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The newspapers contain the news from every corner of the world. These are published in every language of the world. There are dailies, weeklies, monthlies, newspapers and magazines. The first newspaper in India was published by Raja Ram Mohan Rai in 1850 from Kolkata." Newspapers helped in a big way during the freedom movement against the British Raj. Newspapers educate the people. The Press is regarded as one of the pillars of democracy. They focus the attention of the people on many important national and international issues. They also help raise the poor and the down-trodden. The newspaper is a mirror of the world. It shows us each morning all that has happened in the last twenty four hours. It is a record of the life of every nation and the daily diary of the human race. It keeps us well informed about the happenings in the world.

Morning walk
Nature is at her best in the morning. This time is very pleasant. I go for a morning walk regularly. I go to a park. This park is just a short distance away from my house. In the morning, the air is cool and very fresh. The birds sing happily. The peacocks dance in the fields. There are few drops on the green grass. The fresh air in the park refreshes my mind and body. I walk bare-foot on the grass. Morning walk gives me health and happiness. I feel energetic for the whole day. Morning walk keeps me away from sickness. Morning walk is a very good exercise. It purifies my blood; I enjoy the morning walk very much.

Morning assembly
It is a common practice to begin day's work in school with a morning assembly, wherein the entire bodies of school population assemble for common prayer or talks from teacher. The Morning Prayer has become a useful activity in all the schools. Besides prayers of devotion to God, we can have patriotic songs, the flag-songs and songs in praise of our country and nation. There should be a rich variety in the songs; otherwise one prayer song for the whole year will create monotony. The important objective of the collective gathering of the entire body of pupils is to make announcements regarding the daily work or the school routine. Announcements regarding tournaments, functions, elections, extension lectures, and changes in the time table, holidays, changes in the hour of work etc. can conveniently be made at this time. The pupils get an opportunity to feel that the school is an organized group and they develop a sort of community spirit that is not possible if the classes remain isolated from each other and do not meet collectively. The school assembly provides opportunity to the headmaster and teacher to give talks on various topics of general interest, health and hygiene, reading habits, rules of the road, Panchayati Raj etc. Advantages (i) The school assembly works as a unifying force. Students feel the school as an organized group and every student realizes that he is part and parcel of the school community. (ii) Assembly works as a source of inspiration and its experiences widen and deepen students' interests. (iii) It works as a platform for propagation of commendable work. Outstanding performances and achievements of students in curricular and co-curricular fields get recognized before the entire school. Badges, certificates, cups etc. should be awarded to the winners in the presence of entire school population.

(iv) School assembly serves as a place for developing audience habits. Respects for others' feelings, courtesy towards speakers and guests, sensible applause at the proper time, appreciative attitude are some of the good audience habits that the students develop through school assembly. (v) Celebration of some of the important national and international days help in broadening the mental horizon of pupils and acquainting them with the life of great scientists, discovers and statesmen. (vi) The pupils must come, sit and go in a disciplined manner, gossiping and taking are checked and the atmosphere is made calm and serene. No abusive remarks to students and no unpleasant things are spoken on the scared occasion of total gathering of the school.

Better alone to live than a bad company

BAD COMPANY ALWAYS KNOCKS BELONGING OR NOT BELONGING depends on the situation at hand. Sometimes at school when kids have their own groups and others are alone. Likewise the Nazis treated the Jews poorly. Last there was genocide in Bosnia, in which each situation only a few are able to BELONG. BE ALONE IN A CROWD We are born alone, we live alone, and we die alone. Only through our love and friendship can we create the illusion for the moment that we're not alone. This quote was addressed by Orson Welles, an American motion -picture actor, director, producer and writer In Are Five Heads Better than One? five employees are delegated by a marketing group, Advert, to create a comm ercial for one of the companys clients. However, the group experiences problems including poor initial communication, groupthink, and lack of upper-management involvement.

