing coral
for space, algae has been able to maintain the coral-algae phase shift.

It is not clear what the major culprit for these phase shifts is, but it is believed that the
reversal of one or more causative factors could lead to a shift back to coral dominance
(Edmunds & Carpenter, 2001). In the Caribbean the decrease in coral coverage is
beginning to slow (Gardener et al., 2003). Studies in Jamaica have found areas of
Diadema resurgence. Within these areas macroalgae coverage has been found to have
reduced and the number of young corals has increased (Edmunds & Carpenter, 2001).

Through monitoring the abundances of hard corals, algae and various other key benthic
species, as well as numbers of Diadema urchin encountered, we aim to determine not
only the current health of the local reefs but also to track any shifts in phase state over

2.2 Fish Populations

Large numbers of fish can be found on and around coral reefs. These fish are
associated with the reef for a variety of reasons. The structural complexity of coral reefs
provides shelter for fish, a quick refuge from predators during the day or a safe place to
sleep at night. Others rely on the reef directly for food, be they corallivores, such as
Butterflyfish, or territorial herbivores like some Damselfish. The reef also indirectly
provides food for predatory fish, both those that are site attached like Scorpion fish and
pelagic predators such as Bar Jacks.

Fish surveys are focused on specific species (see Appendix II) which play an important
role in the ecology of the reef as herbivores, carnivores, commercially important fish or
those likely to be affected by human activities (AGRRA, 2000).

The most important herbivorous fish on the reef are the Parrotfish, Scaridae, and the
Surgeonfish, Acanthuridae (AGRRA, 2000).

Parrotfish feed primarily on uncalcified algae and seagrasses. However, they are more
widely known for the scraping of algal turf from dead coral heads with their fused front
teeth, which form a beak like structure. Live coral is rarely eaten by parrotfish, with the
exception of the Stoplight Parrotfish, Sparisoma viridae, and the Queen Parrotfish,
Scarus vetula, which often feed on living Montastrea annularis colonies. Parrotfish also
utilise the caves, overhangs and crevices in the reef for protection at night from
predators (Deloach, 1999).

Surgeonfish often feed in large mixed aggregations on the reef, descending upon
damselfish gardens and decimating them before moving on. Feeding continues all day,
with Blue Tangs and Doctorfish concentrating their activities on the reef itself, while the
Ocean Surgeonfish tend to forage over the sand. All surgeonfish play an important role
in limiting the growth of algae on the reef (Deloach, 1999).

The importance of other fish can be determined by commercial fishing pressure. Many
carnivores on the reef such as Groupers and Snappers are important predators and their
presence denotes a balanced food chain and also low levels of fishing. Snappers feed
nocturnally on crustaceans and small fish and inhabit the reef in daylight hours.
Groupers feed during the day, but mainly at dusk and dawn, drawing their prey of fish,
crustaceans and cephalopods into their mouths by simply opening them wide, creating a
suction effect (Deloach, 1999).

Unlike the groupers and snappers, Bar Jacks and Barracuda are pelagic predators and
are considered top level carnivores feeding mainly on fish. They are also commercially
important fish and their removal has knock on effects to the balance of the food chain
(Deloach, 1999).

Other predatory fish recorded during fish surveys and which are susceptible to fishing
pressures are the many Grunt species, often the most abundant fish on many Caribbean
reefs, spending their days around the reef and feeding at night on sea grass beds, and
Hogfish, a favourite target for spear fishers, Spanish Hogfish and Triggerfish (Lee &
Dooley, 1998; Deloach, 1999).

Fish such as Butterflyfish and Angelfish are also commercially important, but for removal
for the aquarium trade rather than for commercial fishing. Butterflyfish are coralivores,
eating polyps from both hard corals and gorgonians and are considered to be a general
indicator of good coral health. Angelfish, once thought to belong to the same family as
the Butterflyfish, can also be coralivores, but have evolved over time to feed on sponges,
possibly to avoid increased competition for food (AGRRA, 2000 & Deloach, 1999).

All reef fish play an important role in maintaining the health and balance of a reef
community. Fishing typically removes larger predatory fish from the reef, which not only
alters the size structure of the reef fish communities, but with the reduction in predation
pressure, the abundance of fish further down the food chain is now determined through
competition for resources (AGRRA, 2000).

Although each fish is important, the removal of herbivores can have a considerable
impact on the health of the reef, particularly in an algal dominated state, which without

their presence has little chance of returning to coral dominance. Through the monitoring
of these fish and by estimating their size, the current condition of the reef at each site
can be assessed, any trends or changes can be tracked and improvements or
deteriorations determined.

Population abundances are determined to some extent by larval recruitment. The vast
majority of reef fish are pelagic spawners, releasing their gametes into the water column
where they are under the influence of water flow for several weeks. Other forms of
spawning include benthic egg laying, which is common among Damselfish and
Triggerfish. Despite the fertilised eggs being laid in nests and protected by diligent
parents, once hatched, even these larvae have a pelagic period where their distribution
is also controlled by water movement. During this time the fish larvae can travel
hundreds of miles from where they were originally spawned, occasionally, however, due
to specific oceanographic influences, larvae may be held close to their site of origin
(Deloach, 1999).

For larvae that survive their pelagic existence, when they eventually settle, they may be
a considerable distance from where they were spawned. Recruitment of these larvae
into the populations of the different sites has been found to vary. There are several
theories about the difference in recruitment levels between sites, even those which are
closely are closely situated. Some believe that each reef has a specific carrying
capacity and recruitment is based on existing adult abundances. Others believe that
abundance of larval recruits is determined after they have settled on a site when
competition for resources such as food, space and shelter begin. Rates of predation at
specific sites will also play their part in the survival of larval recruits. Recruitment has
also been found to vary seasonally (Deloach, 1999).

The monitoring of juvenile fish concentrates on a few specific species (see Appendix II).
The presence and number of larvae at different sites can be used as an indication of
potential future population size and diversity. Due to the extensive distribution of larvae,
however, numbers cannot be used to determine the spawning potential of a specific reef.
The removal of fish from a population as a result of fishing, however, may influence
spawning potential and affect larval recruitment on far away reefs. The removal of

juvenile predators through fishing may also alter the number of recruits surviving to
spawn themselves (AGRRA, 2000).

Together with the information collected about adult fish a balanced picture of the reef
fish communities at different sites can be obtained.

2.3 Physical Parameters

For the optimum health and growth of coral communities certain factors need to remain
relatively stable. Measurements of turbidity, water temperature, salinity, cloud cover, and
sea state are taken during survey dives. Temperature increases or decreases can
negatively influence coral health and survival. As different species have different
optimum temperature ranges, changes can also influence species richness. Corals also
require clear waters to allow for optimum photosynthesis. The turbidity of the water can
be influenced by weather, storms or high winds stirring up the sediment, or
anthropogenic activities such as deforestation and coastal construction. Increased
turbidity reduces light levels and can result in stress to the coral. Any increase in coral
stress levels can result in them becoming susceptible to disease or result in a bleaching

In the near future, GVI Punta Gruesa hopes to be able to use this data for analysis of
temporal and seasonal changes and try to correlate any coral health issues with sudden
or prolonged irregularities within these physical parameters.

3. Methodology and Training

The Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Synoptic Monitoring Programme methodology

has been followed in the monitoring of this phase’s sites. At each site transects were
undertaken at a depth of 10m, which corresponds with the reef crest at each site.

The sites that are monitored as part of the MBRS programme at GVI Mahahual were
chosen through discussions with ASK, the Programa de Manejo Integrado de Recursos
Costeros (MIRC, a subsidiary of UQROO) and discussions with local fishermen.

The established sites currently cover the immediate vicinity to Punta Gruesa but more
sites are looking to be added to the monitoring programme. Seven of these are currently
monitored annually with a range covering 6 km of the coast.

Figure 3.1 Map of the monitoring (yellow) and training (green) sites for GVI Mahahual

Table 1 lists the locations of the monitoring sites. GPS points are listed here in the
WGS84 datum.

Location Site ID Depth Latitude (N) Longitude (W)

Los Bollos LB10 10m 19.02 21.8 087.33 54.8
Las Joyas LJ10 10m 19.01 53.0 087.34 07.6
Los Milagros LM10 10m 19.01 35.6 087.34 13.3
Costa Norte CN10 10m 19.01 31.0 087.34 16.5
Las Delicias LD10 10m 19.01 24.7 087.34 20.2
Las Palapas LP10 10m 19.01 55.8 087.34 05.0
Flor de Cañón FDC10 10m 19.02 04.4 087.34 03.4

Table 1 Name, depth and GPS points of the first monitoring sites (SMP).

