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the Lunar 100


by Peter Argenziano and Thomas Watson
The authors of this guide have no financial interest in or connection with Sky Publishing, or the publishers of any of the references cited.

In the April 2004 issue of Sky&Telescope noted planetary scientist and author Charles A. Wood presented the astronomical community with his answer to deep sky observing lists such as the Messier and the Herschel 400 - The Lunar 100. His stated intention was to provide the observer with a list of features that provide visual interest while at the same time offering an opportunity to learn about the Moon's fascinating history and geography. The challenge he presents through the list is to not only see these features on the surface of the Moon, but to think about them, and to try to understand what they mean about the Earth's natural satellite. Some of the items on the list are as obvious and visible as earthshine on the young Moon and the basic light and dark pattern that we interpret as The Man in the Moon or the Hare. Others will challenge the most experienced and diligent of observers. How far can you go on the Lunar 100? (As a general rule, the higher the number on the list, the more challenging the feature will be to see.) The following is a brief guidebook and log for use in tracking down and observing the Lunar 100 by providing an observation checklist and a list of the features sorted by best viewing opportunity. It was compiled using material from the Lunar 100 list itself, along with Peter Grego's Moon Observer's Guide (Firefly Press 2004) and the Atlas of the Moon by Antonin Rukl. The Lunar 100 is the property of Charles A. Wood and Sky Publishing Corporation. Copies of the list in the form of a card bearing a map of the 100 features are available from Sky Publishing. The list can also be viewed at the S&T website.

Recommended references:

Lunar 100 (card) by Charles A. Wood (Sky Publishing) Atlas of the Moon by Antonin Rukl Moon Observer's Guide by Peter Grego Exploring the Moon Through Binoculars and Small Telescopes by Ernest H.
Cherrington Jr.

The Hatfield Photographic Lunar Atlas edited by Jeremy Cook Photographic Atlas of the Moon by S.M. Chong, et al The Modern Moon: A Personal View by Charles A. Wood
Consolidated Lunar Atlas Lunar and Planetary Institute Lunar Quadrant Maps, available from Sky Publishing Corporation Lunar Map Pro, high resolution lunar GIS software, available from Reading Information Technology, Inc. Virtual Moon Atlas software by Christian Legrand and Patrick Chevalley

For a list of online lunar observing resources, visit the "Lunar Links" thread in the Lunar Observing Forum at Cloudy Nights.

The Lunar 100

# 1 2 18.9 N 9.7 N 43.4 S 24.3 S 11.1 W 22.6 E 102 425 20.1 W 93 3.7 W 400


Lat. -

Lon. -

Diameter (km) 3,476 -

Date Observed

Telescope Eyepiece / Mag.

3 4

Moon Earthshine Mare / highland dichotomy Apennines


6 7

Tycho Altai Scarp

8 58.8 S 18.0 N 59.0 E 14.1 W 245 540 40 28 101 32.0 W 21.8 S 25.1 S 26.2 N 7.8 W 60.4 E 50.8 W 260 130 188 168

Theophilus, Cyrillus, Catharina 13.2 S 24.0 E 110


10 Mare Crisium

11 Aristarchus 12 Proclus 13 Gassendi 45.0 N

23.7 N 47.4 W 16.1 N 46.8 E 17.6 S 40.1 W

14 Sinus Iridum Staright Wall (Rupes 15 Recta)

16 Petavius 17 Schroter's Valley

Significance Large satellite Twice reflected sunlight Two materials with distinct compositions Imbrium basin rim Archetypal large complex crater Large rayed crater with impact melts Nectaris basin rim Crater sequence illustrating stages of degradation Lacks basin features in spite of its size Mare contained in large circular basin Very bright crater with dark bands on its walls Oblique-impact rays Floor-fractured crater Very large crater with missing rim Best example of a lunar fault Crater with domed and fractured floor Giant sinuous rille

The Lunar 100





Diameter (km)

Date Observed

Telescope Eyepiece / Mag.