Fashion crazes growing among children

Fashion is a popular style of clothes, hair, manners, habits, etc. at a particular time or place. Clothes mark out a man's status. The craze for fashion is great among young people all over the world. Fashion has spread in all the spheres of our life. Fashion designing is a lucrative profession. Fashion parades and shows are held to exhibit the latest dresses. Dresses are designed to fit in every occasion of life. Students generally try to copy fashions from films. Man students spend a lot of money and time on fashion. They take to drinking and smoking in the name of fashion. They fail to realize that these adversely affect their health. Parties and meetings have become a part of fashion in the modern period. However, fashion instills confidence in the mind of the youngster. Fashion should be promoted to enrich our life, not degrade it. Man has changed himself from the primitive style of living. Science has gifted mankind with all the comforts of life. Similarly, there has been a change in fashion since the ancient period. Clothes mark out a man's status. He always tries to present himself in the most attractive dress appropriate for an occasion. Once can make first impression on others by the way he is dressed. The craze for fashion is great among young people. Basically man is fashionable because of his inherent desire to see well and to look good. People from all over the world are fashion conscious. Fashion has spread in all the spheres of our life. Fashion does not only mean a popular style of clothes hair etc. but it also includes etiquettes, manners and habits. Everybody wants to look beautiful and stylish. New and current style in clothes, manners etc. help people look more smart, attractive, stylish and presentable. Some people feel happy wearing fashionable dresses. Others go in for fashionable hair styles or both. Some others adopt the latest trend in their speech and manner. Hence, people never like to be out of fashion.

Life without Google

Ten years ago today, Googles filing for incorporation as a business was accepted. Its far from the only date one might choose to mark the companys tenth birthdayand as I write this, I dont see any celebrating going on at Googles home page or corporate blogbut many Googlewatchers are doing their ruminating on Ten Years of Google right now. (Ive already done some myself in my posts onbizarro Google offshoots and the companys 1998 homepage.)

The first thought that jumped into my head when I pondered the anniversary was this: Its only been that long? Google has become so core to how I live my life that I forget that I managed to spend thirty-four years without itincluding twenty years of being online in one form or another. There just arent that many commercial products or services that have become anywhere near so pervasive.

Books are our best friend

The poet Robert Southey has beautifully called books his never failing friends with whom he converses day by day. Books are true friends they can be by our side in whatever mood we are. They enlighten, give knowledge, entertain and inform us. Books are written with experienced people so we learn from their lives. We can carry books with us when we travel. They are our constant companions. When we are tired of reading we can close them, we can even read them at midnight. They fill our minds and hearts with hope and joy. Unlike human friends they never deceive or betray us. Books have inspired people through the ages. The first book of the Aryan called the Rig-Veda has a lot for us to learn and understand even after 3000 years. Books like the Ramayana and Mahabharata are relevant in modern times and teach people the ways of life. Writers like Gandhiji have put forward to us their life on a platter to understand their goals and teachings.

Yoga is a system of physical and mental discipline which originated in India long ago. The word is linked to meditative practices in both Buddhism and Hinduism. In the latter, it also refers to an orthodox school of philosophy. Yoga has many branches like Raja yoga, Karma yoga, jnana yoga, Bhakthi yoga, and Hatha yoga. But when most people talk of yoga in India or abroad, they usually mean Hatha yoga, which consists of certain exercises called asanas.

It can also include pranayama, a set of breathing exercises. Yoga is an important system of complementary or alternative therapy. Yoga teachers prescribe specific asanas and breathing exercises for specific diseases. Yoga has beneficial results in treating many diseases like diabetes, asthma, hypertension, obesity, etc.
Yoga also helps maintain ones youth and vitality. Yoga exercises help to control, purify and coordinat e the nervous system. Doing yoga regularly rids the body of toxins, thereby improving general health. It also rids the mind of impure impulses leading to contentment and inner peace. Meditation is a mental discipline by which one tries to attain a deeper state of relaxation or awareness. It involves focusing ones attention on a single point of reference. It is an important part of many religions and it is practiced outside religio n as well. Meditation may be used for different purposes. They may include achieving a higher state of consciousness, greater focus, creativity or self-awareness or simple relaxation. Magsaysay award winner and former top police officer, Kiran Bedi, during her stint as IG of Prisons, Tihar jail, introduced classes in transcendental meditation (TM) for prisoners. Reportedly, it made them more relaxed and peaceful and helped curb their violent impulses. Meditation can be done even while walking or doing simple tasks. It is also said to be good for lowering blood pressure.

Importance of yoga
Yoga is not a religion; it is a way of living whose aim is a healthy mind in a healthy body. Man is a physical, mental and spiritual being; yoga helps promote a balanced development of all the three. Other forms of physical exercises, like aerobics, assure only physical well-being. They have little to do with the development

of the spiritual or astral body. Yogic exercises recharge the body with cosmic energy this facilitates

Attainment of perfect equilibrium and harmony Promotes self- healing. Removes negative blocks from the mind and toxins from the body Enhances Personal power Increases self-awareness Helps in attention focus and concentration, especially important for children Reduces stress and tension in the physical body by activating the parasympathetic nervous system The aspirant feels rejuvenated and energized. Thus, Yoga bestows upon every aspirant the powers to control body and mind.