The methods employed for the underwater visual census work are those outlined in the
MBRS manual (Almada-Villela et al., 2003), but to summarise, GVI use three separate
methods for buddy pairs.

o Buddy method 1: Surveys of corals, algae and other sessile organisms

o Buddy method 2: Belt transect counts for coral reef fish
o Buddy Method 3: Coral Rover and Fish Rover diver

The separate buddy pair systems are outlined in detail in Appendix I.

3.1 Synoptic Monitoring Programme Training

The non-specialist volunteers recruited by GVI all undergo a rigorous training

programme prior to taking part in monitoring surveys. There are four expeditions a year,
each identified by a three digit code incorporating the year and phase period, i.e. the first
phase of 2008 then becomes 081, the second 082 and so on. During each phase, EMs
are trained in 5 week periods. During the first 3 weeks, a series of theory and practical
sessions are held to develop each EMs knowledge and skills to a standard level, which

is necessary to obtain reliable data. Each EM focuses on the knowledge and skills
required to conduct either fish or coral MBRS SMP transects.

The lecture series builds on basic concepts of coral reef ecology and introduces issues
that are relevant to marine research monitoring.

Hazards of the Reef Classification and Taxonomy

Goals of the Station Monitoring Methods and Lecture Demonstration
Introduction to Coral Reefs Marine Plants and Algae
Introduction to Fish and Coral Coral Diseases and Predation
Introduction to Coral Identification Marine Turtles and Megafauna identification
Introduction to Fish Identification Development of the Quintana Roo Coast
Threats to the Reef Oceanography

In addition to these lectures, volunteers take part in a number of coral or fish

identification workshops with staff members, before taking a computer exam, which
requires a minimum 95% score to pass.

Underwater training focuses first on developing the necessary dive skills, with an
emphasis on high levels of buoyancy control and diving safety procedures. EMs then
undergo a series of spots, covering either hard coral and benthic species identification,
as well as coral health monitoring techniques, or adult and juvenile fish identification,
size estimation exercises and practice transect work. EMs are tested by experienced
monitoring staff at each stage, with 100% required before being approved for monitoring.

3.2 Physical Parameters

In addition to the dive survey reports collected at each site, measurements of the
following physical parameters are collected on each dive survey made at the permanent
SMP monitoring sites:

Sea state Surface and depth salinity
Cloud Cover Surface and depth temperature

Sea state is recorded using a modification of the Beaufort scale for wind.

Cloud density is recorded through a visual estimation of the cover above the site by
dividing the sky into eight and establishing how many sections have 60% or greater

Turbidity is recorded using a Secchi disk marked in half metre intervals, which is lowered
into the water until no longer visible. The length of line is then established whilst the disk
is reeled in.

Salinity samples are taken at the surface of the survey site by the captain from the boat
and on the reef itself by one of the survey divers. The samples are tested using a
refractometer to obtain direct salinity measurements in parts per thousand (PPT).

Surface temperature is recorded using a handheld depth sounder with built in

temperature gauge. Bottom temperature is collected from a survey diver using a dive

4. Results

A total of 295 monitoring transects were carried out during 2008. Results obtained from
monitoring dives are shown below. Results are split into fish and benthic data

4.1 Fish

173 fish transects were conducted during 2008. The numbers of transects per phase
and total fish seen per transect are listed in Table 2. The lowest numbers of fish per
transect were seen in 083, whilst the highest numbers were seen in 081.

081 082 083 084

total transects in
phase 30 54 49 40
total fish in phase 391 649 280 321
fish per transect 13.03 12.02 5.79 8.03

Table 2 Number of transects conducted per phase

4.1.1 Adult fish

Figure 4.1 Percentage abundance of adult fish families during 2008

Species belonging to 13 families were recorded during transect monitoring in 2008. The
most regularly sighted fish belonged to the Haemulidae family, in total accounting for
45.9% of the fish seen. The next most abundant were fish belonging to the Acanthuridae
(21.4%), Balistidae & Monacanthid (6.9%) and Scaridae (6.7%) families.
All remaining families account for less than 20% of the total sightings, with some species
going unreported during certain phases; Sphyraenidae (082, 083 & 084), Pomacentridae
(083), Carangidae (081) and Labridae (084).

Figure 4.2 Key Adult Family Abundance

The Scaridae family appears to show a decline in percentage of the total fish seen
between 081 and 084, and the total numbers seen also declined from 082 onwards. The
proportion of Haemulidae remained relatively constant ranging between nearly 40% to
just over 50% of the total fish seen. There was a marked increase in the numbers of
Acanthuridae seen in the third phase (083) where they accounted for 33% of the total
fish seen. The maximum for other phases was 21% in 081. Another important family, the
Labridae accounted for 2% of the total fish in 082, with 28 sightings, but only 3 other
Labridae were sighted during other phases.

4.1.2 Juvenile fish

Figure 4.3 Juvenile fish species seen during 2008

The most abundant juvenile species seen during 2008 were T. bisfasciatum (34% of
total), S. aurofrenatum (28%) and S. partitus (19%), however there were variations in the
most abundant during year. Figure 4.4 shows the variations in the four above species
throughout the year. From the figure it is possible to see the breeding periods of each of
the species.

Figure 4.4 Key Juvenile Species Seen per Phase

S. aurofrenatum juveniles were highest in number during the later phases of the year;
particularly 084 when they were the second most commonly sighted species.
T.bifasciatum, S.partitus and H.garnoti were then the most commonly sighted during
081, 082 and 083 respectively, before T.bifasciatum became again the most commonly
sighted as the water began to cool in 084.

4.1.3 Fish Distribution

Figure 4.5 Adult Fish Distribution during 2008

Of the 7 monitoring sites established during the first year at Punta Gruesa, 5 were
monitored every phase, with LP and FDC being monitored for the last 3 phases.
Between 081 and 084, 3 sites (LD, LM and FDC) showed a very similar pattern, with LB
also being similar until the final phase of the year. Almost all sites show a decrease in
fish sighted between 081 and 083, with a slight increase in 084, or a large increase in
the case of LB, which increased by a factor of 2.5 from 6.83 fish per transect in 083 to
17.37 per transect in 084.

Figure 4.6 Juvenile Distribution during 2008

Juvenile fish numbers peak as the water begins to warm during 082 and 083. The
highest number of juveniles seen was at LP during 082, with 20.57 juveniles seen per
transect on average. However LP also has the lowest recording of juveniles, at 2 per
transect during 084. LD, LM and CN follow the general trend with peaks in the warmer
phases and lower recordings during the colder winter phases.

4.1.4 Biomass

Figure 4.7 Adult fish biomass at Punta Gruesa during 2008. Average figures for Caribbean
and MBRS are included.

The biomass recorded during 2008 shows a significant decline from 081 to 084. Figure
4.7 shows that the biomass in 081 was above the MBRS average of 4.618kg 100m-2
(AGGRA, 2005) and approaching the Caribbean wide average (6.367kg 100m-2).
However the recorded biomass declined from 5.76kg 100m-2 to a low of 2.03kg 100m-2 in
083, and the value only increased by 0.04kg 100m-2 in 084. The decrease in biomass
corresponds with the decrease in the number of fish seen per transect shown in Table 2
The average biomass of individual fish also declined during 2008, by 110.19g. This data
is shown in Table 3 and the rate of reduction in biomass also increased by phase.

Ave. biomass
Phase per fish (g)
081 264.59
082 242.15
083 212.68
084 154.40

Table 3 Average Biomass per fish during 2008.

4.1.5 Adult Fish Diversity

Figure 4.8 Number of Species during Fish Rover dives

The fish rover dives record the overall diversity of each site. Most sites show relatively
constant diversity, with the more diverse sites (CN, LB and FDC) being constantly above
the average diversity (28.82 species per dive). LD has the two lowest species number
recordings (14 and 13 in 081 and 084 respectively), although an above average number
of species were recorded during 083. LP also had a low number of species recorded
during 082, but unfortunately only one fish rover has been conducted at that site,
therefore little can be drawn from the results.