Mare Serenitatis dark 18 edges 19 Alpine Valley 20 Posidinius 17.8 N 49.0 N 31.8 N 21.5 S 33.2 E 112 23.0 E 3.0 E 29.9 E 165 95

21 Fracastorius

Distinct mare areas with different compositions Lunar graben Floor-fractured crater Crater with subsided and fractured floor

22 Aristarchus Plateau 45.7 N 7.4 N 1.9 S 56.0 N 29.7 N 5.5 S 6.4 N 51.9 S 5.6 N 6.2 N 1.4 E 4.0 W 4.8 E 14.0 E 39.0 W 46.5 E 21.4 E 47.6 E 7.8 E 220 11 1,600 83 150 250 180 56 26 8.9 W 25

26.0 N

51.0 W


23 Pico

24 Hyginus Rille

25 Messier & Messier A

26 Mare Frigoris

27 Archimedes

28 Hipparchus 29 Aridaeus Rille 30 Schiller

31 Taruntius 32 Arago Alpha & Beta

Mysterious uplifted region mantled with pyroclastics Isolated Imbrium basinring fragment Rille containing rimless collapse pits Oblique ricochet-impact pair Arcuate mare of uncertain origin Large crater lacking central peak Subject of first drawing of a single crater Long, linear graben Possible oblique impact Young floor-fractured crater Volcanic domes

The Lunar 100

# 27.3 N 45.0 N 4.3 N 5.5 S 66.5 S 1.7 N 27.2 E 4.6 E 68.3 W 69.1 W 19.7 E 152 215 410 303 30 25.3 E 155





Diameter (km)

Date Observed

Telescope Eyepiece / Mag.

33 Serpentine Ridge

34 35 36 37 38

Lacus Mortis Triesnecker Rilles Grimaldi basin Bailly Sabine & Ritter

Basin inner-ring segment Strange crater with rille and ridge Rille family Small two-ring basin Barely discernible basin Possible twin impacts

39 Schickard 45.4 S 21.8 N 12.5 N 49.6 S 21.5 S 42.0 S 28.0 S 13.7 S 10.5 N 54.0 W 60.2 W 49.2 W 14.0 E 0.6 W 3.2 W 38.0 E 17.9 E 125 84 84 114 108 119 130 39.3 E 199

44.3 S

55.3 W


40 Janssen Rille

41 Bessel ray

42 Marius Hills

43 Wargentin

44 Mersenius

45 Maurolycus Regiomontanus 46 central peak

Crater floor with Orientale basin ejecta stripe Rare example of a highland rille Ray of uncertain origin near Bessel Complex of volcanic domes and hills Crater filled to the rim with lava or ejecta Domed floor cut by secondary craters Region of saturation cratering

Possible volcanic peak Dark-halo eruptions on 47 Alphonsus dark spots crater floor 48 Cauchy region Fault, rilles and domes

The Lunar 100

# 36.3 N 4.0 N 11.1 S 16.7 S 4.4 N 24.5 S 29.0 W 240 66.8 W 23.7 E 45 106 6.6 W 34 15.1 E 14 40.0 W 20





Diameter (km)

Date Observed

Telescope Eyepiece / Mag.

Gruithuisen Delta & 49 Gamma

50 Cayley Plains

51 Davy crater chain

Volcanic domes formed with viscous lavas Light, smooth plains of uncertain origin Result of comet-fragment impacts

52 Cruger 53 Lamont

54 Hippalus Rilles

55 Baco 49.8 S 7.7 N 72.5 S 56.0 S 26.9 S 59.2 W 51.5 E 45.0 W 24.2 W 84.5 E

51.0 S

19.1 E

69 132 70 68 335 45

56 Mare Australe

57 Reiner Gamma

58 Rheita Valley Schiller-Zucchius 59 basin 60 Kies Pi

Possible volcanic caldera Possible buried basin Rilles concentric to Humorum basin Unusually smooth crater floor and surrounding plains Partially flooded ancient basin Conspicuous swirl and magnetic anomaly Basin secondary-crater chain Badly degraded overlooked basin Volcanic dome

61 Mosting A 62 Rumker Hills 63 Imbrium sculpture

Simple crater close to middle of lunar near side Large volcanic dome Basin ejecta

3.2 S 40.8 N 11.0 N

5.2 W 58.1 W 12.0 E

13 70 -

The Lunar 100

# 11.7 S 7.6 N 25.0 N 3.6 S 17.5 W 3.0 E 27.9 W 10 15.7 E -





Diameter (km)

Date Observed

Telescope Eyepiece / Mag.





