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Successful teacher candidates support learning by designing a Unit Work Sample that employs a range of strategies and builds on each students strengths, needs and prior experiences. Through this performance assessment, candidates provide credible evidence of their ability to facilitate learning by meeting the following standards: The candidate uses multiple assessment strategies and approaches aligned with learning goals to assess student learning before, during and after instruction. The candidate designs instruction for specific learning goals, student characteristics and needs, and learning contexts. The candidate uses regular and systematic evaluations of student learning to make instructional decisions. The candidate uses assessment data to profile student learning and communicate information about student progress and achievement. The candidate reflects on his or her instruction and student learning in order to improve teaching practice.

The candidate will create a Unit Work Sample to demonstrate its impact on student learning. The attached template, which consists of several components, should be used to fulfill this requirement. Attach samples of student work as an appendix.


Candidate: Stefon Bowman

Cooperating Teacher: Mrs. Anthony School: Whittaker Elementary

Academic Year: Fall 2013

District:Orangeburg School District 5 Grade Level: 3rd Subject: Math and Science

Dates of unit: from Oct 28 to Nov 4

PART I: CONTENT 1 Section IA: Unit Title and/or Description Content 1: Multiplication Section II: Description of Students: Describe (1) the number of students, (2) demographics of the
students, and (3) any other special features or important information that you included in your Long Range Plan as you described your students.

My assigned class is a third grade classroom. Within the classroom, there is a total amount of twenty-one students. All twenty-one of the students are African American. There are six boys and fifteen girls. Students reading level range -from PP (Pre-primer) to a 4.2 reading level. Only one student out of the class tested and qualified for an IEP. That student sees the school resource teacher daily. 75% of the students in my class are on free or reduced lunch.

Section III: Contextual Factors: Describe the contextual factors, including the (1) relevant student
characteristics from Section II, as well (2) as other factors related to the community, district, school, classroom or students, that are likely to impact instruction and/or student learning with regard to the selected instructional unit. Include a (3) description of the ways in which each of these factors will be taken into consideration during unit planning and instruction.

There is a total amount of twenty-one students. All twenty-one of the students are African American. There are six boys and fifteen girls. Students reading level range -from PP (Pre-primer) to a 4.2 reading level. Only one student out of the class tested and qualified for an IEP. That student sees the school resource teacher daily. 75% of the students in my class are on free or reduced lunch. 1. I will keep in mind and plan my activities based off the socioeconomic status of my students. This will gauge what kind of activities we will conduct in my class as well as what supplies I will ask of my students to have. I will take my students reading level in consideration when planning activities, providing notes, assessments as well as materials we use during instruction. I will make sure my materials are within my students cognate levels.


Section IV: The Unit Plan Section IV A: Major Unit Objectives (1) List the unit objectives and (2) indicate the corresponding
state standards. (Remember objectives must contain 4 parts: performance, product, conditions and criterion.)

Correlated Standards/Expectations Unit Objectives

1. 80% of students will be able to recall basic multiplication facts through 12x12 by using arrays. drawing equal groups to model multiplication 80% of students will be able to recall basic multiplication facts through 12x12 by drawing equal groups to model multiplication. 80% of students will be able to recall basic multiplication facts through 12x12 . 3-2.7: Recall basic multiplication facts through 12x12 and corresponding division facts. 3-2.7: Recall basic multiplication facts through 12x12 and corresponding division facts. 3-2.7: Recall basic multiplication facts through 12x12 and corresponding division facts.



Section IV B: Unit Plan

Describe your instructional plan that is, the (1) sequence of steps that you need to follow if your students are to achieve the unit objectives. (2) Describe the key instructional activities, strategies, materials and resources including instructional technology), and indicate the unit objectives (numbered according to the order in which they are listed in Section IV A) that are addressed.