4.1.6 Grazing

The Ancanthuridae show a direct relationship between population size and the
abundance of turf algae on the reef. The highest abundance of turf algae is recorded
during the phase with the warmest and clearest water, promoting algal growth. Previous
GVI reports also indicate highest algal levels in the third phase of the year.

Figure 4.9 Relationship between Acanthuridae and Turf Algae

4.2 Benthic Data

With 2008 being the first year of the new location, the data gathered is limited as
comparisons can only be drawn from each phase’s data rather than from corresponding
phases over a long period. Data may vary phase by phase within a year due to
seasonal changes, therefore this must be taken into account with any comparisons
made. Some of the statistics from the 2008 phases are illustrated below (Table 4).

081 082 083 084

Total coral transects in phase 21 32 35 34
Total corals in phase on CC transects 410 558 523 519
Average corals per transect 20 17 15 15

Table 4 Coral Monitoring Statistics during 2008

The phases are relatively consistent, with a slight dip in transects during 081 being
reflected in the number of corals recorded. This removed some of the possible errors
from the analysis as the frequencies are derived from similar quantities of data from
each phase.

4.2.1 Point Intercept transects

The PI transects offer an overview of the biodiversity of the monitored sites by recording
the variety and frequency of species found on each transect. Below is a graph illustrating
the biodiversity throughout 2008 per phase. Algae and hermatypic corals are the most
commonly found species on the transects throughout the year, with sponges also having
a presence. The remainder of the species are generally small in size and less abundant
than those mentioned above, which is reflected in the graph.

Figure 4.10 Percentage benthic cover per site in 2008

Algae is the most common species overall, which is to be expected as the Caribbean
reefs have been seen to have undergone a change from coral dominance and shifted to
algal dominance. This indicates a decline in coral cover, and therefore a possible

decline in reef health. As more data is collected, this pattern will hopefully emerge and
show whether the reef has reached equilibrium, or if it is on a declining trend.

If the trend of algal proliferation emerges, this could be a sign of other pressures and
changes on and around the reef affecting the balance and contributing to a decline in
coral cover, such as overfishing, eutrophication and nutrification, within other.

4.2.2 Coral Community transects

The CC section of the transects offer more insight into the presence and health of
individual coral colonies. Figure 4.11 below outlines the variety of species found during
2008 at each site.

Numbe r of Spe cie s Obse rv e d at e ach site on

the Coral Rov e r Transe cts


Number of species

20 82
15 83


















Figure 4.11 Number of coral species per site in 2008

Even though data is missing from some sites, the overall biodiversity of corals remains
constant, the exception being Las Palapas in 083. This could be due to mis-
identification of some corals that has increased the diversity, skewing the results.
Otherwise, there seems to be little in the way of an upward or downward trend in
diversity throughout the year.

The CC data also records the health of the species found, including presence of
bleaching, disease and predation. There are three classifications of bleaching recorded,
including full, pale and partial. Full bleaching is complete loss of zooxanthallae leaving a
bright white appearence, pale is a lightening of colour and partial is a mixture of
bleaching within one colony. The graph below illustrates the frequency of each
bleaching type during each phase of 2008.

Figure 4.12 Frequency of Bleaching

The most common type in all phases is pale bleaching, with full and partial remaining
fairly low and constant. The presence of pale bleaching is not necessarily a sign of poor
coral health, as this type does not appear to have much of an adverse affect on the
colony other than discolouration. Also, it is far more common on Siderastrea siderea
species, which is a very abundant species on the reefs in the area, therefore the
presence of pale bleaching will be high.

With the predicted changes in climate, there is potential to see a rise in bleaching
presence amongst corals over the next few years, therefore this baseline data will
provide a good comparison for the future data to assess the impacts of the changes.

Disease is also predicted to be a consequence of the changes in climate, which will also
be indicated through use of the baseline data of 2008 compared with future data. Below,
Figure 4.13, the presence of disease recorded on transects is illustrated by phase.

Comparison of Disease Recorded per Phase

25 Dark Spot
White Plague

Yellow Blotch
Black Band
Red Band
5 Unknown
81 82 83 84

Figure 4.13 Diseases recorded during 2008

By far, the most common is dark spot disease, which, like pale bleaching, is most
common on Sidersatrea siderea species and is therefore likely to be prevelant in line
with the abundance of the species it commonly affects. Presence of the other diseases
is low, with only a few cases recorded for each. This is a positive result so far, as the
lack of disease indicates a resilience to these impacts by the corals. This may change
as the environmental conditions alter over the next few years, which may result in
weakened colonies that become more susceptible to impacts such as disease. A
comparison can be made as more data is collected throughout 2009.

Finally, predation that is present on the reef is also reviewed through the data collection.
If the balance of predators is upset, it is likely that more and more corals will be affected
by these impacts. Figure 4.14 below shows the recorded predation during the four

Predation Recorded in 2008

Frequency of observations
16 Tunicate
12 Sponge
10 Gorgonian
8 Coral
2 Damselfish
81 82 83 84

Figure 4.14 Occurence of Predation

Overgrowth of corals by other species is the most common form of predation on the
reefs as recorded in 2008. Sponge predation is the most common of these, present in
all phases and also the most frequent in all cases. Sponges are abundant on the reefs,
and with algae becoming the dominant species overall, other species compete for space
with the most aggressive and fast growing species taking over the slower more passive
species. This is likely to continue until the balance is shifted again away from algal

The presence of mobile predation is low, with little evidence of parrotfish, damselfish,
snail or worm predation. They are present on the reefs, but the data suggest they are at
a suitable level whereby energy is available for them without adversely affecting the
corals due to their feeding.

5. Discussion

5.1 Fish

The first years data shows a similar distribution to Caribbean wide trends. The
population numbers of commercially fished species (Scaridae, Balistidae and Serranidae
in particular) show a general decline. However, as this is the first year’s data collected at
Punta Gruesa it is too early to confidently say that the overall fish population has
declined over the 12 months. As many commercially significant fish have a large home
range (Health Reefs, 2005), one years surveying in one location will not be
representative of the population. At present the second years data collection is
underway and this will shed more light on the migrational behaviour of the species. Of
the three species mentioned above, Scaridae have a small home range thus their
decline from 7.7% of the total fish to 3.7% of the total between 081 and 084 indicates a
potentially important reduction. This is doubly significant with the Scaridae’s role as the
dominant grazer in the absence of the herbivorous urchin, Diadema antillarum (Mumby
et al., 2006). Few long spine sea urchins were seen during the transects conducted by
the juvenile fish recorder during 2008. However we believe the population to be
underrepresented by the surveyors. Long-spined Sea Urchins are present on the reef,
however the numbers remain low and parrotfish are the dominant grazers. The
methodology for data collection for long-spined sea urchins and Banded Coral Shrimp is
under review.

Previous studies by GVI and others (GVI Mahahual 074; GVI Pez Maya, 083, 081;
Núñez-Lara et al., 2003) have shown the Acanthuridae to be the most commonly sighted
fish during surveying. However, the previous GVI studies were conducted on areas with
different reef structures to Punta Gruesa.

Punta Gruesa has low structural complexity, with a wall dropping from 10m to 20m and a
narrow section of reef crest which supports the highest diversity. The other sites form
spur and groove structures with more habitats available possibly influencing the fish
community structure. On the reefs of Punta Gruesa, Haemulidae are the dominant
species. The Acanthuridae are roving herbivores and have preference for certain types

of algae that are common on exposed reef flats (Sluka & Miller, 2001) which are not
generally present on the reef crests of Punta Gruesa. This is likely the reason for the
lower number recorded. The close relationship between Acanthuridae and turf algae is
also seen at Punta Gruesa.

Juvenile species appear avoid competition by breeding at different times of year.

Recruitment is also strong when compared with other studies (Gonzalez-Salas et al.,
2003). This is encouraging for future of the reef but possibly indicates the fishing
pressure on the adult species. T. Bifasciatum recruits year round (Hamilton et al., 2006)
and proportionally more juveniles of this species were seen during the winter months,
however highest numbers were actually seen in the warmer summer months which is
consistent with other studies (Hunt von Herbing & Hunte, 1991).

During GVI´s second year at Punta Gruesa further data will be collected including
expanding the number of monitoring sites to include different reef environments.