Benefits of Yoga The art of practicing yoga helps in controlling an individual mind, body and soul. It brings together physical and mental disciplines to achieve a peaceful body and mind, it helps to manage stress and anxiety and keep you relaxing. It also helps in increasing flexibility, muscle strength and body tone. It improved respiration, energy and vitality. Practicing yoga might seem like just stretching, but it can do much more for your body from the way you feel, look and move. Global warning
Global Warming is a major problem which our environment faces today terribly. This global warming is caused due to Greenhouse Effect. What is greenhouse effect? It is a condition in which Earths heat trapping increases more from the normal levels. Climate change, devastation of the ecosystem, water contamination, melting ice over Arctic and Antarctic regions, negative impacts in the agricultural sector are just the problems caused by global warming. A lot of damages have been done by this phenomenon. As the old adage said, There is no other place like home and our Earth is our home, so we have to take significant steps to take care of our home. Policies on global warming are made each day. Are these policies properly implemented each day? The answer is big NO. How many policies are made the effects of global warming are ravaging our planet. For so many of us global warming is a broad-reaching problem. This is making the slide in this way of thinking that they cant do anything; only the rich who are seated in the seats of the government can only save them from the tortures of global warming. This is wrong. Who you are, whatever you are you can do something for your planet when you think global warming is a problem. Global Warming is too serious for the world any longer to ignore its danger or split into opposing factions on it.

An ecosystem is a major ecological unit that has structure and function. Structurally, ecosystem is the entire biotic community in a given area with its a biotic (nonliving) components such as light, temperature, soil etc. It functions by converting the solar energy into chemical energy. The study of ecosystem is called ecosystem ecology. As already pointed, individuals of a species do not live in isolation. They always have their own groups in a specific habitat. The group of individuals of the same species occupying a particular habitat at the given time is called population. The study of population is known as population ecology.

There arc hence three ecological levels of organizations. Population (auto ecology), community (gynecology) and ecosystem with their complexities these organizations are influenced by a number of ecological factors. These factors that influence the populations, communities or ecosystems are described below.

Indian economic
India is today one of the six fastest growing economies of the world. The country ranked fourth in terms of Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) in 2001. The business and regulatory environment is evolving and moving towards constant -improvement. A highly talented, skilled and English-speaking human resource base forms its backbone. The Indian economy has transformed into a vibrant, rapidly growing consumer market, comprising over 300 million strong middle class with increasing purchasing power. India provides a large market for consumer goods on the one hand and imports capital goods and technology to modernize its manufacturing base on the other. An abundant and diversified natural resource base, sound economic, industrial and market fundamentals and highly skilled and talented human resources, make India a destination for business and investment opportunities with an assured potential for attractive returns. Far-reaching measures introduced by the government over the past few years to liberalize the Indian market and integrate it with the global economy are widely acknowledged. The tenth five year plan document targets a healthy growth rate of 8% for the Indian economy during the plan period 2002 07.

Eco-friendly: Eco-friendly(Environmentally friendly, nature friendly) are synonyms used to refer to goods and services, laws, guidelines and policies considered to inflict minimal or no harm on the environment.We can contribute a lot in creating and having eco-friendly enironment.Its our duty to keep our environment clean and green. We must follow the principle- RRR(Reduce,Reuse,Recycle).We can start from our homes only. Tree Plantation: One of the best ways to contribute in creating an Eco friendly environment is to plant more and more trees.As we all know,trees are of great significance. Planting a tree can not only reduces the amount of carbon dioxide in the air, but can also provide shade for our homes. Reuse of books: We usually have a lot of books,magazines at our homes which are of no use for us,We can share them with our friends or donate them to hospitals or community places. Use libraries rather than buying books and reading them. Pass used books to the younger generation. Paper Usage: We must avoid unnecessary writings on the paper. We must use both sides of the paper when writing. We must cancel unnecessary magazine subscriptions. This can help in the reduction of the deforestation. Use of Paper Bags and Notebooks: Paper bags which are made of handmade papers, are the best alternative to plastic bags, which can not be recycled.Using paper bags and notebooks can help in saving the trees too. Start composting: Composting is one of the best ways to reduce the waste and it can help our garden at the same time. Most food scraps and biodegrade material like cardboard which may produce nutrient-rich fertiliser can be easily used. Recycle: Phone books can be recycled with newsprint.Recycling the things can make a big difference. Save Power:Use fluorescent bulbs and tubes. They use about a quarter of electricity used by ordinary bulbs and they last longer. Switch off all fans and lights when going out.Try LED bulbs. They use less electricity than both CFL and incandescent bulbs. Conserve Water: Turn off the water while brushing your teeth. Save hot water by taking short showers instead of baths. Conserve Energy:Use solar energy to dry your clothes.Try solar water heaters, solar cookers, solar cells etc. Carpooling:Carpooling (also known as car-sharing, ride-sharing, lift-sharing and covoiturage), is the shared use of a car by the driver and one or more passengers, usually for commuting. In addition to reducing the number of cars on the road, carpooling decreases pollution and the need for parking space, and in a global perspective, reduces greenhouse gas emissions. Shared driving carpooling can also reduce driving stress. Spread A Word: Make people aware of the importance and the need of the nature friendly environment. Thus,we can help in conserving the nature and create an eco-friendly environment.