Instructional Plan for the Unit

ACTIVITIES/STRATEGIES/MATERIALS/RESOURCES I will execute my anticipatory set by asking various questions about the lesson and showing videos to introduce them. I will complete my instruction by using a Powerpoint presentation that is aligned with the Support document. My guided practice will be targeted by giving a quick review of previous lessons, examples, questioning, and project sample questions on the Smartboard from Study Island that is aligned to the standards being taught. 1,2,3 Students will receive valid worksheets for independent practice. These worksheets may come from the PASS workbooks or online sources (i.e.: Other worksheets will be teacher-made. The closure of lessons will be a review of what has been taught through the use of questioning and class discussion. Tickets out the door will also be used during the closing of the lessons. Unit Objective Number(s) 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3


Reflect on the instructional plans for the units: How does this instructional plan (1) establish a balance between grade-level academic standards and expectations and the needs, abilities and developmental levels of individual students? (2) Discuss the strategies used to teach students on varying levels. (3) Discuss how you designed your instructional plan using students c haracteristics, needs and learning contexts.

The instructional plan establishes a balance between grade-level academic standards and expectations and the needs, abilities and developmental levels of individual students by giving me the flexibility to reach all the different learning types within my classroom. In addition, I am able to plan effective activities that are grade level and appropriate for my students. To teach students on varying levels, I can plan lessons that include group activities, activities that include the Arts, as well as implementing critical thinking activities for the higher level learners. I designed my instructional plan using students characteristics, needs and learning con texts by planning activities based on their overall interests, reading levels, and their socioeconomic status. These factors help guide me to effective, yet interesting activities and instructional strategies to help my students learn the needed content.

Section V A: Unit Assessments - List the key unit assessments.

Type of Assessment (Check one for each assessment) Key Unit Assessments Teacher-Made
(A copy of each teacher made assessment must be attached to this plan.)

Commercially Available

Arrays Multiplication with Pictures (SnappyMath) Multiplication Facts

Reflect on the unit assessments: (1) How did you determine that your unit assessments are valid and reliable for all students? (2) How did you use your prior understanding of students skills to plan your instruction?

I determined that my unit assessments were valid and reliable for all students by ensuring that they were aligned to the standards that were taught. I also made sure that the assessments did not contain content that we did not cover. By using the prior knowledge of my students skills I was able to plan my instruction. I took into consideration the type of learners that I had in the class so I made sure to involve Powerpoints and use the SmartBoard during instruction. I made sure that my activities were interactive which allowed my students to be hands on and very involved in what we were talking about.

Section V B: Assessments (1) Describe and attach the assessments for each unit objective. (2)
Include descriptions of any necessary accommodations. For each assessment, (3) include the evaluation criteria (i.e., describe and/or attach each appropriate scoring rubric, observation checklists, rating scales, item weights and the like). (4) Attachments must be clearly labeled to indicate their relationship to the elements in the table below.

Assessments Unit Objective 1: Pre-Assessment(s)

Accommodations Time may be adjusted

Evaluation Criteria A= 93-100 B= 92-85 C= 84-77 D= 76-70

: Post-Assessment(s)

Retest may be available

A= 93-100 B= 92-85 C= 84-77 D= 76-70

: Other Assessment(s)

Time may be adjusted Unit Objective 2: Pre-Assessment(s)

A= 93-100 B= 92-85 C= 84-77 D= 76-70

: Post-Assessment(s)

Retest may be available

A= 93-100 B= 92-85 C= 84-77 D= 76-70

Other Assessment(s)

Time may be adjusted Unit Objective 3: Pre-Assessment(s)

A= 93-100 B= 92-85 C= 84-77 D= 76-70

: Post-Assessment(s)

Retest may be available

A= 93-100 B= 92-85 C= 84-77 D= 76-70

: Other Assessment(s)

Section V C: After administering the pre-assessment(s), (1) analyze student performance relative to the
unit objectives. (2) Attach one or more clearly labeled tables, graphs, or charts that depict the results of the pre-assessment(s) in a format that allows you to find patterns of student performance relative to each objective. (3) Summarize the results of the pre-assessment(s) and describe the implications of these results on instruction. After administering the pre-assessments on multiplication, I recognized that my students did not have former knowledge of the content. Overall most students did not pass the pre-assessment. This told me that with my instruction I needed to focus on my students grasping the content.