5.2 Coral

The biodiversity of the reef concerning invertibrates and immobile species is high, but
the dominant species are algae and coral. The reef health is positive, with little indication
of an increase in disease or predation. However, with little to compare it to, the data will
serve as a baseline from which to expand and compare future data in order to gain a
better idea of how the reef is progressing, particularly facing the threats of human
impacts and climate change. In addition, we will have 3 sets of data that will be analyzed
and compared. The 3 years of data collected in Mahuahual, the 4 years of data collected
in Pez Maya, and the data from Punta Gruesa, which will allow further analysis from the
data obtained in a protected area, the data collected in a developed area with increasing
tourism impact, and an undeveloped area with considerable fishing activity and high
potential to begin development in the very near future.

6. Incidental Sightings Programme

GVI Mahahual has implemented an incidental sightings programmer since in April 2004,
due to the high number of turtles and other species seen on dives in the area. Species
which make up the incidental sightings list are:
• Sharks and Rays
• Eels
• Turtles
• Marine Mammals
These groups are identified to species level where possible and added to the data
collected by OBIS-SEAMAP a worldwide database.

6.1 Methodology

Each time an incidental sighting is seen on a dive it is identified, where possible, to

species level and the date, time, location, depth it was seen at, and size are all recorded.
The EMs are given a Marine turtles presentation during their training which aids
identification of turtle species.

All dives are logged by GVI Punta Gruesa, which gives a total effort for this survey.

Previous Mahahual expeditions have recorded turtle nesting sites during the nesting
season. However in Punta Gruesa there are no nesting beaches so this programme has
been discontinued.

6.2 Results

A total of nineteen turtles were seen in the four phases of 2008. The break down of this
number is as follows: six green turtles, eight Hawksbills and five Loggerheads.
Bottlenose dolphins were observed on eleven occasions, always at the surface on route
to the dive sites.

Figure 6.1 Incidental Sightings of Sharks and Rays during 2008

Figure 6.1, above shows sightings for the three most common elasmobranch species for
the dive sites in the area. Southern Stingrays were by far the most abundant species. A
total of ninety-four individuals were identified over 48 occasions with twenty being the
highest number seen on any one dive at the site Los Bollos. In the four phases of 2008
seven Nurse sharks were observed on the reef. Spotted Eagle Rays were seen ten
times, three of these occasions within the lagoon.
Only two Yellow Stingrays and three Lesser Electric Rays were recorded for the entire
year. The low incidents of sightings may be attributed to a lack of consistent data
recording. Large temporal gaps in the data set indicate this to be the case. Furthermore
the lower than expected figures for Yellow Stingray and Lesser Electric Rays may be
due to the particular habitat type these species most commonly inhabit. Experience
indicates that observations made within the lagoon (the favoured habitat of the
aforementioned species) while snorkelling are less likely to be recorded than those
made while scuba diving.
Moving forward every effort will be made to improve the consistency of recording for all
sightings, allowing for the future gathering of a reliable data set.

7. Community Work Programme

Mahahual, as part of the section of the Quintana Roo coastline labeled as Costa Maya,
has in recent years come under great pressure to develop as an international destination
for tourists (Bezaury et al 1998). To the north, the coastal zone from Cancun to Tulum,
the “Riviera Maya”, has already rapidly expanded over the last 30 years; the Costa
Maya, surrounded by protected areas including the Sian Ka’an biosphere reserve and
the Chinchorro and Xcalak Marine Protected Areas is now seen as a key area for
tourism development that has the opportunity to grow in a more measured and
controlled fashion. To assist local communities in being an active part of this
development, and helping them guide it towards a sustainable future, GVI is committed
to local capacity building through its community programmes.

A central part of this aspect of GVI’s role in Mexico is teaching both English and
environmental awareness. By assisting locals to take a more independent role in
development of the tourism industry, GVI hopes to provide locals in Mahahual with the
tools to develop the area beneficially for themselves, whilst protecting it for the future.
Consequently, during both the child and adult education programs, wherever possible an
environmental theme has been included within the structure of the lessons.

The implementation of an introduction to TEFL program been embraced by the

volunteers, and feedback shows that the EMs greatly enjoy and appreciate the
opportunity to participate in the teaching experience and are happy that they can interact
with and contribute directly to the community in addition to providing marine research

7.1 English Language Programme for Adults

The English Language Programme was initiated in 2004 in partnership with Orlando
Iglesias Barron (MIRC) and Arturo Barbabosa (Dorados Tourism Cooperative). From
January 2006, all EMs that took part in the community English teaching completed an
Introduction to TEFL course, designed and developed by GVI’s TEFL consultant, Amy

Schirmer, with experienced teaching staff from the successful GVI Tulum project, to help
prepare EMs for entering the classroom. By going over basic teaching techniques and
linguistic exercises with EMs before they teach, it is hoped that the lessons will be a
more effective resource for local students, and therefore encourage ongoing attendance.

The course is broken down into lectures, workshops and review sessions covering topics
such as learning and teaching theory, lesson planning, classroom management,
vocabulary and grammar and error correction techniques. The Intro to TEFL and
community programmes also require periodic review sessions with the EMs after the
course. The training partly focused on EMs previous experiences both as teachers and
pupils, and on Expedition staff’s experiences teaching here in Mexico.

GVI Mahahual enjoyed another year of student participation in the English Language
Programme, with community members from all areas of employment attending the
classes as well as several primary and secondary school students. 2008 has to be the
most successful TEFL year. During the four phases at Punta Gruesa, attendance was
surpassed, with one of our opening sessions having standing room only. There is
fluctuation in the number of students coming to class throughout the 6 weeks of
teaching, but each week there were new students eager to join and learn.

This year marked changes in the way students were invited to attend the programme, as
groups of EMs went out to the town and recruited potential students for the classes that
took place on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 18.30 to 20.00, being held at the Vicente
Kau Chau Primary School and during the summer at Tequila Beach, a bar and
restaurant in Mahahual. The number of students expected and the number showing up
for the first session varied slightly, but attendance was at an all time high. Due to
hurricane Dean, many people left the town, or came to it looking for working
opportunities. At the beginning of the course, we reminded students of who we are and
what we do to get the word out that GVI had not left Mahahual, only moved 40 km north.
We increased the number of groups by offering beginner, intermediate and advanced
levels. The adults were then allocated a level with one or two EM teachers, according to
ability and trade. The lessons generally focused on the material suggested in the Intro to
TEFL programme for the particular level of the students. By using a variety of teaching
methods, from simple word games to complex dialogue for more advanced students,

lessons were kept as real and exciting as possible with an emphasis on a relaxed
learning environment progressing at a pace set by the students. A few younger students
from our work at the school have shown a further interest in learning English. Because
the younger students do not have specific objectives in mind, they are generally taught
basic grammar and vocabulary, following the Intro to TEFL programme as closely as
possible and advancing at their own pace. Each phase brings new and old faces, and
attendance, as always, fluctuated due to weather, cruise ship in town, or personal
obligations. Despite this fact, most students were there and committed with the classes
throughout the year.

7.2 Environmental Awareness Programme

GVI’s Environmental Awareness Programme in Mahahual was set up in association with

Irene Ku Doporto and Francisco Chimal Chan (Department of Environmental Education
– ASK). This multi faceted programme, which is also supported by CONANP, includes
activities such as environmental education for children in English and Spanish, beach
cleans, workshops for children and adults, and school festivals and outings.

7.3 Environmental Education for Children

This phase teaching material concentrated on a variety of important environmental and

science related concepts. Fun and educational presentations and games were created
for the children in an effort to raise awareness about the fragile environment just outside
their classroom. This phase biodiversity and basic ecology were the main themes for
the younger children. While development and tourism was discussed with the older
classes in terms of jobs and money for coastal areas, the effect that this can have on the
environment in terms of damage to the reef if left unchecked was also discussed, trying
to bring both sides of development and conservation to the table.