Recycle: Phone books can be recycled with newsprint.Recycling the things can make a big difference. Save Power:Use fluorescent bulbs and tubes. They use about a quarter of electricity used by ordinary bulbs and they last longer. Switch off all fans and lights when going out.Try LED bulbs. They use less electricity than both CFL and incandescent bulbs. Conserve Water: Turn off the water while brushing your teeth. Save hot water by taking short showers instead of baths. Conserve Energy:Use solar energy to dry your clothes.Try solar water heaters, solar cookers, solar cells etc. Carpooling:Carpooling (also known as car-sharing, ride-sharing, lift-sharing and covoiturage), is the shared use of a car by the driver and one or more passengers, usually for commuting. In addition to reducing the number of cars on the road, carpooling decreases pollution and the need for parking space, and in a global perspective, reduces greenhouse gas emissions. Shared driving carpooling can also reduce driving stress. Spread A Word: Make people aware of the importance and the need of the nature friendly environment. Thus,we can help in conserving the nature and create an eco-friendly environment.

Renewable and nonrenewable

We can surely do a lot in conservation of our resources.. When washing dishes by hand, dont let the water run while rinsing. Fill one sink with wash water and the other with rinse water. Turn off the water while you wash your hair to save up to 150 gallons a month Turn the tap off when not in use especially when you brush your teeth or wash clothes If youre taking a shower, dont waste cold water while waiting for hot water to reach the shower head. Catch that water in a container to use on your outside plants or to flush your toilet. Saves 200 to 300 gallons a month.

We can surely do a lot in conservation of our resources.. When washing dishes by hand, dont let the water run while rinsing. Fill one sink with wash water and the other with rinse water. Turn off the water while you wash your hair to save up to 150 gallons a month Turn the tap off when not in use especially when you brush your teeth or wash clothes If youre taking a shower, dont waste cold water while waiting for hot water to reach the shower head. Catch that water in a co ntainer to use on your outside plants or to flush your toilet. Saves 200 to 300 gallons a month.

We come across beggars (popularly known as bhikhari in India) at the bus stops, in streets, outside the temples,, near traffic lights, bazaars, rubbish dumb, road sides, etc. Begging is termed as a solicitation for money or food especially in the street by an apparently penniless person. Beggary is a major problem that is affecting large population of India. The major cause behind beggary in our country is Poverty. Because of the increasing rate of population growth and the increasing unemployment, poor people become helpless and choose to beg.There are a large number of beggars in our country who are forced in to doing begging because our societies fails in providing any good alternative to them. A Beggar is a sorry figure.While some are helpless, some are choosing it as a profession as it is an easy way to earn money without doing physical work.Beggars are a great nuisance. They are a blot on humanity.

Books can be referred to as a set or collection of printed or written literary work. Books are the best friends of a man. Books never make a person feel alone. Books impart knowledge and there is no comparison to books with any other things. Books themselves mean knowledge. They are the store house of knowledge. They have the ideas and the information that a person has collected over the ages. Books contain the history of our race, accumulated knowledge and experience of ages. Books are the base of the civilization. They have the capacity to do everything. They fill our minds with deep ideas and good thoughts. They can change a person into a human being. Books turn our dull and disappearing moments into delight. A great book is born out of the brain and the heart of its author. Everything lasts for one day but books always survive. Books introduce us into the best society; they bring us into the presence of the greatest minds that have lived. They link the past with the present. We see them as if they were alive, enjoy with them, grieve with them, their experience becomes ours. They help us meet all great personalities of all ages through books. Books are very informative and instructive. A person can become great and wise with the help of the books. They act as our philosophers and guides. The books are of many kinds like story books, novels, poetry books, mystery books, author books, science