68 19.6 N 57.0 N 19.6 N 46.7 N 2.0 S 6.9 N 11.6 E 44.4 E 87.0 E 18.3 W 80.0 E 19.1 W 4 650 12 87 740 5

3.0 S

44.0 W


Apollo 16 landing site; Descartes highland volcanism? Dome field north of Hortensius domes Hortensius Lava channel near Apollo Hadley Rille 15 landing site Apollo 14 landing site on Fra Mauro formation Imbrium ejecta Proposed young volcanic crater & Surveyor 1 Flamsteed P landing site Copernicus secondary Rays and craterlets near craters Pytheas

70 Humboldtianum basin Multi-ring impact basin Sulpicius Gallus dark Ash eruptions northwest 71 mantle of crater Explosive volcanic pits on 72 Atlas dark-halo craters floor of Atlas Difficult-to-observe basin 73 Smythii basin scarp and mare 74 Copernicus H Dark-halo impact crater

75 Ptolemaeus B

8.0 S 65.3 N

0.8 W 3.7 E

164 158

76 W. Bond

Saucerlike depression on the floor of Ptolemaeus Large crater degraded by Imbrium ejecta

The Lunar 100

# 15.7 S 23.8 N 12.0 N 19.0 S 30.1 S 95.0 W 17.0 W 930 15 3.5 W 90 61.7 W 20.6 W 425 54





Diameter (km)

Date Observed

Telescope Eyepiece / Mag.

77 Sirsalis Rille 78 Lambert R

79 Sinus Aestuum

80 Orientale basin 81 Hesiodus A

Procellarum basin radial rilles Buried 'ghost' crater Eastern dark-mantle volcanic deposit Youngest large impact basin Concentric crater

82 Linne 51.6 N 29.8 S 8.9 S 27.0 N 27.0 S 88.6 N 30.5 N 1.3 N 25.9 S 5.1 S 43.0 W 80.9 E 95.3 E 10.1 E 23.7 E 50.7 W 0.7 E 13.5 W 60.9 E 97 132 46 189 104 30 3 30 47 9.4 W 109

27.7 N

11.8 E


83 Plato craterlets

84 Pitatus 85 Langrenus rays

86 Prinz Rilles

87 Humboldt

88 Peary 89 Valentine Dome Armstrong, Aldrin, 90 Collins 91 De Gasparis Rilles

92 Gylden Valley

Small crater once thought to have disappeared Crater pits at limits of detection Crater with concentric rilles Aged ray system Rille system near the crater Prinz Crater with central peaks and dark spots Difficult-to-observe polar crater Volcanic dome Small craters near the Apollo 11 landing site Area with many rilles Part of the Imbrium radial sculpture

The Lunar 100

# 2.8 N 79.3 S 23.0 N 85.0 S 44.0 S 22.0 W 5.3 E 88.0 E 30.0 E 73.0 W 140 3 84.9 W 15.0 W 149 3,200 17.3 E 18





Diameter (km)

Date Observed

Telescope Eyepiece / Mag.

93 Dionysius rays

94 Drygalski 95 Procellarum basin

96 Leibnitz Mountains 97 Inghirami Valley

Unusual and rare dark rays Large South Pole-region crater Moon's biggest basin? Rim of South Pole-Aitken basin Orientale basin ejecta

98 Imbrium lava flows

99 Ina caldera

100 Mare Marginis swirls

Mare lava-flow boundaries 32.8 N D-shaped young volcanic caldera 18.6 N Possible magnetic-field deposits 18.5 N

The Lunar 100

Day by Day

Day 2 2 10 16 56 70 73 85 87 100 Day 3 58 Day 4 12 25 31 40 48 72 Day 5 7 8 18 20 21 26 32 33 34 38 53 55 90 Altai Scarp (Rupes Altai) Theophilus, Cyrillus, Catherina Mare Serenitatus dark edges Posidonius Fracastorius Mare Frigoris Arago Alpha & Beta Serpentine Ridge (Dorsa Smirnov) Lacus Mortis Ritter & Sabine Lamont Baco Armstrong, Aldrin, Collins Proclus Messier & Messier A Taruntius Janssen Rille (Rima Janssen) Cauchy region Atlas dark halo craters Rheita Valley (Vallis Rheita) Earthshine Mare Crisium Petavius Mare Australe Humboltianum Basin (Mare Humboltianum) Mare Smythii Langrenus rays Humboldt Mare Marginis swirls

The Lunar 100

Day by Day

Day 6 24 28 29 35 41 45 50 63 64 71 82 89 93 Day 7 4 19 27 46 66 75 76 88 92 Day 8 15 47 51 61 79 83 96 99 Straight Wall (Rupes Recta) Alphonsus Davy crater chain Mosting A Sinus Aestuum Plato craterlets Leibnitz Mountains Ina caldera Apennines (Montes Apenninus) Alpine Valley (Vallis Alpes) Archimedes Regiomontanus central peak Hadley Rille (Rima Hadley) Ptolemaeus B W. Bond Peary Gylden Valley Hyginus Rille (Rima Hyginus) Hipparchus Ariadaeus Rille (Rima Ariadaeus) Triesnecker Rille (Rimae Triesnecker) Bessel ray Maurolycus Cayley Plains Imbrium sculpture Descarte Sulpicus Gallus Linne Valentine dome Dionysius rays