The Environmental Education Programme began 28 January, changing the schedule

from Fridays to Thursdays, from 9:30 to 10:30 am. GVI EMs taught at the Vicente Kau
Chan Primary School for 7 weeks our first phase and continued throughout the year with

3 classrooms, with a total of 75 students, ranging in ages from 6 to 13, with a brief
interruption for the summer vacations. During this time, a children´s workshop was
organized also on Thursdays. The outcome was not as successful as we hoped, since
one day out of three that were organized were attended by 4 students. Lack of children
in town and advertisement were key factors. We expect next summer to be better.
To contribute to the environmental activities in school, a mural was designed and
painted by the EMs on the 081 phase. A marine theme that included fishes, soft and
hard corals and divers was completed after 7 weeks, with it being unveiled on the last
Thursday of TEFL, 13th of March. It is a beautiful mural reminding the students of the
activities we practice in the sea they have a few meters away. Eduardo Barquet,
headmaster of the school, was very pleased with the end product and hoped to have
another mural done by us in the near future.
Another ground-breaking event was the return of GVI to the secondary school in order to
continue with the environmental awareness programme with the older students. The
lectures also took place on Thursdays from 11am to 12pm in the “Telesecundaria”. All
the students knew GVI from their passing through the primary school. Many topics could
have been repeated, but time was taken to explain them in detail and more in depth. We
had an excellent response from the students and they were happy to have us back in
their school.

7.4 Project Aware’s “Dive into Earth Day” turns into a week in Mahahual

This year was a good one in terms of activities with other dive shops and businesses in
Mahahual. For two months GVI, alongside Dreamtime, Bucaneros del Caribe, Tortuga
Azul, Margarita de Sol, and Matan Ka’an hotel with the support of the Businessmen
Association of Mahahual organized the first Dive into Earth week, where for a week (22nd
April onward) activities involving snorkelling, diving, dissections, games and lectures
involving the importance of conserving our planet. September brought the Mahahual
dive centres together one more time to undertake a beach and reef clean in Mahahual
town. GVI was invited to take part and provide divers for a reef clean as part of the
overall effort. Using boats provided by the town´s dive centres the divers collected
rubbish from the shore side of the reef to the west of the spur and groove formations.
Other projects also included cleaning of the mangroves and beach front.

Large amounts of waste were collected and data collected from the effort were sent to
PADI Project Aware.

8. Other Programmes and Activities

8.1 Turtle Nesting Project, Xcacel

The summer phases coincide with the start of the turtle nesting season. As a result,
over a two week period EM’s from Mahahual travelled to Xcacel, 2km north of the Xel-
Ha resort in Tulum, to spend 2 nights at the turtle nesting project there. The project is
managed by Flora, Fauna y Cultura de Mexico, A.C. and runs for six months every year
from May to October. The EMs spent their days relaxing and trying to sleep, as from
9pm to 4am they patrolled the four beaches being monitored by the project. If a nesting
turtle was encountered during these patrols, and her eggs deemed to be at risk due to
the location of her nest, the eggs were collected and moved to man-made nests higher
up the beach to reduce the risk of them being washed away by the tide. Measurements
of the turtle’s carapaces were made and any growths or damage recorded. As turtles
return to the same beach each time they nest many had been tagged on previous visits,
these tags were checked for and if none were found a new tag was secured to the turtle.
Everyone that took part in the project returned exhausted but elated by the whole

Photograph 1 Nesting Loggerhead turtle having its carapace measured.

9. Conclusions

The GVI Pta Gruesa Programme continues to thrive while the team actively collaborates
with local partners ASK and UQROO, the local community, the Mahahual Tourism Co-
operative, the Municipality’s tourist board and other local stakeholders.

During this first year, GVI Pta Gruesa has:

• Continued the monitoring effort, monitoring all of the 7 permanent sites

• Discovery of new sites to add to the monitoring programme for future phases

• Trained 93 Expedition Members in the MBRS SMP survey methodology

• Continued the SMP for the region

• Provided English lessons within the local community of Mahahual

• Established GVI Punta Gruesa as an effective research base

• Expanded the MBRS database created at GVI Pez Maya for both bases, with
increased data analysis facilities to aid future reporting

• Continued collaboration with MIRC at UQROO and ASK for the GVI Mahahual

• Continued to document sightings of fish and hard coral species within the area,
refining a comprehensive species list for the region

• Continued the development of a long term Environmental education syllabus

based around a workbook produced by GVI Mexico staff

During the next year, GVI Punta Gruesa intends to continue its work on the SMP as
well as its work alongside its sister expedition, GVI Pez Maya.

In addition, GVI Punta Gruesa will also carry on its work within the community,
further developing the Marine Education Programme for the local primary school
children and, through the continued application of GVI’s Introduction to TEFL course
for EMs, increase the effectiveness and scope of the English courses offered to the
local community.

Finally, GVI Mahahual aims to extend its programme as outlined above wherever
possible and through continued discussions with local partners.

10. References

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Lee, A.S. and Dooley, R.E. (1998) Coral Reefs of the Caribbean, The Bahamas and
Florida. Macmillan Education Ltd, London.

Littler, D.S, Littler, M.M, Bucher, K.E. and Norris, J.N. (1989) Marine Plants of the
Caribbean: A Field Guide from Florida to Brazil. Smithsonian Institution Press,
Washington, D.C.

McClanahan, T.R. and Muthiga, N.A. (1998) An ecological shift in a remote coral atoll of
Belize over 25 years. Environmental Conservation 25: 122-130.

NOAA, 2006. NOAA Fisheries Office of Protected Resources.


Nugues, M.M, and Roberts, C.M. (2003) Partial mortality in massive reef corals as an
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Spalding, M.D. and Jarvis, G.E. (2002). The impact of the 1998 coral mortality on reef
fish communities in the Seychelles. Marine Pollution Bulletin 44: 309-321.

Sulke & Miller. 2001. Herbivorous Fish Assemblages and Herbivorouy Pressure on
Laamn Atoll, Republic of Maldives. Coral Reefs, 50, 255-262

UNEP-WCMC (2006). In the front line: shoreline protection and other ecosystem
services from mangroves and coral reefs. UNEP-WCMC, Cambridge, UK.

Yentsch, C.S., Yentsch, C.M., Cullen, J.J., Lapointe, B., Phinney, D.A., Yentsch, S.W.
(2002) Sunlight and Water Transparency: cornerstones in coral research. Journal of
Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 268: 171-183.

Appendix I – SMP Methodology Outlines

Buddy method 1: Surveys of corals, algae and other sessile organisms

At each monitoring site five replicate 30m transect lines are deployed randomly within
100m of the GPS point. The transect line is laid across the reef surface at a constant
depth, usually perpendicular to the reef slope. The recent discovery of two Spur and
Groove sites (DP & LG) at a depth of 20m will allow for additional future monitoring. In
keeping with Scuba diving profiles at such depths, 10m transect lines will be used in
order to provide sufficient time to successfully complete monitoring surveys and return to
the surface safely. Owing to the nature of the Spur and Groove reef orientation,
transects will be laid perpendicular to the shoreline.

The first diver of this monitoring buddy pair collects data on the characterisation of the
coral community under the transect line. Swimming along the transect line the diver
identifies, to species level, each hermatypic coral directly underneath the transect that is
at least 10cm at its widest point and in the original growth position. If a colony has been
knocked or has fallen over, it is only recorded if it has become reattached to the
substratum. In addition to identifying the coral to species level, the diver also records
the water depth at the top of the corals, at the beginning and end of each transect. In
cases where bottom topography is very irregular, or the size of the individual corals is
very variable, water depth is recorded at the top of each coral beneath the transect line
at any major change in depth (greater than 1m).

The diver then identifies the colony boundaries based on verifiable connective or
common skeleton. Using a measuring pole, the colonies projected diameter (live plus
dead areas) in plan view and maximum height (live plus dead areas) from the base of
the colonies substratum are measured.

From plane view perspective, the percentage of coral that is not healthy (separated into
old dead and recent dead) is also estimated.

The first diver also notes any cause of mortality including diseases and/or predation and
any bleached tissue present. The diseases are characterised using the following ten

o Black band disease o Red band disease

o White band disease o Hyperplasm and Neoplasm (irregular growths)
o White plague o Predation and type
o Yellow blotch disease o Bleaching and type
o Dark spot disease o Unknown

Furthermore, bleaching is characterised as a percentage and any other features of note

are also recorded. Areas of mortality (old and recent), disease, predation and bleaching
are summed to provide an estimate of unhealthy coral. This final value will be used with
GIS software and future reporting.