fiction books, literature books, English books, drawing books, times books, parenting books, trilogy books, Christian books, software books, network books, subject books like work books, engineering books, sales books, management books, account book, statistics books, art books, and the list is non ending. Each and every book has its own importance. Epics like Ramayana, Gita, Mahabharata indulge in us feeling of love for God and ourselves. Books always help us; they always give knowledge and great enjoyment to us and never take anything in return. Books are our best companions. Friends may leave us but books never. They always stand by us. They pacify us in our sorrows. They teach us manners. Reading helps in mental development of the reader and it also adds to the conversational skills of the reader. But there are some cheap books whose content is vulgar and provide amusement must be avoided to be read. Today, online books are also available on the internet. We can also buy books online these days. Many used books are also available at a cheaper price on the bookshops and the bookstores these days. All books help us in one or the other ways. Books free download is also possible as some sites provide free download of books. Good magazines and other books keep us up to date by providing us with valuable up to date information. So, we all must read good books and cultivate in ourselves the habit of reading books.

Breakfast is the first meal of the day. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and it plays a great role in our lives. Most of the people in the morning skip their breakfast due to the hurry and rush to the work or poor eating habits. There is a great importance of breakfast. If we do not take breakfast on time, we feel quite hungry by the lunchtime that we do not care for the meal we take during lunch and eat whatever we get to eat; in this case we can also take unhealthy foods to fill our stomach which could later become a problem for us. Studies find that people who skip breakfast are likely to have problems with concentration, metabolism and weight. Skipping breakfast especially among children affects mental performance in the class. Children who take breakfast regularly are more active and alert than the children who skip breakfast. Their brains receive the required nutritional energy at the start of the day. Not only mental performance, academic performance and physical performance of the children who take breakfast daily are better than the children who skip breakfast. They perform better in school, pay more attention, are more creative, have higher concentration and score more and better marks in the tests. Breakfast should be healthy. It must contain all the nutrients in balanced amounts i.e. it must be rich in cereals, moderate in protein and low in fat. Breakfast recipes, breakfast menus are essential to be noticed. A healthy breakfast consists of milk, fruits, and cereal. Skipping breakfast can also make a person lethargic and lazy. Skipping breakfast may also ruin our appetite and bodys metabolism . A healthy breakfast boosts our energy, increases our attention span and manages our weight. Children who eat breakfast are less likely to be overweight and less hyperactive too. Breakfast helps in avoiding overeating. Having breakfast regularly improves our lifestyle and sets us on the path to success for that day. Junk foods like pizzas, burgers or foods like pastries, chips, wafers must be avoided. Fruits like oranges, apples, bananas, or their shakes, sprouts, low-fat milk, low-fat yoghurt or vegetables like carrots dipped in low-fat yoghurt can be taken in breakfast. Special breakfast can be made on weekends to be enjoyed by the family for change. Breakfast plays a major role in keeping us active and healthy. We should never skip the breakfast and should always schedule time for breakfast in our busy lives to be healthy, active and wise.

Car pool
In this rushy world, we donot have much time for ourselves. Carpooling is one of the best ways of relaxation. It can make a big differen=\e in helping to overcome the leading problem Global Warming. Usually,what we see is that rich people like to travel alone and so they keep a driver or drive themselves to the destinations whether others might have to go to the same destination. Or some people have such a big ego that they do not want to help others for the same. But let me ask you a question, is our ago so big that we cannot help others to reach for the near by destination or we ourselves do not want to take lifts from others just to show off they we are having cars or other vehicles. If there would be no oil, petrol in the next few decades. then what will help us to overcome in this fast growing world.

Child labor

Dont let children beg for money. Help them in their education. There are so many governmental institutions and non profitable non govt organizations which help children to stand on their own feet.

They are fighting against child labour by helping children and imparting education among that part of society from where majority of the child labour comes. Dont let small children work at your houses and make their parents aware of the importance of education and future ba d effects of child labour. Let us all take steps in this direction so that and bring smiles to many faces and make this world a beautiful place for a child to live in.


CNG vehicles have a shorter traveling distance as compared to traditional fuels. The main problem is the lower number of fuel stations in the case of CNG.

Since the natural gas tanks are larger than those in a regular car, much of the trunk size is sacrificed and sometimes part of the passenger area too. Another disadvantage of CNG is that the fuelling process is very slow.

Converting a gasoline-powered car to CNG requires only minor engine modifications. You can contact a certified CNG conversion technician in this regard.

