Cough Remedy: What Is Cold?

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Cough Remedy

What is cold? Constriction in the throat which obstructs normal breathing. Causes Consumption of cold or sour food by people with sensitive throats, phlegm, certain allergies, sudden change in temperature. Symptoms Frequent need to clear irritation in throat or phlegm in the chest by forceful and noisy exittance of air through the mouth. Remedy (Nuskhe)

To stay away from cough of all kinds, boil some fresh basil (tulsi leaves in ! cups water. Continue to boil till reduced to " cup. #rink this water every morning. The high pectin content of apples relieves cough and helps in eliminating toxins from the body. $ minimum of %&&'%(& gms of apples or their )uice should be consumed daily for *'"& days for beneficial results. +ix " teaspoon of honey with , teaspoon ground liquorice (muleti and take it twice a day for any type of cough. For night coughs, mix " teaspoon honey in a cup of hot drink (milk or tea before bed time. #rink turmeric (haldi powder boiled in milk at bed time. -oil " cup milk. $fter the boil, reduce the heat and add , teaspoon haldi powder. .eep on low heat for ! minutes. /emove from fire. 0f there is a lot of mucus (balgam with cough, take "& peppercorns (sabut kali mirch , 1 small sticks of liquorice (mulethi and ! teaspoons of sugar candy (mishri 2 pound together to a fine powder and have 3 teaspoon four times a day. Consume a mix of , teaspoon carom seeds (a)wain with , teaspoon honey and " crushed peppercorn (sabut kali mirch . 4owder " clove (laung . $dd a pinch of sugar and " teaspoon honey. 5et the child lick it little by little. +ix equal amounts of honey and ginger (adrak )uice. For better results warm the mixture a little and then have it. 6ave " teaspoon, !'%'1 times a day. Three peppercorns (sabut kali mirch with a pinch of black cumin (shah )eera and a pinch of salt gives relief. +ix " teaspoon pepper powder with 1 teaspoon )iggery (gur . +ake small balls. 7uch %'1 balls8tablets during the day. 9ive " teaspoon of basil (tulsi leaves )uice, !'% times a day to children having cough. Tulsi leaves can be crushed to a paste and the paste squee:ed through a clean muslin cloth to get )uice. 6eat , cup of mustard oil (sarson ka tel . add ( flakes of garlic (lasan and let it turn black. Take it off the fire and let it cool. -ottle it and use it to massage nose, head and chest. .eep ( whole peppercorns (sabut kali mirch in your mouth before sleeping. #o not crush. ;ou will sleep undisturbed. Crush and swallow in the morning. 9rind tulsi leaves and "< piece ginger. =xtract )uice. +ix with > tablespoon honey. Take " teaspoon of this three times a day for a few days.

Cough (DRY)

+ix *'"& tablespoons of coconut milk with " tablespoon poppy seeds (khus khus and " tablespoon pure honey. Take every night before going to bed.

Cough with phlegm (balgam)

+ix equal amounts of onion )uice and honey. 6ave " teaspoon, %'1 times a day. This is a preventive medicine against cold in winter. 5emon )uice has the property of dislodging phlegm. 0t?s consumption pulls out the phlegm and cures cough. Take *'"& tulsi leaves and wash well. To " cup of water, add these tulsi leaves, "'! cloves of garlic (lasan , ,< piece ginger, crushed, and 1'( peppercorns (sabut kali mirch . -oil the water and keep simmering on fire till the quantity is reduced to 3 cup. Cool. 7train. $dd " teaspoon honey. #rink this every morning.

Crush 3 cup of carom seeds (a)wain and tie in a thin muslin cloth (malmal and place it near the child?s pillow.

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