The second diver measures the percentage cover of sessile organisms and substrate
along the 30m transect, recording the nature of the substrate or organism directly every
25cm along the transect. Organisms are classified into the following groups:

Coralline algae - crusts or finely branched algae that are hard (calcareous) and extend
no more than 2cm above the substratum
Turf algae - may look fleshy and/or filamentous but do not rise more than 1cm above the
Macroalgae - include fleshy and calcareous algae whose fronds are projected more than
1cm above the substrate. Three of these are further classified into additional groups
which include Halimeda, Dictyota, and Lobophora
Hermatypic corals - to species level, where possible
Bare rock, sand and rubble
Any other sessile organisms e.g. sponges, tunicates, zoanthids, hydroids and crinoids.
Where possible, these are recorded to order or family.

Buddy method 2: Belt transect counts for coral reef fish

At each monitoring site 8 replicate 30m transects lines are deployed randomly within
100m of the GPS point. The transect line is laid just above the reef surface at a constant
depth, usually perpendicular to the reef slope. The first diver is responsible for
swimming slowly along the transect line identifying, counting and estimating the sizes of
specific indicator fish species in their adult phase. The diver visually estimates a two
metre by two metre ‘corridor’ and carries a one meter T-bar divided into 10cm
graduations to aid the accuracy of the size estimation of the fish identified. The fish are
assigned to the following size categories:

0-5cm 20-30cm
5-10cm 30-40cm
10-20cm >40cm (with size specified)

The buddy pair then waits for three minutes at a short distance from the end of the
transect line before proceeding. This allows juvenile fish to return to their original
positions before they were potentially scared off by the divers during the adult transect.
The second diver swims slowly back along the transect surveying a one metre by one
metre ‘corridor’ and identifying and counting the presence of newly settled fish of the
target species. In addition, it is also this diver’s responsibility to identify and count the
Banded Shrimp, Stenopus hispidus. This is a collaborative effort with UNAM to track
this species as their population is slowly dwindling due to their direct removal for the
aquarium trade. The juvenile diver also counts any Diadema antillarum individuals found
on their transects. This is aimed at tracking the slow come back of these urchins.

Buddy Method 3: Coral & Fish Rover divers

At each monitoring site the third buddy pair completes a thirty minute survey of the site
in an expanding square pattern, with one diver recording all adult fish species observed.
The approximate density of each fish species is categorised using the following

Single (1 fish)
Few (2-10 fish)
Many (11-100 fish)
Abundant (>100 fish)

The second diver swims along side the Fish Rover diver and records, to species level,
all coral communities observed, regardless of size. The approximate density of each
coral species is then categorised using similar ranges to those for fish:

Single (1 community)
Few (2-10 communities)
Many (11-50 communities)
Abundant (>50 communities)

Analyzing the rover data gives us a broader view of additional organisms that may
constitute the reef site but that may not be represented from the randomly placed
transect lies. In the case of fish data, the rover data aids in collecting population size
information of target species that may keep away from a transect line due to the
intimidating and possibly invasive nature of unnatural objects and divers on the reef.

Appendix II - Adult Fish Indicator Species List
The following list includes only the adult fish species that are surveyed during monitoring

Scientific Name Common Name Scientific Name Common Name

Acanthurus coeruleus, Blue Tang Scarus guacamaia Rainbow Parrotfish
Acanthurus bahianus, Ocean Surgeonfish Scarus vetula Queen Parrotfish
Acanthurus chirurgus, Doctorfish Sparisoma viride Stoplight Parrotfish
Chaetodon striatus, Banded Butterflyfish Scarus taeniopterus Princess Parrotfish
Chaetodon capistratus, Four Eye Butterflyfish Scarus iserti Striped Parrotfish
Chaetodon ocellatus, Spotfin Butterflyfish Sparisoma aurofrenatum Redband Parrotfish
Chaetodon aculeatus, Longsnout Sparisoma chrysopterum Redtail Parrotfish
Haemulon flavolineatum French Grunt Sparisoma rubripinne Yellowtail Parrotfish
Haemulon striatum Striped Grunt Sparisoma atomarium Greenblotch
Haemulon plumierii White Grunt Sparisoma radians Bucktooth Parrotfish
Haemulon sciurus Bluestriped Grunt Epinephelus itajara Goliath Grouper
Haemulon carbonarium Caesar Grunt Epinephelus striatus Nassau Grouper
Haemulon chrysargyreum Smallmouth Grunt Mycteroperca venenosa Yellowfin Grouper
Haemulon aurolineatum Tomtate Mycteroperca bonaci Black Grouper
Haemulon melanurum Cottonwick Mycteroperca tigris Tiger Grouper
Haemulon macrostomum Spanish Grunt Mycteroperca interstitialis Yellowmouth
Haemulon parra Sailor’s Choice Epinephelus guttatus Red Hind
Haemulon album White Margate Epinephelus adscensionis Rock Hind
Anisotremus virginicus Porkfish Cephalopholis cruentatus Graysby
Anisotremus Black Margate Cephalopholis fulvus Coney
Lutjanus analis Mutton Snapper Balistes vetula Queen Triggerfish
Lutjanus griseus Gray Snapper Balistes capriscus Gray Triggerfish
Lutjanus cyanopterus Cubera Snapper Canthidermis sufflamen Ocean Triggerfish
Lutjanus jocu Dog Snapper Xanithichthys ringens Sargassum

Lutjanus jocu Dog Snapper Xanithichthys ringens Sargassum
Lutjanus mahogoni Mahaogany Snapper Melichthys niger Black Durgon
Lutjanus apodus Schoolmaster Aluterus scriptus Scrawled Filefish
Lutjanus synagris Lane Snapper Cantherhines pullus Orangespotted
Ocyurus chrysurus Yellowtail Snapper Cantherhines macrocerus Whitespotted Filefish
Holacanthus ciliaris Queen Angelfish Bodianus rufus Spanish Hogfish
Pomacanthus paru French Angelfish Lachnolaimus maximus Hogfish
Pomacanthus arcuatus Grey Angelfish Caranx rubber Bar Jack
Holacanthus tricolour Rock Beauty Microspathodon chrysurus Yellowtail Damselfish
Scarus coeruleus Blue Parrotfish Sphyraena barracuda Great Barracuda
Scarus coelestinus Midnight Parrotfish

Appendix III - Juvenile Fish Indicator Species List
The subsequent list specifies the juvenile fish species and their maximum target length
that are recorded during monitoring dives.

Scientific Name Common Name Max. target

length (cm)
Acanthurus bahianus Ocean surgeonfish 5
Acanthurus coeruleus Blue tang 5
Chaetodon capistratus Foureye butterflyfish 2
Chaetodon striatus Banded butterflyfish 2
Gramma loreto Fairy basslet 3
Bodianus rufus Spanish hogfish 3.5
Halichoeres bivittatus Slipperydick 3
Halichoeres garnoti Yellowhead wrasse 3
Halichoeres maculipinna Clown wrasse 3
Thalassoma bifasciatum Bluehead wrasse 3
Halichoeres pictus Rainbow wrasse 3
Chromis cyanea Blue chromis 3.5
Stegastes adustus Dusky damselfish 2.5
Stegastes diencaeus Longfin damselfish 2.5
Stegastes leucostictus Beaugregory 2.5
Stegastes partitus Bicolour damselfish 2.5
Stegastes planifrons Threespot damselfish 2.5
Stegastes variabilis Cocoa damselfish 2.5
Scarus iserti Striped parrotfish 3.5
Scarus taeniopterus Princess parrotfish 3.5
Sparisoma atomarium Greenblotch parrotfish 3.5
aurofrenatum Redband parrotfish 3.5
Sparisoma viride Stoplight parrotfish 3.5

Appendix IV - Coral Species List

This list was begun for Mahahual in April 2004. Verified new sightings from this
expedition are in red. This list is compiled from all coral monitoring dives, including
Coral Rover survey dives started in January 2005, and incidental sightings