The modern age is the age of computers. Computers provide the wide range of education and executive software. Information technology has achieved a great success. Use of computers is widely spread. It is used for storing, analyzing, and distributing information. It has created a great revolution. It has proved a miraculous development in almost every field. These days, computers are used almost everywhere. Computers are widely used in satellites, aircrafts, space crafts, banks, airline offices, government offices, business establishments, making reservations in the large organizations, schools, hospitals, railway stations, airports, searching the Internet for information and many other corporations. With the introduction of computers, the development in India seems to be gaining rapid momentum. It is becoming an inseparable part of development. Computer offers the opportunity for lot of creativity and scope for innovations. The computerization has given benefits by making our life more livable. With the advancement of technology, the demand of computer literates is increasing day by day. Computer Literacy is becoming an essential skill these days. Employers want their workers to have basic computer skills as the companies are becoming more dependent on computers. A lot of companies try to use computers to help run their companies faster and cheaper. So, it is becoming necessary to gain knowledge and learn computers and need to be computer literate. Computer Literacy can be defined as the knowledge and ability to use computers and technology efficiently. Or we can say that Computer Literacy is the ability to operate the computer and to understand the language used in working with a specific system. Computer courses are a good option to be learnt. A person must learn computer fundamentals and computer basics to cope with the advancement in technology. There are various computer training centers in various parts of our country which helps a person to learn and understand the basics of the computer. These days, computers are also a part of education. Computers are used in schools for many applications. Computer is also one of the subjects taught in the schools to the students which is a good thing so that they remain in touch with the latest computer hardware and software information. Many of the schools provide separate computer labs to the students to help them through the practical as they gain more knowledge and confidence to use it. It is also very much necessary keeping your computer skills up to date so as to be in a lifelong process of computers since the technology is constantly evolving. Computers are taking place of the typewriters because of their ability to duplicate and retain information and ease of editing. Computers are also replacing pens and papers too. Various computer literacy programs are also run in different areas of the country. Computer training is becoming a kind of neccessity. In many of the places the computer basics include the learning of Computer Microsoft word-processing, spreadsheets, databases, networking and the internet. These days, onli ne learning is also given. So,in todays modern age, computerization is gaining momentum and computer literacy is a good option to grasp a good job in different organizations.

Consumers are one the most important resources of the country. For reduce or remove fraud to consumer by various companies or for consumer cases, Consumer courts are designed. The Consumer Courts are specially developed to prevent consumers for various frauds done by different fraud companies. Here You will find out the information about Consumer Welfare, Consumer protection law, How to file a complaint in consumer court, where to approach for filing a complaint in consumer court, how to file complaint in consumer court, Consumer rights, Consumer awareness details. About Consumers: All of us are consumers of goods and services. For the purpose of the Consumer Protection Act, the word Consumer is defined separately in following categories for goods and services. A consumer means a person belonging to the, For the purpose of goods: (i) A person who buys or agrees to buy any goods for a consideration which has been paid or promised or partly paid and partly promised or under any system of deferred payment.


It undermines public services and has an economic impact, increasing the costs of doing business whether the corruption is overseas or domestic. Corruption generates economic distortions by diverting public investment into capital projects where bribes and kickbacks are more plentiful.

It is very truly said that knowledge is power. For the development of the country, education is essential. In our country, Government provides free and compulsory education to all the children up to the age of fourteen even then the progress of the country is very slow, the rate of literacy in our country is approximately 52 percent. If we want to have real democracy, we need hundred percent literacy. Our effort should be to have Hundred percent literacy. Our Indian democracy suffers from various distortions. The biggest reason behind this is that majority of the people of our country are illiterate. Democracy and Literacy must go hand in hand. If all the people become literate, then it will make people aware of their rights and responsibilities towards others and the nation especially towards the importance to vote. Usually, we all see that people do not care to vote as they think their one single vote doesnt make any difference towards building the nation. They dont understand that as a drop of water helps to f ill a pot of water, similarly one vote can make a big difference towards changing our lives and thus either they dont vote or elect a wrong representative. They are indifferent towards their responsibilities as they do not understand that they are wholly responsible for making and creating a strong and healthy nation by choosing a healthy representative like M.P., M.L.A.s., Parshads or higher authority. As a result, the Nation suffers and later on who else to blame? The root cause lies in illiteracy. All this is possible by making our country literate and well educated. Education is the priority for this as the educated masses are capable to participate in the practices of the democracy. Total literacy will result in total participation of the people which may help our country to lead to incredible progress in each and every field. It will strongly help in understanding and standing against the corruption, wrong use of political powers, autocracy etc. It will help them to choose a strong leader, who can actually help in leading the country towards progress. So, we all need to take step to make the people aware to read and write and be literate to have a healthy and intelligent nation!