Student 1 Student 2 Student 3 Student 4 Student 5 Student 6 Student 7 Student 8 Student 9 Student 10 Student 11 Student 12 Student 13 Student 14 Student 15 Student 16 Student 17 Student 18 Student 19 Student 20 Student 21 Student 22

60 40 30 70 80 70 30 20 0 80 90 100 60 50 40 40 30 60 80 20 30 40

Section VI: Analysis of Student Learning)

Once you have completed the unit, analyze all of your assessments and determine your students progress relative to the unit objectives. (1) Did the information increase your understanding of individual students performance? (2) Attach clearly labeled tables, graphs or charts that depict student performance (strengths and weaknesses) for the entire class, for one selected subgroup and for at least two individual students. For each visual representation, (3) provide a descriptive narrative that summarizes your analysis of student progress and achievement. Finally, (4) explain the ways in which you have assigned student grades (or other indicators of student performance), and what were the overall results? Based on the overall results, (5) did the students gain from this unit all that you expected? Why or why not? (6) Include a description of the ways in which these results have been recorded as well as how and to whom they have been reported. The analysis of student learning (by using assessments) increased my understanding of my students performance. By using the assessments, I was able to see exactly what knowledge my students were able to gain and what they did not gain. From analyzing the assessments I was able to see the progress of my students from when we first introduced the unit to the completion of the unit. I was able to use a teacher grader to assign grades for these assessments. By using the teacher grader I had the freedom to choose any amount of questions and still be able to assign the correct grades. After grading these assessments the grades were inputted into the Power Teacher program. The program is an electronic grade book for teachers.

Student 1 Student 2 Student 3 Student 4 Student 5 Student 6 Student 7 Student 8 Student 9 Student 10 Student 11 Student 12 Student 13 Student 14 Student 15 Student 16 Student 17 Student 18 Student 19 Student 20 Student 21 Student 22

80 70 80 90 100 80 70 100 70 90 90 100 80 70 80 70 90 90 100 80 90 100

Section VII. Reflection and Self-Assessment

(1) Reflect on and describe the relationship between your students progress and achievement and your teaching performance. If you were to teach this unit again to the same groups of students, (2) what, if anything, would you do differently, and why? What (3) specific aspects of the instruction need to be modified? Overall I believe that my students progress was a direct result of my teaching performance. At the end of the unit my students grades showed that they learned. I believe that I gave them the appropriate content and delivered my instruction in a way that they could grasp. If I were to teach this unit again I would change certain aspects of my instruction. I would involve more technology to create more interest in the content, as well as change the amount of time that I spent on this unit. I believe that the students were able to grasp this concept quicker than I assumed.

PART II: Content 2 Section IB: The Life Cycle Section II: Description of Students: Describe (1) the number of students, (2) demographics of the
students, and (3) any other special features or important information that you included in your Long Range Plan as you described your students.

My assigned class is a third grade classroom. Within the classroom, there is a total amount of twenty-one students. All twenty-one of the students are African American. There are six boys and fifteen girls. Students reading level range -from PP (Pre-primer) to a 4.2 reading level. Only one student out of the class tested and qualified for an IEP. That student sees the school resource teacher daily. 75% of the students in my class are on free or reduced lunch.

Section III: Contextual Factors: Describe the contextual factors, including the (1) relevant student
characteristics from Section II, as well (2) as other factors related to the community, district, school, classroom or students, that are likely to impact instruction and/or student learning with regard to the selected instructional unit. Include a (3) description of the ways in which each of these factors will be taken into consideration during unit planning and instruction.

There is a total amount of twenty-one students. All twenty-one of the students are African American. There are six boys and fifteen girls. Students reading level range -from PP (Pre-primer) to a 4.2 reading level. Only one student out of the class tested and qualified for an IEP. That student sees the school resource teacher daily. 75% of the students in my class are on free or reduced lunch. 1. I will keep in mind and plan my activities based off the socioeconomic status of my students. This will gauge what kind of activities we will conduct in my class as well as what supplies I will ask of my students to have. 2. I will take my students reading level in consideration when planning activities, providing notes, assessments as well as materials we use during instruction. I will make sure my mat erials are within my students cognate levels.

