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Here are the 4 causes of the Industrial Revolution.

Second Agricultural Revolution 2. Increase in population 3. Natural resources and power sources 4. Economic and political conditions

We will use S.I.N.E to help us remember the 4 causes.

EQ: What were the causes of the Industrial Revolution?

The transformation of a society from one that is primarily agricultural into one based on the manufacturing of goods. Goods are made in factories, rather than at home.
Cottage Industry ->

CFU: Think/Write/Share: What do you think are the benefits of industrialization? What about the drawbacks? Benefits of industrialization are _____ Drawbacks of industrialization are ____

EQ: What were the causes of the Industrial Revolution?

In the 1700s, innovations helped agricultural production increase dramatically: Seed Drill: machine that planted seeds in exact depths and distances from one another. Enclosure: closing off your land with fences to keep out animals

This change made it possible to grow more food with less labor.
Desperate, many people moved

to cities to find work.

CFU: Think/Write/Share: What benefits would increased agricultural production have on British society? Benefits of increased agricultural production include ________

Since the Agricultural Rev. was such a success, population increased. Remember when food increases, so do populations.

Between 1700 and 1800, population of Britain increased from 5.1 million people to 8.7 million people.
42 million by 1900 as

industrialization continued

CFU: Think/Write/Share: (Whiteboards) How could an increase in population help industrialization occur? Due to an increase in population, industrialization was helped because _____________.

S.I.N.E Britain had just the right mix of natural resources to help industrialization occur. Coal is found to be a good way to provide heating in housing Rivers used to transport people and goods Iron ore is used to make new tools and machinery

CFU: Think/Write/Share: What do you think are the benefits of using coal? What about the drawbacks? Benefits of using coal are ________ Drawbacks of using coal are _______

EQ: What were the causes of the Industrial Revolution?


Britains economy and government was very stable during the 1700s and 1800s. Allowed the country to expand its empire around the world. Took over many other countries, especially in Africa, and brought back natural resources to fuel the Industrial Revolution.
CFU: Think/Write/Share: (Whiteboards) Was this fair to the native people in the other countries? Justify your response.

EQ: What were the causes of the Industrial Revolution?

Over the next week we are going to cover the following topics:
Inventions of the Industrial Revolution.
Effects of Industrialization. Child Labor / Labor Unions. Economic philosophies and reform movements

that originated as a result of industrialization.

EQ: What were the causes of the Industrial Revolution?

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