Discipline means to live in self control to behave properly and decently.It means training the mind and the character. A man of discipline is the winner in the race of life. It is a training to live in accordance with the rules. It is a kind of physical, mental and moral training. No work of progress is possible in the absence of discipline A disciplined life is a life of self imposed rules and regulations. These regulations regulate the life of a man and lead him on the path of goodness. Discipline is the hallmark of human life. One has to make a great deal of sacrifices. Discipline means developing good habits. It includes regularity, punctuality, good manners, and decency. The first lesson of discipline is learnt at home when a child is taught to obey his parents, elders and teachers. A student is meaningless if he doesnt adhere to discipline. Discipline is the very pivot around which a student revolves without proper decency he is as bad as illiterate. A discipline student get up early and finishes his work quickly. He goes to school on time. He attends to his studies properly in every quarrels and is well behaved. A student who doesnt work hard and regularly has to face failure in t he end. Birds and animals do not have any type of education, but still they live a disciplined life. But man does not do so even after being endowed with intelligence. No society can exist without discipline. It is necessary in every field even in walking, sitting, laughing, eating. Even nature also follows the laws of discipline. It is thus the sun rises and sets and the flowers bloom and wither. Think good, do good, see good and speak good is the real principle of discipline.It is very necessary to teach discipline to the children. Child discipline is the set of rules, rewards and punishments administered to teach self control, increase desirable behaviors and decrease undesirable behaviors in children. The mind of a child is like a clean slate. You can write on it the way you want and fill in good things through you advice and teaching, he will follow it with any hinderance. The parents are the real teachers and they lay a foundation in leading their children towards good or bad. Disciplining a child is a way to set the child on the right path. A child must be taught to understand and differentiate between the good and the bad. But for this, to criticise a child again and again is also not a correct way as the child may lose his level of confidence. Some very simple and effective discipline strategies must be followed to have a strong and positive discipline attitude in children. Effective discipline teaches important social and life skill and child gets to know how capable he is. A child must be punished every time he breaks the rules laid down by his parents but for this, he must never be hit, or slap. Instead, it is necessary to understand why he is behaving as such and the problem must be handled with care and affection. A child must be made realize for his misbehaviour or offence he does, he needs to be trained through time to time instructions. A safe environment must be provided to a child that helps in encouraging exploration, but at the same time protects your child. A child must be made to learn self control and recognize the acceptable limits for him. The most difficult is to teach discipline to the toddlers. The best way to teach them is by guiding them and setting some limits before them so that they get to know their limits and follow the right path. To communicate in respectful tones and words is very necessary with child of any age as it promotes childs tendency to coopera te. The child must be made to understand the importance of discipline. A daily routine must be set up for your younger children and try and stick to it each day including mealtimes, snacks, bath and bedtime. Similarly, in the school and classroom, the teacher is the role model for the students. Students follow and catch the ways their favourite teacher speaks and behaves. Parents and the teachers are source of instructions. Teachers and parents must be consistent while teaching discipline to the children. They may encourage a child by rewading if he does something good, by this a child gets motivated and try to take further steps much better. Discipline is as important as man. So, it is very important to be disciplined and lead a discipline life.

Early morning
Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise: very truly said. There are various benefits and advanta ges of early rising. These days, many people sit up late and get up late which is really harmful. Rising early is the first step to success. It is very necessary to be punctual and to be an early riser regarding our health, body and mind. It is necessary for self improvement. The advantage of early rising is the good start it gives us in

our days work. The early riser does a large amount of hard work before other people got out of their bed. Rising early refreshes our mind and body. Morning is the best time of the day. In the early morning, the mind is fresh and we feel cool and calm environment. The work done at that time is really done well as there are a few sounds or distractions. The early risers also get good amount of time to do exercises in the fresh morning air which is one of the best things for the health of a person. One of the great advantages of rising early is doing breakfast on time. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and it plays a great role in our lives. If we do not take breakfast on time, we feel quite hungry by the lunchtime that we do not care for the meal we take during lunch and eat whatever we get to eat; in this case we can also take unhealthy foods to fill our stomach which could later become a problem for us. People, who start their work early, do a better than the people who start late. An early riser is not tempted to hurry as he has plenty of time for the work to be done. All of his work gets finished in good time. He is left with enough free time to spend in which he could do some other work or some leisure activities. An early riser also gets to sleep several hours before midnight which is really good as at that time sleep is most refreshing and after a sound nights rest, rises early next morning in good health and high spirits for the next days work. It is good for personal growth and development. Early rising is high rising. Start today. Do not make drastic changes. Start slowly by waking 10- 15 minutes earlier than usual. Set your alarm clock for early timing and you will automatically go to sleep much earlier than you do. So, promise yourself to get up early and develop the habit of early rising. Early rising is a boon , so bless yourself with it!