Section IV: The Unit Plan Section IV A: Major Unit Objectives (1) List the unit objectives and (2) indicate the corresponding
state standards. (Remember objectives must contain 4 parts: performance, product, conditions and criterion.)

Correlated Standards/Expectations Unit Objectives

1. 80% of students will be able to identify the three stages of the plant life cycle 80% of students will be able to illustrate the three stages of the plant life cycle 80% of students will be able to tell the parts of a plant. 3-2.1. Illustrate the life cycles of seed plants and various animals and summarize how they grow and are adapted to conditions within their habitat



3-2.1. Illustrate the life cycles of seed plants and various animals and summarize how they grow and are adapted to conditions within their habitat 3-2.1. Illustrate the life cycles of seed plants and various animals and summarize how they grow and are adapted to conditions within their habitat

Section IV B: Unit Plan

Describe your instructional plan that is, the (1) sequence of steps that you need to follow if your students are to achieve the unit objectives. (2) Describe the key instructional activities, strategies, materials and resources including instructional technology), and indicate the unit objectives (numbered according to the order in which they are listed in Section IV A) that are addressed.

Instructional Plan for the Unit


I will execute my anticipatory set by asking various questions about the lesson and showing videos to introduce them. I will complete my instruction by using a Powerpoint presentation that is aligned with the Support document. My guided practice will be targeted by giving a quick review of previous lessons, examples, questioning, and project sample questions on the Smartboard from Study Island that is aligned to the standards being taught.

1, 2, 3 1, 2, 3

1, 2, 3 Students will receive valid worksheets for independent practice. These worksheets may come from the PASS workbooks or online sources (i.e.: Other worksheets will be teacher-made. The closure of lessons will be a review of what has been taught through the use of questioning and class discussion. Tickets out the door will also be used during the closing of the lessons.

1, 2, 3

Reflect on the instructional plans for the units: How does this instructional plan (1) establish a balance between grade-level academic standards and expectations and the needs, abilities and developmental levels of individual students? (2) Discuss the strategies used to teach students on varying levels. (3) Discuss how you designed your instructional plan using students characteristics, needs and learning contexts.

The instructional plan establishes a balance between grade-level academic standards and expectations and the needs, abilities and developmental levels of individual students by giving me the flexibility to reach all the different learning types within my classroom. In addition, I am able to plan effective activities that are grade level and appropriate for my students. To teach students on varying levels, I can plan lessons that include group activities, activities that include the Arts, as well as implementing critical thinking activities for the higher level learners. I designed my instructional plan using students characteristics, needs and learning contexts by planning activities based on their overall interests, reading levels, and their socioeconomic status. These factors help guide me to effective, yet interesting activities and instructional strategies to help my students learn the needed content.

Section V A: Unit Assessments - List the key unit assessments.

Type of Assessment (Check one for each assessment) Key Unit Assessments Teacher-Made
(A copy of each teacher made assessment must be attached to this plan.)

Commercially Available

Plant Life Cycle Frayer Models Plant Life Cycle Quiz Plant Life Cycle Flipbook Video Questions on Plant Life Cycle

Reflect on the unit assessments: (1) How did you determine that your unit assessments are valid and reliable for all students? (2) How did you use your prior understanding of students skills to plan your instruction? I determined that my unit assessments were valid and reliable for all students by ensuring that they were aligned to the standards that were taught. I also made sure that the assessments did not contain content that we did not cover. By using the prior knowledge of my students skills I was able to plan my instruction. I took into consideration the type of learners that I had in the class so I made sure to involve Powerpoints and use the SmartBoard during instruction. I made sure that my activities were interactive which allowed my students to be hands on and very involved in what we were talking about.

Section V B: Assessments (1) Describe and attach the assessments for each unit objective. (2)
Include descriptions of any necessary accommodations. For each assessment, (3) include the evaluation criteria (i.e., describe and/or attach each appropriate scoring rubric, observation checklists, rating scales, item weights and the like). (4) Attachments must be clearly labeled to indicate their relationship to the elements in the table below.