The Lunar 100 Day 9 5 6 9 14 60 65 67 69 74 78 81 84 94 Day 10 13 30 49 54 59 68 98 Day 11 11 17 22 39 42 44 57 86 91 Day 12 37 43 62 77 Day 13 36 52 80 97 Grimaldi basin Cruger Orientale Basin (Mare Orientale) Inghirami Valley (Vallis Inghirami) Bailly Wargentin Rumker Hills (Mons Rumker) Sirsalis Rille (Rima Sirsalis) Aristarchus Schroters Valley Aristarchus Plateau Schickard Marius Hills Mersenius Reiner Gamma Prinz Rilles (Rimae Prinz) De Gasparis Rilles (Rimae De Gasparis) Gassendi Schiller Griuthuisen Delta & Gamma Hippalus Rilles (Rimae Hippalus) Schiller-Zucchius basin Flamsteed P Imbrium lava flows Copernicus Tycho Clavius Sinus Iridum Kies Pi Hortensius dome Fra Mauro formation Copernicus secondary craters Copernicus H Lambert R Hesiodus A Pitatus Drygalski

Day by Day

The Lunar 100 Day 14 1 3 95 Days 15-16-17 10 12 16 25 31 40 56 58 70 72 73 85 87 100 Days 18-19-20 7 8 18 20 21 29 32 33 34 38 41 45 48 50 53 55 63 64 71 82 89 90 93 Altai Scarp (Rupes Altai) Theophilus, Cyrillus, & Catharina Mare Serenitatus dark edges Posidonius Fracastorius Ariadeus Rille (Rima Ariadeus) Arago Alpha & Beta Serpentine Ridge (Dorsa Smirnov) Lacus Mortis Sabine & Ritter Bessel ray Maurolycus Cauchy region Cayley plains Lamont Baco Imbrium sculpture Descarte Sulpicius Gallus dark mantle Linne Valentine dome Armstrong, Aldrin, Collins Dionysius rays Mare Crisium Proclus Petavius Messier & Messier A Taruntius Janssen Rille (Rima Janssen) Mare Australe Rheita Valley (Vallis Rheita) Humboldtianum basin Atlas dark-halo crater Smythii basin (Mare Smythii) Langrenus rays Humbolt Mare Marginis swirls Moon Mare/highland dichotomy Procellarum Basin

Day by Day

The Lunar 100

Day by Day

Days 21-22 4 5 6 9 15 19 23 24 26 27 28 35 46 47 51 61 66 67 69 74 75 76 78 79 81 83 84 88 92 94 96 99 Apennines (Montes Apenninus) Copernicus Tycho Clavius Straight Wall (Rupes Recta) Alpine Valley (Vallis Alpes) Pico Hyginus Rille (Rima Hyginus) Mare Frigoris Archimedes Hipparchus Triesnecker Rilles (Rimae Triesnecker) Regiomontanus central peak Alphonsus dark spots Davy crater chain Mosting A Hadley Rille (Rima Hadley) Fra Mauro formation Copernicus secondary crater Copernicus H Ptolemaeus B W. Bond Lambert R Sinus Aestuum Hesiodus A Plato craterlets Pitatus Peary Gylden Valley Drygalski Leibnitz Mountains Ina Caldera

The Lunar 100

Day by Day

Days 23-24-25 13 14 30 49 54 59 60 65 68 98 Days 26-27-28 11 17 22 36 37 39 42 43 44 52 57 62 77 80 86 91 97 Aristarchus Schroters Valley Aristarchus Plateau Grimaldi Bailly Schickard Marius Hills Wargentin Mersenius Cruger Reiner Gamma Rumker Hills (Mons Rumker) Sirsalis Rille (Rima Sirsalis) Orientale basin Prinz Rilles (Rimae Prinz) De Gasparis Rilles (Rimae De Gasparis) Inghirami Valley (Vallis Inghirami) Gassendi Sinus Iridum Schiller Gruithuisen Delta & Gamma Hippalus Rille (Rima Hippalus) Schiller-Zucchias basin Kies Pi Hortensius domes Flammsteed P Imbrium lava flows

The Lunar 100 is an excellent lunar observing list created by Charles A. Wood, and first published in an article entitled Introducing the Lunar 100 (Sky & Telescope, April 2004). The Lunar 100 is the property of Charles A. Wood and Sky Publishing Corporation. This guidebook is provided to assist an observer in completing the Lunar 100 by providing an observation checklist and a list of the features sorted by best viewing opportunity.

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