Family Genus Species Family Genus Species

Acroporidae Acropora cervicornis Meandrinidae Dendrogyra cylindrus
Acroporidae Acropora Palmata Meandrinidae Dichocoenia stokesii
Acroporidae Acropora prolifera Meandrinidae Meandrina meandrites
Agariciidae Agaricia agaricites Milliporidae Millepora alcicornis
Agariciidae Agaricia Fragilis Milliporidae Millepora complanata
Agariciidae Agaricia grahamae Mussidae Isophyllastrea rigida
Agariciidae Agaricia lamarcki Mussidae Isophyllia sinuosa
Agariciidae Agaricia tenuifolia Mussidae Mussa angulosa
Agariciidae Agaricia Undata Mussidae Mycetophyllia aliciae
Agariciidae Helioceris cucullata Mussidae Mycetophyllia ferox
Antipatharia Cirrhipathes Leutkeni Mussidae Mycetophyllia lamarckiana
Astrocoeniidae Stephanocoenia intersepts Mussidae Mycetophyllia Reís
Caryophylliidae Eusmilia fastigiana Mussidae Scolymia sp.
Faviidae Colpophyllia Natans Pocilloporidae Madracis decactis
Faviidae Diploria clivosa Pocilloporidae Madracis formosa
Faviidae Diploria labrynthiformis Pocilloporidae Madracis mirabilis
Faviidae Diploria strigosa Pocilloporidae Madracis pharensis
Faviidae Favia Fragum Poritidae Porites astreoides
Faviidae Manicina areolata Poritidae Porites divaricata
Faviidae Montastraea annularis Poritidae Porites furcata
Faviidae Montastraea cavernosa Poritidae Porites porites
Faviidae Montastraea faveolata Siderastridae Siderastrea radians
Faviidae Montastraea franksi Siderastridae Siderastrea sidereal
Faviidae Solenastrea bournoni Stylasteridae Stylaster roseus
Faviidae Solenastrea hyades

Appendix V - Fish Species List

This list was begun for Mahahual in April 2004. This list is compiled from the Adult and
Rover diver surveys.

Family Genus Species Common Names

Acanthuridae Acanthurus Bahianus Ocean surgeonfish
Acanthuridae Acanthurus Chirurgus Doctorfish
Acanthuridae Acanthurus Coeruleus Blue tang
Atherinidae, Clupeidae,
Engraulididae Silversides, Herrings, Anchovies
Aulostomidae Aulostomus Maculates Trumpetfish
Balistidae Balistes Capriscus Gray triggerfish
Balistidae Balistes Vetula Queen triggerfish
Balistidae Canthidermis Sufflamen Ocean triggerfish
Balistidae Melichthys Niger Black durgon
Balistidae Xanithichthys Ringens Sargassum triggerfish
Bothidae Bothus Lunatus Peacock flounder
Carangidae Caranx Bartholomaei Yellow jack
Carangidae Caranx Crysos Blue runner
Carangidae Caranx Ruber Bar jack
Carangidae Trachinotus Falcatus Permit
Centropomidae Centropomus Undecimalis Common snook
Chaenopsidae Lucayablennius Zingaro Arrow blenny
Chaetodontidae Chaetodon Aculeatus Longsnout butterflyfish
Chaetodontidae Chaetodon Capistratus Foureye butterflyfish
Chaetodontidae Chaetodon Ocellatus Spotfin butterflyfish
Chaetodontidae Chaetodon Sedentarius Reef butterflyfish
Chaetodontidae Chaetodon Striatus Banded butterflyfish
Cirrhitidae Amblycirrhitus Pinos Red spotted hawkfish
Congridae Heteroconger Longissimus Brown garden eel
Dasyatidae Dasyatis Americana Southern stingray
Diodontidae Diodon Holocanthus Balloonfish

Elopidae Megalops Atlanticus Tarpon
Gobiidae Coryphopterus Dicrus Colon Goby
Gobiidae Coryphopterus Eidolon Palid Goby
Gobiidae Coryphopterus Glaucofraenum Bridled goby
Gobiidae Coryphopterus Lipernes Peppermint goby
Gobiidae Coryphopterus personatus/hyalinus Masked/glass goby
Gobiidae Gnatholepis Thompsoni Goldspot goby
Gobiidae Gobiosoma Oceanops Neon goby.
Gobiidae Gobiosoma Prochilos Broadstripe goby
Grammatidae Gramma Loreto Fairy basslet
Grammatidae Gymnothorax Funebris Green moray
Grammatidae Gymnothorax Moringa Spotted moray
Haemulidae Anisotremus Virginicus Porkfish
Haemulidae Haemulon Album White margate
Haemulidae Haemulon Aurolineatum Tomtate
Haemulidae Haemulon Carbonarium Ceaser Grunt
Haemulidae Haemulon Flavolineatum French grunt
Haemulidae Haemulon Macrostomum Spanish grunt
Haemulidae Haemulon Plumierii White grunt
Haemulidae Haemulon Sciurus Bluestriped grunt
Haemulidae Haemulon Striatum Striped grunt
Haemulidae Anisotremus Surinamensis Black margate
Haemulidae Haemulon Parra Sailor’s choice
Holocentridae Holocentrus Adscensionis Squirrelfish
Holocentridae Holocentrus Rufus Longspine squirrelfish
Holocentridae Myripristis Jacobus Blackbar soldierfish
Holocentridae Neoniphon Marianus Longjaw squirrelfish
Holocentridae Sargocentron Bullisi Deepwater squirrelfish
Holocentridae Sargocentron Coruscum Reef squirrelfish
Holocentridae Sargocentron Vexillarium Dusky squirrelfish
Kyphosidae Kyphosus sectatrix/incisor Chub
Labridae Bodianus Rufus Spanish hogfish
Labridae Clepticus Parrae Creole wrasse
Labridae Halichoeres Bivittatus Slipperydick

Labridae Halichoeres Garnoti Yellowhead wrasse
Labridae Halichoeres Maculipinna Clown wrasse
Labridae Halichoeres Pictus Rainbow wrasse
Labridae Halichoeres Poeyi Blackear wrasse
Labridae Halichoeres Radiatus Puddingwife wrasse
Labridae Lachnolaimus Maximus Hogfish
Labridae Thalassoma Bifasciatum Bluehead wrasse
Labridae Xyrichtys Martinicensis Rosy razorfish
Labridae Xyrichtys Novacula Pearly razorfish
Labrisomidae Malacoctenus Triangulatus Saddled blenny
Lutjanidae Lutjanus Analis Mutton snapper
Lutjanidae Lutjanus Apodus Schoolmaster snapper
Lutjanidae Lutjanus Cyanopterus Cubera snapper
Lutjanidae Lutjanus Griseus Grey snapper
Lutjanidae Lutjanus Jocu Dog snapper
Lutjanidae Lutjanus Mahogoni Maghogony snapper
Lutjanidae Lutjanus Synagris Lane snapper
Lutjanidae Ocyurus Chrysurus Yellowtailed snapper
Malacanthidae Malacanthus Plumieri Sand tilefish
Syngnathidae Micrognathus ensenadae Harlequin pipefish
Monacanthidae Aluterus Scriptus Scrawled filefish
Monacanthidae Cantherhines Macrocerus White spotted filefish
Monacanthidae Cantherhines Pullus Orange spotted filefish
Mullidae Mulloidichthys Martinicus Yellow goatfish
Mullidae Pseudupeneus Maculates Spotted goatfish
Myliobatidae Aetobatus Narinari Spotted eagle ray
Opistognathidae Opistognathus Aurifrons Yellowhead jawfish
Ostraciidae Acanthostracion Quadricornis Scrawled cowfish
Ostraciidae Lactophrys Bicaudalis Spotted trunkfish
Ostraciidae Lactophrys Triqueter Smooth trunkfish
Pempheridae Pempheris Schomburgki Glassy sweeper
Pomacanthidae Holacanthus Ciliaris Queen angelfish
Pomacanthidae Holacanthus Tricolour Rockbeauty
Pomacanthidae Pomacanthus Arcuatus Grey angelfish