Public schools (government funded), a school funded with tax revenue and administered by a government or governmental agency. India has the largest number of illiterates by far with second placed China at 11 per cent. Even after sixty two years of independence, with 40 per cent of its population under 18 India is now confronting the perils of its failure to educate its citizens, especially, the poor. India is a developing country. The main factor that made India a developing country is its educational wealth .Mostly 80% of the population depends on agriculture and out of it 60% is illiterate. Thus the basis of all these problems is illiteracy. It is a main factor that can bring an end to all these rising problems. Education is very important in the present day life. Only a literate person can now adjust with the development of society. When everyone becomes educated, problem of rising poverty gets decreased. In all aspects education is an important factor helping in bringing about changes in ourselves as human beings and also to the society. Getting educated makes man perfect and eligible. The new generations, especially, the girls need to be educated. There are some people around us who still do not let their girl children to go to school and get educated. All these old practices need to be removed. When a girl is educated she attains knowledge gains power this helps in her self development. When she has a family it gives a positive thinking and influences that family in various ways. When her kids grow, she makes them educated. When girls get educated, they become aware and it reflects in the upcoming generations of our country. Education makes us a true human being and a good citizen.

India is a democratic country. Elections form the very basis of democracy. The parliamentary system holds elections for the composition of the government. They are very important for the effective functioning of the democracy. Through the elections, common people are able to raise their voice. They choose representative of their choice. Thus, a government of the people, by the people and for the people. The Indian Parliament is comprised of the head of the country known as the President and the two Houses namely The House of the People (Lok Sabha) a nd The Council of States (Rajya Sabha) which are the legislature. The President of India is indirectly elected, for a 5 year term, and the Electoral College, is used, where the Members of Parliament of both the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha, and the Members of Legislative Assemblies from all the states and Indian territories cast their vote. The Lok Sabha is composed of representatives of people chosen by direct election on the basis of Universal Adult Suffrage. Lok Sabha has 545 members, 543 members elected for a five-year term in single-seat constituencies and two members appointed to represent the Anglo-Indian community. Lok Sabha Elections, elect the Prime Minister of India. Rajya Sabha has 245 members, 233 members elected for a six-year term, with one-third retiring every two years. Members of Rajya Sabha members are indirectly elected and are chosen by the elected members of the state and territorial assemblies. The remaining 12 members are nominated by the President of India, usually with the advice of the Prime Minister of India. The individual states have their own governing body known as Vidhan sabha. National and state elections are ordinarily held every five years; they may be postponed in an emergency and may be held more frequently if the government loses a confidence vote. In our country, the policy of adult franchise through a secret ballot is exercised in elections. It is a voting method in which a voters choice in an election i s confidential. Universal Adult Suffrage or general or common suffrage can be referred to as right to vote to adult citizens. Every citizen of India enjoys the right to vote. In our country India, Indian citizen (adult) of the age 18 or above is eligible to vote for the country irrespective of the caste or race. Any Indian who has attained the minimum age of 18 years on 1st January of the year can register himself or herself as a voter. Mentally challenged persons, the persons on whom Criminal Charges, offences relating to elections are registered cannot vote. The elections votes in election poll play a great role in making a political party a winner or loser. Now a day, the system of electronic voting has been introduced to have a fairer election process. To maximize the participation of voters, polling stations are set up in public institutions within 2 kms of every voter. Thus the ultimate power lies with the people of India; Every child whether boy or a girl reading in the schools is the future citizen of the country. Although he or she is not immediately called upon to vote or make laws, but they will have to do the same in the near future. As a citizen of tomorrow, every young person should prepare himself for this task from now on. Presidential elections have their own importance. In our country, most of the people are disinterested in the elections and the political activities of the country, so most of them do not go for voting which is really a bad thing. Voting is not an easy task. It is very necessary to take right decision whom to vote for and why to vote him. We should always keep in mind while voting if the candidate we are voting for really deserves to get voted and is really

eligible to become our leader. The country is ours and we are the ultimate ones to craft and give our country a new and the best shape by voting a right and the best leader for ourselves. So, do not sleep and go to vote as we all can shape a new and better country.

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