Assessments Unit Objective 1: Pre-Assessment(s)

Accommodations Time may be adjusted

: Post-Assessment(s)

Retest may be available

Evaluation Criteria A= 93-100 B= 92-85 C= 84-77 D= 76-70 A= 93-100 B= 92-85 C= 84-77 D= 76-70

: Other Assessment(s)

Time may be adjusted Unit Objective 2: Pre-Assessment(s)

: Post-Assessment(s)

Retest may be available

A= 93-100 B= 92-85 C= 84-77 D= 76-70 A= 93-100 B= 92-85 C= 84-77 D= 76-70

: Other Assessment(s)

Time may be adjusted Unit Objective 3: Pre-Assessment(s)

: Post-Assessment(s)

Retest may be available

A= 93-100 B= 92-85 C= 84-77 D= 76-70 A= 93-100 B= 92-85 C= 84-77 D= 76-70

: Other Assessment(s)

Section V C: After administering the pre-assessment(s), (1) analyze student performance relative to the
unit objectives. (2) Attach one or more clearly labeled tables, graphs, or charts that depict the results of the pre-assessment(s) in a format that allows you to find patterns of student performance relative to each objective. (3) Summarize the results of the pre-assessment(s) and describe the implications of these results on instruction. After administering the pre-assessments on the plant life cycle, I recognized that my students had some former knowledge of the content but did not have a strong grasp on it. Overall most students did not pass the pre-assessment. This told me that with my instruction I needed to focus on effectively teaching the content and making sure the students would retain the information. Student 1 Student 2 Student 3 Student 4 Student 5 Student 6 Student 7 Student 8 Student 9 Student 10 Student 11 Student 12 Student 13 Student 14 Student 15 Student 16 Student 17 Student 18 Student 19 Student 20 Student 21 Student 22 80 70 50 60 50 40 70 30 30 90 80 60 70 70 50 70 50 60 50 40 30 100

Section VI: Analysis of Student Learning)

Once you have completed the unit, analyze all of your assessments and determine your students progress relative to the unit objectives. (1) Did the information increase your understanding of individual students performance? (2) Attach clearly labeled tables, graphs or charts that depict student performance (strengths and weaknesses) for the entire class, for one selected subgroup and for at least two individual students. For each visual representation, (3) provide a descriptive narrative that summarizes your analysis of student progress and achievement. Finally, (4) explain the ways in which you have assigned student grades (or other indicators of student performance), and what were the overall results? Based on the overall results, (5) did the students gain from this unit all that you expected? Why or why not? (6) Include a description of the ways in which these results have been recorded as well as how and to whom they have been reported.

The analysis of student learning (by using assessments) increased my understanding of my students performance. By using the assessments, I was able to see exactly what knowledge my students were able to gain and what they did not gain. From analyzing the assessments I was able to see the progress of my students from when we first introduced the unit to the completion of the unit. I was able to use a teacher grader to assign grades for these assessments. By using the teacher grader I had the freedom to choose any amount of questions and still be able to assign the correct grades. After grading these assessments the grades were inputted into the Power Teacher program. The program is an electronic grade book for teachers.

Student 1 Student 2 Student 3 Student 4 Student 5 Student 6 Student 7 Student 8 Student 9 Student 10 Student 11 Student 12 Student 13 Student 14 Student 15 Student 16 Student 17 Student 18 Student 19 Student 20 Student 21 Student 22

100 80 90 100 70 80 100 70 100 100 100 80 90 90 70 90 80 100 90 90 80 100

Section VII. Reflection and Self-Assessment

(1) Reflect on and describe the relationship between your students progress and achievement and your teaching performance. If you were to teach this unit again to the same groups of students, (2) what, if anything, would you do differently, and why? What (3) specific aspects of the instruction need to be modified? Overall I believe that my students progress was a direct result of my teaching performance. At the end of the unit my students grades showed that they learned. I believe that I gave them the appropriate content and delivered my instruction in a way that they could grasp. If I were to teach this unit again I would change certain aspects of my instruction. I would involve more technology to create more interest in the content, as well as change the amount of time that I spent on this unit. I believe that the students were able to grasp this concept quicker than I assumed.

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