Pomacanthidae Pomacanthus Paru French angelfish
Pomacanthidae Stegastes Leucostictus Beaugregory
Pomacentridae Abudefduf Saxatilis Seargant major
Pomacentridae Chromis Cyanea Blue chromis
Pomacentridae Chromis Enchrysurus Yellowtail reef fish
Pomacentridae Chromis Insolata Sunshinefish
Pomacentridae Chromis Multilineata Brown chromis
Pomacentridae Microspathodon Chrysurus Yellowtailed damsel fish
Pomacentridae Stegastes Adustus Dusky damselfish
Pomacentridae Stegastes Diencaeus Longfin damselfish
Pomacentridae Stegastes Leucostictus Beaugregory
Pomacentridae Stegastes Partitus Bicolour damselfish
Pomacentridae Stegastes Planifrons Threespot damselfish
Pomacentridae Stegastes Variabilis Cocoa damselfish
Scaridae Scarus Coelestinus Midnight parrotfish
Scaridae Scarus Coeruleus Blue parrotfish
Scaridae Scarus Guacamaia Rainbow parrotfish
Scaridae Scarus Iserti Striped parrotfish
Scaridae Scarus Taeniopterus Princess parrotfish
Scaridae Scarus Vetula Queen parrotfish
Scaridae Sparisoma Atomarium Greenblotch parrotfish
Scaridae Sparisoma Aurofrenatum Redband parrotfish
Scaridae Sparisoma Chrysopterum Redtail parrotfish
Scaridae Sparisoma Radians Bucktooth parrotfish
Scaridae Sparisoma Rubripinne Yellowtail parrotfish
Scaridae Sparisoma Viride Stoplight parrotfish
Sciaenidae Equetus Lanceolatus Jackknife fish
Sciaenidae Equetus Punctatus Spotted drum
Sciaenidae Pareques Acuminatus Highhat
Scombridae Scomberomorus Maculates Spanish mackerel
Scombridae Scomberomorus Regalis Cero
Scorpaenidae Scorpaena Plumieri Spotted scorpionfish
Serranidae Cephalopholis Cruentatus Graysby
Serranidae Cephalopholis Fulvus Coney

Serranidae Epinephelus Adscensionis Rockhind
Serranidae Epinephelus Guttatus Red hind grouper
Serranidae Epinephelus Itajara Goliath grouper
Serranidae Epinephelus Striatus Nassau grouper
Serranidae Hypoplectrus Aberrans Yellowbelly hamlet
Serranidae Hypoplectrus Chlorurus Yellowtail hamlet
Serranidae Hypoplectrus Guttavarius Shy hamlet
Serranidae Hypoplectrus Indigo Indigo hamlet
Serranidae Hypoplectrus Nigricans Black hamlet
Serranidae Hypoplectrus Puella Barred hamlet
Serranidae Hypoplectrus Unicolor Butter hamlet
Serranidae Liopropoma Rubre Peppermint basslet
Serranidae Mycteroperca Bonaci Black grouper
Serranidae Mycteroperca Interstitialis Yellowmouth grouper
Serranidae Mycteroperca Tigris Tiger grouper
Serranidae Mycteroperca Venenosa Yellowfin grouper
Serranidae Paranthias Furcifer Creolefish
Serranidae Rypticus Saponaceus Greater soapfish
Serranidae Serranus Tabacarius Tobaccofish
Serranidae Serranus Tigrinus Harlequin bass
Serranidae Serranus Tortugarum Chalk bass
Sparidae Calamus Calamos Saucereyed porgy
Sphyraenidae Sphyraena Barracuda Great barracuda
Synodontidae Synodus Intermedius Sand diver
Tetraodontidae Canthigaster Rostrata Sharpnosed puffer
Tetraodontidae Sphoeroides Splengleri Bandtail puffer
Torpedinidae Narcine Brasiliensis Lesser electric ray
Urolophidae Urolophus Jamaicensis Yellowstingray

Appendix VI -Expedition Members


Lyndon Jay Neal Expedition Coordinator

Raphael Zara Expedition Leader
Hew Dalrymple-Hamilton Head of Science
Peter Andrews Diving Instructor
Theodore Dayno Head of Diving
Hannah Milde Science and Community
Jamie Hughes Science
Jo Scott-Smith Science and Community
Luke Walsh Science
Maura Santora Science
Damien Haberlin Expedition Member
Gill Blair Expedition Member
Darren Taylor Expedition Member
Peter Robinson Expedition Member
Richard Crisp Expedition Member
Stephanie Hovey Expedition Member
Neil Armour Expedition Member
Lucy Paice Expedition Member
Nicky Finch Expedition Member
Rob Britton Expedition Member
Nathan Dake Expedition Member
Paul Harrington Expedition Member
Beatrice Maury Expedition Member
Jaime Neil Expedition Member
Connie Schultz Expedition Member
Jessamijn Alberts Expedition Member
Olivier Robert Expedition Member
Peter Zoon Expedition Member
Ron Pinder Expedition Member

Woulter Wolkers Expedition Member
Wendy Glenisson Expedition Member
Alana Potts Expedition Member
Edith Mendosa Expedition Member NSP


Raphael Zara Programme Coordinator

Theodore Dayno Base Manager
Hew Dalrymple-Hamilton Science
Amy Milman Science
Hannah Milde Head of Community work
Darren Taylor Community
Damien Haberlin Science
Peter Andrews Science & Dive Instructor
James Hughes Science
John Howlett Expedition Member (Second 5 weeks)
Helen Howlet Expedition Member (Second 5 weeks)
Jake Sumner Expedition Member (Second 5 weeks)
Kathryn Noiles Expedition Member (Second 5 weeks)
Petra Lóf-Nilsson Expedition Member (Second 5 weeks)
My Vogel Expedition Member (Second 5 weeks)
Christie Osburn Expedition Member (Second 5 weeks)
Marc Wetrich Expedition Member (Second 5 weeks)
Jennah Caster Expedition Member (Second 5 weeks)
Amanda Whelihan Expedition Member (Second 5 weeks)
Crystal Kulscar Expedition Member (Second 5 weeks)
Renee Murphy Expedition Member (Second 5 weeks)
Rachel Philips Expedition Member (Second 5 weeks)
John Thompson Expedition Member (Second 5 weeks)
Vivian Fernandes Expedition Member
Kate Larkin Expedition Member
Sara Lowe Expedition Member
Hannah Roberts Expedition Member (First 5 weeks)
Matt Jenkinson Expedition Member (First 5 weeks)
Samuel Da Silva Expedition Member
Tyler DeHaven Expedition Member

Hilary Garvey Expedition Member
Chris Derbyshire Expedition Member
Heather Kindness Expedition Member
Phil Doherty Expedition Member
Matt Shedd Expedition Member
Vicki Marlatt Expedition Member (First 5 weeks)


Raphael Zara Programme Coordinator

Emily Hynes Science
Ian Litchfield Science
Damien Haberlin Science & Dive Instructor
Jeremy Collins Science & Dive Instructor
Stuart Fulton Science & Dive Instructor
Dean Rawlins Science & Dive Instructor
Kate Larkin Science
Vivian Fernandez Science
Neil Armour
Hew Dalrymple-Hamilton Science
Natasha Gilbertson Expedition Member
Nigel Lunn Expedition Member
Jay Calvert Expedition Member
Mark Chatting Expedition Member
Gyneth Tan Expedition Member
Monica Kar Expedition Member
James Trayer Expedition Member
Thomas Clay Expedition Member
Schuyler Whelan Expedition Member
Hanna Karlsson Expedition Member
Grace Yuen Expedition Member
Sarah-Jane Owen Expedition Member
Joanna Moores Expedition Member
Martin Doser Expedition Member
James Connell Expedition Member
Graeme Wallbank Expedition Member
Daniel Cross Expedition Member
Jasmine Gartshore Expedition Member
Victoria Burchell Expedition Member
Oihane Erdaide Goienetxe Expedition Member

Eva Aylagas Martinez Expedition Member
Oliver Millar Expedition Member
Lowri Casimiro Expedition Member


Raphael Zara Programme Coordinator

Stuart Fulton Science & Dive Instructor
Jeremy Collins Science & Dive Instructor
Damian Haberlin Science & Dive Instructor
Hew Dalrymple-Hamilton Science
Dean Rawlins Science & Dive Instructor
Nikki Taylor Science
Kate Larkin Science & Dive Instructor
Adrian Torres Expedition Member & NSP
Osiris Balchara Expedition Member & NSP
Polona Pengal Expedition Member
Charlie Smith Expedition Member
Joel Stibbard Expedition Member
Sam Balderson Expedition Member
Alexandra Ainscough Expedition Member
Penny McFarlane Expedition Member
Stuart McFarlane Expedition Member
Pamela MacDonald Expedition Member
Andrew Morin Expedition Member
Denise Testa Expedition Member
Sophie Glover Expedition Member
Peter Johnson Expedition Member
Tim O´Donnell Expedition Member
Lindsey Garwood Expedition Member
Stephen Walker Expedition Member
Nicola Fletcher Expedition Member
Nicholas Wagner Expedition Member
Cassie Leisk Expedition Member


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